U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
                               Table of Contents
      EPA's Mission	1
      Annual Performance Plan and Congressional Justification	1
      Homeland Security	1
      Human Capital	1
      Workforce	2
      Appropriation Summary	3
            Budget Authority	3
            Full-time Equivalents	4
      Goal, Appropriation Summary	5
            Budget Authority / Obligations	5
      Clean Air and Global Climate Change	7
      Clean and Safe Water	12
      Land Preservation and Retoration	16
      Healthy Communities and Ecosystems	22
      Compliance and Environmental Stewardship	32
      Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART) Improvement Plans -
             Spring Update Report	39
      Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART) Supplmenntal Information	62
      Annual Performance Goals and Measures - Environmental Programs	70
            Clean Air and Global Climate Change	70
            Clean and Safe Water	82
            Land Preservation and Restoration	90
            Healthy Communities and Ecosystems	98
            Compliance and Environmental Stewardship	123
      Annual Performance Goals and Measures - Enabling Support Programs	131
            Office of Administration and Resources Management	131
            Office of Environmental Information	133
            Office of the Inspector General	135
      Coordination with Other Federal Agencies -Environmental Programs	137
            Clean Air and Global Climate Change	137
            Clean and Safe Water	142
            Land Preservation and Restoration	146
            Healthy Communities and Ecosystems	151
            Compliance and Environmental Stewardship	160
      Coordination with Other Federal Agencies- Enabling Support Programs	167
            Office of the Administrator (OA)	167
            Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)	168
            Office of Administration and Resources Management (OARM)	168

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
                               Table of Contents
             Office of Environmental Information (OEI)	169
             Office of the Inspector General (OIG)	171
      Major Management Challenges	172
      EPA User Fee Program	198
      Working Capital Fund	200
      Acronyms for Statutory Authorities	201
      STAG Categorical Program Grants - Statutory Authority and Eligible Uses	206
      Program Projects by Appropriation	216
      Program Projects by Program Area	233
      Discontinued Programs	247
             Categorical  Grant: Targeted Watersheds	248
             Categorical  Grant: Wastewater Operator Training	249
             Categorical  Grant: Water Quality Cooperative Agreements	250
      Expected Benefits	251

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                    FY 2009 Annual Plan
                         Introduction and Overview
             EPA's Mission

The    mission   of   the   Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) is to protect and
safeguard   human    health    and   the
environment.   This  budget supports the
Administration's      commitment      to
environmental results as we work to increase
the pace of improvement and identify new
and better ways to carry out our mission.  It
also   emphasizes  the   need   for   sound
management of our  federal  resources, as
delineated in the President's Management

      Annual Performance Plan and
       Congressional Justification

The EPA's  Fiscal Year (FY) 2009  Annual
Performance  Plan   and  Congressional
Justification  requests   $7.1   billion  in
discretionary budget  authority and 17,217.0
Full Time Equivalents (FTE).  This request
reflects the Agency's efforts to work with its
partners towards protecting air,  water, and
land, as well as providing for EPA's role in
safeguarding the  nation from  terrorist
attacks.      This   request   echoes  the
Administration's  commitment   to   setting
high  environmental   protection  standards,
while focusing on results and performance,
and   achieving  goals   outlined   in  the
President's Management Agenda.

The budget  builds on EPA's long record of
accomplishments since its founding 37 years
ago.  The agency and nation as a whole has
achieved enormous successes.  This budget
builds  on these successes by strengthening
our geographic initiatives, better leveraging
our nation's resources, strengthening citizen
involvement, maintaining our  enforcement
capabilities,    and    implementing   the
President's   commitment   to   efficiently
manage Federal resources.

Homeland Security

Following the cleanup and decontamination
efforts of 2001, the Agency  has focused on
ensuring  we  have the tools and protocols
needed to detect and recover quickly from
deliberate incidents.  The emphasis for FY
2009   is  on  several  areas:   biodefense
research,  decontaminating   threat  agents,
protecting our water and food supplies, and
ensuring  trained  personnel  and  key lab
capacities are in place to be drawn upon in
the event of  multiple incidents of national
significance.  Part of these FY 2009  efforts
will   continue  to   include  activities  that
support the Water Security  Initiative (WSI)
and assist in improving response capabilities
through  specialized  Weapons   of   Mass
Destruction (WMD) training, state-of-the-art
field   and   analytical   equipment,   and
increased technical knowledge relating to
chemical,  biological,   and  radiological

Human Capital

EPA  will continue  to  develop  workforce
planning strategies that link current and
future Human Capital  needs  to mission
accomplishment  which  will   result  in
significant  reductions  in skills  gaps for
Mission  Critical Occupations.  In  addition,
EPA's recruitment  strategy  will  focus  on
hiring needs  that will encourage the  use of
hiring flexibilities, build on  centralized and
local  recruitment approaches, and focus on
attracting  applicants who   are   talented,
diverse and committed to EPA's mission. In
part,  EPA also  will  continue  to  target
developmental resources to retain a highly-

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                    FY 2009 Annual Plan
skilled and results-oriented workforce  with
the  right  mix  of  technical   expertise,
professional  experience   and  leadership
capabilities.    A  sound,  sustained  and
strategic  approach toward HC will assure
EPA  and  its   workforce  has  sustained
mission success.


EPA values its world class workforce and its
expertise enables  us to  meet our urgent
responsibilities  across  a  broad  range of
national and local environmental issues. In
FY 2009,  we  are  making  adjustments to
EPA's workforce management strategy that
will  help us  better align  resources, skills,
and Agency priorities.  A key step  in this
adjustment  is  improving  the   alignment
between  the  total  number  of positions
authorized  and actual FTE utilization.  As
such,  in FY 2009  EPA proposed to  reduce
its  Agency  authorized  FTE  ceiling  by
approximately 89.5 positions (below the FY
2008  Enacted  FTE  Ceiling)  to 17,217.0,
which is  consistent with  the  Agency's
historical FTE  levels.   The result of these
reductions will not impede Agency efforts to
maximize  efficiency  and  effectiveness  in
carrying out its programs and will not result
in an  overall change  in the number of FTEs
at EPA.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Resource Summary Tables
Budget Authority
(Dollars in Thousands)

Science & Technology
Environmental Program &
Inspector General
Building and Facilities
Oil Spill Response
Superfund Program
IG Transfer
S&T Transfer
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Leaking Underground Storage
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Rescission of Prior Year Funds
Rescission of Prior Year Funds
FY 2007

FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                   FY 2009 Annual Plan
Full-time Equivalents (FTE)

Science & Technology
Science and Tech. - Reim
Environmental Program &
Envir. Program & Mgmt - Reim
Inspector General
Oil Spill Response
Oil Spill Response - Reim
Superfund Program
IG Transfer
S&T Transfer
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Superfund Reimbursables
Leaking Underground Storage
FEMA - Reim
Rereg. & Exped. Proc. Rev Fund
Pesticide Registration Fund
FY 2007
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
  Rescission of Prior Year Funds

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Goal and Objective Overview
Budget Authority
(Dollars in Thousands)
Clean Air and Global Climate
Environmental Program &
Science & Technology
Building and Facilities
State and Tribal Assistance
Inspector General
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Clean and Safe Water
Environmental Program &
Science & Technology
Building and Facilities
State and Tribal Assistance
Inspector General
Land Preservation and Restoration
Environmental Program &
Science & Technology
Building and Facilities
State and Tribal Assistance
Leaking Underground Storage
Oil Spill Response
Inspector General
Hazardous Substance Superfund
FY 2007
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                        FY 2007
                  FY 2008
                 Pres Bud
                FY 2008
                                FY 2009
                               Pres Bud
    Healthy Communities and
      Environmental Program &
      Science & Technology
      Building and Facilities
      State and Tribal Assistance
      Inspector General
$1,288,596.5     $1,174,061.5     $1,227,362.5     $1,191,003.6
    Compliance and Environmental
      Environmental Program &
      Science & Technology
      Building and Facilities
      State and Tribal Assistance
      Inspector General
      Hazardous Substance Superfund

      Hazardous Substance Superfund     $12 707 5




    Rescission of Prior Year Funds
$7,911,371.9     $7,204,400.0     $7,477,324.0    $7,152,520.0

$7,911,371.9     $7,204,400.0     $7,477,324.0    $7,152,520.0

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
              FY 2009 Annual Plan
   Protect and improve the air so it is healthy to breath and risks to human health and the
   environment are reduced. Reduce greenhouse gas intensity by enhancing partnerships with
   businesses and other sectors.
    •   Through   2011,   working   with
        partners, protect  human  health and
        the  environment by  attaining and
        maintaining health-based air-quality
        standards and reducing the risk from
        toxic air pollutants.
    •   Through   2012,   working   with
        partners, reduce human health risks
        by reducing  exposure  to indoor air
        contaminants through the promotion
        of voluntary actions by the public.
    •   By 2030, through worldwide action,
        ozone   concentrations   in   the
        stratosphere  will   have  stopped
        declining  and   slowly begun the
        process    of     recovery,     and
        overexposure to ultraviolet radiation,
        particularly   among    susceptible
        subpopulations,   such  as children,
        will be reduced.
Through    2011,    working   with
partners,    minimize   unnecessary
releases of radiation and be prepared
to minimize impacts to human health
and    the    environment   should
unwanted releases occur.
By 2012, 160 million metric tons of
carbon  equivalent  (MMTCE)  of
emissions  will  be reduced through
EPA's voluntary  climate protection
Through    2012,   provide   sound
science to support EPA's  goal  of
clean air by conducting leading-edge
research  and  developing a  better
understanding  and  characterization
of human  health and environmental
                           GOAL, OBJECTIVE SUMMARY
                                     Budget Authority
                                    Full-time Equivalents
                                   (Dollars in Thousands)

Clean Air and Global Climate
Healthier Outdoor Air
Healthier Indoor Air
Protect the Ozone Layer
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Intensity
FY 2007
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2009 Pres
FY 2008

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan

Enhance Science and Research
Total Authorized Workyears

FY 2007

FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2009 Pres
FY 2008
 EPA implements the Clean Air and Global
 Climate Change goal through national  and
 regional  programs  designed  to  provide
 healthier outdoor and  indoor  air for  all
 Americans, protect the  stratospheric ozone
 layer,  minimize  the  risks  from  radiation
 releases,  reduce  greenhouse gas  intensity,
 and enhance  science  and research.  These
 programs   are   all  founded  on  several
 common  principles:   using   health   and
 environmental   risks  to   set  priorities,
 streamlining  programs  through  regulatory
 reforms;      encouraging     market-based
 approaches; facilitating deployment of cost-
 effective technologies;   promoting  energy
 efficiency and  clean  energy supply;  using
 sound science, and maintaining partnerships
 with states, Tribes, local  governments, non-
 governmental organizations, and industry.

 EPA's key clean air programs - including
 those  addressing particulate  matter, ozone,
 acid rain, air toxics, indoor air, radiation  and
 stratospheric  ozone  depletion  - focus  on
 some    of   the   highest   health    and
 environmental risks faced  by the Agency.
 These  programs  have  achieved  results.
 Every year, state and Federal air pollution
 programs established  under  the  Clean  Air
 Act prevent tens of thousands of premature
 mortalities, millions of incidences of chronic
 and  acute  illness,  tens of thousands  of
 hospitalizations and emergency room visits,
 and millions of lost work  days.

 Clean Air Rules

 The Clean Air Rules are a major component
 of EPA work under Goal  1, and include a
suite  of  actions  that  will   dramatically
improve America's air quality.  Three of the
rules  specifically address  the  transport of
pollution across state borders (the Clean Air
Interstate Rule, the Clean Air Mercury Rule
and the Clean Air Nonroad Diesel  Rule).
These rules provide national tools to achieve
significant improvement in air quality and
the associated benefits of improved health,
longevity   and  quality   of  life  for  all
Americans.  In FY 2009, EPA will continue
to work with  the  states  and industry to
implement these rules.

In addition to the  Clean Air Rules, EPA will
address emission reductions through the
Diesel Emissions  Reduction Grants program
authorized in sections 791-797 of the Energy
Policy Act  of 2005.   This program will
provide immediate emission reductions from
existing  diesel  engines  through   engine
retrofits,   rebuilds    and   replacements,
switching to cleaner fuels, idling reduction
strategies  and other clean diesel strategies
that  can  reduce  particulate  matter   (PM)
emissions up to 95  percent, smog-forming
emissions,   such   as   hydrocarbons   and
nitrogen  oxide,  up  to  90  percent  and
greenhouse gases up to 20 percent.   In FY
2009, EPA  will issue and manage various
categories  of Diesel  Emission  Reduction
grants,  including  grants  to  target  diesel
emissions in ports.


The Administration has  a  diverse portfolio
of policy  measures - including mandatory,
incentive-based, and voluntary programs -

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
 to meet the President's goal to  reduce  the
 greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of the U.S.
 economy  by  18  percent by  2012.   The
 President  has  set a goal of reducing U.S.
 gasoline usage by 20 percent in the next ten
 years to lessen the nation's  dependence on
 imported oil. EPA has a substantial role to
 play in advancing the President's  energy and
 climate  strategies,   given  the   Agency's
 mandate  for environmental  protection and
 the close linkage of energy and environment

 Ongoing efforts are already very significant.
 For  example,  EPA's  current efforts  will
 contribute  about  70%  of  the  reductions
 necessary to meet the President's 2012 GHG
 intensity goal.  Moreover, EPA's efforts can
 and  will  achieve remarkable results in a
 number of other critical areas. By the end of
 2008,  for example, EPA expects to have
 programs  in  place  that will  speed  the
 development of lower-emissions coal,  oil,
 gas, and  renewable technologies;  partner
 with the  manufacturing  sector to develop
 more  energy  efficient technologies;  and
 create  the framework needed to  transform
 our transportation system from one almost
 solely  reliant  on  petroleum  to one  that
 accommodates an array of alternate fuels.

 In 2009,  EPA will  begin  implementation
 activities associated with the  new GHG rules
 for  fuels  and vehicles, which  will  be
 completed at the start of FY 2009. Needed
 implementation   activities   will   include
 upgrading and  expanding vehicle  engine and
 fuel data  systems to incorporate new  data
 and   handle   certification,  compliance,
 reporting    and   tracking   requirements;
 developing  and  implementing  means to
 validate  credit trading;  implementing  the
 fuel quality compliance program including
 field   sampling   and  lab  analysis;  and
 stakeholder  outreach.   In addition to these
implementation activities, the NVFEL will
need to begin certifying alternative fuels and

By  FY 2009,  U.S. energy  production  is
expected to grow by almost  10% from FY
2005  levels.  To  help   ensure  clean and
affordable energy, EPA will enhance related
permitting  efforts.  Anticipated  upcoming
proposals  include  75,000 new oil and gas
wells  on   Tribal  and  Federal  Land, 40
liquefied natural  gas terminals,  100+ re-
permitting for nuclear power plants and 25
new nuclear plants.

This expansion  in  the  energy sector will
result in increased workload for:  air and
waters  modeling   and   monitoring   to
determine the ambient  impacts of energy
activities; analysis of emerging technologies
such as carbon  sequestration,  tidal,  wind,
biomass, coal liquefaction  and  oil  shale;
effective  and early  collaboration  among
states,   tribes  and  Federal  agencies  to
expedite NEPA  reviews; and, EPA  direct
implementation of air and water permitting
activity on  state/Tribal  lands where the
programs are not authorized and on Federal
lands and offshore areas where the program
cannot be authorized.

In FY 2009, EPA and states will begin  to
fulfill the mandate of the Energy Policy Act
to increase development of domestic energy
resources and meet the demands of the large
increase in  new energy exploration  while
ensuring environmentally sound decision-
making.  This will involve support for state
and  tribal  work  to ensure  effective and
efficient analysis and  permitting to  avoid
slowing the  pace  of new energy projects.
The  FY  2009  Budget  Request  includes
$10.0  million  to   support  Permitting  for
Energy Production.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
 Reduce Risks to Indoor Air and Radon

 The  Indoor  Air  Program characterizes the
 risks  of indoor  air pollutants  to  human
 health,  develops  techniques  for reducing
 those risks,  and  educates the public about
 those techniques and other actions they can
 take  to reduce their risks from indoor air.
 Through voluntary  partnerships  with non-
 governmental       and       professional
 organizations, EPA educates and encourages
 individuals,  schools, industry,  the  health-
 care  community,  and others to take action to
 reduce health risks  in indoor environments
 using  a  variety   of approaches, including
 national  public  awareness   and   media
 campaigns,  as  well as  community-based
 outreach and education.   EPA also uses
 technology-transfer  to improve  the  design,
 operation, and maintenance of buildings -
 including schools, homes, and workplaces -
 to promote  healthier indoor  air. The FY
 2009 Budget Request for the Reduce Risk
 from  Indoor  Air  program  totals  $19.9
 million. EPA  also  carries out  a  national
 radon   program   that   encourages   and
 facilitates voluntary  national, regional, state,
 and  Tribal  programs  and  activities  that
 support initiatives targeted to radon testing
 and mitigation, as well  as to radon  resistant
 new  construction. Radon is second  only to
 smoking as a cause  of lung cancer. The FY
 2009  Budget  Request   for  the  Radon
 programs totals $14.0 million.

 Climate Protection

 For  more than  a decade, businesses and
 other  organizations have  partnered  with
 EPA  through voluntary  climate protection
 programs   to   pursue   common    sense
 approaches  to  reducing greenhouse  gas
 emissions  and  meeting the  President's
 greenhouse  gas  intensity goal.  Voluntary
 programs   such  as   Energy   Star   and
SmartWay Transport have increased the use
of energy-efficient  products  and practices,
spurred   investment   in   clean   energy
development,  and  reduced  emissions  of
carbon   dioxide,   methane,   and   other
greenhouse  gases with  very high  global
warming  potentials.  These  partnership
programs  break down market barriers and
promote  the deployment of cost-effective
technologies and processes designed to yield
greenhouse  gas reductions  over the life  of
the investment.   In  FY 2009, EPA  will
continue to  work with other countries and
government  agencies to support the Methane
to Markets  Partnership  and Asia-Pacific
Partnership  on  Clean  Development  and
Climate.  The FY 2009 Budget Request for
the Climate Protection programs totals $98.3

Stratospheric   Ozone -  Domestic   and
Montreal Protocol

In FY 2009, EPA's Domestic Stratospheric
Ozone Protection Program  will continue to
implement the provisions of the Clean Air
Act   and   the   Montreal   Protocol   on
Substances  that Deplete  the Ozone Layer
(Montreal Protocol), and contribute to the
reduction  and  control of  ozone-depleting
substances (ODSs) in the U.S. and lowering
health  risks  to   the   American  public
associated with exposure to  UV radiation,
including prevention of 6.3 million cases of
fatal skin cancer  in the US.  The FY 2009
Budget Request for the Stratospheric Ozone:
Domestic  program  totals $4.7 million.  In
addition, through the Multilateral  Fund  of
the Montreal Protocol, EPA will invest  in
cost-effective projects that are designed  to
build   capacity   and   eliminate   ODS
production  and  consumption in  over 60
developing countries. The Multilateral Fund
continues to support over 5,150 activities in
139 countries, and when fully implemented,
will prevent annual  emissions of more  than

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
 223,729 metric tons of CDS.  Over 80% of
 already  agreed-upon project activities have
 been implemented to date, with  remaining
 work in these already agreed-upon projects
 expected to be fully implemented by 2009.
 The  FY  2009 Budget Request  for  the
 Stratospheric   Ozone:   Multilateral  Fund
 totals $9.9 million.

 Radiation Monitoring

 In FY  2009, EPA will  continue  upgrading
 the national radiation monitoring system to
 expand the population and geographic areas
 covered, and to increase the speed at which
 the system  samples the air,  analyzes  the
 measurements,  and  transmits  the  results.
 Mobile  transportable   monitors   will   be
 maintained in ready condition so they can be
 quickly  deployed to monitor radiation levels
 at locations near and downwind  from  the
 initial point  of release.  The Agency will
 continue to  enhance  laboratory  response
 capacity and  capability to ensure  a minimal
 level  of  surge capacity for  radiological

 EPA  conducts  research  to  provide   a
 scientific   foundation   for  the  Agency's
 actions  to  protect  the  air  all  Americans
 breathe. The Agency's air research program
 supports implementation of the  Clean  Air
 Act,  especially the National  Ambient  Air
 Quality  Standards  (NAAQS),  which   set
 limits on  how much  stratospheric  ozone,
 particulate  matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur
 dioxide,  nitrogen  oxides,   and  lead,  are
 allowed  in  the  atmosphere.    EPA  also
 conducts research  on ozone and  hazardous
 air pollutants, also known as air toxics.

 In FY 2009,  the  Agency's  air research
 program   will   continue   research   to
 understand the sources  and  composition of
 air   pollution;   develop   methods   for
 controlling   sources'   emissions;   study
atmospheric chemistry and  model U.S. air
quality; investigate Americans' exposure to
air pollution; and  conduct epidemiological,
clinical,  and toxicological  studies  of air
pollution's health effects.  In  FY2009, the
program will continue to focus on the effects
of air pollution  near roads on human health,
as well as the development and evaluation of
effective mitigation strategies.   The Agency
also will fund research grants to universities
and nonprofits  to  study  topics such as the
relationship between long-term exposure to
fine  particles  in the  atmosphere and the
frequency and progression of pulmonary and
cardiovascular diseases.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
                               Clean and Safe Water
   Ensure drinking water is safe. Restore and maintain oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic
   ecosystems  to  protect human  health, support economic and  recreational activities, and
   provide healthy habitat for fish, plants, and wildlife.
    •   Protect  human health  by  reducing
        exposure to contaminants in drinking
        water (including  protecting  source
        waters), in fish and shellfish, and in
        recreational waters.
    •   Protect the quality  of  rivers, lakes,
        and streams on a watershed basis and
        protect coastal and ocean waters.
    •   By   2011,   conduct   leading-edge,
        sound scientific research to support
       the   protection  of  human  health
       through  the  reduction  of  human
       exposure to contaminants in drinking
       water,   fish   and   shellfish,  and
       recreational  waters and  to  support
       the protection of aquatic ecosystems-
       specifically,  the  quality  of rivers,
       lakes, and streams, and coastal and
       ocean waters.
                            GOAL, OBJECTIVE SUMMARY
                                      Budget Authority
                                     Full-time Equivalents
                                    (Dollars in Thousands)

Clean and Safe Water
Protect Human Health
Protect Water Quality
Enhance Science and
Total Authorized
FY 2007
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2009 Pres
FY 2008
 EPA implements the Clean and Safe Water
 goal through programs designed to provide
 improvements  in  the quality of surface
 waters and  drinking water.   In FY 2009,
 EPA  will work with  states  and  tribes  to
 continue   to   accomplish    measurable
 improvements in the safety of the nation's
 drinking water and in  the  conditions  of
 rivers, lakes, and coastal waters.   With the
help of these partners, EPA expects to make
important  progress  in  these  areas  and
support additional focused water initiatives,
including  carbon   sequestration,   energy
permitting, water  security, and  sustainable

The National Water Program  will continue
to  place  special emphasis  on  sustainable

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
 infrastructure  and  watershed stewardship,
 through   its   "four   pillars"    program,
 specifically    focusing   on   innovative
 financing  and leveraging for infrastructure
 sustainability,    banking    for    wetlands
 conservation,  and  trading  among  point
 sources and  non-point  sources for  water
 quality upgrades. In FY 2009, the Agency
 will  continue  advancing the water quality
 monitoring initiative  and  a water quality
 standards  strategy under the Clean Water
 Act,  as well as, important rules and activities
 under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Related
 efforts   to    improve   monitoring    and
 surveillance    will  help   advance   water
 security nationwide.

 Drinking Water

 During  FY  2009,  EPA,  the  states  and
 community water systems will build on past
 successes  while  working  toward  the  FY
 2009 goal of assuring that 90 percent of the
 population served  by  community  water
 systems receives drinking water that meets
 all applicable  health-based  standards.   To
 promote  compliance  with  drinking  water
 standards, states carry  out a  variety  of
 activities,  such as conducting onsite sanitary
 surveys of water systems and working with
 small systems to improve their capabilities.
 EPA will work to improve compliance rates
 by   providing  guidance,   training,    and
 technical   assistance;   ensuring   proper
 certification   of  water  system  operators;
 promoting consumer awareness of drinking
 water safety; maintaining the rate of system
 sanitary surveys and  onsite reviews;  and
 taking     appropriate     action     for
 noncompliance. In FY 2009, states  and EPA
 will  process Underground Injection Control
 permit applications  for experimental carbon
 sequestration and gather  information from
 these pilots  to facilitate the permitting of
 large-scale commercial carbon sequestration
 in the future.  To help ensure that water is
safe to drink, EPA provides $842.2 million
for the Drinking Water State Revolving

Clean Water

In FY  2009, EPA will work with states to
continue progress toward the  clean  water
goals  to   implement  core   clean   water
programs, including innovations that apply
programs  on  a  watershed  basis,  and  to
accelerate efforts to improve water  quality
on  a watershed  basis.   Building on the
progress toward clean water  achieved over
the past 30  years,  EPA is  working  with
states and  tribes to  implement the  Clean
Water  Act  by focusing  on:  scientifically
sound  water  quality  standards,  effective
water  monitoring,  strong  programs  for
controlling nonpoint sources  of pollution,
and strong discharge permit programs.  To
keep  pace  with  the  nation's burgeoning
energy exploration and development,  EPA
will  place  an  increased  focus  on  energy
related permitting in FY 2009.  The work
involves NPDES permit actions related to
conventional oil and gas, coalbed  methane,
coal   mining,    ethanol,   power   plants,
refineries,  uranium,  natural  gas  liquids,
liquefied natural  gas  terminals,  pipelines,
and oil shale/tar sands.

The   Agency's   request  continues   the
monitoring  initiative  begun  in  2005  to
strengthen   the   nationwide   monitoring
network and complete the  baseline  water
quality  assessment of the nation's waters.
These  efforts are resulting in scientifically
defensible    water   quality   data   and
information essential for cleaning up and
protecting the nation's waters.  Progress in
improving   coastal   and   ocean   waters
documented   in   the   National   Coastal
Condition  Report will be  maintained by
focusing on: assessing coastal  conditions,
reducing vessel  discharges,  implementing

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
 coastal nonpoint source pollution programs,
 managing dredged material, and supporting
 international marine pollution control.  EPA
 will    continue    to   provide    annual
 capitalization  to the  Clean  Water  State
 Revolving  Fund  (CWSRF).   In FY  2009
 EPA will provide $555.0 million and will
 allow EPA to meet the Administration's
 capitalization target of $6.8  billion total for
 2004-2011  and enable the program to meet
 its long-term revolving target of $3.4  billion.

 Homeland Security

 EPA has a major  role in  supporting the
 protection  of the  nation's  critical water
 infrastructure from terrorist  threats.  In FY
 2009, EPA will continue  to  support the
 Water   Security   Initiative   (WSI)  pilot
 program  and water  sector-specific  agency
 responsibilities,   including   the   Water
 Alliance  for Threat Reduction (WATR), to
 protect   the    nation's   critical    water
 infrastructure.     The  FY   2009   budget
 provides  $35.2 million  for water  security
 efforts. This includes $22.6 million for WSI
 and WATR which will  continue efforts to
 demonstrate the  concept of an  effective
 contamination warning system that drinking
 water utilities in high threat cities of all sizes
 and characteristics could adopt.  In FY 2009,
 there will be increased training and outreach
 exercises  for  Regional  Water Emergency
 Response/Technical    Assistance    Team
 members,  consistent  with  the  National
 Approach to Response.  Also, the Agency,
 in  collaboration  with  our water   sector
 security  stakeholders, will continue efforts
 to develop, implement and initiate tracking
 of national measures  related  to  homeland
 security  critical  infrastructure   protection


 EPA's  drinking  water  and  water  quality
 research  programs  conduct  leading  edge,
problem-driven research to provide a sound
scientific foundation for Federal regulatory
decision-making. These efforts will result in
strengthened  public   health  and   aquatic
ecosystem   protection   by  providing data
methods,    models,    assessments,    and
technologies for EPA program and Regional
Offices,   as  well  as   state  and   local

In FY 2009, these research programs will
conduct studies and deliver science products
needed by the nation  to  realize clean and
safe water.   The drinking water  research
program  will focus on treatment strategies,
exposure and analytical methods, and health
effects information that can be  applied to
classes of contaminants in the context of the
drinking  water  hydrologic  cycle  - source
water,  treatment,  and distribution.   The
water quality research program will continue
providing  approaches  and  methods  the
Agency and its partners need to develop and
apply  criteria to  support  designated  uses,
support   implementation   of   watershed
management approaches, and application of
technological options to restore and protect
water bodies using information on effective
treatment  and  management  alternatives.
These  programs also will conduct  research
that will yield tools and strategies to manage
our nation's aging water infrastructure.

Other  important  areas  of  research  in
FY 2009 will include:  1)  studies on aquifer
storage and  recovery (ASR) on the safety of
drinking water and the  impacts of subsurface
carbon dioxide  (CO2)  storage on  drinking
water  quality;  2)  revising  aquatic  life
guidelines,  recreational water criteria, the
effects of emerging contaminants, nutrients,
biocriteria and multiple stressor effects  on
stream  biota;   3) watershed   management
work that supports diagnoses of impairment,
mitigation and pollutant load reduction from
headwater  streams and isolated wetlands;

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
 and 4) improving the control  of microbial
 releases  from  publicly  owned  treatment
 works   (POTWs)   during   periods   of
 significant wet weather events.

 Recognizing that environmental  policy and
 regulatory decisions will only be as good as
 the science upon which they are based, EPA
 makes every effort to ensure that its science
 is  of the  highest  quality and  relevance,
 thereby,  providing the  basis  for  sound
 environmental  results.     EPA   uses   the
 Research    and   Development   (R&D)
 Investment Criteria of  quality,  relevance,
 and  performance  in  its   decision-making
 processes   through  the  use  of  research
 strategies  and plans,  program  review and
 evaluation  by   the  Board  of  Scientific
 Counselors   (BOSC)   and  the  Science
 Advisory Board (SAB), and peer review.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
                      Land Preservation and Restoration
   Preserve and restore the land by using innovative waste management practices and cleaning
   up contaminated properties to reduce risks posed by releases of harmful substances.
 V	'
    •   By 2011, reduce adverse effects to
        land by reducing waste generation,
        increasing recycling,  and ensuring
        proper  management  of waste  and
        petroleum products at facilities in
        ways that prevent releases.
    •   By 2011, control the risks to human
        health  and  the   environment   by
        mitigating the  impact of accidental
        or   intentional   releases  and   by
        cleaning    up     and    restoring
       contaminated sites or properties to
       appropriate levels.
       Through  2011, provide  and apply
       sound  science  for  protecting  and
       restoring land by conducting leading-
       edge   research,  which   through
       collaboration,  leads  to  preferred
       environmental outcomes.
                            GOAL, OBJECTIVE SUMMARY
                                      Budget Authority
                                    Full-time Equivalents
                                    (Dollars in Thousands)

Land Preservation and
Preserve Land
Restore Land
Enhance Science and Research
Total Authorized Workyears
FY 2007
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2009 Pres
FY 2008
 Land  is  one of America's  most valuable
 resources.   If  they  are  not controlled,
 hazardous and non-hazardous wastes on the
 land can migrate to the air, groundwater, and
 surface water, contaminating drinking water
 supplies,  causing acute illnesses or chronic
 diseases,  and threatening healthy ecosystems
 in urban, rural,  and suburban areas.  To
 address these issues, EPA  implements the
 Land Preservation and Restoration goal with
the   following    approaches—prevention,
protection, and response activities to address
risks   posed  by  releases   of  harmful
substances     on    land;     emergency
preparedness,   response   and  homeland
security  to   address  immediate  risks  to
human   health   and  the    environment;
enforcement  and  compliance  assistance to
determine what needs to  be done and who
should pay; and sound  science and research

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
 to address risk factors and new,  innovative

 Prevention,  Protection,  and  Response

 EPA leads the country's activities to prevent
 and reduce  the  risks posed  by releases of
 harmful  substances and  to  preserve  and
 restore   land    with    effective    waste
 management and cleanup methods.   In FY
 2009, the  Agency is requesting $1,637.8
 million   to  continue  to  apply  the  most
 effective approach to  preserve and restore
 land  by  developing  and   implementing
 prevention  programs,  improving response
 capabilities,     and    maximizing    the
 effectiveness  of   response   and  cleanup
 actions.  This approach will help ensure that
 human  health   and the  environment are
 protected and   that  land is  returned to
 beneficial use.

 In FY 2009, EPA also will continue to use a
 hierarchy of approaches to protect the land:
 reducing waste  at its   source,   recycling
 waste,   managing  waste  effectively  by
 preventing   spills   and releases   of  toxic
 materials,  and  cleaning  up  contaminated
 properties.     The  Agency   especially  is
 concerned   about  threats   to   our   most
 sensitive populations, such as  children, the
 elderly,  and  individuals   with  chronic
 diseases,    and    prioritizes    cleanups

 The      Comprehensive      Environmental
 Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
 (CERCLA,  or  Superfund)  provides  legal
  Additional information on these programs can be found
 at: www. epa. go v/superfund,
 http://www.epa.gov/swerffrr/ and
authority for EPA's work to protect the land.
The Agency and its partners use Superfund
authority  to  clean  up   uncontrolled   or
abandoned hazardous waste sites, allowing
land to be returned to productive use.  The
Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA)  also  provides legal authority  for
EPA to fulfill this goal. Under RCRA, EPA
works in partnership with states and tribes to
address   risks   associated  with   leaking
underground storage  tanks and  with  the
generation and  management of hazardous
and non-hazardous waste.

In addition, EPA uses  authorities provided
under the Clean Air Act,  Clean Water Act,
and Oil Pollution Act of  1990 to protect
against spills  and  releases  of hazardous
materials.  Controlling the many risks posed
by  accidental  and  intentional  releases  of
harmful  substances  presents a  significant
challenge.  In FY 2009, EPA will continue
to ensure  that it is  adequately  prepared to
minimize  contamination  and harm to  the
environment from   spills  and  releases  of
hazardous   materials   by   improving  its
readiness to respond to emergencies through
training as  well as  maintaining  a highly
skilled, well-trained, and equipped response

The following  themes characterize EPA's
land program activities under Goal 3 in  FY
2009:   Revitalization;  Recycling, Waste
Minimization  and  Energy Recovery;  and
implementation of the Energy Policy Act of
2005 (EPAct).

•   Revitalization:   All of EPA's cleanup
    programs     (Superfund    Remedial,
    Superfund Federal Facilities Response,
    Superfund Removal, RCRA Corrective
    Action,  Brownfields,  and Underground
    Storage  Tanks)  and their partners  are
    taking proactive  steps to facilitate  the
    cleanup     and     revitalization     of

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
    contaminated properties. In FY 2009, the
    Agency is requesting $914.8 million to
    help  communities  revitalize these once
    productive   properties   by   removing
    blight,  satisfying the growing demand
    for  land,  helping  limit urban  sprawl,
    fostering ecologic habitat enhancements,
    enabling economic  development,  and
    maintaining or improving quality of life.
    In  reflection of the  high priority  the
    Agency   has     placed    on    land
    revitalization, EPA recently  adopted  a
    series  of  acres-based,  cross-program
    revitalization measures  (CPRMs)2  to
    help  document  progress in cleaning up
    and  promoting  the  protective  use  of
    previously  contaminated   land.    The
    CPRMs will help EPA communicate the
    extent  of  land  subject to its cleanup
    programs, and the subset of that land that
    is  protective  for  people for  current
    conditions,   and  that  is  ready  (i.e.,
    protective)  for  anticipated future uses.
    EPA    cleanup    programs    began
    implementing these new measures in FY
    2007.  Data  from the CPRMs will be
    available in FY 2008 and beyond.

    Recycling,   Waste   Minimization  and
    Energy  Recovery:    EPA  is  requesting
    $10.8 million in FY  2009 to  support
    EPA's   strategy  for  reducing  waste
    generation  and increasing  recycling.
    EPA's strategy will continue to be based
    on:   (1)  establishing   and  expanding
    partnerships with businesses, industries,
    tribes,    states,    communities,    and
    consumers; (2) stimulating  infrastructure
    development    and     environmentally
    responsible   behavior   by   product
    manufacturers, users, and disposers; and
    (3)   helping  businesses,   government,
    institutions, and consumers reduce waste
    generation   and   increase   recycling
    through  education,  outreach,  training,
    and technical  assistance. In FY  2009,
    EPA   will   continue   the   Resource
    Conservation  Challenge  (RCC)  as  a
    major national effort to find flexible, yet
    more  protective ways to conserve  our
    valuable natural resources through waste
    reduction,   energy   recovery,    and
    recycling.  Through RCC, the  Agency
    also  will  pursue  the  advancement  of
    alternative  domestic energy  sources as
    well  as clean  energy, which power our
    economy and  drive our  environmental

•   Implementing  the  EPAct:  The EPAct3
    contains   numerous   provisions   that
    significantly  affect  Federal  and  state
    underground    storage    tank    (UST)
    programs  and  requires  that EPA  and
    states  strengthen  tank   release   and
    prevention  programs.    In  FY  2007,
    working  with  its tank  partners, EPA
    developed   grant   guidelines4   which
    implement  the UST  provisions  of the
    EPAct.  In FY 2009, EPA is requesting
    $35.1 million  to provide  assistance to
    states  to  help  them  meet  their  new
    responsibilities,   which   include:   (1)
    mandatory inspections every three years
    for all underground storage tanks, (2)
    operator  training,  (3)   prohibition  of
    delivery  for  non-complying facilities5,
    and   (4)  secondary  containment   or
    financial    responsibility   for    tank
    manufacturers  and installers.   EPA also
 2 For more information on the CPRMs, go to
3 For more information, refer to
http: //frwebgate. access, gpo. go v/cgi-
ubl058.109.pdf (scroll to Title XV - Ethanol And Motor
Fuels, Subtitle B - Underground Storage Tank Compliance,
on pages 500-513 of the pdf file).
4 For more information, refer to http://www.epa. gov/OUST
 Refer to Grant Guidelines to States for Implementing the
Delivery Prohibition Provision of the Energy Policy Act of
2005, August 2006, EPA-510-R-06-003,
http://www.epa.gov/oust/fedlaws/epact  Q5.htm#Final.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
    is  submitting  legislative  language  to
    allow    states    to   use   alternative
    mechanisms  such as the Environmental
    Results  Program (ERP) to  meet  the
    mandatory     three-year    inspection
    requirement.    This proposal  provides
    states  with a less  costly alternative to
    meet the objectives of the EPAct. EPA
    also will  continue implementing  the
    UST Tribal  strategy6  developed in  FY
    2006 in Indian country.

 In  addition  to  these  themes,   EPA's
 Homeland Security and Enforcement work
 are important  components of the Agency's
 prevention,    protection,   and    response

 Homeland Security

 EPA will continue  to improve its emergency
 preparedness  and   response   capability,
 including  homeland security capabilities.  In
 FY 2009,  the Agency is  requesting $54.6
 million to improve its capability to respond
 effectively to incidents that may  involve
 harmful   chemical,  oil,  biological,   and
 radiological substances.  The Agency will
 provide training  to  build  the  cadre  of
 volunteers in  the Response Support Corps
 (RSC)  and/or  as  part  of  an   Incident
 Management  Team  (IMT)  and  also  will
 continue  to   participate  in  multi-agency
 training and exercises.

 In  FY   2009,   EPA  will  build   the
 Environmental    Laboratory     Response
 Network (eLRN) through  the improvement
 of an electronic  data deliverable for use by
 all  eLRN laboratories.    EPA  also  will
 continue to maximize the effectiveness of its
 involvement   in national   security  events
through pre-deployments of assets such as
emergency  response  personnel  and  field
detection equipment.

EPA  also  will maintain and improve the
Emergency Management Portal (EMP).  FY
2009  will  be the first year  for  complete
integration  of   the   basic   management
modules  (i.e.,  environmental assessment,
equipment,         personnel,         and
decontamination).   EPA  will continue to
manage,   collect,   and   validate   new
information for new and existing  Weapons
of Mass Destruction (WMD) agents as new
decontamination techniques are developed
or as other information emerges  from the
scientific community.


Enforcement authorities play  a unique role
under the  Superfund program:  they are used
to  leverage  private-party   resources  to
conduct a  majority of the cleanup actions
and to reimburse the Federal government for
cleanups financed by appropriations. In FY
2009,  the  Agency  is  requesting $173.9
million  to support enforcement activities at
Federal  and non-Federal  Superfund  sites.
The   Superfund  program's   "enforcement
first"  policy ensures that sites with viable
potentially responsible  parties (PRPs) are
cleaned up by those parties, allowing EPA to
focus appropriated resources on sites where
viable PRPs either do not exist or lack funds
or  capabilities  needed  to   conduct  the
cleanup.   In  tandem  with this  approach,
various  reforms  have been implemented to
increase fairness,  reduce transaction  costs,
and  promote  economic development  and
make sites available for appropriate reuse.7
The Department of Justice supports EPA's
Superfund  Enforcement program  through
 6 Refer to Strategy for an EPA/Tribal Partnership to
 Implement Section 1529 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005,
 August 2006, EPA-510-F-06-005,
 http://www.epa.gov/oust/fedlaws/epact Q5.htm#Final.
 For more information regarding EPA's enforcement
program and its various components, please refer to

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
 negotiations and judicial actions to compel
 PRP cleanup and litigation to recover Trust
 Fund monies spent.

 EPA  also  works  to  ensure that required
 legally enforceable institutional  controls and
 financial assurance instruments  are in place
 and  adhered to  at  Superfund  sites  and at
 facilities subject to RCRA Corrective Action
 to ensure the long-term  protectiveness  of
 cleanup actions.

 EPA  has  ongoing cleanup  and  property
 transfer  responsibilities   at  some  of  the
 Nation's   most   contaminated    Federal
 properties, which range from realigning and
 closing  military  installations  and  former
 military  properties  containing  unexploded
 ordnance,  solvents,   and  other  industrial
 chemicals to Department  of Energy  sites
 containing nuclear waste.  EPA's Superfund
 Federal      Facilities     Response    and
 Enforcement program helps  Federal and
 local     governments,    tribes,     states,
 redevelopment authorities and  the affected
 communities  ensure  contamination   at
 Federal   or  former  Federal properties  is
 addressed in a manner that protects  human
 health and the environment.8

 In FY 2009, the Agency will  continue to
 establish and use  Special Accounts  within
 the Superfund Trust Fund.  As of the end of
 FY 2007,  EPA  maintains more  than 700
 Special   Accounts  within  the Superfund
 Trust Fund. These accounts segregate site-
 specific  funds  obtained  from  responsible
 parties that enter into  settlement agreements
 with EPA.   These  funds may  create  an
 incentive for other PRPs at that specific site
 to perform  cleanup work.  In addition, these
 funds may  be used by the Agency to fund
 cleanup activities if there are no  known or
  For more information on the Superfund Federal Facilities
 Response and Enforcement program, please refer to
 http: //www.epa. go v/fedfac.
viable PRPs.  The Agency will practice good
fiscal stewardship in cleaning up sites by
maximizing the use  of site-specific Special
Account    funds    while    preserving
appropriated  Trust Fund dollars  for sites
without viable PRPs.

In FY  2009, the  Agency will  negotiate
remedial  design/remedial  action  cleanup
agreements  and   removal  agreements  at
contaminated     properties.         Where
negotiations fail, the Agency will either take
unilateral  enforcement  actions  to require
PRP cleanup or use appropriated dollars to
remediate sites.  When appropriated dollars
are used to cleanup  sites, the program will
recover this money from the PRPs whenever

Enhancing   Science  and  Research   to
Restore and Preserve Land

The  FY  2009   Land  Research  program
supports the Agency's objective  of reducing
or  controlling potential  risks  to  human
health and the environment at contaminated
waste  sites  by  providing the  science  to
accelerate scientifically defensible  and cost-
effective decisions for cleanup  at complex
sites in accordance with CERCLA.

In FY 2009, EPA is requesting $53.4 million
in support  of EPA's efforts to enhance
science  and research for land preservation
and  restoration.   Research activities in FY
2009 will focus on contaminated sediments,
ground  water contamination, multi-media,
and    site-specific   technical     support.
Research  will  advance  EPA's  ability  to
accurately characterize the  risks posed by
contaminated  sediments  and determine the
range and scientific  foundation  for remedy
selection  options.   In  addition,  research
aimed   at  developing   data  to  support
dosimetric and toxicologic assessment  of
amphibole    asbestos,     fiber-containing

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
 material  from  Libby,  Montana  will  be
 conducted.  Groundwater research will focus
 on  the  transport of  contaminants in that
 medium  and the  subsequent intrusion  of
 contaminant  vapors  into  buildings  and
 continue    research     on     developing
 applications for permeable reactive barriers.

 Oil spill  remediation research will continue
 on  physical,  chemical,  and biological risk
 management  methods  for  petroleum and
 non-petroleum  oils spilled into freshwater
 and  marine   environments   as  well  as
 development  of a   protocol  for  testing
 solidifiers  and  treating oil.   Underground
 storage   tank  research  will  address  the
 development of online transport models that
 can  be   used  by  state  project managers.
 Research  areas    such    as    resource
 conservation,  corrective action, multi-media
 modeling,  leaching,   containment  systems,
 and  landfill bioreactors will constitute the
 major areas  of research and support for
 RCRA activities in FY 2009.  EPA also will
 continue   to    develop   a   site-specific
 management approach of brownfields  sites,
 develop  validated  acceptable practices for
 land  revitalization,  collaborate  with  the
 private sector to conduct field sampling, and
 with the states to  optimize operations and
 monitoring of  several  landfill  bioreactors
 and  determine  their  potential  to provide
 alternative  energy in the form of landfill gas
 while  increasing   the  nation's   landfill

 In FY 2009, additional resources will  be
 invested  to research  nanotechnology fate
 and transport in response to an independent
 review of  the RCRA  portion of  the Land
 Research  program to  address   emerging
 issues  and strategic   EPA  issues.    The
 primary objective of this research will be to
 determine  the  physicochemical properties
 controlling the  movement of nanomaterials
 through  soil   and   aquatic   ecosystems.
Research questions include the identification
of system parameters that alter the surface
characteristics  of  nanomaterials  through
aggregation (e.g.  pH effects),  complexation
(e.g.,  surface complexation  by dissolved
organic carbon) or changes in oxidation state
(e.g.,   chemical-  or   biological-mediated
electron transfer).

 2007 PART

 The following programs  were assessed by
 OMB's Program Assessment Rating  Tool
 (PART) for the 2007 PART process:

    •   Land Protection and Restoration

More detailed  information  is provided in
specific program project descriptions.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                FY 2009 Annual Plan
     Protect, sustain, or restore the health of people, communities, and ecosystems using
                integrated and comprehensive approaches and partnerships.
    •  By  2011,  prevent  and  reduce
       pesticide  and industrial  chemical
       risks to humans, communities, and
    •  Sustain,   clean  up,  and  restore
       communities  and  the  ecological
       systems that support them.
    •  Protect,  sustain,  and  restore the
       health of critical  natural habitats
       and ecosystems.
    •  Through   2011,   identify   and
       synthesize  the   best   available
scientific   information,  models,
methods, and analyses to support
Agency  guidance   and   policy
decisions related to the health  of
people,     communities,     and
ecosystems.  Focus  research  on
pesticides      and      chemical
toxicology;  global  change;  and
comprehensive,       cross-cutting
studies of human, community, and
ecosystem health.
                          GOAL, OBJECTIVE SUMMARY
                                    Budget Authority
                                  Full-time Equivalents
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)

Healthy Communities and
Chemical and Pesticide
Restore and Protect Critical
Enhance Science and
Total Authorized
FY 2007
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2009 Pres
FY 2008

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
 In   FY   2009,   the   Environmental
 Protection Agency will protect, sustain
 or restore the health of communities and
 ecosystems  by   bringing   together  a
 variety of programs,  tools, approaches
 and  resources,  including  partnerships
 with  stakeholders and  Federal,  state,
 Tribal, and local government agencies.
 EPA  manages environmental  risks to
 watersheds,  communities,  homes,  and
 workplaces to protect human health and
 the     environmental     integrity    of
 ecosystems. The Agency employs a mix
 of regulatory programs and partnership
 approaches to achieve  results  in  ways
 that   are  efficient,    innovative,   and
 sustainable. Ideally, EPA can implement
 a strategy of preventing pollution at the
 source;  however,  where programs to
 prevent pollution or  ecosystem damage
 are  not  viable,  EPA promotes  waste
 minimization,  avoidance of  impact on
 habitat, safe disposal, and remediation.

 In managing risk, EPA directs its efforts
 toward  the  greatest  threats  in  our
 communities,  homes,  and workplaces,
 including threats to sensitive populations
 such as children and the elderly, and to
 communities       with      potential
 disproportionately  high  and  adverse
 environmental and public health effects
 including minorities and/or low-income
 communities.   In general,  because of
 their unique anatomy, biological make-
 up and behavior patterns, children  may
 be more at risk for exposure to potential
 toxics. Even  older Americans  in  good
 health may  be at increased risk  from
 exposure to environmental pollutants. As
 people age, their bodies are less able to
 detoxify  and  eliminate  toxins.  Native
 Americans represent another segment of
 the  population  with  a different  risk
 profile. Their traditional sources for food
and  ways  of life may lead to  higher
levels of exposure to certain toxics.

Pesticides Programs

A key component  of protecting the
health   of people,  communities,  and
ecosystems is identifying, assessing, and
reducing  the risks  presented by the
thousands of chemicals  on which our
society and  economy  have  come to
depend.  Toward  that end,  EPA  is
investing  $133.8 million  in Pesticides
Licensing  programs  in   FY   2009.
Chemical  and biological pesticides help
meet national and  global demands for
food; provide effective pest control for
homes,  schools,  gardens,   highways,
utility   lines,  hospitals,  and  drinking
water  treatment  facilities;  and  control
animal vectors of disease.

During FY 2009, EPA will  continue to
review and register new pesticides, new
uses for existing pesticides, and other
registration requests in accordance with
Food  Quality Protection  Act  (FQPA)
standards   and  Pesticide  Registration
Improvement  Renewal Act  (PRIA 2)
timeframes.   EPA  will  continue  to
process these registration requests, with
special    consideration    given   to
susceptible    populations,    especially
children.  Specifically, EPA will focus
special attention on the foods commonly
eaten by  children,  to  reduce  pesticide
exposure to children where  the science
identifies potential concerns.

Reduced concentrations of pesticides in
water  sources indicate the  efficacy of
EPA's  risk  assessment,  management,
mitigation,     and     communication
activities.  Using sampling data collected
under   the   U.S.   Geological   Survey
(USGS)   National    Water   Quality

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
 Assessment Program, EPA will monitor
 the impact  of  our  regulatory  decisions
 for four pesticides of concern—diazinon,
 chlorpyrifos, malathion, and  azinphos-
 methyl—and   consider  whether   any
 additional  action is necessary.9 In FY
 2009 the Agency will continue to work
 with USGS to develop  sampling plans
 and refine goals, and we will ask USGS
 to  add   additional    insecticides   to
 sampling    protocols    and    establish
 baselines  for  newer  products  that are
 replacing   organophosphates,   such  as
 synthetic pyrethroids.

 EPA's statutory and regulatory functions
 include    registration,    reregi strati on,
 Reregi strati on   Eligibility    Decisions
 implementation, registration review, risk
 reduction  implementation,  rulemaking
 and program  management.   Many of
 these  actions  will  be for reduced-risk
 pesticides for which, once registered and
 utilized by pesticide users,  increased
 benefits will accrue to society.  Working
 together   with  the    affected   user
 communities through programs such as
 the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship
 Program and the Strategic Agricultural
 Initiative, the Agency will find ways to
 accelerate the adoption  of these lower-
 risk products.

 Along   with assessing  the  risks   that
 pesticides pose to  human health,  EPA
 conducts  ecological  risk  assessments
 under  the  Endangered Species   Act
 (ESA)  to  determine potential  effects on
 plants,  animals,  and ecosystems.    To
 ensure unreasonable  risks  are avoided,
 9 Gilliom, R.J., et al. 2006. The Quality of Our
 Nation's Waters: Pesticides in the Nation's
 Streams and Ground Water, 1992-2001. Reston,
 Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1291.
 17 Ip. Available on the internet at:
EPA   may   impose   risk   mitigation
measures such as modifying use rates or
application methods, restricting uses, or
denying  uses.   EPA  must ensure  that
pesticide  regulatory  decisions will not
adversely  modify   critical  habitat  or
jeopardize the  continued existence of
species  listed  by  the U.S.  Fish  and
Wildlife   Service  or  National Marine
Fisheries   Service   as  threatened  or

In  the  biodefense  arena,  EPA  will
continue work to develop  and validate
methods  to  evaluate  the  efficacy of
antimicrobial      products     against
bioterrorism agents,  expanding this work
to    address    unique    formulations,
additional surface types,  and additional
bioterrorism   agents   and   emerging
pathogens.   The Agency will address
critical   gaps    in    efficacy    test
methodology    and    knowledge   of
microbial resistance.   In  addition to
vegetative bacteria, in FY 2009, EPA
will  address  threatening  viruses  and
other     emerging     pathogens     in
environmental media. EPA will invest in
the  development  and  evaluation  of
efficacy   test  protocols  for  products
designed  to  control  viruses  in  the
environment  during   decontamination.
The development of "decon toolboxes"
for  specific  bioterrorism  agents  or
classes of bacteria/viruses will continue
into FY 2009.

In order to improve the Agency's  ability
to respond to events involving biothreat
agents, EPA will increase the number of
standardized and validated  methods for
evaluating     the     efficacy     of
decontamination agents.    EPA  will
continue to seek independent third-party
analysis  for method  validation  efforts
through   recognized  standard   setting

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                        FY 2009 Annual Plan
 organizations.    As  new  methods  are
 developed,   statistical   modeling   for
 various  biodefense  scenarios will be
 critical to the development of science
 based performance standards.  Microbial
 persistence,  resistance  to  antimicrobial
 agents, and an understanding  of biofilm
 environments  are  also  key  factors  in
 evaluating     the      efficacy      of
 decontamination  tools.   This work is
 taking place in the Homeland Security:
 Preparedness,  Response and  Recovery

 Toxics Programs

 EPA  programs  under this  goal have
 many direct and  many indirect benefits.
 For  example,  each  year the  Toxic
 Substances  Control  Act (TSCA) New
 Chemicals   program   reviews   and
 manages  the   potential   risks   from
 approximately  1,500  new chemicals and
 40 products of biotechnology that enter
 the marketplace.   This new  chemical
 review process  not  only protects  the
 public from  the  possible  immediate
 threats of harmful chemicals,  but it also
 has contributed to changing the behavior
 of  the   chemical   industry,  making
 industry more  aware  and responsible for
 the impact  these  chemicals  have on
 human health and the environment.

 The  Acute  Exposure Guideline  Levels
 (AEGLs) program was designed by EPA
 to provide scientifically  credible data to
 directly   support  chemical  emergency
 planning,   response,  and  prevention
 programs   mandated   by   Congress.
 Emergency  workers and first responders
 addressing   accidental   or  intentional
 chemical releases  need to know  how
 dangerous a chemical contaminant  may
 be to breathe or  touch, and how  long it
 may remain dangerous.   The program
develops  short-term   exposure   limits
applicable to the general population for a
wide  range  of  extremely  hazardous
substances  and has assigned values to
218 chemicals to date.
In  addressing   chemicals  that   have
entered  the market before the inception
of the New Chemical Review program,
EPA  will  continue  to  implement  its
voluntary   High  Production  Volume
(HPV) Chemicals program.   The HPV
Chemicals Program challenges industry
to develop  chemical  hazard data  on
existing chemicals  that  it  chooses to
"sponsor."  EPA will make data publicly
available for  approximately  1,800 HPV
chemicals  sponsored under the program
and issue  initial risk screening reports
for  the  highest   priority   of  those
chemicals.  Complementing  HPV  is the
Voluntary     Children's     Chemical
Evaluation Program  (VCCEP),  a  high-
priority  screening  program targeting
existing  chemicals   believed  to   have
particular impact on children's health.

The Agency will continue to manage its
programs to address specific chemicals
and toxics of concern, including  lead,
mineral  fibers, mercury, polychlorinated
biphenyls   (PCBs),   perfluorooctanoic
acid     (PFOA),     and     persistent,
bioaccumulative  and   toxic   (PBT)
chemicals.    The  Lead  Program  is
focusing  efforts   on   reducing   lead
hazards, and in FY 2009 will implement
a final  regulation to address lead-safe
work practices for renovation, repair and
painting activities in homes with lead-
based paint.   The  program also will
continue to improve methods to  reach
vulnerable populations  and communities
with a  high  concentration  of children
with  elevated  blood-lead  levels  and
emphasize   grant-supported  activities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                        FY 2009 Annual Plan
 such  as  state-implemented lead-based
 paint training and certification programs.

 Water Programs

 EPA's ecosystem  protection programs
 encompass a wide range of approaches
 that  address  specific  at-risk  regional
 areas  and larger categories of threatened
 systems, such as estuaries and wetlands.
 Locally generated pollution, combined
 with  pollution carried  by  rivers  and
 streams and through air deposition, can
 accumulate  in these  ecosystems  and
 degrade them over time.   Large water
 bodies, such as the Gulf of Mexico, the
 Great Lakes, and the Chesapeake Bay,
 have   been  exposed   to  substantial
 pollution  over many  years.   Coastal
 estuaries   and   wetlands   are   also
 vulnerable. As the populations in coastal
 regions grow, the challenges to  preserve
 and protect these important ecosystems
 increase.  Working with  stakeholders,
 EPA has established special programs to
 protect   and   restore    these   unique

 In  FY  2009,   EPA  will   continue
 cooperation  with  Federal,  state  and
 Tribal   governments    and     other
 stakeholders to achieve the President's
 goal,  set in 2004, to restore, improve,
 and   protect  three  million acres  of
 wetlands by  2009.  FY 2009  funding
 supports and monitors all  28 NEPs in
 implementing  approved Comprehensive
 Conservation  and  Management  Plans
 (CCMPs),  which  identify  more  than
 2,000 priority actions needed to protect
 and restore the estuaries. The FY 2009
 budget for NEPs and coastal watersheds
 is $17.2 million.

 The Great  Lakes Program ecosystem's
 FY  2009  budget  request  continues
support  of   strategic   Great   Lakes
activities pursuant to Executive  Order
13340  and  the  Great  Lakes  Water
Quality Agreement.  The program  will
monitor  ecosystem indicators; support
toxics reduction  through contaminated
sediment   remediation   and  pollution
prevention; protect  and restore habitat;
and  address  strategic issues  such as
aquatic    invasive     species     and
investigation  of the Lake  Erie dead zone
and the decline ofDiporeia, a key lower-
food  web  organism.   The FY 2009
request to  implement the  Great  Lakes
Legacy Act  continues to  support the
cleanup of contaminated sediments.

The  FY 2009 budget request also  will
enable the  Chesapeake Bay Program to
continue work with program partners to
accelerate  implementation  of pollution
reduction and aquatic habitat restoration
efforts  and  ensure that  water  quality
objectives  are  achieved  as  soon as
possible.   EPA  is  committed  to its
ambitious  long-term  goals   of  100
percent attainment of dissolved oxygen
standards in  waters of the Chesapeake
Bay  and 185,000 acres  of submerged
aquatic vegetation (SAV). The FY 2009
request will bring the Agency closer to
addressing  key  priority  coastal  and
ocean issues in the Gulf of Mexico, such
as coastal restoration, water quality for
healthy  beaches   and   shellfish  beds
through    improved   detection    and
forecasting of harmful algal blooms and
microbial        source        tracking
methodologies, and reduction of nutrient
inputs to coastal ecosystems.

In conducting  special   initiatives  and
planning activities, in FY 2009 EPA is
investing  $2.1  million  in the  South
Florida  Program   to   assist   with
coordinating and facilitating the ongoing

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                        FY 2009 Annual Plan
 implementation  of the Water Quality
 Protection Program for the Florida Keys
 National  Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS),
 conduct studies to determine cause  and
 effect relationships among pollutants and
 biological     resources,     implement
 wastewater  and  storm  water  master
 plans, and provide public education  and
 outreach activities.

 New  strategic targets are proposed for
 the South Florida Program  in the 2006-
 2011  Strategic Plan.   The new strategic
 targets address important environmental
 markers  such  as stony  coral  cover,
 health and functionality  of seagrass
 beds,  water quality in the FKNMS,  and
 phosphorus   levels   throughout   the
 Everglades Protection Area and effluent
 limits for all discharges, including storm
 water treatment areas.

 Community Action for a Renewed
 Environment (CARE)

 CARE is  a competitive  grant program
 that   offers  an  innovative   way  for
 communities  to  take action  to  reduce
 toxic   pollution.    Through   CARE,
 communities  create  local collaborative
 partnerships   that   implement   local
 solutions to minimize exposure to toxic
 pollutants and reduce their release.   In
 FY 2009 the Agency is  investing $2.4
 million   in the  program  to  award
 approximately 12  new grants, provide
 technical  resources   and  training  to
 approximately  50   communities,   and
 work  with  other  federal  agencies  to
 coordinate support for communities.


 Improving  a  community's  ability  to
 make    decisions    that   affect    its
 environment is  at the heart of EPA's
community-centered work. EPA shares
information  and   builds   community
capacity to consider the many aspects of
planned development or redevelopment.
EPA       encourages       community
development by providing funds to assist
communities with inventory, assessment,
and  clean  up  of  the  contaminated
properties   ("Brownfields")   that   lie
abandoned or  unused.  In  addition, the
Smart  Growth  Program  works  with
stakeholders  to  create  an  improved
economic and institutional  climate for
Brownfields redevelopment. Addressing
these   challenges  requires combining
innovative    and    community-based
approaches with national guidelines and
interagency coordination  to  achieve

International Activities

EPA  leads efforts  to address global
environmental  issues.  To  sustain  and
enhance   domestic  and   international
environmental  progress, EPA enlists the
cooperation  of   other   nations   and
international   organizations   to   help
predict,    understand,    and    solve
environmental    problems   of  mutual
concern.    By   assisting   developing
countries   to   manage  their   natural
resources  and protect the health of their
citizens,   EPA  also helps to  protect
human health and the environment in the

The  Agency  also  works  to include
environmental  protection provisions and
commitments  to   effectively  enforce
environmental  laws  and  regulations in
all   international    trade   agreements
negotiated by the United  States.  As an
example,   EPA   contributes   to   the
associated environmental  reviews  and
environmental  cooperation  agreements

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
 by developing  baseline  assessments  of
 existing    environmental   law   and
 enforcement  regimes in  a number  of
 U.S.     trading    partner    countries,
 advocating  for  greater  attention   to
 invasive  species, and  addressing  other
 concerns associated with the movement
 of traded  goods.    Addressing  local
 pollution and infrastructure deficiencies
 along the U.S.-Mexico border are also
 priorities  for  Mexico  and the United
 States    under   the   Border   2012
 Agreement.  The key to sustaining and
 enhancing  progress, both  domestically
 and internationally, is  the  collaborative
 efforts of  national,  Tribal,  state, and
 local     governments,     international
 organizations, the  private  sector, and
 concerned citizens.

 Environmental Justice

 EPA  is  committed to  protecting  the
 health  and environment of all people,
 regardless of race, color, national origin,
 or income.     Toward that   end,  the
 Agency  will  focus its environmental
 justice efforts  on the  following  eight
 national priorities:

    •   Reducing asthma attacks;
    •   Reducing exposure to air toxics;
    •   Increasing    compliance   with
    •   Reducing incidence of elevated
        blood lead levels;
    •   Ensuring that fish  and shellfish
        are  safe to eat;
    •   Ensuring  that water is safe  to
    •   Revitalizing  brownfields   and
        contaminated sites; and
    •   Using   collaborative   problem-
        solving to address environmental
        and public health concerns.

EPA has a responsibility to ensure that
efforts to reduce potential environmental
risks  are  based  on the  best available
scientific  information.   Strong  science
allows  for  identification  of  the most
important  sources  of  risk  to   human
health  and the environment, as  well  as
the best means  to detect, abate, and
avoid possible environmental  problems,
and   thereby   guides   our   priorities,
policies, and deployment of resources.

To accelerate  the pace of environmental
protection     for    healthy    people,
communities,  and ecosystems, EPA will
engage in  high-priority,  cutting-edge,
multidisciplinary   research efforts   in
areas   related   to   human    health,
ecosystems,  mercury,  global  change,
pesticides   and    toxics,    endocrine
disrupters,   computational  toxicology,
nanotechnology and Homeland Security.

In FY 2009, the Human Health Research
Program is  working  to  maintain   its
successful    program     in   reducing
uncertainties in  risk assessment  while
orienting this work toward developing
and linking indicators  of risk  along  the
source-exposure-effects-disease    conti-
nuum  that can be  used to demonstrate
reductions in human risk.  This strategic
shift is designed to include research that
addresses   limitations,   gaps,   and
challenges  articulated  in the  2003 and
2007   Reports  on  the   Environment.
Research   includes  development   of
sensitive  and predictive methods   to
identify    viable    bio-indicators    of
exposure, susceptibility, and effect that
could be used to evaluate public health
impacts  at   various   geospatial  and
temporal scales.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
 The   Agency's  human   health   risk
 assessment (HHRA)  research  program
 will  implement a process  to  identify,
 compile, characterize, and prioritize new
 scientific studies into Integrated Science
 Assessments   (ISAs)  of  criteria  air
 pollutants  to  assist  EPA's   air  and
 radiation programs in determining the
 National Ambient Air Quality Standards
 (NAAQS),    deliver   final  ISAs  for
 environmental  effects  of  sulfur oxide
 and nitrogen  oxides,  and release a draft
 ISA for carbon monoxide.  In  addition,
 the  HHRA   research   program   will
 complete   multiple   human    health
 assessments of high priority chemicals
 for interagency review or external  peer
 review  and   post  several  completed
 human  health   assessments   in  the
 integrated risk information system.

 In  order   to  assess  the  benefits of
 ecosystem   services  to   human  and
 ecological well-being, it is important to
 define  ecosystem  services  and  their
 implications,  measure, monitor  and map
 those  services  at  multiple  scales  over
 time,  develop  predictive  models for
 quantifying the changes  in  ecosystem
 services, and develop decision platforms
 for decision  makers  to  protect  and
 restore  ecosystem   services   through
 informed   decision   making.      This
 represents    a    transition   for   the
 Ecosystems  research  program  in FY
 2009.   To  meet these objectives, the
 Agency's ecosystems research will build
 on  existing   work  in  environmental
 monitoring and assessment, landscape
 ecology, modeling  ecological  stressor-
 response relationships,  and  assessing
 vulnerability   to  natural   and  human

 Over  the  last decade,  the endocrine
 disrupter research program  conducted
the underlying research, developed and
standardized     protocols,     prepared
background   materials   for   transfer,
briefed  Agency  advisory committees,
participated on international committees
on  harmonization  of  protocols,  and
participated in validation of 19 different
in vitro  and/or  in  vivo assays for the
development  and implementation of the
Agency's   two   tiered   Endocrine
Disrupters  Screening  Assay.   In FY
2009,  research  will   continue in the
following areas:

    •   Development of novel in vitro
       assays as improved alternatives
       that  may  further reduce the
       numbers of animals used;
    •   Finalization  of  the   Tier  2
       amphibian        developmental/
       reproductive assay and the fish 2
       generation  study for  validation;
    •   Leadership  on  the   guidance
       document  and  multi-laboratory
       standardization   of the  Tier  2
       mammalian protocol.

In FY 2009, the National Center for
Computational Toxicology (NCCT) will
play a critical role in  coordinating and
implementing these activities across the
Agency.    In  addition,  in  FY 2009,
greater emphasis will be placed on using
systems  biology-based  approaches to
advance health-based assessments.

The computational toxicology research
program's  strategic direction  is guided
by three long term goals:

    •   Improving  the   linkages in the
       source-outcome paradigm;
    •   Providing tools for screening and
       prioritization of chemicals under
       regulatory review; and

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
    •   Enhancing    quantitative    risk

 In FY 2009, continued research  in the
 pesticides and toxics research  program
 will     characterize    toxicity    and
 pharmacokinetic       profiles       of
 perfluoroalkyl chemicals, examine the
 potential  for  selected  perfluorinated
 telomers to  degrade to perfluoroctanoic
 acid   or its precursors,  and  develop
 methods and models to forecast the fate
 of pesticides and byproducts from  source
 waters through drinking water treatment
 systems  and  ultimately  to the U.S.
 population.    The  program  also  will
 conduct  research to develop  spatially-
 explicit   probabilistic    models  for
 ecological assessments and evaluate the
 potential  environmental  and    human
 health impacts of genetically engineered

 EPA will increase efforts to investigate
 nanotechnology's environmental,  health,
 and  safety  implications in FY  2009.
 This  research  will  examine  which
 processes govern the environmental fate
 of nanomaterials  and  what  data are
 available/needed to enable nanomaterial
 risk assessment.  Research will  continue
 on    improving    our    measurement,
 understanding, and control of mercury,
 with a  research focus on the  fate and
 transport  of  mercury  and   mercury
 compounds, and an evaluation  of the
 effectiveness of the Clean Air  Mercury
 rule.  The Agency will also cultivate the
 next   generation    of   environmental
 scientists  by  awarding  fellowships to
 pursue     higher     education     in
 environmentally  related  fields  and  by
 hosting recent graduates at its facilities.

 EPA  will  continue research  to  better
 understand  how global  change  (e.g.,
climate   change)   will    affect   the
environment,       including       the
environmental   and    human   health
implications    of   greenhouse    gas
mitigation     strategies,    and     the
implications of climate change for  the
Agency's fulfillment  of its  statutory,
regulatory      and      programmatic
requirements.   The Agency's  climate
change  research   also   includes   the
development of decision support tools to
help  resource managers  adapt  to a
changing climate.

In FY 2009, the Agency will continue to
enhance  the nation's preparedness and
response and  recovery capabilities  for
homeland  security  incidents  through
research,  development,  and  technical
support   activities.       EPA    will
significantly  increase  its emphasis  on
biodefense research related  to  anthrax
including  sampling,   decontamination,
and risk assessment methods and models
to aid first responders in determining the
extent of an outdoor release of anthrax
as well as to aid in the identification of
appropriate   decontamination  options.
More specifically, EPA will strengthen
its research in the following areas:

   •   Development and  adaptation  of
       methods  to  test  for   anthrax
       including    the    extent    of
       contamination   and   clearance
       following             wide-area
   •   Determination of deposition and
       adhesion properties  of  anthrax
       and  its ability to  re-aerosolize
       from materials common to wide-
       area settings;
   •   Development   of   methods   to
       effectively        decontaminate
       anthrax    in     wide    area

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

        environments while  minimizing
        the generation of waste; and
    •   Development and adaptation of
        methods and models for hazard
        and exposure assessments needed
        to determine risk-based clean up
        goals for anthrax.

 Recognizing that environmental policy
 and regulatory decisions will only be as
 good as the science upon which they are
 based, EPA makes every effort to ensure
 that its science is of the highest quality
 and  relevance, thereby  providing  the
 basis  for  sound environmental  results.
 EPA    uses    the    Research    and
 Development (R&D) Investment Criteria
 of quality, relevance, and performance in
 its decision-making  processes  through
 the use of research strategies and plans,
 program   review,   peer   review,   and
 evaluation  by  the Board of Scientific
 Counselors (BOSC)  and the  Science
 Advisory Board (SAB).

 Six major research programs in this goal
 have    undergone    OMB's    PART
 evaluation  through  FY 2007.    They
 include  endocrine  disrupters  research,
 ecosystems protection  research,  human
 health research, global change research,
 human health  risk assessment research,
 and safe pesticides/safe toxics research.

  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                    FY 2009 Annual Plan
               Compliance and Environmental Stewardship
  Protect human health and the environment through ensuring compliance with environmental
  requirements  by enforcing  environmental  statutes,  preventing pollution, and promoting
  environmental stewardship.  Encourage innovation and provide incentives for governments,
  businesses, and the  public that  promote  environmental  stewardship and  long-term
  sustainable outcomes.

   •  By 2011, maximize compliance to
      protect  human  health  and  the
      environment  through   enforcement
      and   other   compliance  assurance
      activities by  achieving  a  5  percent
      increase in the pounds  of pollution
      reduced, treated, or eliminated by
      regulated entities, including those in
      Indian  country.  (Baseline:   3-year
      rolling   average  FYs  2003-2005:
      900,000,000 pounds.)

   •  By 2011, enhance public health and
      environmental    protection    and
      increase  conservation  of  natural
      resources by  promoting  pollution
      prevention and  the adoption of other
      stewardship practices by companies,
      communities,         governmental
      organizations, and individuals.
•  Protect   human  health   and  the
   environment  on  tribal  lands  by
   assisting federally-recognized tribes
   to build environmental management
   capacity,   assess    environmental
   conditions and  measure results, and
   implement  environmental  programs
   in Indian country.

•  Conduct    leading-edge,     sound
   scientific   research   on   pollution
   prevention,     new    technology
   development,       socioeconomic,
   sustainable systems,  and  decision-
   making  tools. By  2011, the products
   of    this    research    will    be
   independently    recognized    as
   providing critical  and key evidence
   in informing  Agency polices  and
   decisions and solving problems for
   the Agency  and its  partners  and
                          GOAL, OBJECTIVE SUMMARY
                                    Budget Authority
                                   Full-time Equivalents
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)

Compliance and Environmental
Achieve Environmental Protection
through Improved Compliance
FY 2007
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2009 Pres
FY 2008

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                               FY 2009 Annual Plan

Improve Environmental
Performance through Pollution
Prevention and Other Stewardship
Improve Human Health and the
Environment in Indian Country
Enhance Societies Capacity for
Sustainability through Science and
Total Authorized Workyears
FY 2007
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2009 Pres
FY 2008
 The EPA will work to improve the nation's
 environmental   protection  practices   and
 enhance natural resource  conservation  on
 the part of government, business, and the
 public.  To  accomplish  these  goals,  the
 Agency will employ a mixture of effective
 inspection,  enforcement   and compliance
 assistance strategies; provide leadership and
 support  for   pollution   prevention   and
 sustainable   practices;  reduce   regulatory
 barriers; and refine and apply results-based,
 innovative,  and multi-media approaches to
 environmental stewardship and safeguarding
 human health.

 In  addition,  EPA  will  assist  Federally-
 recognized tribes in  assessing environmental
 conditions in Indian Country, and will help
 build    their    capacity   to   implement
 environmental  programs.    EPA  also will
 strengthen  the  scientific   evidence   and
 research supporting environmental policies
 and  decisions  on  compliance,   pollution
 prevention, and environmental stewardship.
 Improving       Compliance
 Environmental Laws
        In  order  to  be effective,  the  EPA
 requires   a   strong    enforcement   and
 compliance program, which: identifies and
reduces noncompliance problems; assists the
regulated   community  in  understanding
environmental   laws   and   regulations;
responds to  complaints  from the  public;
strives to  secure a level  economic playing
field for law-abiding companies;  and deters
future violations.  EPA's total proposed FY
2009  budget to improve  compliance with
environmental laws is $516.9 million.

In order to meet the Agency's  goals, the
program's  strategy employs an  integrated,
common-sense approach to problem-solving
and decision-making. An appropriate mix of
data collection  and  analysis, compliance
monitoring, assistance and incentives, civil
and  criminal  enforcement resources,  and
innovative    problem-solving   approaches
address significant environmental issues and
achieve     environmentally     beneficial

The    Civil    Enforcement    program's
overarching goal is to protect human health
and the environment, targeting enforcement
actions according to degree of health and
environmental  risk,   and  noncompliance
rates.     The  program  works  with  the
Department of Justice  to ensure consistent
and fair enforcement of all environmental
laws and regulations.  The program seeks to

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
 level the economic playing field by ensuring
 that violators  do not realize an  economic
 benefit  from noncompliance, and to  deter
 future  violations.   The  civil enforcement
 program develops,  litigates,  and  settles
 administrative  and  civil  judicial   cases
 against  serious violators of  environmental
 laws.   In FY  2009, the Civil Enforcement
 program's   proposed   budget  is  $132.4

 EPA's  criminal   enforcement   program
 investigates     and    helps     prosecute
 environmental  violations  which  seriously
 threaten public health and the environment
 and which involve intentional, deliberate or
 criminal behavior on the part of the violator.
 The  criminal  enforcement program  deters
 violations   of  environmental  laws   and
 regulations  by  demonstrating  that   the
 regulated    community    will   be   held
 accountable,  through jail  sentences  and
 criminal fines, for such violations.  Bringing
 criminal cases  sends a strong message  for
 potential  violators,  enhancing  aggregate
 compliance with laws and regulations.  In
 FY  2009,   the  Criminal  Enforcement
 program's proposed budget is $52.2 million.

 Furthermore, the Agency's Enforcement and
 Compliance    Assurance   program   uses
 compliance assistance and incentive tools to
 encourage   compliance   with   regulatory
 requirements  and reduce  adverse public
 health  and  environmental  problems.    To
 achieve   compliance,    the    regulated
 community   must  first   understand  its
 regulatory obligations and then learn how to
 best comply with them.

 The   Agency's  Compliance  Monitoring
 program reviews and evaluates the activities
 of the regulated  community to  determine
 compliance     with    applicable    laws,
 regulations,     permit    conditions    and
 settlement agreements, to determine whether
conditions present imminent and substantial
endangerment,  and  to analyze compliance
rates.   FY  2009 Compliance Monitoring
activities will be both environmental media-
and sector-based, and will also seek to begin
addressing   statistically valid  compliance
rates.     The   traditional   media-based
inspections complement those performed by
states and tribes.  They are a key part of our
strategy  for meeting  the  long-term  and
annual  goals  established   for  improving
compliance  in  the  air,  water,  pesticides,
toxic  substances,  and  hazardous  waste
environmental programs.   As part of this
program, the Agency reviews  and responds
to 100 percent of  the notices for trans-
boundary  movement of hazardous  waste,
ensuring that  these  wastes  are  properly
handled  in  accordance with  international
agreements and Resource Conservation and
Recovery  Act  regulations.  The proposed
budget for Compliance Monitoring activities
in FY 2009 is $97.2 million.

The    Enforcement   program   addresses
violations of environmental  laws, to  ensure
that  violators come into  compliance with
Federal laws  and  regulations  and  reduce
pollution.   In FY 2009, the program  will
achieve these environmental goals through
consistent, fair, and focused enforcement  of
all environmental statutes.   The overarching
goal   of the Enforcement  program is  to
protect human health and  the  environment,
targeting its actions  according to degree  of
health and environmental risk.  The program
is  considering  utilizing   analyses  and
evaluations of statistically  valid compliance
rates.  In FY 2009, EPA will continue  to
implement   its   national  compliance  and
enforcement  priorities,  which  address the
most widespread types of violations that also
pose  the  most substantive   health  and
environmental  risks.   In  addition,  in FY
2009 EPA anticipates reducing, treating,  or
eliminating an estimated 890 million pounds

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
 of   pollutants    building    upon    our
 achievements to date in reducing pollution
 through enforcement settlement agreements
 and compliance incentives by  an estimated
 4.5 billion pounds over the last six fiscal

 Maximum  compliance  requires  the  active
 efforts  of the regulated community.  EPA's
 Audit Policy encourages corporate audits of
 environmental compliance  and  subsequent
 correction  of  self-discovered  violations,
 providing a uniform enforcement response
 toward disclosures of violations.  Under the
 Audit Policy, when companies  voluntarily
 discover     and    promptly     correct
 environmental violations, EPA may  waive
 or  substantially  reduce   civil   penalties.
 Evaluation of  the  results of violations
 disclosed through self-reporting  will occur
 in order to understand the effectiveness and
 accuracy of such self-reporting.  Throughout
 FY 2009, EPA will continue to  investigate
 options for encouraging self-directed audits
 and disclosures with particular emphasis on
 companies  in the process of mergers and/or
 acquisitions.  Also  in   FY 2009,  EPA's
 Enforcement  and  Compliance  Assurance
 program   will   continue   to   develop
 meaningful measures to assess the impact of
 enforcement and compliance activities and
 target areas that pose the  greatest risks to
 human health or the environment,  display
 patterns  of  noncompliance,   or  include
 disproportionately exposed populations.

 EPA    fulfills    its   uniquely   Federal
 responsibilities    under    the   National
 Environmental  Policy   Act (NEPA)  and
 Section  309  of  the  Clean Air  Act  by
 reviewing and commenting on other Federal
 agency  Environmental  Impact  Statements
 (EISs), and making the comments available
 to the public.  NEPA requires that Federal
 agencies prepare and submit EISs to identify
 potential  environmental  consequences  of
major proposed activities and develop plans
to mitigate  or eliminate  adverse  impacts.
The FY 2009 NEPA budget is $16.3 million.

Improving  Environmental  Performance
through   Innovation    and   Pollution
Prevention and Stewardship

In FY 2009, with a budget of $18.4 million,
the  Pollution  Prevention  program  will
continue being one of the Agency's primary
tools for minimizing and preventing adverse
environmental impacts  by  preventing the
generation  of pollution   at  the   source.
Through  pollution  prevention  integration,
EPA   will   work   to  bring  about  a
performance-oriented regulatory system that
develops  innovative, flexible  strategies to
achieve   measurable   results;   promotes
environmental stewardship in all  parts of
society; supports sustainable  development
and  pollution  prevention;  and fosters  a
culture  of creative environmental problem-
solving. In total, the Agency proposes $107
million    to    improve    environmental
performances  through  pollution and other
stewardship practices.

   •   Partnering  with  Businesses  and
       Consumers:  In FY 2009, through
       the  Pollution    Prevention    (P2)
       program, EPA will promote stronger
       regional      partnerships      and
       geographically  tailored  approaches
       to    address   unique   community
       problems.   Also in FY 2009, EPA
       will    continue    to   encourage,
       empower, and assist government and
       business  to  "green" the  nation's
       supply  and  demand structures to
       make them  more  environmentally
       sound.            Through      the
       Environmentally         Preferable
       Purchasing Program,  the  Agency
       will provide enhanced  guidance to
       the Federal building community on

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
        model      green      construction
        specifications  and  help  Federal
        agencies identify and  procure those
        products  that generate  the  least
        pollution,   consume   fewest   non-
        renewable  natural  resources,  and
        constitute the least threat to human
        health  and  to  the  environment.
        EPA's  innovative  Green  Suppliers
        Network Program works  with large
        manufacturers  to  increase  energy
        efficiency;    identify    cost-saving
        opportunities;  optimize   resources
        and   technology    through    the
        development   of  sound  business
        approaches  incorporating  pollution
        prevention;  and  to promote  those
        approaches  among  their numerous
        suppliers.   P2 grants  to  states  and
        tribes   enable  them   to  provide
        technical  assistance,  education  and
        outreach  to assist  businesses  and
        industries  in  identifying  strategies
        and solutions to  reduce wastes  and
        pollution   at   the   source.     The
        importance  of tracking   outcomes
        from P2 grants has been reinforced
        by  adding  key  P2  environmental
        outcome targets to program guidance
        reporting measures.

        In FY  2009, through the National
        Partnership     for    Environmental
        Priorities  (NPEP),  the Agency  will
        continue to  reduce priority chemicals
        in wastes.  As of August 2007, the
        NPEP program has obtained industry
        commitments for 6.5 million pounds
        of  priority  chemical   reductions
        through 2011.  Reductions will be
        achieved  primarily  through source
        reduction made  possible  by  safer
        chemical substitutes.

    •   Promoting     Innovation     and
        Stewardship:  In FY 2009, EPA will
       work to bring about a performance-
       oriented   regulatory   system   that
       develops    innovative,    flexible
       strategies  to  achieve  measurable
       results;    promote   environmental
       stewardship  in all parts of society;
       support    sustainable  development
       and pollution prevention; and foster
       a culture of creative environmental

The Performance Track (PT) program will
improve program reporting, develop  and
implement national and regional  challenge
commitments,     and    leverage    state
environmental   leadership   programs   by
aligning PT with 20  state programs.   In
addition,  EPA   will  sponsor  a  formal
program evaluation of the program  in FY

Also in FY 2009, EPA will continue to grow
its  partnerships  and  track  environmental
performance     trends     with     major
manufacturing sectors, such as steel, cement,
forest  products,  and   shipbuilding,   plus
important  non-manufacturing  sectors  like
agribusiness, construction, and  ports.   The
Agency will  address barriers  to  improved
performance,     provide    sector-specific
"drivers"  for continuous improvement and
stewardship, and use  the  partnerships to
tackle high priority environmental issues.

EPA   will  also   continue   to  promote
environmental   performance  through  the
Environmental  Results  Program  (ERP),  a
state-run program promoting environmental
performance    and   efficiency   through
assistance and incentives to both states and
businesses. In  FY 2009, EPA will support
the growing demand for the ERP program
beyond the  16  States  and  10  sectors
currently active in the program.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                              FY 2009 Annual Plan
 Finally,  EPA  will  continue  the   State
 Innovation Grant  program  in  FY  2009,
 which  provides support to states, allowing
 them  to  develop  their  own  innovative
 approaches,  including  flexible permitting,
 ERP,    and    environmental    leadership
 programs  (e.g.  PT).    Measurement  and
 program evaluation  also will continue to be
 Improve   Human   Health    and
 Environment in Indian Country
 Since adopting the EPA  Indian Policy in
 1984, EPA  has worked with tribes  on a
 government-to-government    basis    in
 recognition  of the Federal  government's
 trust responsibility to Federally-recognized
 tribes.   EPA  will continue to work with
 Tribal  communities  in FY  2009  with a
 budget of $80.2 million directed to Tribal
 programs.   Under Federal environmental
 statutes,  the  Agency   is   responsible  for
 protecting   human    health    and    the
 environment in Indian Country.   EPA's
 American  Indian  Environmental  Office
 (ALEO) leads an Agency wide effort to work
 with tribes,  Alaska  Native Villages,  and
 inter-tribal   consortia  to   fulfill   this
 responsibility.  EPA's strategy for achieving
 this objective has three major components:

    •   Establish    an    Environmental
        Presence in Indian Country:   The
        Agency will  continue  to  provide
        funding through the Indian General
        Assistance Program (GAP) so each
        Federally-recognized   tribe    can
        establish an environmental presence.

    ••   Provide Access to Environmental
        Information: EPA will provide the
        information tribes need to meet EPA
        and Tribal  environmental priorities,
        as   well   as   characterize    the
        environmental   and  public  health
       improvements that result from joint

   •   Implementation of Environmental
       Goals:  The  Agency will provide
       opportunities for the implementation
       of Tribal environmental programs by
       tribes,   or  directly  by   EPA,  as

In FY 2009, GAP grants will  build  tribal
environmental    capacity    to    assess
environmental  conditions, utilize available
information,  and build  an environmental
program tailored to  tribes'  needs.    The
grants will develop environmental education
and   outreach   programs,  develop   and
implement    integrated    solid    waste
management plans, and alert EPA to serious
conditions that pose immediate public health
and  ecological  threats.   Through  GAP
program   guidance,    EPA   emphasizes
outcome based results.


In total, the Agency proposes $51.2 million
to  enhance capacity   for  sustainability
through science and  research.    EPA has
developed   and   evaluated   tools   and
technologies to monitor,  prevent, control,
and   clean  up  pollution  throughout  its
history. Since the Pollution Prevention Act
of  1990,  the  Agency  has  increasingly
focused  on  preventative and   sustainable
approaches  to  health  and  environmental
problems. EPA's efforts in this area support
research specifically designed to address the
issue  of advancing  sustainability goals  -
EPA's   Science   and   Technology  for
Sustainability (STS) program.

Sustainable  approaches  require:  innovative
design  and production  techniques  that
minimize    or   eliminate   environmental
liabilities;  integrated  management  of air,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
 water,  and land resources; and changes in
 the traditional methods  of creating   and
 distributing  goods and services.    And in
 addition  to  conducting research related to
 human health  and environmental  threats,
 EPA   is    committed    to   promoting
 sustainability—achieving         economic
 prosperity while protecting natural  systems
 and quality of life for the long term.

 In FY  2009, EPA's  Sustainability research
 program will embark on a new effort that is
 aimed  at creating a  suite of science-based
 sustainability  metrics  that  are  readily
 understood by the public.  This work will
 address both large and small systems.   In
 addition,  the People, Prosperity, and Planet
 Award will  support up to  50  student design
 projects from around  the  country,  focusing
 on challenges in areas such as materials  and
 chemicals,   energy, resources,  and  water.
 Recognizing that  environmental policy  and
 regulatory decisions will only be as good as
 the science upon which they are based, EPA
 makes  every effort to  ensure that its science
 is  of  the  highest quality and relevance,
 thereby,  providing  the   basis for  sound
 environmental  results.    EPA  uses   the
 Research   and  Development  Investment
 Criteria   of   quality,   relevance,    and
 performance   in   its    decision-making
 processes through (a) the use of research
 strategies and plans, (b) peer review, and (c)
 program review and evaluation by the Board
 of Scientific Counselors  (BOSC) and  the
 Science Advisory  Board.

 FY 2006 PART

     •   EPA's     Pollution    Prevention
        Program,  including the Categorical
        Grant Program, underwent  PART
        review in FY 2006 and received  a
        "moderately effective" rating.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



Drinking Water State
Revolving Fund

EPA Enforcement of
Environmental Laws

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Improvement-Plan-"': c:--^-:r-::r:- ••••\--rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-':'
''.: ••;'. .:•• •••••.• ,.'../ •' : ;••.',• .:'•-.• ••'.'..- ".-.'•• • .' ' 	
Implement recommendations from the second triennial drinking water
data quality review which are designed to improve the overall quality of
the data in EPA's drinking water compliance reporting system.
Develop a new long-term outcome performance measure to assess the
impact of drinking water compliance improvements on public health.
Develop an efficiency measure that is more useful and meaningful for
tracking annual programmatic efficiency.
Continue to expand and improve use of statistically valid non-
compliance rates.
Develop meaningful baseline and targets for outcome oriented
performance measures, with particular emphasis on pounds of
pollutants reduced characterized for risk.
Target resources based on workload analysis and take into account
recommendations by the intra-agency Superfund Review completed in
April 2004.
Direct funds toward completion of the Permit Compliance System (PCS)
EPA will consider contracting for an independent evaluation of the
program that can serve as the basis for further improvements.
Calculate and evaluate recidivism rates.
Direct funds toward completion of the Permit Compliance System (PCS)
••Action 'Taken-: :
;• :':. "••:•" ^:- :/:.•-
. V.V . "••• '/' '••. •'.' ' :.-/• '
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report




EPA Tribal General
Assistance Program

Nonpoint Source
Pollution Control Grants

Toxic Air Pollutants -
Regulations and Federal

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Begin to transition from a tool-oriented to a problem-oriented GPRA
Architecture; and incorporate in the next EPA Strategic Plan.
Plan .
Implementation of the GAP tracking system proceeds. Regional training
will occur Sept-Dec. 2007. System evaluation and updated
recommendations are scheduled for Feb. 2008, with any necessary
system updates occurring in March-May 2008.
Implementation of the GAP tracking system proceeds. Regional training
will occur Sept-Dec. 2007. System evaluation and updated
recommendations are scheduled for Feb. 2008, with any necessary
system updates occurring in March-May 2008.
A long term measure for GAP related to solid waste issues and activities
is being developed.
To continue to improve this program and meet its long-term goals, EPA
will focus on ensuring its funds are used for the most beneficial projects.
EPA will consider contracting for an independent evaluation of the
program that can serve as the basis for further improvements.

Increase funding for toxic air pollutant programs by $7 million in State
grants for monitoring to help fill data gaps.
Focus on maximizing programmatic net benefits and minimizing the cost
per deleterious health effect avoided.
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



Leaking Underground
Storage Tank Cleanup

Pesticide Registration

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Establish better performance measures, including an appropriate
efficiency measure.
Use the newly developed efficiency measure to demonstrate efficiency
In response to initial findings that the program needed better long-term
outcome goals with adequate baselines and targets, the program has
been participating in an Office of Pesticide
Seek out regular independent evaluations and a systematic process to
review the program's strategic planning.
Programs initiative on performance indicators. The program has
proposed new measures for this reassessment.
Backlog characterization study and potential refinement of LUST
efficiency measure.
Plan .
The Administration recommends maintaining funding at the 2004
President's Budget level adjusted for the annual pay increase.
The program will develop long-term risk-based outcome performance
measures that will supplement the existing long-term measures.
The program will also work on long-term outcome efficiency measures.
Implement new strategic plan architecture into FY 08 management
activities and day-to-day operations.
Action taken, but
not completed
No action taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report


Pesticide Reregistration

2007 SPR

Establish executive leads to provide senior leadership for each of the 3
mission areas in the new Strategic Plan.
Brief staff on new Strategic Plan in order to incorporate stronger
alignment between Strategic Plan individual Performance Agreement
and Recognition System (PARS) agreements.
Executive leads working toward the development and refinement of
meaningful outcome oriented measures for each of the three mission
area in the new Strategic Plan
Plan .
The original PART assessment found that the program was not
measuring its level of efficiency. As a result, the program has proposed
new output efficiency measures that will promote better management
and a more direct focus on efficiently achieving outcomes.
To address the issue of not meeting annual targets and concerns about
meeting statutorily-required deadlines, the program did use additional
resources for reviewing antimicrobial pesticides and inert ingredients as
proposed in the FY 2004 President's Budget.
The original PART assessment found that the program was not
measuring its level of efficiency. As a result, the program has proposed
new output efficiency measures that will promote better management
and a more direct focus on efficiently achieving outcomes.
Per the Agency targets develop and finalize appropriate regional
performance targets.
Implement new strategic plan architecture into FY 08 management
activities and day-to-day operations.
Establish executive leads to provide senior leadership for each of the 3
mission areas in the new Strategic Plan.
Brief staff on new Strategic Plan in order to incorporate stronger
alignment between Strategic Plan individual Performance Agreement
and Recognition System (PARS) agreements.
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report




Superfund Removal

EPA Acid Rain Program


2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Executive leads working toward the development and refinements of
meaningful outcome-oriented measures for each of the three mission
areas in the new Strategic Plan
Plan .
Investigate the feasibility of outcome-oriented measures that test the
linkage between program activities and impacts on human health and
the environment.
Modernize the program's data repository (CERCLIS) to ensure accurate
and complete information on program performance and financial
Develop a plan for regular, comprehensive and independent
assessments of program performance.
Plan .
Program should develop efficiency measures to track and improve
overall program efficiency. Measures should consider the full cost of the
program, not just the federal contribution.
Remove statutory requirements that prevent program from having more
impact including (but not limited to) barriers that; set maximum
emissions reduction targets, exempt certain viable facilities from
contributing, and limit the scope of emission reduction credit trading.
The Administration's Clear Skies proposal adequately addresses these
and other statutory impediments. Program should work as appropriate
to promote the enactment of the Clear Skies legislation.
Improve grantee use of electronic reporting systems to reduce data lags
in performance information.
Conduct regional program reviews to share and implement best
practices among regional offices that will improve the program's overall
performance and efficiency.
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report




Clean Water State
Revolving Fund

EPA Enforcement of
Environmental Laws

EPA Ecological Research

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Complete performance measures that are under development including
a new cross-agency measure that tracks brownfields redevelopment.
Plan .
EPA will focus on improving the quality and breadth of CWSRF
performance data. In particular, EPA needs to focus on collecting data
on minor systems, which receive a significant proportion of CWSRF
funding, and waterborne disease.
Plan .
Developing a baseline and targets for the outcome measure, pounds of
pollutants reduced, that is characterized as to risk.
Created standardized definitions (completed) and merging databases
from within the agency to allow easier implementation and evaluation of
Developing baselines and targets to measure recidivism.
Refine the questions used in independent scientific reviews to improve
EPA's understanding of program utility and performance in relationship
to environmental outcomes.
Increase the transparency of budget, program, and performance
information in budget documents.
Develop and publish a revised multi-year research plan clearly
demonstrating how the program's research supports the EPA mission
and avoids duplication with other research programs.
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
No action taken
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



EPA Environmental

National Ambient Air
Quality Standards

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Improvement-Plan-"': c:--^-:r-::r:- ••••\--rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-':'
''.: ••;'. .:•• •••••.• ,.'../ •' : ;••.',• .:'•-.• ••'.'..- ".-.'•• • .' ' 	
The administration is continuing its recommendation to terminate the
program at EPA and rely on NSF programs to fulfill scientific education
The administration is continuing its recommendation to terminate the
program at EPA and rely on NSF programs to fulfill scientific education
Plan .
Convene annual program reviews in which extramural expert discipline
scientists and clients will assess the state of ORD science, ensure
progress toward outcome goals, and determine the need for strategic
mid-course adjustments to maximize program efficiency and assist with
outyear planning.
The program must develop at least one efficiency measure that
adequately reflects the efficiency of the program.
Improve multi-year plan (MYP) and financial data tracking systems and
procedures to better and more transparently integrate grantee and
program performance with financial information.
Develop an annual measure that more directly demonstrates progress
on toward the long-term goal of reducing uncertainty in identified
research areas of high priority.
Develop and implement adequate methods for determining progress on
the program's two new long-term measures (uncertainty and source-to-
health linkage measures) as well as for the new annual measure
(customer survey measure).
Assess the current efficiency measure, and revise it, if necessary, to
best capture the cost effectiveness of research activities.
••Action 'Taken-: :
;• :':. "••:•" ^:- :/:.•-
. V.V . "••• '/' '••. •'.' ' :.-/• '
Action taken, but
not completed
No action taken
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



Pollution Prevention and
New Technologies

Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act
Corrective Action

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Improvement-Plan-"': c:--^-:r-::r:- ••••\--rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-':'
''.: ••;'. .:•• •••••.• ,.'../ •' : ;••.',• .:'•-.• ••'.'..- ".-.'•• • .' ' 	
Shift funding from this research program to another Environmental
Protection Agency pollution prevention program that has shown results
(see New Chemicals PART).
Improve the program's strategic planning. These improvements should
include a plan for independent evaluation of the program, responses to
previous evaluations, and should clearly explain why the program should
pursue projects instead of other capable parties.
Establish performance measures, including efficiency measures.
Develop and publish a revised multi-year research plan with an
improved strategic focus and clear goals and priorities. This plan must
include explicit statements of: specific issues motivating the program;
broad goals and more specific tasks meant to address the issue;
priorities among goals and activities; human and capital resources
anticipated; and intended program outcomes against which success may
later be assessed.
Institute a plan for regular, external reviews of the quality of the
program's research and research performers, including a plan to use the
results from these reviews to guide future program decisions.
Assess the current efficiency measure, and revise it, if necessary, to
best capture the cost effectiveness of research activities.
Implement follow-up recommendations resulting from the Technology
for Sustainability Subcommittee Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC)
review. Follow up actions are those actions committed to in the Pollution
Prevention and New Technologies Research Assessment program's
formal response to the BOSC
Program must define a new baseline for performance measures and
establish appropriate annual targets to make goals more ambitious in
achieving long-term objectives of the program.
••Action 'Taken-: :
;• :':. "••:•" ^:- :/:.•-
. V.V . "••• '/' '••. •'.' ' :.-/• '
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
No action taken

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



Alaska Native Village
Water Infrastructure

EPA Climate Change

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Program should establish appropriate efficiency measures to adequately
track program efficiency over time.
Correcting incomplete data fields and reporting deficiencies in database
to support analysis for cost effectiveness and efficiency by January 30,
Finalizing web based project reporting system to include all projects
funded by EPA dollars by April 30, 2007.
EPA will develop regulations for the management and oversight of the
program, including all grant funds to the State of Alaska and any
subsidiary recipients of EPA funds via the State of Alaska. By March 1,
2007, EPA shall provide a draft regulation to OMB for review and
The program will issue a contract for an independent review of the
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium financial processes and records.
The independent review will begin in January 2007.
Develop an annual programmatic efficiency measure, which managers
will find useful for improving operational performance of the program.
EPA will complete an assessment and comparison of the potential
benefits and efforts of the Clean Automotive Technology program to
other agency's efforts with similar goals by April 1, 2005.
The Clean Automotive Technology program will work to develop better
performance measures that more clearly link to greenhouse gas
reduction potential in the near term.
Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
No action taken
.Action Taken .
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report




Public Water System
Supervision Grant

Underground Injection
Control Grant Program

Endocrine Disrupters

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Improvement-Plan-"': c:--^-:r-::r:- ••••\--rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-':'
''.: ••;'. .:•• •••••.• ,.'../ •' : ;••.',• .:'•-.• ••'.'..- ".-.'•• • .' ' 	
Implement recommendations from the second triennial drinking water
data quality review which are designed to improve the overall quality of
the data in EPA's drinking water compliance reporting system.
Develop a new long-term outcome performance measure to assess the
impact of drinking water compliance improvements on public health.
Develop an efficiency measure that is more useful and meaningful for
tracking annual programmatic efficiency.
Pla n • • ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : •
Develop an outcome-based annual performance measure and an
efficiency measure, which demonstrate the protection of source water
Implement recommendations from the second triennial drinking water
data quality review which are designed to improve the overall quality of
the data in EPA's drinking water compliance reporting system.
Develop an efficiency measure that is more useful and meaningful for
tracking annual programmatic efficiency.
Pla n - - ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -
Maintain funding at approximately the FY 2005 President's Budget level.
Articulate clearly R&D priorities to ensure compelling, merit-based
justifications for funding allocations.
By the end of CY 2006, develop baseline data for an efficiency measure
that compares dollars/labor hours in validating chemical assays.
••Action 'Taken-: :
;• :':. "••:•" ^:- :/:.•-
. V.V . "••• '/' '••. •'.' ' :.-/• '
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
No action taken

Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
No action taken


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report




U. S. -Mexico Border
Water Infrastructure

Mobile Source Air
Pollution Standards and

EPA Pesticide
Enforcement Grant

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

By the end of CY 2007, collect data for first year of new contracts and
compare to baseline efficiency measures.
Plan .
Develop baselines and targets for its long-term and efficiency measures.
Follow-up on the results of the business process review to help EPA
implement program changes that could improve effectiveness.
Implement a new program requirement that detailed project schedules
be included in future subgrant agreements.
Implement program management controls that expedite project
Pla n • • ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; •
Request $66 million for EPA's mobile source programs, $1.5 million
more than the 2005 President's Budget request.
Systematically review existing regulations to maintain consistency and
ensure that regulations maximize net benefits. Conduct thorough ex
ante economic analyses and evaluations of alternatives in support of
regulatory development.
Begin collecting data to support two new efficiency measures - one long
and one short-term - to enable the program to measure further
efficiency improvements.
Plan- • • 	
Work to develop appropriate outcome performance measures.
Develop targets and baselines.
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



EPA's Recycling, Waste
Minimization, and
Waste Management

Stratospheric Ozone

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Evaluate why cost effectiveness appears inversely proportional to
amount of Federal funding.
Plan .
Develop an efficiency measure for the waste minimization component of
the RCRA base program.
Continuously improving the program by identifying where compliance
costs are excessive and reducing the cost of compliance where
appropriate (i.e. RCRA manifest rule).
Develop a new regulatory definition of solid waste that satisfies the
judicial requirements while ensuring that costs are not inappropriately
shifted to the Superfund or other corrective action programs by
narrowing the exclusion of previously regulated substances.
Convert long-term health effects measure into a rate of skin cancer
prevalence so that an actual baseline can be established once statistics
are available.
Continue to support the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the
Montreal Protocol.
Continue to monitor progress to ensure that the program is on track to
meet goals.
Program will develop a performance measure and targets to track
intermediate outcomes by measuring "thickness" of the ozone layer in
the atmosphere. Many of the program's outcome performance measures
are extremely long-term, so it is important to establish measurable
performance objectives for the near term.
Program will develop a long-term performance measure and set
ambitious targets for reduced incidence of non-melanoma skin cancers.
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken .
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



Superfund Remedial

Pesticide Field Programs

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Improvement-Plan-"': c:--^-:r-::r:- ••••\--rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-':'
''.: ••;'. .:•• •••••.• ,.'../ •' : ;••.',• .:'•-.• ••'.'..- ".-.'•• • .' ' 	
Implement the recommendations of the Agency's 120-day study on
management of the Superfund program.
Modernize the program's data repository (CERCLIS) to ensure accurate
and complete information on program performance and financial
Validate the reporting method for performance data and develop a new
Superfund cleanup efficiency measure.
Include a $1 million reduction in funding for the Field Programs WQ
program in the FY 2006 President's Budget. EPA must ensure that WQ
program activities affected by this reduction are adequately addressed
in the Office of Water's Surface Water Protection program.
Make the Field Programs budgeting more transparent and more clearly
link to adequate and relevant program-specific measures.
Develop and implement annual goals and efficiency measures and
continue development of baselines and targets for long-term outcome
measures for all Field Programs.
Develop and implement a method of compiling and disseminating Field
Programs grantee performance data in a manner easily accessible to the
public. EPA worked with states to develop a simplified, electronic, EOY
reporting system for worker safety activities. Will expand to other field
programs by EOY 2007.
Implement new strategic plan architecture into FY 08 management
activities and day-to-day operations.
Establish executive leads to provide senior leadership for each of the 3
mission areas in the new Strategic Plan.
••Action 'Taken-: :
;• :':. "••:•" ^:- :/:.•-
. V.V . "••• '/' '••. •'.' ' :.-/• '
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



Drinking Water
Protection Program

Chesapeake Bay

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Establish executive leads to provide senior leadership for each of the 3
mission areas in the new Strategic Plan.
Brief staff on new Strategic Plan in order to incorporate stronger
alignment between Strategic Plan individual Performance Agreement
and Recognition System (PARS) agreements.
Executive leads working toward the development and refinement of
meaningful outcome oriented measures for each of the three mission
areas in the new Strategic Plan
Plan .
Developing a long-term outcome performance measure to assess the
public health impacts of improvements in drinking water compliance.
Revising the current drinking water small system affordability
methodology to address negative distributional impacts.
Implementing data quality review recommendations to improve the
overall quality of the data in EPA's drinking water compliance reporting
The program is developing an efficiency measure that is more useful
and meaningful for tracking annual programmatic efficiency.
Investigating potential methods to more transparently characterize the
uncertainty of the watershed and water quality models, ideally leading
to implementation of a method, if feasible.
Developing a comprehensive implementation strategy that is
coordinated between program partners and accurately accounts for
available resources.
Promoting and tracking implementation of the most cost effective
restoration activities to maximize water quality improvements.
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report





Underground Storage
Tank Program

Pollution Prevention

Land Protection and
Restoration Research

Water Quality Research

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Improvement-Plan-"': c:--^-:r-::r:- ••••\--rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-':'
''.: ••;'. .:•• •••••.• ,.'../ •' : ;••.',• .:'•-.• ••'.'..- ".-.'•• • .' ' 	
Underground Storage Tanks Improvement Plan
Pla n • • ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : •
Evaluate Science Advisory Board Report recommendations for improving
performance measures to better demonstrate P2 results.
Identifying and reducing barriers associated with core EPA activities that
limit implementation of pollution prevention practices by industry.
Developing additional P2 Program efficiency measures to expand the
portion of the program's resources that are addressed.
Fully implement Grant Trak and P2 State Reporting System. Obtain
consistent 2007 results from Regions.
Finalize ambitious, long-term outcome performance measures that
assess the utility of the program's research products and services with
respect to the outcome goals of its clients.
Develop and implement a protocol for more frequent review and use of
financial and performance tracking data to improve budget-performance
Develop a new efficiency measure that captures the cost effectiveness of
research activities.
Finalize ambitious long-term outcome performance measures, which
assess the utility of the program's research products and services with
respect to the outcome goals of its clients.
••Action 'Taken-: :
;• :':. "••:•" ^:- :/:.•-
. V.V . "••• '/' '••. •'.' ' :.-/• '
Action taken, but
not completed

Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken .
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



Global Change Research

Human Health Risk
Assessment Program

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Developing and implementing a protocol for more frequent review and
use of financial and performance tracking data to improve budget and
performance integration.
Develop a new outcome efficiency measure that captures the cost
effectiveness of research activities.
Improve the collection of partner performance information to more
clearly link to programmatic goals so managers can take appropriate
actions to improve overall program performance.
Pla n • • ; r, : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : •
Finalize ambitious long-term outcome measures that assess the utility of
the program's research products and services with respect to the
outcome goals of its clients.
More clearly define the program's framework and mission to help focus
assessment efforts and provide structure for setting priorities.
Develop an efficiency measure that captures the cost effectiveness of
research activities.
Develop and implement a protocol for more frequent review and use of
financial and performance tracking data to improve budget-performance
Expand efficiency measure to include all major work products.
Implement new IRIS review process.
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report




Ocean, Coastal, and
Estuary Protection

Drinking Water

EPA Support for
Cleanup of Federal

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Implement regular, independent evaluations that assess the program's
effectiveness specifically related to its influence on key risk management
decisions made by the Agency's environmental media offices.
Investigate alternative approaches for measuring progress related to
providing timely, high quality scientific assessments.

Develop an annual performance measure for the Ocean Dumping
Develop an additional performance measure for non-estuary program
Developing more ambitious targets for the National Estuary Program's
annual and long term measures on habitat acres protected and restored.
Develop baselines and targets for all long term and annual performance
measures. These will allow the program to set quantitative goals and
assess progress through time.
Develop a performance measure which tracks the efficiency with which
the program delivers its services to its primary client, the EPA Office of
Improve oversight of non-grant partners and require non-grant partners
to work towards the annual and long term goals of the program.
Assess the current efficiency measure, and revise it, if necessary, to
best capture the cost effectiveness of research activities.
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken .
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
.Action Taken .

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



EPA Human Health

2007 SPR

Work with other Federal agencies to support attainment of long-term
environmental and human health goals.
Conduct one evaluation on an aspect of the program to identify areas
and means for program improvements.
Explore with DOE and DOD the development of cross-program
revitalization measures.
Work with Fed. Fac. to evaluate their progress toward achieving
environmental goals.
Improve program management
Improve ability to link budget resources to annual and long-term
performance targets by requesting and reporting Human Health
research and Ecosystem research funding as separate program-projects.
Develop ambitious long-term performance targets that clearly define
what outcomes would represent a successful program.
Implement follow up recommendations resulting from external expert
review by the Human Health Subcommittee of the Board of Scientific
Counselors (BOSC). Follow up actions are those actions committed to in
the Human Health Research program's formal response to the BOSC in
September 2005.
Implement follow-up recommendations resulting from the Human Health
Subcommittee Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) mid-cycle review.
Follow up actions are those actions committed to in the Human Health
Research program's formal response to the BOSC.
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



EPA Indoor Air Quality

EPA Lead-Based Paint
Risk Reduction Program

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Establish formal baselines for the program's BOSC-informed long-term
measures at the next comprehensive BOSC review.
Increase the transparency of budget, program, and performance
information in budget documents.
Link budget requests more explicitly to accomplishment of performance
goals, specifically by stipulating how adjustments to resource levels
would impact performance.
Improve transparency by making State radon grantee performance data
available to the public via a website or other easily accessible means.
Use efficiency measures to demonstrate improved efficiencies or cost
effectiveness in achieving program goals.

Develop and implement a method of measuring the impacts of the
program's outreach and education efforts.
Improve the consistency of grantee and regional office accountability
mechanisms and develop a system that ensures all relevant
performance data from grantees and the Regional offices is being
collected for the purposes of focusing program actions.
Improve the linkage between program funding and the associated
contributions towards progress in achieving program goals, especially
for program grant and contractor funding.
Refine/Improve measures used in State Grant Reporting Template to
improve accountability of program partners for achievement of program
Further improve results reporting from program partners.
Action taken, but
not completed
No action taken
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report




National Ambient Air
Quality Standards and
Regional Haze Programs

Air Quality Grants and

EPA Oil Spill Control

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

lip|»W:ement;Ptofr ••: >:•:- •.:::•::• ;™; ••••/; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; •:•; r-]<
Implement improvements within current statutory limitations that
address deficiencies in design and implementation and identify and
evaluate needed improvements that are beyond current statutory
Improve the linkage between program funding and the associated
contributions towards progress in achieving program goals.
Develop at least one efficiency measure that adequately reflects
program efficiency.
Develop at least one efficiency measure that adequately reflects
program efficiency.
Develop a measure that assesses the State permitting programs'
quality, efficiency, and compliance.
Develop policy and criteria for transitioning the fine particulate matter
(PM2.5) monitoring program from Clean Air Act Section 103 grant
funding to Clean Air Act Section 105 grant funding.
Review and update current grant allocation processes to ensure
resources are properly targeted.
Develop a second long-term outcome measure and at least one annual
outcome measure.
••Action. 'Tpkew, : ; : ; ..
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report



Water Pollution Control

Surface Water

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Develop stronger strategic planning procedures to ensure continuous
improvement in the program, including regular procedures that will
track and document key decisions and work products.
Evaluate the data quality of key data sources used by the program to
improve the accuracy and reliability of performance information.
Develop a forum for sharing and implementing best practices among
regional offices that will improve the program's overall performance and

Target additional program funding to States implementing probabilistic
monitoring activities in support of the national probabilistic monitoring
Require that State workplans and performance data are formatted and
reported consistently and directly support specific goals in EPA's
strategic plan.
Provide incentives for States to implement or improve their permit fee
programs, increasing the resources available for water quality programs.
Require that 106 State workplans and performance data are formatted
and reported consistently and directly support specific goals in EPA's
strategic plan.
Working with States and other partners, EPA will assess 100% of rivers,
lakes, and streams in the lower 48 states using statistically-valid
surveys by 2010.
Working with States and other partners, EPA will issue water quality
reports based on the statistically-valid surveys in the lower 48 states by
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report





EPA Great Lakes

EPA Radiation
Protection Program

EPA Pesticides and
Toxics Research

EPA Chemical Risk
Review and Reduction

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

2007 SPR

Improvement-Plan-"': c:--^-:r-::r:- ••••\--rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-':'
''.: ••;'. .:•• •••••.• ,.'../ •' : ;••.',• .:'•-.• ••'.'..- ".-.'•• • .' ' 	
By the end of September, the program will present and analysis of
major radiological monitoring activities at EPA and other federal
agencies, exploring complementary efficiencies and potential

By the end of September, the program will present an analysis of major
radiological monitoring activity at EPA and other Federal agencies,
exploring complementary efficiencies and potential redundancies.
Develop a formal response to the Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC)
independent expert review report, address action items, and make
progress toward long-term and annual targets.
Assess the current efficiency measure and revise it, if necessary, to best
capture the cost effectiveness of research activities.
Develop a system to utilize quarterly performance measurement
reporting to improve program performance rather than solely revising
annual and long-term plans.
Develop a system to utilize quarterly performance measurement
reporting to improve program performance rather than solely revising
annual and long-term plans.
Program will develop a biomonitoring performance measure with
NHANES data from the Center for Disease Control or other
biomonitoring data (NATA) for chemicals of concern.
Risk Screening Environmental Model will be updated annually to reflect
updated TRI data to ensure performance measures are updated within 2
years that rely on TRI data.
••Action 'Taken-: :
;• :':. "••:•" ^:- :/:.•-
. V.V . "••• '/' '••. •'.' ' :.-/• '
No action taken

No action taken
.Action Taken .
No action taken
Action taken, but
not completed
No action taken
No action taken
.Action Taken .
No action taken
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
          PART Improvement Plans- Spring Update Report

Develop long-term and annual performance measures to reflect risk-
based recommendations for HPV Chemicals
Action taken, but
not completed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
PART Measures
  Year Data
Goal 1: Clean Air and Global Climate Change
Long-Term Performance Measure
Elimination  of  U.S.  consumption  of  Class  II  Ozone  Depleting       FY2010
substances measured in tons/yr. of Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP).
Estimated future premature lung  cancer deaths prevented annually       FY2012
through lowered radon exposure.
Million metric tons of carbon equivalent (mmcte) of greenhouse gas in       FY 2012
the building sector.

Million metric tons of carbon equivalent (mmtce) of greenhouse gas in       FY 2012
the industry sector.

Million metric tons of carbon equivalent (mmtce) of greenhouse gas       FY2012
reductions in the  transportation sector.

Millions  of tons of nitrogen oxides (NOX) reduced since 2000 from       FY2010
mobile sources.
Millions  of tons  of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) reduced since       FY2010
2000 from mobile sources.
Percent improvement in visibility on 20% worst days, on average for all       FY 2018
eastern Class I areas.
Percent of change in number of chronically acidic waterbodies in acid       FY 2030
sensitive  regions.
Percent reduction in population-weighted ambient concentration of fine       FY 2015
particulate matter  (PM 2.5) in all  monitored  counties  from  2003
Percent reduction  in  population-weighted ambient  concentration  of       FY2015
ozone in all monitored counties from 2003 baseline.
Percentage of ORD-developed outputs appearing in the Office  of Air        None
and Radiation National Ambient Air Quality Standard Staff Paper (SP)
Percentage reduction in tons toxi city-weighted cancer risk emissions       FY2010
from 1993 baseline.
Percentage  reduction  in tons toxicity-weighted of non-cancer risk       FY2010
emissions from 1993 baseline.
Progress  in  assessing  the  linkage  between health  impacts  and  air         UD
pollutant sources and reducing the  uncertainties that impede the

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
PART Measures
Tons  of fine  particulate matter (PM 2.5)  since 2000 from  mobile
Tons  of  sulfur  dioxide  emissions reduced  from  electric  power
generating sources.
Annual Performance Measure
Percent progress  toward completion of a hierarchy of air pollutant
sources based on the risk they pose to human health.
Efficiency Performance Measure
Percent reduction in  time  (days) per  certificate approval for large
engines (nonroad  Compression  Ignition , Heavy  duty  gas  and diesel
Tons  of pollutants (VOC, NOX, PM, CO) reduced  per total emission
reduction dollars spent.
Tons  of toxicity-wieghted (for  cancer and noncancer risk) emissions
reduced per total cost ($).
  Year Data
understanding and usefuleness of these linkages.
Progress toward  reducing uncertainty  in  the  science  that supports
standard setting and air quality management decisions.
Reductions in melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers, measured by
millions of skin cancer cases avoided (melanoma and nonmelanoma).







Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water
Long-Term Performance Measure
100% percent of serviceable rural Alaska homes will have access to       FY2011
drinking water supply and wastewater disposal.
CWSRF Long-Term Revolving Level ($billions/yr)                          FY 2011
DWSRF Long-Term Revolving Level ($billions/yr)                          F Y 2018
Indep. Exp. Rev. Panel summary score on tool designed to measure the         UD
use of ORD data, tools,  and technologies for key decisions leading to
scientifically-sound 6 Year Review Decisions made by OW
Indep. Exp. Rev. Panel summary score on tool designed to measure the         UD
use of ORD data, tools,  and technologies for key decisions leading to
scientifically-sound CCL decisions made by the OW
National  Coastal Condition Report (NCCR) score for overall aquatic       FY2011
ecosystem health of coastal waters nationally (1-5 scale).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
PART Measures
  Year Data
Number  of baseline  monitoring stations  showing improved water       FY2012
quality in tribal waters.
Number of waterbodies identified by States (in 2000  or  subsequent       FY2012
years)  as  being primarily  NPS-impaired  that are partially  or fully
Number of waterbody segments  identified in  2002 as  not  attaining       FY2012
standards, where water quality standards are now fully attained.
Percent of Alaska population  served by  public  water systems  in       FY2011
compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act regulatory requirements.
Percent of community water systems for which minimized risk to public       FY 2011
health through source water protection is achieved.
Percent of homes on tribal lands lacking access to basic sanitation.            FY 2011
Percent of homes on tribal lands lacking access to safe drinking water.         FY 2011
Percentage of WQRP publications in high impact journals.                     None
Percentage of WQRP publications rated as highly cited publications.             None
Section 319 funds  ($ million) expended  per partially or fully restored       FY2012
Annual Performance Measure
Percent of data for violations of health-based standards at public water       FY 2011
systems that is accurate and complete in SDWIS/FED for all MCL and
TT rules.
Percentage of research products used by the Office of Water as the basis          UD
of or in support of Contaminant Candidate List Decisions.
Percentage of research products used by the Office of Water as the basis          UD
of or in support of Six Year Review Decisions.
Efficiency Performance Measure
Average funding (millions of dollars) per project initiating operations          FY 2012
Dollars per well to move Class V wells back into compliance                 FY2011
Number  of waterbodies protected  per  million  dollars of  CWSRF       FY2011
assistance provided (under development)
Number of waterbodies restored  or improved  per million dollars  of       FY2011
CWSRF assistance  provided (under development)
People receiving drinking water that meets  all applicable health-based       FY2011
standards  per  million dollars spent to manage  the national  drinking
water program.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
PART Measures
  Year Data
Goal 3: Land Preservation and Restoration
Long-Term Performance Measure
Acres of land ready for re-use at Superfund sites.                            FY 2010
Federal Facility Superfund sites with contaminated groundwater under       FY2011
control (exposure pathways  eliminated or potential exposures under
health-based levels for current use of land/water resources.
Federal Facility Superfund sites with human exposures under control       FY2011
(exposure pathways are eliminated  or potential exposures are under
health-based levels for current use of land or water resources).
Gallons of oil spilled to navigable waters by facilities  subject to the       FY2011
Facility Response Plan (FRP) regulations.
Increase the number of cleanups that meet state risk-based standards for       FY 2011
human exposure and groundwater migration on Indian County.
Percent of all FRP facilities inspected (and presumed  then to be in       FY2011
Percentage of Land publications in high impact j ournals.                      None
Percentage of Land publications rated as highly cited publications.              None
Total Superfund-lead removal actions completed.                            FY 2011
Total voluntary removal actions, overseen by EPA, completed.                FY 2011
Efficiency Performance Measure
Cleanups complete (3-year rolling average) per total cleanup dollars.             UD
Number  of annual  confirmed UST releases per federal, state and         UD
territorial costs.
Goal 4: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems
Long-Term Performance Measure
% of peer-reviewed EPA RAs where ORD methods, models or data for
assessing risk to susceptible subpops is cited as supporting a decision to
move away from or apply default risk assessment assumptions
%  of  peer-reviewed  EPA  risk  assessments  in   which  ORD's
characterization of aggregate/cumulative risk is cited  as  supporting a
decision  to  move away  from or  to apply  default  risk assessment

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
PART Measures
  Year Data
Acres protected or restored in NEP study areas, (incremental)                FY2011
Assessed or cleaned Brownfields properties redeveloped.                       UD
Average  cost and average time to produce or update an Endangered       FY2011
Species Bulletin
By  2012, provide safe drinking water to  25%  of homes in the U.S.       FY2011
Mexico border area that lacked access to safe drinking water in 2003.
By  2012, provide wastewater  sanitation to 25% of homes in the U.S.       FY2011
Mexico border area that lacked access to wastewater sanitation in 2003.
Cumulative number of chemicals for which proposed values for Acute       FY2011
Exposure Guidelines Levels (AEGL) have been developed.
Cumulative reduction  in the production adjusted risk based score of       FY2011
releases and transfers of toxic chemicals from manufacturing facilities.
Cumulative reduction  in  the production-adjusted risk-based score of       FY2011
releases and transfers  of High Production Volume  (HPV)  chemicals
from manufacturing facilities.
Determination  of the extent of the impact of endocrine disrupters on         UD
humans, wildlife, and the environment to better inform the federal and
scientific communities.
Improve the overall ecosystem health of the Great Lakes by preventing       FY2011
water pollution and protecting aquatic systems.
Number  of Areas of  Concern in  the  Great Lakes Basin which are       FY2011
restored and de-listed.
Number  of Beneficial Use  Impairments  removed  within  Areas of       FY2011
Number of cases of children (aged 1-5 years) with elevated blood lead       FY2010
levels (>10ug/dl)
Percent difference in the geometric  mean blood level in low-income       FY2012
children 1-5 years old  as compared to the geometric mean for non-low
income children 1-5 years old.
Percent of Dissolved  Oxygen goal  of  100% standards attainment       FY2011
achieved, based on annual monitoring from the previous calendar year
and the preceding 2 years.
Percent of agricultural  watersheds  that  exceeds  EPA  aquatic life       FY2011
benchmarks for two key pesticides of concern.
Percent of new chemicals or organisms introduced into commerce that       FY2011
do  not  pose  unreasonable  risks  to  workers, consumers,  or the

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
PART Measures
  Year Data
Percent of  submerged  Aquatic Vegetation goal  of 185,000  acres       FY2011
achieved, based on annual monitoring from previous goal.
Percentage of Global publications in high impact journals.                      24.6
Percentage of Global publications rated as highly cited publications.              23
Percentage of peer-reviewed  EPA risk assessments in which ORD's         16.5
mechanistic information is cited as supporting a decision to move away
from or to apply default risk assessment assumptions.
Percentage of regulatory  decisions in which decision-makers used         None
HHRA peer-reviewed health assessments.
Reduce the number of currently exceeded water quality standards met in       FY 2012
shared and transboundary surface waters.
Reduced cost per pesticide occupational incident avoided                    FY2011
Reduction in PFOA, PFOA precursors, and related higher homologue       FY2010
chemicals in  facility  emissions  by  PFOA  Stewardship  program
Reduction in uncertainty regarding the effects, exposure, assessment,         UD
and management of endocrine disrupters  so that EPA has a sound
scientific foundation for environmental  decision-making
States use a common monitoring design and appropriate indicators to         None
determine the  status  and  trends  of ecological  resources  and  the
effectiveness of programs and policies.
Usefulness of HHRA's Air  Quality  Criteria  Documents  (AQCDs),         >60
represented by the number  of days between the completion of AQCD
peer review  and publication of the EPA staff document that relies on
Utility of ORD's causal diagnosis tools and methods for States, tribes,      Exceeds Exp
and relevant EPA offices to determine  causes of ecological degradation
and achieve positive environmental outcomes.
Utility of ORD's  environmental  forecasting  tools and methods  for      Exceeds Exp
States, tribes,  and  relevant EPA  offices  to  forecast the  ecological
impacts of various actions and achieve environmental outcomes.
Utility of ORD's  environmental  restoration and  services tools and      Exceeds Exp
methods for States, tribes, and relevant EPA offices to protect and
restore ecological condition and services.
Utility of ORD's  methods and models for risk  assessors  and risk         None

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
PART Measures
  Year Data
managers to evaluate the effectiveness of public health outcomes.
Utility of ORD's  methods,  model, and  data  for risk assessors/risk        None
managers  to  characterize aggregate and  cumulative risk  in  order to
manage risk of humans exposed to multiple environmental stressors.
Utility of ORD's methods, models, and  data  for OPPTS and  other        None
organizations to make decisions related to products of biotechnology.
Utility of ORD's methods, models, and  data  for OPPTS and  other        None
organizations to make probabilistic risk assessments to protect natural
populations of birds, fish, other wildlife, and non-target plants
Utility of ORD's methods, models, and data for risk assessors and risk        None
managers  to  characterize   and  provide  adequate   protection for
susceptible subpopulations.
Utility of ORD's methods, models, and data for risk assessors and risk        None
managers  to use mechanistic  (mode of action) information to reduce
uncertainty in risk assessment.
Utility of ORD's methods, models, and data under SP2's long-term goal        None
one for OPPTS and other organizations.
Efficiency Performance Measure
Acres of brownfields made ready for reuse  per million dollars.                  UD

Goal 5: Compliance and Environmental Stewardship
Long-Term Performance Measure
Change in behavior to use Improved management practices,  (criminal       FY 2007
Cumulative business, institutional and government costs reduced by P2       FY2011
program participants
Cumulative pounds of hazardous materials  reduced by  P2  program       FY2011
Number of states adopting or aligning Guidelines for Learning curricula       FY 2008
and  standards  to state  academic  standards  or number of   states
developing new env edu standards based on Guidelines for Learning.
Percent of all students  and teachers targeted  demonstrate increased       FY2008
environmental knowledge, as measured by Guidelines for Learning K-
12, developed by North American Assoc for Environmental Education.
Pounds of pollution reduced, treated, or eliminated, (civil enf)                FY 2007

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
PART Measures
  Year Data
Pounds of pollution reduced, treated, or eliminated, (criminal enf)
Reduction in recidivism, (criminal enf)
Annual Performance Measure
 Number of NNEMS fellows who pursue environmental careers.
Change in behavior to use Improved Management practices,  (criminal
Percent   of   compliance   actions   taken   as   a   result   of
inspection/enforcement, (pest, enf)
Percent of violators committing subsequent violations, (pest, enf)
Pollutant impact.
Pounds of pollution reduced, treated or eliminated, (criminal enf)
Reduction in recidivism (criminal enf).
Efficiency Performance Measure
Increase the efficiency of reducing, treating, or  eliminating pollutants
and generating enforcement outcomes through the  effective allocation
and utilization of resources.
Number of enforcement actions taken  (Federal +  State)  per million
dollars of cost (Federal + State), (pest enf)
Pounds of pollutant reduction per FTE. (criminal enf)
Pounds of pollutants reduced, treated, or eliminated per FTE. (civil enf)
Ratio of number of students/teachers that have improved environmental
knowledge per total dollars expended.
   FY 2007
   FY 2007

   FY 2007
   FY 2007

   FY 2007

   FY 2007
   FY 2007
   FY 2007


   FY 2007

   FY 2007
   FY 2007
   FY 2008

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                         GOAL 1: CLEAN AIR AND GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE

Protect and improve the air so it is healthy to breathe and risks to human health and the environment are reduced.  Reduce greenhouse gas intensity
by enhancing partnerships with businesses and other sectors.


        Through 2011, working with  partners, protect human health and the environment by attaining and maintaining health-based air-quality
        standards and reducing the risk from toxic air pollutants.

        Air Quality Index

        In 2009        Cumulative percent reduction in the number of days with Air Quality Index (AQI) values over 100 since 2003, weighted by population and AQI value.

        In 2008        Cumulative percent reduction in the number of days with Air Quality Index (AQI) values over 100 since 2003, weighted by population and AQI value.

        In 2007        Cumulative percent reduction in the number of days with Air Quality Index (AQI) values over 100 since 2003, weighted by population and AQI value.

        In 2006        Cumulative percent reduction in the number of days with Air Quality Index (AQI) values over 100 since 2003, weighted by population and AQI value.

                                                                 FY2006                FY2007          FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures _ Target _ Actual _ Target _ Actual _ Target _ Target _ Unit _
       Cumulative percent reduction in the number of days with       17          39          21         ,„„„        26          29        Percentage
       Air Quality Index (AQI) values over 100 since 2003,
       weighted by population and AQI value.

       Background:    Baseline was zero in 2003.

       Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy PM Levels - PM-10

       In 2009        Tons of particulate matter (PM-10) reduced since 2000 from mobile sources.

       In 2008        Tons of particulate matter (PM-10) reduced since 2000 from mobile sources.

       In 2007        Tons of particulate matter (PM-10) reduced since 2000 from mobile sources.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              70

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2006         The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient PM concentrations below the NAAQS for the PM-10 standard will increase by 4%
                       (relative to 2005) for a cumulative total of 11% (relative to 1992).

                                                                    FY2006                  FY2007            FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures _ Target _ Actual _ Target _ Actual _ Target _ Target _ Unit _
        Tons of PM-10 Reduced since 2000 from Mobile Sources     74,594       74,594       87,026        ~Ano       99,458       110,190         Tons

        Background:    In FY 2005, the 2000 Mobile6 inventory is used as the baseline for mobile source emissions.  The 2000 baseline for PM-10 from mobile source is
                       6 13, 000 tons.

        Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy Ozone Levels - 8 Hour

        In 2009        Cumulative percent reduction in population-weighted ambient concentration of ozone in all monitored counties from 2003 baseline.

        In 2008        Cumulative percent reduction in population-weighted ambient concentration of ozone in all monitored counties from 2003 baseline.

        In 2007        The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient ozone concentrations below the NAAQS for the 8-hour ozone standard.

        In 2006        The number  of people living in areas with monitored ambient ozone concentrations below the NAAQS for the 8-hour ozone standard will increase by
                       1% (relative to 2005) for a cumulative total of 8% (relative to 2001).
Performance Measures

Cumulative percent reduction in population-weighted
ambient concentration of ozone in monitored counties
from 2003 baseline.

Limit the increase of CO emissions (in tons) from mobile
sources compared to a 2000 baseline.

Millions of Tons of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Reduced since 2000 from Mobile Sources

Millions of Tons of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Reduced
since 2000 Reduced from Mobile Sources


1.01 M

1.03 M

2.03 M



1.01 M

1.03 M







Data Avail

Data Avail

Data Avail

Data Avail

FY 2008





FY 2009










        Background:    The ozone concentration measure reflects improvements (reductions) in ambient ozone concentrations across all monitored counties, weighted by  the
                       populations in those areas.   To calculate the  weighting, pollutant concentrations in monitored counties are multiplied by the associated county
                       populations. The units for this measure are therefore, "million people parts per billion.  The 2003 baseline is 15,972 million people-ppb.  In FY 2005,

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               71

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                       the Mobile6 inventory is used as the baseline year for mobile source emissions.  The 2000 baseline was 7.7M tons for mobile source VOC emissions,
                       and 11.8M tons for mobile source NOx emissions.  In FY 2005, the 2000 Mobile6 inventory is used as the baseline for mobile source emission.  The
                       2000  baseline was 79.2M tons for mobile source CO emissions. While on-road CO emissions  continue to decrease, there is an overall increase in
                       mobile source CO emissions due to a growth in nonroad CO.

        Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy PM Levels - PM- 2.5

        In 2009        Cumulative percent reduction in population-weighted ambient concentration of fine particulate matter (PM-2.5) in all monitored counties from 2003

        In 2008        Cumulative percent reduction in population-weighted ambient concentration of fine particulate matter (PM-2.5) in all monitored counties from 2003

        In 2007        The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient PM concentrations below the NAAQSfor the PM-2.5 standard.

        In 2006        The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient PM concentrations below the NAAQS for the PM-2.5 standard will increase by 1%
                       (relative to 2005) for a cumulative total of less than  1% (relative to 2001).
Performance Measures
Cumulative percent reduction in population-weighted
ambient concentration of fine particulate matter (PM-2.5)
in all monitored counties from 2003 baseline.
Tons of PM-2.5 Reduced since 2000 from Mobile
FY 2006
Target Actual
2 7
73,460 73,460

FY 2007
3 Data Avail
85,704 Data Avail
FY 2008

FY 2009


        Background:     The PM 2.5 concentration reduction annual measure reflects improvements (reductions) in the ambient concentration of fine particulate matter PM2.5
                        pollution across all monitored counties, weighted by the populations in those areas.  To calculate this weighting, pollutant concentrations in monitored
                        counties are multiplied by the associated county populations.  Therefore, the units for this measure are  "million people micrograms per meter cubed:
                        (million people ug/mg3. The 2003 baseline is 2.581 baseline is 2,581 million people-ug/mg3.   In FY 2005, the 2000 Mobile6 inventory is used as the
                        baseline for mobile source emissions. The 2000 baseline for PM 2.5 from mobile sources is 613,000 tons.

        Acid Rain

        In 2009          Keep annual emissions below level authorized by allowance holdings and make progress towards achieving the year 2010 SO2 emissions cap for
                        utilities. Annual emissions reduction target is 7.5million tons from the 1980 baseline.


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               72

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2009        Reduce total annual average nitrogen deposition and total ambient nitrate concentrations 10% from baseline.  Baseline for annual targets up through
                       2010 is 1990 monitored levels.

        In 2009        Reduce total annual average sulfur deposition and total ambient sulfate concentrations 10% from baseline. Baseline for annual targets up through 2010
                       is 1990 monitored levels.

        In 2008        Keep annual emissions below level authorized by allowance holdings and make progress towards achieving the year 2010 SO2 emissions cap for
                       utilities. Annual emissions reduction target is 7.5million tons from the 1980 baseline.

        In 2008        Reduce total annual average nitrogen deposition and total ambient nitrate concentrations 10% from baseline.  Baseline for annual targets up through
                       2010 is 1990 monitored levels.

        In 2008        Reduce total annual average sulfur deposition and ambient sulfate concentrations 29% from baseline.

        In 2007        Reduce total annual average nitrogen deposition and total ambient nitrate concentrations 10% from baseline.  Baseline for annual targets up through
                       2010 is 1990 monitored levels.

        In 2007        Reduce total annual average sulfur deposition and ambient sulfate concentrations 29% from baseline.

        In 2006        Reduce total annual average nitrogen deposition and ambient nitrate concentrations 5% from baseline. Baseline for annual targets up through 2010 is
                       1990 monitored levels.

        In 2006        Reduce total annual average sulfur deposition and ambient sulfate concentrations 27% from baseline.  Baseline for annual targets up through 2010 is
                       1990 monitored levels.
        Performance Measures
        FY2006                  FY2007            FY2008     FY2009
  Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit
        Tons of sulfur dioxide emissions from electric power
        generation sources

        Percent change in average nitrogen deposition and mean
        total ambient nitrate concentrations.

        Percent change in average sulfur deposition and mean
        ambient sulfate concentrations.
 7,000,000    8,000,000    7,500,000
 No Target   No Target       10
Established   Established

 No Target   No Target       29
Established   Established
Data Avail
 8,000,000    8,000,000    Tons Reduced
Data Avail
   2009         Target    No Target
            Established   Established
Data Avail
 No Target   No Target     Percentage
Established   Established
        Background:     The baseline year is 1980.  The 1980 SO2 emissions inventory totals 17.4 million tons for electric utility sources.  This inventory was developed by
                        National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) and is used as the basis for reductions in Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments.  This
                        data is also contained in EPA's National Air Pollutant Emissions Trends Report.  Statutory SO2 emissions cap for year 2010 and later is at 8.95 million
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                        tons, approximately 8.5 million tons below 1980 emissions level.  "Allowable SO2 emission level" consists of allowance allocations granted to sources
                        each year under several provisions of the Act and additional allowances carried over, or banked, from previous years.  Sulfur and nitrogen deposition
                        contribute to acidification of lakes and streams, making them unable to support fish and other aquatic life. Reductions in sulfur and nitrogen deposition
                        are critical  to reducing the number of chronically acidic water bodies.  Ambient sulfate and ambient nitrate ("acid rain" paniculate")  contribute to
                        unhealthy air and respiratory problems in humans, especially children and other sensitive populations. The baseline is established from monitored site
                        levels  based  on  consolidated  map  of  1989-1991  showing  a  three  year  of  deposition  levels  produced   from  the  CASTNET  sites

        Air Toxicity-Weighted

        In 2009          Cumulative reduction in tons oftoxicity-weightedfor non-cancer emissions of air toxics from 1993 baseline.

        In 2009         Cumulative reduction in tons oftoxicity-weightedfor cancer emissions of air toxics from 1993 baseline.

        In 2008          Cumulative reduction in tons oftoxicity-weightedfor non-cancer emissions of air toxics from 1993 baseline.

        In 2008         Cumulative reduction in tons oftoxicity-weightedfor cancer emissions of air toxics from 1993 baseline.

        In 2007         Reduction in tons oftoxicity-weightedfor cancer and non-cancer emissions of air toxics from 1993 baseline.

        In 2006         Reduction in tons oftoxicity-weightedfor cancer and non-cancer emissions of air toxics from 1993 baseline.
Performance Measures
Cumulative percentage reduction in tons of toxicity -
weighted (for cancer risk) emissions of air toxics from
1993 baseline.
Cumulative percentage reduction in tons of toxicity -
weighted (for noncancer risk) emissions of air toxics from
1993 baseline.
Data Avail
Data Avail
Data Avail
Data Avail
FY 2008
FY 2009
        Background:     The toxicity-weighted emission inventory will also utilize the NEI for air toxics along with the Agency's compendium of cancer and noncancer health
                        risk criteria to develop a risk metric that can be tabulated and tracked on an annual basis,  the baseline is based on emission inventory data from 1990-
                        1993. The baseline is in 1993.   Air toxics emissions data are revised every three years to generate inventories for the National Emissions Inventory
                        (NEI), which replaced the National Toxics Inventory  (NTI).  In intervening years between updates  of the NEI, the model EMS-HAP  (Emissions
                        Modeling System for Hazardous Air Pollutants) is used to estimate and project annual emissions of air toxics.  As new inventories are completed and
                        improved inventory data is added, the baseline (or total tons of air toxics) is adjusted. The toxicity-weighted emission inventory will also utilize the NEI
                        for air toxics along with the Agency's compendium of cancer and noncancer health risk criteria to develop a risk metric that can be tabulated and tracked

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               74

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                 FY 2009 Annual Plan
                       on an annual basis,  the baseline is based on emission inventory data from 1990-1993. The 2002 NEI was completed in fall of 2006 so there is a 4yr.
                       lag.  2005 NEI will be an improvement so we should have actuals in early 2009.

        New Source Review

        In 2009         Percent of major NSR permits issued within one year of receiving a complete permit application.

        In 2008         Percent of major NSR permits issued within one year of receiving a complete permit application.

        In 2007         Percent of major NSR permits issued within one year of receiving a complete permit application.

        In 2006         Percent of major NSR permits issued within one year of receiving a complete permit application.
        Performance Measures
                                             FY 2006
                                        Target	Actual
                FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
           Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Percent of major NSR permits issued within one year0f
        receiving a complete permit application.
Data Avail
        Background:    The baseline for NSR permits issued within one year of receiving a complete permit application is 61% in 2004.
        Title V

        In 2009

        In 2008

        In 2007

        In 2006
Percent of significant and new Title V operating permit revisions issued within 18 months of receiving a complete permit application.

Percent of significant and new Title V operating permit revisions issued within 18 months of receiving a complete permit application.

Percent of significant and new Title V operating permit revisions issued within 18 months of receiving a complete permit application.

Percent of significant and new Title V operating permit revisions issued within 18 months of receiving a complete permit application.
        Performance Measures
                                             FY 2006
                                        Target	Actual
                FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
           Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Percent of significant Title V operating permit revisions         91
        issued within 18 months of receiving a complete permit

        Percent of new Title V operating permits issued within 18       83

         Data Avail

         Data Avail
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
       Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
     FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Target
       months of receiving a complete permit application.

       Background:    The 2004 baseline for significant title V operating permit revisions issued within 18 months of receiving a complete permit application is 100% and the
                      baseline for new title V operating permits issued within 18 months of receiving a complete permit application is 95%.

       Through 2012, working with partners, reduce human health risks by reducing exposure to indoor air contaminants through the promotion of
       voluntary actions by the public.

       Healthier Residential Indoor Air

       In 2009        Additional people will be living in homes with healthier indoor air.

       In 2008        Additional people will be living in homes with healthier indoor air.

       In 2007        Additional people will be living in homes with healthier indoor air.

       In 2006        850,000 additional people will be living in homes with healthier indoor air.
Performance Measures
Number of additional homes (new and existing) with
radon reducing features
Number of people taking all essential actions to reduce
exposure to indoor environmental asthma triggers.
Percent of public that is aware of the asthma program's
media campaign.
Additional health care professionals trained annually by
EPA and its partner on the environmental management of
asthma triggers.
FY 2006
Target Actual
180,000 Data Avail
4,100,000 Data Avail
>20 33
2000 3,582
FY 2007
Target Actual
No Target
Data Avail

Data Avail
Data Avail
FY 2008 FY 2009
Target Target
225,000 265,000
No Target 5,300,000
>20 >20
2000 2000
       Background:    This performance measure includes EPA radon, and asthma work.  By 2008, number of people living in homes built (new or existing) with radon
                      reducing features will be 225,000.  The baseline for the performance measure was 1996  (107,000 homes).  Annual Surveys are conducted by our
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                       partners to gather information such as types of houses built, lot sizes, foundation designs, types of lumber used, types of doors and windows used. End-
                       of-year performance for the asthma program is a best professional estimate using all data sources (including annual measures  on partner performance
                       and advertising awareness outlined below). The survey provides statistically sound results every three years for one period of time.  Also, the surveys
                       gather information on the use of radon-resistant design features in new houses. Each year, the survey of building practices is typically mailed out to
                       home builders. The survey responses are analyzed, with respect to State market areas and Census Division in the U.S., to assess the percentage and
                       number of homes built each year that incorporate radon-reducing features. The data are also used to assess the percentage and number of homes built
                       with radon-reducing features in high radon potential areas in the United States (high risk  areas).  Other analyses include radon-reducing features as a
                       function of housing type, foundation type, and different techniques for radon-resistant new home construction.

        Healthier Indoor Air in Schools

        In 2009         Estimated annual number of schools establishing indoor air quality programs based on EPA's Tools for Schools guidance.

        In 2008         Students, faculty and staff will experience improved indoor air quality in their schools.

        In 2007         Students, faculty and staff will experience improved indoor air quality in their schools.

        In 2006         630,000 students, faculty and staff will experience improved indoor air quality in their schools.
Performance Measures
Estimated annual number of schools establishing indoor
FY 2006
Target Actual
1200 1200
FY 2007
Target Actual
1100 DataAvail
FY 2008
FY 2009
        air quality programs based on EPA's Tools for Schools

        Background:    The nation has approximately 118,000 (updated to include new construction)* schools.  Each school has an average of 525 students, faculty, and staff
                       for a total estimated population of 62,000,000.  The IAQ "Tools for Schools" Guidance implementation began in 1997.  Results from a 2002 IAQ
                       practices in schools survey suggest that approximately 20-22% of U.S. schools report an adequate effective IAQ management plan that is in accordance
                       with EPA guidelines.


        By  2030, through worldwide action, ozone concentrations in the stratosphere will have stopped declining and slowly begun the process of
        recovery, and overexposure to ultraviolet radiation, particularly among susceptible subpopulations, such as children, will be reduced.


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               77

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan
       Restrict Domestic Consumption of Class II HCFCs
       In 2009        Remaining US consumption of class II HCFCs below 9,900 ODP-weighted metric tonnes (ODP MTs) .

       In 2008        Remaining US consumption of class II HCFCs below 9,900 ODP-weighted metric tonnes (ODP MTs) .

       In 2007        Remaining US consumption of class II HCFCs below 9,900 ODP-weighted metric tonnes (ODP MTs).

       In 2006        Restrict domestic annual consumption of class II HCFCs below 9,906 ODP-weighted metric tonnes (ODP MTs) and restrict domestic exempted
                      production and import of newly produced class I CFCs and halons below 10,000 ODP MTs.
       Performance Measures
                                                          FY 2006
                                                     Target	Actual
                   FY 2007           FY 2008    FY 2009
              Target	Actual	Target	Target
       Remaining US Consumption of HCFCs in tons of Ozone
       Depleting Potential (ODP).
Data Avail
Data Avail
       Background:    The base of comparison for assessing progress on the 2005 annual performance goal is the domestic consumption cap of class II HCFCs as set by the
                      Parties to the Montreal Protocol. Each Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) is weighted based on the damage it does to the stratospheric ozone - this is its
                      ozone-depletion potential (ODP). Beginning on January 1, 1996, the cap was set at the sum of 2.8 percent of the domestic ODP-weighted consumption
                      of CFCs in 1989 plus the ODP-weighted level of HCFCs in 1989. Consumption equals production plus import minus export.

       Through 2011, working with partners, minimize unnecessary releases of radiation and be prepared to minimize impacts to human health and
       the environment should unwanted releases occur.


       In 2009
               Percentage of most populous US cities with a radiation air monitoring system, which will provide data to assist in protective action determinations.

                                                          FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008    FY2009
Performance Measures                                  Target       Actual       Target       Actual      Target      Target         Unit
       Percentage of most populous US cities with a RadNet
       ambient radiation air monitoring system, which will
       provide data to assist in protective action determinations.

       Level of readiness of radiation program personnel and
       assets to support federal radiological emergency response


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                              FY 2009 Annual Plan

Performance Measures
and recovery operations.
Average time of availability of quality assured ambient
radiation air monitoring data during an emergency.
Time to approve site changes affecting waste
FY 2006
Target Actual

1.9 1.9
30 33
FY 2007
Target Actual

1.3 1.3
40 43
FY 2008

FY 2009



        characterization at DOE waste generator sites to ensure
        safe disposal of transuranic radioactive waste at WIPP.
       Level of readiness of national environmental radiological
       laboratory capacity (measured as percentage of
       laboratories adhering to EPA quality criteria for
       emergency response and recovery decisions.

       Background:     The baseline is 55%.

        By 2012, 160 million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE) of emissions will be reduced through EPA^s voluntary climate protection

        Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

        In 2009

        In 2008

        In 2007
       In 2006
Million metric tons of carbon equivalent (mmtce) of greenhouse gas reductions in the building, industrial, and transportation sectors.

Million metric tons of carbon equivalent (mmtce) of greenhouse gas reductions in the building, industrial, and transportation sectors.
Greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced from projected levels by approximately 96.2 MMTCE per year through EPA partnerships with businesses,
schools, state and local governments, and other organizations.

Greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced from projected levels by approximately 102 MMTCE per year through EPA partnerships with businesses,
schools, state and local governments, and other organizations.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
Performance Measures
Million metric tons of carbi
FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
Target Actual Target Actual Target Target Unit
on equivalent (mmtce) of
26.5 31.10 29.4 °ata
^J311 32.4 35.5 MMTCE
        greenhouse gas reductions in the buildings sector.

        Million metric tons of carbon equivalent (mmtce) of           0.6          0.6          0.9       ^"9008""       ^          ^'^         MMTCE
        greenhouse gas reductions in the transportation sector.
        Million metric tons of carbon equivalent (mmtce) of           57.5         69.0        62.6          OOS        67-7        72-9        MMCTE
        greenhouse gas reductions in the industry sector.

        Background:     The baseline for evaluating program performance is a projection of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in the absence of the U.S. climate change programs.
                       The baseline was developed as part of an interagency evaluation of the U.S. climate change programs in 2002, which built on similar baseline forecasts
                       developed in 1997 and 1993. Baseline data for carbon emissions related to energy use is based on data from the Energy Information Agency (EIA) and
                       from EPA's Integrated Planning Model of the U.S. electric power sector. Baseline data for non-carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, including nitrous oxide
                       and other high global warming potential gases are maintained by EPA. Baseline information is discussed at length in the U.S. Climate Action Report
                       2002 (http://yosemite.epa.gov/oar/GlobalWarming.nsf/content/ResourceCenterPublicationsUSClimate ActionReport.html), which provides a discussion
                       of differences in assumptions between the 1997 baseline and the 2002 update, including which portion of energy efficiency programs are included in the
                       estimates. EPA  develops the non-CO2 emissions baselines and projections using information from partners and other sources. EPA continues to
                       develop annual inventories as well as update methodologies as new information becomes available.


        Through 2012,  provide sound  science to support EPA's  goal of clean air by conducting leading-edge research and developing a  better
        understanding and characterization of human health and environmental outcomes.

        Clean Air Research

        In 2009         Increased use of clean air research program products.

        In 2008         Increased use of clean air research program products

        In 2007         Increased use ofparticulate matter research program products

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               80

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2006         BY 2006, develop and report on new data on the effects of different PM sizes or components to improve understanding of the health risks associated
                        with short-term exposure to PM in healthy and select susceptible populations so that, by 2010, OAR has improved assessments of health risks to develop
                        PM standards that maximize protection of human health, as determined by independent expert review.
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
                FY 2007
           Target	Actual
                       FY 2008     FY 2009
                        Target	Target
        Integrated report on the health effects of different particle
        sizes or particle components in healthy and select
        susceptible subgroups. (Research)

        Percentage of NAAQS program publications rated as
        highly cited papers (Research)

        Percent progress toward completion of a hierarchy of air
        pollutant sources based on the risk they pose to human
        health. (Research)

        Percent planned actions accomplished toward the long-
        term goal of reducing uncertainty in the science that
        support standard setting and air quality management
        decisions. (Research)
                          35.7         32.9      No Target      33.9
30        No Target



        Background:     The program aims to  make measurable progress in 1)  assessing the  linkage between health impacts and air pollutant sources and reducing the
                        uncertainties that impede the understanding and usefulness of these linkages, and 2) reducing uncertainty in the science that supports standard setting
                        and air quality management decisions. EPA's Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) rates the program on its progress periodically, and the program
                        responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure  continued improvement. Additionally, the program aims to increase  1)  the number of planned outputs
                        completed on time (a measure of timeliness); 2) the number of its papers deemed "highly cited" in bibliometric analyses (a measure of the quality and
                        use of ORD's research); and 3) the percentage of ORD-developed outputs appearing in the Office of Air and Radiation National Ambient Air Quality
                        Standard Staff Paper (a measure of the utility and use  of ORD's research). The program is also working toward completion of a hierarchy of air pollutant
                        sources based on the risk they pose to human health.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                                      GOAL 2: CLEAN AND SAFE WATER

Ensure drinking water is safe. Restore and maintain oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and
recreational activities, and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants, and wildlife.


        Protect human health by reducing exposure to contaminants in drinking water (including protecting source waters), in fish and shellfish,  and
        in recreational waters.

        Safe Drinking Water

        In 2009         Increase the population served by community water systems that meets all applicable health-based drinking water standards through approaches
                       including effective treatment and source water protection.

        In 2008         90 % of the population served by community water systems that meets all applicable health-based drinking water standards through approaches
                       including effective treatment and source water protection.

        In 2007         94% of the population will be served by community water systems in compliance with health-based drinking water standards.

        In 2006         90% of the population served by community water systems in Indian country will receive drinking water that meets all applicable health-based drinking
                       water standards.

        In 2006         93% of the population served by community water systems will receive drinking water that meets all applicable health-based drinking water standards
                       through effective treatment and source water protection.

                                                                  FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
Performance Measures
Percent of the population in Indian country served by
community water systems that receive drinking water that
meets all applicable health-based drinking water
standards (4: Ambient Conditions)
Percent of population served by CWSs that will receive
drinking water that meets all applicable health-based
        drinking water standards through approaches incl.
        effective treatment & source water protection. (4:

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              82

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
     FY 2007            FY 2008     FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Ambient Conditions)

        Fund utilization rate for the DWSRF. (IB: Service             83.3          86.9          85           88           86           89           Rate

        Number of additional projects initiating operations. (0:          425          399          433         438         440          445         Projects

        Percent of community water systems that have undergone        95          94           95           92           95           95       Percent CWS
        a sanitary survey within the past three years (five years
        for outstanding performance.) (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov.

        Percentage of identified Class V motor vehicle waste                                                               90           75           Wells
        disposal wells closed or permitted. (1C: Fed/State/Tribal
        Gov. Activities)

        Percentage of Class I, II, and III wells that maintain                                                                98           98           Wells
        mechanical integrity without a failure that releases
        contaminants to underground sources of drinking water.
        (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Percentage of prohibited Class IV and high-priority,                                                                96           86           Wells
        identified, potentially endangering Class V wells closed
        or permitted in ground-water based source water areas.  (3:
        Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Percent of community water systems that meet all              93.5          89.3          89           89          89.5           90          Percent
        applicable health-based standards through approaches that                                                                                   Systems
        include effective treatment and  source water protection.
        (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)

        Percent of person months during which community water                                                           95           95       Percent CWS
        systems provide drinking water that meets all applicable
        health-based standards. (3: Pollution

        Background:     In 1998, 85% of the population that was served by community water systems and 96% of the population served by non-community,  non-transient
                        drinking water systems received drinking water for which no violations of Federally enforceable health standards had occurred during the year.  Year-
                        to-year performance is expected to change as new standards take effect.  Covered standards include: Stage 1 disinfection by-products/interim enhanced
                        surface water treatment rule/long-term enhanced surface water treatment rule/arsenic.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                                FY 2009 Annual Plan
        River/Lake Assessments for Fish Consumption

        In 2009         Improve the quality of recreation waters.

        In 2008         Improve the quality of recreation waters.

                       Reduce public health risk and allow increased consumption offish and shellfish.
In 2008

In 2007

In 2006
                       Coastal and Great Lakes beaches monitored by State beach safety programs will be open and safe for swimming in over 95% of the days of the beach

                       Coastal and Great Lakes beaches monitored by State beach safety programs will be open and safe for swimming in over 94% of the days of the beach
        Performance Measures
                                                             FY 2006
                                                       Target	Actual
                FY 2007
           Target	Actual
                       FY 2008    FY 2009
                        Target	Target
        Percentage of women of childbearing age having mercury
        levels in blood above the level of concern, /j •  Exposure
        or Body Burden)

        Percent of state-monitored shellfish-growing acres
        impacted by anthropogenic sources that are approved or
        conditionally approved for use.  (4: Ambient Conditions)

        Number ofwaterborne disease outbreaks attributable to
        swimming in or other recreational contact with coastal
        and Great Lakes waters measured as a 5-year average.
        (5: Exposure or Body Burden)

        Percent of days of beach season that coastal and Great
        Lakes beaches monitored by State beach safety programs
        are open and safe for swimming. (4: Ambient Conditions)
                                                 Percent of
                                                                                                          65-85        65-85     PercentAreas
        Background:    For shellfish consumption, 77% of assessed estuary square miles met this designated use. For days of beach season monitoring,  Guam, American
                       Samoa, and the Northern Marianas were included for the first time in 2006.  These territories have a higher percentage of beach season day closures
                       resulting in a lower percentage of days at the regional and national levels.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan

        Protect the quality of rivers, lakes, and streams on a watershed basis and protect coastal and ocean waters.

        Watershed Protection

        In 2009         Use pollution prevention and restoration approaches to protect the quality of rivers, lakes, and streams on a watershed basis.

        In 2008         Use pollution prevention and restoration approaches to protect the quality of rivers, lakes, and streams on a watershed basis.

        In 2007         Water quality standards are fully attained in over 25% of miles/acres of waters by 2012, with an interim milestone of restoring 8.0% of these waters
                       identified in 2000 as not attaining standards - by 2005.

        In 2006         Water quality standards are fully attained in over 25% of miles/acres of waters by 2012,  with an interim milestone of restoring 5% of these waters •
                       identified in 2000 as not attaining standards - by 2005.
Performance Measures
Number of waterbody segments identified by States in
2002 as not attaining standards, where water quality
standards are now fully attained (cumulative). (4:
Ambient Conditions)
Fund utilization rate for the CWSRF. (IB: Service
Percentage of all major publicly -owned treatment works
(POTWs) that comply with their permitted wastewater
discharge standards (4: Ambient Conditions)
Reduction in phosphorus loadings (millions of pounds).
(3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Additional pounds (in millions) of reduction to total
nitrogen loadings. (3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Additional tons of reduction to total sediment loadings.
(3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Number of TMDLs that are established by States and
approved by EPA on schedule consistent with national
FY 2006 FY 2007
Target Actual Target Actual
924 1,166 1,409
93.3 94.7 93.4 96.7

4.5 11.8 4.5 Data Avail
8.5 14.50 8.5 Data Avail
700,000 1,200,000 700,000 Data Avail
15,428 17,682 20,232 21,685

FY 2008

FY 2009

Number of
Percent Rate
Lbs in
Lbs in

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan
FY 2006
Performance Measures Target Actual
policy (cumulative).
(IB: Service Delivery)
Percentage of high priority state NPDES permits that are 95 96.4
scheduled to be reissued. (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov.
Percentage of major dischargers in Significant 22.5 20.2
Noncompliance (SNC) at any time during the fiscal year.
(3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Percentage of submissions of new or revised water quality 90.9 89. 1
standards from States and Territories that are approved by
EPA. (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
Number of TMDLs that are established or approved by 20,275 22,648
EPA on a schedule consistent with national policy
(cummulative). (IB: Service Delivery)
Percentage of waters assessed using statistically valid 54 54
surveys. (IB: Service Delivery)
Percent of high priority EPA and state NPDES permits 95 98.5
that are reissued on schedule. (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov.
% of States & Terr, that, within the preceding 3-yr. 66 66. 1
period, submitted new or revised wq criteria acceptable to
EPA that reflect new scientific info from EPA or sources
not considered inprev stnds. (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov.
Remove the specific causes ofwaterbody impairment
identified by states in 2002 (cumulative). (3: Pollution
Improve water quality conditions in impaired watersheds
nationwide using the watershed approach (cumulative).
(3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009
Target Actual Target Target Unit

95 112 95 95 Percent

22.5 Data Avail 22.5 22.5 Percent
2008 Dischargers

85 85.6 87 83 Percent

25,274 26,844 33,828 36,941 TMDLs

54 54 65 65 Percent Waters

95 104 95 95 Percent

67 66.1 68 68 Percent

5,075 Causes

64 Watersheds

       Background:     As of 2002 state reports 453 watersheds had met the criteria that greater than 80% of assessed waters met all water quality standards. For a watershed to
                       be counted toward this goal, at least 25% of the segments in the watershed must be assessed within  the past 4 years consistent with assessment
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                            FY 2009 Annual Plan
                        guidelines developed pursuant to section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act.  In 2002, 0% of the 255,408 miles/and 6,803,419 acres of waters identified on
                        1998/2000 lists of impaired waters developed by States and approved by EPA under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.

        Coastal and Ocean Waters

        In 2009         Improve National Coastal Condition Report (NCCR) score for overall aquatic ecosystem health of coastal waters nationally

        In 2008         Improve National Coastal Condition Report (NCCR) score for overall aquatic ecosystem health of coastal waters nationally (1-5 scale.)

        In 2006         Improve ratings reported on the national "good/fair/poor" scale of the National Coastal Condition Report for: coastal wetlands loss by at least 0.2
                        point; contamination of sediments in  coastal waters by at least 0.7 point; benthic quality by at least 0.5 point; & eutrophic condition by at least 1.2
                                                                      FY2006                  FY2007            FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	

        Percent of active dredged material ocean dumping sites                                                             95          95       Percent Sites
        that will have achieved environmentally acceptable
        conditions (as reflected in each site's management plan).
        (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Background:     National rating of "fair/poor" or 2.4 where the rating is based on a 5-point system where 1 is poor and 5 is good and is expressed as an aerially weighted
                        mean of regional scores using the National Coastal Condition Report indicators [i.e., water clarity, dissolved  oxygen, coastal wetlands loss, eutrophic
                        conditions, sediment contamination, benthic health, and fish tissue contamination].  The 2002 National Coastal Condition Report indicated 4.3 for water
                        clarity and 4.5 for dissolved oxygen,  1.4 for coastal wetlands loss;  1.3 for contamination of sediments in coastal waters; 1.4 for benthic quality; & 1.7
                        for eutrophic condition.
        Alaska Native Villages

        In 2009         Percent serviceable rural Alaska homes with access to drinking water supply and wastewater disposal.

        In 2008         Percent serviceable rural Alaska homes with access to drinking water supply and wastewater disposal.

        In 2007         Percent serviceable rural Alaska homes with access to drinking water supply and wastewater disposal.
Performance Measures
Percent of serviceable rural Alaska homes with access to
drinking water supply and wastewater disposal. (3 :
FY 2006
Target Actual

FY 2007
Target Actual
92 Data Avail
Late 2008

FY 2008

FY 2009

Percent Homes

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                                                                  FY2006                 FY2007          FY2008     FY2009
       Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	
       Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

       Background:     In 2003, 77% of serviceable rural Alaska homes had access to drinking water supply and wastewater disposal.


       By 2011, conduct leading-edge, sound scientific research to support the protection of human health through the reduction of human exposure
       to contaminants in drinking water, fish and shellfish, and recreational waters and to support the protection of aquatic ecosystems-specifically,
       the quality of rivers, lakes, and streams,  and coastal and ocean waters.


       Drinking Water Research

       In 2009         Increased use of drinking water research products.

       In 2008         Increased use of drinking water research products

       In 2007         Increased use of drinking water research products

       In 2006         By 2006, provide results of full-scale treatment demonstration projects and evaluations of other approaches for managing arsenic in drinking water, so
                       that by 2010, the Office of Water, states, local authorities and utilities have scientifically sound data and approaches to manage risks to human health
                       posed by exposure to arsenic, as determined by independent expert review.
FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
Performance Measures Target Actual Target Actual Target Target Unit
Percentage of planne
d outputs delivered in support of Six 100 94 100 100 100 100 Percent
       Year Review decisions. (Research)

       Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of         100          100          100          100         100         100         Percent
       Contaminate Candidate List Decisions. (Research)

       Background:     The program aims to make measurable progress  in 1) developing data, tools, and technologies to support scientifically sound Six Year Review
                       decisions; and 2) developing data, tools, and technologies to support scientifically sound Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) decisions. EPA's Board of
                       Scientific Counselors (BOSC) rates the program on its progress periodically, and the program responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure continued
                       improvement. Additionally, the program aims to increase 1) the number of planned outputs completed on time (a measure of timeliness); and 2) the

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               88

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                       number of its papers actually used by EPA's Office of Water in Six Year Review and CCL decisions (a measure of the quality and use of ORD's

        Water Quality Research

        In 2009         Increased use of water quality research products.

        In 2008         Increased use of water quality research products

        In 2007         Increased use of water quality research products

        In 2006         By 2006, provide demonstrations ofbioassessment methods for Mid-Western  U.S. rivers, so that, by 2010, the Office of Water, states, and tribes have
                       approaches and methods to develop and apply criteria for habitat alteration,  nutrients, suspended and bedded sediments, pathogens, and toxic
                       chemicals that will support designated uses for aquatic ecosystems, as determined by independent expert review.

                                                                    FY2006                  FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	

        Percentage of planned outputs (in support of WQRP long-      100         100          100         100         100          100          Percent
        term goal #1) delivered (Research)
        Percentage of planned outputs (in support of WQRP long-      100         100          100         100         100          100          Percent
        term goal #2) delivered (Research)
        Percentage of planned outputs (in support of WQRP long-      100          92           100         100         100          100          Percent
        term goal #3) delivered (Research)

        Background:    The program aims to make measurable progress in 1) supporting  water quality criteria development;  2) developing diagnostic tools that  aid in
                       establishing causal relationships between pollution and water quality impairments; and 3) providing information that  supports sustainable watershed
                       management practices through the demonstration of technologies, the application of decision tools and for forecasting restoration and benefits of
                       management practices. Research under these three rubrics is  designed to  lead to  the promulgation of protective standards, the identification of
                       contaminant contributions to impaired waters, and the tools needed to restore and protect the  nation's waters. EPA's Board of Scientific Counselors
                       (BOSC) rates the program on its progress periodically, and the program responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure continued improvement. Additionally,
                       the program aims to increase 1) the number of planned outputs completed on time (a measure of timeliness); and 2) the number of its papers deemed
                       "highly cited" and of "high impact" in bibliometric analyses (a measure of the quality and use of ORD's research).

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               89

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                           GOAL 3: LAND PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION

Preserve and restore the land by using innovative waste management practices and cleaning up contaminated properties to reduce risks posed by
releases of harmful substances.


        By 2011, reduce adverse effects to land by reducing waste generation,  increasing recycling, and ensuring proper management of waste and
        petroleum products at facilities in ways that prevent releases.

        Municipal Solid Waste Source Reduction

        In 2009        Increase the number of tribes covered by an adequate and recently-approved integrated solid waste management plan, and close, clean up, or upgrade
                      open dumps in Indian Country and on other tribal lands.

        In 2009        Increase use of coal combustion ash rather than disposing of it.

        In 2008        Divert 35% (87.3 million tons) of municipal solid waste from land filling and combustion, and maintain per capita generation ofRCRA municipal solid
                      waste at 4.5 pounds per day.

        In 2008        Increase the number of tribes covered by an adequate and recently-approved integrated solid waste management plan, and close, clean up, or upgrade
                      open dumps in Indian Country and on other tribal lands.

        In 2008        Increase use of coal combustion ash rather than disposing of it.

        In 2007        Divert 34.2% (85.2 million tons) of municipal solid waste from land filling and combustion, and maintain per capita generation ofRCRA municipal
                      solid waste at 4.5 pounds per day.

        In 2007        Increase the number of tribes covered by an adequate and recently-approved integrated solid waste management plan, and close, clean up, or upgrade
                      open dumps in Indian Country and on other tribal lands.

        In 2007        Increase use of coal combustion ash rather and disposing of it.

        In 2006        Divert 33.4% (83.1 million tons) of municipal solid waste from land filling and combustion, and maintain per capita generation ofRCRA municipal
                      solid waste at 4.5 pounds per day.


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              90

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2006        Divert 33.4% (83.1 million tons) of municipal solid waste from land filling and combustion, and maintain per capita generation ofRCRA municipal
                       solid waste at 4.5 pounds per day.
                                                                     FY2006                  FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures                                    Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target         Unit
Percentage of coal combustion ash that is used instead of
disposed. (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Daily per capita generation of municipal solid waste. (0: 4.5
Number of closed, cleaned up, or upgraded open dumps
4.6 4.5
Data Avail
Data Avail
Ibs. MSW
open dumps
        in Indian Country or on other tribal lands. (1C:
        Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)

        Number of tribes covered by an integrated solid waste
        management plan.  (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
        Background:     An analysis conducted  at the end of FY 2006 shows approximately  4.6  Ibs of MSW per person daily  generation.   For coal combustion ash,
                        approximately 125 millions tons are generated annually, and in 2001, 32%  was used rather than landfilled.  The annual increase in use is targeted
                        although associated increases in generation are also expected annually. There is a one-year data lag in reporting these data.  With respect to the tribal
                        data, targets are established relative to 2006 when new criteria for reporting were identified.
        Waste and Petroleum Management Controls
In 2009 Reduce releases to the environment by managing hazardous wastes and petroleum products properly.
In 2008 Reduce releases to the environment by managing hazardous wastes and petroleum products properly.
In 2007 Reduce releases to the environment by managing hazardous wastes and petroleum products properly.
In 2006 Reduce releases to the environment by managing hazardous wastes and petroleum products properly.
FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
Performance Measures Target Actual Target Actual Target Target
Number of hazardous waste facilities with new controls or 100
        updated controls. (2: Regulated Party Activities)

        No more than 10,000 confirmed releases per year. (0:
UST releases

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                                                                   FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	

                                                                66          62           67          63          68           69         percent

        Increase the rate of significant operational compliance by
        1% over the previous year's target. (2: Regulated Party

        Background:     Since FY 2004, states and regional offices have reported the percentage of UST facilities that are in significant operational compliance with both release
                       detection and release prevention (spill, overfill, and corrosion protection) requirements, out of a total estimated universe of approximately 256,000
                       facilities. At the end of FY 2006, 62 percent of USTs were in significant operational compliance with both release detection and  release prevention
                       requirements. Given the inspection requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, some states are now targeting previously un-inspected facilities, and
                       these are more likely to be out-of-compliance. Between FY  1999 and FY 2006, confirmed UST  releases averaged 10,534.  By  2011, 500 RCRA
                       hazardous waste facilities will have initial approved controls or upgraded controls. Although the universe of facilities requiring these controls will be
                       reassessed in 2009, this number is currently estimated at 820.


        By 2011, control the risks to human health and the environment by mitigating the impact of accidental  or intentional releases and by cleaning
        up and restoring contaminated sites or properties to appropriate levels.

        Superfund Cost Recovery

        In 2009         Ensure trust fund stewardship by getting PRPs to initiate or fund the work and recover costs from PRPs when EPA expends trust fund monies. Address
                       cost recovery at all NPL and non-NPL sites with a statute of limitations (SOL) on total past costs equal to or greater than $200,000.

        In 2008         Ensure trust fund stewardship by getting PRPs to initiate or fund the work and recover costs from PRPs when EPA expends trust fund monies. Address
                       cost recovery at all NPL and non-NPL sites with a statute of limitations (SOL) on total past costs equal to or greater than $200,000.

        In 2007         Ensure trust fund stewardship by getting PRPs to initiate or fund the work and recover costs from PRPs when EPA expends trust fund monies. Address
                       cost recovery at all NPL and non-NPL sites with a statute of limitations (SOL) on total past costs equal to or greater than $200,000.

        In 2006         Ensure trust fund stewardship by getting PRPs to initiate or fund the work and recover costs from PRPs when EPA expends trust fund monies. Address
                       cost recovery at all NPL and non-NPL sites with a statute of limitations (SOL) on total past costs equal to or greater than $200,000.

                                                                   FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008     FY2009


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               92

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	

        Refer to DOJ, settle, or write off 100% of Statute of            100         100          100          98          100          100        Percent
        Limitations (SOLs) cases for SF sites with total
        unaddressedpast costs equal to or greater than $200,000
        and report value of costs recovered.  (2: Regulated Party

        Background:     In FY 98 the Agency will have addressed 100% of Cost Recovery at all NPL & non-NPL sites with total past costs equal or greater than $200,000.

        Superfund Potentially Responsible Party Participat

        In 2009         Reach a settlement or take an enforcement action by the time of the Remedial Action start at 95 percent of non-Federal Superfund sites that have viable,
                        liable parties.

        In 2008         Reach a settlement or take an enforcement action by the time of the Remedial Action start at 95 percent of non-Federal Superfund sites that have viable,
                        liable parties.

        In 2007         Reach a settlement or take an enforcement action by the time of the Remedial Action start at 95 percent of non-Federal Superfund sites that have viable,
                        liable parties.

        In 2006         Reach a settlement or take an enforcement action by the time of the Remedial Action start at 90 percent of non-Federal Superfund sites that have viable,
                        liable parties.

                                                                    FY2006                  FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	

        Percentage of Superfund sites at which settlement or           90          100          95           98          95           95         Percent
        enforcement action taken before the start ofRA. (2:
        Regulated Party A ctivities)

        Background:     In FY 98 approximately 70% of new remedial work at NPL sites (excluding Federal facilities) was initiated by private parties.  In FY2003, a settlement
                        was reached or an enforcement action was taken with non-Federal PRPs before the start of the remedial action at approximately 90 percent of Superfund

        Assess and Cleanup Contaminated Land

        In 2009         Control the risks to human health and the environment at contaminated properties or sites through cleanup, stabilization, or other action, and make
                        land available for reuse.


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               93

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2008         Control the risks to human health and the environment at contaminated properties or sites through cleanup, stabilization,  or other action, and make
                        land available for reuse.

        In 2007         Control the risks to human health and the environment at contaminated properties or sites through cleanup, stabilization,  or other action, and make
                        land available for reuse.

        In 2006         Control the risks to human health and the environment at contaminated properties or sites through cleanup, stabilization,  or other action, and make
                        land available for reuse.
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
       Actual	Target	Target          Unit
Number of cleanups completed that meet state risk-based 13,600 14,493 13,000 13,862
standards for human exposure and groundwater Target
migration. (2: Regulated Party Activities)
Number of cleanups completed that meet risk-based 30 43 30 54
standards for human exposure and groundwater migration
in Indian Country. (2: Regulated Party Activities)
Superfund final site assessment decisions completed. (2: 419 518 350 395
Regulated Party Activities)
Annual number of Superfund sites with remedy 40 40 24 24
construction completed. (0: Indeterminate)
Number of Superfund sites with human exposures under 10 34 10 13
control. (0: Indeterminate)
Superfund sites with contaminated groundwater 10 21 10 19
migration under control. (0: Indeterminate)
Number of Federal Facility Superfund sites where all 51 55 56 59
remedies have completed construction. (3 : Pollution
Number of Federal Facility Superfund sites where the 61 70 76 71
final remedial decision for contaminants at the site has
been determined. (3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Number of RCRA facilities with final remedies
constructed. (2: Regulated Party Activities)
Number of RCRA facilities with human exposures under
control. (2: Regulated Party Activities)
13,000 13,000
30 30
400 400
30 35
10 10
15 15
60 64
81 85






(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan
Performance Measures
Number of RCRA facilities with mis

^ration of
FY 2006
Target Actual

FY 2007
Target Actual

FY 2008

FY 2009
        contaminated groundwater under control. (2: Regulated
        Party Activities)

        Number ofSuperfund sites ready for anticipated use site-
        wide. (4: Ambient Conditions)
        Background:     Through the end of FY 2005, a total of 38,770 final assessment decisions had been made out of a universe of 44,700 potentially hazardous waste sites
                        evaluated by EPA.  Additionally, Superfund controlled human exposures at 1,266 of 1,543 eligible NPL sites and controlled groundwater migration at
                        937 of 1,381 eligible NPL sites, completed construction at 966 of 1,498 eligible NPL sites, and selected final remedies at 1,042 of 1,498 of the eligible
                        NPL sites.  Of the 1,714 RCRA Corrective Action highest-priority facilities, 96% (1,649) had human exposures controlled and 78% (1,342) had
                        groundwater migration controlled through the end of FY 2005, reflecting the strong EPA/state partnership in this program. The new measures for RCRA
                        Corrective Action reflect a universe of 3,746 of the high National Corrective Action Prioritization System-ranked facilities, which was recently set.
                        Through FY2006, EPA has completed more than 75% (or 350,818) leaking underground  storage tank cleanups.  The Agency has worked with state
                        partners to evaluate multi-year cleanup goals in light of new pressures that have slowed the pace of cleanup in recent years.  The result of this process
                        has been a reduction of multi-year goals to a target number that better reflects the current challenges.

        Prepare/Respond to Accidental/Intentional Release

        In 2009         Reduce and control the risks posed by accidental and intentional releases of harmful substances by improving our Nation's capability to prepare for and
                        respond more effectively to these emergencies.

        In 2008         Reduce and control the risks posed by accidental and intentional releases of harmful substances by improving our Nation's capability to prepare for and
                        respond more effectively to these emergencies.

        In 2007         Reduce and control the risks posed by accidental and intentional releases of harmful substances by improving our Nation's capability to prepare for and
                        respond more effectively to these emergencies.

        In 2006         Reduce and control the risks posed by accidental and intentional releases of harmful substances by improving our Nation's capability to prepare for and
                        respond more effectively to these emergencies.
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target       Actual
     FY 2007
Target       Actual
FY 2008     FY 2009
 Target	Target
Superfund-lead removal actions completed annually. (2: 195 157 195 200 195 195 removals
Regulated Party Activities)
Voluntary removal actions, overseen by EPA, complete

d. 115 93 120 151 125 130 removals
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
Performance Measures
(2: Regulated Party Activities)
Number of inspections and exercises conducted at oil
storage facilities that are required to have Facility
Response Plans. (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
Percentage of inspected facilities subject to Spill
Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC)
regulations found to be in compliance. (2: Regulated
Party Activities)
Percentage of inspected facilities subject to Facility
Response Plan (FRP) regulations found to be in
compliance. (2: Regulated Party Activities)
Score in annual Core Emergency Response assessment.
(1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008
Target Actual Target Actual Target
100 345 200 335 250
100 50 53 40 55
100 71 75 67 78
55 96 65
FY 2009
       Background:    Between 2000 and 2005 EPA completed an average 209 Superfund removal response actions and an average 97 removal actions were completed by
                      responsible parties voluntarily (i.e., undertaken without EPA enforcement action).  In FY 2004,  the compliance rate of all facilities subject to FRP
                      regulations (estimated number of facilities is 4,200) was 50% and the compliance rate of inspected facilities subject to  SPCC regulations  was
                      approximately 75%.  Beginning in FY 2007, EPA regional, HQ, and Special Teams scores were determined according to a set of readiness criteria to
                      enhance and strengthen the core emergency response program.


       Through 2011,  provide and apply sound  science for protecting and restoring land by conducting leading-edge research, which through
       collaboration, leads to preferred environmental outcomes


       Land Protection and Restoration Research

       In 2009        Increased use of land protection and restoration research products.

       In 2008        Increased use of land protection and restoration research products

       In 2007        Increased use of land protection and restoration research products

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              96

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

        In 2006         Document the performance, including cost savings, of innovative characterization and remediation options,  so  that newer approaches with cost or
                       performance advantages are applied for Super fund and other cleanup projects.

                                                                    FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	

        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of the       100         100         100          100         100          100          Percent
        manage material streams, conserve resources and
        appropriately manage waste long-term goal.  (Research)

        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of the       100          96          100          100         100          100          Percent
        mitigation, management and long-term stewardship of
        contaminated sites long-term goal. (Research)

        Background:    The program aims to make measurable progress in providing timely, cutting edge, problem-driven research products to support sound science decisions
                       by  EPA  offices engaged  in activities to preserve land quality and remediate  contaminated land for beneficial reuse.  EPA's Board of  Scientific
                       Counselors (BOSC) rates the program on its progress periodically, and the program responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure continued improvement.
                       Additionally,  the program aims to increase 1) the number of planned outputs completed on time (a measure of timeliness); and 2) the number of its
                       papers deemed "highly cited" and of "high impact" in bibliometric analyses (a measure of the quality and use of ORD's research).

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               97

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                                           GOAL 4: HEALTHY COMMUNITIES AND ECOSYSTEMS

Protect, sustain, or restore the health of people, communities, and ecosystems using integrated and comprehensive approaches and partnerships.


        By 2011, prevent and reduce pesticide and industrial chemical risks to humans, communities, and ecosystems.

        Protect Human Health from Pesticide Risk

        In 2009         Protect human health by implementation our statutes and taking regulatory actions to ensure pesticides continue to be safe and available when used
                       with the label.

        In 2008         Decrease cost per pesticide occupational incident avoided.

        In 2008         Ensure new pesticide registration actions (including new active ingredients, new uses) meet new health standards and are environmentally safe.

        In 2008         Improve the health of those who work in  or around pesticides by reaching a 50% reduction in moderate to severe incidents for six acutely toxic
                       agricultural pesticides with the highest incident rate.

        In 2008         Percentage of acre treatments that will use applications of reduced-risk pesticides.

        In 2008         Protect those occupationally exposed to pesticides by improving or maintaining a rate of 3.5 or less incidents per 100,000 potential risk events.

        In 2008         Reduce concentration of pesticides detected in general population.

        In 2008         Reduce decision times for registration of reduced risk chemicals.

        In 2008         Register reduced risk pesticides, including biopesticides.

        In 2007         Decrease cost per pesticide occupational incident avoided.

        In 2007         Ensure new pesticide registration actions (including new active ingredients, new uses) meet new health standards and are environmentally safe.

        In 2007         Improve the health of those who work in or around pesticides by reducing moderate to severe incidents for six acutely toxic agricultural pesticides with
                       the highest incident rate.


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              98

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                            FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2007         Percentage of acre treatments that will use applications of reduced-risk pesticides.
        In 2007         Reduce concentration of pesticides detected in general population.

        In 2007         Reduce decision times for registration of reduced risk chemicals.

        In 2007         Register reduced risk pesticides, including biopesticides.

        In 2006         Ensure new pesticide registration actions (including new active ingredients, new uses) meet new health standards and are environmentally safe.

        In 2006         Percentage of acre treatments that will use applications of reduced-risk pesticides

        In 2006         Reduce decision times for registration of reduced risk chemicals.

        In 2006         Register reduced risk pesticides, including biopesticides.
Performance Measures
Register reduced risk pesticides, including biopesticides.
(1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
New Chemicals (Active Ingredients) (1C:
Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
New Uses (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
Percentage of agricultural acres treated with reduced-risk
pesticides. (3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Incidents per 100,000 potential risk events in population
occupationally exposed to pesticides. (6: Ultimate
Ecological/Health Impacts)
Percent reduction in concentrations of pesticides detected
in general population. (5: Exposure or Body Burden)
Percent reduction in moderate to severe incidents for six
acutely toxic agricultural pesticides with the highest
incident rate. (6: Ultimate Ecological/Health Impacts)
FY 2006 FY 2007
Target Actual Actual
14 15 14 14
8 19 8 16
200 235 200 233
17 18 18 Data Avail

10 Data Avail

FY 2008
No Target

FY 2009

Percent Acre-
Percent Cum.
Percent Cum.
        Background:     There were 1,388 incidents out of 39,850,000 potential risk events for those occupationally exposed to pesticides in FY 2003. According to NHANES
                        data for FY 1999-2002 the concentration of pesticides residues detected in blood samples from the general population are: Dimethylphosphaste = 0.41

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                        ug/L; Dimethylthiophosphate = 1.06 ug/L; Dimethyldithiophosphate = 0.07 ug/L;  Diethylphosphate = 0.78 ug/L; Diethylthiophosphate = 0.5 ug/L;
                        Diethyldithiophosphate = 0.07 ug/L; and
        3,5,6-Trichloro-2-pyridinol =1.9 ug/L. The rates for moderate to severe incidents for exposure to agricultural pesticides with the highest incident rates base on FY 1999 -
                        2003 data were: Chlorpyrifos, 67 incidents; diazinon, 51 incidents; malathion, 36 incidents; pyrethrins, 29 incidents; 2, 4-D, 27 incidents; carbofuran, 24
                        incidents, based on data from Poison Control Centers' Toxic Exposure Surveillance System (TESS), and NIOSH's Sentinel Event Notification System
                        for Occupational Risk (SENSOR).  The baseline for acres-treated is 3.6% of total acreage in 1998, when the reduced-risk pesticide acre treatments was
                        30,332,499 and total (all pesticides) was 843,063,644 acre-treatments. Zero reduced risk pesticides (including biopesticides) are registered in FY 1996;
                        Cumulative total in FY 2007 is 200 registrations. Zero new chemicals (active ingredients) is registered in FY 1996; Cumulative total in FY 2007 is  117
                        new chemicals (AI). Zero new use actions in FY 1996; Cumulative total in FY 2007  is 3,774 new use actions.

        Protect the Environment from Pesticide Risk

        In 2009         Protect the environment by implementing our statutes and taking regulatory actions to ensure pesticides continue to be safe and available when used
                        with the label.

        In 2008         Ensure that through ongoing data reviews, pesticide active ingredients,  and products that contain  them are reviewed to assure adequate protection for
                        human health and the environment,  taking into consideration exposure scenarios such as subsistance lifestyles of the Native Americans

        In 2008         Reduce the average cost and average time to produce or update an Endangered Species Bulletin.

        In 2008         Reduce the percent of urban watersheds sampled that  exceeds EPA aquatic life benchmarks for three key pesticides of concern (diazinon, chlorpyrifos,

        In 2007         Ensure that through ongoing data reviews, pesticide active ingredients,  and products that contain  them are reviewed to assure adequate protection for
                        human health and the environment,  taking into consideration exposure scenarios such as subsistance lifestyles of the Native Americans

        In 2007         Reduce the average cost and average time to produce or update an Endangered Species Bulletin.

        In 2006         Ensure that through ongoing data reviews, pesticide active ingredients,  and products that contain  them are reviewed to assure adequate protection for
                        human health and the environment,  taking into consideration exposure scenarios such as subsistance lifestyles of the Native Americans
FY 2006
Performance Measures Target Actual
Product Reregistration (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. 545 545
Percent of urban watersheds that exceeds EPA aquatic life
benchmarks for three key pesticides of concern. (4:
Ambient Conditions)
FY 2007 FY 2008
Target Actual Target
545 962 1075

FY 2009
20, 20, 25


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)               100

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

        Background:     The 1992-2001 baselines as a percentage of urban watersheds sampled that exceeded benchmarks are: diazinon, 40 percent; chlorpyrifos, 37 percent;
                        and malathion, 30 percent. Zero product reregistraion in 200X; A total of 8,320 product reregistrations were completed in 2007.

        Endocrine Disrupters

        In 2009         Endocrine Disrupter Screening Program will continue its progress toward completing the validation of endocrine test methods.

        In 2008         Endocrine Disrupter Screening Program will continue its progress toward completing the validation of endocrine test methods.

        In 2007         Endocrine Disrupter Screening Program will continue its progress toward completing the validation of endocrine test methods.

        In 2006         Endocrine Disrupter Screening Program will continue its progress toward completing the validation of endocrine test methods.
Performance Measures

Cumulative number of assays


have been validated.
FY 2008
FY 2009

        Background:     Zero assays were validated in FY 2005.

        Realize the Value from Pesticide Availability

        In 2009         Ensure the public health and socio-economic benefits of pesticide availability and use are achieved.

        In 2008         Annually avoid S900M in termite structural damage by ensuring safe and effective pesticides are registered/reregistered and available for termite

        In 2008         Avoid SI.5 billion of crop loss by ensuring that effective pesticides are available to address pest infestations.

        In 2008         Maintain timeliness ofSIS decisions.

        In 2008         Number of acres using reduced risk pest management practices compared to the grant and/or contract funds expended on environmental stewardship.

        In 2007         Maintain timeliness ofSIS decisions.

        In 2006         Maintain timeliness ofSIS decisions.


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              101

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan

Performance Measures
Maintain timeliness of SI 8 decisions (1C:
Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
Millions of dollars in termite structural damage avoided
annually by ensuring safe and effective pesticides are
registered/re-registered and available for termite
treatment. (3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Billions of dollars in crop loss avoided by ensuring that
effective pesticides are available to address pest
infestations. (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008
Target Actual Target Actual Target
45 48 45 36.6 45
900 M
1.5 B
FY 2009
900 M
1.5 B

        Background:     Based on U.S Census housing data, industry data, and academic studies on damage valuation, EPA calculates that in FY 2003 there were $900 million
                        in annual savings from structural damage avoided due to availability of registered termiticides. According to EPA and USDA data for the years FY
                        2000-2005, emergency exemptions issued by EPA resulted in $ 1.5 billion in avoided crop loss. Baseline for S18 decisions is 45 days in 2005

        Lead Gasoline Phase-Out

        In 2009          Eliminate use of lead in gasoline in remaining countries that still use lead as an additive, affecting more than 700 million people.

        In 2009          Increase access to low-sulfur fuels in developing countries.

        In 2008          Eliminate use of lead in gasoline in remaining countries that still use lead as an additive, affecting more than 700 million people.

        In 2008          Increase access to low-sulfur fuels in developing countries.
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
     FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Number of countries completing phase out of leaded
        gasoline,  (incremental) (2: Regulated Party Activities)

        Number of countries introducing low sulfur in fuels.
        (incremental) (2: Regulated Party Activities)
        Background:     As of June 2005, 122 countries have phased out the use of lead in gasoline.  As of 2005, United States, Japan, Canada, and the European Community
                        have introduced low-sulfur fuels.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                        FY 2009 Annual Plan
        Lead-Based Paint Risk Reduction Program

        In 2009         Reduce exposure to and health effects from lead.
In 2008 Reduce exposure to and health effects from priority industrial/commercial chemicals
In 2007 Reduce exposure to and health effects from priority industrial/commercial chemicals
In 2006 Reduce exposure to and health effects from priority industrial/commercial chemicals

Performance Measures
Percent difference in the geometric mean blood level in
low-income children 1-5 years old as compared to the
geometric mean for non-low income children 1-5 years
old. (5: Exposure or Body Burden)
Number of cases of children (aged 1-5 years) with
elevated blood lead levels (>10ug/dl). (5: Exposure or
Body Burden)
FY 2006 FY
Target Actual Target
29 Data Lag No Target
216,000 Data Lag No Target
No Target
No Target
FY 2008 FY 2009
Target Target
29 No Target
90,000 No Target

        Background:    Data released by CDC from the National Health and Nutritional Evaluation Survey (NHANES) in May of 2005 estimated a population of 310,000
                       children aged 1-5 with lead poisoning (blood lead levels of 10 ug/dl or greater). Baseline for percent difference in the geometric mean blood level in
                       low-income children 1-5 years old as compared to the geometric mean for non-low income children 1-5 years old is 37% in 1991-1994.
        Chemical Risk Review and Reduction

        In 2009         Identify, restrict, and reduce risks associated with industrial/commercial chemicals.

        In 2008         Identify, restrict, and reduce risks associated with industrial/commercial chemicals.

        In 2007         Identify, restrict, and reduce risks associated with industrial/commercial chemicals.

        In 2006         Identify, restrict, and reduce risks associated with industrial/commercial chemicals.
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
                FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
           Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Annual number of chemicals with proposed values for

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                        FY 2009 Annual Plan
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
                FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
           Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Acute Exposure Guidelines Levels (AEGL) (1C:
        Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)

        Percent of new chemicals or organisms introduced into
        commerce that do not pose unreasonable risks to workers,
        consumers, or the environment. (3: Pollution

        Reduction in the current year production-adjusted risk-
        based score of releases and transfers of toxic chemicals
        from manufacturing facilities. (6:  Ultimate
        Ecological/Health Impacts)

        Cumulative number of High Production Volume (HPV)
        chemicals with Risk Based Decisions Completed. (3:
        Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Cumulative number of High Production Volume (HPV)
        chemicals with Screening Level Hazard Characterization
        Reports completed. (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Annual reduction in the production-adjusted risk-based
        score of releases and transfers of High Production
        Volume (HPV) chemicals from manufacturing facilities.
        (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Data Lag
4.0       Data Lag
           Data Lag
         Data Avail
                                               Percent RSEI
                                                 Rel risk


        Background:    The baseline for percent of new chemicals or organisms introduced into commerce that do not pose unreasonable risks to workers, consumers, or the
                       environment was developed from a 2 year analysis from 2004-2005 comparing 8(e) reports to New Chemical submissions and is 100%. The baseline
                       for the number of proposed AEGL values was developed for 2002 because after September 11, 2001, EPA received a substantial increase in funding for
                       this activity. EPA developed Proposed AEGL values for 78 chemicals through 2002.  In 2007, a total of 218 chemicals with proposed AEGL Values
                       were reported for the AEGL Program (cumulative count).  Baseline for the Risk Screening Environmental Indicators Model Program in 2001 was zero
                       percent. 2001 was selected as the baseline year because of changing TRI reporting thresholds for persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic chemicals that took
                       effect in 2001.  These changes significantly affect the RSEI model, making comparisons with years prior to 2001 inappropriate.   A consistent set of
                       chemicals can be used from 2001 forward.  Cumulative reduction reported through 2005 is 29.3%.  The baseline for the number of chemicals with
                       Screening Level Hazard Characterization Reports was developed using data from internationally sponsored HPV chemicals through 2006. EPA assisted
                       with the development and finalization of reports for these 630 chemicals. The cumulative count of HPV chemicals with reports completed through FY
                       2007 is 931.  The baseline for the percent reduction in the risk based score for HPV chemicals is zero percent in 1998, which was the year the HPV
                       program began. A cumulative 30.3% reduction has been observed between 1998 and 2005. The baseline for the number of HPV chemicals with risk
                       based decisions completed in 2007 is zero.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

        Chemical Facility Risk Reduction

        In 2009         Protect human health, communities, and ecosystems from chemical risks and releases through facility risk reduction efforts and building community

        In 2008         Protect human health, communities, and ecosystems from chemical risks and releases through facility risk reduction efforts and building community

        In 2007         Protect human health, communities, and ecosystems from chemical risks and releases through facility risk reduction efforts and building community

        In 2006         Protect human health, communities, and ecosystems from chemical risks and releases through facility risk reduction efforts and building community

                                                                   FY2006                  FY2007           FY2008    FY 2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	

        Number of risk management plan audits and inspections       400         550         400         628         400          400         Audits
        completed. (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)                              Target

        Background:     3224 Risk Management Plan audits were completed between FY 2000 and FY 2006.


        Sustain, clean up, and restore communities and the ecological systems that support them.

        U.S.- Mexico Border Water/Wastwater Infrastructure

        In 2009         Sustain and restore the environmental health along the United States-Mexico Border through implementation of the "Border 2012" plan.

        In 2008         Sustain and restore the environmental health along the United States-Mexico Border through implementation of the "Border 2012" plan.

                                                                   FY2006                  FY2007           FY2008    FY2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	

        Number of additional homes provided safe drinking water                                                      2,500        2,500      More Homes
        in the Mexican border area that lacked access to drinking
        water in 2003. (4:  Ambient Conditions)


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              105

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
                                                                                              FY 2007
FY 2008
FY 2009
        Number of additional homes provided adequate
        wastewater sanitation in the Mexican border area that
        lacked access to wastewater sanitation in 2003. (4:
        Ambient Conditions)
                         More Homes
        Background:     The US-Mexico border region extends more than 3,100 kilometers (2,000 miles) from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean, and 62.5 miles on each
                        side of the international border.  More than 11.8 million people reside along the border and this figure is expected to increase to 19.4 million by 2020.
                        Ninety percent of the population reside in the 14 impaired,  interdependent sister cities.  Rapid population growth in urban areas has resulted in
                        unplanned development, greater demand for land and energy, increased traffic congestion, increased waste generation, overburdened or unavailable
                        waste treatment and disposal facilities, and more frequent chemical emergencies.  Rural areas suffer from exposure to airborne dust, pesticide use, and
                        inadequate water supply and treatment facilities.  EPA,  other US Federal agencies, and the Government of Mexico have partnered to address these
                        environmental problems.

        Environmental Justice

        In 2009          In FY 08, four communities with potential environmental justice  concerns will achieve significant measurable environmental or public health
                        improvement through collaborative problem-solving strategies.

        In 2008          In FY 08, four communities with potential environmental justice  concerns will achieve significant measurable environmental or public health
                        improvement through collaborative problem-solving strategies.
Performance Measures
Communities with Environmental Justice Concerns (3:
FY 2006
Target Actual

FY 2007
Target Actual

FY 2008
FY 2009
        Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Background:     The Agency works to address issues affecting disproportionately exposed and under-represented populations from adverse health or environmental
                        effects. EPA identifies problem areas through: public comments received during the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (NEJAC)
                        meetings; reviewing Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) filed under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in which environmental justice
                        (EJ) indicators occur; concern from communities about new or renewals of permits under RCRA, CWA, CAA, etc.; and complaints filed under Title VI
                        of the Civil Rights Act. EPA also  works to address these issues through the Federal Interagency  Working Group on Environmental Justice and by
                        awarding grants to communities for addressing environmental problems.

        Revitalize Properties

        In 2009          Assess, clean up and promote the reuse of Brownfields properties, and leverage jobs and cleanup/redevelopment funding.
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                FY 2009 Annual Plan
In 2008 Assess, clean up and promote the reuse of Brownfields properties, and leverage jobs and cleanup/redevelopment funding.
In 2007 Assess, clean up and promote the reuse of Brownfields properties, and leverage jobs and cleanup/redevelopment funding.
In 2006 Assess, clean up and promote the reuse of Brownfields properties, and leverage jobs and cleanup/redevelopment funding.

Performance Measures
Brownfield properties assessed. (2: Regulated Party
Number of properties cleaned up using Brownfields
funding. (2: Regulated Party Activities)
Acres of Brownfields properties made ready for reuse. (2:
Regulated Party Activities)
Jobs leveraged from Brownfields activities. (0:
Billions of dollars of cleanup and redevelopment funds
leveraged at Brownfields sites. (2: Regulated Party
FY 2006 FY 2007
Target Actual Actual
1,000 2,139 1,000 Data Avail
Target 2008
60 88 60 Data Avail

5,000 5,504 5,000 Data Avail
1 1.4 0.9 Data Avail
FY 2008
FY 2009

Billions of

        Background:    By the end of FY 2005, the Brownfields program assessed 1,381 properties, cleaned up 93 properties, leveraged 6,128 jobs,  and leveraged $1.0B in
                       cleanup and redevelopment funding.
        Pacific Island Territories

        In 2009
        In 2008
Sustain and restore the environmental health of the U.S. Pacific Island Territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands (CNMI).

Sustain and restore the environmental health of the U.S. Pacific Island Territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands (CNMI).
        Performance Measures
                                             FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
                                       Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit
        Percent of population in each of U.S. Pacific Island
        Territories served by CWS will receive drinking water
        that meets all applicable health-based drinking water
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                        FY 2009 Annual Plan
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
     FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Target
        standards throughout the year. (3: Pollution

        Percent of the time that the sewage treatment plants in the
        U.S. Pacific Island Territories will comply with permit
        limits for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total
        suspended solids (TSS). (3: Pollution

        Percent of days of the beach season that beaches in each
        of the U.S. Pacific Island Territories monitored under the
        Beach Safety Program will be open and safe for
        swimming. (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Percent of
                                               Percent Days
        Background:     In 2005, 95% of the population in American Samoa, 10% in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) and 80% of Guam served by
                       CWS received drinking water that meets all applicable health-based standards.  The sewage treatment plants in the Pacific Island Territories compiled
                       59% of the time with BOD & TSS permit limits. Beaches were open and safe 64% of the beach season in American Samoa, 97% in the CNMI & 76%
                       in Guam.

        Protect, sustain, and restore the health of critical natural habitats and ecosystems.

        Protecting and Enhancing Estuaries

        In 2009         Working with partners, protect or restore additional (i.e., measuring from 2008 forward) acres of habitat within the study area for the 28 estuaries that
                       are part of the National Estuary Program.

        In 2008         Working with partners, protect or restore additional (i.e., measuring from 2008 forward) acres of habitat within the study area for the 28 estuaries that
                       are part of the National Estuary Program.

        In 2007         Working with NEP partners, protect or restore an additional 25,000 acres of habitat within the study areas for the 28 estuaries that are part of the
                       National Estuary Program (NEP).

        In 2006         Working with NEP partners, protect or restore an additional 25,000 acres of habitat within the study areas for the 28 estuaries that are part of the
                       National Estuary Program (NEP).

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                            FY 2009 Annual Plan
FY 2006
Performance Measures Target Actual
Acres protected or restored in NEP study areas. (4: 25,000 140,033
FY 2007
Target Actual
50,000 102,462
FY 2008
FY 2009
        Ambient Conditions)

        Background:     2005 Baseline: 449,242 acres of habitat protected or restored; cumulative from 2002.
        Gulf of Mexico

        In 2009        Improve the overall health of coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico on the "good/fair/poor" scale of the National Coastal Condition Report.

        In 2008        Improve the overall health of coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico on the "good/fair/poor" scale of the National Coastal Condition Report.

        In 2007        Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic species in order to improve the health of the Gulf of Mexico.

        In 2006        Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic species in order to improve the health of the Gulf of Mexico.
FY 2006
Performance Measures Target Actual
Improve the overall health of coastal waters of the Gulf of 2.4 2.4
Mexico on the "good/fair/poor" scale of the National
Coastal Condition Report. (4: Ambient Conditions)
Restore water and habitat quality to meet water quality
standards in impaired segments in 13 priority coastal
areas (cumulative starting in FY 07). (6: Ultimate
Ecological/Health Impacts)
Restore, enhance, or protect a cumulative number of
acres of important coastal and marine habitats. (6:
Ultimate Ecological/Health Impacts)
FY 2007 FY 2008
Target Actual Target
2.4 2.4 2.5
FY 2009
        Background:     In 2004, the Gulf of Mexico rating of fair/poor was 2.4 where the rating is based on a 5-point system in which 1 is poor and 5 is good and is expressed
                        as an aerially weighted mean of regional scores using the National Coastal Condition Report II indicators: water quality index, sediment quality index,
                        benthic index, coastal habitat index, and fish tissue contaminants.
        The hypoxia running average size for 1996-2000 = 14,128 km2.  The 2002-2006 running average size = 14,944 km2. No annual targets are set for 2007 and 2008 because
                        hypoxia varies annually, depending on the timing and extent of spring and summer stratification, weather patterns, temperature, and precipitation in the
                        Gulf and drainage basin.
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                 FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2002, 812 impaired segments identified in Section 303(d) listings. In 2005, 16,000 acres restored, enhanced, or protected; Gulf of Mexico coastal wetlands habitats
                        include 3,769,370 acres.
        Great Lakes Implementation Actions
        In 2009
Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so that overall ecosystem health of the Great Lakes is improved.

                                                 that overall ecosystem health of the Great Lakes is improved.

                                                 that overall ecosystem health of the Great Lakes is improved.

                                                 that overall ecosystem health of the Great Lakes is improved.
        In 2008         Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so

        In 2007         Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so

        In 2006         Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so
Performance Measures
Improve the overall ecosystem health of the Great Lakes
by preventing water pollution and protecting aquatic
systems. (4: Ambient Conditions)
Cubic yards of contaminated sediment remediated
(cumulative) in the Great Lakes. (3: Pollution
Average annual percentage decline for the long-term
trend in concentrations of PCBs in whole lake trout and
walleye samples. (5: Exposure or Body Burden)
Average annual percentage decline for the long-term
trend in concentrations of PCBs in the air in the Great
Lakes Basin. (4: Ambient Conditions)
Number of Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes Basin
which are restored and de-listed. (1C: Fed/State/Tribal
Gov. Activities)
Number of Beneficial Use Impairments removed within
Areas of Concern. (3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

FY 2006 FY 2007
Target Actual Target Actual
21 21.1 21 22.7

4.5 4.1 4.5 4.5




No Target 9

FY 2008






FY 2009
No Target




No Target



Million Cubic

Cum. Areas of

Cum. Number
of BUI
        Background:     Great Lakes rating of 20.9 reported in 2003, based on most current data available, generally from 2001) on a 40 point scale where the rating uses select
                        Great Lakes State of the Lakes Ecosystem indicators based on a 1 to 5 rating system for each indicator, where 1 is poor and 5 is good, (ii) 2.1 million
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                        cubic yards of contaminated sediments were remediated from 1997 through 2001 of the 40 million requiring remediation, (iii) On average, total PCB
                        concentrations in whole Great Lakes top predator fish have recently declined 5 percent annually - average concentrations at Lake sites from 2002 were:
                        L Superior-9ug/g; L Michigan- 1.6ug/g; L Huron- .8ug/g L Erie- 1.8ug/g; and L Ontario- 1.2ug/g. 9iv) Average concentrations of toxic chemicals in the
                        air (PCBs) from 2002 were; L Superior- 60 pg/m2; L Michigan- 87 pg/m2; L Huron-19 pg/m2; L Erie- 183 pg/m2; and L  Ontario- 36 pg/m2.  (v) In
                        2002, no Areas of Concern had been delisted.

        Wetland and River Corridor Projects

        In 2009         Working with partners, achieve a net increase in wetlands acres with additional focus on assessment of wetland condition.

        In 2008         Working with partners, achieve a net increase in wetlands acres with additional focus on assessment of wetland condition.

        In 2007         Working with partners, achieve no net loss ofwetlands.

        In 2006         Working with partners, achieve no net loss ofwetlands.
Performance Measures
In partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
states, and tribes, achieve no net loss ofwetlands each
year under the Clean Water Act Section 404 regulatory
program (4: Ambient Conditions)
FY 2006
Target Actual
No Net N/A
Loss Target

FY 2007
No Net Data Lag

FY 2008
No Net

FY 2009
No Net


        Working with partners, achieve a net increase of acres of     200,000       N/A       100,000     Data Lag     100,000      100,000      Acres/year
        wetlands per year with additional focus on biological and
        functional measures and assessment of wetland
        conditions, (cumulative) (4: Ambient Conditions)

        Background:    Annual net wetland loss of an estimated 58,500 acres as measured by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and reported in Status and Tends of Wetlands
                       in the Conterminous United States, 1986-1997. The United States achieved a net cumulative increase of 32,000 acres per year of wetlands over a 6-year
                       period, from 1998 through 2004, as measured by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and reported in Status and trends of Wetlands in the Conterminous
                       United States, 1998 to 2004. (Dahl, T.E. 2006. Status and Trends of Wetlands in the Conterminous United States, 1998 to 2004. U.S. Department of
                       the Interior; Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. 112 pp.)

        Chesapeake Bay Habitat

        In 2009        Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so that the overall aquatic system health of the Chesapeake Bay is improved.


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              111

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2008

        In 2007

        In 2007

        In 2006

        In 2006
Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so that the overall aquatic system health of the Chesapeake Bay is improved.

Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so that overall aquatic system health of the Chesapeake Bay is improved enough so that there are
100,000 acres of submerged aquatic vegetation, (cumulative)

Reduce nitrogen loads by 80 million pounds per year; phosphorus loads by 9.0 million pounds per year, and sediment loads by 1.16 million tons per
year from entering the Chesapeake Bay, from 1985 levels.

Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so that overall aquatic system health of the Chesapeake Bay is improved enough so that there are
100,000 acres of submerged aquatic vegetation, (cumulative)

Reduce nitrogen loads by 80 million pounds per year; phosphorus loads by 9.0 million pounds per year, and sediment loads by 1.16 million tons per
year from entering the Chesapeake Bay, from 1985 levels.
                                                                    FY 2006
                                                                      FY 2007
FY 2008    FY 2009
Performance Measures
Reduction, from 1985 levels, of nitrogen (M/lbs),
phosphorus (M/lbs), and sediment loads (tons) entering
Chesapeake Bay. (cumulative) (3: Pollution
Percent of point source nitrogen reduction goal of 49.9
million pounds achieved. (3 : Pollution
Percent of point source phosphorus reduction goal of 6.16
million pounds achieved. (3 : Pollution
Percent of forest buffer planting goal of 10,000 miles
achieved. (3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Acres of submerged aquatic vegetation (SA V) present in
the Chesapeake Bay. (cumulative) (4: Ambient
Percent of goal achieved for implementation of nitrogen
reduction practices (expressed as progress meeting the
nitrogen reduction goal of 162.5 million pounds). (3 :
Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Percent of goal achieved for implementation of
Target Actual Target Actual Target
74/8.7/1.1 72.3/8.7/1. 80/9.0/1.16
65 68 70 69 74
82 84 84 87 85
46 46 53 53 60
90,000 78,259 90,000 59,090
44 44 47 46 50
61 61 64 62 66

Target Unit
79 Percent Goal
87 Percent Goal
68 Percent Goal
53 Percent Goal
69 Percent Goal

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
FY 2006
Performance Measures Target Actual
phosphorus reduction practices (expressed as progress
meeting the phosphorus reduction goal of 14.36 million
pounds). (3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Percent of goal achieved for implementation of sediment 57 57
reduction practices (expressed as progress meeting the
sediment reduction goal of 1.69 million pounds). (3:
Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009
Target Actual Target Target Unit

61 62 64 67 Percent Goal

        Background:    In 1984, there were 38,230 acres of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay. In 2002, baseline for nitrogen load reductions was 53 million
                       pounds per year; phosphorus load reductions was 8.0 million pounds per year; and sediment load reductions was 0.8 million tons per year. *Fiscal year
                       data in this table reflects prior calendar year performance data.

        In 2006, there were 32.68 million Ibs of point source nitrogen reduced, 65% towards the goal.  There were 5.07 million Ibs of point source phosphorus reduced,  82%
                       towards the goal. Four thousand six hundred six miles of forest buffer were planted, 46% towards the goal.

        Long Island Sound

        In 2009         Prevent water pollution, improve water quality, protect aquatic systems, and restore the habitat of Long Island Sound by working through  the Long
                       Island Sound Management Study Conference Partnership.

        In 2008         Prevent water pollution, improve water quality, protect aquatic systems, and restore the habitat of Long Island Sound by working through  the Long
                       Island Sound Management Study Conference Partnership.
        Performance Measures
     FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008    FY2009
Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit
        Reduce point source nitrogen discharges to Long Island
        Sound as measured by the Long Island Sound Nitrogen
        Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). (3: Pollution

        Restore or protect acres of coastal habitat, including tidal
        wetlands, dunes, riparian buffers, and freshwater
        wetlands. (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
        Reopen miles of river and stream corridor to anadromous
        fish passage through removal of dams and barriers or
        installation of by-pass structures such asfishways. (1C:
        Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
                                                  37,323      34,898       Pounds pet-
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
        Background:     In 2000, TMDL baseline is 213,151 pounds/day. In 2005, 562 acres restored (cumulative) and 150 acres protected (cumulative). Eighty-one miles of
                        river and stream corridor re-opened.

        South Florida Ecosystem

        In 2009         Protect and maintain the South Florida Ecosystem, including the Everglades and coral reef ecosystems.

        In 2008         Protect and maintain the South Florida Ecosystem, including the Everglades and coral reef ecosystems.
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
                                                                                       FY 2007           FY 2008      FY 2009
                                                                                  Target	Actual	Target	Target
                                                                                                                               No Net
                                                                          Mean Percent
                                                                             of Area
                                                                            Sea Grass
Achieve "no net loss" of stony coral cover in FL Keys                                                            6.7/5.9
Nat'l Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) and in the coastal
waters ofDade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties, FL
working with all stakeholders. (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov.

Annually maintain the overall health and functionality of
sea grass beds in the Florida Keys Nat'I Marine
Sanctuary (FKNMS) as measured by the  long-term sea
grass monitoring project.  (3: Pollution

Maintain the overall water quality of the near shore and                                                        Maintain
coastal waters of the Florida Keys Nat'l Marine
Sanctuary (FKNMS).  (4: Ambient Conditions)

Improve the water quality of the Everglades ecosystem as                                                       Maintain
measured by total phosphorus, including meeting the 10
ppb total phosphorus criterion throughout the Everglades
Protection Area marsh. (3: Pollution

Background:     In 2005, the mean percent of stony coral cover is was 6.8% in FKNMS and 5.9% in Southeast Florida.  Total water quality was at chl < 0.2 ug/1, light
                attenuation < 0.13/meter, DIN < 0.75 micromolar, and TP < 0.2 micromolar.  Florida Keys seagrasses were at 8.28 for N:P of Thalassia and 0.48 for
                relative  abundance of Thalassia.  The average annual geometric mean phosphorus concentrations were 5 ppb in the Everglades National Park, 10 ppb in
                Water Conservation 3 A, 13 ppb in the  Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, and  18 ppb  in Water Conservation Area 2A; annual average flow-
                weighted from total phosphorus discharges from storm water treatment areas ranged from 13 ppb for area 3/4 and 98 ppb for area 1W.  Effluent limits
                will be established for all discharges, including storm water treatment areas.
                                                                                                                              Maintain    Water Quality
                                                                                                                              Maintain      Parts per

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                 FY 2009 Annual Plan
        Puget Sound Basin

        In 2009         Improve water and air quality, and minimize the adverse impacts of rapid development in the Puget Sound Basin.

        In 2008         Improve water and air quality, and minimize the adverse impacts of rapid development in the Puget Sound Basin.
Performance Measures
Improve water quality and enable the lifting c
FY 2006
Target Actual
if harvest
FY 2007
Target Actual

FY 2008

FY 2009
        restrictions in acres of shellfish bed growing areas
        impacted by degrading or declining water quality. (3:
        Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Remediate acres of prioritized contaminated sediments.
        (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Restore the acres oftidally and seasonally influenced
        estuarine wetlands. (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)


        Background:    In 2006, 100 acres of shellfish-bed growing areas improved water quality and lifted harvest restrictions. Additionally, 750 acres oftidally- and
                 seasonally-influenced estuarine wetlands were restored. In 2007, 120 acres of prioritized contaminated sediments were remediated.

        Columbia River Basin

        In 2009
        In 2008
Prevent water pollution and improve and protect water quality and ecosystems in the Columbia River Basin to reduce risks to human health and the

Prevent water pollution and improve and protect water quality and ecosystems in the Columbia River Basin to reduce risks to human health and the
        Performance Measures
                                             FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
                                        Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit
        Protect, enhance, or restore acres of wetland habitat and
        acres of upland habitat in the Lower Columbia River
        watershed (cumulative starting FY 06). (3: Pollution

        Clean up acres of known contaminated sediments
        (cumulative starting FY 06). (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov.

                                                                                           3000        10,000
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

       Background:     In 2005, 96,770 acres of wetland and upland habitat available for protection, enhancement, or restoration.  In 2008, 3,000 additional acres are expected
                       to be protected, enhanced, or restored. In FY 2009, 2,000 additional acres are expected to be protected, enhanced, or restored, towards a cumulative
                       10,000 acres.


       Through 2011, identify and synthesize the best available scientific information, models, methods, and analyses to support Agency guidance
       and policy decisions  related to the health of people, communities, and ecosystems.  Focus research on pesticides and chemical toxicology;
       global change; and comprehensive, cross-cutting studies of human, community, and ecosystem health.


       Research on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

       In 2009         Increased use of endocrine disrupters research program products.

       In 2008         Increased use of endocrine disrupters research program products

       In 2007         By 2007, develop improved protocols for screening and testing for the Agency's Endocrine Disrupters Screening Program and reduce scientific
                       uncertainty on effects, exposure, and risk management issues

       In 2006         By 2006, develop and transfer standardized protocols for screening chemicals for their potential effects on the endocrine system, so that EPA's Office of
                       Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances has the necessary protocols to validate for use in the Agency's Endocrine Disruptors Screening Program,
                       mandated by the Food Quality Protection Act, as determined by independent expert review.
Performance Measures
Improved protocols for screening and testing (Research)
Effects and exposure milestones met (Research)
Assessment milestones met (Research)
Risk management milestones met (Research)
FY 2008
FY 2009
       Background:     The program aims to make measurable progress in 1) determining the extent of the impact of endocrine disrupters on humans, wildlife, and the
                       environment to better inform the federal and scientific communities; and 2) reducing the uncertainty regarding the effects, exposure, assessment, and


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              116

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
                        management of endocrine disrupters so that EPA has a sound scientific foundation for environmental decision-making.  EPA's Board of Scientific
                        Counselors (BOSC) rates the program on its progress periodically, and the program responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure continued improvement.
                        Additionally, the program aims to complete on time each year its 1) improved protocols for screening and testing; 2) effects and exposure milestones; 3)
                        assessment milestones; and 4) risk management milestones.

        Homeland Security Research

        In 2009         Enhance public health and safety and mitigate  adverse effects of the purposeful introduction  of hazardous  chemical, biological,  or radiological
                        materials into the environment.

        In 2008         Enhance public health and safety and mitigate  adverse effects of the purposeful introduction  of hazardous  chemical, biological,  or radiological
                        materials into the environment.

        In 2007         Enhance public health and safety and mitigate  adverse effects of the purposeful introduction  of hazardous  chemical, biological,  or radiological
                        materials into the environment.

        In 2006         Provide methods, guidance documents, technologies and tools to first responders and decision-makers to enhance safety and to mitigate adverse effects
                        of the purposeful introduction of hazardous chemical or biological materials into the environment.
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
     FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of         100          100          100         100          100          100         Percent
        efficient and effective clean-ups and safe disposal of
        contamination wastes.  (Research)

        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of         100          100          100         100          100          100         Percent
        water security initiatives. (Research)

        % of planned outputs delivered in support of support risk       100          100          100         100          100          100         Percent
        assessors and decision-makers in the rapid assessment of
        risk and the determination of cleanup goals and
        procedures following contamination (Research)

        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of         100          100          100         100          100          100         Percent
        establishment of the environmental National Laboratory
        Response Network (Research)

        Background:     EPA's homeland security  research provides appropriate, effective, and rapid risk assessment guidelines and technologies to help decision-makers
                        prepare for, detect, contain, and decontaminate building and water treatment systems against which chemical and/or biological attacks have been
                        directed. The Agency intends to expand the state of the knowledge of potential threats, as well as its response capabilities, by assembling and evaluating
                        private sector tools and capabilities so that preferred response approaches can be identified, promoted, and evaluated for future use by first responders,
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                       decision-makers, and the public. These products will enable first responders to better deal with threats to the public and the environment posed by the
                       intentional release of toxic or infectious materials.

        Human Health Research
In 2009 Increased use of human health research products.
In 2009 Reduce average time to process research grant proposals while maintaining a credible and efficient merit review
In 2008 HH (Human Health)
In 2007 Increased use of human health research products
In 2006 HH (Human Health)
FY 2006
Performance Measures Target Actual
Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of 100 100
public health outcomes long-term goal. (Research)
Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of 100 92
mechanistic data long-term goal. (Research)
Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of 100 100
aggregate and cumulative risk long-term goal. (Research)
Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of the 100 100
susceptible subpopulations long-term goal. (Research)

FY 2007 FY 2008
Target Actual Target
100 100 100
100 100 100
100 100 100
100 100 100

FY 2009

        Background:    The program aims to make measurable progress in reducing uncertainty in the science underlying human health risk assessment. The program also
                       conducts research into methods of measuring public health outcomes resulting from risk management practices. EPA's Board of Scientific Counselors
                       (BOSC) rates the program on its progress periodically, and the program responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure continued improvement. Additionally,
                       the program aims to increase 1) the number of planned outputs completed on time (a measure of timeliness); 2) the number of its papers deemed "highly
                       cited" (a measure  of the quality and use of ORD's research); and 3) the percentage of peer-reviewed EPA risk assessments in which ORD research is
                       cited in support of a decision.

        Global Change Research

        In 2009        Increased use of global change research products.

        In 2008        Increased use of global change research products


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              118

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                 FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2006
Increased use of global change research products
Performance Measures
Percent pros
;ress toward complel
ion of a framework
FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
Target Actual Target Actual Target Target Unit
60 65 75 75 85 95 Percent
linking global change to air quality. (Research)

Percentage of planned outputs delivered. (Research)
                                                                                       No Target
        Background:    The program aims to make measurable progress in enhancing the understanding of potential impacts of climate variability and change  on the
                       environment. Accordingly, the program provides stakeholders and policy makers with information to help support decision-making. EPA's Board of
                       Scientific Counselors (BOSC) rates the program on its progress periodically, and the program responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure continued
                       improvement. Additionally, the program aims to increase 1) the number of planned outputs completed on time (a measure of timeliness); 2) the number
                       of its papers deemed "highly cited" and of "high impact" in bibliometric analyses (a measure of the quality and use of ORD's research). The program is
                       also measuring its progress toward completing a framework linking global change to air quality.
        Human Health Risk Assessment

        In 2009        Increased use of human health risk assessment program products.

        In 2008        Increased use of human health risk assessment program products

        In 2007        Increased use of human health risk assessment program products

        In 2006        By 2006, deliver at least 20 dose-response assessments, provisional values, or pathogen risk assessments so that by 2010, at least 100 assessments have
                       been made available through the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) database and other communications to EPA program offices, regions, states
                       and Tribes providing the necessary information to predict risk and make risk management decisions that protect public health.
        Performance Measures
                                             FY 2006
                                        Target	Actual
     FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of Air    No Target       100
        Quality Criteria/Science Assessment documents.           Established

        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of           100         100
        HHRA health assessments. (Research)

        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of        No Target       81
        HHRA Technical Support Documents. (Research)          Established
90          Percent

90          Percent
(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
Performance Measures
Usefulness of HHRA's Air Quality Criteria Documents
FY 2006
Target Actual
No Target 158
FY 2007
Target Actual
106 68
FY 2008
FY 2009
        (AQCDs), represented by the number of days between the   Established
        completion of AQCD peer review and publication of the
        EPA staff document that relies on AQCD (Research)

        Background:    The  program aims to make measurable progress in providing timely, peer-reviewed health assessments of priority environmental contaminants to
                       support science-based decision-making in EPA's regulatory and cleanup programs. EPA's Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) rates the program on
                       its progress periodically, and the program responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure continued improvement. Additionally, the program aims to increase
                       1) the number of planned outputs completed on time (a measure of timeliness); 2) the percentage of regulatory decisions in which decision-makers used
                       HHRA peer-reviewed health assessments; and 3) the usefulness of HHRA's Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) documents as represented by the
                       number of days between the completion of ISA peer review and publication of the EPA staff document that relies on the IS As.

        Safe Pesticides/Safe Products Research

        In 2009         Increased use of Pesticides and Toxics research products.

        In 2008         Increased use of Pesticides and Toxics research products.

        In 2007         Increased use of safe pesticides/safe products

        In 2006         Increased use of pesticides and toxics research products
Performance Measures
Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of the
SP2 program's long-term goal one. (Research)
Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of the
SP2 program's long-term goal two. (Research)
Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of the
SP2 program's long-term goal three. (Research)
        Background:    The program aims to make measurable progress in prioritizing testing requirements and enhancing interpretation of data; conducting spatially explicit
                       probabilistic  ecological risk  assessments;  and supporting decisionmaking  related  to  products  of biotechnology and specific high  priority
                       individual/classes of pesticides and toxic substances. EPA's Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) rates the program on its progress periodically, and
                       the program responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure continued improvement. Additionally, the program aims to increase 1) the percentage of planned

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              120

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                             FY 2009 Annual Plan
                        outputs completed on time; and 2) the percentage of program papers rated as "highly cited" and of "high impact" in its bibliometric analysis (a measure
                        of quality and the use of ORDs research).
        Ecosystems Research

        In 2009         Increased use of ecosystems research products.

        In 2008         Increased use of ecosystems research products

        In 2006         Increased use of ecosystems research products
Performance Measures
Number of states using a comm
FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
Target Actual Target Actual Target Target Unit
on monitoring design and 25 25 30 30 35 40 States
                                                               No Target    No Target
                                                              Established  Established
                                                               No Target    No Target
                                                              Established  Established




                          21.1       No Target      21.4
                          20.8       No Target      21.3
        appropriate indicators to determine the status and trends
        of ecological resources and the effectiveness of programs
        and policies. (Research)

        Percentage of Ecological Research publications rated as
        highly-cited publications. (Research)
        Percentage of Ecological research publications in "high-
        impact" journals. (Research)
        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of
        State, tribe, and relevant EPA office needs for causal
        diagnosis tools and methods to determine causes of
        ecological degradation. (Research)

        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of
        State, tribe, and relevant EPA office needs for
        environmental forecasting tools and methods to forecast
        the ecological impacts of various actions. (Research)

        Percentage of planned outputs delivered in support of
        State, tribe, and EPA office needs for environmental
        restoration and services tools and methods to protect and
        restore ecological condition and services. (Research)

        Background:     The program aims to make measurable progress in providing the scientific understanding to measure, model, maintain, and/or restore, at multiple scales,
                        the integrity and sustainability of highly valued ecosystems now and in the future. EPA's Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) rates the program on




(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                       its progress periodically, and the program responds to BOSC suggestions to ensure continued improvement. Additionally, the program aims to increase
                       1) the number of planned outputs completed on time (a measure of timeliness); 2) the number of its papers deemed "highly cited" and of "high impact"
                       in bibliometric analyses (a measure of the quality and use of ORD's research); and 3) the number of states using a common monitoring design and
                       appropriate indicators to determine the status and trends of ecological resources and the effectiveness of programs and policies.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              122

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                   FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                  GOAL 5: COMPLIANCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP

Protect human health and the environment through ensuring compliance with environmental requirements by enforcing environmental statutes,
preventing pollution, and promoting environmental stewardship. Encourage innovation and provide incentives for governments, businesses, and the
public that promote environmental stewardship and long-term sustainable outcomes.

       By 2011, maximize compliance to protect human health and the environment through enforcement and other compliance assurance activities
       by achieving a 5 percent increase in the pounds of pollution reduced, treated, or eliminated by regulated entities, including those in Indian
       country. (Baseline: 3-year rolling average FYs 2003-2005: 900,000,000 pounds.)

       Monitoring and Enforcement

       In 2009        Through monitoring and enforcement actions, EPA will increase complying actions, pollutant reduction or  treatment, and improve environmental
                     management practices.

       In 2008        Through monitoring and enforcement actions, EPA will increase complying actions, pollutant reduction or  treatment, and improve environmental
                     management practices.

       In 2007        Through monitoring and enforcement actions, EPA will increase complying actions, pollutant reduction or  treatment, and improve environmental
                     management practices.

       In 2006        Through monitoring and enforcement actions, EPA will increase complying actions, pollutant reduction or  treatment, and improve environmental
                     management practices.
       Performance Measures
     FY2006                FY2007          FY2008    FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target         Unit
Pounds of pollution estimated to be reduced, treated, or
eliminated as a result of concluded enforcement actions.
(civil enf) (3 : Pollution Reduction/Prevention)
Percentage of concluded enforcement cases requiring that
pollution be reduced, treated, or eliminated. (2:
Data Avail
FY 2008
       Regulated Party Activities)

       Percentage of concluded enforcement cases requiring         65

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                                                                     FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	Target	Target	Unit	
        implementation of improved environmental management
        practices. (2: Regulated Party Activities)

        Percentage of regulated entities taking complying actions       25          16           30          18           30          25        Percentage
        as a result ofon-site compliance inspections and
        evaluations. (2: Regulated Party Activities)

        Dollars invested in improved environmental performance       4.1          5.0           4.2          10.6          4.3          4.4      Billion dollars
        or improved environmental management practices as a
        result of concluded enforcement actions (i.e., injunctive
        relief and SEPs) (2: Regulated Party Activities)

        Background:     The FY 2005-2007 rolling average baseline for pounds of pollution estimated to be reduced, treated, or eliminated is 960,000,000 pounds of pollutants.
                        The FY 2007 baseline for the percentage of concluded enforcement cases requiring that pollutants estimated to be reduced, treated, or eliminated is the
                        FY2007  result which is 27 percent. The reason for using the FY2005 result as the FY2006 baseline is due to the data lag in the FY2006 result.  The FY
                        2007 baseline for the percentage of concluded  enforcement cases requiring implementation of improved environmental management practices is 70
                        percent.  The FY 2006 baseline for the percentage  of regulated entities taking complying actions as a result of on-site compliance inspections  and
                        evaluations  is 18 percent.  The FY 2005-2007 rolling average baseline for dollars invested in improved environmental performance or improved
                        environmental management practices is $8,500,000,000.

        Compliance Incentives

        In 2009          Identify and correct noncompliance and reduce environmental risks through an increase in the percent of facilities that use EPA incentive policies to
                        conduct environmental audits or other actions that reduce, treat, or eliminate pollution or improve environmental management practices.

        In 2008          Identify and correct noncompliance and reduce environmental risks through an increase in the percent of facilities that use EPA incentive policies to
                        conduct environmental audits or other actions that reduce, treat, or eliminate pollution or improve environmental management practices.

        In 2007          Identify and correct noncompliance and reduce environmental risks through an increase in the percent of facilities that use EPA incentive policies to
                        conduct environmental audits or other actions that reduce, treat, or eliminate pollution or improve environmental management practices.

        In 2006          Through self-disclosure policies, EPA will increase the percentage of audits or other actions reducing pollutants or improving EMP.
FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008
Performance Measures Target Actual Target Actual Target
Pounds of pollutants estimated to be reduced, treated, or 0.4 0.05 0.4 1.20 0.4
eliminated, as a result of audit agreements. (3 : Pollution
FY 2009
Target Unit
0.4 Million

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              124

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
        Background:     The FY2007 baseline for pounds of pollutants estimated to be reduced, treated, or eliminated as a result of audit agreements is 1.2 million pounds of

        Compliance Assistance

        In 2009         Prevent noncompliance or reduce environmental risks through EPA compliance assistance by achieving: an increase in the percent of regulated entities
                        that improve  their understanding  of environmental requirements;  an increase  in  the number of regulated entities that  improve environmental
                        management practices; and an increase in the percentage of regulated entities that reduce, treat, or eliminate pollution.

        In 2008         Prevent noncompliance or reduce environmental risks through EPA compliance assistance by achieving: an increase in the percent of regulated entities
                        that improve  their understanding  of environmental requirements;  an increase  in  the number of regulated entities that  improve environmental
                        management practices; and an increase in the percentage of regulated entities that reduce, treat, or eliminate pollution.

        In 2007         Prevent noncompliance or reduce environmental risks through EPA compliance assistance by achieving: an increase in the percent of regulated entities
                        that improve  their understanding  of environmental requirements;  an increase  in  the number of regulated entities that  improve environmental
                        management practices; and an increase in the percentage of regulated entities that reduce, treat, or eliminate pollution.

        In 2006         Through compliance assistance, EPA will increase the understanding of regulated entities, improve Environmental Management Practices, and reduce
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
     FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Percentage of regulated entities receiving direct                50
        compliance assistance from EPA reporting that they
        improved environmental management practices as a
        result of EPA assistance. (2: Regulated Party Activities)

        Percentage of regulated entities receiving direct                15
        assistance from EPA reporting that they reduced, treated,
        or eliminated pollution, as a result of EPA assistance. (2:
        Regulated Party Activities)
        Background:     The FY2007 baseline for the percentage of regulated entities receiving direct compliance assistance from EPA reporting that they improved BMP as a
                        result of EPA assistance is 91%. The FY2007 baseline for the percentage of regulated entities receiving direct compliance assistance from EPA
                        reporting that they reduced, treated, or eliminated pollution as a result of EPA compliance assistance is 50%. These measures are not calculated from a
                        representative sample of the regulated entity universe. The percentages are based, in part, on the number of regulated entities that answered affirmatively
                        to these questions on voluntary surveys. The percentages do not account for the number of regulated entities who chose not to answer these questions or
                        the majority of entities who chose not to answer the surveys.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan

       By  2011,  enhance public health and  environmental protection  and  increase conservation of natural  resources by promoting  pollution
       prevention and the adoption of other stewardship practices by companies, communities, governmental organizations, and individuals.

       Reducing PBTs in Hazardous Waste Streams

       In 2009        Reduce pollution in business operations.

       In 2008        Reduce pollution in business operations.

       In 2007        Reduce pollution in business operations.
Performance Measures
Number of pounds (in millions) of pi

iority chemicals
FY 2006
Target Actual

FY 2007
Target Actual
0.5 M 1.3M
FY 2008
1.0 M
FY 2009
1.0 M
       reduced, as measured by National Partnership for
       Environmental Priorities members. (3: Pollution

       Background:    The performance measure reflects the fact that the National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP) has quadrupled its members and now has
                      over 100 partners, who have removed more than one million pounds of priority chemicals from the environment. As of August 2006, the NPEP program
                      had also obtained industry commitments for 2.1  million pounds of priority chemical reductions through the year 2011. Reductions will be achieved
                      primarily through source reduction made possible by safer chemical substitutes.

       Innovation Activities

       In 2008        75% of innovation projects completed under the State Innovation  Grant (SIG) Program and through other piloting mechanisms will achieve,  on
                      average, an 8% or greater improvement in environmental results from a project initiation baseline measure for the sectors and facilities involved (e.g.,
                      reductions in air or water discharges, improvements in ambient water or air quality, or improvements in compliance rates),  or  a 5% or greater
                      improvement in cost-effectiveness and efficiency.

       In 2008        Performance Track facilities collectively will meet 3 of the  5 annual performance improvement targets for reducing, on a normalized basis, water use,
                      hazardous materials use, production of greenhouse gases, toxic discharges to water and combined NOx, SOx,  VOC and PM emissions.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan
        In 2007         Performance Track facilities collectively will meet 4 of the 6 annual performance improvement targets for 3.7 billion gallons of water use, 16.3 million
                        MMBTUs of energy use, 1,050 tons materials use, 460,000 tons of non-hazardous solid waste, 66,000 tons of air releases, and 12,400 tons of discharges
                        to water.

        In 2006         Performance Track members collectively will achieve an annual reduction of: 600 million gallons in water use; 2.5 million MMBTUs in energy use;
                        15,000 tons of solid waste; 20,000 tons materials reduced;  6,000 tons of air releases; and 10,000 tons in water discharges, compared with 2001 results.
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
     FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Specific annual reductions in six media/resource areas:
        water use, energy use, solid waste, air releases, water
        discharges, & materials use. (3: Pollution

        Reduce 3.7 billion gallons of water use; 16.3 million
        MMBTUs of energy use; 1,050 tons of materials use;
        460,000 tons of solid waste;  66,000 tons of air releases;
        & 12,400 tons of water discharges. (3: Pollution

        Reduce water use at Performance Track facilities. (3:
        Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Reduce hazardous materials use at Performance Track
        facilities.  (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Reduce production of greenhouse gases at Performance
        Track facilities. (3:  Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Reduce toxic releases to water at Performance Track
        facilities.  (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Reduce combined NOx, SOx, VOC and PM emissions at
        Performance Track facilities. (3: Pollution

        75% ofinnov. proj. completed under the SIG prog, will
        achieve, on average, 8% or greater imp. in envtl results
        for sectors and facilities involved,  or 5% or greater imp.
        in cost-effectiveness & effic (3: Pollution
                                                 3,900,000,000  3,900,000,000     Gallons
                                                   10,000       10,000
                                                  175,000      175,000      MTCO2E

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan
        Background:     For Performance Track, the baseline year is 2001 for FY 2005, 2006, and 2007.  Performance will be measured against the 2001 baseline annual
                        reduction of 475 M gallons of water conserved, 0.24 million MMBTUs of energy conserved, 150,000 tons of solid waste reduced, 1,113 tons of air
                        emissions reduced, 6,870 tons of water discharged, and -2,154 tons of materials reduced.  For FY 2008, the baseline year is 2005.  The 2005 baseline
                        annual  normalized reductions  are:, 3,387,333,545  gallons of water reduced,  8,794  tons of hazardous materials  reduced, 151,129 MTCO2Es of
                        greenhouse gas emissions reduced, 186 tons of toxic discharges to water reduced, and 3,533 tons of NOx, SOx, VOCs and PM emissions reduced.

                        EPA's State Innovation Grant program promotes the testing of innovative approaches in State environmental permitting programs. Individual projects
                        are  designed to test  innovation that  improves  compliance rates, often within an entire business sector or across an entire permitting program, or
                        improves the efficiency of permitting programs for either the regulated sector or the state environmental agency.  Because each grant-supported project
                        is unique, results can only be reported on a project-by project basis.  EPA does not report program-wide results (e.g., total tons of air or water pollutants
                        removed or prevented in a year) because not every project  selected in a competition year focuses on a single environmental medium or pollutant.
                        Rather, the EPA-funded projects help states test approaches that improve results, often in ways that address multi-media concerns.  Similarly, these
                        projects are demonstrations, or pilot tests of new approaches and the projects take 2-4 years to complete.  Therefore, results for individual projects are
                        reported at the end of each project. Results are usually described in terms such as an improvement in overall compliance rates at the end of a project
                        above a baseline condition measured at the beginning of the project.
        Reduction of Industrial / Commercial Chemicals

        In 2009         Prevent, reduce the need to recycle, treat,  or dispose of hazardous industrial/commercial chemicals and enhance  environmental stewardship and

        In 2008         Prevent, reduce and recycle hazardous industrial/commercial chemicals and improve environmental stewardship practices.

        In 2007         Prevent, reduce and recycle hazardous industrial/commercial chemicals and municipal solid wastes.

        In 2006         Prevent, reduce and recycle hazardous industrial/commercial chemicals and improve environmental stewardship practices.
        Performance Measures
      FY 2006
Target	Actual
                  FY 2007
             Target	Actual
FY 2008     FY 2009
 Target	Target
        BTUs of energy reduced, conserved or offset by P2
        program participants. (3: Pollution
4,442B     1J06.8B    Data Avail   1,217.4B    1,580.9B
        Gallons of water reduced by P2 program participants. (3:     329M
        Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Business, institutional and government costs reduced by       38.2 M
        P2 program participants. (3: Pollution


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)
            2,272M     1,790M    Data Avail    1,640M     1,791M       Gallons
             86.8 M
             44.3 M     Data Avail     45.9 M
             67.8 M     Dollars saved

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
Performance Measures
Pounds of hazardous materials reduced by P2 program
FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
Target Actual Target Actual Target Target Unit
i 401 M 394 M 414 419 M 429 M 494 M Pounds
        participants. (3: Pollution Reduction/Prevention)

        Background:    The baseline for the Pollution Prevention Program BTUs is 0 in FY 2002. Data currently available indicate that the P2 program has reduced, conserved,
                       or offset 8 Billion BTUs since 2002.  The baseline for the Pollution Prevention Program gallons of water was 220 millions gallons in FY 2000.  Data
                       currently available indicate that the P2 program has reduced 9.4 billion gallons of water since 2000. The baseline for the Pollution Prevention Program
                       cost savings is 0 dollar in FY 2002. Data currently available indicate that the P2 program has saved $178 million in business, government, and
                       institutional costs since 2002. The baseline for the Pollution Prevention Program hazardous material reduced is 0.044 billion pounds in FY 2000. Data
                       currently available indicate 2 billion pounds of hazardous materials have been reduced since FY 2000.

        Protect human health  and the  environment  on tribal lands by assisting federally-recognized tribes to  build environmental  management
        capacity, assess environmental conditions and measure results, and implement environmental programs in Indian country.

        Tribal Environmental Baseline/Environmental Priori

        In 2009         Protect human health  and the  environment on tribal lands by assisting federally recognized tribes  to: build environmental capacity; assess
                       environmental conditions and measure results; and implement environmental programs in Indian country.

        In 2008         Protect human health  and the  environment on tribal lands by assisting federally recognized tribes  to: build environmental capacity; assess
                       environmental conditions and measure results; and implement environmental programs in Indian country.

        In 2007         Assist federally recognized tribes in assessing the condition of their environment, help in building their capacity to implement environmental programs
                       where needed to improve tribal health and environments, and implement programs in Indian country where needed to address environmental issues.

        In 2006         Assist federally recognized tribes in assessing the condition of their environment, help in building their capacity to implement environmental programs
                       where needed to improve tribal health and environments, and implement programs in Indian country where needed to address environmental issues.
        Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
     FY 2007           FY 2008     FY 2009
Target	Actual	Target	Target
        Percent of Tribes implementing federal regulatory
        environmental programs in Indian country (cumulative).
        (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)
                                               Percent Tribes

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                     FY 2009 Annual Plan
       Performance Measures
     FY 2006
Target	Actual
               FY 2007          FY 2008     FY 2009
          Target	Actual	Target	Target
       Percent of Tribes conducting EPA approved
       environmental monitoring and assessment activities in
       Indian country (cumulative.) (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov.

       Percent of Tribes with an environmental program
       (cumulative). (1C: Fed/State/Tribal Gov. Activities)
       Percent of tribes with EPA-approved multimedia
       workplans. (2: Regulated Party Activities)
       Percent of tribes with delegated and non-delegated
       programs (cumulative). (2:  Regulated Party Activities)

       Percent of Tribes with EPA-reviewed monitoring and
       assessment occurring. (2: Regulated Party Activities)
Percent Tribes

Percent Tribes

Percent Tribes

Percent Tribes

Percent Tribes
       Background:     There are 572 tribal entities that are eligible for GAP program funding. These entities are the ones for which environmental assessments of their lands
                      will be conducted.


       Conduct leading-edge, sound scientific research on pollution prevention, new technology development, socioeconomic, sustainable systems,
       and decision-making tools. By 2011, the products of this research will be independently recognized as providing critical and key evidence in
       informing Agency polices and decisions and solving problems for the Agency and its partners and stakeholders.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                                             ANNUAL PERFORMANCE GOALS AND MEASURES

                                                             Enabling Support Programs


        Energy Consumption Reduction

        In 2009         As required by Executive Order 13423:  Strengthening Federal Environment, Energy,  and Transportation Management,  EPA  will achieve a 12%
                       reduction in energy consumption from the Agency's 2003 baseline.

        In 2008         As required by Executive Order 13423:  Strengthening Federal Environment, Energy, and Transportation Management,  EPA will achieve a 9%
                       reduction in energy consumption from the Agency's 2003 baseline.

        In 2007         As required by Executive Order 13423:  Strengthening Federal Environment, Energy, and Transportation Management,  EPA will achieve a 6%
                       reduction in energy consumption from the Agency's 2003 baseline.

        In 2006         As required by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, EPA will achieve a 2% reduction in energy consumption from the Agency's 2003 baseline.

                                                                   FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008     FY2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	

        Cumulative percentage reduction in energy consumption.        2           3            6           9           9           12         Percent

        Background:     On January 24, 2007, the President signed Executive Order: Strengthening Federal Environment, Energy, and Transportation Management, requiring all
                       Federal Agencies to reduce its Green House Gas intensity and its energy use by 3% annually through FY 2015. For the Agency's 29 reporting facilities,
                       the FY 2003 energy consumption of British Thermal Units (BTUs) per square foot is 346,518 BTUs per square foot.

        Human Capital

        In 2009         EPA will develop workforce planning strategies that link current and future Human Capital needs to mission accomplishments which  will result in
                       significant reductions in skill gaps for Mission Critical Occupations (MCOs). In addition, EPA's recruitment strategy will focus on hiring needs that
                       will encourage the use of hiring flexibilities,  build on centralized and local recruitment approaches,  and focus on attracting applicants who are
                       talented, diverse, and committed to EPA's mission.

        In 2008         EPA will develop workforce planning strategies that link current and future Human Capital needs to mission accomplishments which  will result in
                       significant reductions in skill gaps for Mission Critical Occupations.  In  addition, EPA's recruitment strategy will focus  on hiring needs that will


(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              131

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
                        encourage the use of hiring flexibilities, build on centralized and local recruitment approaches, and focus on attracting applicants who are talented,
                        diverse, and committed to EPA's mission.
        In 2007         EPA will develop workforce planning strategies that link current and future Human Capital needs to mission accomplishments which will result in
                        significant reductions in  skill gaps for Mission Critical Occupations.  In addition, EPA's recruitment strategy will focus on hiring needs that will
                        encourage the use of hiring flexibilities, build on centralized and local recruitment approaches, and focus on attracting applicants who are talented,
                        diverse, and committed to EPA's mission.
FY 2006
Performance Measures Target Actual
Average time to hire non-SES positions from date vacancy
closes to date offer is extended, expressed in working days
For SES positions, the average time from date vacancy
closes to date offer is extended, expressed in working days
Agency Manager's satisfaction with the initial stages of
the human resources hiring process, as measured by the
average score across 4 questions in the OPM
Management Hiring Satisfaction Survey.
Maintenance and improvement ofMCO employee
competencies, as measured by proficiency levels of
competencies in MCO's re-assessed in 2009.
FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009
Target Actual
45 28 45 45
90 66 73 68

        Background:     Baselines for the new measures will be established in FY2007/08. For the average time to hire, these human capital performance measures and targets
                        were selected from EPA's President's Management Agenda.

(non-Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) measures are italicized)              132

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                         FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                             NPM: OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION
        Information Exchange Network
       In 2009         Improve the quality,  comparability,  and availability of environmental data for sound environmental decision-making through the  Central Data
                       Exchange (CDX).

       In 2008         Improve the quality,  comparability,  and availability of environmental data for sound environmental decision-making through the  Central Data
                       Exchange (CDX).

       In 2007         Improve the quality,  comparability,  and availability of environmental data for sound environmental decision-making through the  Central Data
                       Exchange (CDX).

       In 2006         Improve the quality,  comparability,  and availability of environmental data for sound environmental decision-making through the  Central Data
                       Exchange (CDX).
        Performance Measures
     FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008    FY2009
Target	Actual	Target	Actual	
       Number of major EPA environmental systems that use the
       CDX electronic requirements enabling faster receipt,
       processing, and quality checking of data.

       States, tribes and territories will be able to exchange data
       with CDX through nodes in real time, using standards
       and automated data-quality checking.

       Number of users from states, tribes, laboratories, and
       others that choose CDX to report environmental data
       electronically to EPA.
47,000       62,000       55,000      88,516      100,000      110,000
        Background:    The Central Data Exchange program began in FY 2001.

        Information Security

        In 2009         OMB reports that all EPA information systems meet/exceed established standards for security.

        In 2008         OMB reports that all EPA information systems meet/exceed established standards for security.

        In 2007         OMB reports that all EPA information systems meet/exceed established standards for security.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

       In 2006         OMB reports that all EPA information systems meet/exceed established standards for security.

                                                                    FY2006                 FY2007           FY2008    FY2009
       Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	

       Percent of Federal Information Security Management Act      100          100         100          100         100          100         Percent
       reportable systems that are certified and accredited.

       Background:    In FY 2002, the Agency started planning an effort to expand and strengthen its information security infrastructure.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

                                           NPM: OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL

        Fraud Detection and Deterrence

        In 2009         In 2009, the OIG will improve public confidence and integrity in EPA program operations by detecting and preventing fraud, abuse and
                        breaches of security.

        In 2008         In 2008, the OIG will improve public confidence and integrity in EPA program operations by detecting and preventing fraud, abuse and
                        breaches of security.

        In 2007         In 2007,  OIG will improve public confidence and integrity in EPA program operations by detecting and preventing fraud, abuse and
                        breaches of security.

        In 2006         In 2006, the OIG will improve public confidence and integrity in EPA program operations by detecting and preventing fraud, abuse and
                        breaches of security.

                                                                     FY2006                  FY2007           FY2008    FY2009
        Performance Measures	Target	Actual	Target	Actual	

        Criminal, civil, administrative, and fraud prevention           80          121          80           103          80          80          Actions

        Background:     In FY 2005, the OIG established a baseline of 83 criminal, civil, administrative, and fraud prevention actions.

        Audit and Advisory Services

        In 2009         In 2009, the OIG will contribute to human health and environmental quality through audits, evaluations, advisory services, inspections,
                        and investigations for improved Agency business practices, accountability, and performance.

        In 2008         In 2008, the OIG will contribute to human health and environmental quality through audits, evaluations, advisory services, inspections,
                        and investigations for improved Agency business practices, accountability, and performance.

        In 2007         In 2007, the OIG will contribute to human health and environmental quality through audits, evaluations, advisory services, inspections,
                        and investigations for improved Agency business practices, accountability, and performance.

        In 2006         In 2006, the OIG will contribute to human health and environmental quality through audits, evaluations, advisory services, inspections,
                        and investigations for improved Agency business practices, accountability, and performance.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
Performance Measures
Environmental and business actions taken for improved
performance or risk reduction.
Environmental and business recommendations or risks
identified for corrective action.
Return on the annual dollar investment, as a percentage
of the OIG budget, from audits and investigations.
FY 2008
FY 2009

        Background:     In FY 2005, the OIG established a revised baseline of 564 environmental and business actions taken for improved performance or risk
                        reduction; 885 environmental and business risks or recommendations identified for corrective action; and 150% in potential dollar return
                        on investment as a percentage of OIG budget, from savings, questioned costs, fines, recoveries, and settlements. The baselines increased
                        because the OIG began including the non-monetary results of "Single Audits" and audits performed for the OIG in its targets and results
                        by acknowledging the increasing number and significance of actionable recommendations in these audits to improve the management of
                        assistance agreements.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
                             Environmental Programs
Goal 1- Clean Air and Global Climate Change
Objective: Healthier Outdoor Air

The   Environmental  Protection   Agency
(EPA) cooperates with other Federal, state,
Tribal, and local agencies in achieving goals
related to ground level ozone and particulate
matter (PM).    EPA  continues  to  work
closely with the Department of Agriculture
and  the Forest Service  in  developing  its
burning policy and reviewing practices that
can reduce emissions.  EPA, the Department
of Transportation  (DOT),  and the Army
Corps of Engineers (COE) work with  state
and local agencies to integrate transportation
and   air  quality   plans,  reduce  traffic
congestion,     and    promote    livable
communities.  EPA continues to work with
the  Department  of  the Interior  (DOT),
National Park Service (NFS), in developing
its regional haze program and deploying the
Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual
Environments    (IMPROVE)    visibility
monitoring network.   The  operation and
analysis of data produced by the particulate
matter  (PM)  monitoring  system  is   an
example of the close coordination of effort
between  the EPA and  state  and Tribal

For  pollution  assessments  and transport,
EPA   is  working   with   the  National
Aeronautics   and   Space   Administration
(NASA)   on  technology  transfer  using
satellite imagery.   EPA will be working to
further distribute NASA satellite products to
and NOAA air quality forecast products to
Regions, states, local agencies, and Tribes to
provide better  understanding  of air quality
on a day-to-day basis and to  assist with PM
forecasting.    EPA will also  work  with
NASA to  develop a better understanding of
PM  formation using  satellite  data.   EPA
works  with  the  Department of the Army,
Department of Defense (DoD) on advancing
emission measurement technology and with
the  National  Oceanic  and  Atmospheric
Administration   (NOAA),   Department  of
Commerce for  meteorological support for
our modeling and monitoring efforts.

To better understand the magnitude, sources,
and causes of mobile source pollution, EPA
works  with the Departments  of Energy
(DOE) and DOT to fund research projects.
A program to  characterize  the  exhaust
emissions from  light-duty gasoline vehicles
is being co-funded by DOE and DOT. Other
DOT  mobile   source   projects  include
TRANSIMS (TRansportation ANalysis and
SEVIulation System) and other transportation
modeling  projects;  DOE is funding these
projects through the  National  Renewable
Energy Laboratory.  EPA also works closely
with  DOE  on refinery   cost  modeling
analyses and the development of clean fuel
programs.   For mobile  sources program
outreach, the Agency is participating in a
collaborative effort  with  DOT's  Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) and the
Federal  Transit  Administration   (FTA)
designed to educate the  public  about the
impacts of transportation  choices on traffic
congestion, air  quality, and human health.
This  community-based  public  education
initiative  also  includes  the   Centers for
Disease Control (CDC). In addition, EPA is
working with DOE to identify opportunities
in the Clean Cities program.   EPA also
works with other Federal agencies such as
the  U.S.  Coast Guard  (USCG) on  air
emission issues.  Other programs targeted to
reduce air toxics from mobile sources are

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
coordinated with DOT.  These partnerships
can involve policy assessments and  toxic
emission reduction strategies in different
regions of the country. EPA is also working
with the National  Highway Transportation
Administration  and  the   Department  of
Agriculture   on   the   greenhouse   gas
transportation rules.

To   develop   new  continuous   source
monitoring  technology  for  toxic  metals
emitted  from   smokestacks,  EPA   has
partnered with the DoD.  This partnership
will provide a new source monitoring tool
that  will  streamline   source  monitoring
requirements  that  a   number   of  DoD
incinerators  are  required  to  meet  and
improve the operation of DoD incinerators
with   real-time   emissions   information
resulting in reduced releases of air toxics to
the environment. In time, this technology is
expected to be available  for use at non-DoD

To reduce air toxic emissions that  do not
inadvertently increase  worker exposures,
EPA is continuing  to work closely with the
Department of Labor's Occupational Safety
and  Health  Administration   (OSHA)  to
coordinate  the  development  of EPA and
OSHA standards.   EPA also works  closely
with other health agencies such as the CDC,
the  National  Institute  of  Environmental
Health Sciences (NIEHS), and the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
on health risk characterization.   To assess
atmospheric  deposition  and  characterize
ecological effects, EPA  works with  NOAA
and the Department of  the Interior's U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).

The Agency  has  worked  extensively with
the  Department  of  Health  and   Human
Services (HHS) on the National Health and
Nutritional  Evaluation  Study to  identify
mercury  accumulations  in  humans.   EPA
also has worked with  DOE on the 'Fate of
Mercury'  study  to  characterize  mercury
transport and traceability in Lake Superior.

To   determine   the   extent   to   which
agricultural  activities   contribute  to   air
pollution, EPA will continue to work closely
with   the   USD A   through   the  joint
USDA/EPA Agricultural Air Quality Task
Force  (AAQTF).    The  AAQTF  is  a
workgroup set up by Congress to oversee
agricultural air quality-related issues  and to
develop cost-effective  ways in which  the
agricultural  community  can  improve  air
quality.     In   addition,   the   AAQTF
coordinates  research   on  agricultural   air
quality  issues  to avoid  duplication  and
ensure data quality and sound interpretation
of data.

In developing regional and  international air
quality programs  and  projects  and working
on   regional   agreements,  EPA   works
primarily with the Department of State,  the
Agency  for  International  Development
(USAID),  and  the DOE as well as with
regional organizations.  EPA's international
air   quality  management   program   will
complement EPA's programs on children's
health,  Trade  and  the Environment,  and
trans-boundary  air pollution.   In addition,
EPA  will  partner with others worldwide,
including international organizations such as
the    United    Nations     Environment
Programme,  the  European   Union,   the
Organization for Economic  Development
and   Co-operation  (OECD),   the  North
American  Commission  for Environmental
Cooperation (CEC),  the World  Bank,  the
Asian   Development   Bank,   and   our
colleagues in Canada, Mexico, Europe,  and
Japan.  EPA  is  working  with  DOE  and
USTR under the CEC to promote renewable
energy markets in North America.

Objective: Healthier Indoor Air

EPA  works closely  through  a variety of

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
mechanisms with a broad range of Federal,
state, Tribal, and local government agencies,
industry,  non-profit   organizations,   and
individuals,  as well  as  other  nations, to
promote   more  effective  approaches  to
identifying and  solving indoor air quality
problems. At the Federal level, EPA works
closely   with   several   departments   or

    •   Department of Health and  Human
       Services   (HHS)  to  develop  and
       conduction  programs  aimed  at
       reducing  children's  exposure  to
       known indoor triggers  of  asthma,
       including secondhand smoke;
    •   Department of Housing and Urban
       Development   (HUD)  on  home
       health  and safety issues, especially
       those affecting children;
    •   Consumer      Product     Safety
       Commission (CPSC) to identify and
       mitigate   the   health  hazards  of
       consumer  products   designed  for
       indoor use;
    •   Department of Education (DoEd) to
       encourage     construction     and
       operation   of  schools  with  good
       indoor air quality; and
    •   Department of Agriculture  (USDA)
       to  encourage   USDA  Extension
       Agents  to conduct  local  projects
       designed to reduce risks from indoor
       air quality. EPA plays a leadership
       role  on the President's  Task Force
       on Environmental Health Risks and
       Safety     Risks    to    Children,
       particularly with respect to asthma
       and  school  environmental health

As  Co-chair of the interagency Committee
on Indoor Air Quality (CIAQ),  EPA works
with the CPSC, DOE, the National Institute
for  Occupational  Safety and Health,  and
OSHA to review  EPA draft publications,
arrange the distribution of EPA publications,
and  coordinate  the   efforts   of  Federal
agencies with  those   of  state  and  local
agencies concerned with indoor air issues.

Objective: Protect the Ozone Layer

In an effort to curb the illegal importation of
ozone  depleting  substances  (ODSs),  an
interagency   task  force   was   formed
consisting of representatives from EPA, the
Departments of Justice (DOJ),  Department
of Homeland Security  (DHS),  Department
of State, Department of Commerce, and the
Internal Revenue  Service (IRS).  Venting of
illegally   imported  chemicals  has  the
potential to prevent the United  States from
meeting the goals of the Montreal Protocol
to restore the ozone layer.

EPA   works   very   closely   with  the
Department  of State  and  other  Federal
agencies  as  appropriate  in  international
negotiations among Parties to the Protocol.
EPA works with  the Office of the United
States  Trade   Representative   to  analyze
potential trade implications in  stratospheric
protection regulations  that  affect  imports
and exports.

EPA  is working  with  USDA and the
Department  of  State to facilitate  research
and development  of alternatives to methyl
bromide.   EPA  collaborates  with  these
agencies  to  prepare  U.S.  requests for
emergency and critical use exemptions of
methyl bromide.  EPA  is providing input to
USDA on rulemakings  for methyl bromide-
related programs.

EPA  consults  with the  Food  and  Drug
Administration  (FDA)  on  the  potential for
domestic methyl bromide needs. EPA also
coordinates closely with FDA to ensure that
sufficient  supplies  of  chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) are available for the production of
life-saving  metered-dose  inhalers  for the
treatment of asthma and other lung diseases.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
This partnership  between EPA and  FDA
combines  the critical  goals  of protecting
public  health  and limiting damage to the
stratospheric ozone layer.

EPA works with the CDC and the National
Weather Service  (NWS) to  coordinate the
Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)  Index and the
health   messages  that  accompany  index
reports.  EPA is  a  member  of the Federal
Council on Skin  Cancer Prevention, which
educates and  protects all Federal employees
from  the  risks   of overexposure to  UV

In addition to collecting its  own UV  data,
EPA coordinates with NASA and NOAA to
monitor the state  of the stratospheric ozone
layer.  EPA works with NASA on assessing
essential uses  and  other exemptions for
critical shuttle and rocket needs, as well as
effects  of direct  emissions  of  high-speed
aircraft flying in the stratosphere.

EPA coordinates  with the  Small Business
Administration  (SBA)  to   ensure   that
proposed rules are developed in accordance
with   the   Small   Business   Regulatory
Flexibility Act.

Objective: Radiation

The  Radiation Program coordinates  with
Federal and state partners through the use of
the  Interagency  Steering  Committee  on
Radiation Standards (ISCORS); its members
include NRC,  DOE, DOD,  HHS, DOL,
DOT, and DHS and their goal is to improve
consistency in Federal radiation protection
programs. EPA continues to work with  other
Federal   agencies   including   Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC), DOE, and
DHS to prevent metals and finished products
suspected     of     having     radioactive
contamination from entering  the country.
EPA also works with the DOT  on initiatives
to promote  use  of non-nuclear density
gauges  for highway paving,  and with the
DOE and NRC to develop state-of-the-art
tracking systems for radioactive sources in
U.S. commerce.  In addition, the  program
collaborates with state and local officials to
maintain and operate the national network of
radiation  air  monitors  and  continues to
improve  the sharing  of information with
DHS, DOE, other  federal agencies, and the
states to improve EPA's  ability to contribute
to  interagency  emergency   response  and
environmental   characterization     during
radiological emergencies.

Objective:   Reduce    Greenhouse    Gas

Voluntary   climate  protection  programs
government-wide stimulate the development
and  use of renewable energy technologies
and energy efficient products that will help
reduce  greenhouse gas emissions.    The
effort  is  led  by   EPA  and  DOE with
significant  involvement  from USDA, HUD
and the National Institute of  Standards and
Technology (NIST).

Agencies throughout the government make
significant   contributions  to  the  climate
protection  programs.  For example, DOE
will  pursue actions such as promoting the
research, development,  and  deployment of
advanced    technologies   (for   example,
renewable  energy  sources).   The  Treasury
Department will  administer  proposed tax
incentives for  specific investments  that will
reduce emissions.   EPA  is  working with
DOE  to   demonstrate  technologies  that
oxidize ventilation air  methane from  coal
mines.   EPA is  broadening its  public
information transportation choices campaign
as a joint effort with DOT.  EPA coordinates
with each of the above-mentioned  agencies
to   ensure   that   our   programs  are
complementary and in no way duplicative.

This coordination is evident in work recently
completed  by  an  interagency  task  force,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
including    representatives    from    the
Department  of State,  EPA,  DOE, USDA,
DOT, Office of Management and Budget
(OMB),   Department   of   Commerce,
USGCRP, NOAA, NASA, and the DoD, to
prepare  the Third National Communication
to the  Secretariat as  required under  the
Framework Convention on Climate Change
(FCCC).  The  FCCC was ratified by  the
United States Senate in 1992. A portion of
the   Third    National   Communication
describes  policies  and measures  (such  as
ENERGY   STAR  and   EPA's   Clean
Automotive      Technology     initiative)
undertaken by the U.S. to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, implementation status  of the
policies and measures, and their actual and
projected  benefits.   One  result  of this
interagency  review  process  has  been  a
refinement of future goals for these policies
and measures which were communicated to
the Secretariat of the FCCC in 2002.  The
"U.S. Climate Action Report 2002:  Third
National  Communication  of the United
States of America under the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change"
is              available               at:
http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/usnc3 .pdf

EPA works  primarily  with the Department
of State, USAID and DOE as well as with
regional   organizations  in   implementing
climate-related  programs and projects.   In
addition,  EPA   partners    with    others
worldwide,     including     international
organizations such  as  the United  Nations
Environment  Programme,   the   United
Nations  Development   Programme,   the
International  Energy Agency, the  OECD,
the World  Bank, the  Asian  Development
Bank,  and   our  colleagues   in  Canada,
Mexico, Europe and Japan.

Objective: Enhance Science and Research:

EPA coordinates its  air quality research with
other  Federal   agencies   through   the
Subcommittee on Air Quality Research of
the NSTC Committee on Environment and
Natural Resources (CENR).   The  Agency
and NIEHS  co-chaired the subcommittee's
Particulate  Matter  Research  Coordination
Working Group, which produced  a strategic
plan for Federal research on the  health and
environmental      effects,       exposures,
atmospheric        processes,        source
characterization and control of fine airborne
particulate matter.  The  Agency is also  a
charter   member   of  NARSTO,   an
international   public-private   partnership
established in 1995 to improve management
of air quality across North America.  EPA
coordinates  specific  research  projects  with
other Federal agencies where appropriate
and   supports    air-related   research   at
universities   and  nonprofit   organizations
through  its   Science  to  Achieve  Results
(STAR) research grants program.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
Goal 2- Clean and Safe Water
Objective: Protect Human Health

The 1996  SDWA  amendments include a
provision  that  mandates  joint  EPA/CDC
study of waterborne diseases and occurrence
studies  in public water supplies.  CDC is
involved in assisting EPA in training health
care providers (doctors, nurses, public health
officials, etc.) on public health issues related
to drinking water contamination and there is
close CDC/EPA coordination on research on
microbial  contaminants in drinking  water.
EPA has in place a MOU and an Interagency
Agreement   (TAG)   with  the  CDC   to
implement this provision.

In implementing its  source water assessment
and   protection    efforts,   the  Agency
coordinates many of its activities with other
Federal  agencies.   There are three  major
areas of relationships  with  other  agencies
concerning source  water  assessments and

Public Water Systems (PWS)

Some Federal agencies, (i.e., USDA (Forest
Service), DoD, DOE, DOI/NPS, and USPS),
own  and   operate  public  water  systems.
EPA's   coordination with  these  agencies
focuses  primarily  on  ensuring that they
cooperate  with  the states in which their
systems  are  located,  and  that  they  are
accounted for in the  states' source water
assessment programs as mandated in  the
1996 amendments to the SDWA.

Data Availability, Outreach and Technical

EPA coordinates with USGS, USDA (Forest
Service,  Natural Resources  Conservation
Service,   Cooperative   State   Research,
Education,   and   Extension    Service
(CSREES), Rural Utilities Service);  DOT,
DoD, DOE, DOT (NFS  and Bureau of Indian
Affairs  (BIA),  Land  Management,  and
Reclamation); HHS (Indian Health Service)
and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

Tribal Access Coordination

EPA  will  continue to work  with  other
Federal  agencies to develop  a  coordinated
approach to improving Tribal access to safe
drinking water.  In response to commitments
made during the 2002 World  Summit in
Johannesburg, the  EPA committed to the
goal  of coordinating  with  other Federal
agencies to reduce  by half the number of
households on Tribal lands lacking access to
safe  drinking  water  by  2015.  United
Nations. 2002. Report of the  World Summit
on Sustainable Development: Johannesburg,
South Africa,  26 August  -  4  September,
2002. New York, NY: United Nations.

Collaboration with USGS

EPA and USGS have  identified the need to
engage in joint,  collaborative field activities,
research  and testing,  data  exchange, and
analyses, in areas such as the occurrence of
unregulated       contaminants,       the
environmental   relationships    affecting
contaminant  occurrence,    evaluation  of
currently regulated contaminants,  improved
protection   area   delineation    methods,
laboratory  methods,   and   test   methods
evaluation. EPA has an IAG with USGS to
accomplish   such    activities.       This
collaborative effort has improved the quality
of information to support  risk management
decision-making at all levels of government,
generated valuable new data, and eliminated
potential redundancies.

Collaboration  with  Public  and Private
Partners on  Critical  Water  Infrastructure

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
EPA   coordinates   with  other   Federal
agencies,  primarily DHS, CDC, FDA and
DoD    on   biological,   chemical,   and
radiological  contaminants,  and   how   to
respond to their presence in drinking water
and wastewater systems.  A  close  linkage
with the FBI,  particularly  with respect  to
ensuring the effectiveness of the ISAC, will
be continued.  The Agency is strengthening
its working relationships with the American
Water    Works   Association   Research
Foundation,   the   Water    Environment
Research  Federation  and  other  research
institutions to  increase our knowledge on
technologies    to    detect    contaminants,
monitoring protocols and techniques,  and
treatment effectiveness.

Collaboration with FDA

EPA and  FDA have issued joint national
fish consumption advisories to protect the
public   from   exposure   to   mercury   in
commercially and recreationally caught fish,
as well  as  fish  caught for  subsistence.
EPA's advisory covers the  recreational and
subsistence fisheries in fresh waters where
states  and Tribes have  not  assessed the
waters for the  need for  an advisory, ibid.
http://map 1 .epa.gov/html/federaladv
FDA's advisory covers commercially caught
fish, and fish caught in marine waters. Ibid.
http://map 1 .epa.gov/html/federaladv   EPA
works  closely  with  FDA to  distribute the
advisory to the public.  In addition, EPA
works with FDA to investigate the need for
advisories  for  other contaminants  and  to
ensure that these federal  advisories support
and augment advisories issued by states and

Beach Monitoring and Public Notification

The BEACH Act requires  that all  Federal
agencies with jurisdiction over coastal and
Great Lakes  recreation waters adjacent  to
beaches used by the public implement beach
monitoring    and    public    notification
programs.     These  programs   must  be
consistent with guidance published by EPA.
ibid.   "National   Beach   Guidance  and
Required Performance Criteria for Grants."
EPA will  continue to work with the USGS
and other Federal agencies to ensure  that
their beach water quality  monitoring  and
notification programs are technically sound
and consistent with program performance
criteria published by EPA.

Objective: Protect Water Quality


Protecting  and  restoring  watersheds  will
depend largely on the direct involvement of
many Federal  agencies and state, Tribal and
local   governments    who   manage   the
multitude  of programs necessary to address
water quality on a watershed basis.  Federal
agency involvement  will  include USDA
(Natural  Resources  Conservation Service,
Forest   Service,   Agriculture   Research
Service),    DOI   (Bureau    of   Land
Management,  Office  of  Surface Mining,
USGS, USFWS,  and the Bureau of Indian
Affairs), NOAA, DOT, and DoD (Navy and
COE). At the state level, agencies involved
in watershed management typically include
departments  of natural  resources  or  the
environment,  public  health  agencies,  and
forestry and recreation agencies.  Locally,
numerous agencies  are involved, including
Regional planning entities such as councils
of governments, as well as local departments
of environment, health and recreation who
frequently have strong interests in watershed

National Pollutant  Discharge Elimination
System Program (NPDES)

Since  inception  of  the  NPDES  program
under Section 402 of the CWA, EPA and the
authorized states  have developed expanded

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
relationships with various Federal  agencies
to implement  pollution controls  for  point
sources.  EPA works closely with USFWS
and the National Marine Fisheries Service
on consultation for protection of endangered
species   through   a   Memorandum  of
Agreement.  EPA works with the Advisory
Council   on  Historic  Preservation  on
National   Historic   Preservation    Act
implementation.  EPA and the states rely on
monitoring data from USGS to help confirm
pollution control decisions.   The Agency
also works closely with SBA  and the Office
of  Management and  Budget  (OMB) to
ensure that regulatory programs are fair and
reasonable.  The Agency coordinates with
the NOAA on efforts to ensure that NPDES
programs   support  coastal  and  national
estuary efforts; and  with the DOT on mining

Joint    Strategy  for  Animal   Feeding

The Agency is  working  closely  with the
USDA to implement the  Unified  National
Strategy for Animal  Feeding Operations
finalized on March 9,  1999.  The Strategy
sets forth a framework of actions that USDA
and EPA will take to minimize water quality
and public health impacts from improperly
managed  animal   wastes  in  a   manner
designed to preserve and enhance the  long-
term sustainability  of livestock production.
EPA's   recent   revisions   to the  CAFO
Regulations (effluent guidelines and NPDES
permit regulations) will be a key element of
EPA  and USDA's  plan to  address water
pollution from  CAFOs.  EPA and USDA
senior management  meet routinely to ensure
effective  coordination  across   the   two

Clean   Water  State   Revolving   Fund

Representatives  from EPA's  SRF program,
HUD's  Community  Development  Block
Grant program, and USDA's Rural Utility
Service have signed a MOU committing to
assisting state or Federal implementers in:
(1) coordination of the funding cycles of the
three Federal agencies; (2) consolidation of
plans  of action  (operating plans,  intended
use plans, strategic plans, etc.);  and  (3)
preparation  of one environmental review
document,  when possible,  to  satisfy  the
requirements  of  all participating Federal
agencies.    A coordination group at  the
Federal level  has been  formed to further
these   efforts   and  maintain   lines  of
communication.       In   many    states,
coordination   committees   have   been
established with  representatives  from  the
three programs.

In implementation  of the  Indian  set-aside
grant program under Title VI of the CWA,
EPA works closely with the Indian Health
Service to administer  grant  funds to  the
various    Indian    Tribes,     including
determination of the priority ranking system
for the various wastewater needs in Indian
Country.   In 1998, EPA and the  Rural
Utilities Service  of the USDA formalized a
partnership  between the  two  agencies to
provide coordinated financial and technical
assistance to Tribes.

Nonpoint Sources

EPA will  continue to work closely with its
Federal partners  to  achieve our  goals  for
reducing pollutant discharges from nonpoint
sources,  including  reduction  targets  for
sediments, nitrogen and phosphorous.  Most
significantly, EPA  will  continue  to  work
with the USDA,  which  has a  key role in
reducing  sediment  loadings  through  its
continued    implementation     of     the
Environmental Quality Incentives Program,
Conservation Reserve Program, and  other
conservation programs.  USDA also plays a
major role in reducing  nutrient discharges
through these same programs and through

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
activities related to the AFO Strategy.  EPA
will also continue to work closely with the
Forest  Service  and   Bureau   of   Land
Management especially  on the vast public
lands  that comprise 29 percent of all land in
the United States. EPA will work with these
agencies, USGS, and the states to document
improvements  in  land  management  and
water quality.

EPA  will  also  work with  other Federal
agencies to advance a watershed approach to
Federal land and resource management to
help ensure that Federal land management
agencies serve as a model for water quality
stewardship  in  the   prevention  of  water
pollution  and the restoration of degraded
water  resources.   Implementation   of  a
watershed    approach     will     require
coordination  among Federal  agencies  at a
watershed  scale and  collaboration  with
states,   Tribes   and   other    interested

Vessel Discharges

Regarding vessel discharges,   EPA   will
continue working closely with the USCG on
addressing   ballast    water   discharges
domestically, and with the interagency  work
group   and  U.S.  delegation  to Marine
Environmental    Protection     Committee
(MEPC) on international controls. EPA will
continue to work closely  with the USCG,
Alaska    and   other   states,    and   the
International   Council  of   Cruise  Lines
regarding  regulatory   and  non-regulatory
approaches   to   managing   wastewater
discharges from cruise ships.  EPA will also
continue to  work with the Coast Guard
regarding  the   vessel  sewage   discharge
standards  and with the Navy  on  developing
Uniform National Discharge Standards for
Armed Forces vessels.  Regarding dredged
material management, EPA will continue to
work  closely with the  COE on standards for
permit   review,   as    well    as   site
selection/designation and monitoring.

OIA also serves as the primary point-of-
contact and liaison with USAID.  Specially
drawing on expertise from throughout EPA,
OIA administers a  number of interagency
agreements for environmental assistance.

EPA works closely  with a number of other
Federal agencies with environmental, health,
or safety mandates.   These include  (among
others) the DOL, DOT, USDA, DOI, HHS
and FDA.

EPA works with the  Department of State,
NOAA, USCG, Navy, and other  Federal
agencies  in  developing the  technical basis
and   policy   decisions   necessary    for
negotiating   global   treaties   concerning
marine   antifouling   systems,   invasive
species, and air pollution from ships.  EPA
also works with  the  same Agencies  in
addressing  land-based  sources  of marine
pollution in the Gulf of Mexico and Wider
Caribbean Basin.

Objective: Enhance Science and Research

While EPA is the Federal  agency mandated
to ensure safe drinking water, other Federal
and  non-Federal entities  are  conducting
research that complements EPA's research
program   on   priority  contaminants   in
drinking water.   For example, the CDC and
NIEHS conduct health effects and exposure
research.  FDA also performs  research on
children's risks.

Many of these research activities are being
conducted  in   collaboration   with  EPA
scientists.   The  private sector,  particularly
the water treatment industry, is conducting
research in such areas as analytical methods,
treatment technologies, and the development
and   maintenance  of  water  resources.
Cooperative  research  efforts  have  been

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
ongoing with  the  American  Water Works
Association Research Foundation and other
stakeholders to  coordinate drinking water
research.  EPA is also working with USGS
to evaluate performance of newly developed
methods for measuring microbes in potential
drinking water sources.

EPA has developed joint research initiatives
with  NOAA  and  USGS   for   linking
monitoring data and field study information
with available toxicity data and assessment
models for developing sediment criteria.

EPA is also  working with  other agencies
new  contaminants  of  concern   in  the
environment.  EPA and  others are gathering
information on the occurrence, health and
ecological  effects,  and  is  developing
techniques to   measure   these emerging
contaminants   in  water,  fish  tissue,  and
biosolids.   These emerging contaminants
include  pharmaceuticals and  personal care
products   (PPCPs),  endocrine  disrupting
compounds    (EDCs),     polybrominated
diphenyl  ether flame retardants (PBDEs),
perfluorooctanoate (PFOA),  nanomaterials,
and prions.  Data gaps are being identified
for  further research into whether there is a
link between specific  contaminants  and
adverse impacts  to  humans  or   aquatic

The Committee on Environment and Natural
Resources (CENR) is also coordinating the
research efforts among Federal agencies to
assess the impacts of nutrients and hypoxia
in the Gulf of Mexico.

Urban wet weather flow research is being
coordinated with other organizations such as
the     Water    Environment    Research
Foundation's  Wet Weather Advisory Panel,
the  ASCE Urban Water Resources Research
Council, the COE, and USGS. Research on
the  characterization  and  management  of
pollutants from agricultural operations (e.g.,
CAFOs)  is being coordinated with USDA
through workshops and other discussions.
EPA  is   pursuing  collaborative  research
projects  with  the  USGS to utilize water
quality  data  from  urban  areas  obtained
through the USGS National Ambient Water
Quality  Assessment  (NAWQA)  program,
showing  levels of pesticides that are even
higher than  in  many  agricultural  area
streams.  These data have potential uses for
identifying sources of urban pesticides, and
EPA will evaluate how the USGS data could
be   integrated   into   the   Geographic
Information System (GIS) database system.

The  Drinking  Water  and  Water  Quality
research  programs  plan to collaborate with
the American  Water  Works  Association
Research  Foundation,  the  Global  Water
Research  Coalition, the National Research
Council,    Institute   for   Research    in
Construction, the American Society for Civil
Engineers and  several university Research
organizations   including    Penn    State
University,  the University  of  Houston,
Louisiana  Tech   University,   and  the
Polytechnic  University  of  New York   to
carryout   the   new  Water  Infrastructure

Goal 3-Land Preservation and

Objective: Preserve Land

Pollution   prevention   activities   entail
coordination with other Federal departments
and  agencies.   EPA coordinates  with the
General Services Administration (GSA)  on
the use of safer products for indoor painting
and  cleaning,  with  the  Department   of
Defense  (DoD) on the use of safer paving
materials  for  parking lots,  and  with the
Defense Logistics Agency on safer solvents.
The program also works with the National
Institute  of Standards and Technology and

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
other  groups  to  develop  standards  for
Environmental Management Systems.

In addition to business, industry, and other
non-governmental    organizations,    EPA
works  with Federal,  state, Tribal, and local
governments    to    encourage   reduced
generation  and  safe  recycling  of  wastes.
Partners   in   this   effort   include   the
Environmental  Council of States and  the
Association  of State  and Territorial  Solid
Waste Management Officials.

The Federal government is the single largest
potential source for "green" procurement in
the country, for office products as  well as
products for industrial use. EPA works with
the  Office   of   Federal   Environmental
Executive and  other  Federal agencies  and
departments in advancing the purchase  and
use of recycled-content and other "green"
products.   In  particular,  the   Agency is
currently engaged  with other organizations
within   the  Executive  Branch  to  foster
compliance with Executive Order 13423  and
in tracking  and  reporting purchases   of
products made with  recycled  contents, in
promoting   electronic   stewardship    and
achieving waste  reduction  and recycling

In addition, the Agency is currently engaged
with the DoD, the Department of Education,
the Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S.
Postal  Service,  and other agencies to foster
proper management  of surplus electronics
equipment, with a preference for reuse  and
recycling. With  these agencies,  and   in
cooperation  with the  electronics industry,
EPA   and   the  Office  of  the  Federal
Environmental   Executive   launched   the
Federal Electronics  Challenge  which  will
lead  to increased reuse and recycling  of an
array of computers  and other electronics
hardware  used  by  civilian  and military
Objective: Restore Land

Super fund Remedial Program

The    Superfund   Remedial    program
coordinates  with  several  other  Federal
agencies,  such as ATSDR or NIEHS,  in
providing  numerous  Superfund  related
services   in   order  to   accomplish   the
program's mission.  In FY 2009, EPA will
have active interagency agreements with the
National    Oceanic   and    Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and the Department

The  U.S. Army  Corps of  Engineers  also
substantially contributes to  the  cleanup  of
Superfund  sites  by  providing  technical
support for the design and  construction  of
many  fund-financed  remediation projects
through      site-specific      interagency
agreements.  This Federal  partner has  the
technical design and construction expertise
and contracting capability needed to assist
EPA  regions  in  implementing most  of
Superfund's remedial action projects.  This
agency   also  provides  technical  on-site
support  to  Regions  in   the  enforcement
oversight of numerous construction projects
performed     by    private    Potentially
Responsible Parties (PRPs).

Superfund Federal Facilities Program

The  Superfund Federal Facilities  Program
coordinates  with  Federal  agencies,  states,
Tribes and state associations and others  to
implement its statutory responsibilities  to
ensure cleanup and property reuse.   The
Program  provides technical and regulatory
oversight at Federal  facilities  to ensure
human  health  and  the   environment  are

EPA   has    entered   into   Interagency
Agreements (lAGs) with DoD and DOE to
expedite  the cleanup and transfer of Federal

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
properties,  and was recently approached by
the  U.S.   Coast  Guard  for  oversight
assistance as they focus on downsizing their
lighthouse  inventory.   A Memorandum of
Understanding  has been negotiated with
DoD  to continue the Agency's oversight
support through September 30, 2011 for the
acceleration of cleanup and property transfer
at Base Realignment  and Closure (BRAC)
installations affected by the first four rounds
of BRAC.  In addition, EPA has signed an
TAG with DOE for technical  input regarding
innovative     and    flexible    regulatory
approaches, streamlining  of  documentation,
integration of projects, deletion of sites from
the National  Priorities  List (NPL), field
assessments,    and    development    of
management documents and  processes.  The
joint   EPA/DOE   IAG   has   received
recognition as a model for potential  use  at
other DOE field offices.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

The  RCRA  Permitting and   Corrective
Action  Programs  coordinate closely with
other Federal  agencies, primarily the DoD
and DOE,  which have  many  sites  in the
corrective  action  and permitting universe.
Encouraging Federal  facilities to meet the
RCRA  Corrective  Action  and permitting
program's goals remains a top priority.
RCRA Programs  also coordinate with the
Department   of    Commerce    and  the
Department of State  to ensure the  safe
movement  of  domestic   and  international
shipments of hazardous waste.

Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

EPA, with very  few exceptions, does not
perform the cleanup of leaking underground
storage tanks (LUST).  States and territories
use the LUST  Trust Fund to  administer their
corrective   action   programs,   oversee
cleanups by responsible  parties,  undertake
necessary enforcement actions,  and pay for
cleanups in cases where a responsible party
cannot be found or is unwilling or unable to
pay for a cleanup.

States  are key to achieving the objectives
and  long-term  strategic goals.  Except in
Indian Country, EPA relies on state agencies
to implement the LUST Program, including
overseeing cleanups by responsible parties
and   responding  to   emergency   LUST
releases.  LUST  cooperative  agreements
awarded by EPA are directly given to the
states to assist them in implementing their
oversight and programmatic role.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

EPA plays a major role in  reducing the risks
that  accidental and intentional releases of
harmful  substances and oil pose to human
health    and   the   environment.   EPA
implements  the  Emergency   Preparedness
program coordination with the Department
of Homeland Security  and  other  Federal
agencies to  deliver Federal   assistance to
state, local, and Tribal governments during
natural    disasters    and   other   major
environmental   incidents.  This   requires
continuous coordination with many Federal,
state  and  local  agencies.  The   Agency
participates with other Federal agencies to
develop     national      planning     and
implementation  policies at the operational

The  National Response Plan  (NRP), under
the  direction   of  the  Department  of
Homeland Security (DHS), provides for the
delivery  of Federal assistance to  states to
help them deal  with  the  consequences of
terrorist events as well as  natural  and other
significant disasters.   EPA  maintains the
lead responsibility for the NRP's Emergency
Support Function covering inland hazardous
materials  and  petroleum   releases   and
participates   in   the  Federal  Emergency
Support  Function  Leaders Group  which

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
addresses NRP planning and implementation
at the operational level.

EPA  coordinates its  preparedness activities
with DHS, FEMA, the Federal  Bureau of
Investigation, and  other Federal agencies,
states and  local governments.   EPA  will
continue   to   clarify   its   roles   and
responsibilities  to   ensure  that  Agency
security  programs  are consistent with the
national homeland security strategy.

Super/and Enforcement

As    required   by   the   Comprehensive
Environmental  Response,   Compensation,
and Liability Act (CERCLA)  and Executive
Order (EO) 12580, OSRE coordinates with
other federal   agencies  in  their use  of
CERCLA  enforcement  authority.    This
includes the coordinated use of CERCLA
enforcement    authority   at   individual
hazardous  waste sites that are  located on
both nonfederal land (EPA jurisdiction) and
federal lands (other agency jurisdiction).  As
required by  EO13016,  the  Agency  also
coordinates the use of CERCLA section 106
administrative   order authority  by  other
Departments and agencies.

EPA also coordinates with the Departments
of Interior, Agriculture, and  Commerce to
ensure that appropriate  and timely  notices
required under CERCLA  are sent to the
Natural  Resource Trustees.  The Department
of Justice also  provides assistance to EPA
with judicial  referrals seeking recovery of
response  costs  incurred  by   the  U.S.,
injunctive  relief  to  implement response
actions, or  enforcement of other CERCLA

Superfund  Federal Facilities Enforcement

The     Superfund    Federal    Facilities
Enforcement  program ensures  that  1)  all
Federal  facility sites on the National Priority
List  have interagency  agreements (lAGs),
which provide enforceable schedules for the
progression of the entire cleanup;  2) these
lAGs are monitored for compliance; and 3)
Federal  sites  that are transferred to  new
owners are transferred in an environmentally
responsible manner.  After years of service
and  operation,   some   Federal   facilities
contain  environmental  contamination, such
as hazardous  wastes, unexploded ordnance,
radioactive wastes or other toxic substances.
To enable the cleanup  and reuse of such
sites,  the Federal  Facilities  Enforcement
program coordinates creative solutions  that
protect   both  human   health   and  the
environment.  These  enforcement solutions
help restore facilities so they can once again
serve an important role in the economy and
welfare   of   local  communities  and  our

Oil Spills

Under the Oil Spill Program, EPA works
with other Federal agencies such as U.S.
Fish  and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Coast
DOE, and other Federal agencies and states,
as well as with local government authorities
to develop Area  Contingency Plans.   The
Department   of   Justice  also   provides
assistance to agencies with judicial referrals
when enforcement  of violations  becomes
necessary.  In FY 2009,  EPA will have an
active   interagency  agreement  with  the
USCG.  EPA and the  USCG  work in
coordination with other Federal  authorities
to implement the  National Preparedness for
Response Program.

Objective: Enhance Science and Research

EPA expends substantial  effort coordinating
its research  with  other  Federal  agencies,
including  work with DoD in its  Strategic
Environmental Research  and Development
Program (SERDP)  and the Environmental

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
Security  Technology Certification Program,
DOE  and   its  Office  of  Health   and
Environmental Research. EPA also conducts
collaborative laboratory research with DoD,
DOE,  DOI (particularly  the  USGS),  and
NASA to improve characterization and  risk
management  options   for   dealing  with
subsurface contamination.

The Agency is also working  with NIEHS,
which  manages  a  large  basic  research
program  focusing on  Superfund issues, to
advance  fundamental  Superfund  research.
The Agency  for  Toxic  Substances  and
Disease  Registry (ATSDR) also  provides
critical health-based information  to  assist
EPA in making effective cleanup decisions.
EPA   works   with  these   agencies   on
collaborative     projects,     information
exchange,  and  identification  of research
issues  and has a MOU  with  each agency.
EPA, Army Corps of Engineers, and Navy
recently   signed   a   MOU  to  increase
collaboration    and     coordination    in
contaminated      sediments      research.
Additionally,  the  Interstate   Technology
Regulatory Council (ITRC) has proved an
effective forum for coordinating Federal  and
state activities  and  for defining continuing
research  needs through its teams on topics
including  permeable    reactive  barriers,
radionuclides, and  Brownfields  EPA  has
developed  an MOU10  with  several  other
agencies  [DOE, DoD, NRC, USGS, NOAA,
and  USDA]   for   multimedia  modeling
research and development.

Other     research     efforts     involving
coordination  include the unique controlled-
spill  field  research  facility  designed  in
cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation.
Geophysical   research  experiments   and
development  of  software  for  subsurface
characterization     and     detection     of
contaminants are being conducted with the
USGS  and  DOE's   Lawrence   Berkeley
National Laboratory.
10 For more information please go to: Interagency Steering
Committee on Multimedia Environmental Models MOU,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
Goal 4-Healthy Communities and Ecosystems
Coordination with state  lead  agencies  and
with the USDA provides added impetus to
the implementation of the Certification  and
Training  program.   States  also  provide
essential  activities   in   developing   and
implementing the  Endangered Species  and
Worker   Protection  programs  and   are
involved in numerous special projects  and
investigations,     including     emergency
response  efforts.    The  Regions  provide
technical  guidance  and  assistance  to  the
states and Tribes in the  implementation of
all pesticide program activities.

EPA  uses   a  range   of  outreach   and
coordination approaches  for pesticide users,
agencies  implementing  various  pesticide
programs and projects,   and  the  general
public.  Outreach and coordination activities
are essential to effective  implementation of
regulatory   decisions.        In   addition
coordination activities protect workers  and
endangered   species,  provide  training  for
pesticide  applicators,  promote  integrated
pest   management   and  environmental
stewardship, and  support for  compliance
through EPA's Regional programs and those
of the states and Tribes.

In addition to the training that EPA provides
to farm workers and restricted use pesticide
applicators,   EPA  works  with  the  State
Cooperative  Extension  Services designing
and  providing  specialized  training  for
various   groups.   Such   training includes
instructing private  applicators  on the proper
use of  personal protective  equipment  and
application  equipment calibration, handling
spill  and  injury  situations,  farm  family
safety, preventing  pesticide  spray drift,  and
pesticide  and  container   disposal.   Other
specialized  training  is provided to public
works employees on grounds  maintenance,
to pesticide control  operators  on  proper
insect identification, and on weed control for

EPA coordinates with and uses information
from   a  variety   of  Federal,  state  and
international organizations  and agencies in
our efforts to protect the safety of America's
health  and environment from hazardous or
higher risk  pesticides.  In May  1991, the
USDA  implemented  the  Pesticide   Data
Program  (PDF) to  collect  objective and
statistically   reliable   data  on   pesticide
residues on  food commodities.  This action
was in response to public concern about the
effects of pesticides on human health and
environmental quality.  EPA  uses PDF data
to  improve dietary   risk  assessment  to
support the  registration of  pesticides for
minor crop uses.

PDF is critical to implementing the Food
Quality Protection  Act (FQPA). The system
provides   improved  data   collection  of
pesticide residues,  standardized  analytical
and  reporting  methods, and sampling  of
foods most  likely consumed  by infants and
children.   PDF sampling, residue, testing
and data reporting are  coordinated by the
Agricultural   Marketing   Service   using
cooperative     agreements     with    ten
participating states representing all regions
of the  country. PDF serves  as a showcase
for Federal-state  cooperation on  pesticide
and food safety issues.

FQPA requires EPA to consult with other
government  agencies on  major  decisions.
EPA, USDA and FDA work closely together
using both a MOU and working committees
to deal with  a variety of issues that affect the
involved agencies' missions.  For example,
agencies  work together on residue testing
programs  and on enforcement actions that
involve pesticide residues on food, and we
coordinate   our review  of  antimicrobial

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
pesticides.   The  Agency  coordinates with
USDA/ARS     in     promotion     and
communication of resistance  management
strategies.    Additionally,  we  participate
actively   in   the  Federal    Interagency
Committee   on  Invasive   Animals  and
Pathogens (ITAP) which includes members
from USDA, DOL, DoD, DHS and CDC to
coordinate  planning and  technical  advice
among Federal entities involved in invasive
species research, control and management.

While  EPA  is  responsible  for making
registration  and  tolerance  decisions,  the
Agency relies on others to carry out some of
the enforcement  activities.   Registration-
related  requirements  under  FIFRA  are
enforced  by the   states.   The  HSS/FDA
enforces  tolerances for most foods and  the
USDA/Food Safety and Inspection Service
enforces  tolerances for meat, poultry and
some egg products.

Internationally, the  Agency  collaborates
with  the   Intergovernmental   Forum  on
Chemical  Safety  (IFCS),  the  CODEX
Alimentarius   Commission,   the   North
American Commission on  Environmental
Cooperation  (CEC), the Organization  for
Economic  Cooperation and  Development
(OECD)  and NAFTA Commission.  These
activities  serve  to  coordinate   policies,
harmonize   guidelines,  share  information,
correct  deficiencies, build  other nations'
capacity to reduce risk, develop strategies to
deal with potentially harmful pesticides and
develop greater confidence in the safety of
the food supply.

One of the Agency's most valuable partners
on pesticide issues is the Pesticide Program
Dialogue Committee (PPDC), which  brings
together    a   broad   cross-section   of
knowledgeable      individuals      from
organizations representing  divergent  views
to discuss pesticide  regulatory, policy and
implementation issues.   The PPDC consists
of    members     from     industry/trade
associations, pesticide user and commodity
groups,  consumer and environmental/public
interest groups and others.

The    PPDC    provides    a   structured
environment  for  meaningful  information
exchanges    and    consensus    building
discussions, keeping the public involved in
decisions that affect them.  Dialogue with
outside groups is essential if the Agency is
to remain  responsive to the needs of  the
affected  public,  growers   and  industry

EPA works closely with Federal agencies to
improve  the  health  of  children and  older
adults.  Working   with  the  CDC,   the
Environmental   Council  of  the   States
(ECOS), and the Association of State and
Territorial  Health  Officials  (ASTHO), a
national    action    agenda   to   reduce
environmental triggers of childhood asthma
was developed and implemented.

The Agency  continues to work with  other
Federal  agencies  in  the  development  of
children's  environmental  health indicators
used to  monitor  the outcomes of children's
health efforts.   The Agency  collaborates
with the CDC, National Center for Health
Statistics and obtains approval from  the
Federal  Interagency Forum  on  Child and
Family  Statistics (www.childstats.gov)  on
the reporting of appropriate children's health
indicators and data.  EPA also participates in
the development of the annual report entitled
"America's   Children:    Key   National
Indicators of Weil-Being."

As a  member of the Interagency Forum on
Aging Related  Statistics,  EPA  helps  to
assure that key  indicators associated with
important aspects of older Americans' lives
are considered in reports  such as "Older
Americans  2004:  Key Indicators of Weil-

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
EPA and the Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry (ATSDR) support the
Pediatric Environmental  Health  Specialty
Units (PEHSUs)  which provide education
and  consultation  services  on  children's
environmental  health  issues  to   health
professionals, public health officials, and the

EPA  works  closely  with  other  Federal
agencies to  improve children's health  in
schools. For example, EPA has incorporated
into the new Healthy School Environments
Assessment Tool (Heal thy SEAT), a number
of recommendations and requirements from
the Department of  Education, the  CDC,

EPA relies  on data from HHS to help  assess
the risk of pesticides  to children.   Other
collaborative efforts that go  beyond our
reliance on the data they  collect include
developing   and  validating   methods  to
analyze  domestic   and  imported   food
samples for organophosphates,  carcinogens,
neurotoxins and other chemicals of concern.
These joint efforts protect Americans from
unhealthful pesticide residue levels.
EPA's  chemical  testing  data   provides
information for  the OSHA worker protection
programs,   NIOSH  for  research,   and the
Consumer  Product   Safety   Commission
(CPSC) for  informing  consumers  about
products through labeling. EPA frequently
consults with  these Agencies on project
design, progress and the results of chemical
testing projects.

The  Agency works  with a full  range  of
stakeholders  on homeland security issues:
USDA, CDC,   other  Federal   agencies,
industry  and  the  scientific  community.
Review of  the agents that may be effective
against  anthrax has  involved  GSA,  State
Department,    Research   Institute    for
Infectious Disease, FDA, EOSA, USPS, and
others, and  this effort  will build on  this

The  Acute  Exposure Guidelines  (AEGL)
program   is  a  collaborative   effort  that
includes ten Federal agencies (EPA, DHS,
ATSDR,   and   FDA),    numerous   state
agencies,   private   industry,   academia,
emergency medical associations, unions, and
other organizations in  the  private sector.
The  program  also has  been  supported
internationally by the OECD and  includes
active  participation by the Netherlands,
Germany and France.

The success of EPA's lead program is due in
part  to  effective coordination  with other
Federal  agencies, states and Indian Tribes
through  the  President's  Task  Force  on
Environmental  Health  Risks  and Safety
Risks to  Children.  EPA will continue to
coordinate with  HUD to clarify how new
rules may affect existing EPA  and HUD
regulatory programs, and  with the FHWA
and  OSHA  on  worker  protection issues.
EPA will continue to work closely with state
and Federally recognized  Tribes to ensure
that  authorized   state  and Tribal  programs
continue   to  comply   with  requirements
established under TSCA, that the  ongoing
Federal    accreditation  certification   and
training program for  lead  professionals is
administered  effectively,  and  states  and
Tribes    adopt    the   Renovation    and
Remodeling   and   the  Buildings   and
Structures Rules when these rules become

EPA has a MOU with HUD on coordination
of efforts  on  lead-based  paint issues. As a
result of the MOU, EPA and HUD  have co-
chaired  the  President's  Task  Force since
1997.   There are  fourteen other Federal
agencies  including  CDC and DoD on the
Task Force.   HUD  and  EPA also  maintain

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
the National  Lead Information Center and
share enforcement of the Disclosure Rule.

Mitigation  of existing  risk is a common
interest  for   other   Federal   agencies
addressing  issues  of asbestos and PCBs.
EPA will continue to coordinate interagency
strategies   for  assessing  and  managing
potential risks from asbestos  and  other
fibers.  Coordination on safe PCB disposal is
an area of ongoing emphasis with the DoD,
and particularly with the U.S.  Navy, which
has  special   concerns   regarding   PCBs
encountered during ship scrapping. Mercury
storage and safe disposal are also important
issues   requiring   coordination  with  the
Department of Energy  and DoD  as  they
develop  alternatives  and  explore  better
technologies for storing  and disposing high
risk chemicals.

To effectively participate in the international
agreements on POPs, heavy metals and PIC
substances,   EPA   must   continue   to
coordinate  with other Federal  agencies and
external stakeholders, such as Congressional
staff,  industry, and environmental  groups.
For  example,  EPA  has  an  interest  in
ensuring that  the  listing  of  chemicals,
including  the application  of  criteria  and
processes for  evaluating future chemicals for
possible international controls, is based on
sound   science.    Similarly,   the  Agency
typically coordinates with FDA's National
Toxicology  Program,   the  CDC/ATSDR,
NIEHS and/or the Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC) on matters relating to
OECD test  guideline harmonization.

EPA's  objective is  to  promote improved
health  and environmental protection,  both
domestically and worldwide.  The success of
this  objective is  dependent on successful
coordination not only with other countries,
but   also    with   various   international
organizations such  as the Intergovernmental
Forum  on  Chemical Safety  (IFCS), the
North    American    Commission     on
Environmental Cooperation (CEC), OECD,
the United Nations Environment Program
(UNEP)  and  the  CODEX  Alimentarius
Commission.  NAFTA and cooperation with
Canada and Mexico play  an integral part in
the harmonization of data  requirements.

EPA is a leader in global discussions  on
mercury and was instrumental in the launch
of UNEP's Global  Mercury Program,  and
we will continue to work with developing
countries and with other developed countries
in the context of that program.  In addition,
we have developed a strong  network of
domestic partners interested in  working on
this issue, including the DOE and the USGS.

EPA has developed cooperative efforts on
persistent organic  pollutants  (POPs)  with
key international organizations  and bodies,
such  as  the  United Nations  Food  and
Agricultural   Organization,  the   United
Nations Environment Program, the Arctic
Council,  and  the World Bank.   EPA is
partnering with  domestic and international
industry groups and foreign governments to
develop successful programs.

Objective: Communities

The Governments of Mexico and the United
States agreed,  in November 1993, to assist
communities on  both sides  of the border in
coordinating and carrying out environmental
infrastructure  projects.     The   agreement
between  Mexico and the United  States
furthers the goals  of the North American
Free  Trade  Agreement  and  the  North
American  Agreement on Environmental
Cooperation.    To   this  purpose,    the
governments  established  two international
institutions,   the   Border  Environment
Cooperation Commission (BECC)  and  the
North   American   Development   Bank
(NADBank),  which manages  the Border
Environment Infrastructure Fund (BEIF), to

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
support the financing  and construction  of
much needed environmental infrastructure.

The BECC,  with headquarters  in Ciudad
Juarez,  Chihuahua,  Mexico,  assists  local
communities   and  other   sponsors   in
developing and implementing environmental
infrastructure  projects.   The BECC  also
certifies projects  as  eligible for NADBank
financing.       The   NADBank,   with
headquarters in  San  Antonio,  Texas,  is
capitalized in equal shares  by the United
States and  Mexico.   NADBank  provides
new  financing  to   supplement  existing
sources of funds and  foster the expanded
participation of private capital.

A significant number of residents along the
U.S.-Mexico border  area are without basic
services   such   as  potable   water  and
wastewater treatment and the problem has
become progressively worse in the last few
decades.  Over  the last  several years, EPA
has continued  to work with the U.S. and
Mexican  Sections  of  the  International
Boundary  and   Water  Commission  and
Mexico's    national   water   commission,
Comision Nacional del  Agua (CONAGUA),
to further efforts  to improve drinking water
and  wastewater  services to  communities
within 100 km on the U.S. and 300 km  on
the Mexico side of the U.S.-Mexico border.


EPA  continues  to  lead  the Brownfields
Federal   Partnership.    The   Partnership
includes   more than 20  federal  agencies
dedicated to the cleanup and redevelopment
of brownfields  properties. Partner agencies
work together to prevent,   assess,  safely
clean up,  and redevelop brownfields.  The
Brownfields Federal Partnership's  on-going
efforts include promoting the Portfields and
Mine-Scarred  Lands projects and looking
for  additional   opportunities   to  jointly
promote   community    revitalization    by
participating  in  multi-agency  collaborative
projects,  holding  regular  meetings  with
federal  partners, and  supporting regional
efforts to coordinate federal  revitalization
support to state and local agencies.

Environmental Justice

Through the Federal Interagency  Working
Group  on Environmental Justice (IWG),
EPA is working in partnership with ten other
federal    agencies    to    address    the
environmental  and  public  health  issues
facing  communities  with  environmental
justice concerns.  In 2009, the IWG will
continue its efforts  to  work collaboratively
and   constructively  with  all  levels  of
government, and throughout the public and
private sectors.  The issues range from lead
exposure, asthma,  safe drinking water and
sanitation systems to hazardous waste clean-
up,    renewable    energy/wind    power
development,        and        sustainable
environmentally-sound  economies.    The
IWG  is  utilizing   EPA's   collaborative
problem-solving  model,   based  on   the
experiences    of    federal   collaborative
partnerships,   to   improve   the   federal
government's effectiveness in addressing the
environmental and  public health  concerns
facing communities.  As  the lead agency,
EPA  shares its knowledge, experience and
offers assistance to other federal agencies as
they  enhance their  strategies to  integrate
environmental justice  into their  programs,
policies and activities.

Objective: Ecosystems

National Estuary Program

Effectively    implementing    successful
comprehensive management  plans for the
estuaries  in   the  NEP   depends  on  the
cooperation, involvement, and commitment
of Federal and  state agency  partners that
have   some   role   in  protecting  and/or

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
managing those estuaries. Common Federal
partners include NOAA, USFWS, COE, and
USDA.   Other partners include  state  and
local  government  agencies,  universities,
industry,  non-governmental  organizations
(NGO),  and members of the public.


Federal  agencies share the goal of increasing
wetlands   functions   and   values,   and
implementing a fair and flexible approach to
wetlands regulations.  In addition, EPA has
committed to working with ACOE to ensure
that  the Clean Water  Act Section  404
program   is   more    open,   consistent,
predictable, and based on sound science.

Coastal America

In efforts to better leverage our collaborative
authorities to address  coastal communities'
environmental  issues  (e.g.,  coastal habitat
losses,    nonpoint    source     pollution,
endangered species, invasive species, etc.),
EPA, by memorandum of agreement in 2002
entered  into  an   agreement with Multi-
agency   signatories.      November  2002.
Coastal America  2002 Memorandum  of
Understanding.     Available  online   at

Great Lakes

Pursuant to the mandate in  Section 118 of
the Clean Water Act to "coordinate action of
the Agency with the actions of other Federal
agencies and state and local authorities..."
the Great Lakes National  Program Office
(GLNPO)   is   engaged   in    extensive
coordination efforts with state,  Tribal,  and
other Federal agencies, as well as with our
counterparts in Canada pursuant to the Great
Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA).
EPA  leads  a  Federal  Interagency Task
Force, created by EO 13340, charged with
increasing and improving collaboration and
integration   among   Federal    programs
involved  in  Great  Lakes  environmental
activities.  The Great Lakes task force brings
together ten Cabinet department and Federal
agency heads to coordinate restoration of the
Great Lakes,  focusing on outcomes, such as
cleaner water and sustainable fisheries, and
targeting measurable results.  In December
2005,   the    Great   Lakes    Regional
Collaboration issued a Great Lakes Regional
Collaboration Strategy.   This  Strategy is
being  used  to  guide  the  Great Lakes
environmental efforts.   Coordination  by
GLNPO  supports the GLWQA  and  other
efforts to improve the Great Lakes: GLNPO
monitoring involves extensive coordination
among   state,   federal,  and   provincial
partners, both in terms of implementing the
monitoring program, and in utilizing results
from    the   monitoring    to    manage
environmental    programs:     GLNPO's
sediments program  works closely  with the
states and the Corps regarding  dredging
issues;  implementation  of the  Binational
Toxics    Strategy    involves    extensive
coordination  with   Great  Lakes  States;
GLNPO works closely with states, Tribes,
FWS,  and  NRCS  in  addressing habitat
issues; and EPA also coordinates with  these
partners    regarding   development    and
implementation of Lakewide Management
Plans for  each of the Great Lakes and for
Remedial Action Plans for the 30 remaining
U.S./binational Areas of Concern.

Chesapeake Bay

The Chesapeake Bay Program has a Federal
Agencies   Committee,  chaired  by   EPA,
which was formed in  1984  and  has met
regularly ever since.   There are  currently
over 20 different Federal agencies actively
involved with the Bay Program through the
Federal  Agencies Committee.  The Federal
agencies have worked together over the past
decade to implement the commitments laid

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
out  in  the  1994 Agreement  of Federal
Agencies on Ecosystem Management in the
Chesapeake  Bay  and  the  1998  Federal
Agencies  Chesapeake Ecosystem  Unified
Plan  (FACEUP).   The  Federal  Agencies
Committee has been  focusing  on how its
members  can  help   to  achieve  the  104
commitments contained in the  Chesapeake
2000 agreement adopted by the Chesapeake
Bay Program in June 2000.  Through this
interagency partnership  Federal  agencies
have  contributed to some major successes,
such  as the U.S.  Forest Service helping to
meet the year  2010 goal to restore 2,010
miles of riparian  forest buffers eight years
early; the NFS the effort to establish  over
500 miles of water trails three  years early;
and the USFWS in reaching the Program's
fish passage goal of reopening  1,357 miles
of formerly blocked river habitat in 2004.
Also in 2004, through the Federal Agencies
Committee,  the  members  sought  better
coordination  of agency budgets and other
programs   to  try  to  leverage maximum
benefit  to  the  state,  private,  and  Federal
efforts protect and restore the Bay.

Gulf of Mexico

Key to the continued progress of the Gulf of
Mexico  Program  is   a  broad   multi-
organizational  Gulf states-led  partnership
comprised   of  regional;   business  and
industry;   agriculture;   state   and   local
government;  citizens; environmental  and
fishery  interests;  and,  numerous  Federal
departments  and  agencies.    This   Gulf
partnership is comprised of members of the
Gulf Program's   Policy  Review  Board,
subcommittees,      and      workgroups.
Established in  1988,  the Gulf of Mexico
Program is designed to assist the Gulf States
and stakeholders  in developing a regional,
ecosystem-based  framework  for  restoring
and protecting the Gulf of Mexico through
coordinated Gulf-wide as well as  priority
area-specific  efforts.     The  Gulf  States
strategically identify the key environmental
issues and work at the regional, state, and
local  level to  define,  recommend,  and
voluntarily  implement   the   supporting
solutions.    To  achieve  the  Program's
environmental   objectives,  the partnership
must target specific Federal, state, local, and
private programs,  processes,  and financial
authorities in order to leverage the resources
needed  to  support  state  and community

Objective: Enhance Science and Research

Several  Federal agencies  sponsor  research
on variability and susceptibility in risks from
exposure  to environmental  contaminants.
EPA  collaborates  with a  number of the
Institutes  within the NIH and CDC.   For
example,    NIEHS    conducts    multi-
disciplinary biomedical  research programs,
prevention  and intervention  efforts,  and
communication  strategies.     The  NIEHS
program  includes  an effort  to study the
effects of chemicals, including pesticides
and  other  toxics,  on  children.    EPA
collaborates with NIEHS in supporting the
Centers    for   Children's   Environmental
Health and Disease Prevention, which study
whether and how environmental factors play
a role in children's health.  EPA coordinates
with  ATSDR  through   a   memo   of
understanding   on   the  development  of
toxicological   reviews   and   toxicology
profiles,    respectively.    EPA   also    is
coordinating improvements  to the  IRIS
process through an ad hoc working group of
federal  partners  (e.g.,  DOD, DOE,  and
NASA).   The  Agency collaborates with the
National  Academy  of  Sciences (NAS)  on
very difficult  and complex human health
risk  assessments through  consultation  or

Research   in   ecosystems  protection   is
coordinated government-wide through the
Committee  on  Environment  and  Natural

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
Resources    (CENR).    EPA    actively
participates in the CENR and all work  is
fully consistent with, and complementary to,
other Committee member activities.   The
Ecological    Research   Program   (ERP)
scientists staff two  CENR Subcommittees:
the Subcommittee on Ecological  Systems
(SES)  and  the  Subcommittee  on Water
Availability and Quality (SWAQ). The ERP
has initiated discussions within the SES on
the  subject  of  ecosystem  services  and
potential  ERP  collaborations   are  being
explored with the U.S.  Geological Service
(USGS)  and with USDA Forest  Service.
Within SWAQ, the ERP has contributed to
an initiative for a comprehensive census of
water availability and quality, including the
use  of  Environmental   Monitoring   and
Assessment Program methods and ongoing
surveys as data sources. In addition, the ERP
has  taken  a lead  role  with  USGS in
preparing a SWAQ document outlining  new
challenges  for  integrated management of
water resources, including strategic  needs
for monitoring and modeling methods,  and
identifying water requirements  needed to
support the  ecological integrity  of aquatic

Consistent  with the  broad scope  of the
ecological research  program, ERP has  had
complementary and joint programs with FS,
NGOs,  and  many   others specifically to
minimize duplication, maximize  scope,  and
maintain a real time information flow  that
have been ongoing since the inception of the
program.    For  example,  all   of  these
organizations work together to produce the
National Land  Cover  Data  used  by all
landscape  ecologists  nationally.    Each
contributes funding, services and  research to
this uniquely successful effort.

Homeland Security research is conducted in
collaboration  with   numerous   agencies,
leveraging funding across multiple programs
and  producing  synergistic  results. EPA's
National  Homeland   Security   Research
Center  (NHSRC) works closely  with the
DHS to assure that EPA's efforts are directly
supportive of DHS priorities.  EPA is also
working with DHS to provide support and
guidance to DHS in the startup  of  their
University Centers of Excellence program.

Recognizing that the DoD  has significant
expertise and facilities related to biological
and chemical  warfare agents, the  NHSRC
works closely with the Edgewood Chemical
and   Biological   Center   (ECBC),   the
Technical   Support  Working Group,  the
Army   Corps   of Engineers,  and  other
Department  of  Defense  organizations  to
address areas of mutual interest and concern.
In conducting biological agent research, the
NHSRC is  also  collaborating with  CDC.
The NHSRC works with DOE to access and
support research  conducted by   DOE's
National Laboratories, as well as  to obtain
data related to radioactive materials.

In the  computational toxicology  program,
through its  ToxCast™  program,   a multi-
component effort launched in FY 2007, the
Agency   is   obtaining  high-throughput
screening data on 320 chemicals of known
toxicological   profiles.    More  than  400
endpoints  are  being generated  on  each
chemical through multiple research contracts
and  an Interagency  Agreement  with the
National Institutes  of  Health Molecular
Libraries Initiative at the National Chemical
Genomics Center.

In addition to these major collaborations, the
NHSRC has relationships  with  numerous
other  Federal  agencies,  including the  U.S.
Air Force,  U.S.  Navy, FDA, USGS  and
NIST.   Also, the NHSRC is working with
state   and  local   emergency   response
personnel to understand better their needs
and build  relationships, which will enable
the quick deployment of NHSRC  products.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
In  the  water  infrastructure  arena,  the
NHSRC  is providing information  to  the
Water Information  Sharing  and  Analysis
Center   (WaterlSAC)  operated  by  the
Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies
(AMWA).  The NAS has also been engaged
to provide advice on the long-term direction
of the water research and technical support

EPA   coordinates   its   nanotechnology
research with other Federal agencies through
the  National  Nanotechnology   Initiative
(NNI),11   which   is  managed  under  the
Subcommittee   on   Nanoscale   Science,
Engineering and Technology (NSET) of the
NSTC Committee on Technology  (CoT).
The  Agency's Science to  Achieve Results
(STAR)  program, which  awards research
grants  to   universities   and   non-profit
organizations,   has  issued   its    recent
nanotechnology    grants12  jointly  with
Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden,  and the

The  Agency   coordinates  its  research
fellowship  programs  with other  Federal
agencies and the nonprofit sector  through
the  National   Academies'   Fellowships
Roundtable, which meets biannually.15

EPA coordinates its research on endocrine
disrupters  with  other  Federal  agencies
through the interagency  working group on
endocrine disrupters under the auspices of
the Toxics and  Risk Subcommittee of the
CENR.  EPA coordinates its biotechnology
research    through    the    interagency
biotechnology research working group  and
the agricultural biotechnology risk  analysis
working  group  of  the  Biotechnology
Subcommittee of NSTC's  Committee on
The  Agency coordinates its  global change
research with other Federal agencies through
the  Climate   Change   Science  Program
(CCSP),13  which  is managed  under  the
Subcommittee on Global Change Research
of the NSTC Committee on Environment
and Natural Resources (CENR).

EPA collaborates with DOE, USGS, and the
Electric Power Research Institute  (EPRI)14
to conduct research on mercury.  EPA also
works   with  other  Federal  agencies  to
coordinate U.S. participation in the Arctic
Mercury Project, a partnership established in
2001  by  the  eight  member states  of the
Arctic Council—Canada, Denmark, Finland,
11 For more information, see .
12 For an example, see
14 For more information, see .
15 For more information, see

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
Goal 5-Compliance and Environmental Stewardship
Objective: Improve Compliance

The    Enforcement    and    Compliance
Assurance Program coordinates closely with
DOJ  on  all  enforcement  matters.    In
addition, the program coordinates with other
agencies on specific environmental issues as
described herein.

The Office of Enforcement and Compliance
Assurance  (OECA)  coordinates with  the
Chemical Safety and  Accident Investigation
Board,  OSHA,  and Agency  for  Toxic
Substances  and  Disease   Registry   in
preventing  and  responding to  accidental
releases and endangerment situations, with
the  BIA  on   Tribal  issues  relative  to
compliance  with environmental  laws  on
Tribal  Lands,  and with  the  SBA  on the
implementation  of  the   Small   Business
Regulatory  Enforcement  Fairness   Act
(SBREFA).  OECA also shares information
with  the  IRS  on  cases  which   require
defendants  to  pay civil penalties,  thereby
assisting the IRS  in assuring compliance
with tax laws.   In addition, it coordinates
with the SBA and a number of other Federal
agencies in  implementing  the  Business
Gateway  initiative,   an   "E-Government"
project  in  support   of  the   President's
Regulatory Management  Agenda.   OECA
also  works with  a variety  of  Federal
agencies including the DOL and the IRS to
organize a Federal Compliance Assistance
Roundtable  to   address  cross   cutting
compliance assistance issues. Coordination
also occurs with the COE on wetlands.

Due to changes in the Food Security Act, the
USDA/NRCS   has   a   major   role   in
determining  whether  areas on agricultural
lands meet the  definition of wetlands and are
therefore regulated under the CWA.  Civil
Enforcement coordinates with USDA/NRCS
on  these  issues  also.     The  program
coordinates closely  with the USDA on the
implementation  of the  Unified  National
Strategy  for  Animal Feedlot  Operations.
EPA's   Enforcement   and   Compliance
Assurance  Program  also  coordinates with
USDA on food safety issues arising from the
misuse  of  pesticides,  and  shares  joint
jurisdiction with Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) on pesticide labeling and advertising.
Coordination  also occurs with Customs and
Border  Protection  on  implementing  the
secure International  Trade Data  System
across all Federal agencies, and on pesticide
imports.   EPA   and  the   FDA   share
jurisdiction      over      general-purpose
disinfectants  used on non-critical surfaces
and  some  dental  and medical equipment
surfaces (e.g., wheelchairs).  The Agency
has  entered  into  a  MOU  with  HUD
concerning lead poisoning.

The    Criminal    Enforcement   Program
coordinates   with   other  Federal   law
enforcement  agencies (i.e., FBI,  Customs,
DOL, U.S.  Treasury, USCG, DOI  and DOJ)
and  with state  and local  law  enforcement
organizations  in  the  investigation  and
prosecution of environmental crimes. EPA
also  actively  works with  DOJ to establish
task  forces  that bring together Federal, state
and  local law enforcement organizations to
address environmental  crimes. In addition,
the program has an Interagency Agreement
with  the  DHS  to  provide  specialized
criminal environmental training to Federal,
state, local,  and Tribal   law  enforcement
personnel at the Federal Law Enforcement
Training  Center (FLETC) in  Glynco, GA.
The   Homeland  Security and   Forensics
Support   Programs also  coordinate with
other Federal law enforcement agencies and
with  state  and  local  law   enforcement
organizations to  support  counter-terrorism

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
Under Executive  Order  12088,  EPA  is
directed to provide technical assistance to
other Federal agencies to help ensure their
compliance  with all  environmental laws.
The  Federal Facility Enforcement  Program
coordinates  with other Federal  agencies,
states, local, and Tribal  governments to
ensure compliance by Federal agencies with
all environmental laws.  In FY 2009, EPA
will   also  continue  working with other
Federal agencies to  support the  Federal
Facilities   Stewardship  and  Compliance
Assistance Center (www.fedcenter.gov).

OECA  collaborates  with  the  states  and
Tribes.  States perform the vast majority of
inspections,  direct  compliance  assistance,
and enforcement actions. Most EPA statutes
envision a partnership between EPA and the
states under which EPA develops national
standards   and   policies  and  the  states
implement  the  program  under  authority
delegated by EPA. If a state does not seek
approval   of   a  program,   EPA   must
implement  that  program   in   the  state.
Historically, the level of state approvals has
increased  as programs mature  and  state
capacity  expands, with many of the  key
environmental    programs    approaching
approval  in nearly  all  states.   EPA  will
increase its effort to coordinate with states
on training, compliance assistance, capacity
building  and  enforcement.    EPA   will
continue to enhance the network of state and
Tribal compliance assistance providers.

The  Office of Enforcement and Compliance
Assurance    chairs     the    Interagency
Environmental    Leadership    Workgroup
established by Executive Order 13148.  The
Workgroup   consists   of   over   100
representatives    from    most     Federal
departments and agencies.  Its mission is to
assist all Federal agencies with meeting the
mandates of the Executive Order, including
implementation     of      environmental
management  systems  and   environmental
compliance  auditing  programs,  reducing
both releases and  uses of toxic chemicals,
and  compliance with pollution prevention
and pollution reporting requirements.  In FY
2009, the OECA will work directly with a
number of other Federal agencies to improve
CWA   compliance  at  Federal  facilities.
OECA  and  other  agencies  will  jointly
investigate  the   underlying   causes  of
persistent CWA violations and design and
implement fixes to  the problems to keep
facilities in compliance over the long term.
OECA anticipates that FY 2009 will see the
completion of  a multiple-year partnership
with the  Veterans  Health  Administration
(VHA), a part of the Department of Veterans
Affairs  (VA).  OECA and the VHA formed
the  partnership   in  2002   to   improve
compliance at VHA medical centers across
the nation. Since then, EPA and VHA have
jointly  designed  and begun  implementing
environmental  management systems  at all
VHA medical centers, completed multi-day
onsite  reviews at more than  20 medical
centers   to   assess  the  strengths   and
weaknesses of their environmental programs
and to guide the VHA in making program
improvements at all its medical centers, and
delivered       multiple      environmental
compliance  courses  for  VHA  staff and

EPA  works   directly with   Canada  and
Mexico  bilaterally  and  in  the  trilateral
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
(CEC).    EPA's  border activities  require
close  coordination  with   the  Bureau of
Customs and Border Protection, the Fish and
Wildlife Service, the Department of Justice,
and the States  of Arizona,  California, New
Mexico, and Texas.  EPA is the lead agency
and  coordinates U.S.  participation in the
CEC. EPA works with NOAA, the Fish and
Wildlife Service  and the U.S. Geological
Survey   on  CEC  projects   to   promote
biodiversity cooperation, and with the Office
of the  U.S. Trade  Representative to reduce

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
potential trade  and environmental impacts
such as invasive species.

The   Agency   is   required   to   review
environmental impact statements and other
major  actions  impacting  the  environment
and public health  proposed  by all Federal
agencies, and make recommendations to the
proposing  Federal  agency  on  how  to
remedy/mitigate those  impacts.   Although
EPA is required under § 309 of the Clean
Air  Act (CAA) to review and comment on
proposed  Federal   actions,   neither  the
National Environmental Policy Act  nor §
309  CAA require  a  Federal  agency  to
modify its proposal to accommodate EPA's
concerns.  EPA does have authority under
these statutes to refer major disagreements
with other Federal agencies  to the Council
on Environmental Quality.   Accordingly,
many  of  the  beneficial  environmental
changes or mitigation that EPA recommends
must be negotiated with the other Federal
agency.  The majority of the actions EPA
reviews are proposed by the  Forest Service,
Department of Transportation (including the
Federal  Highway  Administration   and
Federal  Aviation  Administration),   U.S.
Army Corps  of Engineers,  Department of
Interior   (including    Bureau   of  Land
Management, Minerals Management Service
and National Parks Service), Department of
Energy   (including   Federal   Regulatory
Commission), and Department of Defense.

EPA  works  directly  with  Canada  and
Mexico  bilaterally  and  in  the  trilateral
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
(CEC).   EPA's  border activities  require
close  coordination  with  the  Bureau  of
Customs and Border Protection, the Fish and
Wildlife Service, the Department of Justice,
and the States of Arizona, California, New
Mexico, and Texas. EPA is the lead agency
and  coordinates U.S.  participation in the
CEC. EPA works with NOAA, the Fish and
Wildlife  Service  and the U.S. Geological
Survey   on  CEC  projects   to   promote
biodiversity cooperation, and with the Office
of the U.S. Trade Representative to reduce
potential trade  and environmental  impacts
such as invasive species.

Objective:     Improve    Environmental
Performance through Pollution Prevention
and Innovation

EPA  is  involved  in  a  broad range  of
pollution prevention (P2) activities which
can yield reductions in waste generation and
energy consumption in both the public and
private  sectors.  For  example,  the  EPP
initiative,   which   implements  Executive
Orders 12873 and  13101,  promotes the use
of  cleaner  products by  Federal agencies.
This is aimed at stimulating demand for the
development of such products by industry.

This   effort   includes   a   number   of
demonstration projects with  other federal
Departments and agencies, such as  the NFS
(to use Green Purchasing as a tool to achieve
the sustainability goals of the  parks),  DoD
(use   of    environmentally    preferable
construction   materials),   and    Defense
Logistics    Agency   (identification    of
environmental attributes for products in its
purchasing  system).   The program is also
working  within EPA  to  "green"  its  own
operations.  The program  also works  with
NIST to develop a life-cycle based  decision
support tool for purchasers.
Under  the  Suppliers'  Partnership  for the
Environment program  and  its  umbrella
program, the GSN, EPA's P2 Program is
working   closely   with   NIST   and   its
Manufacturing    Extension    Partnership
Program to provide technical  assistance to
the process of "greening"  industry supply
chains.  The EPA is also working  with the
DOE's Industrial Technologies Program to
provide   energy   audits   and  technical
assistance to these supply chains.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
EPA is working with DOE and USD A to
develop a "Biofuels Posture Plan," the first
step in implementing a Biofuels Initiative to
support  the  goals  of   the  President's
Advanced Energy Initiative.  The  Biofuels
Posture Plan will be designed to promote the
development of a  biofuels industry in the
U.S. to help shift the country towards clean,
domestic energy production and away from
dependence on foreign  sources of energy
(mostly petroleum).   EPA is  investigating
the use of municipal and industrial solid and
hazardous wastes as sources of biomass that
can be used to produce clean biofuels. EPA
is   promoting  specific   waste-to-energy
technologies  through policy development,
research, and,  where  feasible,  regulatory

The  Agency   is   required   to   review
environmental impact statements and other
major  actions impacting  the  environment
and public health proposed by all Federal
agencies, and make  recommendations to the
proposing  Federal   agency  on   how  to
remedy/mitigate those impacts.   Although
EPA is required under § 309 of the Clean
Air Act (CAA) to review and comment on
proposed   Federal   actions,  neither  the
National Environmental Policy Act  nor  §
309  CAA   require   a  Federal agency  to
modify its proposal  to accommodate EPA's
concerns.   EPA does have authority under
these  statutes to refer major disagreements
with other  Federal agencies to  the Council
on  Environmental   Quality.  Accordingly,
many  of  the  beneficial  environmental
changes or mitigation that EPA recommends
must be negotiated with the other Federal
agency.  The  majority of the  actions EPA
reviews are proposed by the Forest Service,
Department of  Transportation  (including
FHWA and FAA),  COE,  DOI (including
Bureau of  Land  Management,  Minerals
Management  Service   and  NFS),  DOE
(including Federal Regulatory Commission),
and DoD.
EPA   and  DOI   are   coordinating   an
Interagency  Tribal  Information   Steering
Committee  that includes  the  Bureau  of
Reclamation, DOE, HUD,  USGS, Federal
Geographic  Data Committee,  BIA, Indian
Health Service, Department of the Treasury,
and DOJ.  This Interagency effort is aimed
to coordinate the exchange of selected sets
of     environmental,     resource,     and
programmatic   information  pertaining  to
Indian Country among Federal agencies in a
"dynamic" information management system
that   is  continuously   and  automatically
updated and refreshed, to be shared equally
among partners and other constituents.

Under a two-party  interagency agreement,
EPA  works  extensively with  the Indian
Health Service to cooperatively address the
drinking water and wastewater infrastructure
needs of Indian Tribes.  EPA is developing
protocols  with the  Indian  Health Service
Sanitation Facilities Construction Program
for integration  of  databases  of the  two
agencies, within the framework of the Tribal
Enterprise Architecture.

EPA has organized a  Tribal Data Working
Group under the Federal Geographic  Data
Committee, and, along with BIA,  is the co-
chair  of this group.  EPA will  play a lead
role in establishing common geographic data
and metadata standards for  Tribal data, and
in establishing protocols for exchange of
information among Federal,  non-Federal and
Tribal cooperating partners.

EPA  is  developing  protocols  with  the
Bureau of Reclamation, Native American
Program, for integration of  databases of the
two agencies,  within the framework of the
Tribal Enterprise Architecture.  EPA is also
developing agreements to share information
with the Alaska District,  COE.

To promote  mutual  goals as  leadership
programs with industry, the Office of Policy,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
Economics, and Innovation (OPEI) through
its  National   Environmental  Performance
Track, works with the Voluntary Protection
Programs (VPP) in the Occupational  Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA).   EPA
and   OSHA   collaborate  in  developing
incentives    for   members,   identifying
potential   members,    providing    joint
recognition, and sharing best practices from
their  experience  in managing  leadership

Under a MOU, EPA and NFS established a
partnership to share resources for promoting
environmental     management     system
approaches that  are good  for  both the
environment   and  business.  The   MOU
promotes  the  implementation   of   cost-
effective    environmental    management
practices  for businesses in  the tourism
industry, including the  approximately 600
NFS  concessionaires that provide various
visitor services in more than 130 national

Information on regulations and other issues
that may have an  adverse impact on  small
businesses is  shared regularly with the Small
Business   Administration's   Office   of
Advocacy.  An ongoing activity includes the
coordination  of  interactions among the
Office of Air and Radiation, the State Small
Business  Assistance Program's  National
Steering  Committee, and the  Office of
Advocacy  in  the  development of the
proposed   55   area   source   Maximum
Achievable Control  Technology  (MACT)
rules that will impact small businesses and
state programs.

The  Sector   Strategies  program  addresses
issues that directly affect the  environmental
performance of selected  industries and other
sectors of the economy.   At  times,  actions
taken to enhance  sector-wide performance
involve other Federal agencies.  This work
tends to be informal and issue-specific, as
opposed to formal inter-agency partnerships.
For example, previous work on Agribusiness
sector issues involved the Natural Resource
Conservation Service of the USDA.  Energy
conservation work with the Metal Foundry
sector  involved   the   DOE's  innovative
technologies program.  In 2005, Port sector
stakeholders  include   the  U.S.  Maritime
Administration  (DOT), COE  and NOAA.
Data work with the Cement sector involves
USGS   contacts.     And  future  "green
highway"  work of the Construction Sector
may involve the FHWA.

Activities  associated with the Environmental
Education Program  are  coordinated  with
other Federal agencies in a variety of ways:

EPA currently funds approximately $1.5M
for eight interagency agreements with four
Federal  agencies.    Current   projects  are
focused on helping these agencies to better
coordinate their  environmental  education
efforts  (see  www.handsontheland.org)  and
improving    capacity    to    measure
environmental education program outcomes.
All of the  activities are funded jointly by the
cooperating Federal agency and a third non-
profit partner.  Detailed information about
the interagency agreements is available  at

EPA   chairs   the   Task    Force    on
Environmental  Education   which   meets
periodically  to  share  information.   The
current focus involves sharing information
on   linking   environmental    education
programs to  the strategic planning initiatives
of Federal agencies and developing program
impact measures.

EPA,  in  partnership  with Department  of
Education, the Agency  for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry, the Department  of
Interior, the Bureau  of Indian Affairs, the
Consumer Product Safety Commission, and
the  Centers  for  Disease   Control,   is

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
implementing a national  Schools  Chemical
Cleanout Campaign (SC3).  SC3 is building
a national public/private  network that will
facilitate the  removal of dangerous  and
inappropriate  chemicals   from  K  -  12
schools;  encourage  responsible  chemical
management  practices to prevent  future
chemical accidents and accumulations; and
raise issue awareness.

As   a   participant   on   the  following
interagency   workgroups,  EPA   remains
informed  of  related  efforts  across  the
government   and   provides   coordination
assistance as necessary:   The  Interagency
Committee    on     Education    (Chair:
Department  of Education);    Partners in
Resource   Education   (Chair:   National
Environmental  Education  and   Training
Foundation);   the   Federal    Interagency
Committee   on   Interpretation    (Chair:
National Park Service);  Ocean Education
Task Force (workgroup of the  U.S.  Ocean
Commission);    and  the  Afterschool.gov
(Chair: General Services Administration).

EPA coordinates  U.S. participation  in the
activities   of    the   North   American
Commission on Environmental Cooperation
(CEC) on green purchasing, supply chains,
and buildings.

EPA's   web   portal   of  all   Federal
environmental education program web sites

Objective: Improve Human Health and the
Environment in Indian Country

In 2007,  EPA completed two important
tribal   infrastructure    Memoranda   of
Understanding  (MOU)  by  five  federal
agencies.   EPA,  the  Department  of the
Interior, Department of Health  and Human
Services, Department of Agriculture, and the
Department   of  Housing   and   Urban
Development committed to work as partners
to improve infrastructure on tribal lands and
focus efforts  on providing  access  to  safe
drinking  water   and  basic  wastewater
facilities to tribes.

The  first  MOU  promotes  coordination
between   federal   tribal   infrastructure
programs   and  financial   services  while
allowing department programs to retain their
unique advantages.  It is fully expected that
the efficiencies  and partnerships resulting
from  this  collaboration will  directly assist
tribes with their  infrastructure needs.  For
the first time five federal  departments have
joined together and agreed to work across
traditional  program boundaries  on tribal
infrastructure  issues.   The  second MOU
signed by  the parties was created under this
authority and  addresses the issue of access
to  safe drinking  water  and  wastewater
facilities  on  tribal  lands.     For more
information,  please  see   the   web  link:

Objective: Enhance Science and Research

EPA  is coordinating with DoD's Strategic
Environmental Research  and Development
Program   (SERDP)   in   an   ongoing
partnership,  especially in  the  areas  of
sustainability research  and of incorporating
materials   lifecycle   analysis  into  the
manufacturing  process for  weapons  and
military   equipment.     EPA's   People,
Prosperity, and Planet (P3) student design
competition for  sustainability will  partner
CEQ, and OSTP.  EPA  is  continuing its
partnerships  with  NSF,   NIEHS,  AND
NIOSH on jointly issued grant solicitations
for nanotechnology,  and  its coordination
through the NSET with all agencies  that are
part of the NNI.

EPA  will   continue work  under the MOA

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

with   the   USCG  and   the   State   of
Massachusetts  on ballast water  treatment
technologies   and   mercury  continuous
emission  monitors.     The  agency  also
coordinates  technology verifications with
NOAA  (multiparameter   water  quality
probes); DOE (mercury continuous emission
monitors); DoD (explosives monitors, PCB
detectors,   dust   suppressants);   USDA
(ambient ammonia  monitors);  Alaska and
Pennsylvania (arsenic  removal);  Georgia,
Kentucky,   and   Michigan (storm   water
treatment);  and  Colorado and New  York
(waste-to-energy technologies).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
                            Enabling Support Programs
Office of the Administrator (OA)

EPA   collaborates   with   other  Federal
agencies in the collection of economic data
used in the conduct of economic benefit-cost
analyses of environmental  regulations and
policies. The Agency collaborates with the
Department  of Commerce's Bureau  of the
Census  on the Pollution Abatement Costs
and Expenditure (PACE) survey in order to
obtain information on  pollution abatement
expenditures by industry. In our effort to
measure the beneficial outcomes of Agency
programs, we co-sponsor with several other
agencies the U.S. Forest Service's National
Survey  on Recreation and the Environment
(NSRE), which measures national recreation
participation and recreation trends.   EPA
also collaborates with other natural resource
agencies (e.g., United States Department of
Agriculture    (USDA),   Department   of
Interior, Forest  Service, National  Oceanic
Atmospheric  Administration (NOAA))  to
foster  improved  interdisciplinary research
and reporting  of economic  information  by
collaboratively  supporting  workshops  and
symposiums on  environmental economics
topics   (ecosystem   valuation  resource
evaluation);  economics of invasive species;
and measuring health benefits.

The  Agency  also continues to work with
other Federal agencies in the development of
children's environmental health indicators
used to monitor the outcomes of children's
health  efforts.   The Agency  collaborates
with the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention and the National  Center for
Health Statistics to obtain  approval  of the
Federal  Interagency  Forum on Child and
Family  Statistics (www.childstats.gov)  on
the reporting of appropriate children's health
indicators  and   data.  Furthermore,  the
Agency  is   an   active  member   of the
Interagency   Forum   on   Aging-Related
Statistics (www.agingstats.gov). The Forum
was  created to foster collaboration among
Federal  agencies   that  produce   or  use
statistical data on the older population.  The
biannual chartbook contains an indicator on
air  quality and  the counties  where  older
adults reside that have experienced poor air

EPA's Office of Homeland Security (OHS)
continues to  focus  on broad,  Agency and
government-wide homeland security policy
issues that cannot be adequately addressed
by  a single  program office, as  well as
ensuring   implementation    of   EPA's
Homeland Security  Strategy.  A significant
amount of the responsibilities require close
coordination with Federal partners,  through
Policy  Coordinating  Committees  (PCCs),
briefings  and discussions with  individual
senior  Federal  officials.   The Associate
Administrator for Homeland Security and
OHS  represent the Administrator,  Deputy
Administrator,  and  other  senior   Agency
officials at meetings with personnel from the
White House and Department of Homeland
Security  (DHS),   and  other  high-level
stakeholders.       OHS   coordinates  the
development  of responses to inquiries from
the  White House, DHS, the Congress, and
others  with  oversight responsibilities for
homeland security efforts.  EPA's ability to
effectively implement its broad  range of
homeland   security   responsibilities  is
significantly enhanced though these efforts.
OHS  ensures consistent  development and
implementation of the Agency's homeland
security  policies  and  procedures,  while
building an external network of partners so

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
that EPA's  efforts  can  be integrated into,
and build upon, the efforts of other Federal

The   Science  Advisory  Board  (SAB)
primarily provides  the  Administrator with
independent peer reviews and advice on the
scientific    and   technical    aspects   of
environmental issues to inform the Agency's
environmental decision-making.  Often, the
Agency program office  seeking the SAB's
review and advice has identified the Federal
agencies interested in the  scientific topic at
issue.   The  SAB  coordinates with those
Federal agencies by providing notice of its
activities through the  Federal Register, and
as  appropriate,  inviting  Federal  agency
experts  to participate  in the peer review or
advisory activity.   The  SAB, from time to
time,  also convenes science workshops  on
emerging issues, and invites Federal agency
participation  through the greater Federal
scientific and research community.

EPA's Office of Small  and  Disadvantaged
Business Utilization (OSDBU) works with
the Small Business Administration (SBA)
and other Federal agencies to increase the
participation  of small  and  disadvantaged
businesses in EPA's procurement  of goods,
services,  equipment,   and   construction.
OSDBU works with  the  SBA to develop
EPA's goals for contracting with small and
disadvantaged businesses; address bonding
issues that  pose  a  roadblock  for  small
businesses  in specific industries,  such  as
environmental clean-up  and  construction;
and address data-collection issues that are of
concern to OSDBUs throughout the Federal
government.  EPA's OSDBU works closely
with the Center for  Veterans Enterprise and
EPA's Regional  and program  offices  to
increase the  amount  of EPA  procurement
dollars   awarded   to    Service-Disabled
Veteran-Owned      Small     Businesses
(SDVOSB).    It   also   works  with  the
Department  of Education  and the  White
House  Historically  Black  College  and
University (HBCU) Workgroup to increase
opportunities for HBCUs  to partner with
small  businesses  and  Federal  agencies,
especially in the area of scientific research
and development. Work is  also coordinated
with the Minority  Business Development
Agency  to  fund  opportunities  for small
disadvantaged businesses, and to collaborate
to provide  outreach  to small disadvantage
businesses and Minority-Serving Institutions
throughout the  United  States and the trust
territories.   EPA's OSDBU Director is an
active  participant in the Federal  OSDBU
Council (www.osdbu.gov), and served as the
Council's  Chairperson  in  FYs  2004  and
2006.  The OSDBU Directors collaborate to
the extent possible to support major outreach
efforts   to   small   and   disadvantaged
businesses, SDVOSB, and minority-serving
educational  institutions  via  conferences,
business fairs, and speaking engagements.

Office  of  the  Chief Financial  Officer

EPA makes  active  contributions to standing
interagency    management   committees,
including  the  Chief  Financial   Officers
Council and the Federal Financial Managers'
Council. These groups  are  focused  on
improving   resources   management   and
accountability   throughout   the   Federal
government.    EPA   also    coordinates
appropriately  with  Congress  and  other
Federal agencies,  such as Department of
Treasury, Office of Management of Budget
(OMB), and the Government Accountability
Office (GAO).

Office of Administration  and Resources
Management (OARM)

EPA is committed to working with Federal
partners   that   focus    on    improving

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
management  and accountability throughout
the  Federal  government.    The  Agency
provides  leadership   and   expertise  to
government-wide activities in various areas
of human resources, grants administration,
contracts   management   and   Homeland
Security.  These activities include specific
collaboration efforts with Federal agencies
and departments through:

    •      Chief Human Capital Officers, a
           group  of senior  leaders  that
           discuss human capital initiatives
           across the Federal government.
    •      Legislative      and      Policy
           Committee,     a    committee
           comprised  of  other  Federal
           agency   representatives   who
           assist Office  of Personnel and
           Management    in   developing
           plans and policies for training
           and   development   across  the
    •      The  Chief Acquisition Officers
           Council,      the     principal
           interagency      forum     for
           monitoring  and  improving the
           Federal   acquisition   system.
           The  Council also is focused on
           promoting    the   President's
           Management   Agenda  in  all
           aspects   of   the   acquisition
           system,   as    well   as   the
           President's specific acquisition-
           related initiatives and policies.

The Agency is participating in government-
wide  efforts  to  improve  the  effectiveness
and   performance  of  Federal  financial
assistance  programs,  simplify application
and reporting requirements, and improve the
delivery  of services to the public.   This
includes  membership on  the Grants  Policy
Committee, the Grants Executive Board, and
the Grants.gov  Users  Group.   EPA also
participates in the Federal Demonstration
Partnership  to reduce  the administrative
burdens associated with research grants.

EPA  is working  with the OMB, General
Services Administrations, and  Department
of  Commerce's   National  Institute  of
Standards and Technology to  implement
Homeland  Security  Presidential  Directive
No. 12 - Policy for a Common Identification
Standard  for  Federal   Employees   and

Office  of  Environmental  Information

To  support EPA's  overall mission,   OEI
collaborates with a number of other Federal
agencies and state and Tribal governments
on  a  variety  of  initiatives,   including
initiatives  to  make  government   more
efficient and  transparent, protect human
health and the environment,  and  assist in
homeland security. OEI is more specifically
involved in the information technology (IT),
information    management  (EVI),    and
information  security aspects of the projects
it collaborates on.

EPA is the managing partner agency of the
eRulemaking   Program,   one    of   the
President's 25 government-wide Electronic
Government   (E-Gov)   initiatives.     The
eRulemaking Program is  operated within
OEI.  The Program's mission is to improve
public  access to, understanding  of,  and
participation in regulation development and
to streamline government's management of
and efficiency in  promulgating  regulations.
In January 2003, eRulemaking launched the
award-winning Regulations.gov  web   site.
For the first time ever, citizens could access
and  comment on  all   proposed Federal
regulations from a single web site. Tens of
millions of public users have come to this
site to find, view, and comment on proposed
regulations.    In   September  2005,  the

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
eRulemaking Program  launched the award-
winning   Federal  Docket   Management
System     (publicly      accessible     at
www.regulations.gov).  The Federal Docket
Management  System   is  an   electronic
document repository enabling agencies  to
post all  rulemaking  and non-rulemaking
documents  for public access and  comment.
Now  the public  also  can access  Federal
Register       documents,       supporting
technical/legal/economic    analyses,   and
public  comments  previously only available
by physically visiting a docket center.  EPA
and its partner agencies enhance the system
each   quarter    by   incorporating   new
capabilities  for public  and agency users,
including:   the   ability   to   bookmark
documents, email notification, Real Simple
Syndication  Feed  (RSS),  eAuthenticated
login,  electronic  records,  full-text  search,
and the ability for major  search  engines  to
locate  documents within  Regulations.gov.
The  eRulemaking  Program  has  migrated
more than 29 Departments and Independent
Agencies, comprised of 161 bureaus, boards,
agencies  and administrations, representing
more   than  90%  of  the  Federal  rules
promulgated  annually.   Collectively,  this
collaborative   multi-agency   effort    is
projected to result in significant savings  to
the  Federal   government  through  the
elimination of duplicative  systems (whether
existing or proposed).

As part of its effort to help protect human
health  and  the  environment,   EPA  is
coordinating  with the  states  and tribes  to
improve  the collection,  management,  and
sharing of environmental information.   A
key component of these  efforts  is EPA's
participation  in the State/EPA Information
Management  Workgroup  and  Network
Steering  Board. As a member of the Board,
EPA participates  in action teams comprised
of EPA, state, and Tribal members, designed
to identify  information  projects that  can
resolve  information issues and to  arrive at
consensus solutions.  Two of the areas that
this forum has worked on extensively  are
developing  environmental  data  standards
and  implementing  new technologies  for
collecting and reporting information.

In addition to protecting human health and
the  environment,   EPA  also   supports
homeland    security    by    coordinating
extensively with a number of other Federal
agencies to develop and expand the use of
geographically  based information.   These
efforts include  coordination with the U. S.
Geological   Survey    (USGS),    Federal
Geographic    Data   Committee,    Chief
Information     Officer   (CIO)    Council
(http://www.cio.gov),  DHS,   Council  on
Environmental    Quality,   Environmental
Council  of  States,  other national   security
agencies, and state agencies.  Much of this
work  is done by multi-agency workgroups
designed     to     ensure     consistent
implementation    of    standards    and
technologies  across the Federal government
to  support   efficient  sharing  of  data,
especially the  sharing   of  geographically
based  data   and  Geographic  Information
Systems.  A key aspect of this  work is
developing    and    implementing    the
infrastructure to  support an assortment  of
national  spatial data -  data  that  can be
attached to and portrayed on  maps.  This
work has several key applications, including
ensuring   that   human    health   and
environmental conditions are represented in
the appropriate  contexts,  supporting  the
assessment of environmental conditions and
changes, and  supporting first responders and
other    homeland    security    situations.
Additionally, EPA coordinates with the CIO
Council  and  other  Federal   agencies  on
projects  related  to  information  security,
capital  planning,  workforce  development,
interoperability, and infrastructure related to
homeland security.

  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
Another   area    where   EPA    actively
coordinates  with  other   Governmental
entities is public access to information.  In
addition to the E-Gov initiatives described
above,  EPA  also  coordinates  with  the
USGS, Bureau of Indian  Affairs, Fish  and
Wildlife  Service,  and   state  and  local
government partners to expand and improve
public access to information affecting their
lives.  EPA also works with states, tribes,
local    agencies,  and   non-governmental
organizations  to  design  and  implement
specific    community-based   information

Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

The EPA Inspector General is a member of
the President's  Council  on Integrity  and
Efficiency    (PCIE),    an   organization
comprised    of    Presidentially-appointed
Federal Inspectors General (IG), GAO,  and
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The PCIE coordinates and improves the way
Gs  conduct  audits,  investigations   and
internal operations. The PCIE also promotes
joint  projects of government-wide  interest,
and reports annually to the President on the
collective   performance   of   the   OIG
community. The  OIG  Special  Operations
Division   coordinates   computer    crime
activities   with   other   law  enforcement
organizations  such  as  the  FBI,  Secret
Service  and  Department  of Justice.  In
addition, the OIG participates with various
inter-governmental  audit   forums    and
professional   associations   to   exchange
information,  share  best   practices,   and
obtain/provide  training.  The OIG further
promotes  collaboration   among   EPA's
partners and stakeholders  in the application
of  technology,  information,  resources  and
law enforcement efforts through its outreach
activities.  The  EPA  OIG  initiates   and
participates  in   individual   collaborative
audits,  evaluations and  investigations  with
OIGs of  agencies  with  an environmental
mission such as the Departments of Interior
and  Agriculture,  and  with other Federal,
state, and  local law enforcement agencies as
prescribed by the IG Act, as amended.  The
OIG also  promotes  public  awareness  of
opportunities to report possible fraud, waste
and abuse through the OIG Hotline.

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan

Management challenges represent potential
vulnerabilities in  program  operations and
susceptibilities to  fraud,  waste,  abuse, and
mismanagement.          The    Reports
Consolidation Act of  2000  requires  the
Inspector  General to  identify  the  most
serious management challenges facing EPA,
briefly  assess  the Agency's progress  in
addressing them, and report annually.  EPA
has established a mechanism for identifying
and   addressing    its   key  management
challenges  before they  become  serious
problems.   As  part  of its  management
integrity process, EPA senior managers meet
with representatives from EPA's Office  of
Inspector   General  (OIG),   the  General
Accountability  Office  (GAO),   and  the
Office of Management and  Budget (OMB)
to  hear  their   views   on  EPA's  key
management challenges.   EPA managers
also  use  audits,   reviews,  and  program
evaluations  conducted  internally and  by
GAO,  OMB,  and OIG to  assess program
effectiveness   and   identify    potential
management issues.

EPA  remains  committed  to  maintaining
effective and  efficient internal  controls  to
ensure that program and financial activities
are carried out effectively and according to
applicable  laws  and  sound  management
policy.   The  discussion that follows lists
management challenges that OIG, GAO, and
OMB  have  identified   and  summarizes
actions  EPA  is  taking  to  address  these

    1.  Emission  Factors  for Sources  of
       Air Pollution

   Scope of Challenge.  While the Agency
   has made some progress  in improving  its
   emission factors (e.g., developing a Quality
   Management Plan), challenges remain.  A
   2006 OIG evaluation found (1) conflicting
   guidance on appropriately using emissions
   factors,  (2) a  rating system that did not
   quantify  the  uncertainty  associated with
   emissions factors, (3) inadequate funding of
   the  program,  and (4)  the  lack of a
   comprehensive  plan  to   improve  data
   collection  and set priorities,  and OIG
   concluded that emissions factors are being
   used inappropriately for key environmental
   decisions.  EPA needs to address the large
   number of  emission factors  rated low,
   ensure sufficient funding  to address data
   gaps and limitations,  limit decisions being
   made with poor quality emissions factors,
   and provide industry and state or local
   agencies with  significant non-regulatory
   incentives  to  obtain  the  data  needed to
   improve emissions factors. (OIG)

The  Agency has  made  significant progress
in addressing the issues identified in OIG's
March  2006 evaluation report, EPA Can
Improve Emissions  Factors  Development
and Management.  EPA remains on track in
implementing its  plan to make it easier for
others  to  transmit   and  transform their
emissions data into  emissions factors that
account  for uncertainty.     Building  on
previous success, the Agency continues to
re-engineer the emissions  factor program to
develop  emissions  factors faster, increase
the number of emission factors, and account
for uncertainty in  emissions factors.

With respect  to  developing  guidance  for
using emissions factors, EPA agrees that the
Agency  needs  to  be  clearer  about  the
regulatory and environmental risks of using
emissions  factors,   including  the  risks
associated  with  their original  intended
application  and  for  programs  that have
adopted their use as an expeditious means of
achieving  their  goals.  The  Agency  has

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
developed  a  new,  streamlined  emissions
factor development process that is currently
undergoing public review, and we expect to
finalize these new procedures later this year.

In response to OIG' s finding that the current
emissions  factor  rating  system  did  not
quantify  the  uncertainty  associated  with
emissions factors, the Agency has completed
a  statistical  study  of  the   uncertainty
associated with published emissions factors
that  are  based on emissions testing  data,
such as  those contained in AP-42.    We
presented our approach and study  results to
internal reviewers and a panel of expert peer
reviewers and addressed their comments and
suggestions.    In  February  2007,   EPA
submitted a report describing the technical
approach and the results to Congress  and
OMB.  The report is currently available on
the web  for public review and comment.
EPA is now beginning to analyze various
policy  options available  for accounting for

The OIG has recommended the development
of a comprehensive plan to improve data
collection and set emission factor priorities.
We  have   developed  and   submitted  a
comprehensive strategic plan meeting those
recommendations,  which is  currently  under
review by  OIG.    The  plan  focuses on
advancing  direct,   continuous  site-specific
measurements of the pollutant  of concern
and addresses the development  and use of
emissions factors for situations where site-
specific measurements are infeasible or the
risks  of  adverse  program  decisions  are

   Highlights of progress include:
   .   Launched  WebFIRE,  an interactive
       website that combines  AP-42  and
       FIRE data so that users are no longer
       required  to  conduct independent
       checks while searching for emission
   .   Conducted an analysis to determine
       the   uncertainty   of   highly-rated
       emissions factors.
   Plans  for   further   improvements
   .   Enhance  WebFIRE to  allow users
       independently to check  and verify
       background    information     for
       emissions factors.
   .   Develop  emissions factors for coke
       ovens,  landfills,  municipal  waste
       combustors, steel mini-mills, landing
       losses for external floating roofs, and
       low  pressure   petroleum  storage
   .   Initiate  development  of  emissions
       factors  for  natural  gas  engines,
       rubber  manufacturers,  and  animal
       feeding operations.

   2.  Voluntary    Climate    Change
       Program/    Voluntary    Climate
       Change   Programs   Greenhouse
       Gas (GHG) Reporting

   Scope of Challenge:   Climate Leaders
   and  Climate  VISION,   two   voluntary
   programs aimed at securing private sector
   agreements    to   voluntarily    reduce
   greenhouse gas  emissions  or  emissions
   intensity,  need to  be  better managed to
   achieve  desired  results.     While  many
   participants have completed program steps
   in  a timely  manner, some participants
   appear not to be progressing at the rate
   expected.   GAO recommends  that EPA
   develop  written  policies establishing  the
   consequences  for not completing program
   steps on schedule. OMB is concerned about
   the  reliability of the  estimates of GHG
   reduction   attributable    to    voluntary
   programs such as Energy Star.  (GAO and

In its April 2006 report on climate change,
GAO  recommended  that  EPA  develop
written policy for increasing progress under
the EPA Climate Leaders  program.  EPA
believes  GAO's   recommendation   was

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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addressed  in  the  initial  design  of  the
program.   The  Agency  has  detailed  its
existing policy in an internal memorandum
which  documents the  steps that EPA will
take if  it believes a participant is  not
completing the program requirements in a
timely  manner.    When  EPA  believes  a
participant is not making a good faith effort
to  complete  program requirements,  the
Agency will telephone  the participant to re-
invigorate the process;  send an official letter
urging   the   participant   to   act   more
expeditiously;  and, if necessary,  remove the
participant   from   the    program    for
noncompliance.    EPA  will  continue  to
monitor  participants'  progress through  its
program  tracking system,  which includes a
goal tracking  spreadsheet and inventory of
calls conducted to discuss progress.

In response to OMB's concerns about the
reliability of the estimates of GHG, a recent
Program  Assessment  Rating  Tool review
found  EPA's  climate  programs to   be
achieving their  goals.   The review also
highlighted the ENERGY STAR program as
among the more successful in collecting and
presenting performance  information  and
using the  data  for management decision
making.  EPA publishes an annual report on
the  accomplishments   of  its   voluntary
programs for  reducing  GHG  emissions.
This report outlines EPA's robust methods
to estimate the benefits of these programs
and explains how the Agency is addressing
evaluation issues.   The  report  shows that
ENERGY  STAR,  in  particular, relies  on
robust, peer-reviewed methods.

   Highlights of progress include:
   . Developed    new     peer-reviewed
     methods for documenting the benefits
     of ENERGY  STAR, including energy
     savings and GHG reductions.
   Plans  for   further   improvements
       Continue to assess the progress  of
       Climate Leader partners and request
       that they leave the program if they
       are not making sufficient progress in
       a reasonable period of time.
   .   Improve  the  methods  that  EPA
       employs to assess the impacts of its
       climate protection programs.
   .   Participate  in  interagency efforts to
       assess and  report on the impacts of
       the federal  climate protection policy
       and program.
   .   Review recent legislation, including
       the   Energy   Independence   and
       Security Act of 2007 and the Fiscal
       Year 2008  Omnibus Appropriations
       Act, to determine the impacts of their
       provisions  on EPA's  methods  for
       estimating  the  benefits  of  these

   3.  Capacity   to  Manage   Climate
       Change Activities

   Scope   of    Challenge:       Recent
   developments in climate change science and
   policy (e.g., Massachusetts  vs.  EPA) will
   affect EPA 's ability to protect public health
   and the environment.   GAO believes EPA
   could benefit from assessing  its capacity to
   manage climate change  issues and  the
   impact of a changing  climate on existing
   Agency programs. EPA should evaluate its
   scientific and technical capacity to interpret
   scientific findings and incorporate them into
   regulatory decisions; assess  its capacity to
   implement  mandatory  programs  should
   Congress pass binding climate legislation;
   and review the administration  of existing
   programs  (air  and water  pollution)  to
   determine   implications  of  a  changing
   climate on the Agency's ongoing regulatory
   efforts. (GAO)

EPA  agrees  that  recent  developments  in
climate  change science  and  policy  will
impact the Agency's programs and capacity

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needs.   While we have already  begun the
type of management and resource analyses
recommended  by  GAO, we believe  it is
premature to conduct a full assessment at
this  time, given the uncertainty of future
Congressional   actions.     The  scope  of
possible     future    legislation    under
development is unknown (e.g., there is not
yet consensus regarding the  sectors to be
covered by a possible policy or the  type of
"binding" measure to be  used).  Moreover, it
is  unclear when such legislation will  pass
and what kind of lead time EPA would have
in   terms of  implementing the   enacted
policies.   Under the circumstances,  EPA
believes  Agency resources could be better
used to track developments in Congress and
provide technical support and analyses as

   Highlights of progress include:
       Completed short-term realignment of
       resources   to   respond   to   the
       Massachusetts v. EPA decision and
       the President's subsequent Executive
       Order to regulate  GHG emissions
       from motor vehicles.
   .   With extensive senior management
       involvement,  continue to  assess the
       implications  of   Supreme  Court

   Plans   for   further   improvements
       Continue to identify the potential air
       quality    and    climate    policy
       implications  of   research   on  air

   4.  Challenges   in  Addressing   Air
       Toxic Regulatory Programs Goals

   Scope of Challenge:  OMB believes EPA
   needs to continue focusing on addressing the
   backlog  of residual  risk standards  and
   developing air toxics exposure data.  (OMB)
The 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act
(CAA) required EPA to develop and issue
Maximum Achievable Control Technology
(MACT) standards to reduce emissions of
air  toxics  from  certain  categories   of
stationary  sources.    EPA  completed  its
obligation   to   develop   initial  MACT
standards  (96  standards  for  174  source
categories) in 2004.   EPA anticipates  that
when fully implemented in 2007, the MACT
standards  will reduce air  toxics emissions
from stationary  sources by 1.7 million tons
per year.  The  CAA  also requires EPA to
evaluate  air  toxic  emissions  further  and
evaluate  whether  post-MACT  emissions
pose a risk to public health. These residual
risk  reviews  and  standards  are  to   be
developed for each source  category within 8
years   of  promulgation   of  the  MACT
standard.  In addition to  the residual  risk
reviews, the CAA requires EPA to conduct
technology  reviews   for  each  MACT
standard within 8 years of promulgation. For
each technology review EPA is to review
and revise the MACT standard, if necessary,
taking   into   account  developments   in
practices,     processes     and    control

EPA is combining the risk and technology
reviews for each  MACT  standard.    The
Agency has completed risk and technology
reviews for 8 MACT standards to date under
consent decree  orders. Sierra Club filed a
notice  of intent to  sue  on 17  additional
MACT standards, and we are  now beyond
the 8 years for an additional 16 for a total of
33 MACT standards.

EPA  has  developed  a new approach of
streamlining the risk and technology reviews
for the MACT  standards.   Under the new
risk  and  technology  review  EPA   will
perform the risk and technology reviews for
groups  of MACT  standards  rather  than
individually.      Post-MACT   emissions
contained  in the NEI database will be used
as the  basis to model risk. To  conduct  risk

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analyses, data will be reviewed by EPA and
supplemented with additional  data  for the
source  category.   EPA  will  then  solicit
public  comment  on  the  data  and  any
anomalies   noted  to   obtain  the  best
representation of emissions from the source
category.  Through the  residual  risk  and
technology  review  (RTR)  process,  EPA
believes it can  complete the  residual  risk
standards  in   a   timely,    scientifically
creditable and cost-effective manner.

   Highlights of progress include:
       Completed  6   residual  risk  and
       technology reviews.
   .   Completed the Halogenated Solvents
       Residual Risk Rule.
   .   Developed datasets for each source
       category from NEI and risk data.
   .   Performed screening assessments for
       34  MACT standards  (50  source
       Completed the Halogenated Solvents
       Residual Risk Rule.
   .   Published   advanced   notice   of
       proposed  rulemaking   (currently
       reviewing  comments  and  adding
       corrections to the datasets).

   Plans  for   further    improvements
   .   Continue to  conduct residual  risk
       reviews and rules under  RTR process
       in an accelerated manner.

   5.  Efficiently Managing  Water  and
       Wastewater     Resources     and
       Infrastructure/Clean  Water   and
       Drinking Water  State  Revolving

   Scope of Challenge: The Agency faces a
   continuing challenge in reaching thousands
   of small  utilities  and  influencing  their
   management  behavior, skills,  and abilities.
   EPA needs to be more  innovative on the
   finance and  management fronts  to assist
   states  and   communities  in  overcoming
   infrastructure  issues.   The  Agency  also
   needs to define its role as part of a long-
   term national strategy on sustainable water
   infrastructure that addresses financial and
   management issues.  OIG questions whether
   EPA's   "Four   Pillars   of  Sustained
   Infrastructure"    approach    adequately
   addresses  the   infrastructure  challenge.
   OMB and OIG agree that EPA 's regulation
   policy on state  match  options should no
   longer allow states to use bonds repaid from
   SRF to meet state match requirements. (OIG
   and OMB)

EPA believes it has taken and will  continue
to take effective steps to  define and pursue
its role in  ensuring that the nation's water
and wastewater  infrastructure is sustainable
in the  future.  While much of the change is
needed at  the  local level,  EPA  provides
leadership,    tools,    innovation,    and
momentum to  encourage  a shift toward
financial and managerial sustainability.  The
Agency's role is to provide education and
outreach and to serve as  a "wholesaler" of
information  to  our   state  and  national
professional  association  partners.   EPA's
Four  Pillars of Sustainable Infrastructure
(SI) have provided the structure to define the
sustainability challenge, raised the visibility
of the issue to a national scale, and offered a
suite   of  approaches  to  move  towards
sustainability. Water infrastructure  has been
further elevated  on the national stage as one
of the Administrator's top  four priorities.

EPA  is  leading by  example by  breaking
down  barriers  to  progress in   its   own
programs  and  partnerships and  working
toward policies  that  foster sustainability,
while  protecting  human  health  and  the
environment.  Internally,  EPA  is  speaking
with one voice—reaching across offices to
promote  the innovation needed to address
the sustainability challenge.  SI has been a
major  topic for the national Water  Division
Directors'  and  SES meetings,   helping the
Agency     work    across     traditional
organizational lines to allow and  promote

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                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
innovation.   The Agency  is promoting SI
through  permits,   Special  Environmental
Projects, and injunctive relief.  The Agency
is   also   coordinating  efforts   in   its
Performance  Track  and   Smart  Growth
programs to foster aspects  of sustainability,
energy, and infrastructure related to climate

EPA's efforts go well beyond the areas of
focus under the Four Pillars. In the area of
innovative  finance,  the Agency  is working
to   allow  the  expanded  use   of Private
Activity Bonds to bring more private capital
into the sector and exploring and promoting
innovative  uses  of SRF loans.   In  March
2007,   in   partnership  with    14   other
organizations, EPA  convened  a national
conference on Paying for Sustainable Water
Infrastructure that brought stakeholders from
all  levels  of  government  and  the private
sector together to explore creative methods
of    paying   for    sustainable    water
infrastructure.    Four  conference  tracks
covered topics related to reducing costs  and
increasing investment in drinking water  and
wastewater  systems  and  programs.    The
conference looked beyond the Four Pillars to
broader    issues    and   expanding    all
stakeholders' efforts,  since  solutions to the
sustainability  challenge will require joint
and collaborative effort. EPA has since  met
with conference co-sponsors to  consolidate
learning and  define  critical   areas  for
additional  collaborative action,  such  as
improved outreach to local officials.

On July 2, 2007, EPA  responded to OIG's
audit  recommendations  and agreed to assess
the effects  on states of its state match bond
policy and the potential impact of changes to
the current  policy.  Our assessment indicates
that states show near unanimous support for
the current  policy  and  believe that  its
cumulative effect on  the SRF program  has
been  highly  beneficial.  Some   states  that
take advantage of the current policy believe
they  would  be  unable to procure state
appropriations  for match,   and  therefore
unable to apply for federal funds. EPA will
continue to work with the OIG and states to
analyze the effects of this policy.
   Highlights of progress include:
   .   Launched  WaterSense,  a  market
       enhancement   program    that   is
       increasing  national   awareness  of
       water-efficient choices and the value
       of clean and safe water.
   .   Signed a ground-breaking agreement
       with six major water and wastewater
       associations  jointly   to  promote
       effective utility  management  based
       on a series of Attributes of Effectively
       Managed      Utilities,       other
       management   tools,   and    utility
       performance measures.
   .   Co-sponsored  the  Water  Quality
       Trading Conference with USDA that
       brought  utility companies  and the
       agricultural  community together  to
       build    momentum   for   trading
       programs that maximize impact from
       infrastructure investments.
   .   Continued  to  produce  assistance
       documents and  tools targeting the
       needs and  special circumstances  of
       small utilities (e.g., Simple Tools for
       Effective  Performance   and  Total
       Electronic    Asset    Management
   .   Convened a Watershed Forum with
       several  major  utilities  to  discuss
       ways to promote adoption of various
       watershed  tools,  such  as   green
       infrastructure,       into        local
       infrastructure decisions.
   .   Convened  a  panel  of  experts  to
       discuss  the importance  of  full cost
       pricing  of  water and  wastewater
       services by utilities.
   .   Co-sponsored    the   Paying  for
       Sustainable  Water  Infrastructure:
       Innovations for  the  21st  Century
       Conference which brought together

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                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
      stakeholders  from   all  levels   of
      government and the private sector to
      explore creative methods for paying
      for  sustainable  water infrastructure
      today and into the future.
  .   Issued  the  Water  Quality Trading
      Toolkit for Permit Writers.,  which
      explains  how  to  implement  the
      National  Water  Quality  Trading
      Policy and is the first "how to trade"
      guidance  published by the Agency
      (August 2007).

