
The HHS Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) evaluation work supports several rigorous evaluation efforts to significantly contribute to the evidence base of what works to prevent teen pregnancy.
OAH's evaluation approach is multipronged and comprehensive, including evaluations led by grantees and evaluations led by the federal government through independent contractors. OAH's evaluations examine the effectiveness of new models and strategies and how to effectively replicate the findings found in evidence-based models of teen pregnancy prevention. Please click here to see a map of the evaluation sites.

Performance Measures

Performance measures are critical for accountability purposes. OAH uses performance measures to demonstrate whether grant projects are making sufficient progress toward their stated missions and are serving the public interest. Performance measures are also critical for continuous quality improvement, informing stakeholders of progress, and informing sustainability efforts.
All OAH grantees are expected to collect and report on a common set of performance measures to assess the implementation of the intervention. Some of the broad categories of the measures that grantees are expected to collect and report includes reach, dosage (individual-level attendance), fidelity and quality, linkages and referrals to healthcare services, cost of implementing the program, sustainability, partnerships, trainings, and dissemination..