Selection of Columns for FRS EZ Query

STEP 2: Select TWO or more column(s) for your output by clicking on the square box next to the column name.
When you are finished selecting columns, click on the STEP 3: Enter Search Criteria
button at the bottom of this page.

Selection of Columns

* Select ALL columns listed below for output!
Count Function for *. DO NOT SELECT THE COLUMN LOCATED DIRECTLY ABOVE IF YOU SELECT THIS COLUMN! Counts the number of distinct records for the column above: You must select an additional column other than a group function! HELP on STATISTICS!
NAICS_CODE The code that represents a subdivision of an industry that accommodates user needs in the United States (six-digits).
PRIMARY_INDICATOR The name that indicates whether the associated NAICS or SIC Code represents the primary activity occurring at the facility site. Allowable Values are 'Primary', 'Secondary', or 'Unknown'.
SOURCE_OF_DATA The source of the associated data.
CODE_DESCRIPTION The meaning of the data code.
PGM_SYS_ACRNM The abbreviated name that represents the name of an information management system for an environmental program (e.g., RCRAINFO, ICIS, TRI, CERCLIS, ACRES, RMP, EIS)
Count Function for PGM_SYS_ACRNM. DO NOT SELECT THE COLUMN LOCATED DIRECTLY ABOVE IF YOU SELECT THIS COLUMN! Counts the number of distinct records for the column above: You must select an additional column other than a group function! HELP on STATISTICS!
PGM_SYS_ID The identification number, such as the permit number, assigned by an information management system that represents a facility site, waste site, operable unit, or other feature tracked by that Environmental Information System. This represents the source program identifier for the associated representative point.
Count Function for PGM_SYS_ID. DO NOT SELECT THE COLUMN LOCATED DIRECTLY ABOVE IF YOU SELECT THIS COLUMN! Counts the number of distinct records for the column above: You must select an additional column other than a group function! HELP on STATISTICS!
REGISTRY_ID The identification number assigned by the EPA Facility Registry System to uniquely identify a facility site.
Count Function for REGISTRY_ID. DO NOT SELECT THE COLUMN LOCATED DIRECTLY ABOVE IF YOU SELECT THIS COLUMN! Counts the number of distinct records for the column above: You must select an additional column other than a group function! HELP on STATISTICS!
PRIMARY_NAME The public or commercial name of a facility site (that is., the full name that commonly appears on invoices, signs, or other business documents, or as assigned by the state when the name is ambiguous).
LOCATION_ADDRESS The address that describes the physical (geographic) location of the front door or main entrance of a facility site, including urban-style street address or rural address.
SUPPLEMENTAL_LOCATION The text that provides additional information about a place, including a building name with its secondary unit and number, an industrial park name, an installation name or descriptive text where no formal address is available.
CITY_NAME The name of the city, town, village or other locality, when identifiable, within whose boundaries (the majority of ) the facility site is located or the name of the city where the mail is delivered. The two are not always the same.
COUNTY_NAME The name of the U.S. county or county equivalent in which the facility site is physically located.
FIPS_CODE The code that represents the county or county equivalent and the state or state equivalent of the United States.
STATE_CODE The U.S. Postal Service abbreviation that represents the state or state equivalent for the U.S. and Canada.
STATE_NAME The name of a principal administrative subdivision of the United States, Canada, or Mexico.
COUNTRY_NAME The name that represents a primary geopolitical unit of the world. Default: USA
POSTAL_CODE The combination of the five-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP Code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail delivery; or the postal zone specific to the country, other than the U.S., where the mail is delivered.
FEDERAL_FACILITY_CODE Code indicating whether or not the facility is the property of the Federal Government. Allowable Values: Y, for Yes, the facility is the property of the Federal Government. N, for No, the facility is not the property of the Federal Government.
