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Island Energy Tools and Trainings

Islands can use the tools below to gather data for decision makers and run scenarios on potential energy investments. Tailored trainings provide in-person, onsite guidance and best practices for implementing clean energy solutions.


Island Energy Scenario Tool

The ETI Energy Scenario Tool helps communities analyze different pathways to meet a given energy transition goal by modeling the levelized cost of electricity for custom, user-defined scenarios of supply and demand. Download the tool and user guide. For step-by-step instructions on how to use the tool, watch the video.

Energy Literacy Guide: Jamaica

The Energy Literacy Guide for Jamaica provides a framework of essential principles and fundamental concepts for energy education on the island. 


Playbook Implementation Training

In-person training for local energy champions, using the Islands Playbook as a guide, on a wide variety of best practices and proven successful strategies for implementing clean energy solutions.

Utility Renewable Energy Integration Information and Support

Tailored onsite training for utility leadership and engineers on successful programmatic and technical integration of distributed and central (if needed) generation.

Policymaker and Regulator Electric Grid and Renewable Energy Support

Tailored onsite training for policy and program decision makers and stakeholders on baseline technical grid, renewable energy, and programmatic best practices.

Contact for details on the Islands Scenario Tool or the trainings listed here.