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  • rotator-NWRVC-kowlok

    Gateway to eastern NC Refuges

    The National Wildlife Refuges Visitor Center on Roanoke Island is open daily, year-round, is FREE, and offers the experience of a lifetime!

    National Wildlife Refuges Visitor Center

  • Interpretation-fwsX150

    Interpretation & Environmental Education

    Most educational and interpretive programming for this refuge occurs in partnership with the Roanoke-Cashie River Center.

    Interpretation and Environmental Education

  • ProthonotaryWarbler

    Birds of the Roanoke

    Visit our Birds page, where we have provide a list of the most commonly seen and/or most frequently sought-after birds of the Roanoke.


Take a Sneak Peek

Take a Virtual Tour of Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge

Ropanoke River On-cell sign

There's nothing like experiencing this refuge in person, but take a sneak peek to give you a hint of what's in store for you here!

Virtual Tour of Roanoke River

About the Complex

Coastal North Carolina National Wildlife Refuges Complex

Complex Graphic

Roanoke River is one of 6 national wildlife refuges in this complex, which is administered from Manteo, NC

Roanoke River is managed as part of the Coastal North Carolina National Wildlife Refuges Complex.

Learn more about the complex 

About the NWRS

National Wildlife Refuge System


The National Wildlife Refuge System, within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, manages a national network of lands and waters set aside to conserve America’s fish, wildlife, and plants.

Learn more about the NWRS  

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Refuge Happenings

  • What's in the News?

    Keep up with news releases from eastern North Carolina National Wildlife Refuges

    News Releases
  • North Carolina Junior Duck Stamp Program

    Best of Show

    Did you know there is a contest each year for a Junior Duck Stamp, in addition to the National Duck Stamp program?? Youth in grades K - 12 (public, private or home-schooling is fine) may enter. Each state holds a competition. Winners move up to compete at the National level. If you have a budding artist in the family or in your class at school, check this out!

    Check out the Junior Duck Stamp Program
  • Hunting on Roanoke River Refuge


    Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge, in partnership with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, offers special hunt permit for small game, turkey, and deer hunts at various times throughout the year.

    Hunting on the Roanoke
  • Swainson's Warbler


    Swainson’s warblers reside on Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge from April through October, nesting in the river cane understories of bottomland hardwood forests. They eat insects. Swainson’s warbler migrates to Central American and the West Indies for the winter

    Swainson’s Warbler
Page Photo Credits — Wood Duck by Jeff Lewis
Last Updated: Mar 10, 2016
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