FEDERAL_AGENCY_CODE The Federal Agency/Bureau code. The five character code consists of a letter followed by four numbers. There are four possible letters that can occupy the first character position: 'C' for Civilian Federal Agency; 'D' for Department of Defense; 'E' for Department of Energy; 'X' for Unknown. The second and third characters represent the agency code, while the fourth and fifth characters represent the bureau code.
TRIBAL_LAND_CODE Code indicating whether or not the facility site is located on tribal land.
TRIBAL_LAND_NAME The name of the Tribal Reservation, statistical area, or Public Domain Allotment. If the tribal entity has no land base, the name of the tribal entity is used as the Tribal Land Name. Examples: Colorado River Indian Reservation, Ponca Tribal Designated Statistical Area, Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) of Massachusetts.
LEGISLATIVE_DIST_NUM The number that represents a Legislative District within a state.
EPA_REGION_CODE The code that represents an EPA Region.
SITE_TYPE_NAME The descriptive name for the type of site the facility occupies. Allowable Values: Stationary Contamination Addressed Monitoring Station Contaminated Site Brownfields Site Potentially Contaminated Site Water System Pipeline Portable
INTEREST_STATUS_CODE The status of the facility in relation to regulatory interest. Allowable Values: A for Active or I for Inactive
DATA_QUALITY_CODE A code assigned by the automated integration process to indicate whether the address data are missing, invalid, or non standard.
LOCATION_DESCRIPTION A brief explanation of where the facility site is located, including navigational directions and/or more descriptive information about the location of the facility site.
STD_NAME The primary name after a set of standardization rules are applied for comparison purposes. The rules include removing special characters and certain words (e.g., "/", "Inc.") and replacing abbreviated words with standardized equivalents (e.g., "Assoc" becomes "Association").
STD_LOC_ADDRESS The location address after a set of standardization rules are applied for comparison purposes.
STD_HOUSE_NUMBER The number assigned to a building or a land parcel along the street to identify location and to ensure accurate mail delivery.
STD_STREET_NAME The name assigned to a street or road, not including other urban-style street address components.
STD_BASE_NAME The name of the street or road, not including the prefix, suffix, or pre- or post- directional codes.
STD_PREFIX The code that represents the qualifier that precedes the street name in a street address.
STD_SUFFIX The code that represents the qualifier that follows the street name in a street address.
STD_STYPE_BEFORE The code that represents a street vector, i.e. the direction the street has taken from some arbitrary starting point that precedes the street name.
STD_STYPE_AFTER The code that represents a street vector, i.e. the direction the street has taken from some arbitrary starting point that follows the street suffix.
STD_POSTAL_CODE The standardized Postal Code returned by the standardization and parsing routines.
STD_STATE_CODE The standardized State Code returned by the standardization and parsing routines.
STD_CITY_NAME The standardized City Name returned by the standardization and parsing routines.
STD_COUNTY_NAME The standardized County Name returned by the standardization and parsing routines.
STD_COUNTY_FIPS The standardized State County FIPS Code returned by the standardization and parsing routines.
STD_COUNTRY The standardized Country Name returned by the standardization and parsing routines.
ADDR_TYPE The type of address given in the LOCATION_ADDRESS column (i.e., standard urban, PO Box).
LAST_REPORTED_DATE The most recent date the corresponding data was reported to the Source of Data.
CREATE_DATE A system-generated value that represents the calendar date and time the corresponding information was first posted to the database.
UPDATE_DATE A system-generated value that represents the most recent calendar date and time the corresponding information was updated in the database.
USER_ID A code that identifies the registered user of the system.
PARENT_REGISTRY_ID The unique identification number, assigned by the EPA Facility Registry System, to the parent facility site (for example, the SDWIS water system).
SENSITIVE_IND Indicates whether or not the associated data is enforcement sensitive.
REVIEW_FLAG A flag that indicates the record requires a manual review due to changes from a data source.
REVIEW_REASON The reason the record is flagged for manual review.
SMALL_BUS_IND Code indicating whether or not a business is requesting relief under EPA?s Small Business Policy, which applies to businesses having less than 100 employees.
