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Applied Studies and Technology (AS&T)
DOE established the Environmental Sciences Laboratory (ESL) in Grand Junction, Colorado, in 1991 to support its programs. ESL scientists perform applied research and laboratory-scale demonstrations of soil and groundwater remediation and treatment technologies.

Calibration Facilities

Environmental Justice
Environmental justice is a principal of American democracy that combines civil rights with environmental protection. It demands that that those who have historically been excluded from environmental decision-making, traditionally minority, low-income and tribal communities, have the same access to environmental decision-makers, decision-making processes, and the ability to make reasoned contributions to decision-making process and any other individuals.

Environmental Management System
The LM environmental management system (EMS) is a process for reducing the environmental impacts resulting from LM work activities, products, and services that directs work to occur in a manner that protects the workers, the public, and the environment.

Post-Closure Benefits
LM's Post-Closure Benefits (PCB) Program includes the development, implementation, and oversight of the Department’s policy concerning the continuation of contractor pension and medical benefits after the closure of applicable DOE sites/facilities. The primary program objective is to ensure a seamless transition of benefits administration after closure.


DOE is the fourth-largest federal land manager, conducting its mission at 50 major sites on 2.4 million acres across the country. LM will act as a steward for lands under its authority, overseeing the proper management of these man-made and natural resources and ensuring their beneficial use for current and future generations.

Public and Intergovernmental Engagement
The responsibilities of stakeholder relations are achieved through public outreach to and input from those individuals, groups, host communities, and other entities in the public and private sectors that are interested in or affected by any of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE or Department's) activities and decisions.

Records Management
Information from LM's record holdings are shared with stakeholders following several formal request processes.