Organotypic Culture Models for Predictive Toxicology Center

Request for Applications closing date: January 23, 2014

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# Add/
Identifier Abstract Principal Investigator Institution Project Period State
1 R835736

- Main center abstract - Vanderbilt–Pittsburgh Resource for Organotypic Models for Predictive Toxicology (VPROMPT)
Vanderbilt-Pittsburgh Resource for Organotypic Models for Predictive Toxicology (VPROMPT) Hutson, Michael Shane
Aronoff, David
Bruner-Tran, Kaylon L.
Cliffel, David
Davidson, Jeffrey M.
Gough, Albert
Markov, Dmitry
McCawley, Lisa J.
McLean, John
Osteen, Kevin G.
Shotwell, Matt
Taylor, D. Lansing
Tuan, Rocky
Vernetti, Lawrence
Wikswo, John

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Vanderbilt University, University of Pittsburgh - Main Campus December 2014 -
November 2018  
2 R835737

- Main center abstract - Human Models for Analysis of Pathways (H–MAPs) Center
Human Models for Analysis of Pathways (H-MAPs) Center Murphy, William L
Ashton, Randolph
Beebe, David
McIntosh, Brian
Roy, Sushmita
Sheibani, Nader
Thomson, James
Vickerman-Kelley, Vernella

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
University of Wisconsin - Madison December 2014 -
November 2018  
3 R835738

- Main center abstract - Predictive Toxicology Center for Organotypic Cultures and Assessment of AOPs for Engineered Nanomaterials
Predictive Toxicology Center for Organotypic Cultures and Assessment of AOPs for Engineered Nanomaterials Faustman, Elaine
Altemeier, William
Eaton, David
Gao, Xiaohu
Griffith, William C.
Kavanagh, Terrance J
Kelly, Edward J.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
University of Washington December 2014 -
November 2018  
4 R835802

- Main center abstract - Organotypic Culture Models For Predictive Toxicology Center
Cardiotoxicity Adverse Outcome Pathway: Organotypic Culture Model and in vitro-to-in vivo Extrapolation for High-throughput Hazard, Dose-response and Variability Assessments Rusyn, Ivan
Threadgill, David W.
Wright, Fred A.

- Principal Investigators listed are
sub-PIs determined by the center.
Texas A & M University, North Carolina State University, The Hamner Institutes June 2015 -
May 2019  

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