Old man winter is gripping much of the nation and that means many consumers are turning up the heat in their homes. Some are using drastic measures to stay warm, increasing the risk of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning—an invisible, odorless, colorless killer. Did you know that winter is peak season for CO deaths in the United States? The deadly gas kills more than 400 people every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Any heating system that burns fuel can produce (…)

Read More Feb 3

With cold winter weather already upon us, families without a home heating system or who are struggling to pay their heating bills may try to find creative ways to stay warm, ways that could put their safety at risk.

CPSC is urging friends, family and neighbors to share a few safety tips with those who are using space heaters to heat their home. If not used properly, space heaters can quickly create a deadly fire. Just search the Internet for “space heater news” and you’ll find dozens of (…)

Read More Jan 13

During November and December 2015, there were six fatalities and an estimated 14,000 injuries treated in hospital ERs nationwide, due to holiday decorations. That’s an average of about 230 injuries per day during the holiday season!

Falls, lacerations, back strains and ingestion of foreign objects were among the top holiday decorating-related injuries last season. To prevent decorating disasters, CPSC counts down the 12 Ways to Celebrate Safely:

12. Take special care with sharp, weighted, (…)

Read More Dec 5

It’s been said, “Home is where the heart is.” And the heart of a home during the holidays is often in the kitchen.  But did you know that more fires occur in the kitchen than in any other room in the house? And that cooking is the leading cause of fires in the home? We estimate an average of about 1,400 cooking fires on Thanksgiving Day each year. This is more than three times the average number of cooking fires each day throughout the rest of the year.

Did you volunteer or have you (…)

Read More Nov 22

It’s holiday time and as a gift giver you may be receiving your child’s top toy wish list. You may also feel overwhelmed with ads on the hottest, trendiest and best toy lists. Choosing the right style, color or brand may be the first thing that crosses your mind; but, CPSC wants to remind you that safety should always come first.

As you prepare to spread some holiday cheer with toy purchases, avoid choices that could land your child in the emergency room. CPSC still receives too many reports (…)

Read More Nov 17