Twin Cities Ecological Services Field Office

Midwest Region


Twin Cities Field Office

4101 American Boulevard East
Bloomington, MN 55425
Phone: 952-252-0092
Fax: 952-646-2873
TTY: 1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay)




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Conservation Planning Assistance


Project Planning and Technical Assistance

slope protection measuresConservation Planning biologists work directly with Federal agencies on development projects to ensure that the environment and our natural resources are protected. We help project proponents, planners, and other agencies develop plans that conserve, restore or enhance fish and wildlife while accomplishing the objectives of the proposed development. Our work includes reviewing and providing recommendations on plans and development designs, crafting mitigation plans, providing expertise in wildlife and habitat science, and serving as members on planning teams.




Wind Energy Guidance - (links to the Regional Website)


Communication Tower Guidance: 2013 guidance on tower siting and design to avoid bird mortality.




Twin Cities ES Field Office Home


Last updated: February 11, 2016