Wyoming Water Quality Assessment Report

Assessed Waters of Wyoming by Watershed

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Summary Results

Wyoming (2012)

Description of this table
    15,696.9 12,475.2
    1,423.2 6,237.8
           82.5     6,075.8
           1,294.4     162.0
              450.2     15.4
                    844.2           146.6
17,513.0 18,713.0
108,767.0 325,048.0
16.1 5.8

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Summary of Water Quality Assessments for Each Waterbody Type
for Reporting Year 2012

Statewide Statistical Survey Summary Results

Wyoming Rivers and Streams 2012

Description of this table % Fully Supporting    % Not Supporting    % Unassessed    % Not Applicable   
Aquatic Life Other Than Fish

Fully Supporting 58% ± 15.1%
Not Supporting 18% ± 12.5%
Not Applicable 24% ± 14.2%

Stressors Fully
Unassessed Not
Habitat Alterations color.gifcolor.gif 59.5% ± 13.9% 40.5% ± 13.9%    
Nitrate/Nitrite color.gifcolor.gif 82.6% ± 12.2% 6.8% ± 7.7%    
Phosphorus, Total color.gifcolor.gif 48.2% ± 16.6% 14.4% ± 11%    
Riparian Habitat Alteration color.gifcolor.gif 64.1% ± 15.6% 35.9% ± 15.6%    
Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids/Chlorides/Sulfates color.gif 100% ± 0% 0% ± 0%    
Specific Conductivity color.gifcolor.gif 49.4% ± 14.5% 26.4% ± 15.4%    
Suspended Sediment Concentration color.gifcolor.gif 27% ± 12.6% 37.1% ± 14.6%    
pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions color.gif 100% ± 0% 0% ± 0%    

Fully Supporting 80% ± 13.6%
Not Supporting 3% ± 3.3%
Not Applicable 17% ± 13.2%

Stressors Fully
Unassessed Not
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) color.gifcolor.gif 80.2% ± 13.6% 3.3% ± 3.3%    

Where two or more state condition categories fall under one national category, EPA used the largest margin of error for purposes of displaying this information in the report.

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Wyoming Rivers and Streams 2012

Description of this table

Rivers and Streams

108,767.0 Miles of Rivers and Streams

Assessed 17,513.0
Unassessed 91,254.0
Total Miles 108,767.0

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Description of this table

Rivers and Streams

17,513.0 Miles of
Assessed Rivers and Streams

Good 15,696.9
Threatened 392.9
Impaired 1,423.2
Total Miles Assessed 17,513.0

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Description of this table

Threatened and Impaired
Rivers and Streams

1,816.1 Miles of
Threatened and Impaired
Rivers and Streams

Total Threatened and Impaired 1,816.1

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Individual Designated Use Support
Wyoming Rivers and Streams 2012

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Agriculture 11,158.2 100.0 .0 .0 color.gif
Aquatic Life Other Than Fish 16,745.2 94.4 2.1 3.5 color.gifcolor.gifcolor.gif
Cold Water Fishery 14,758.9 97.1 1.1 1.9 color.gifcolor.gifcolor.gif
Drinking Water 228.0 19.3 .0 80.7 color.gifcolor.gif
Fish Consumption 43.9 100.0 .0 .0 color.gif
Industry 11,158.2 100.0 .0 .0 color.gif
Non-Game Fish 170.9 .0 .0 100.0 color.gif
Recreation 956.0 .0 4.7 95.3 color.gifcolor.gif
Warm Water Fishery 320.7 53.2 .0 46.8 color.gifcolor.gif
Wildlife 11,158.2 100.0 .0 .0 color.gif

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Causes of Impairment
Wyoming Rivers and Streams 2012

