NOTE: This page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

(114 slides and narrative
with an additional 26 slides on case studies)

Endorsed by The American Academy of Dermatology and
The American Academy of Occupational Medicine

Occupational Dermatoses Introduction Slide

Prepared originally in 1981 by:

Edward Shmunes, M.D.
Marcus M. Key, M.D.
James B. Lucas, M.D.
James S. Taylor, M.D.

Technical review:

Robert M. Adams, M.D.
Donald J. Birmingham, M.D.
Loren L. Hatch, D.O., Ph.D.

Statistical Slides and Script were Updated by:
Boris D. Lushniak, M.D., MPH in 1998, 2000, and 2001

and supplemental slides on Occupational Dermatology Case Studies were added in February, 2000
(Courtesy of Capt. James W. Steger, M.D., USN
and Dirk M. Elston, MC, USA)

and April 2001 (Courtesy of Susan Nedorost, M.D., Lakewood, OH.)

Please submit new case studies to:

Boris D. Lushniak, M.D., MPH (NIOSH)

INDEX of Occupational Dermatoses SLIDES

Slide 1 - NIOSH Introduction
Slide 2 - Occupational Dermatoses Title
Slide 3 - Statistics
Slide 4 - Total Cases
Slide 5 - Incidence
Slide 5A - Changes in Incidence (1993 - 1999)

Slide 6 - High Risk Industries
Slide 7 - Work Time Lost
Slide 8 - Costs
Slide 9 - Large Plant
Slide 10 - Small Plant

Slide 11 - Skin Cross Section
Slide 12 - Skin Cross-section, epidermis
Slide 13 - Skin cross-section, dermis
Slide 14 - Skin cross-section, subcutaneous tissue
Slide 15 - Routes of entry

Slide 16 - Pilosebaceous Unit
Slide 17 - Morphologic Correlations
Slide 18 - Contact Dermatitis, Acute
Slide 19 - Contact Dermatitis, Subacute
Slide 20 - Contact Dermatitis, Chronic

Slide 21 - Occupational Acne. Acute, Oil Folliculitis
Slide 22 - Oil Folliculitis Chronic, Chloracne
Slide 23 - Depigmentation
Slide 24 - Granuloma
Slide 25 - Eccrine

Slide 26 - Tumors
Slide 27 - Causes of occupational dermatoses
Slide 28 - Chemical
Slide 29 - Primary skin irritant
Slide 30 - Absolute irritants

Slide 31 - Absolute irritant, buttocks
Slide 32 - Irritant alkali
Slide 33 - Marginal irritants
Slide 34 - Sources of Dermatitis
Slide 35 - Alkalies

Slide 36 - Solvent, poor work practice
Slide 37 - Solvent, nummular eczema
Slide 38 - Chrome hole, fingers
Slide 39 - Chrome hole, nasal
Slide 40 - Cutting fluids

Slide 41 - Cutting fluids, eczematous
Slide 42 - Allergy mechanisms
Slide 43 - Major chemical allergens
Slide 44 - Epoxy resins
Slide 45 - Other Resin System

Slide 46 - Polyester
Slide 47 - Chromium
Slide 48 - Chemical Accelerators in Rubber
Slide 49 - Poison ivy
Slide 50 - Airborne chrysanthemum

Slide 51 - Ultraviolet cured processes
Slide 52 - Photosensitivity
Slide 53 - Contact urticaria - Latex Rubber
Slide 54 - Contact urticaria - Raw Fish
Slide 55 - Tar and sunlight hyperpigmentation

Slide 56 - Stained hands in foundry worker
Slide 57 - Pitch warts
Slide 58 - Mechanical
Slide 59 - Callosities
Slide 60 - Fibrous glass

Slide 61 - Leather buffer
Slide 62 - Chipper
Slide 63 - Painful white fingers
Slide 64 - Physical
Slide 65 - Hot water burn

Slide 66 - Electrical burn
Slide 67 - Frostbite
Slide 68 - Immersion foot
Slide 69 - Radiodermatitis
Slide 70 - Squamous cell epithelioma

Slide 71 - Biological
Slide 72 - Anthrax
Slide 73 - Sporotrichosis
Slide 74 - Mycetoma
Slide 75 - T. Verrucosum

Slide 76 - Herpetic fingers
Slide 77 - Herpetic fingers
Slide 78 - Milker's nodule
Slide 79 - Orf
Slide 80 - Tick bite

Slide 81 - Tick bite reaction
Slide 82 - Nail disorder, traumatic
Slide 83 - Wet work, nails
Slide 84 - Kerion
Slide 85 - Traumatic alopecia

Slide 86 - Acroosteolysis, clinical
Slide 87 - Acroosteolysis, x-rays
Slide 88 - Drug interaction
Slide 89 - Degreasers' flush
Slide 90 - Predisposing factors

Slide 91 - Women in industry
Slide 92 - Acne prone
Slide 93 - Poor hygiene
Slide 94 - Copper smelter
Slide 95 - Axillary intertrigo

Slide 96 - Epoxy resin mixing, poor work practice
Slide 97 - Atopic
Slide 98 - Work History
Slide 99 - Diagnostic Studies
Slide 100 - Patch test

Slide 101 - Patch test, read
Slide 102 - Walk-through survey
Slide 103 - Prevention
Slide 104 - Closed systems
Slide 105 - Ventilation

Slide 106 - Hood
Slide 107 - Proportional pump dispenser
Slide 108 - Wash Basin
Slide 109 - Worker washing hands
Slide 110 - Protective gear

Slide 111 - Personal protective
Slide 112 - Barrier creams
Slide 113 - Credits

Supplemental Slides Added to Set on February 28, 2000
Occupational Dermatology Case Studies

(Contributed by Capt. James W. Steger, M.D., USN)

Slide 114 - NBC Warfare Agent on arm (Lewisite?)
Slide 115 - NBC Warfare Agent (Lewisite?) - skin close-up
Slide 116 - Irritant Contact Fiber Glass - hands and arms
Slide 117 - Irritant Contact Fiber Glass - hands
Slide 118 - Irritant Contact Fiber Glass - foot

(Contributed by Dirk M. Elston, MC, U.S.A)

Slide 119 - Rhus Dermatitis
Slide 120 - Positive Patch Test
Slide 121 - Chromate Dermatitis
Slide 122 - Phototoxic Reaction to Lime Juice
Slide 123 - Ethylene Oxide Dermatitis

Slide 124 - Phytophotodermatitis
Slide 125 - Allergic Plant Dermatitis
Slide 126 - Poison Ivy Leaf
Slide 127 - Allergic Shoe or Work Boot Dermatitis
Slide 128 - Work Boot Dermatitis on Ankles

Slide 129 - Shoe Dermatitis
Slide 130 - Clothing Dermatitis
Slide 131 - Elastic Dermatitis (allergy to bleached rubber)
Slide 132 - Contact Allergy to Computer Keyboard Wrist Rests
Slide 133 - Contact Urticaria Syndrome to Raw Fish
Slide 134 - Raw Fish Reaction
Slide 135 - Cashew Nut

New Occupational Dermatology Case Studies Slides Added to Set on April 17, 2001

(Contributed by Susan Nedorost, M.D., Lakewood, OH.)

Slide 136 - Dental Assistant (allergy to glutaraldehyde and neomycin)
Slide 137 - Optician - non-dominant hand dermatitis (allergy to ethyl acrylate)
Slide 138 - Hair stylist (allergy to hair dye and permanent wave solution)
Slide 139 - Hair stylist (patch test sites)

Continue with next 6 slides
Page last updated: April 17, 2001
Page last reviewed: April 17, 2001
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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