January 31, 2013

                                                      EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report

Table of Contents

A. Background	3
B. Activities and Internal Controls Undertaken by the EPA	3
C. Overall size and scope of conference spending throughout the year	5
D. "Conferences" above $100,000	5
  Peer Review Panel Meeting: Research and Demonstration of Innovative Water Treatment in Small
  Systems	5
  State/ EPA Bioconfirmation, Independent Applicability Workshop	6
  National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) Public Meeting	6
  All-Hazards Emergency Preparedness Training	7
  The On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) Readiness Training Program	7
  Peer Review Panel Meeting: Fall 2012 Greater Research Opportunities Fellowship for Environmental
  Study	8
  2012 Technology Market Summit	8
  US Hard Rock Mining, Advancing Solutions for a New Legacy	9
  National Sustainable Design Expo and P3 Awards Ceremony Held on the National Mall	9
  Clean Air Act Advisory Committee Meeting	10
  Budget Technical Workshop	10
  8th National Water Monitoring Conference	10
  Host National Air Quality Conference	11
  Security and Operations Summit	11
  Science Advisory Board and Board of Scientific Counselors: Discussion of Strategic Research Directions
  for the Office of Research and Development	12
  National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Public Meeting	12
  Bristol Bay Assessment Peer Review Meeting	13
  International Emission Inventory Conference	13
  Environmentally Friendly Vehicles Conference	14
  Clean Air Act Advisory Committee/Awards	14

                                                      EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report
A. Background

Building on the Administration's efforts to eliminate wasteful and inefficient spending, the Office
of Management and Budget issued Memorandum-12-12, "Promoting Efficient Spending to Support
Agency Operations," in May 2012, which established additional controls over conference
spending.l This memorandum included a requirement for reporting of conference expenses on each
agency's website starting January 31, 2013.

Per Memorandum-12-12, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will begin reporting on its
official website, on January 31, 2013 and each subsequent year, conference expenses in excess of
$100,000 from the previous fiscal year. In this report, the agency provides a description of all
conferences2 where the net expenses for the agency associated with the conference were in excess
of $100,000, including:

           •   the total conference expenses incurred by the agency for the conference;
           •   the location of the conference;
           •   the date of the  conference;
           •   a brief explanation how the conference advanced the mission of the agency; and
           •   the total number of individuals whose travel expenses or other conference expenses
              were paid by the agency.

In addition, this report includes information about the net conference expenses for the fiscal year
incurred by the EPA as well as a general report about conference activities throughout the year.
Accordingly, this report includes information on the activities agencies have taken to reduce
conference spending and the controls agencies have enacted to ensure conferences are reviewed and
approved at an appropriate level.  It also includes agency-wide information about the size and scope
of conference spending throughout the year.
B. Activities and Internal Controls Undertaken by the EPA

    1.  The EPA requires Assistant Administrator or Regional Administrator approval of all
       conference-related activities above $25,000. The approval must be completed prior to
       obligating any funds for a conference-related activity above $25,000.
1 "Conference expenses" are defined in OMB M-12-12 as "all direct and indirect conference costs paid by the
Government, whether paid directly by agencies or reimbursed by agencies to travelers or others associated with the
conference, but do not include funds paid under Federal grants to grantees. Conference expenses include any associated
authorized travel and per diem expenses, hire of rooms for official business, audiovisual use, light refreshments,
registration fees, ground transportation, and other expenses as defined by the Federal Travel Regulations. All outlays for
conference preparation and planning should be included, but the Federal employee time for conference preparation
should not be included. Conference expenses should be net of any fees or revenue received by the agency through the
conference and should not include costs to ensure the safety of attending governmental officials."

2 The EPA uses the same definition provided in OMB M-12-12: a "conference" is defined as "[a] meeting, retreat,
seminar, symposium or event that involves attendee travel. The term 'conference' also applies to training activities that
are considered to be conferences under 5 CFR 410.404."

                                                EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report
2.  The EPA's Office of Acquisition Management conducted a biennial purchase card review to
   ensure that EPA organizations were in compliance with all conference-related policies and
   procedures. The biennial and supplemental purchase card review conducted by OAM during
   the first quarter of FY 2012 revealed that the EPA headquarter offices and regions have the
   appropriate policies, training,  oversight and internal control mechanisms in place to ensure
   compliance with OMB policies, OAM purchase card transaction reviews and the biennial
   purchase card reviews.

3.  The EPA's Office of the Chief Financial Officer has made a review of conference-related
   activities part of the annual A-123 review. The FY 2012 review did not uncover any non-
   compliance with the newly implemented approval processes.

4.  The EPA is maximizing use of government space. All EPA organizations are required to
   attest that no adequate federal space was available prior to obligating federal funds for non-
   federal space for conference-related activities.

5.  The EPA is minimizing travel expenses. The agency reduced travel 42 percent from FY
   2010 to FY 2012 through technology such as video-conferencing, webinars,
   teleconferencing, and other collaboration tools that enable a mobile workforce. The use of
   collaboration tools reduces the amount of in-person conferences. Additionally, in order to
   gain greater control over travel expenses, the EPA cut off "self-authorization" for travel and
   instituted procedures for travel justification that required multi-level authorization.

                                EPA Travel Dollars
                                  FY 2010 - FY 2012


        £ 40

        | 30


                      FY 2010
FY 2011
FY 2012

                                                   EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report
C. Overall size and scope of conference spending throughout the year

During FY 2012, the EPA spent $3,656,948 for 20 conferences (as defined in footnote 2) above
$100,000. Attendance at the 20 conferences was estimated at 10,000 - 20,000, which includes
visitors attending EPA's Earth Day activities as well as representatives from industry, academia,
and the non-governmental organizations attending several federally mandated workgroups.
Conferences remain a vital means of sharing critical information on the environment. Conferences
in which EPA employees traveled to the event were generally for training such as conducting
emergency preparedness training for environmental hazards.

The EPA uses the following definitions when reporting conference-related events:

   •  Date: the beginning and end date of the event. This typically does not include planning and
       close-out phases.
   •  Location: the city and state in which the event was held.
   •   Conference expenses:  net expenses to the agency, as defined in OMB M-12-12 and
       footnote 1 of this report (page 3), which include all direct and indirect conference costs paid
      by EPA not including funds paid under EPA grants to grantees. The EPA includes
       interagency agreements in this total when it is the lead agency.
   •   Total attendees: the total number of people attending the event. This includes both federal
       and non-federal attendees, regardless of travel status.
   •  Individuals traveling on agency funds: if EPA conference expenses included funds for
      travel to the conference, the total number of individuals traveling on agency funds. This
       includes both EPA employees on official duty travel and non-employees such as contractors
       or those on invitational travel.
   •  How the conference advances the agency mission: a brief description of the purpose of the

The EPA did not hold any conferences that individually exceeded $500,000 in FY 2012. Below is a
complete listing of individual conference-related activities above $100,000.
D. "Conferences" above $100,000

Peer Review Panel Meeting: Research and Demonstration of Innovative Water Treatment in
Small Systems
   •   Date:                                   10/3/2011-10/4/2011
   •   Location:                                Arlington, VA
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $126,447.90
   •   Total Attendees:                         30
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     27 (27 non-EPA travelers)

                                                   EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report
       How the conference advances the agency mission: EPA's peer review process helps the
       agency carry out its mission by engaging with leading scientists and engineers outside of
       EPA. The peer review meeting on innovative water treatment in small systems enabled
       scientist and stakeholders to effectively participate in assessing EPA research products and
       led to evaluations of drinking water applications for small grants. As a result of the peer
       review evaluations, eleven grants awarded. More information is available here:
       ds_per_page/ALL. Authorizing statutes include the Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 1442,
       42 U.S.C. 300J-1 and the Clean Water Act, Section 104, 33 U.S.C. 1254 available at
       http://www.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2011/2011 star drinkingwater.html#Authorities  Regulations.
State/ EPA Bioconfirmation, Independent Applicability Workshop

   •   Date:                                   10/5/2011-10/6/2011
   •   Location:                                Crystal City, VA
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $103,632
   •   Total Attendees:                         40
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     20 (18 non-EPA travelers)
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission/key outcomes: The Clean Water Act
       establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the
       United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters. To help meet the Clean
       Water Act's mission, EPA partners with states to make progress in accelerating the
       reduction of pollution in our nation's waters by adopting numeric nutrient criteria. The
       Independent Applicability Workshop helped EPA work with states to further define policy
       on using biological indicators as part of clean water criteria.

National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NE JAC) Public Meeting

   •   Date:                                    10/25/2011-10/26/2011
   •   Location:                                Albuquerque, NM
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $206,507
   •   Total Attendees:                         247
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     64 (17 non-EPA travelers)
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: The National Environmental Justice
       Advisory Council (NEJAC) is a federal advisory committee to EPA. The Federal Advisory
       Committee Act was passed by Congress to allow government agencies to receive advice or
       recommendations from a broad range of external stakeholders in a manner that is open to the
       public. The fall 2011 NEJAC meeting led to the Council's commitment to work with EPA to

                                                   EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report
       draft a charge on best practices for toxic chemical handling and storage related to storm
       surge issues and the Chemical Security Act.
All-Hazards Emergency Preparedness Training

   •   Date:                                    10/30/2011-11/2/2011
   •   Location:                                Pittsburgh, PA
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $ 121,3 74
   •   Total Attendees:                         525
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     13
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: To ensure the United States is better
       prepared for environmental emergencies, EPA works with other federal partners to prevent
       accidents as well as to maintain superior response capabilities. The emergency preparedness
       training event promoted emergency preparedness for "all-hazards" through training and
       helped agency staff maintain effective working relationships with state and local responders
       and local emergency planning committees.
The On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) Readiness Training Program

    •   Date:                                   2/6/2012-2/10/2012
    •   Location:                                Henderson, NV
    •   Conference Expenses:                    $399,926.24
    •   Total Attendees:                         331
    •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     226
    •   How the conference advances the agency mission: EPA On-Scene Coordinators (OSC) are
       responsible for monitoring or directing responses to oil spills and hazardous substance
       releases reported to the federal government. The OSC coordinates federal efforts. The OSC
       Readiness Training Event is an annual training program for hazardous waste professionals
       and emergency responders on state-of-the-art technical approaches and policy developments
       on site characterization, cleanup approaches and new policy developments. The training was
       held in Henderson, Nevada in February 2012 to avoid construction and hurricane seasons,
       when OSCs are needed in the field, and to provide the necessary outdoor venue for critical
       training curriculum.

                                                   EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report

Peer Review Panel Meeting: Fall 2012 Greater Research Opportunities Fellowship for
Environmental Study

   •   Date:                                   3/13/2012-3/15/2012
   •   Location:                                Arlington, VA
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $139,044
   •   Total Attendees:                         33
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     29 (29 non-EPA travelers)
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: EPA's peer review process helps the
       agency carry out its mission by engaging with leading scientists and engineers outside of
       EPA. This event was a peer review meeting which evaluated the fellowship applications that
       the EPA received. Peer review is a critical tool used by the EPA to ensure high quality
       science and technology is released and/or used by the Agency. Scientific peer reviews
       enable scientists and stakeholders alike to effectively participate in assessing fellowship
       applications. Thirty nine fellowships were awarded and accepted as a result of this meeting's
       evaluations.  To see a list of awardees, visit:
       http://www.epa.gov/ncer/fellow/recipients/gro_undergrad_fellowl2.html. The authority for
       the GRO fellowship awards is contained in one or more of the following: Clean Air Act
       (CAA), Section  103, 42 U.S.C. 7403; Clean Water Act (CWA), Section 104, 33 U.S.C.
       1254; the Safe Drinking Water Act (SOWA), Section 1442, 42 U.S.C. 300J-1; the Federal
       Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA),  Section 20, 7 U.S.C.  136r; the Solid
       Waste Disposal Act (SWDA), Section 8001, 42 U.S.C. 6981; and the Toxic Substances
       Control Act (TSCA), Section 10, 15 U.S.C. 2609. For fellowships with an international
       aspect, the above statutes are supplemented, as appropriate, by the National Environmental
       Policy Act (NEPA), Section 102(2)(F). For more information on GRO's authorizing
       statutes, please see
       http://www.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2013/2013 gro undergrad.html#Authorities Regulations.
2012 Technology Market Summit

   •   Date:                                   4/3/2012
   •   Location:                                Washington, D.C.
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $132,143
   •   Total Attendees:                         200
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     1 (1 non-EPA traveler)
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: EPA, in partnership with American
       University, hosted the Technology Market Summit to focus attention on accelerating
       technology innovation and deployment to produce a more sustainable environment, create
       jobs, and grow the economy. The Summit brought together approximately 200 senior
       leaders from government, academia, industry and the investment community for dialogue in

                                                  EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report

       this area to advance EPA's mission of environmental and human health protection. The
       Summit was convened under EPA's authority to engage in research and development that
       can spur commercialization of environmental technologies, including the Federal Tech
       Transfer Act (FTTA), America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, 15 U.S.C. §
       4728, 22 U.S.C. § 7905, and Executive Order 12870 (September 30, 1993).

US Hard Rock Mining, Advancing Solutions for a New Legacy

   •   Date:                                   4/3/2012 - 4/5/2012

   •   Location:                               Denver, CO

   •   Conference Expenses:                   $106,275

   •   Total Attendees:                         420

   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     8

   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: To carry out its mission to protect
       human health and the environment, the EPA relies on high quality science and technology.
       The Office of Research and Development, the scientific research arm of EPA, provides
       leading-edge research to carry out this mission effectively. The conference on hard rock
       mining  provided participants with an opportunity to examine and discuss current and future
       environmental issues while providing a forum for the exchange of scientific information.
       The event included 420 participants from academia, private sector, non-profit,  and other
       public sector entities. Authorizing statutes include the Comprehensive Environmental
       Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Superfund Amendments and
       Reauthorization Act (Abandoned Mine Lands Program).
National Sustainable Design Expo and P3 Awards Ceremony Held on the National Mall

   •  Date:                                   4/21/2012
   •  Location:                               Washington, D.C.
   •  Conference Expenses:                   $446,893
   •  Total Attendees:                         Approximately 5,000 (public expo)
   •  Individuals traveling on agency funds:     10 (10 non-EPA travelers)
   •  How the conference advances the agency mission: EPA's People, Prosperity & the Planet
      (P3) program is designed to develop the next generation of environmental scientists and
      engineers. At the 2012 Expo, attended by more than 5,000 individuals, 45 teams of more
      than 600 college engineers and scientists showcased their work on designing real-world
      solutions to environmental and public health problems. In addition to the competitors, the
      Expo highlighted the work of the business community, government agencies and the non-
      profit community. The annual Expo promotes the agency's mission of developing a world-
      class science base in the United States for environmental and public health issues and is
      sponsored by the agency's Office of Research and Development.

                                                  EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report
Clean Air Act Advisory Committee Meeting

   •  Date:                                   4/24/2012 - 4/25/2012

   •  Location:                               Washington, D.C.

   •  Conference Expenses:                   $108,996

   •  Total Attendees:                         70

   •  Individuals traveling on agency funds:     18 (12 non-EPA travelers)

   •  How the conference advances the agency mission: The Clean Air Act Advisory Committee
      is a senior-level policy committee established to advise the EPA on issues related to
      implementing the Clean Air Act Amendments. The CAAAC meets three times a year. It
      provides advice and counsel to the EPA on a variety of important air quality policy issues.
      Major topics of discussion for the April meeting of the CAAAC included the Energy Star
      Program, Title V Permits, and a progress report from the  Permit Streamlining Workgroup

Budget Technical Workshop

   •  Date:                                   4/24/2012-4/26/2012
   •  Location:                               Chicago, IL
   •  Conference Expenses:                   $104,440
   •  Total Attendees:                         96
   •  Individuals traveling on agency funds:     96
   •  How the conference advances the agency mission: EPA's annual Budget Technical
      Workshop is designed to provide training opportunities for employees performing
      administrative or management functions for budget resources. A combination of hands-on
      computer training, presentations and plenary discussions  and training sessions ensured that
      agency and federal-wide appropriations laws are known, understood, and implemented.  In
      addition, this forum provided an opportunity to explore challenges and share best practices.

8th National Water Monitoring Conference

   •  Date:                                   4/29/2012-5/3/2012
   •  Location:                               Portland, OR
   •  Conference Expenses:                   $216,626
   •  Total Attendees:                         550

                                                   EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report

       Individuals traveling on agency funds:     123
       How the conference advances the agency mission: Water quality monitoring is a key
       component of the EPA's mission under the Clean Water Act. This conference provided a
       national, biannual forum for state, federal, local, academic, and watershed-based monitoring
       managers and practitioners to exchange information on new findings, methods, innovations,
       and issues related to water quality monitoring. The EPA is a co-chair of the National Water
       Quality Monitoring Council, which organized the event.
Host National Air Quality Conference
   •   Date:                                   5/14/2012-5/17/2012
   •   Location:                               Denver, CO
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $169,608
   •   Total Attendees:                         509
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     67
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: The National Air Quality Conference
       brings together federal, state, local, tribal, international, and academic air quality
       professionals and provides them a forum for discussing the implementation of monitoring
       changes to the monitoring networks as a result of the revisions to the National Ambient Air
       Quality Standards and ambient air monitoring regulations. It also provides a forum for data
       users to discuss and share  information learned as a result of the data analysis.
Security and Operations Summit
   •   Date:                                   5/15/2012-5/17/2012
   •   Location:                               Research Triangle Park, NC
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $104,447
   •   Total Attendees:                         111
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     76
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: EPA's Office of Environmental
       Information helps to ensure that the agency has a secure information technology
       infrastructure while providing information that to the public that communicates the agency's
       mission. Participants in the Security and Operations Summit completed a rigorous training
       course, which included lectures on hacking methodology overview, malware analysis, and
       scanning. These trainings provided participants with the insight to handle the significant
       security responsibilities that  are required to fulfill the agency's mission of protecting human
       health and the environment through the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of IT

                                                 EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report
Science Advisory Board and Board of Scientific Counselors: Discussion of Strategic Research
Directions for the Office of Research and Development

   •   Date:                                   7/10/2012-7/11/2012
   •   Location:                               Raleigh, NC
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $132,625
   •   Total Attendees:                         192
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     100 (51 of the 100 travelers serve on the SAB
                                              and the BOSC)
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: The EPA Science Advisory Board was
       established by Congress in 1978 to advise the agency on technical matters. The EPA Board
       of Scientific Counselors, established as federal advisory committee in 1996, provides
       advice, information, and recommendations to the EPA's ORD on technical and management
       issues  of its research programs. The July 2012 meeting was a joint meeting of the two bodies
       to discuss and provide advice on the ORD's plans to implement its strategic research
       directions in six major program areas and resulted in a report with recommendations for
       EPA research programs. The report can be found at http://epa.gov/osp/bosc/reports.htm. The
       SAB was formed through the Environmental Research, Development and Demonstration
       Authorization Act.
National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Public Meeting

   •   Date:                                  7/24/2012 - 7/25/2012
   •  Location:                               Arlington, VA
   •  Conference Expenses:                    $139,247
   •  Total Attendees:                         364
   •  Individuals traveling on agency fund      42 (26 non-EPA travelers)
   •  How the conference advances the agency mission: The National Environmental Justice
      Advisory Council (NEJAC) is a federal advisory committee to EPA. The Federal Advisory
      Committee Act was passed by Congress to allow government agencies to receive advice or
      recommendations from a broad range of external stakeholders in a manner that is open to the
      public. The summer 2012 NEJAC public meeting focused on the implementation of EPA's
      Plan EJ 2014, and led to key outcomes, including the NEJAC's commitment to update the
      "Model Plan for Public Participation" and to develop a recommendation on the "Community
      Resiliency in Industrial Waterfront Areas" report.

                                                   EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report

Bristol Bay Assessment Peer Review Meeting

   •  Date:                                    8/7/2012-8/9/2012
   •  Location:                                Anchorage, AK
   •  Conference Expenses:                    $169,381
   •  Total Attendees:                         approximately 220
   •  Individuals traveling on agency funds:     16
   •  How the conference advances the agency mission: The Bristol Bay Assessment Peer
      Review Meeting was held to provide members of the public, especially people from the
      involved community, the opportunity to observe and provide oral comment to the external
      peer reviewers for the draft Bristol Bay Assessment. Public participation in the external peer
      review process of highly influential science products is encouraged by OMB and agency
      peer review guidance. Public and peer review is a critical tool used by the EPA to ensure
      that research and assessment reports are based upon the best available science and that all
      conclusions are fully supported by that science. The peer review meeting in August 2012
      was a critical component of the overall peer review of the Bristol Bay Assessment and was
      held in August 2012 to avoid the hunting and fishing seasons so that Alaskan native tribes
      were available to participate, as well as provide the necessary 60 day public comment
      period. Clean Water Act Sections 104(a) and (b) provide EPA the authority to conduct the
      Bristol Bay Assessment.
International Emission Inventory Conference

   •   Date:                                   8/13/2012-8/16/2012
   •   Location:                                Tampa, FL
   •   Conference Expenses:                    $114,237
   •   Total Attendees:                         200
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:     35
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: EPA's International Emission Inventory
       Conference was held by the agency's Office of Air and Radiation and was designed to
       facilitate dialogue between the agency and its stakeholders regarding the latest developments
       in emissions reporting requirements and associated implementation approaches. It directly
       supports reporting and data use goals for Measure Elof the National Ambient Air Quality
       Standards, which are in direct support of the mission of the EPA, including the Office of
       Air's Office of Air Quality Planning Standards.

                                                  EPA Fiscal Year 2012 Conference Spending Report

Environmentally Friendly Vehicles Conference

   •   Date:                                   9/10/2012-9/12/2012
   •   Location:                               Baltimore, MD
   •   Conference Expenses:                   $213,515
                                              $126,142 in EPA funds;
                                              $87,373 from the Department of Energy
   •   Total Attendees:                         300
   •   Individuals traveling on agency funds:    16
   •   How the conference advances the agency mission: The fifth summit of the International
       Environmentally Friendly Vehicle Conference was a showcase of progress and innovation in
       transportation. The conference brought together industry leaders and representatives from
       around the world to share the latest innovations and experience on how to shape the market
       for clean and fuel efficient vehicles. Associated with the United Nations, the results of the
       conference will be used to continue an international dialogue on harmonization of global
       standards for and promotion of advanced vehicle technologies.
Clean Air Act Advisory Committee/Awards

   •  Date:                                   9/19/2012-9/20/2012
   •  Location:                               Arlington, VA
   •  Conference Expenses:                   $108,996
   •  Total Attendees:                         100
   •  Individuals traveling on agency funds:    16 (10 non-EPA travelers)
   •  How the conference advances the agency mission: The Clean Air Act Advisory Committee
      is a senior-level policy committee established to advise EPA on issues related to
      implementing the Clean Air Act Amendments. The CAAAC meets three times a year. It
      provides advice and counsel to EPA on a variety of important air quality policy issues. The
      September meeting focused on air quality issues including EPA permitting requirements.
