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Energy Resources for Hurricane Season

This aerial photo of New Orleans from August 29, 2005, shows a flooded neighborhood with a roadway going down into flood waters. Photo courtesy of FEMA/Jocelyn Augustino

This aerial photo of New Orleans from August 29, 2005, shows a flooded neighborhood with a roadway going down into flood waters. Photo courtesy of FEMA/Jocelyn Augustino

Find helpful resources for incorporating energy into disaster planning, response, and rebuilding.

Sustainable Transportation

Alternative Fueling Station Locator

U.S. Department of Energy
Find alternative fueling stations near an address or ZIP code or along a route in the United States.
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Sandy Recovery: Atlantic City Natural Gas Jitneys Success Story

PBS Motor Week
Recovery after Hurricane Sandy began more quickly than most for Atlantic City, New Jersey, thanks to a program started in 2009. With help from the U.S. Department of Energy through the Recovery Act, the city's Jitney bus operators were able to replace their aging fleet of 190 minibuses with new models running on clean compressed natural gas fuel. As Hurricane Sandy approached, these vehicles were pressed into action for the evacuation. And because of their dedicated compressed natural gas fuel, the Jitneys were just about the only vehicles moving during and after the storm.
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Recommendations to Improve the Strength and Resilience of the Empire State's Infrastructure

NYS 2100 Commission
White Paper commissioned by the State of New York providing recommendations on how the state should invest in its infrastructure. Includes sections on transportation, energy, land use, insurance, and infrastructure finance. Framed as a response to infrastructure problems revealed by Hurricane Sandy.
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Renewable Energy

Alternative Energy Generation Opportunities in Critical Infrastructure New Jersey

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
An analysis completed for the state of New Jersey following Hurricane Sandy to determine whether critical infrastructure could utilize alternative energy generation technologies through Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds.
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Community Greening: How To Develop A Strategic Energy Plan

U.S. Department of Energy
This guide provides an overview of strategic electricity planning for communities, using a step-by-step approach to develop the plan.
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New Orleans, Louisiana: Solar in Action

U.S. Department of Energy
This brochure provides an overview of the challenges and successes of New Orleans, Louisiana, a 2007 Solar America City awardee, on the path toward becoming a solar-powered community. Accomplishments, case studies, key lessons learned, and local resource information are given.
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PV poised to light up NYC after lessons from hurricane Sandy
Blog article describing the potential of distributed solar PV capacity to increase grid resilience in the event of a natural disaster. Suggests policies that automatically remove distributed capacity in the event of a disaster-related outage should be re-thought.
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Recommendations to Improve the Strength and Resilience of the Empire State's Infrastructure

NYS 2100 Commission
White Paper commissioned by the State of New York providing recommendations on how the state should invest in its infrastructure. Includes sections on transportation, energy, land use, insurance, and infrastructure finance. Framed as a response to infrastructure problems revealed by Hurricane Sandy.
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Steps to Developing the New Orleans Strategic Energy Plan

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
This presentation was given to the New Orleans City Council in January 2008 after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The presentation provides an overview of strategic energy planning, case studies, and suggested next steps for implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy into the city's rebuilding efforts.
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Update on the New York State Coastal Management Program's Offshore Wind Energy Planning

New York Department of State
Gives the progress of New York State's planning for offshore wind energy. Explains that New York has identified potentially suitable offshore wind lease areas and has defined its offshore environmental policies for offshore wind development. Gives progress on data gathering and tells the next steps planned to be taken in New York offshore wind policy.
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Energy Efficiency

Builders Challenge High Performance Builder Spotlight: Green Coast Enterprises, New Orleans, Louisiana

U.S. Department of Energy
Describes Green Coast Enterprises' efforts to rebuild hurricane-ravaged New Orleans through Project Home Again.
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Builders Challenge Technology Information Packages: Hot-Humid Climate: New Orleans

U.S. Department of Energy
Features tips on building homes that provide substantial reductions in energy use and homeowner utility bills and recognizes the best practices for quality, comfort, health, and safety in the market.
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Building a Durable and Energy Efficient Home in Post-Katrina New Orleans

Building Science Corporation
Examines designing homes with key sustainability concepts, durability, and energy efficiency that can provide insurance to people in the event of a hurricane.
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Building America Climate-Specific Guidance

