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CHIPS Articles: A U.S. Sailor's Life for Me

A U.S. Sailor's Life for Me
By Sharon Anderson - April-June 2012
The Department of the Navy is moving smartly to consolidate data centers and gain control of information technology assets and capabilities to capitalize on future IT investments and become more cost efficient. The slate of articles and interviews in this issue illustrates just how quickly the department is replacing costly legacy systems, improving cyber security and reducing the number of software applications it supports.

The Navy is celebrating several anniversaries in 2012 that define its very essence and underscore the need for a strong Navy as a fearsome fighter from the sea with global reach.

In April, the Navy with its seafaring partners, the Marine Corps and Coast Guard, commence the commemoration of the War of 1812, the first declared war in our nation’s history. Two hundred years ago, the Royal Navy was the most powerful in the world positioning its 1,000 ships in the Atlantic and fighting the Napoleonic Wars in France. With dominating force, the Royal Navy blockaded Europe and the American East Coast in the early 1810s seizing American merchant vessels and forcing their crews into Royal Navy service. It was intolerable to our fledgling nation that Britain would interfere with our freedom of the seas and impress our citizens. Visit to read this fascinating history. For information about War of 1812 bicentennial events, visit and

On March 5, 1942, the U.S. Navy Seabees (Construction Battalion) took form as an engineering unit whose purpose was to build shore facilities in combat areas for the Navy and the Marine Corps. Years later the Bees are still busy all around the world.

This year, Naval Special Warfare celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first two Sea, Air and Land Teams. SEALs are conducting some of our nation’s most critical missions, proving they are as relevant today as they were when they were first created in 1962.

The Office of Naval Intelligence celebrates its 130th anniversary, and the Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology community celebrates its 77th anniversary in 2012. The Navy Supply Corps celebrated its 217th anniversary Feb. 23, commemorating a history that traces back to 1795.

These are just a small sampling of the memorable events in naval history. President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The deeds of our Navy form a part of history over which any American can be pardoned for lingering."

Today, the men and women of the Navy and Marine Corps continue to engage in a history steeped in honor, courage and professionalism, and thousands of youngsters continue to dream of a Sailor's life for me.

In January, CHIPS staff exhibited CHIPS with one of our sponsors, the DoD Enterprise Software Initiative Navy software product team from SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific in an exhibit hosted by SPAWAR HQ at the West Conference, held concurrently with the DON IT Conference, hosted by CHIPS' other sponsor, the DON CIO, in San Diego.

Welcome new e-subscribers!

Sharon Anderson

DON CIO Terry Halvorsen discussing information technology business reform at the DON IT Conference in San Diego in January. Photo courtesy of AFCEA International.
DON CIO Terry Halvorsen discussing information technology business reform at the DON IT Conference in San Diego in January. Photo courtesy of AFCEA International.

The commanding officers of Space and Naval Warfare Systems Centers Pacific and Atlantic, Capt. Joseph Beel and Capt. Mark Glover, respectively, in the SPAWAR exhibit at the West Conference.
The commanding officers of Space and Naval Warfare Systems Centers Pacific and Atlantic, Capt. Joseph Beel and Capt. Mark Glover, respectively, in the SPAWAR exhibit at the West Conference.

Suzi Ellison (left), program manager for the DoD ESI Navy software product team at SPAWARSYSCEN Pacific, with team member Kim Boisvert. Bottom two photos by Rick Naystatt.
Suzi Ellison (left), program manager for the DoD ESI Navy software product team at SPAWARSYSCEN Pacific, with team member Kim Boisvert. Bottom two photos by Rick Naystatt. SPAWAR HQ.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988