Facebook Pixel

Engage existing customers, find new customers, measure results, and drive conversions.

The Pixel with Ads

With the Facebook Pixel, you can create custom audiences for your ad and measure conversion rates for that audience as activity on your website. Later you can use this data to target people on Facebook with relevant ads.

The major product areas to use the Pixel with include:

  • Dynamic Product Ads - Advertise catalog products to shoppers browsing your website or mobile app. Use this with the Facebook Pixel to measure the conversion rates for your ad.

  • Website Custom Audiences - Custom Audiences from your website makes it easy to reach people who visit your website and deliver the right message to them on Facebook.

  • Conversion Tracking - Measure the actions users take on your website that matter the most to you and let Facebook optimize your ads for these actions.


  1. Get the pixel.

  2. Add the pixel to your website.

  3. Create conversions for actions that you would like to track on your site.

  4. Create or update your Ad to track conversions from your site.

  5. Get Pixel Helper to check that your pixel is working.

  6. View reporting and results from the pixel.

  7. Adjust your ad or campaign.

Get the PixelCreate an AdGet Pixel Helper


See our FAQs on Facebook pixel or contact us to get started.