Open Grants

Support for Expectant and Parenting Teens, Women, Fathers, and Their Families

Due Dates:

  • Non-binding Letters of Intent: January 31, 2017
  • Applications: March 24, 2017

The Office of Adolescent Health announces the anticipated availability of funds for States and Tribes to develop and implement programs for expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers, and their families to improve health and related educational, social, and economic outcomes. The ultimate goals are to improve access to high-quality resources for the expectant and parenting population and make expectant and parenting programs and services sustainable parts of routine systems through institutionalization and expansion.

OAH expects grantees to adopt a holistic and integrated approach to serving the expectant and parenting population by directly delivering and/or providing linkages and referrals in five (5) core services domains: 1. Personal Health; 2. Child Health; 3. Self Sufficiency, Education and Employment; 4. Concrete Supports; and 5. Parenting Support. Funded grants are to implement the program in multiple primary settings: high schools, community service centers, and Institutions of Higher Education (IHE). Funded programs should also address the multigenerational needs of the expectant and parenting population where and when possible. OAH encourages applications that also include targeted programming for marginalized subpopulations.

OAH anticipates funding up to 20 grants with an annual budget of $500,000 - $1,500,000 for a three-year project period. States or Tribes already receiving Pregnancy Assistance Fund Program funding for FY 2015-2019 are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity, but would have to propose a different project under this award than the currently funded project. To learn more view the announcement on

There will be a technical assistance webinar for potential applicants on Thursday, January 19, 2017 from 3:00-5:00pm ET.

Centers for Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Adolescent Health Promotion Research

Due Dates:

  • Non-binding Letters of Intent: January 31, 2017
  • Applications: March 24, 2017

The Office of Adolescent Health announces the anticipated availability of funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 cooperative agreements for organizations to conduct, synthesize and translate research into practice for the prevention of teen pregnancy and promotion of adolescent health and in support of OAH’s priorities and mission.  Funded organizations are expected to address important and relevant topic areas in pregnancy prevention and adolescent health and to be a national leader in one of five priority areas affecting teen pregnancy.  The priority areas are (1) safe and supportive environments, (2) healthy relationships, (3) meaningful connections to supportive adults, (4) engaging youth and families, and (5) youth in out-of-home care and foster care systems.  Funded organizations are expected to evaluate or assess best practices or evidence-based/evidence-informed approaches in their priority area and make that information easily accessible to providers working with youth to prevent teen pregnancy.

Funded organizations are expected to have a high caliber of scientific and technical competency, be forward-looking, provide strong leadership, and collaborate with stakeholders and community partners including state and local health agencies and non-profit, community (including youth and parents) and non-governmental organizations in the development and delivery of research to practice products.

OAH anticipates funding three cooperative agreements each with an annual budget of up to $500,000.  OAH will fund no more than one cooperative agreement per priority area. Organizations may apply for more than one priority area; however, each application may only address a single priority area.  The three funded organizations will be expected to coordinate and collaborate with each other and OAH. To learn more view the announcement on

There will be a technical assistance webinar for potential applicants on Tuesday, January 24 from 1:00- 2:30pm ET.

Last updated: January 20, 2017