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EERE Office Activities

Individual areas within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) offer workforce and education activities tailored to the needs of a specific technology or sector. Below is a compendium of office offerings. You can also visit the other sections of this site via the links at the left to find information that is more cross-cutting, such as on available scholarships.

Please visit the following sites to see the array of workforce and education activities by technology or sector.  If you are interested in finding out more about careers in a particular sector, please visit the Explore Clean Energy Careers page.

Advanced Manufacturing Office

The Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) provides hundreds of resources to help manufacturers save energy and money. Visit AMO's Workforce Development and Training site to access free online publications, news articles, technology videos, and databases. You can participate in no-cost webcasts and view archives to learn energy-saving strategies from leading manufacturing companies and energy experts. For information on energy audit no-cost assessments visit DOE's Industrial Assessment Centers site.

Bioenergy Technologies Office

The Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) provides a variety of resources to help educators and students prepare for a career in the bioenergy and biomass industry across a variety of sectors. Visit the Student & Educator Resources page to access free publications, project ideas, data sets, lesson plans, and contact information for industry-related organizations and universities, and the State & Regional Resources page for contacting regional and state partners in the biomass and bioenergy field. The Office hosts six webinars a year to provide discussions on "hot topics" in bioenergy, and highlights its prominent staff members in its Staff Spotlight video series. You can also find additional information about biomass, biopower, bioproducts, and the benefits of bioenergy by visiting our Biomass Basics page.

Building Technologies Office

The Building Technologies Office supports education and workforce development in several areas. From Building Science Education and Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals to the Commercial Building Initiative and ENERGY STAR®, the Program seeks to facilitate code compliance, increase participation in energy efficient programs, and champion building-related training opportunities.

Federal Energy Management Program

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) provides agencies with the information, tools, and assistance they need to meet and track their energy-related requirements and goals. FEMP works with key individuals to accomplish energy change within organizations. FEMP brings expertise from all levels of project and policy implementation to enable federal agencies to meet energy-related goals and to provide energy leadership.

Fuel Cell Technologies Office

DOE supports demonstrations and commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cells by providing technically accurate and objective information to key target audiences. Here you will find basic information resources to help you learn more about hydrogen—and Increase Your H2IQ!—as well as course materials and links to additional information for safety and code officials, state and local government representatives, potential end users, and students and educators of all levels.

Geothermal Technologies Office

The office's National Geothermal Academy is a four-week intensive summer course in all aspects of geothermal energy development and utilization for undergraduate and graduate-level students pursuing advanced education in geothermal science and professionals seeking specialized knowledge in the field. Modules include Geothermal Geology and Geochemistry, Geothermal Geophysics, Reservoir Engineering, and more. DOE also seeks to advance geothermal education through the National Geothermal Student Competition—an annual contest among the nation's leading universities that solicits cutting-edge research and analysis from student teams as it sparks interest in geothermal careers. The office will be releasing updated information on the 2013 National Geothermal Student Competition in the near future; please visit the National Geothermal Student Competition site for information on last year's Competition, in which students developed professional-quality research reports using exploration technologies to further geothermal power development of the Snake River Plain in Idaho.

Solar/SunShot Initiative

The DOE SunShot Initiative is a collaborative national initiative to make solar energy cost competitive with other forms of energy by the end of the decade. Within the SunShot site you'll find the Solar Career Map, an online tool that explores an expanding universe of solar-energy occupations, describing diverse jobs across the industry, charting possible progression between them, and identifying the high-quality training necessary to do them well.

Tribal Energy Program

The goals of DOE's Tribal Energy Program include enhancing human capacity through education and training. On this page you'll find education and training opportunities, resources, and related information.

Vehicle Technologies Office

To dramatically improve the efficiency of the nation's vehicle fleet, America must have a strong workforce to develop, build, repair, and respond to highly fuel efficient and alternative fuel vehicles. EcoCAR 3 is a three-year collegiate competition that challenges 15 North American universities to reduce the environmental impact of a Chevrolet Camaro without compromising performance, safety, and consumer acceptability. The Graduate Automotive Technology Education program (GATE) supports multidisciplinary advanced vehicle Centers of Excellence at American colleges, universities, and university-related research institutions. The Clean Cities University Workforce Development Program (CCUWDP) unites Clean Cities Coalitions across the country with collegiate students interested in changing the future of on-road transportation. Through local Clean Cities initiatives, students gain diverse skills while supporting a portfolio of petroleum-reduction initiatives. The Vehicle Technologies Office has also supported the development of some continuing education programs for workforce development. These include the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program for electricians as well as alternative fuel and plug-in electric vehicle safety training for first responders developed by the National Alternative Fuel Training Consortium and the National Fire Protection Association. In addition, the Vehicle Technologies Office provides outreach to the general public on alternative fuel, advanced technology, and fuel efficient vehicles through, the Alternative Fueling Data Center, and the Green Racing initiative.

Water Power Program

The Water Power Program researches, tests, evaluates, and develops innovative technologies capable of generating renewable, environmentally responsible, and cost-effective electricity from water resources. This includes hydropower, as well as marine and hydrokinetic energy technologies, which capture energy from waves as well as riverine, tidal, and ocean currents.

Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program

The program offers numerous training opportunities, including the National Training and Education Resource (NTER), an open source platform that serves learners by allowing them to acquire new skills at a time, place and pace that is convenient to them. For Weatherization Assistance Program workforce development efforts, please visit the Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals page.

Wind Program

The Wind Program works to accelerate the deployment of wind power technologies through improved performance, lower costs, and reduced market barriers. The Program works with national laboratories, industry, universities, and other federal agencies to conduct research and development activities through competitively selected, directly funded, and cost-shared projects. The Program provides tools, relevant news, and other informational resources through its stakeholder outreach platform, WINDExchange.