Description of this table
Fecal Coliform Pathogens color.gif 776.5
Selenium Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 358.2
Sedimentation/Siltation Sediment color.gif 269.6
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) Pathogens color.gif 179.5
Physical Substrate Habitat Alterations Habitat Alterations color.gif 176.3
Arsenic Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 119.9
Chloride Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids/Chlorides/Sulfates color.gif 99.3
Temperature, Water Temperature color.gif 88.8
Manganese Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 64.2
Oil and Grease Oil and Grease color.gif 46.7
Nutrient/Eutrophication Biological Indicators Nutrients color.gif 40.8
Low Flow Alterations Flow Alteration(s) color.gif 29.3
Copper Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 17.3
Other Flow Regime Alterations Flow Alteration(s) color.gif 17.0
Ammonia, Un-ionized Ammonia color.gif 16.6
Silver Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 12.4
Cadmium Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 12.4
pH pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions color.gif 10.0

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Probable Sources
Wyoming Rivers and Streams 2012

Description of this table
Source Unknown Unknown color.gif 1,204.3
Natural Sources Natural/Wildlife color.gif 476.8
Grazing In Riparian Or Shoreline Zones Agriculture color.gif 370.8
Irrigated Crop Production Agriculture color.gif 306.3
Petroleum/Natural Gas Production Activities (Permitted) Industrial color.gif 170.3
Habitat Modification - Other Than Hydromodification Habitat Alterations (Not Directly Related To Hydromodification) color.gif 54.2
Discharges From Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (Ms4) Urban-Related Runoff/Stormwater color.gif 44.5
Wildlife Other Than Waterfowl Natural/Wildlife color.gif 17.7
Rangeland Grazing Agriculture color.gif 17.7
Subsurface (Hardrock) Mining Resource Extraction color.gif 10.5
Municipal Point Source Discharges Municipal Discharges/Sewage color.gif 10.0
Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Urban-Related Runoff/Stormwater color.gif 7.6
Impacts From Abandoned Mine Lands (Inactive) Resource Extraction color.gif 6.8
Sources Outside State Jurisdiction Or Borders Other color.gif 6.8

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Wyoming Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds 2012

Description of this table

Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

325,048.0 Acres of Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

Assessed 18,713.0
Unassessed 306,335.0
Total Acres 325,048.0

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Description of this table

Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

18,713.0 Acres of
Assessed Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

Good 12,475.2
Threatened .0
Impaired 6,237.8
Total Acres Assessed 18,713.0

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Description of this table

Threatened and Impaired
Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

6,237.8 Acres of
Threatened and Impaired
Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds

Total Threatened and Impaired 6,237.8

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Individual Designated Use Support
Wyoming Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds 2012

* Waters assessed for more than one designated use are included in multiple designated use groups below.

Description of this table
% Good
% Threatened
% Impaired
Agriculture 12,475.2 100.0 .0 .0 color.gif
Aquatic Life Other Than Fish 18,713.0 66.7 .0 33.3 color.gifcolor.gif
Cold Water Fishery 12,490.6 99.9 .0 .1 color.gifcolor.gif
Fish Consumption 12,049.8 100.0 .0 .0 color.gif
Industry 12,475.2 100.0 .0 .0 color.gif
Warm Water Fishery 6,075.8 .0 .0 100.0 color.gif
Wildlife 12,475.2 100.0 .0 .0 color.gif

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Causes of Impairment
Wyoming Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds 2012

Description of this table
Sedimentation/Siltation Sediment color.gif 6,091.2
Selenium Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 146.6
Phosphate Nutrients color.gif 15.4

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Site-specific Targeted Monitoring Results

Probable Sources
Wyoming Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds 2012

Description of this table
Irrigated Crop Production Agriculture color.gif 6,222.4
Source Unknown Unknown color.gif 6,091.2
Natural Sources Natural/Wildlife color.gif 146.6

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Wyoming Causes of Impairment for Reporting Year 2012

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined Cause of Impairment Group to see a list of specific state causes of impairment making up the Cause of Impairment Group. See also Pollution categories summary document (PDF) (20 pp, 557 K, About PDF) for brief, non-technical descriptions of general cause categories.
Size of Assessed Waters with Listed Causes of Impairment
Ammonia 16.6
Flow Alteration(s) 46.3
Habitat Alterations 176.3
Metals (other than Mercury) 439.7 146.6
Nutrients 40.8 15.4
Oil and Grease 46.7
Pathogens 956.0
pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions 10.0
Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids/Chlorides/Sulfates 99.3
Sediment 269.6 6,091.2
Temperature 88.8

