Resources for Researchers

EPCs produce technical reports on systematic review methodological topics and other types of evidence synthesis-related reports such as reports summarizing future research needs for a given topic. In addition, EPCs, the Scientific Resource Center, and other AHRQ-funded entities have produced tools and software to aid researchers.


EPCs conduct research on methods to enhance the scientific rigor and consistency of systematic reviews, develop White Papers on systematic review methods that describe the current understanding of the state of the science of emerging methods issues, and have produced methods guidance for conducting systematic reviews.

Future Research Needs

An important part of systematic reviews is to not only synthesize the evidence, but also to identify the gaps in evidence that limited the ability to answer the systematic review questions. EPCs worked with various stakeholders to further develop and prioritize the future research needed by decisionmakers. This collection of 44 Future Research Needs projects is intended to be used by researchers and funders of research to help improve the body of comparative effectiveness evidence that would be useful for decisionmakers.

Tools and Software for Researchers

EPCs, the Scientific Resource Center, and other AHRQ-funded entities have produced tools and software to aid researchers.

Internet Citation: Resources for Researchers. Content last reviewed August 2015. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.