Ohio Ecological Services Field Office
Midwest Region

Endangered Species


Listed Species with Lead in Ohio
    American Burying Beetle (regional)
  Bald Eagle
  Copperbelly Watersnake
  Lake Erie Watersnake
  Indiana Bat
  Lakeside Daisy
  Scioto Madtom
  Purple Cat's Paw
Pearly Mussel
  Running Buffalo Clover

Candidate Species


Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) Information

Request Information
Listed Species with Lead in Ohio

What Can I Do to Help Prevent the Extinction of Species?

  • Learn - Learn more about these and other listed endangered and threatened species. Understand how the destruction of habitat leads to loss of endangered and threatened species and our nation's plant and animal diversity. Tell others about what you have learned.

  • Write - Write to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or your state conservation agency to learn more about endangered and threatened species and to voice your support.

  • Join - Join a conservation group; many have local chapters.

Listed species in Ohio where Columbus office has the lead,
or species that have a high profile in Ohio

> American Burying Beetle (regional)

> Bald Eagle

> Copperbelly Watersnake

> Lake Erie Watersnake

> Indiana Bat

> Lakeside Daisy

> Scioto Madtom

> Purple Cat's Paw Pearly Mussel

> Running Buffalo Clover

Last updated: February 20, 2012