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Visibility (IMPROVE)

This area contains information on the EPA/National Park Service Visibility (IMPROVE) Program.

The Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) steering committee is composed of representatives from EPA, the National Park Service(NPS), USDA Forest Service (USFS), Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators (STAPPA), Western States Air Resources Cooperative (WESTAR), and Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM). A network has been established to collect visibility related data associated primarily with Class I areas. The IMPROVE Newsletter may be found in the News Section of AMTIC.

Description Date File Size Type
Briefing on History of the IMPROVE program, current (2006) funding, and process to consider program reductions in anticipation of possible budget cuts 05/31/06 1.89MB pdf icon
Corrected Final version of "Guidance for Tracking Progress Under the Regional Haze Program 12/12/03 5.0MB pdf icon
Final version of "Guidance for Estimating Natural Visibility Conditions under the Regional Haze Program 11/20/03 5.5MB pdf icon
IMPROVE Quality Management Plan 06/18/02 465 k pdf icon
"Availability Notice of Draft Guidance in Support of the Regional Haze Program for Comments" published in Federal Register on December 12, 2001. The two documents below this entry are the 2001 draft documents. 12/14/01 10 k pdf icon
"Draft Guidance for Tracking Progress Under the Regional Haze Program" 10/02/01 727 MB pdf icon
"Draft Guidance for Estimating Natural Visibility Conditions Under the Regional Haze Program" 10/02/01 16 MB pdf icon
EPA's "Visibility Monitoring Guidance" document, EPA-454/R-99-003, June 1999 06/18/99 1.9 MB pdf icon
February 26, 1999 letter from the IMPROVE Steering Committee to State and local agencies, which describes the status of the IMPROVE network expansion and involvement of State and local agencies regarding siting decisions 03/15/99 18982 pdf icon
Technical approach for design of expanded IMPROVE network and siting new visibility monitors. OAQPS is part of the IMPROVE steering committee and endorses this approach. 03/15/99 246173 pdf icon
August 31, 1998, letter from the IMPROVE Steering Committee (Dr. Marc Pitchford, Chair) to State and local agencies regarding the distribution of IMPROVE aerosol monitoring sites. This letter is also being distributed through the STAPPA/ ALAPCO. A map of the "class 1 area clusters" discussed in this letter is available through the National Park Service home page. (Link updated 04/19/99.) 10/05/98 85209 pdf icon
Summary of the January 26-27, 1998 meeting of the IMPROVE Steering Committee 04/13/98 196684 pdf icon
03/11/98 letter and attachments transmitted to the State and local agencies from the IMPROVE Steering Committee, discussing the selection of new PM2.5 sites for the IMPROVE Program 04/13/98   pdf icon
"Interim Guidance for Visibility Monitoring" EPA-450/2-80-082, November 1980 06/22/99 2677508 pdf icon
"IMPROVE Progress Report, Appendix A" EPA-450/4-90-008a, May 1990 (out of print) 06/30/99 6903174 pdf icon
"IMPROVE Progress Report, EPA-450/4-90-008, May 1990 (out of print) 06/30/99 1456643 pdf icon
"IMPROVE Progress Report, Appendices B-H" EPA-450/4-90-008b, May 1990 (out of print) 08/04/99 11016105 pdf icon

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