Effective Health Care Program Library of Resources

Explore and Access EHC Program Information by Topic
AHRQ offers a growing library of free resources in English and Spanish that compare health care interventions and treatment options for a variety of conditions. Whether you are a health care professional, patient, caregiver, or an organization, AHRQ has materials to help you explore and compare the benefits and risks of interventions and treatment options. These resources can help patients and caregivers prepare for their next medical appointment and help clinicians and decision makers save time by viewing reliable, unbiased summaries of evidence-based research.

Organizations and clinicians. Find free CMEs/CEs, clinician research summaries, slide libraries to help with presentations, full research reports, and educational materials to order for your office or conference.

Patients and caregivers. Find free information about diseases and conditions to make informed health care decisions, as well as questions to ask your health professional to make the most of your appointment.

Resources by Topic:

Browse these electronic resources or order free copies by calling 1-800-358-9295. Use order code C-01.

Page last reviewed June 2014
Page originally created November 2014
Internet Citation: Effective Health Care Program Library of Resources. Content last reviewed June 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/clinicians-providers/ehclibrary/index.html