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Planet Ark supports individuals and businesses who want to reduce their day-to-day impact on the environment. Our current campaigns include... 

Recycle Right Quiz

Which drink container has the highest recycling rate? What happens after your recycling gets collected? What is the most common recycling mistake? Test your recycling knowledge and find the answers to these and other questions by doing the Recycle Right Quiz

Make It Wood

When sourced responsibly, wood can play a big part in helping tackle climate change by storing carbon and through reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Make It Wood - Do Your World Some Good explains how and helps you choose the right wood.  

Choosing the Right Recycler

Planet Ark has developed a guide to help workplaces choose the right recycler – for electronics, food, construction and more than 80 other types of waste. Visit BusinessRecycling. For general information about what’s happening with electronic waste visit RecyclingNearYou.

The Friday File Fling

Only around 1 in every 10 sheets of office paper gets recycled. Much of it ends up 'stored' in files that will never be read again. By hosting a Friday File Fling, you can declutter your office and get good, reusable office paper back into circulation.


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Green's the theme at Wall Street protest HQ - World Environment News
After six weeks of protest at a park in New York's financial district, hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters are using eco-friendly systems to keep their temporary home clean and environmentally friendly. Their green initiatives include composting, energy-producing bicycles and a gray water treatment system to sustain them. Follow the World Environment News on twitter @worldenvironews.

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