      United States
      Environmental Protection
                                  ross-Cutting Fundamental Strat
                                2013 Action Plan Annual Progress Re
                    Strategy 1: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism
  Engage and empower communities and partners, including those who have been historically under-represented, in
              order to support and advance environmental protection and human health nationwide.
                                         Executive Summary
In FY 2013, the Agency continued efforts to include a broader range of people and communities in our work and engage
with communities that have been historically under-represented in our decision-making processes. These actions
expanded access to information and provided communities and the public increased opportunities to understand and
engage with the Agency.  Most strides were made in the area of limited English proficiency and environmental
information.  However, some of the environmental education targets were not met.
    S  To support community and citizen involvement in environmental decision making, EPA published 74 data sets
       and nine applications from the Agency's national programs in Data.gov. Since FY 2011, EPA has published 296
       raw data sets and 44 applications in Data.gov.
    S  EPA's Region 2 has engaged extensively with the culturally and demographically diverse Brooklyn, New York
       neighborhoods that border the Gowanus Canal, a federal Superfund site considered one of the nation's most
       contaminated water bodies. During FY 2013, the region worked closely with a broad and diverse range of
       stakeholders and members of the 55-member Gowanus Community Advisory Group (CAG), established to
       increase community engagement on the planned cleanup. EPA provided technical assistance, coordinated
       monthly CAG meetings, held several public meetings on the proposed cleanup plan, provided opportunities for
       community input in English and Spanish, allowed for a lengthy public comment period, and ultimately received
       1400 public comments that were considered before the cleanup plan was finalized. In addition, the region uses
       its Gowanus Canal website, a Facebook group, regular Twitter feeds and community updates to continually
       expand the conversation about environmentalism in the Gowanus Canal community.

    S  Due to resource constraints, EPA did not complete some of the planned FY 2013 environmental education
       initiatives. Moving forward, EPA needs to partner with major environmental organizations to leverage resources
       for campus environmental education programs.
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism

                                     FY 2013 Performance Summary
                       Strategy 1: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism
             FY 2013 Action Plan Activity
                                                                       '  = Activity Complete
    Expand interactions with historically under-represented
    groups (Supports Principles 4, 5, 6, and 7).
   •   National Program Managers and Regions will
       implement their Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
       Review Plans and certify implementation to the
       Office of Civil Rights (OCR) by the end of FY 2013.
                                                        All National Program Managers and Regions certified and
                                                        implemented LEP Review Plans by the end of FY 2013.
   •   By the end of FY 2013, OCR will establish an Agency-
       wide Language Access Group to ensure the
       implementation of EPA's LEP Order 1000.32.
                                                        The Agency-wide Language Access Group was
                                                        established by the end of FY 2013.
   •   OCR will coordinate with the Office of External
       Affairs and Environmental Education (OEAEE) to
       revise EPA's Translation Protocol and finalize by the
       end of FY 2013.
                                                        The target date has been moved to the fourth quarter of
                                                        FY 2014.
2.   Improve environmental awareness and stewardship
    through implementation of the One EPA Environmental
    Education initiatives (Supports Principles 3 and 6).
   •   Launch the ecoAmbassadors program in 30
       historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs),
       minority-serving academic institutions (MSAIs),
       colleges for women, and faith-based colleges and
       universities during the September 2012 - May 2013
       academic year.
                                                        EPA did not pursue this activity this year due to resource
       Launch the ecoAmbassadors Environmental Science
       and Technology Engineering and Math (eSTEM)
       program with five national youth-serving
       organizations during the September 2012 - May
       2013 academic year.
                                                        EPA did not pursue this activity this year due to resource
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism

                                      FY 2013 Performance Summary
                       Strategy 1:  Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism
             FY 2013 Action Plan Activity
                  = Activity Complete
    •   Increase the integration of environmental education
       (EE) activities into Agency programs and expand the
       creation and distribution of educational resources
       for a range of target audiences.

       o   EPA National Program Managers (NPMs) and the
           Office of Environmental Education (OEE) (and
           Regions, as appropriate) will collaborate to
           complete development of educational resources
           or info-graphics for at least five of the most
           significant environmental and public health
           programmatic areas or regulatory actions by
           September 30, 2013. The Administrator's office
           will select issues with input from the NPMs and
           the intra-Agency EE workgroup.

       o   OEE and the Office of Public Engagement (OPE),
           in collaboration with the NPMs, will cultivate
           and establish two national and two
           regional/local partnerships to leverage both new
           and established distribution and  outreach
           channels during FY 2013 to expand the reach of
           EE resources.
EPA did not pursue this activity this year due to resource
    •   Integrate eSTEM EE activities into the work of the
       intra-Agency EE workgroup to enhance activities that
       encourage people to pursue environmental careers.

       o   OEE and the Office of Research and
           Development (ORD), the Office of the Science
           Advisor, and the Office of Diversity, Outreach,
           and Collaboration (ODOC) will develop an e-
           mentoring strategy during FY 2013 to expand the
           number of EPA staff members participating in
           mentoring activities. The strategy includes
           developing a monthly online webinar or other
           series highlighting EPA employees who serve as
           professional eSTEM role models.

       o   OEE, OPE, ODOC, and the Office of Regional
           Operations will collaborate to develop and
           conduct ten regional eSTEM roundtables with
           college and university students and faculty to
           discuss trends in environmental protection and
           environmental careers in FY 2013.
EPA did not pursue this activity this year due to resource
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism

                                      FY 2013 Performance Summary
                       Strategy 1: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism

             FY 2013 Action Plan Activity
                  = Activity Complete
    Improve access to and transparency of EPA's
    environmental data to support community and citizen
    involvement in decision making (Supports Principles 1,
    2, 3, 5, and 7).
    •   By the end of FY 2013, publish an additional 70 data
       sets and 10 applications from the EPA's national
       programs in Data.gov to improve access to the EPA's
       data in support of community and citizen
       involvement in environmental decision making. At
       the end of FY 2012, EPA had published 162 new data
       sets and 28 data tools.
In 2011, the Office of Environmental Information (OEI)
added 74 raw data sets and nine applications. Since
then, EPA has published 296 raw data sets and 44
4.   Expand public awareness and opportunities for
    involvement in advance of and throughout the
    development of rules and regulations through social
    media tools, including Regulations.gov, the rulemaking
    gateway, Greenversations, webinars, and other tools
    (Supports Principles 3, 4, 6 and 7).
       By the end of FY 2013, the Toxics Release Inventory
       (TRI) University Initiative will establish partnerships
       with at least 2 academic institutions to increase the
       awareness of TRI data in academic communities;
       expose students to TRI data, tools, and analyses; and
       generate innovative programs, activity
       recommendations, or research that improve the
       accessibility, awareness, understanding, and
       application of TRI data.
All selected projects have commenced. The eight
universities selected to participate in the TRI University
Challenge are working on their projects with the support
of OEI, as well as regional staff.
FY 2013 Annual Progress Report: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism
