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Technology-to-Market News and Blog Posts

December 16, 2016
Technology-to-Market News and Blog Posts
EERE Success Story—The Future's So Bright, You've got to Wear Shades: The Roles of the Department of Energy, National Laboratories, and Industry in Evolving the Solar Market

​In 1975, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) decided to harness the power of the sun, launching the Solar Energy Research Institute, which later became the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Over the subsequent 40 years, DOE, its Solar Energy Technologies Office, and the national laboratories have engaged with innovators, businesses, and entrepreneurs to channel one of our planet’s greatest resources into sustainable, clean, and cost-effective energy.

December 15, 2016
Sandia researcher Isaac Ekoto, left, and former postdoc Will Colban prepare to conduct laser-based velocity measurements at the Combustion Research Facility. The measurements are used to help understand the flow features involved in the creation of in-cylinder carbon monoxide distributions in automotive diesel engines. | Photo Courtesy: Sandia National Laboratory
EERE Success Story—Cleaner, Lower Cost, and More Efficient: How Cummins Created a Global Marketplace for Better Diesel Engines through Partnership with the National Labs

Cummins approached researchers at three of the national laboratories—Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)—to discuss the possibility of a partnership. The labs possessed unique expertise in laser diagnostics and computer modeling and housed unique state-of-the-art facilities, including specialized measurement equipment and extremely fast supercomputers

December 13, 2016
Photo Courtesy | Sandia National Laboratory
EERE Success Story—Department of Energy Harnesses the Power of Wind

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Wind Energy Technologies Office addresses a number of pressing energy needs, from improving technology performance to advancing wind turbines’ design and size to facilitating grid integration of renewable energy. Since wind energy research began in the United States in the 1970s, DOE has brought together industry, academia, and key research institutions to help overcome wind energy deployment challenges related to cost, design, materials, efficiency, and environmental stewardship.

December 13, 2016
Photo Courtesy | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
EERE Success Story—Aeroseal and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Develop Technology to Find and Fill Building Energy Leaks

Many residential and commercial buildings leak air like sieves, wasting up to 40% of their heating and cooling energy. The primary reason for this energy loss is gaps and holes that exist in buildings’ air ducts. Getting an airtight seal on every connection can be difficult; even with skillful installation and generous applications of mastic (the putty used to seal joints), leakage still occurs. Therefore, most people resign themselves to losing money and enduring uneven temperatures. Mark Modera, an expert in energy performance at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), however, was convinced there had to be a better way.

December 12, 2016
The Additive Manufacturing Integrated Energy (AMIE) demonstration project, a 3D-printed house and car that can share power, is one example of the amazing things that happen when national labs and industry combine their power. | Photo Courtesy: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
From the Lab and Beyond: Celebrating the Impact of our National Labs

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) national laboratories give the United States an undeniable strategic advantage in the global marketplace. The national labs use the world’s most advanced technology and equipment, staffed by many of the best and brightest scientific minds, to perform groundbreaking scientific research. Each year, they develop more than 1,800 new inventions and receive more than 400 patents.

December 9, 2016
Helping National Lab Innovators Create 21st Century Solutions

Now — more than ever — the United States needs to tap into the extensive capabilities of its national labs to ensure American competitiveness in the global marketplace. The DOE Lab-Corps program is doing exactly that.

November 28, 2016
Monhegan Island Light Station. | <em>Photo by Emerson Reiter, NREL</em>
Consider the Lobster and Electricity: Helping Meet the Energy Challenges of Maine's Small Islands

Most island communities do not have economies of scale or local fossil fuel resources, two key factors contributing to significant increases in energy costs relative to mainland peers. A case in point is two islands located off the coast of Maine—Isle au Haut and Monhegan, both of which are currently weighing their energy futures.

November 8, 2016
Pictured above is De-Meter’s inaugural project for Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, a 200kW combination rooftop and carport distributed generation installation in San Leandro, CA. Photo courtesy of De-Meter.
EERE Success Story—Setting the PACE for Commercial Solar Growth

Big box retailers are leading in commercial solar installations in the United States, but solar’s energy-saving benefits aren’t limited to Fortune 500 companies. Hospitals, small businesses, shopping malls, multi-family and other commercial and industrial properties have a new tool to help them go solar: the PACE Lease®.

De-Meter Power first developed the new financial tool through the SunShot Initiative Technology to Market program, which helps entrepreneurs bring innovative, early-stage technologies to the market.

November 1, 2016
The 1.2-megawatt La Ola solar photovoltaic power plant on the Hawaiian island of Lanai. | <em>Photo by Jamie Keller/NREL</em>
Helping Hawaii Chart a Path to 100% Renewable Electricity

As Hawaii charges toward its goal of 100% renewable electricity by 2045, the Energy Department's Energy Transition Initiative has been working with technical experts from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to deliver training to Hawaii Public Utilities Commission staff to help them prepare for the coming changes.

October 28, 2016
8 Questions with Idaho National Lab Director on the DOE Lab-Corps Program

Since the DOE Lab-Corps program launched in fall 2015, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has put through more researchers than any other national lab. We sat down with INL Director Mark Peters to find out why he thinks researchers at INL are so attracted to the innovative Lab-Corps curriculum.

