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CHIPS Articles: SPAWAR Releases Naval IT, C4ISR, Space Systems, and Enterprise Support: Today and Tomorrow

SPAWAR Releases Naval IT, C4ISR, Space Systems, and Enterprise Support: Today and Tomorrow
New technical vision for the C4ISR, Business IT and Space Community
By C4ISR - January-March 2010
Collaboration is Key

The technical vision, "Naval IT, C4ISR, Space Systems, and Enterprise Support: Today and Tomorrow," is sponsored by Space and Naval Warfare Systems (SPAWAR) Commander Rear Adm. Michael Bachmann, in collaboration with resource sponsors in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, and with contributions from the U.S. Marine Corps Staffs, Naval Network Warfare Command (NETWARCOM), and others.

The new technical vision highlights the information-centric contributions of naval C4ISR, business IT and Space Community professionals, and it articulates how C4I products and services employed in-theater are currently playing major roles in warfighter successes. The document is available on the SPAWAR public Web site at

Dynamic examples from the current fight in Iraq and Afghanistan demon- strate the successful integration of intelligence and operations with the power of using the network to get information to the right person, at the right time, to add value to situational awareness and achieve warfighter success.

Aligned with higher-level guidance and policy, the technical vision communicates complex concepts, technologies and visionary strategies that depict examples of programs planned within the Program Objective Memorandum (POM) cycle major investments for tomorrow that will enhance future capability, cyberwarfare, workforce requirements, and include investments in science and technology research.

Large Stakeholder Community

While the C4ISR, business IT and Space Community are diverse, naval forces have a long history of research and investment in IT to meet the communications challenges of dispersed operations. The publication illustrates how groups within SPAWAR; OPNAV; Headquarters Marine Corps; the newly forming Fleet Cyber Command (FLTCYBERCOM/10th Fleet); Marine Corps Systems Command; Team SPAWAR Program Executive Offices (C4I), Space Systems and SPAWAR Space Field Activity, and Enterprise Information Systems; and Joint Program Executive Office, Joint Tactical Radio System; NETWARCOM; and others are sustaining and creating capabilities while continuing to evolve and improve the naval C4ISR suite. These capabilities are an essential and vital element of the national security strategy in today's networked world.

Land, Sea and Air

Naval IT, C4ISR, Space Systems, and Enterprise Support: Today and Tomorrow illustrates the value of end-to-end systems engineering in delivering integrated solutions to meet naval operational needs. This work is vital in linking network architectures to mission threads and warfare analysis for enhanced informational awareness among the Navy, Marines, joint forces, federal agencies and allies.

The publication illustrates the power of platform-independent C4ISR professionals collaborating across agencies and services to deliver "change at network speed," integrated warfighter and business infrastructure capabilities where needed most.

To name just a couple of examples, the vision highlights how C4ISR professionals can leverage domain expertise with ISR/Information Operations systems engineering data and using Naval Networking Environment (NNE)~2016 top-level strategies to align programmatic efforts into the Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN) and Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES) to accelerate technology delivery — all key components necessary for information dominance on the battlefield.

New Cyber Opportunities

The timely release of the technical vision coincides with key new Defense Department and Navy cyber initiatives: staff reorganization and consolidation of the OPNAV Directorates of Naval Intelligence (N2) and Communication Networks (N6) into a single organization, DCNO for Information Dominance; and the dynamic realignment of operational cyber capabilities under a single command, FLTCYBERCOM/U.S. 10th Fleet, to revolutionize and dominate warfighting capabilities in cyberspace and networks.

The reorganization will bring intelligence networks, electronic warfare, encryption operations, cyberspace communications and information gathering, as well as meteorology and oceanography under FLTCYBERCOM, the Navy Component to U.S. Cyber Command.

These new commands will play a major part in directing and shaping the crucial roles the C4ISR/business IT/Space Community are playing and will continue to play in the new Information Dominance Corps. For example, resource realignment has consolidated four major Naval Air Systems Command programs: the Broad Area Maritime Surveillance Unmanned Aircraft System (BAMS UAS); E-2C (early warning aircraft); the Next-Generation Jammer; and Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration (UCAS-D) into the DCNO for Information Dominance, with the concomitant need for the C4ISR/business IT/Space Community to collaborate with NAVAIR to create a unified position related to these unmanned systems and surveillance programs.

The Way Ahead

Naval IT, C4ISR, Space Systems, and Enterprise Support: Today and Tomorrow may be used as a communications tool within organizations to disseminate the criticality of naval IT, C4ISR, space systems, and enterprise support in advancing naval and joint warfighter objectives.

The publication aims for broad readership, including military personnel, Congress, the executive branch, the defense industry, mass media and the general public.

Look for Naval IT, C4ISR, Space Systems, and Enterprise Support: Today and Tomorrow on the SPAWAR public Web site:

The Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR), Business Information Technology (IT) and Space Community published their first technical vision that articulates their product line and future plan as a community
The Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR), Business Information Technology (IT) and Space Community published their first technical vision that articulates their product line and future plan as a community

Sailors man the watchfloor at NETWARCOM. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Corey Lewis.
Sailors man the watchfloor at NETWARCOM. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Corey Lewis.

Air Traffic Controller 2nd Class Thomas Hartley stands watch in the Carrier Air Traffic Control center aboard USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). Networked C4ISR systems are crucial enablers for battlespace awareness, information dominance and decision superiority. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Walter M. Wayman.
Air Traffic Controller 2nd Class Thomas Hartley stands watch in the Carrier Air Traffic Control center aboard USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). Networked C4ISR systems are crucial enablers for battlespace awareness, information dominance and decision superiority. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Walter M. Wayman.

The success of unmanned aerial surveillance platforms, such as the Navy Global Hawk UAV pictured here, have led to further investments in next-generation systems to improve Maritime Domain Awareness. U.S. Air Force photo by Jim Shryne.
The success of unmanned aerial surveillance platforms, such as the Navy Global Hawk UAV pictured here, have led to further investments in next-generation systems to improve Maritime Domain Awareness. U.S. Air Force photo by Jim Shryne.

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Gary Roughead delivers remarks for "Information Dominance: The Navy's Initiative to Maintain the Competitive Advantage in the Information Age" at the Center for Strategic & International Studies. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Tiffini Jones Vanderwyst.
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Gary Roughead delivers remarks for "Information Dominance: The Navy's Initiative to Maintain the Competitive Advantage in the Information Age" at the Center for Strategic & International Studies. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Tiffini Jones Vanderwyst.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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