Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office
A Unit of the
Pacific Southwest Region
Ecological Services | California

Schoolyard Habitat Program

What is a Schoolyard Habitat Project?

A U.S. Fish and Wildlife schoolyard habitat project is a naturalized habitat area that is: created by students, for students, ecologically sound, provides habitat for local native plant and wildlife species, acts as an outdoor classroom for students, is integrated into the curriculum and designed to encourage long-term stewardship. Typical projects created through this program include oak woodland, riparian and coastal sage brush communities.

Getting Started

The first step to creating a successful Schoolyard Habitat is developing a team that included students, teachers, parents, school staff and community members who will ensure the project is created with the full participation of the school.


Schools serving kindergarten through 12th grade students are eligible for technical assistance and funding up to $8,000 for their projects.  Schools must be working cooperatively with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife to be eligible for funding consideration.

Benefits of a Schoolyard Habitat

  • Designed to achieve the school’s mission
  • Integrated into curriculum
  • Ecologically sound
  • Provides habitat for native wildlife
  • Example of  good land stewardship

Benefits of an Outdoor Classroom

  • Hands-on, minds-on learning
  • Teaching and learning opportunities in science, English, mathematics, social science and art
  • Long term data collection
  • Scientific inquiry in a meaningful context
  • Develop knowledge and skills as they undertake an exciting real-life project

For more information

Michael Glenn, (805) 644-1766, ext. 328

Sequoia Elementary School. Image Courtesy of USFWS
Blanchard Elementary School. Image Courtesy of USFWS

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Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office
US Fish and Wildlife Service
2493 Portola Road, Suite B
Ventura, California 93003

