The Missouri Department of Natural Resources was created on July 1 under the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974.

  • The term "statute" generally means an act or law passed by a legislative body, such as the Missouri General Assembly or the United States Congress.
  • The term "regulation" generally means a rule or standard that has the force of law once promulgated by an administrative agency within its statutory authority. Sometimes referred to as a "Rule."

State regulations are developed through the rulemaking process, by departments or commissions given such authority by statute.

Missouri Revised Statutes (RSMo) are available from the Revisor of Statutes, 573-526-1288.
Missouri Code of State Regulations (CSR) is available from the Missouri Secretary of State's Office, 573-751-4015.
Rules in Development
Missouri Statutes Director's Office - Division 1 Department Rulemaking
State Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority - Division 130 EIERA
State Parks - Division 90 State Parks

  Air Pollution

Air Conservation Commission - Division 10 Air Pollution


Oil and Gas Council - Division 50 Missouri Geological Survey
Well Drillers, Pump Installers, Well Construction, Monitoring, Heat Pump Construction, and Test Hole Construction and Plugging - Division 23 Missouri Geological Survey

  Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Substance Emergency Response Office - Division 24 Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste Management Commission - Division 25
Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund Board of Trustees -
Division 100

  Land Reclamation

  • Land Reclamation Act - 444.760 to 444.790 (Quarries, sand and gravel, other non coal mining)
  • Strip Mine Law - 444.500 to 444.755 (Coal mines from 1972 to 1978)
  • Surface Coal Mining Law - 444.800 to 444.970 (Coal mines from 1978 to present)
  • Interstate Mining Compact Commission Act  - 444.400 to 444.420
  • All Chapters 444
Land Reclamation Commission - Division 40
Commission Chapter 1
Coal Rules Chapters 2 through 9
Industrial Minerals (Gravel and Quarries) Chapter 10
Land Reclamation
  • Missouri Metallic Minerals Waste Management Act - 444.350 to 444.380
  • All Chapters 444
Metallic Minerals Waste Management - Division 45

  Soil and Water Conservation

Soil and Water Districts Commission - Division 70 Soil and Water

  Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste Management - Division 80 Solid Waste Management

  Water Resources

Dam and Reservoir Safety and Council - Division 22 Water Resources

  Water Quality

Clean Water Commission -
Division 20
Water Pollution Control Branch
Safe Drinking Water Commission - Division 60 Public Drinking Water Branch

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