The DCR Divisions of State Parks and Recreation and Water Supply Protection are subject to the United States Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Phase 2 program where these facilities are situated either completely or partially in regions defined by EPA as urbanized areas.

The DCR programs to manage stormwater and improve water quality involve public education, public participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction and post-construction stormwater management controls and municipal good housekeeping. Municipal good housekeeping involves street sweeping of parkways, cleaning street drains and associated drainage systems and using control measures to protect sensitive receiving waters. The list of DCR facilities and descriptions of the program elements are described in the DCR Storm Water Management Plan.

DCR is pleased to provide you with this semi-annual report relating to DCR parkway street sweeping and catch basin cleaning activities in compliance with the DCR storm water management policy and the Memorandum of Understanding between DCR and CLF/CRWA.

DCR Permit Year 11 Annual Report on Stormwater  pdf format of DCR Permit Year 11 Annual Report on Stormwater
file size 5MB

Annual Report on DCR Catch Basin Cleaning & Street Sweeping  pdf format of Annual Report on Catch Basin Cleaning & Street Sweeping

For more information, please contact:

Robert Lowell, Acting Storm Water Manager
Department of Conservation and Recreation
251 Causeway Street, Ste. 600
Boston, MA 02114
Phone 508-509-1757   Fax 617-626-1455