Staying Healthy Through Education and Prevention (STEP)

This implementation guide is a tool for continuing care retirement community (CCRC) staff to implement the Staying Healthy Through Education and Prevention (STEP) program. The STEP program is an evidence-based exercise program focusing on walking and strength training for seniors. This guide provides the information, tools, curricular material, and other resources needed to successfully implement the STEP program in CCRCs.

Developed under contract by: Leading Age (formerly American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging), Helaine Resnick, Ph.D., M.P.H., and Lauren Hovey, M.A. Additional assistance provided by: Good Samaritan Society, Laurie Parker, CTRS, ACC, James Zajicek, Jean Casey, and Spanda Bhavani.



STEP Implementation Guide
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: How to Use the Guide
Chapter 3: Implementation of STEP
Chapter 4: STEP Team Training
Chapter 5: Recruitment of Participants
Chapter 6: Exercise Principles
Chapter 7: Exercises
Chapter 8: Behavior Coaching
Chapter 9: Curriculum Overview
Chapter 10: Participant Handouts

Coaching Sessions Lesson Plans
Session 1: Welcome to the STEP Physical Activity Program
Session 2: Being an Effective Group Member and Motivation for Behavior Change
Session 3: The Faces of Physical Limitation
Session 4: Self-Awareness and Self-Monitoring
Session 5: Examining Our Feelings: How We Think Can Affect How We Act
Session 6: Thoughts and Feelings About Physical Activity
Session 7: Barriers to Physical Activity and the Art of Problem Solving
Session 8: The Value of Social Support and How To Create It
Session 9: Review of Self-Monitoring and Setting Goals

Page last reviewed October 2014
Page originally created February 2011
Internet Citation: Staying Healthy Through Education and Prevention (STEP). Content last reviewed October 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.