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Category: Emergency Preparedness and Response

Read an HHS Blog.
One-time emergency funding expands and enhances Head Start and Early Head Start services in Flint, Michigan.
Flint | Head Start
Read a blog post about a CDC employee’s experience supporting the Ebola response in Liberia.
The three months I spent in Liberia make me proud to work for an agency that takes action against global disease threats.
Read a blog post about how you can get be ready for Hurricane Season.
Coming through a storm safe, healthy, and able to recover fast means being ready before the storm.
Read a blog post about the work and efforts of the Commissioned Corps officers of the U.S. Public Health Service “Team 4” in Liberia.
In this effort – as in the Corps’ 217-year history – our USPHS officers proved themselves to be the true guardians of global public health.
Read a blog post about how the tide is turning on Ebola.
Each patient who walked out confirmed that we were correct deciding to cross an ocean to help stop the spread of Ebola.
Read a blog - What You Need to Know: FAQ’s on the Measles.
We want to tackle some frequently asked questions about measles.
Read a blog about the progress made to contain the Ebola outbreak.
As the President has made clear, to effectively protect the American people, we must confront this outbreak at its source.
Ebola | disease
Read a blog - Staying Safe and Healthy When Winter Storms Strike.
If you know what to look for and plan in advance, you have a better chance of staying healthy and helping those around you weather the storm.
Children vaccination thumbnail
Getting your child vaccinated against the flu is one easy way to protect their health throughout the season.
vaccines | children | Flu
Read a blog post about a Commissioner Corps Officer’s experience fighting the Ebola outreach in West Africa.
When our neighbors need us most, we Americans open our hearts and extend our hand - regardless of whether they live in places near or far.
Ebola | disease