October 26, 2016
This Energy Department-funded technology, the Whooshh Fish Transport System, uses lengths of flexible tube and slight differences in pressure to gently propel salmon and other fish up and around obstacles such as hydroelectric dams in waterways. | Photo courtesy of Whooshh Innovations
Project Led by a Small Business Keeps Fish Out of Harm’s Way

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has worked with Whooshh Innovations on an inventive project demonstrating a fish-friendly transport system. This Energy Department-funded technology uses lengths of flexible tube and slight differences in pressure to gently propel salmon and other fish up and around obstacles such as hydroelectric dams in waterways.

October 13, 2016
Advancing the Frontiers of Clean Energy Innovation

America must continue to push the boundaries of clean energy innovation by doubling down on Federally-funded research and accelerating new technologies.

October 11, 2016
This technology transfer public-private partnership project at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory demonstrates friction stir welding, a process that overcomes the challenges of traditional laser welding, enabling manufacturers to use more lightweight materials in more vehicle components, thus improving fuel efficiency. | <em>Photo courtesy of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory</em>
At SXSW Eco: Small Businesses Play Key Role in Developing Clean Energy

Hundreds of business leaders, policy makers, entrepreneurs and designers gathered at the South by Southwest Eco (SXSW Eco) in Texas. The conference has quickly become a launch pad for the latest cleantech innovations set to positively impact society and the environment, making it a great venue to celebrate sustainability solutions and emphasize the Energy Department’s new $12 million investment into its Small Business Vouchers (SBV) pilot program.

September 30, 2016
The Department of Energy has tapped Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to develop Build4Scale, a training program for clean technology entrepreneurs focused on manufacturing fundamentals.
Build4Scale: Training Cleantech Entrepreneurs for Manufacturing Success

Build4Scale will help entrepreneurs cost effectively build their clean energy products by providing training on manufacturing fundamentals like material selection, design for assembly, and working with production partners. Ultimately, training cleantech entrepreneurs on the fundamentals of manufacturing will help bring promising energy solutions to market.

September 20, 2016
Innovation Crossroads Launches to Develop the Next Generation of Clean Energy Entrepreneurs

We need an energy revolution—a revolution that will mitigate the impact of climate change while providing affordable and reliable energy to everyone, and transition the United States and the world to a clean energy future.

August 25, 2016
Video: Lab-Corps Third Cohort Graduates in Washington, D.C.

Some of the nation’s top researchers recently graduated from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Lab-Corps program designed to help scientists better understand the commercialization process.

August 24, 2016
Energy Department Announces Dates and New Contests for Solar Decathlon 2017 in Denver, Colorado

Student design competition, which challenges collegiate teams to design, build and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient and attractive, will take place October 5 – 15, 2017, in Denver.

August 18, 2016
The second round of the Small Business Vouchers program introduces three new national labs with whom small businesses will partner.
Empowering Small Businesses to Expand the Clean Energy Revolution

The second round of the Small Business Vouchers program has wrapped up with 43 clean energy small businesses from across the United States being selected to connect with the top-notch scientists, engineers, and world-class facilities at the Energy Department national laboratories.

August 18, 2016
Energy Department Awards 43 new Business-Laboratory Collaborations under Small Business Vouchers Pilot

Today, the Energy Department announced 43 small businesses will participate in the second round of the Small Business Vouchers (SBV) pilot. With vouchers in hand, these businesses can better leverage the world-class capabilities of the department's national laboratories and bring their next-generation clean energy technologies to the marketplace faster.

July 12, 2016
Progress on President Obama’s “Lab to Market” Initiative

Lab-Corps, an entrepreneurial boot-camp, helps scientists transition their research to the market.

June 23, 2016
Heila Technologies, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, won the 2016 Cleantech UP National Competition. | Energy Department photo.
Cleantech University Prize Highlights Next Generation of Clean Energy Innovators

Energy Department competition supports student entrepreneurs and helps spur development of new clean energy technologies.

June 23, 2016
Raising Our Game in Clean Energy Innovation

How the Department of Energy is investing in the future of clean energy innovation at our National Labs and around the world.

June 21, 2016
Energy Department Announces $23 Million for Small Businesses Focused on Clean Energy Innovations

Today, the Energy Department announced $23 million in funding for 23 new projects led by small businesses to further develop clean energy technologies with a strong potential for commercialization and job creation.

June 20, 2016
NovoMoto, winner of the Clean Energy Trust Challenge, has developed a MicroPlant technology that aims to provide renewable, sustainable electricity to communities in sub-Saharan Africa. | Photo courtesy of NovoMoto
Road to Denver: Collegiate Startups Compete for $100,000 at Cleantech University Prize National Competition

The Cleantech University Prize Collegiate Competition has traveled coast-to-coast over the past four months to find America’s next clean energy entrepreneurs. Meet the teams that will compete for $100,000 in prizes at the National Competition this week in Denver.

June 10, 2016
Hosts of the Cleantech University Prize (Cleantech Up) FLoW competition with the winners, Xstream Trucking of Stanford University. The team took home the $50,000 first-place prize for their drag-reducing trucking technology. | Photo courtesy of Caltech
Cleantech University Prize Regional Competitions Wrap Up in Florida and California

The Energy Department’s Cleantech University Prize recently wrapped up its regional collegiate competitions. The California Institute of Technology and the University of Central Florida (UCF) each hosted student-led startup teams as part of the entrepreneurial clean energy contest.