News Archives

University of Harvard 01.13.17University Research

Seeking a Breakthrough on CatalystsExternal link

A new approach to developing catalysts spearheaded by Harvard researchers promises to revolutionize the speed, efficacy, and environmental impact of catalysis. Read More »

01.12.17User Facility

Sketching Out Magnetism With ElectricityExternal link

In a proof-of-concept study published in Nature Physics, researchers drew magnetic squares in a nonmagnetic material with an electrified pen and then “read” this magnetic doodle with X-rays. Read More »

Rice University 01.12.17University Research

Rice University Physicist Earns White House HonorExternal link

The White House has awarded Rice University physicist Wei Li a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the government’s highest honor for people who have recently begun their research careers. Read More »


Annual Report on the State of the DOE National LaboratoriesExternal link

The first Annual Report on the State of the DOE National Laboratories describes the DOE National Laboratory System, its role in advancing the frontiers of science and technology, and efforts to ensure it continues as a national resource for the Department’s near- and long-term missions. Read More »

01.11.17User Facility

Chemistry on the Edge: Study Pinpoints Most Active Areas of Reactions on Nanoscale ParticlesExternal link

Defects and jagged surfaces at the edges of nanosized platinum and gold particles are key hot spots for chemical reactivity, a team of researchers working at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel confirmed with a unique infrared probe. Read More »

Duke University 01.11.17University Research

Scovazzi Wins Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and EngineersExternal link

Guglielmo Scovazzi, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering (CEE) and mechanical engineering and materials science (MEMS) at Duke University, has been named a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Read More »

John Hill, NSLS-II Director, is shown here overlooking the Electron-Spectro-Microscopy Beamline on the NSLS-II Experimental Floor.  01.11.17Profile

Meet the Director: John Hill

John Hill directs the NSLS-II User Facility in its mission, providing extremely bright X-rays for basic and applied research in biology and medicine, materials and chemical sciences, geosciences and environmental sciences, and nanoscience. Read More »

01.10.17SBIR STTR Highlight

New Composite Anode Material for High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries

SiNode’s core technology allows a battery to store more lithium, thereby charging faster and lasting up to 40% longer than conventional batteries Read More »

Innovative Hydropower Turbines for Low-Cost, Ecosystem-Safe Generation of Electricity 01.10.17SBIR STTR Highlight

Innovative Hydropower Turbines for Low-Cost, Ecosystem-Safe Generation of Electricity

Natel Energy turbine technology makes it possible to tap into the undeveloped hydropower potential at drops between 5 and 20 feet, which is estimated at 70 GW Read More »

01.10.17Press Release

President Obama Honors Federally-Funded Early-Career ScientistsExternal link

President Obama named 102 scientists and researchers as recipients of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. Read More »

Last modified: 3/5/2016 7:56:05 PM