ENV_JUSTICE_CODE The code that identifies the type of environmental justice concern affecting the facility or enforcement action.
PUBLIC_IND Indicates whether or not the associated data is accessible by the public on the Internet.
ICIS_IDENTIFIER This column is not being used.
OBJECTID A unique numeric identifier for each geometry in a layer.
Count Function for OBJECTID. DO NOT SELECT THE COLUMN LOCATED DIRECTLY ABOVE IF YOU SELECT THIS COLUMN! Counts the number of distinct records for the column above: You must select an additional column other than a group function! HELP on STATISTICS!
GEO_SYS_ACRNM The abbreviated name that represents the name of an information management system for an environmental program (e.g., RCRAINFO, ICIS, TRI, CERCLIS, ACRES, RMP, EIS) that is the source of the Best Pick coordinate.
GEO_SYS_ID The identification number, such as the permit number, assigned by an information management system that represents a facility site, waste site, operable unit, or other feature tracked by that Environmental Information System. This represents the source program identifier for the associated representative point.
LATITUDE83 The measure of the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator standardized to NAD83 horizontal datum.
LONGITUDE83 The measure of the angular distance on a meridian east or west of the prime meridian standardized to NAD83 horizontal datum.
CONVEYOR Identification of the party that transmitted the associated latitude and longitude coordinates.
HDATUM_DESC The name that describes the reference datum used in determining latitude and longitude coordinates. Allowable Values: Value Meaning 001 NAD27 002 NAD83 003 WGS84
COLLECT_DESC The text that describes the method used to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates for a point on the earth.
REF_POINT_DESC The name that identifies the place for which geographic coordinates were established.
SOURCE_DESC The name of the party responsible for providing the latitude and longitude coordinates.
SCALE The number that represents the proportional distance on the ground for one unit of measure on the map or photo. Remarks: Mandatory for all horizontal data collection methods except for methods using Global Positioning System (GPS).
ACCURACY_VALUE The measure of the accuracy (in meters) of the latitude and longitude coordinates.
ACCURACY_SCORE The accuracy score (in meters) derived as the accuracy value either supplied by the location metadata or calculated based on the collection method and then modified based on QA boundary checks.
DERIVED_CITY The spatially derived city name.
DERIVED_COUNTY The spatially derived county name.
DERIVED_ZIP The spatially derived ZIP Code.
DERIVED_STATE The spatially derived State Code.
DERIVED_FIPS The spatially derived FIPS code.
DERIVED_HUC The spatially derived 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) that represents a geographic area representing part or all of a surface drainage basin, a combination of drainage basins, or a distinct hydrologic feature.
DERIVED_WBD The spatially derived 12-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) from the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) that represents a geographic area representing part or all of a surface drainage basin, a combination of drainage basins, or a distinct hydrologic feature.
DERIVED_CB_2010 The spatially derived 2010 Census Block Code, which represents the smallest entity for which the Census Bureau collects and tabulates decennial census information; bounded on all sides by visible and nonvisible features shown on Census Bureau maps.
DERIVED_CD_113 The number that represents the 113th Congressional District for a state within the United States.
US_MEXICO_BORDER_IND Based on the facility's spatial coordinate, a "Y" value indicates that the facility is within 100KM (62.5 Miles) of the US-Mexico border.
OZONE_8HR_1997_AREA_NAME The 8-hour Ozone (1997) non-attainment area name, spatially derived from the Air Green Book.
PB_2008_AREA_NAME The Lead 2008 non-attainment area name, spatially derived from the Air Green Book.
PM25_1997_AREA_NAME The Particulate Matter 2.5 (1997) non-attainment area name, spatially derived from the Air Green Book.
PM25_2006_AREA_NAME The Particulate Matter 2.5 (2006) non-attainment area name, spatially derived from the Air Green Book.
OZONE_8HR_2008_AREA_NAME The 8-hour Ozone (2008) non-attainment area name, spatially derived from the Air Green Book.