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CHIPS Articles: CAP Launches New Web Site!

CAP Launches New Web Site!
By CHIPS Magazine - January-March 2003
Updated January 2017

The Department of Defense (DoD) Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) announced the activation of a new, user-friendly Web site, which provides information on assistive technology accommodations and related services for persons with disabilities within the DoD and other Federal agencies. The Web site,, showcase show individuals with disabilities may use accessible online tools to find information and accommodations to enhance job performance.

"When users log on to the CAP Web site, they will see a new and improved layout designed to be more accommodating to our users," said Dinah Cohen, CAP Director. "The CAP team worked to develop a site that allows customers, people with disabilities, and Federal managers to customize their personal search for program and contact information," she added.

The site features more resources — including an enhanced online accommodation process, a better assistive technology section, and an improved virtual CAP Technical Center (CAPTEC) tour — to assist individuals in selecting the most appropriate and reasonable accommodations. The Defense Department established CAP in 1990 to eliminate employment barriers for people with visual, hearing, dexterity and cognitive disabilities. Since its inception, CAP has funded and provided more than 30,000 accommodation solutions for individuals with visual, hearing, dexterity, and cognitive disabilities within DoD and about 50 other Federal agencies.


CAP is the Federal Government's centrally-funded accommodations program. Much of CAP's success lies in its ability to provide reasonable accommodations to employees quickly, easily, and in a cost efficient manner. CAP can assist your organization by: Purchasing assistive technology and services; Conducting needs assessments; Assisting in technology integration; Assistive technology training; Assisting in accommodations for work-related injuries; Supporting Telework participants with disabilities; and Conducting presentations on CAP services and other accessibility issues.


CAP pays for a wide variety of assistive technology, devices, and services for people with disabilities, CAP also provides training on the technology and purchases software upgrades. Frequently requested accommodations include:

•Blind/Low Vision: Magnification systems, speech and Braille output systems, scanner/reader systems, Braille embossers, Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTVs), and Braille notetakers.
•Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Teletypewriters (TTYs), PC-TTY modems, telephone amplifiers, assistive listening systems, and visual signaling devices.
•Dexterity Disabilities: Alternative keyboards, alternative input devices, word prediction software, speech recognition systems, pointing devices, hands-free computer interface systems and keyguards.
•Cognitive/Learning Disabilities: Talking dictionaries and scanner/reader systems.
•Communication Disabilities: Electronic communication aids and speech output systems to augment communication.


The CAP Technology Evaluation Center (CAPTEC) is a facility dedicated to the evaluation and demonstration of assistive technology. It was established to assist employees and supervisors in choosing appropriate assistive technology to create work environments that are accessible to persons with disabilities. CAPTEC also hosts open houses designed to highlight particular advances in assistive technology.

The CAP staff conducts needs assessments to help identify the most appropriate solution to meet individual requirements. CAPTEC consists of computer workstations configured with a wide variety of assistive technology. People in the process of evaluating assistive technology, that have questions about compatibility or functionality, or who need to compare several solutions, may visit CAPTEC to test and evaluate equipment.

Since the release of the new Web site, activity has increased dramatically. Over 400,000 hits were received in October 2002 and CAP continues to experience daily activity increases.

If you are interested in learning more about CAP services, disability accommodations, or other methods of impacting the recruitment, hiring, and retention of people with disabilities within the Federal Government, please visit the new CAP Web site:

CAP homepage January 2017
CAP homepage January 2017
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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