The California Clean Energy Jobs Act
(Proposition 39 K-12 Program)

Important Message

Sole Source and Proposition 39 Guidance
To kick off the new year, here are some very important Proposition 39 K-12 Program reminders and notices for all LEAs.

  1. Proposition 39 funds must be awarded in accordance with state statutes, regulations, and the Proposition 39 Implementation Guidelines. Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 26235(c) states, “A community college district or LEA shall not use a sole source process to award [Proposition 39] funds ...” PRC Section 26206(d) states, “All projects shall require contracts that identify the project specifications, costs, and projected energy savings.” The Proposition 39 Implementation Guidelines are available on the Proposition 39 K-12 Program webpage at

    Note: In February a new certification will appear in the energy expenditure plan application:

    “The LEA commits to following all contracting requirements in the Proposition 39 Guidelines, including not using a sole source process to award funds and providing a clear and accurate description of the eligible energy project in all contracts.”
  2. To ensure encumbrance of Proposition 39 K-12 Program allocations by the statutory deadline of June 30, 2018, the last date to submit energy expenditure plans to the Energy Commission is August 1, 2017.
  3. A revised 2016-17 entitlement schedule has been posted on the CDE Proposition 39 webpage at
  4. For LEAs with completed EEPs, a final project completion report will be made available on the Proposition 39 energy expenditure plan online system 12 months after the project completion date indicated in the annual progress report. The final project completion report must be submitted to the Energy Commission no later than three months after the report is made available.

Questions may be directed to or the Proposition 39 Hotline, toll-free at 855-380-8722 or for those out-of-state at (916) 653-0392.


The California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop. 39) changed the corporate income tax code and allocates projected revenue to California's General Fund and the Clean Energy Job Creation Fund for five fiscal years, beginning with fiscal year 2013-14. Under the initiative, roughly up to $550 million annually is available for appropriation by the Legislature for eligible projects to improve energy efficiency and expand clean energy generation in schools.

Eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) — including county offices of education, school districts, charter schools and state special schools—can request funding by submitting an energy expenditure plan application to the California Energy Commission. For the first year, there is an option to receive part or all of a school's allocation for energy savings planning purposes. The Energy Commission approves plans and works with the California Department of Education, which subsequently distributes funds after plans have been approved.

The Energy Commission is committed to helping applicants through the process. Tools and resources on this page are designed to help expedite filing an application for approval. New materials and updates will be posted as they are available.

Program Implementation Guidelines

Energy Expenditure Plans (EEP)

Annual Progress Reporting Resources

Final Project Completion Reporting Resources

EEP Calculator Resources

Other Related Content

Approved Energy Expenditure Plans


Program Information

Program Data

Approved ECAA-Ed (0%) Loans

More Information


Ask the Proposition 39 K-12 Hotline:

  • Toll-free for those in California: 855-380-8722
  • Toll line for those out of state: 916-653-0392

OR, e-mail your questions to:


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