U.S. Department of Energy
Building America's Best Practices guides and case studies demonstrate real-world solutions for improving the energy performance and quality of new and existing homes in five major climate regions.
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Building Energy Efficient Schools in New Orleans: Lessons Learned

U.S. Department of Energy
This brochure presents the lessons learned from incorporating energy efficiency in the rebuilding and renovating of New Orleans K-12 schools after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
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Building Energy-Efficient Schools in New Orleans: Lessons Learned Summary

U.S. Department of Energy
This case study presents the lessons learned from incorporating energy efficiency in the rebuilding and renovating of New Orleans K-12 schools after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
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Combined Heat and Power: Enabling Resilient Energy Infrastructure for Critical Facilities

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Report exploring the role that combined heat and power can have in improving the resiliency of energy critical infrastructure. Framed as a response to problems that came to light after Hurricane Sandy.
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Community Greening: How To Develop A Strategic Energy Plan

U.S. Department of Energy
This guide provides an overview of strategic electricity planning for communities, using a step-by-step approach to develop the plan.
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Energy Design Guidelines for High Performance Schools: Hot and Humid Climates

U.S. Department of Energy
Outlines the high-performance principles and design guidelines for new or retrofit designs of K-12 schools in hot/humid climates.
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Energy Security: Microgrid Planning and Design

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Presentation describing the National Renewable Energy Laboratory approach in the area of microgrid planning and design. Framed as an essential element of energy security.
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Green Building Policy Options for New Orleans

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
This document is adapted from a memo and report delivered to the City Council of New Orleans, the office of the Mayor of New Orleans, the Chairperson of the Citizen Stakeholders Group (New Orleans Energy Task Force), and the U.S. Department of Energy Project Officer in 2008. The report outlines ideas for and potential impacts of various green building policies in New Orleans in the years following Hurricane Katrina.
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Guide to Using Combined Heat and Power for Enhancing Reliability and Resiliency in Buildings

U.S. Department of Energy
Guide on combined heat and power (CHP) commissioned after Hurricane Sandy shows that CHP can greatly increase energy supply resiliency during a natural disaster. Developed by several U.S. agencies, its purpose is to provide practical information on CHP, including what factors must be considered when configuring a CHP system to operate independently of the electricity grid, and what steps are involved in a typical CHP project development process.
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Housing Counseling Program Guide for Superstorm Sandy Disaster Relief

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Information on using housing counseling as a method for helping families regain stable residency after a natural disaster. Explains what housing counseling is, problems that housing counseling can overcome, and how to administrate a housing counseling program.
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Hurricane Sandy Information

New Jersey Clean Energy Program
Full listing of clean energy incentives offered by New Jersey for homeowners, businesses, and local governments affected by Superstorm Sandy.
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New Orleans, Louisiana, House Plan Example 3

Building Science Corporation
Informational page on a demonstration house built by the Building Science Corporation in New Orleans, Louisiana. Intended to show best practices for building in hot, humid, flood-prone environments.
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Potential Next Steps for the New Orleans City Council Energy Efficiency Resolution

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
This document is adapted from an actual February 2008 deliverable memo and report delivered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to the City Council of New Orleans, the office of the Mayor of New Orleans, the Chairperson of the Citizen Stakeholders Group (New Orleans Energy Task Force), and the U.S. Department of Energy Project Officer in February 2008.
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Rebuilding After Disaster: Going Green from the Ground Up

U.S. Department of Energy
How-to guide describing ways to turn a disaster into an opportunity to rebuild with greener energy technologies. It covers such topics as the importance of energy, options for communities, instructions for developing an energy plan, and other considerations. This guide is intended for the community leaders who have experienced a disaster.
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Recommendations to Improve the Strength and Resilience of the Empire State's Infrastructure

NYS 2100 Commission
White Paper commissioned by the state of New York providing recommendations on how the state should invest in its infrastructure. Includes sections on transportation, energy, land use, insurance, and infrastructure finance. Framed as a response to infrastructure problems revealed by Hurricane Sandy.
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Steps to Developing the New Orleans Strategic Energy Plan

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
This presentation was given to the New Orleans City Council in January 2008 after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It provides an overview of strategic energy planning, case studies, and suggested next steps for implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy into the city's rebuilding efforts.
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