

Quitting is a Journey.

On this site you’ll find support, tips, tools, and expert advice to help you or someone you love quit smoking.

Daily Challenges and Practice Quit

Thinking about quitting but not sure you are ready? Start small with Daily Challenges or a Practice Quit. We’ll be with you with tips and support each step of the way.

How to Manage Cravings
When you have a craving, it's important to have a plan to beat that urge to smoke.
Benefits of Quitting
Quitting smoking can help most of the major parts of your body: from your brain to your DNA.
Tips for Slips
A slip is when you smoke a cigarette while you are trying to quit. When it happens, you can get back on track.
“After trying before, one thing is different this time: acceptance of imperfections." -Smokefree Kathleen
Coping With Emotions Without Smoking
Part of quitting is finding ways to cope without cigarettes. Try these better ways to deal with your emotions.
Prepare to Quit
There are things you can do before you smoke your last cigarette to help make quitting a little bit easier.
Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Medications can help you handle withdrawal, lessen cravings, and double your chances of quitting for good.
Quiz: What Are Your Withdrawal Symptoms?
Is this withdrawal? Learn what your body is going through as you quit smoking and get tips to deal.
I Want to Quit

Get Prepared.

Whether you want to quit next week or next year, that’s the first step to being smokefree. Quitting is tough, but you can boost your chances of success by preparing yourself.

Create Your Quit Plan

Get ready to quit and find out what to expect as you do. Complete these 7 easy steps to get your personalized quit plan.

Why Do You Want to Quit?
Knowing your reasons for quitting can help you get past a craving when you feel the urge to smoke.
Ask for Help
Getting support from people in your life can make a big difference. Remember you are not in this alone.
Prepare to Quit
There are things you can do before you smoke your last cigarette to help make quitting a little bit easier.
“After trying before, one thing is different this time: acceptance of imperfections." -Smokefree Kathleen
Know Your Smoking Triggers
Triggers like a stressful situation or sipping coffee may lead to a craving to smoke.
Steps to Manage Quit Day
Today is your Quit Day, be proud! Start strong by knowing what to expect and how to manage difficult moments on your first smokefree day.
Busting NRT Myths
There are a lot of myths about nicotine replacement therapy like gum or lozenges. You should know the truth.
Quiz: What Are Your Withdrawal Symptoms?
Is this withdrawal? Learn what your body is going through as you quit smoking and get tips to deal.
My Quit Day

Today is a Great Day to Quit.

You’ve decided to quit smoking. Congratulations! Your first day without cigarettes can be difficult. You’re not alone. Celebrate every cigarette you skip. And use these resources when it gets tough.

Why Do You Want to Quit?

Keep your reasons to quit with you. Snap a photo or two on your phone for a reminder! Download the QuitGuide App for this and other tools to help you quit.

Steps to Manage Quit Day
Today is your Quit Day, be proud! Start strong by knowing what to expect and how to manage difficult moments on your first smokefree day.
How to Manage Cravings
When you have a craving, it's important to have a plan to beat that urge to smoke.
Medications Can Help You Quit
Medications can double your chances of quitting by strengthening your determination to quit.
Quiz: What Are Your Withdrawal Symptoms?
Understanding your withdrawal symptoms can help you find ways to cope with the challenges of quitting.
Why Quitting Is Hard
Understand why you feel like you need to smoke so that you can avoid triggers and deal with nicotine withdrawal.
Ask for Help
Getting support from people in your life can make a big difference. Remember you are not in this alone.
Managing Withdrawal
Nicotine withdrawal is different for every smoker, but knowing common symptoms can help you prepare to quit.
Managing stress is a key part of quitting. Build your skills for dealing with stress without turning to cigarettes.
I Recently Quit

Stick With It.

Congrats! Those first few days after you quit can be tough. Stay on track by watching out for your triggers and planning how to get through cravings.

Smokefree Apps

Monitor your progress, celebrate your smokefree milestones, and manage your cravings in healthy ways with the quitSTART app.

Know Your Smoking Triggers
Triggers like a stressful situation or sipping coffee may lead to a craving to smoke.
Stress & Smoking
Some people use smoking as a way to cope with stress, but there are problems with using cigarettes to cope with unpleasant feelings.
Fight Cravings with Exercise
Craving a cigarette is normal when you quit smoking. Exercise can distract you and keep you busy until the it passes.
Do you have a plan for dealing with cravings? Get some ideas for fighting the urge to smoke.
Tips for Slips
A slip is when you smoke a cigarette while you are trying to quit. When it happens, you can get back on track.
Understanding Withdrawal
Nicotine is the main addictive substance in tobacco. When you quit‚ your body has to get used to not having it.
Dealing with Weight Gain after Quitting
Once you quit smoking, you can begin to build healthy habits for exercise, nutrition, and—if necessary—weight loss.
Quiz: What Are Your Withdrawal Symptoms?
Understanding your withdrawal symptoms can help you find ways to cope with the challenges of quitting.
Staying Quit

Quitting is a Process.

Feeling confident in your ability to stay smokefree may take time. But you can do a lot to help yourself out, both now and later.

Speak to an Expert

Talking to someone about quitting smoking could be just the support you need to stay on track. Consider talking to an expert for free.

How to Stay Smokefree
Quitting is hard, and so is staying smokefree. Here are steps to help you now and long term.
Dealing with Weight Gain after Quitting
Once you quit smoking, you can begin to build healthy habits for exercise, nutrition, and—if necessary—weight loss.
Stress & Smoking
Some people use smoking as a way to cope with stress, but there are problems with using cigarettes to cope with unpleasant feelings.
Not feeling like yourself? Find out how to boost your mood after quitting smoking.
Know Your Smoking Triggers
Triggers like a stressful situation or sipping coffee may lead to a craving to smoke.
Smoking & Depression
Smokers are more likely to have depression than non-smokers. Learn more about the link between the two.
Slips & Relapses
Slips are having a cigarette or two after you quit. A relapse means going back to smoking regularly.
Take more control over your health by getting the cardiovascular exercise you need.