• RPS and APS Program Summaries

    Learn about the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard, including RPS Class I (formerly RPS), RPS Class II, and APS.
  • Solar Carve-Out & Solar Carve-Out II (SREC I & SREC II)

    The Department of Energy Resources (DOER) has carved-out a portions of the RPS Class I Renewable Energy requirement to support distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) energy facilities, as provided by the Green Communities Act of 2008.

  • RPS and APS Statement of Qualification Applications

    Access the application guidelines and web-based forms to apply for RPS and APS Statements of Qualification for Generation Units, as well as information about Independent Verifiers.
  • Qualified Generation Units

    View lists of all the electricity generating facilities that have been qualified for the RPS and APS Programs by DOER.
  • Compliance Information for Retail Electric Suppliers

    Any company that sells retail electricity in Massachusetts is required to submit an Annual Compliance Filing that demonstrates it has met all RPS Class I, RPS Class II, and APS percentage obligations.
  • Annual Compliance Reports

    DOER is obligated to issue annual compliance reports for the RPS and APS programs, based on findings from Retail Electricity Suppliers' annual compliance filings for the programs. Download the reports to learn more.
  • Regulatory Proceedings for RPS and APS

    Learn about the rulemaking status and process for any RPS and APS regulations under development.
  • RPS and APS: Statutes, Regulations and Guidelines

    For your reference, you may access unofficial copies of statutes and current regulations for the RPS and APS Programs. Links to all official program Guidelines are also provided.