Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

How to Submit a FOIA Request

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Office of Science Integrated Support Center (ISC)

To obtain records in the possession of the ISC, that are not contained in its conventional or electronic reading rooms, you must submit a valid FOIA request.

A valid request must include the following information:

  1. Your name, address, and daytime telephone number (optional);
  2. A notation on the letter, mailing envelope, fax or e-mail with the words "Freedom of Information Act Request";
  3. Records that are reasonably described;
  4. A description of the form or format of disclosed records; and
  5. A statement of your willingness to pay reasonable fees incurred in processing your request or completion of the fee waiver/reduction criteria.

Submit your request in hard copy or electronically to the respective FOIA Officer listed for the records located at the locations specified.

Mailing Address

Miriam Bartos
U.S. Department of Energy Integrated Support Center - Chicago
9800 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439

Fax: (630) 252-2779

Site Laboratory
Office of Science Headquarters former New Brunswick Laboratory
Ames Site Office Ames Laboratory
Argonne Site Office Argonne National Laboratory
Berkeley Site Office Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Brookhaven Site Office Brookhaven National Laboratory
Fermi Site Office Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Princeton Site Office Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Mailing Address

Linda Chapman (Acting FOIA Officer)
U.S. Department of Energy Integrated Support Center - Oak Ridge
P.O. Box 2001
Oak Ridge, TN 37831

Fax: (865) 576-1556

Site Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Site Office  Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest Site Office Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
SLAC Site Office Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Thomas Jefferson Site Office Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant  
East Tennessee Technology Park  
Oak Ridge Associated Universities  

ISC Chicago FOIA Officer: (630) 252-2041
ISC Oak Ridge FOIA Officer: (865) 576-2129

Requests for records not under the cognizance of the ISC will be forwarded to the appropriate DOE FOIA Officer for direct response.

Last modified: 5/23/2016 12:14:55 PM