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Tag: Open Enrollment

Read a blog post about Dana Bigelow’s #CoverageMatters story.
The Affordable Care Act is great for those of us who are working in the gig economy or trying to grow our own business, big or small.
Read a blog post about Graceanne’s #CoverageMatters story.
I can’t imagine going back to a time without the ACA. I can’t imagine not having affordable insurance that covers my mental health and physical health.
Read a blog post about Elizabeth’s #CoverageMatters story.
Because of the Affordable Care Act, and my new Marketplace insurance, I could get a colonoscopy as a preventive service at no additional cost.
Read a blog post about Kathy’s #CoverageMatters story.
Having insurance offers so much peace of mind and allows us to focus on making our business a success.
Read a blog post about Kelley Deal’s #CoverageMatters story.
If you are a musician, writer, actor, painter, poet, sculptor, or artist of any stripe, share your story about why you support the Affordable Care Act.
Read a blog post about Chiara’s amazing #CoverageMatters story.
The Affordable Care Act is keeping me alive. If I didn't have the Medicaid coverage, I wouldn't be able to afford treatment for my metastatic breast cancer.
Read a blog post about private sector engagements in Open Enrollment #4.
This Open Enrollment, we have worked with several private sector companies to encourage Americans to sign up for quality, affordable health coverage.
Even if you have coverage through your employer, you need the protection that the Affordable Care Act offers.
Read a blog post about Open Enrollment Women’s Week of Action.
We are counting on you to help spread the word about preventive health benefits and the difference the ACA has made for women’s health.
Tell your friends to sign up by December 15th. #GetCovered.
If you want health insurance that starts on January 1, 2017, today’s the day to visit and enroll. Tell your friends and family!
