Eliminating CLABSI, A National Patient Safety Imperative: Final Report Companion Guide

A Companion Guide to the National On the CUSP: Stop BSI Project Final Report

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality funded a national effort to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections (BSIs) in U.S. hospitals by implementing a Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP). The final report summarizes the progress that was made during the On the CUSP: Stop BSI project, a unique partnership with the Health Research & Educational Trust, the Johns Hopkins University Quality and Safety Research Group, and the Michigan Health & Hospital Association's Keystone Center for Patient Safety & Quality. This companion guide provides supporting documentation for the final report.

A project of:

Health Research & Educational Trust
Johns Hopkins University Quality and Safety Research Group
Michigan Health & Hospital Association Keystone Center for Patient Safety & Quality


   Data Collection
   Hospital Characteristics
   Unit Characteristics
   Data Submission
   Project Penetration
   Adult ICUs
       By Cohort
       By Hospital Characteristics
       By Bed Size
   Adult Non-ICUs
   Pediatric Units
   Infections Avoided, Excess Costs Averted, and Changes in Mortality Rate
       Literature Review—Methods
       Literature Review—Results
       Estimation Method
Moderating Factors
   Hospital Characteristics
   Team Checkup Tool
   Readiness Assessment
Appendix A. Exclusion Criteria
Appendix B. Systematic Review Flowchart
Appendix C. Article Exclusion List with Reason for Exclusion
Appendix D. Data Interpolation Example
Appendix E. Moderating Factors Flowchart
Appendix F. Team Checkup Tools
   Team Checkup Tool Version One
   Team Checkup Tool Version Two
Appendix G. Readiness Assessment

Disclaimer: This report was developed with data collected and analyzed under contract with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The information and opinions expressed herein reflect solely the position of the authors. Nothing herein should be construed to indicate AHRQ support or endorsement of its contents.

Page last reviewed January 2013
Page originally created January 2013
Internet Citation: Eliminating CLABSI, A National Patient Safety Imperative: Final Report Companion Guide. Content last reviewed January 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/cusp/clabsi-final-companion/index.html