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EPA in Kansas

Water in the Midwest

Region 7 Asset Management Quarterly Conference Call

Water UtilityFriday, Dec. 11, 2020

10 to 11 a.m. Central time

Asset management is a process for maintaining a desired level of service for what you want your drinking water and/or wastewater utility assets to provide at the best appropriate life-cycle cost.

EPA recognizes asset management as a useful tool to help water and wastewater utilities acquire and maintain technical, managerial, and financial capacity to protect public health and the environment.

EPA Region 7’s Drinking Water program hosts a one-hour quarterly conference call to further discuss water utility asset management from a national, state and local perspective.

Interested federal, state, local agencies, and other organizations can participate in these calls by contacting Robert Dunlevy at to be placed on the email list to receive the phone number and conference code for the quarterly call.

Also, check out EPA’s Asset Management: A Best Practices Guide for more information.