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HCUP reports include new findings, publications, research notes based on HCUP data, and technical reports about HCUP issues. These products are developed by AHRQ through a Federal-State-Industry partnership.
HCUP Statistical Briefs
Statistical Briefs are simple, descriptive reports on a variety of specific health-care related issues. A full list is available by topic and chronological order. The most recent briefs are:
HCUP Infographics
Infographics provide a visual representation of Statistical Brief data. A full list is available. The most recent infographic is:
HCUP Projections
Projection reports use longitudinal HCUP data to project national and regional estimates on health care priorities. A full list is available. The most recent reports are:

Information About Using HCUP Data
HCUP Methods Series
Methods Series reports, organized by topic and chronological order, feature a broad array of methodological information on the HCUP databases and software tools. The most recent reports are:
HCUP Nationwide Database Reports
HCUP State Database Reports

Publications and Additional Topics
Topical Reports
Topical reports provide information about various priority populations.
HCUP Publications
These links provide access to lists of publications, resources, and descriptions of research activities that are based on HCUP data, software products, and tools.
HCUP Archive
This archive features a broad array of information based on HCUP databases and other related reports.

Internet Citation: HCUP Reports. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). December 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 12/20/16