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Tag: cancer

Read a blog post about Chiara’s amazing #CoverageMatters story.
The Affordable Care Act is keeping me alive. If I didn't have the Medicaid coverage, I wouldn't be able to afford treatment for my metastatic breast cancer.
Read a blog post about Steven Avila’s #GetCovered story.
Thanks to health care reform, Steven's cancer diagnosis at age 25 won't be considered a pre-existing condition for the rest of his life.
The best way to reduce your risk of lung cancer is to quit smoking. If you are ready to quit, make sure to take these five steps.
Read a blog post about potentially life-saving drugs for breast cancer patients.
For the first time, women facing a new diagnosis of high-risk HER2+ breast cancer will be able to decide whether pertuzumab makes sense for them.
Read a blog post about breast cancer awareness.
Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women. Getting mammograms can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer.