       United States
       Environmental Protection
                                   ross-Cutting Fundamental Strat
                                  012 Action Plan Annual Progress Re
                strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
   Advance a rigorous basic and applied science research and development agenda that informs, enables, empowers
      and delivers innovative and sustainable solutions to environmental problems. Provide relevant and robust
               scientific data and findings to support the Agency's policy and decision-making needs.
                                           Executive Summary
Science is the backbone for EPA programs and decisions.  In FY 2012, EPA demonstrated key scientific and technical
achievements to support the environmental challenges our nation faces. As a key priority, the Agency is trying to
determine how to effectively integrate "sustainability" into our programs.

Accomplishment Highlights:
>^  2012 Technology Market Summit: The EPA and American University jointly sponsored the 2012 Technology Market
    Summit in May, bringing together government leaders, industry, academia, and private investment decision makers.
    The Summit set the stage for significant conversations on  how to accelerate the development and adoption of
    technologies to spur economic growth through environmental protection. Through a series of case studies centered
    on fence-line air quality monitoring, the automotive supply chain, and biodigesters and biogas, and through "market
    talks" from an investor perspective, meeting speakers and participants explored and discussed barriers and solutions
    related to technology, policy, and finance.
>^  Pursuing the Path Forward: EPA had a successful first year operating under the sustainability and trans-disciplinary
    focused research programs. In FY 2012, EPA adopted Research Action Plans for: (1) air, climate, and energy; (2) safe
    and sustainable water; (3) chemical safety and sustainability; and, (4) safe and healthy communities. Under the
    Path Forward, the Office of Research and Development (ORD) strives to:  (1) communicate widely and openly; (2)
    provide timely, responsive, and relevant solutions to meeting the high-priority programs EPA and the nation face; (3)
    rely on a variety of disciplines to address complex environmental problems; and, (4) catalyze sustainable innovation.
>^  Issued a Research Communication Strategy: EPA's new research communication strategy is designed to increase
    awareness of EPA's research among the public and the scientific community. The strategy will help EPA to
    communicate more effectively and consistently the research tools, models, and data that are fundamental to
    protecting human health and the environment.
>^  Catalyzing Technologies to Reduce Air Emissions: EPA's Region 9 provided $800,000 in funding for projects to help
    spur early-stage, innovative air emission reduction technologies that need further testing. One project tested heavy-
    duty battery electric "Class 8" trucks in environmental justice areas around the San Pedro Ports, providing 100%
    tailpipe emission reductions of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and greenhouse gases. Demonstration projects
    funded in the San Joaquin Valley included: (1) near-zero NOx emission control on a dairy digester, which captures
    and converts methane into on-site electricity; and, (2) the world's first fully autonomous, zero-emission, all-electric
    agricultural sprayer, which provided 100% emission reductions of all pollutants.

FY 2012 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

    Responding to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Report on "Sustainability and the USEPA:" The NAS
    recommends that EPA develop new strategies and approaches to achieve sustainable outcomes. Responding to
    some of the recommendations extends beyond EPA's current expertise. This, along with achieving a culture change
    across the Agency, is an important opportunity and challenge moving forward.
    New Framework for Conducting Competitions and Challenges: Challenges and competitions are rapidly gaining
    support across federal agencies as a way to promote innovation and collaboration and to accelerate problem
    solving. The America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 provided EPA with expanded authority to conduct
    challenges and award prizes. One difficulty EPA encountered in FY 2012 was the need to implement challenges
    while simultaneously developing and implementing the legal and  policy framework associated with the new law.
    Though a cross-Agency effort, EPA has developed a set of guidance and policy documents which will ensure that
    challenges are conducted in a more effective and efficient manner in the future (
FY 2012 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                      FY 2012 Performance Summary
                   Strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
             FY 2011 Action Plan Activity
                 = Activity Complete
1.   Plan and implement research programs to develop
    sustainable solutions to high priority environmental
    problems through close partnerships among the EPA's
    offices, partners, and external stakeholders (Supports
    Principles 1, 2 and 4).
       By September 2012, the Agency will approve four
       integrated trans-disciplinary Research Action Plans
       for programs on: (1) air, climate, and energy; (2) safe
       and sustainable water; (3) chemical safety and
       sustainability; and, (4) safe and healthy
       communities. These Research Action Plans will
       identify relevant, timely, and sustainable solutions to
       specific Agency problems, decision needs, and
       strategic goals.  They will be reviewed by an
       independent expert Federal Advisory Committee Act
       panel to ensure they clearly communicate research
       outcomes, outcomes from users of research, and
       mission-relevant impacts.
EPA adopted four integrated trans-disciplinary Research
Action Plans (RAPs) for programs on: (1) air, climate,
and energy; (2) safe and sustainable water; (3) chemical
safety and sustainability; and, (4) safe and healthy
communities. These RAPs were developed with
extensive feedback from program office and Regional
partners and help ensure that EPA's research is focused
on the Agency's highest priority needs.
    Address cross-cutting research needs identified by the
    EPA's offices, partners, and external stakeholders by:
    o  Providing preliminary results from an Agency-wide
       study of the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing
       on drinking water resources. (December 2012).
    o  Issuing competitive Requests for Applications (RFA)
       to establish research networks for life-cycle chemical
       safety and sustainable molecular design (September
       •   Developing tools and data to support the
           assessment of cumulative exposure, dose,
           effects and risks applicable for use in regulatory
           decision-making, including reports on:  (1) the
           potential use of biomarkers in rats and humans
           for mixtures exposure assessments (September
           2012); and, (2) the use of dose additivity to
           predict interactions among chemicals with
           common modes of action (September 2012).
These solicitations are nearly complete and will help
further the design of safe and sustainable chemicals.
Specifically, these awards will fund methods and tools
that evaluate the entire life cycle of chemicals.  Such
approaches will incorporate specific molecular functions
or properties (including recyclability) while reducing
waste production, toxicity, and water and energy usage.
EPA will also support research that demonstrates the
linkages between exposure and adverse effects
(including unique aspects of nanomaterials and novel
compounds) that can inform life-cycle impact analysis.
FY 2012 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                      FY 2012 Performance Summary
                  Strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
             FY 2011 Action Plan Activity
       Through a partnership between the EPA Regions and
       scientists, conduct a Regional pilot project focused
       on applying an innovative systems approach to the
       problem of nutrient impairment in Narragansett Bay
       and its watershed. Substantial investments have
       already been made to reduce nitrogen loadings in
       this watershed, and resolving the remaining
       environmental problems is a high Regional priority.
       The aim of this project is to develop practical,
       sustainable solutions through use of a decision
       support model that integrates environmental,
       economic, and social issues at a watershed scale
       (Status Report, September 2012).
                 = Activity Complete
The Narragansett Bay Sustainability Pilot project (NBSP)
is a partnership with EPA Region 1 and will be complete
by December.  This project is using sustainability
concepts to help Region 1 address nutrients issues in
Narragansett Bay.  EPA is producing an easy-to-use,
policy-level model that uses system dynamics
approaches. The prototype model is being demonstrated
to Region 1, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. It will be
presented to stakeholders in December. This NBSP
project is an example of applying sustainability concepts
to a real-life EPA problem.
       Demonstrate the use of "open innovation
       challenges" to fill the EPA priority science and
       technology gaps in the Agency's regulations, as
       identified by program and Regional offices. New
       open innovation challenges will be announced and
       entries will be reviewed and summarized in reports
       and on the EPA website throughout 2012.
This is an ongoing activity; much progress was made in
FY 2012, and work will continue in FY 2013. In 2012, EPA
launched six open innovation challenges to fill EPA
priority science and technology gaps. An EPA website is
under development that will review and summarize all
of the Agency's science and technology challenges.   EPA
has also developed a framework of guidelines and
policies for the implementation of open innovation
challenges at the Agency.
•   Review the recommendations in the National Academy
    of Sciences Report, "Sustainability and the USEPA," and
    make recommendations as to how the Agency will
    respond to these recommendations. This will include
    developing action plans and key performance
    indicator(s) for sustainability.
EPA organized over 80 listening sessions with key
stakeholder groups for reviewing NAS recommendations
and assessing the role of EPA in sustainability.  EPA's
Office of Policy subsequently developed a draft
Sustainability Implementation Plan with specific
recommendations (on internal management, scientific
and policy priorities, and performance measures and
metrics). The plan was submitted to the Administration
in September and final actions are pending.
Additionally, ORD has incorporated key NAS
recommendations into the Research Action Plans. For
example, ORD is adopting a systems approach to
environmental  issues and incorporating life-cycle
assessments into research programs.
2.  Support and promote innovative science and
   technologies that scrutinize environmental and human
   health impacts from the beginning to the end of the
   technology life cycle (Supports Principles 1,2, and 4).
FY 2012 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                      FY 2012 Performance Summary
                  Strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
             FY 2011 Action Plan Activity
                 = Activity Complete
•   By September 2012, conduct at least two innovative
    technology opportunity and market assessments for
    completed, pending, or prospective regulatory actions.
    Begin developing a framework for conducting future
    assessments as part of the EPA Action Development
    Process (ADP) and periodic regulatory action review
    process (as required by Executive Order 13563,
    Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review). Apply
    lessons learned from the two pilot assessments.
    o  Consistent with the Agency's commitments in
       response to the President's initiative to assess and
       reform regulations, National Program Managers will
       identify and highlight opportunities for incorporating
       "technology push" language in regulatory packages,
       especially for traditional "technology defined"
       regulations like Best Available Technology (BAT) or
       Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
       (June 2012).
EPA will meet its planned milestones for completing the
two market analysis studies by December 2012.

