
Below, please find webinars from the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH). You can find other events from OAH here and, OAH grantees, please find program guidance documents and webinars here.

Webinars and Webcasts

September 13, 2016: Beyond the Basics: Integrating Trauma-Informed Approaches in Your Teen Pregnancy Prevention Practice
Slides, Audio, Transcript

August 30, 2016: Breaking the Cycle of Intergenerational Teen Pregnancy Using a Trauma-Informed Approach
Slides, Audio, Transcript

August 4, 2016: Who You Gonna Call? Setting Up Referral Networks
Slides, Audio, Transcript

June 28, 2016: Build Your Program and They Will Come? Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Partners and Participants
Slides, Audio, Transcript

June 14, 2016: Workforce Development to Support & Engage Young Fathers
Slides, Transcript

June 2, 2016: How to Make It Happen: LGBTQ Inclusivity
Slides, Audio, Transcript

May 11, 2016: Digital Town Hall on Preventing Teen Pregnancy
Slides, Audio, Transcript

April 8, 2016: Beyond Programs and Services: Existing Laws, Legislation, and Policies That Support Expectant and Parenting Teens, Women, Fathers, and Their Families
Slides, Transcript

March 24, 2016: Working with Community Advisory Groups and Youth Leadership Councils: Basics, Best Practices, and a Bit More
Slides, Audio, Transcript

October 28, 2015: Why LGBTQ Inclusivity Matters for Teen Pregnancy Prevention & How to Get Started
Slides, Audio, Transcript

September 16, 2015: Adolescent Health: Think, Act, Grow (TAG) Stakeholder Webinar
Slides, Audio, Transcript

September 3, 2015: Medical Accuracy Review Webinar
Slides, Audio, Transcript, FAQs, Resources, Review Form, Guide

August 27, 2015: Amplifying Your Results Using Getting to Outcomes
Slides, Audio, Transcript

August 25, 2015: Data Placemats: An Interactive Performance Analysis Tool
Slides, Audio, Transcript

July 30, 2015: It Takes a Village: Strategies for Community Mobilization for TPP Programs
Slides, Audio, Transcript

July 28, 2015: Intimate Partner Violence Among Expectant and Parenting Youth: Prevention, Identification, and Intervention
Slides, Audio, Transcript

June 23, 2015: A Spotlight on Fathers: Adding New Tools to Your Toolbox to Help Recruit, Retain, and Engage Young Fathers in Programs
Slides, Audio, Transcript

May 28, 2015: Widening Our Lens: Co-Occurring Risk Behaviors During Adolescence
Slides, Audio, Transcript

April 30, 2015: Creating a Safe Space: How to Integrate a Trauma-Informed Approach to your TPP Program
Slides, Audio, Transcript

April 7, 2015: From Research to Practice: Incorporating Key Positive Youth Development Practices into your Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
Slides, Audio, Transcript

February 26, 2015: Assessing Organizational Capacity: The Why and How
Slides, Audio, Transcript

February 5, 2015: How to Select an Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program that Works for You
Slides, Audio, Transcript

September 19, 2014: Organizations are People Too! How Relationship Skills Can Help Improve Your Strategic Partnerships
Slides, Audio, Transcript

September 18, 2014 and August 27, 2014: Performance Measures Overview: Pregnancy Assistance Fund Grantees
Slides, Audio, Transcript, Uploading Data Tip Sheet, Tip Sheet on Using Excel Spreadsheet

August 21, 2014: Diversifying Funding: Innovative Strategies for Fiscal Sustainability 
Slides, Audio, Transcript, Tip Sheet

August 7, 2014: Integrating Motivational Interviewing into Practice: Working with Youth
Slides, Audio, Transcript

July 16, 2014: What Have You Done for Me Lately? How the Affordable Care Act Improves Expectant and Parenting Youth’s Access to Health Care
Slides, Audio, Transcript

May 28, 2014: Working with Expectant and Parenting Teens to Prevent Subsequent Teen Pregnancies
Slides-1, Slides-2, Slides-3, Slides-4, Slides-5, Audio, Transcript

May 22, 2014: It Takes Two to Make a Baby: Engaging Males in Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Slides-1, Slides-2, Slides-3, Slides-4, Slides-5, Audio, Transcript

April 16, 2014: Together We Can: The Important Role of Co-parenting for Expectant and Parenting Teens and Young Adults 
Slides, Audio, Transcript

February 27, 2014: Maximizing your program's results by using Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Slides, Audio, Transcript

February 19, 2014: What's Love Got to Do with It? Healthy Romantic Relationships and Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Slides, Audio, Transcript

February 5, 2014: Creating Sustainable Impacts: A Framework for Achieving Sustainability for Adolescent Health Programs
Slides, Audio, Transcript, Resource--Sustainability Framework

January 22, 2014: Performance Management--How to Use Data to Drive Programmatic Efforts Refresher Webinar
Slides, Audio, Transcript

July 10, 2013: Engaging Young Fathers: Strategies for Achieving Success 

June 12, 2013: Using High Intensity Behavioral Counseling (HBC) to Prevent Sexually Transmitted  Infections in Youth

May 22, 2013: The Impact of the Affordable Health Care Act on Youth and Young Adults

May 15, 2013: Social Determinants of Teen Pregnancy  
Slides, Audio, Transcript

May 13, 2013: Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs for Youth in Foster Care
Slides, Audio, Transcript

May 9, 2013: Preventing Teen Pregnancy Among Native American Youth 
Slides, Audio, Transcript

May 7, 2013: Working in Rural Communities Communities to Prevent Teen Pregnancy 
Slides, Audio, Transcript

May 2, 2013: A Global Look at Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Strategies for Success (Webcast)
Archived Webcast, Slides, References

March 20, 2013: Improving Organizational Sustainability through Collaboration and Communication 
Slides, Audio, Transcript

January 30, 2013: Getting Them to Come Back: Strategies for Retaining and Engaging Participants 
Slides, Audio, Transcript

December 12, 2012: Teens in the United States: Trends in Behavior and Attitudes Related to Pregnancy and Child Bearing 
Slides, Audio, Transcript

August 23, 2012: Built to Last: A Webinar of Programmatic Sustainability
Slides, Audio, Transcript

June 21, 2012: Program Marketing from A to Generation Z: Making the Sale to ALL Your Stakeholders
Slides, Audio, Transcript

April 26, 2012: Building and Sustaining Stakeholder Support
Slides, Audio, Transcript

April 18, 2012: Showing Program Successes for Multiple Audiences

January 26, 2012: Rules of Engagement: Participant Recruitment and Retention
Slides, Audio, Transcript

November 30, 2011: Performance Management—How to Use Data to Drive Programmatic Efforts
Slides, Transcript

September 15, 2011: Teen Pregnancy and Child Bearing: The Power of Partnerships with Parents!
Slides, Transcript       

July 26, 2011: Nothing About Us Without Us: Engaging Youth in Their Own Healthy Sexual Futures
Slides, Audio, Transcript

May 31, 2011: Relationships with Community Partners
Slides, Audio, Transcript

March 30, 2011: Healthy Relationships
Slides, Audio, Transcript

February 28, 2011: Pilot Testing
Slides, Audio, Transcript

January 27, 2011: Needs Assessment
Slides, Audio, Transcript

The files from general training webinars, training events, e-learning modules and conferences are provided for the use of grantees. Posting on the OAH website does not imply endorsement of opinions expressed by presenters and does not necessarily reflect the official views of HHS or OAH.

Last updated: November 01, 2016