Featured Articles


A line of windmills in the sunset 12.27.10From the Labs

Outsmarting the WindExternal link

Using existing technology in a new way could help the Office of Science’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory scientists predict when and how much the wind will blow to maximize the efficiency of wind turbines.
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Wild turkies 11.24.10Article

Saluting a Great American Scientist-Founder This Thanksgiving

This week, we can be especially thankful for an electrifying scientist...who tried to seal our nation with a turkey.
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Illustration of overlapping circles 11.24.10Article

Scientist Finds Nature and Geometry Dancing to the Same Tune

When Salvator Torquato looks to a system of particles in its calmest natural state, he realizes they model the solution to two major mathematical problems.
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Warren Washington 11.22.10Announcement

Science medalist Washington pioneered parallel climate models

When Washington accepts the National Medal of Science from President Obama today, it will highlight a remarkable three-decade relationship.
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Satellite in space with the moon in the background11.17.10Article

Energy from the Center of the Milky Way May Be the Remnant of Dark Matter

Dark matter particles continue to hide, but they release energy when they collide: evidence shows that gamma rays from the center of our galaxy may come from dark matter collisions.
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Scientist Richard Smith 11.10.10From the Labs

PNNL's Richard Smith named 2010 Scientist of the YearExternal link

R&D Magazine honors biochemist for significant contributions in proteomics.
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hybrid solar- and wind-powered streetlights 11.03.10From the Labs

Green Goal: Argonne Wins Federal Award for Energy SavingsExternal link

Thanks to an aggressive energy saving plan, the DOE Office of Science's Argonne National Laboratory won a Federal Energy and Water Management Award for finding creative ways to save enough energy to power about 6,000 households and save enough water to fill approximately 180,000 bathtubs.
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Simulations of crack ice fracture 10.29.10Article

Researchers Set Out to Crack Ice Fracture Modeling Puzzle

Supported by the DOE Office of Science, researchers are modeling how fractures form and perpetuate in the vast ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland.
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Dr. Brinkman riding the power bike10.27.10Article

A Bike, a Backpack, and an Accelerating Track

Visitors excited and inspired by DOE exhibits at National Science and Engineering Festival.
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Dr. Brinkman 10.22.10Article

Join us at the Inaugural USA Science and Engineering Festival!

What do smart windows and biofuels, climate models and gravity accelerators all have in common?
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Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:58:02 PM