Oregon Microenterprise Network (OMEN) is a statewide association of microenterprise development programs and their supporters.  OMEN’s mission is to increase opportunities for economically and geographically disadvantaged entrepreneurs by building the capacity and quality of Oregon microenterprise and entrepreneur development services.

These programs provide training, lending and other enterprise opportunities to entrepreneurs with limited access to economic resources.

OMEN supports these organizations by

  • Providing leadership and a voice for statewide microenterprise support
  • Building the capacity of microenterprise practitioners
  • Educating the public about the value of microenterprise development
  • Promoting cooperative and collaborative efforts to combat poverty using microenterprise development strategies
  • Publishing the OMEN Resource Guide & Directory

Interested in joining OMEN? Click here for more information on membership and to download a membership application.

Clients pictured from left to right: Art Peters – Art of Massage (MERIT), Amy Vetter – Professional Quilter (Umpqua CDC), Mira Fannin – Sweet Skins (e-Dev), Noel Javier & Brooks Fuentes – Oh Buggy! (MicroMentor), Toni Leech- Longhorn Espresso (NEOEDD)



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