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Wyoming Probable Sources Contributing to Impairments
for Reporting Year 2012

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined Probable Source Group to see a list of specific state Probable Sources making up the Probable Source Group.
Size of Assessed Waters with Probable Sources of Impairments
Agriculture 694.8 6,222.4
Habitat Alterations (Not Directly Related To Hydromodification) 54.2
Industrial 170.3
Municipal Discharges/Sewage 10.0
Natural/Wildlife 494.5 146.6
Other 6.8
Resource Extraction 17.3
Unknown 1,204.3 6,091.2
Urban-Related Runoff/Stormwater 52.1

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Wyoming TMDL Alternatives by Cause of Impairment 2012

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Number of TMDL Alternatives by Cause of Impairment " value to see a listing of those Causes of Impairment.
Oil and Grease color.gif 1 45

Total: 1 TMDL Alternatives

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Wyoming Previously 303(d)-Listed Waters Now Attaining All Applicable Water Quality Standards

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Number of Waters Attaining" value for a detailed list of those previously 303(d)-listed waters now attaining all applicable water quality standards.
2012 color.gif 2 2

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Wyoming Causes of Impairment for 303(d) Listed Waters

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on a cause of impairment (e.g. pathogens) to see the specific state-reported causes that are grouped to make up this category. Click on the "Number of Causes of Impairment Reported" to see a list of waters with that cause of impairment.
Pathogens color.gif 73
Metals (other than Mercury) color.gif 27
Sediment color.gif 7
Habitat Alterations color.gif 7
Salinity/Total Dissolved Solids/Chlorides/Sulfates color.gif 4
Temperature color.gif 4
Nutrients color.gif 3
pH/Acidity/Caustic Conditions color.gif 2
Ammonia color.gif 2
Oil and Grease color.gif 1

Total: 130 Causes of Impairment

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Wyoming Cumulative TMDLs by Pollutant

This chart includes TMDLs since October 1, 1995.

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Pollutant" value to see associated listed waters for which a TMDL was developed. Click on the underlined "Number of TMDLs" value to see a listing of those TMDLs for the pollutant.
Number of Causes of
Impairment Addressed
Fecal Coliform color.gif 82 84
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) color.gif 50 50
Total Residual Chlorine color.gif 49 52
Chlorine color.gif 48 48
Ammonia, Un-ionized color.gif 47 48
Ammonia color.gif 33 35
Chlorine, Residual (Chlorine Demand) color.gif 13 13
Fecal color.gif 12 12
Radium 226 color.gif 8 11
Chlorides color.gif 7 7
Iron color.gif 5 5
Chloride color.gif 4 6
Copper color.gif 4 4
Radium color.gif 4 4
Sediment color.gif 4 4
Arsenic color.gif 3 3
Selenium color.gif 3 3
Zinc color.gif 3 3
Manganese color.gif 2 2
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) color.gif 2 2
Phenols color.gif 2 2
Temperature color.gif 2 2
Cadmium color.gif 1 1
Chromium IV color.gif 1 1
Chromium, Total color.gif 1 1
Nitrate color.gif 1 1
Nitrates color.gif 1 1
Phosphorus color.gif 1 1
Silver color.gif 1 1
Sulfide color.gif 1 1
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) color.gif 1 1

Total: 396 TMDLs; 409 Causes of Impairment Addressed

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Wyoming Cumulative Number of TMDLs

EPA Fiscal Year starts October 1 and ends September 30.

Description of this table
NOTE: Click on the underlined "Number of TMDLs Completed" value for a detailed list of the TMDLs for the fiscal year.
1997 color.gif 83 84
1998 color.gif 9 9
1999 color.gif 41 41
2000 color.gif 12 12
2001 color.gif 10 10
2002 color.gif 13 13
2003 color.gif 11 11
2004 color.gif 71 75
2005 color.gif 39 39
2006 color.gif 16 16
2007 color.gif 30 38
2010 color.gif 14 14
2011 color.gif 4 4
2013 color.gif 3 3
2014 color.gif 38 38
2016 color.gif 2 2

Total: 396 TMDLs; 409 Causes of Impairment Addressed

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