•  Flame retardants: EPA collected information from
   industry (chemical producers, compounders, product
   manufacturers), NGOs, and academia to discern
   what motivates business choices about which
   chemicals to produce and use. This study will inform
   EPA's strategic planning regarding flame retardant

•  Mountaintop mining: This study is a market analysis
   to determine which technologies from other sectors
   can address water quality challenges associated with
   mountaintop mining.
This activity is pending.
3.  Communicate the design, definition, conduct, transfer,
    and implementation of research and technological
    innovation so that it can be understood readily and
    used by stakeholders (Supports Principle 3).
FY 2012 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation

                                      FY 2012 Performance Summary
                  Strategy 3: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
             FY 2011 Action Plan Activity
                 = Activity Complete
    By September 2012, develop and implement strategies
    for communicating the design, definition, conduct,
    transfer, and implementation of research and
    technological innovation to important stakeholders.
    o  Develop strategy for communicating research and
       technology efforts and results including a timeline
       for outreach opportunities. This overall strategy will
       combine communication plans from national
       research programs and efforts implemented to
       promote opportunities for technology innovation
       (June 2012).
       Develop qualitative and quantitative metrics for
       evaluating the effectiveness of key strategies (e.g.,
       media relations and electronic and web tools) for
       communicating EPA research to target audiences
       (September 2012).
EPA completed its Research Communication Strategy,
which includes overarching messages, tools, audiences,
and strategies for communicating EPA's research. With
this strategy, EPA will more effectively and consistently
communicate the research that is fundamental to
protecting human health and the environment.
Communicating EPA's research will increase research
awareness among the public and the scientific
community.  It will also improve collaboration among
the Agency and federal/non-federal partners. It will
educate stakeholders about environmental science and
related issues.

EPA also developed qualitative metrics and is applying
quantitative metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of key
strategies for communicating research to target
FY 2012 Annual Progress Report: Advancing Science, Research, and Technological Innovation
