Access to the Massachusetts Smart Growth / Smart Energy Toolkit

The Smart Growth / Smart Energy agenda is intended to channel development in ways that enhance economic growth while protecting natural resources.


Toolkit Home Page
This Smart Growth / Smart Energy Toolkit provides local officials, developers, and citizens with tools to help communities meet goals of robust residential, commercial, and industrial development and environmental protection. This new edition of the Toolkit includes a variety of techniques to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green buildings in the course of meeting those goals.

The Massachusetts Smart Growth / Smart Energy Toolkit is comprised of educational materials - including slide shows, brochures, and case studies - to help promote greater understanding of smart growth and clean energy techniques. It also supplies model bylaws and guidance on how to customize these bylaws to suit the unique circumstances of each municipality. This is a multi-media resource with extensive images, graphics, maps, and diagrams suitable for both the general public and practitioners. Designed as a website, the Toolkit is also distributed as a CD.

The 2nd edition of the Toolkit, produced by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs on behalf of the Commonwealth, was issued in the fall of 2007. The latest edition, which includes new modules as well as updates to the original 12, comes two years after the completion of the first Toolkit in 2005.


Questions? Contact

  • To schedule a presentation on Toolkit content: Please contact Kurt Gaertner by email at: or by phone at: (617) 626-1154

This information is provided by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Office of Policy, Smart Growth / Smart Energy