  Plans   for   further   improvements
  .   Develop a Small Communities  Team
      work   plan  focused   on  better
      management of wastewater for small
      communities and disadvantaged  or
      underserved populations.
  .   Prepare a Drinking Water Capacity
      Development   Strategic   Plan   to
      ensure  that the  Agency's  outreach
      efforts  to  small  utilities  are well
      coordinated and effective.
  .   By end of summer of 2008, publish a
      series of "technical guides" that will
      provide  technical  information  for
      establishing trading programs in such
      areas as  water  quality monitoring
      and developing  scientifically-based
      trade ratios.
  .   By winter 2008, complete the Check
      Up  Program  for  Small  Systems
      software,  an asset management tool
      designed to help small systems.
  .   Work with the  Green Infrastructure
      Collaborative   workgroup   on   a
      strategy to expand the  use of  green
      infrastructure solutions.
  .   Host    a    National     Capacity
      Development Program  workshop to
      expand   outreach   and    explore
      solutions to the challenges faced by
      small systems.

  6.  Safe Drinking Water  Information
      Systems (SDWIS)
    Scope of Challenge: EPA's database for
    collecting drinking  water information is
   populated by data from states on drinking
    water  violations.    The  database  was
    designed to served as a compliance tracking
    system; however, the system depends solely
    on what  states report to EPA as drinking
    water violations.  OMB is concerned that the
    database is unable to determine definitively
    such questions as the number of systems in
    compliance,  posing  a problem for EPA 's
    Office of Water managers as they try to run
    a  program  based  upon  limited  non-
    compliance information from states.  OMB
    recommends  that   EPA   identify  better
    methods to account for violations, such as
    the stratified sampling of community water
    systems approach that the IG suggested in
   March 2004. (OMB)

EPA has worked  to improve  the SDWIS
database,  completing   a major  software
modernization in 2005 on-time and under-
budget.   Additionally, EPA has assessed
data quality  and outlined improvement in
our     triennial      Data      Reliability
Implementation/Action    Plan.         In
collaboration with states and the Association
of  State  Drinking  Water   Administrators
(ASDWA),  we are now implementing  a
comprehensive  data  quality improvement
plan.  EPA  and ASDWA have  agreed on a
data quality goal of 90 percent for health-
based  violation  data   by  the  2008-2010
triennial  evaluation period:   10  states have
already  met  this goal, and  the Agency is
tracking   progress  through  its   annual
performance goals and  measures.

EPA has focused its efforts to improve data
quality on two objectives: (1) ensuring that
the system that receives and maintains the
data is  technologically  robust  and  user
friendly;   and  (2)   ensuring   that   the
compliance decisions made at the state level
are appropriate and accurately  entered into
the data  system.    EPA has  undertaken
considerable effort  in the last several years
to modernize the SDWIS/FED database and

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improve the  SDWIS/STATE  application.
The Agency has identified completeness of
data as an  important issue  affecting data
quality.  On-site  data  verifications  (DVs)
have  proven  critical  to  identifying data
quality  gaps  and potential  root  causes.
OGWDW  has adhered to  a robust data
verification audit process, conducting 15 DV
audits in each  of FYs 2005, 2006, and 2007,
and plans an additional 15 per year in FYs
2008 and 2009.

    Highlights of progress include:
    .   Completed  SDWIS modernization.
       Implemented a  comprehensive data
       quality  improvement  plan  for the
    .   Provided   extensive   training   to
       primacy    agencies   on   making
       compliance determinations.
    .   Developed  an  electronic tool  that
       allows  states to validate their data in
       advance of data submission to EPA
       in order to  ensure data completeness
       and enhance data quality.

    Plans   for    further   improvements
    .   Continue efforts  related  to training,
       tool development, and completion of
       the     next     Data    Reliability
       Improvement/Action Plan.
    .   Continue to  review  the results of
       DVs, both on-site and eDVs.
    .   In FY 2008, pilot the use of the eDV
       tool as a means to allow states to
       validate their data  in  advance of
       submission to SDWIS/FED.
    .   Continue to work with ASDWA to
       address documentation of a subset of
       state policy decisions  on compliance
       determinations   that  deviate  from
       regulatory requirements.

    7.  Water  Quality Monitoring and
    Scope  of Challenge:   While EPA has
    made progress in monitoring water quality,
    OMB  remains concerned  about  EPA's
    ability  to  provide  a  statistically  valid
    national assessment  of water  quality for
    decision-making at the national, state, and
    regional levels.    OMB believes  EPA's
    allowance of states to use Section 106 funds
    to  assess   non-statistically  valid  water
    quality  monitoring has  exacerbated  the
    water quality data problem by extending the
    time  it  will take EPA and  states to have
    complete probabilistic programs in place.
    EPA needs to limit the use of the additional
    Section    106  funds   to   probabilistic
    monitoring activities.  (OMB)

EPA believes the use of 106 funds for non-
probabilistic   monitoring  efforts provides
regions and states with flexibility they need
in assessing water quality. On  March 29,
2006,  EPA published  "Guidelines for the
Award of Monitoring Initiative Funds under
Section  106  Grant  to  States,  Interstate
Agencies,  and  Tribes"   in  the  Federal
Register.       These  guidelines  outline
eligibility  requirements and  allocation  of
Monitoring Initiative  funds (e.g., $8.5M for
state/tribal  participation in national surveys,
less minor  rescission,  and  $10.0M   for
enhancements to  state monitoring programs,
less minor rescission).   In May 2007, the
Deputy   Administrator   negotiated   an
agreement   allowing   EPA  to  continue
allocating the funds using this approach and
incorporating  a performance-based standard
that will provide EPA and states with the
incentive to undertake  additional statistical
survey programs.

EPA's   regional   monitoring  and   grants
programs have been working  with states  to
distribute Monitoring Initiative funds based
on these guidelines.  We are making  steady
progress in working with states to adopt
probability  surveys  and  are  on track  for
meeting  the  performance measure  for  50
states implementing state surveys by 2011.

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                FY 2009 Annual Plan
   Highlights of progress include:
       Issued   the    Wadeable   Streams
       Assessment,  which  lays  out  the
       baseline conditions of streams in the
       lower 48 states.
   .   Completed the monitoring design for
       a  national  lakes   survey   (field
       sampling is underway).

   Plans   for   further   improvements
   .   Complete the monitoring design for
       the national rivers survey.
       Issue the  third   National  Coastal
       Condition Report,  which will further
       our understanding  of the trends in
       costal water conditions.
   8.  Strategies

    Scope of Challenge:  EPA's Chesapeake
    Bay Program  has over 100 measures  to
    assess progress  in  meeting  restoration
    commitments, but the Agency does not have
    an approach to translate the measures or a
    strategy  to  target  limited  resources   to
    activities  outlined in  Chesapeake 2000.
    While EPA is currently developing a Web-
    based   system   to   unify  its   planning
    documents,  these activities  do  not fully
    address     GAO 's      recommendations.
    Additionally, EPA has  made progress  in
    guiding  the  development  of an overall
    strategy   for   restoring   environmental
    conditions  in   the  Great  Lakes  Basin.
    However, it is  unclear whether the strategy
    will be the  guiding  document for Great
    Lakes  restoration.   The Agency needs a
    clearly defined organizational structure with
    measurable   basin-wide  goals   and   a
    monitoring system as called for in the Great
    Lakes  Water Quality Agreement and  the
    Clean Water Act.  The Agency also needs to
   follow  through  to ensure that progress is
    made on achieving the goals of the strategy.

In  May  2004,   President   Bush  signed
Executive Order  13340, creating a cabinet-
level  interagency  task force to  bring  an
unprecedented  level  of collaboration  and
coordination to restore and protect the Great
Lakes.    EPA's  Great   Lakes  National
Program Office (GLNPO) was cited in the
Order  and  given  the  responsibility  for
providing assistance  in  carrying  out  the
goals of the Order.  In addition, the Order
created a Federal Interagency Task Force to
bring  the  many   governmental   partners
together  to  protect and restore  the Great
Lakes. In December 2005, the Great Lakes
Regional Collaboration developed a strategy
to guide federal,   state,  tribal and other
partners' action to restore  the Great Lakes.
Federal commitments  have been identified
in the  Federal  Near-Term  Action  Plan  and
are being implemented. GLNPO is tracking
performance in improving the  Great Lakes
and  progress  toward  commitments in the
Federal Near-Term Action Plan.

To address  GAO  concerns regarding the
Chesapeake  Bay Program,  EPA has taken
steps to  enhance assessment and  reporting
on  the   health  and  restoration   of  the
Chesapeake  Bay.  EPA's  Chesapeake Bay
Program  Office is developing  a strategic
implementation plan  (SIP)  that  identifies
activities   for   achieving   health   and
restoration goals for  the  Chesapeake  Bay.
This  plan,  which  will  be completed  in
phases, includes five overarching goals and
ten key   commitments.    The first phase
focuses on federal actions and is expected to
be completed by the end of CY 2007.  To
date, federal partners (regional and national)
have   agreed  to the  goals  in   the  SIP,
determined the leads for each of the goals,
and agreed to develop a strategic  plan that
includes  annual goals and targets (based on
federal funding). The next phase of the SIP
will  focus on integrating state and federal

   Highlights  of progress include:
       Issued  an assessment report on the
       Chesapeake Bay which describes the

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                   FY 2009 Annual Plan
     current  health  of  the  Bay  and
     progress  made   in   implementing
     management actions.
     Redesigned how the Agency presents
     indicator  information   on  its Bay
     Trends and Indicators  website (refer
     tors, htm).
     Supported   the    Great    Lakes
     Interagency Task  Force in meeting
     its  requirement to submit  a  report
     that summarizes task force activities
     and recommendations  that advance
     the policy of Executive Order 13340.
     Completed  13  of  48  near  term
     actions, with almost all of the rest on
     track toward completion. Completed
     projects  include   a   standardized
     sanitary  survey  tool  for  beach
     managers   to   identify   pollution
     sources at beaches and $525,000 in
     grants piloting  the tool to assess 60
     beaches in the Great Lakes.   In
     addition,    Asian   Silver   Carp,
     Largescale  Silver  Carp, and  Black
     Carp  were listed as injurious under
     the Lacey Act; and the operation of
     the electric carp  barrier  in Illinois
     was continued, to  prevent the spread
     of these species into the Great Lakes.
     Coordinated with  NOAA, the U.S.
     Fish & Wildlife Service,  the Forest
     Service,  NRCS,    and   EPA  to
     collectively  provide   almost   $2
     million in federal  funding, and even
     more in leveraged  non-federal funds,
     to support 36 projects  to make on-
     the-ground  gains  in protecting and
     restoring  watersheds  in  the  Great
     Remediated  over  800,000  cubic
     yards  of  contaminated sediment at
     five sites  under  the  Great  Lakes
     Legacy Act. Through leveraging, we
     have   utilized  federal,  state,  and
     private dollars to remove 1.5 million
     pounds of  contaminated  sediments
   from  the   environment,   thereby
   reducing  risk  to  aquatic  life  and
   human health, including over 25,000
   pounds of PCBs,  over one million
   pounds  of chromium,  about  400
   pounds of mercury, and 171 pounds
   of lead.
.  Coordinated and leveraged resources
   with relevant agencies, including the
   Corps of Engineers, pursuant  to the
   Great    Lakes   Habitat/Wetlands
   Initiative   to   restore,  protect  or
   improve approximately 65,000 acres
   of wetlands towards a 100,000 acre
   near-term goal. Great Lakes  States
   have committed to  meet a  similar
   100,000 acre wetlands goal.
.  Established  the   Federal   Aquatic
   Invasive  Species  Rapid  Response
   Subcommittee  to coordinate Federal
   efforts to respond to aquatic invasive
   species entering  the Great  Lakes.
   The       Subcommittee        and
   Collaboration      partners      have
   developed     a    Communication
   Protocol   that   will   assist   in
   coordinating       efforts       and
   communication to stem new invaders
   to the Lakes and to ensure resources
   and expertise can be brought to bear
   to the problems of new invaders.

Plans   for   further   improvements
   Continue  to  work  with  partners to
   develop    basin-wide   goals    and
   indicators for the Great Lakes.
.  Continue  to work with Environment
   Canada  to develop  indicators  for
   measuring the health  of the  Great
   Conduct  an  independent  scientific
   review   of the  2006  assessment

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
   9.  Management of Leaking Under-
       ground Storage Tank(LUST)

   Scope of Challenge: EPA relies on states
   to ensure that tank owners and operators
   are  in compliance  with federal financial
   responsibility   regulations   under   the
   underground storage  tank program,   but
   does not provide specific guidance to states
   as to whether or how frequently they should
   verify coverage.  GAO  believes EPA lacks
   assurance   that  states  are   adequately
   overseeing    and   enforcing  financial
   responsibility  provisions   and  that   the
   Agency's  method of monitoring whether
   state  assurance funds  provide  adequate
   financial responsibility coverage is limited.
   In   addition,   GAO finds   that   EPA's
   distribution   of  Leaking   Underground
   Storage Tank Trust Fund money  to states
   depends on data that may be inaccurate, due
   to state reporting requirements. (GAO)

In  response  to   GAO's  report,   Leaking
Underground Storage  Tanks: EPA Should
Take Steps  to  Better  Ensure the  Effective
Use of Public Funding for  Cleanups, EPA
agrees  that regular verification  of financial
responsibility   coverage  is  important  to
ensure   adequate  funding for  cleaning  up
future releases.  The Energy Policy Act of
2005  (EPAct)  requires EPA or states, as
appropriate, to conduct on-site  inspections
of  USTs  every  3   years  to  determine
compliance  with requirements imposed by
Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act.
On April 24, 2007, EPA  issued final grant
guidelines to implement those requirements.
These guidelines require that the inspections
assess   compliance   with   the  financial
responsibility requirements.16

Additionally,  EPA  agrees   that increased
oversight of state assurance fund (state fund)
16 Grant Guidelines to States for Implementing the
Inspection Provisions of the Energy Policy Act of
2005, EPA 510-R-07-004, April 2007,
http://www.epa.gov/OUST/fedlaws/final i.htm
solvency is necessary and important. As the
report indicates, EPA recently developed a
monitoring  tool  to  assess  the  financial
condition of state funds.  EPA is working to
improve implementation and utility of that
tool.  Also, in response to EPAct, EPA is
working on guidance to revise and improve
its  process for  monitoring  the  financial
soundness of state funds and work with less
solvent  funds to improve  solvency.   EPA
expects  to complete this guidance in 2008.

Each year EPA distributes LUST Trust Fund
money,  under an  allocation  formula that
reflects  state performance  and need,  using
information reported by  states  in their end-
of-year  activity reports.   The information
contained in  these  reports, including the
number of releases  and the population of
active tanks,  indicates  program need and
program performance.   Nonetheless,  EPA
agrees with  GAO  that  it  is  important to
ensure the accuracy of  information used to
support  the LUST allocation formula.  EPA
will continue to work with regions and  states
to implement  quality control measures and,
in particular,  work  toward ensuring that
reported data is consistent with existing EPA
definitions and  is  limited  to  federally-
regulated USTs. In addition, as EPA begins
working  on   the   EPAct  requirements
pertaining  to  the  LUST  Trust   Fund
allocation,  it  will work with  regions and
states to consider other  changes to improve
the  distribution  of future LUST money,
including changes  that more  specifically
reflect the need at abandoned LUST sites.

   Highlights of progress include:
   .  Issued final   Grant Guidelines  on
      Inspection    Requirements,   Grant
      Guidelines    to     States    for
      Implementing    the    Inspection
      Provisions of the Energy Policy Act
      of                           2005.
      inal i.htm

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
  •   Continued to emphasize regions' use
      of the "Quality  Assurance/Quality
      Control Evaluation Checklist"  prior
      to  submitting their states'  mid-year
      and annual  performance activities.
      This checklist is a tool to ensure the
      quality of state and regional data.

  Plans   for   further   improvements
      Increase   efforts   to   assess   the
      solvency  of state funds by raising the
      level  of  attention  to this issue at
      national    level    and    providing
      guidance  to regions  on increasing
      their oversight of  state funds  and
      reporting  annually on their findings.

  10. Chemical Regulation

  Scope  of Challenge:    Recent  GAO
  reviews found that EPA does not routinely
  assess the risks of all existing chemicals and
  faces    challenges    in   obtaining   the
  information necessary to do so.  Although
  EPA initiated  the High Production  Volume
  (HPV)  Challenge Program,  it is  not yet
  clear  whether the  program  will produce
  sufficient information for EPA to  determine
  chemicals' risks  to  human health and the
  environment.   Furthermore, EPA 's  reviews
  of  new chemicals   provide  only  limited
  assurance  that health and environmental
  risks are  identified before  the  chemicals
  enter  commerce.    In  addition,  EPA has
  limited  ability   to  publicly share  the
  information  it   receives  from  chemical
  companies  under   TSCA.    GAO   has
  recommended   that  Congress   consider
  providing EPA additional authorities under
  TSCA  to  improve   its  ability  to assess
  chemical risks. GAO recommends that EPA
  develop and implement a methodology for
  using  information  collected  through the
  HPV   Challenge  Program   to  prioritize
  chemicals for further  review and  identify
  information needed  to  assess their risks;
  promulgate a  rule requiring  chemical
  companies to submit to EPA copies of health
  and safety studies  they  submit to  foreign
   governments;  develop  a   strategy   for
   validating  risk  assessment  models;  and
   revise regulations to require companies to
   reassert claims of confidentiality within a
   certain time period. (GAO)

EPA  will  continue work initiated in  FY
2007   to   evaluate  the  screening  level
chemical hazard  data  obtained through  the
U.S.  High  Production   Volume  (HPV)
Challenge    Program   and    companion
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development       (OECD)      Screening
Information  Data   Set  (SIDS)  Program.
These efforts, combined with the  expanded
exposure  information reported under  the
2006  TSCA  Inventory  Update  Reporting
(IUR) rule, will lead to the development of
risk-based prioritization documents for HPV
chemicals.  Similar work was initiated in FY
2008, and will continue in 2009, to develop
prioritization   documents  on   Moderate
Production   Volume   (MPV)   chemicals
(25,000 -  1  million  pounds/year).   This
work   is  included  in  the   Security  and
Prosperity  Partnership  agreement  between
the U.S., Canada and Mexico, under which
the U.S. committed to  assess and initiate
action  on   over  9,000  HPV  and MPV
chemicals by 2012. The risk- and hazard-
based   prioritization  documents   identify
needed  actions  on  chemicals presenting
potential risks.   Actions initiated  by EPA
could   involve    voluntary   information
collection,    chemical   testing,    or   risk
reduction efforts and regulatory actions such
as Significant New  Use  Rules (SNURs),
Section 4  Test  Rules,  or other  rules  to
prevent unreasonable risks.

In addition,  EPA  continues to follow  the
Council   on   Regulatory  Environmental
Monitoring    guidance    for   evaluating
environmental models. EPA is also working
internally  to validate  the  use of  Structure
Activity Relationships  assessment  tools,
giving the Agency confidence in the models

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                   FY 2009 Annual Plan
and tools it uses to investigate potential risks
from new chemicals.

   Highlights of progress include:
   .   Completed  screening-level  hazard
       characterization reports for 301 HPV
       chemicals, exceeding the  FY 2007
       target of 259.  Cumulative progress
       is 931.
       Completed   33   Proposed  Acute
       Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs)
       which emergency planners and first
       responders use to prepare for  and
       deal  with chemical emergencies by
       determining  safe exposure  levels.
       (This  brings  the cumulative  total
       since 2006 to 56.)
   .   Developed  and  released  a  Global
       Data Portal, which allows searching,
       viewing, and exchanging of test data
       between the United States, European
       Union,  and   other   governments
       (2008).       (See       http://cs3-
       hq. oecd. org/scripts/hpv/   for  more
   .   Hosted the "National HPV Chemical
       Data    Users     Conference"    in
       December 2006  and  two  regional
       conferences  in   2007,   and  used
       feedback   to    improve   public
       accessibility to the HPV data.
   .   Collected expanded  screening level
       exposure-related    data    on   an
       estimated 7 to 8 thousand chemicals,
       including   processing    and   use
       exposure-related       data     on
       approximately    40%   of   those
       chemicals, under IUR.
       Initiated  the   Nanoscale  Materials
       Stewardship  Program (NMSP)  to
       better characterize existing chemical
       risks from nanoscale materials.

   Plans  for  further  improvements
   •   Increase the production of HPV risk-
       based   decisions  to   bring   the
    cumulative total to from 150 to 490
    chemicals in FY 2009.
•   Increase the number of MPV hazard-
    based decisions from 55 anticipated
    in FY 2008 to 650 planned for FY
•   Industry will contribute as well to
    the 3,000 HPV chemical component
    of the SPP commitments through the
    industry-led     Extended      High
    Production    Volume    Challenge
    Program (EHPV), which focuses on
    approximately  500 chemicals  that
    achieved HPV status  after the HPV
    Challenge Program had commenced.
•   Implement  its NMSP, which  will
    gather existing data on manufactured
    nanoscale  materials and  encourage
    the  development  of  additional test
•   Complete the development of a final
    HPV Challenge report  and make it
    publicly available.
•   Evaluate options  to  change  the
    Voluntary    Children's    Chemical
    Evaluation Program (VCCEP) based
    on experience gained during the pilot
    phase  of  the program.    Options
    include modifying certain features of
    the  program to  enable VCCEP to
    operate more rapidly and efficiently,
    and  applying  the  VCCEP  approach
    to further  evaluate HPV  Challenge
    chemicals for which EPA has special
    concerns after completing screening-
    level  hazard,  exposure   and  risk

11. Enforcement and Compliance

Scope  of  Challenge:    With  budget
constraints  and  limited resources and the
Nation's     high     expectations    for
environmental protection, EPA must develop
more flexible and cost-effective approaches
for managing  environmental  enforcement
and compliance programs.   The Agency

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
   needs to intensify efforts  to move from a
   performance management system focused on
   inspections  toward  a system  focused on
   achieving measurable improvements; ensure
   that funds are used to achieve consistent and
   equitable  enforcement;  and  develop  an
   effective workforce strategy and assessment
   system    to    ensure    resources   are
   appropriately allocated. Additionally, EPA
   needs to improve its enforcement data to
   determine the universe of regulated entities
   and  their  characteristics  and   address
   apparent   inconsistencies   in   program
   delivery  among EPA's  regional offices.

EPA  has made  considerable  progress in
recent   years    in    developing    and
implementing a  performance and results-
based national enforcement and  compliance
program.  In FY 2005, the Agency began to
focus   its   national    enforcement   and
compliance     program    on     "national
enforcement     priority"     areas     of
noncompliance   that    have   the   most
significant effects on public  health and the
environment.      These   priorities   were
determined in consultation with  the regions
and states and were set for an initial 3-year
cycle of 2005-2007.  For each priority area,
the Agency developed a specific  strategy for
targeting and achieving results. The Agency
also developed specific measures of success,
including the  key  outcome measure  of
"pounds of pollution reduced or treated" and
used a limited number of key management
measures,   developed   in   concert   with
regional measures, to  monitor its  progress
and ensure the accomplishment of its annual

In FY07, the Agency  again  consulted with
regions and  states to determine whether the
current set  of priorities should remain in
place for the next 3-year cycle, and whether
additional    environmental     risk    and
noncompliance    problems   should    be
considered.   The consensus indicated that
the current  priorities  remain  the highest
priority problems  of national  significance.
The  Agency evaluated progress toward the
goals set for each of the  national priorities
using  data  derived  from  key  measures.
Based on   that analysis,  strategies  were
adjusted where needed to ensure efforts are
focused  appropriately,   and   goals   and
measures were refined to better articulate
and   measure  the  effectiveness  of  the
Agency's national enforcement program.
EPA has implemented several measures and
management practices to ensure equitable
and   consistent  enforcement   across  the
nation.    We  have  established  national
enforcement  priorities;   created  national
Strategy   Implementation   Teams,   with
regional  and  headquarters  members,  to
develop the implementation  plans for each
national  priority   area;  issued  national
policies and guidance; and implemented the
State Review Framework to  enhance the
Agency's ability to  evaluate  and oversee
state programs.

EPA  continues work  to ensure  that  its
resources are directed to the most significant
risks to public health and the environment.
Identifying national enforcement priorities is
critical to this  effort, and EPA has used a
collaborative   process   that    examines
noncompliance  in  a  particular  candidate
area, the environmental gains from reducing
or  eliminating  the  problem,   and  the
appropriateness of an active Federal role in
achieving compliance. For the  past 5 years,
the  Agency   has   reserved   funds  for
addressing  resource gaps in implementing
these national priorities.  Teams responsible
for overseeing the implementation of each of
the priorities develop competitive proposals
to fund activities,  tools, and technology to
support  implementation.     Preference  in
funding is given to proposals that leverage
existing  resources,  improve   efficiency,
address unmet needs, and have the greatest
potential to produce results.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                    FY 2009 Annual Plan
  Highlights of progress include:
  .  Reduced, treated, or eliminated  890
     million pounds of pollutants and 1.5
     million cubic yards of contaminated
     soil and water in FY 2007.
  .  Issued  the  Guide  for  Addressing
     Environmental Problems:  Using an
     Integrated   Strategic   Approach,
     which    provides    guidance   on
     selecting the  appropriate  tools  to
     address      noncompliance     and
     environmental problems in a specific
     context in order  to achieve the best
     Conducted   a  detailed  data-driven
     review of the  performance of each
     region's      compliance       and
     enforcement program including fact-
     based   discussion   with   regions
     regarding their results.
  .  Implemented the SRF to ensure that
     regional  offices  conduct consistent
     oversight of states, and that  states
     consistently              implement
     environmental           enforcement
     programs. The SRF provides critical
     information  on a state's or region's
     core  environmental and  compliance
     assurance  performance  based  on
     existing  data  available in  EPA's
     national  database.   With  funding
     from  OPEI,  began   an  in-depth
     program  evaluation of the SRF to
     enable    adjustments    aimed   at
     maximizing  its effectiveness.   The
     review process  has included  state
     and regional participation to ensure
     all  stakeholders'  experiences  and
     perspectives  are considered.
  .  Developed   the  Key  Management
     Measures    Report    for    senior
     managers, which highlights key data
     on    significant    noncompliance,
     raising the visibility and scrutiny of
     such information.
  .  In December 2007, held a workshop
     in which experts discussed  white
     papers on the state of the science of
    measuring   compliance   assistance
    outcomes as  well  as general  and
    specific   deterrent    impacts   of
    monitoring and enforcement.

Plans   for   further   improvements
.   Work    toward   developing   an
    environmental       problem-based
    strategic  architecture  centered  on
    enforcement,    monitoring,     and
    assistance.    This will replace the
    current tool-based objectives.
.   Building  on  the   findings   and
    recommendations in the white papers
    discussed above, the  Agency  will
    explore  the  feasibility  of  a  pilot
    project   aimed   at  developing  a
    methodology for measuring  general
    deterrence within specific sectors.

12. Workforce  Planning/Human
    Capital Management

Scope  of Challenge:   OIG and GAO
believe   that  EPA   continues   to   face
challenges in managing human capital and
workforce planning, including its ability to
attract,   develop,   and retain  a  skilled,
diverse,  and  results-oriented  workforce.
Although   EPA    has    completed   a
comprehensive Strategic Workforce Plan for
maintaining the right  people,  at the  right
location, and at  the  right  time,  an  OIG
review of the Agency's workforce planning
effort reveals challenges which may affect
the Agency's ability to get to "green " status
on  the  PMA  scorecard.   GAO finds  that
despite  EPA's progress  in  improving the
management  of  its  human capital,  the
Agency has not effectively implemented its
human capital strategic plan and needs to
comprehensively  assess its workforce  and
continue monitoring its progress to ensure a
well-trained and motivated workforce  with
the right mix of skills and experience.  GAO
further notes  that if EPA is to improve its
resource planning  process,  the  Agency
needs  to obtain  reliable  data  on  key
workload indicators and design budget and

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                   FY 2009 Annual Plan
   cost accounting systems  that can isolate
   resources  needed  and  allocated  to  key
   activities. (OIG and GAO)

In FY  2001,  EPA  acknowledged  human
capital (HC) as an Agency-level weakness.
Over  the  years, the  Agency has  made
significant progress in strengthening its HC
program. This included developing a robust
HC accountability program, improving the
HC audit program, expanding the Agency's
leadership   development    programs   to
enhance  skills  and  ensure continuity  of
leadership, and establishment of a workforce
planning system.   As  of FY  2007,  the
Agency   had   completed   all   of   its
improvements   except   for  a  few  final
improvements  to  address  the  workforce
planning component  of the human capital
weakness identified in FY 2001. To address
the workforce planning  concerns identified
by  OIG  and  GAO,  EPA  developed  a
workforce            planning/competency
management system  that gauges skill  gaps
and  guides the design  of strategies  for
closing the gaps. EPA has worked  closely
with  OMB  and the  Office  of Personnel
Management (OPM)  to  align the Agency's
Human   Capital  Strategy   to  meet  the
objectives  outlined   in  the  President's
Management Agenda (PMA) as it relates to
the  Strategic  Management  of  Human
Capital. The Agency  expects to complete all
final  corrective  actions  related  to   this
weakness in FY 2008.

   Highlights of progress include:
   .   In  FY  2007, retained a  "green"
       progress  score for  Human  Capital
       under the PMA in every quarter, and
       remained  on  target  to  attain  a
       "green"  status score  in  December
   .   Completed  implementation  of  all
       cycles  of the workforce  planning
       process for EPA's priority  Mission
       Critical Occupations, resulting in no
       major competency or resource gaps.
.   Completed  implementation   of  a
    complete,   self-directed   Human
    Capital  Accountability  system  for
.   Continued  preparation   for   full
    implementation  of  the  electronic
    Official Personnel Folders (e-OPF).
.   Completed    initial     cost-benefit
    analysis   on  HR   LoB  initiative
    options for EPA HR IT systems  and
    completed initial  analysis  of EPA
    HR consolidation  options  for EPA
    HR operations.
.   Launched  the "Successful Leaders
    Program" as  the  new EPA-wide
    mandatory new  supervisors training
.   Achieved EPA's objective for SES
    time-to-hire of  less than  73 days
    between advertisement  and offer.
.   Implemented  the second successful
    round of the EPA Agency-wide SES
    mobility program.
.   Achieved  full  certification  from
    OPM  for  EPA's   SES pay   and
    performance system.
    Completed a full succession planning
    analysis   for   EPA   SES   critical
    positions,  exceeding   targets  for
.   Completed a  new EPA Recruiting

Plans   for   further   improvements
.   Complete all final corrective  actions
    for workforce  planning related to  this
    weakness in FY 2008.

13. Grants Management

Scope of Challenge:  GAO  believes  that
while  EPA  has issued a  5-year grants
management  plan  and made  progress in
achieving    reforms,    weaknesses    in
implementation and accountability continue
to hamper effective grants  management.  In
particular, GAO cites problems remaining

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
   in  documenting  ongoing  monitoring  of
   grantee performance and  in  closing out
   grants.     EPA's   lack   of  monitoring
   documentation hinders the Agency's ability
   to collect important data  and ensure that
   grant  recipients  have  met all  financial
   requirements.  (OIG and GAO)

In FY 2000, EPA acknowledged assistance
agreements  as an Agency-level weakness.
Over the  years, the  Agency  has  taken
substantial   actions    to    improve   its
management  of   assistance   agreements
through updated  policies, increased training,
and improved accountability.  While grants
management  will   continue  to   require
sustained management attention, the Agency
has in place an infrastructure responsive to
the concerns identified by OIG and GAO.
EPA  has   completed   and   validated  the
effectiveness  of  all   corrective   actions
associated with this  weakness. The Agency
closed this weakness in September 2007.

   Highlights of progress include:
   .   Continued    to   enhance    grant
       management    skills    of   EPA
       employees    through    mandatory
       training.   As a result, virtually all
       EPA  grants  are  now managed by
       certified project officers.
       To strengthen oversight and respond
       to    GAO    and   internal   EPA
       recommendations, EPA developed  a
       revised   Post-Award   Monitoring
       Order that becomes effective January
   .   Implemented the  Agency's  Green
       Plan  for   the  improvement   of
       financial   data,   specifically   the
       interface   between   the  Integrated
       Grants Management  System and the
       Integrated  Financial  Management
   .   Conducted  a  two-phase  study  to
       review the  identified  output  and
       outcomes  of grant work plans and
       the progress reports that follow these
       work plans.
   .   Continued    to    implement    the
       Agency's revised competition policy,
       having competed  almost  92 percent
       of    new    grants,     exceeding
       performance  targets  in the Grants
       Management Plan.

   Plans  for   further   improvements
   .   Sustain   management  attention  to
       grants management.
   .   Maintain   the   infrastructure   the
       Agency  has established in response
       to issues identified  by  GAO and

   14.  Financial Management Practices

   Scope  of  Challenge:    GAO annual
   reviews  of EPA 's  budget justification and
   related  financial  management  practices
   have   identified   several   management
   challenges:    the need  for  enhancing
   oversight of processes  for conducting and
   tracking  closeouts of expired  contracts,
   grants,  and  interagency agreements and
   limitations in the Agency's ability to account
   for its spending on voluntary programs or
   certain fixed  costs, including security and
   utilities. GAO believes EPA  also needs to
   better   account  for   and   report   on
   deobligations  and recertifications of expired
   funds. (GAO)

EPA currently uses several financial systems
to account  for Agency spending.   The
Integrated  Financial Management System
(IFMS) is based on  1980s technology and
has required several  work-around databases
and   modules   to   track   expenditures
effectively. The Budget Automation System
(BAS) system, for example,  tracks program
budgets in  more detail than IFMS permits.
The  Agency's  Business Intelligence  Tool
(ORBIT) was recently upgraded, and  some
program offices  have been unable to utilize
fully  the system's  capabilities.   EPA  is
developing a replacement system for IFMS

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                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
that will enable better practices in financial
management.  While a temporary interim fix
would be  to create  additional  sub-object
class  codes  for fixed costs,  the Agency
already tracks utility  costs  closely and is
taking steps to further improve the oversight
of utility and security charges.

In response to  GAO's concerns regarding
closeout  of   expired  contracts,  EPA's
contracting   officers  review  all   expired
contracts on a monthly basis and report to
Office Directors and  Deputy Directors on
the status  of closeout actions.  Whenever
possible, the Agency performs desk reviews
to expedite  contract  closeouts.  However,
when   we    encounter   issues   with   a
contractor's  direct or indirect cost rates  or
potential claims about the  completion  of
work or deliverables under  a contract, we
cannot close the contract  and deobligate all
unliquidated obligations immediately after it
expires.  In these cases, not only EPA but
either party may recover funds.

   Highlights of progress include:
   .   Installed    advanced    web-based
       metering  systems at  the Research
       Triangle Park  field  office,  which
       covers 40 percent of EPA's  total
       energy usage.
   .   Completed  advance  metering  site
       visits at 75 percent of its other  field

   Plans   for   further   improvements
       Continue to review   energy  usage
       quarterly    for   each    reporting
       Complete remaining  25  percent  of
       advance metering site visits.
   .   Begin implementing the EPAct 2005
       requirements  to  install  "advance
       metering at all appropriate facilities
       by 2012.
    15. Managing for Results

    Scope  of Challenge:   OIG states that
    while many of EPA's programs  received
    high PART scores in areas such as program
    purpose  and  program  management,  the
    Agency continues to face challenges  in
    demonstrating program results due to the
    lack of independent evaluations of sufficient
    scope  and quality;  the failure to collect
    timely    and    credible    performance
    information; the lack of  ambitious targets
    and time frames for long-term measures; and
    the  failure  to  tie   budget  requests  to
    accomplishing  performance goals.   OIG
    believes EPA needs to focus on the logic of
    program design to  ensure  that programs
    and processes have clear and measurable
    results  that allow for  transparency and
    accountability  for program  performance.
    Further, OIG believes EPA needs to develop
    a systematic  process for conducting  its
    program evaluations,  including leveraging
    resources   for   program    evaluation
    competitions and  establishing  a community
    of   knowledgeable    and    experienced
    evaluators   from    which    to    draw.
    Additionally, EPA must continue its efforts
    to improve strategic planning  and tracking
    of accomplishments  and their associated
    costs. (OIG)

Over the  past  years,   national programs,
regional offices,  and the Agency's  external
stakeholders have worked collaboratively to
strengthen  results-based  management  at
EPA.  In FY 2006, the Agency issued  its
2006-2011 Strategic Plan,  which charts  an
ambitious    course    for   environmental
protection over the next 5 years and focuses
on  achieving measurable results that will
help advance the protection  of human health
and the environment. The revised Strategic
Plan reflects  more  outcome-oriented goals
and   objectives    and    benefits    from
information on environmental indicators and
from  futures   analysis.    The   Agency
continues  to  improve   the  quality  of  its
performance measures as well  as its ability
to track the cost of achieving environmental

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                   FY 2009 Annual Plan
results  by   reducing   reporting  burden,
strengthening data quality,  and reinforcing

OMB   acknowledges  EPA's   significant
accomplishments  in  the  area  of Financial
Performance  and  Budget and  Performance
Integration under the PMA.  For the 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th quarters of FY  2007, EPA received
status and progress scores of "green" for its
continued use of financial and performance
information    in     day-to-day    program
management  and  decision  making.   EPA
also   continued   efforts  to   streamline
efficiency measures.

   Highlights of progress include:
   .  Enhanced  the Annual Commitment
      System (ACS)  to track  three new
      classes   of    measures   (Senior
      Executive   Service   organizational
      assessment, state grant template, and
      regional priorities). The system also
      flags  measures  that contribute  to
      OMB's PART reviews.
   .  Launched  a  new intranet website
      (http://intranet.epa.gov/ocfo/acs)  to
      provide    Agency    staff    with
      information  on  ACS  development
      and   the     annual    performance
      commitment process.
   .  Developed new detailed performance
      reports through the  Office of the
      Chief Financial  Officer's Reporting
      and   Business   Intelligence   Tool
   .  Retired   the   Management    and
      Accounting   Reporting    Systems
      (MARS), saving $1 million annually
      and improving Agency access to key
      budget and   financial  management
      Achieved    OMB   approval    of
      efficiency  measures  for  all 51  of
      EPA's completed PART programs.
   .  Issued the 2006-2011 Strategic Plan,
      which reflects  a  sharper  focus  on
      priorities    established    by    the
   Administrator  (i.e.,  environmental
   justice, innovation and collaboration,
   environmental stewardship,  and the
   role of state and tribal partners).
.  Received  a "green"  status score for
   Budget and Performance Integration
   under the PMA for the 2nd and 3rd
   Quarters of FY 2007.
.  Maintained and  improved the ACS
   as  a  management  tool  for senior
   managers  to  support  more effective
   program   management and  use  of
   results in Agency decision making.

Plans for further improvements:
.  Identify  and  implement  initiatives
   that support the  Agency's vision for
   greater    central   governance    of
   performance  measures and  stronger
   program      and     organizational
   Improve senior managers' access to
   the     Agency's     performance
   information  by  modifying   data
   systems   (BAS,   PERS,   ACS)  to
   include a  "measures central" screen.
   The screen will improve the usability
   of the data system  and  serve  as  a
   filter  for   all  Agency performance
   measures  (GPRA, QMR, and senior
   management measures).
.  Identify and endorse a limited set of
   "top tier" measures and  integrate
   them   in  the  FY   2008  National
   Program  Managers  Guidance,  FY
   2008  annual  commitment  process,
   and FY 2009 budget.
   Continue  to  promote and  maintain
   ORBIT as a  primary reporting tool
   for Agency  budget,  financial,   and
   performance data.
.  Expand the Agency's use of the  state
   grant template to report on FY 2007
   results, increasing transparency  and
   ensuring   that   state  grants   are
   accountable  for achieving EPA's

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    16. Data Gaps/Environmental

    Scope of Challenge:  While noting EPA's
   progress in addressing critical data gaps in
    its environmental information, both OIG and
    GAO believe the Agency still lacks the data
    it needs  to  manage  for  environmental
    results.   OIG notes that data needed to
    measure program success, to improve  risk
    assessments,   and   to   understand  the
    effectiveness of specific  controls are  not
    always available and recommends that EPA
    continue efforts to set priorities for filling
    data  gaps and that it  develop  new  and
    strengthen  existing  outreach programs to
    leverage data collection  efforts with states,
    tribes, territories, and industries. GAO cites
    challenges   the Agency  faces in filling
    critical  data gaps  to  incorporate better
    scientific understanding into assessments of
    environmental  trends and conditions and to
    develop better performance  measures for
    managing   programs    and   measuring
   program effectiveness. (OIG and GAO)

As  part of its  strategic  planning, EPA
continues to implement and refine processes
to identify  data gaps and to set priorities for
addressing them.  For example, the Agency
is coordinating  the  draft Report  of  the
Environment   (ROE)   with   its  strategic
planning and budgeting process.  As part of
developing   EPA's   2006-2011   Strategic
Plan, national  program managers  (NPMs)
considered the suite of ROE questions  and
indicators    to   help    develop   better
environmental   performance   goals   and
measures and to identify and  set  priorities
for filling gaps in the information needed to
manage  programs.     NPMs   were  also
required to develop  preliminary strategies
for  improving  performance  measures  to
make  them  more  environmental-outcome
oriented.  Each strategy identified  priorities
for filling  key  data  gaps to meet  the most
critical   needs  and   provided  a  brief
recommendation  on  how to address critical
gaps in program data.
    Highlights of progress include:
    .   Developed  a  pilot  (endorsed  by
       Indicators Steering Committee) that
       assesses how the ROE and strategic
       planning efforts can best inform and
       support one another.
       Completed the Water pilot, as part of
       the ROE/Strategic Plan pilots.
    .   Briefed  the   Indicators   Steering
       Committee   on   the   preliminary
       accomplishments       of       the
       ROE/Strategic Plan Pilot.
    .   Implemented a comprehensive work
       plan to measure the performance of
       the Exchange Network.

    Plans   for   further    improvements
       Continue to further refine the process
       to identify and prioritize data gaps
       identified in the ROE as part of the
       Agency's   Strategic  Plan   and
       budgeting planning processes.

    17.  Data Standards and Data  Quality

    Scope of Challenge:  OIG acknowledges
    that EPA has a substantive effort in place to
    develop  data standards  and guide  their
    implementation but notes that standards are
    not  yet incorporated  into all information
    collections.  OIG also notes the need for
    EPA and its partners to continue to focus on
    ensuring that data are of sufficient quality
   for  decision-making  (e.g.,  assess  the
    integrity of laboratories' drinking  water
    data and incorporate techniques  into the
    laboratory  oversight  process  to identify
    improper  practices   and  fraud  into  the
    laboratory   oversight  process).      OIG
    recommends EPA set protocols  for data
    system training  (e.g., data entry)  to ensure
    that decision makers will have  immediate
    access to reliable water quality data during
    an emergency. (OIG)

EPA  declared  "Implementation   of Data
Standards" an Agency-level weakness under
FMFIA in FY 2005,  and has  since  made

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                   FY 2009 Annual Plan
progress in addressing challenges related to
data standards and data quality. The Agency
currently has in place a  corrective  action
strategy that  addresses issues identified by
OIG.    In   response  to  OIG   concerns
regarding the integrity of laboratories, EPA
continues to  require laboratories  to submit
Quality Assurance Reports and Work Plans
annually.  In accordance  with  a  February
2004  policy  directive  developed by  the
Agency's     Science    Policy     Council,
laboratories are to  seek accreditation from
independent  accrediting   organizations   or
conduct independent external assessments of
their  laboratory practices  to demonstrate
competency.    As of  April 2007,  nine
laboratories   have   achieved  accreditation.
While EPA has completed the  milestones
associated     with     correcting     its
"Implementation    of   Data    Standards"
weakness, we will continue to monitor and
verify performance, promote awareness, and
develop training modules to implement data

As  part of  its  strategic  planning,  EPA
continues to implement and refine processes
to identify data gaps and to set priorities for
addressing them.  The Office of  the Chief
Financial  Officer  (OCFO)  directed   the
Office of Research and Development (ORD)
to work with the  Office of Environmental
Information  (OEI)  and the Report on  the
Environment  (ROE) Steering Committee to
identify Agency priorities for environmental
indicators,    monitoring,    and    related
information.       This    effort    includes
consideration of the Preliminary  Strategies
developed as  part of the 2006-2011 strategic
planning process  and the  ongoing  ROE
Pilots.  In response to the CFO's direction,
the ROE Steering Committee is working to
identify the most strategic monitoring/data-
development  or informational priorities that
should  be  taken  into  account  in  future
Agency budget strategies as well  as the next
round of strategic planning.
Highlights of progress include:
   Initiated a ranking process to identify
   the  priorities   for  environmental
   indicators,  monitoring  and  related
   information.     Results   from  the
   ranking process will be reviewed by
   the ROE  Steering Committee, the
   Science  Policy  Council  Steering
   Committee,   ad    the    Regional
   Planners.  A report will be completed
   in early 2008  and will  be used to
   inform  the FY 2010  planning and
   budgeting   and   the   2009-2014
   strategic planning process.
.  Developed a  communications plan
   promoting     implementation    of
   upcoming  standards and awareness
   of     associated    documentation,
   including  implementation strategy,
   procedures, and best practices.
.  Issued a semi-annual Data Standards
   "Report  Card"  designed  to  track
   program  implementation  of  data
.  Reviewed       data       standards
   implementation   for   all   systems
   managed under one prime contractor.

Plans   for   further   improvements
   Continue  to refine the  process to
   identify and rank data gaps identified
   in the  ROE as part of the Agency's
   Strategic   Plan  and  budget  and
   planning processes.
.  Design and launch a new EPA data
   standards website that will provide
   data standards  and implementation
   information for EPA program offices
   and system developers.
.  Continue to monitor implementation
   of data standards within the Registry
   of EPA Application and Databases
   and  publish  the semi-annual  Data
   Standards Report Card.

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                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
    18. Information  Technology  Systems
       Development and Implementation

    Scope of  Challenge:    While  EPA  has
    made some improvements in IT  system
    development  and   implementation,   the
    Agency needs more management controls
    and oversight to ensure that IT projects meet
    the performance  standards established by
    OMB.   OIG believes EPA needs  to:  (I)
    ensure high-risk IT projects do not exceed
    prescribed cost and schedule variances; (2)
    ensure that offices complete system life cycle
    documentation in a  timely manner; and (3)
   finalize  its draft November 2006 Earned
    Value Management Procedures,  which  are
    used to assist project managers in collecting
    and reporting on performance of major IT
    investments. (OIG)

In its September 2005 report, "EPA Needs
to  Improve Oversight  of Its  Information
Technology  Projects," OIG noted that EPA
has  experienced system development  and
implementation  problems  and   did   not
sufficiently oversee information technology
(IT) projects to ensure they met planned
budgets and schedules.

In response to OIG's audit findings, EPA
developed   an  action  plan  to  enhance
management control  and oversight.   The
action plan calls for formally delegating the
responsibility   for  independent  oversight
review, adding  a  question  in  the Capital
Planning and Investment  Control (CPIC)
process focusing  on  System  Life  Cycle
documentation  and approvals,  and further
emphasizing  the importance of reviewing
solutions architecture documents.   It also
calls  for revising  the System  Life  Cycle
Management  Procedures  and   continued
outreach   and   education   for   senior
management   and   Senior   Information
Officials.  While EPA's Chief Information
Officer (CIO)  has the lead for  ensuring
effective IT  project management, primary
authority and responsibility  lies  with  the
senior manager in the office that owns the IT
project, with appropriate  oversight by  the

   Highlights of progress include:
   .   Received certification from program
       and  regional   Senior  Information
       Officials  that all IT  acquisitions of
       $2 million or more  had undergone an
       E-Gov,   Line   of  Business,   and
       SmartBuy review.
   .   Ensured   that   program   offices
       completed      Earned      Value
       Management  (EVM) analysis   and
       reporting for on-going development
   .   Developed  Enterprise Architecture
       Governance Procedures that require
       review,  approval,  and  certification
       that   solutions   architectures   are
       aligned with both  federal and EPA
       enterprise architectures.
       Conducted  outreach  briefings  for
       Agency Senior Information Officials,
       discussing   CPIC    and   project
   .   Issued    the    draft    Enterprise
       Architecture     Program     2007
       Architecture Development Standard
       and Guidance.

   Plans  for   further   improvements
   .   Finalize  the  draft  Earned  Value
       Management Procedures by the  end
       of         FY 2008.  The draft is
       currently being reviewed by program
       Continue   to    conduct   outreach
       briefings with senior management.
   .   Conduct   annual  EVM  program
       reviews with project managers.
   .   Continue   to    work   with   the
       appropriate  office to  ensure  that
       EVM  systems  are   included   in
       contracts and to establish guidelines
       for project/program compliance  and
       system certification.

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                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
    19.  Privacy Programs

    Scope of Challenge:  The protection of
   personally identifiable information (PII) has
    become the subject of recent oversight by
    OMB.    Like  many  agencies,  EPA  is
    challenged in  focusing  on  its  privacy
    responsibilities and integrating privacy into
    E-Gov  and   other   mandated   privacy
    activities.  EPA needs to update overarching
   policies   outlining   administration   and
    management  of  the   privacy  program;
    complete plans  to ensure  compliance with
   privacy program policies and  procedures
    and establish  oversight;  and continue to
    establish practices to help privacy program
    managers  measure  the  success  of the
   program. EPA program and regional offices
    must  work  together  to  ensure  program
    success.   EPA  needs  to  complete  and
    implement privacy program guidance and
    other planned activities.  (OIG)

EPA acknowledges that it faces  challenges
in establishing privacy programs, including
revising    and    developing     policies,
establishing  oversight and accountability,
ensuring   compliance,   and   measuring
success.  However, over the past  year, EPA
has made significant progress  in integrating
its   privacy   and   security    reporting
responsibilities into its business processes.

In  June  2006, the  Agency  established  a
Personal  Identifiable  Information   (PII)
Workgroup  under the Quality Information
Council  to identify and  implement short-
and long-term actions to protect PII from
unauthorized access and  disclosure.  The
workgroup  developed an  action  plan  to
ensure that key  privacy initiatives are met
and that the critical tenets of the privacy
program are accomplished. The action plan,
which  includes  milestones  and  expected
outcomes,  will   help  the  Agency  better
understand its  risks  for  PII breaches by
knowing where  its privacy collections are
located, managed, and accessed and whether
the  Agency  is   storing   and  collecting
unnecessary   PII.     EPA   has  already
completed  several critical  activities within
the action plan and will continue to monitor
progress in this area.

    Highlights of progress include:
    .   Reviewed  the  Agency's  technical
       controls to ensure  consistency with
       the  National  Institute  of Standards
       and Technology  (NIST) and  OMB
    .   Prepared System of Records for new
       system (on-going).
    .   Established     and    implemented
       guidance   for   preparing   Privacy
       Impact  Assessments  on  all  new
       Agency systems (on-going).
    .   Reviewed Agency privacy policies to
       ensure  they  address  the  controls
       identified by NIST.
    .   Reviewed all  Agency Privacy Act
       Systems  of Records  to  determine
       which    systems    are    remotely
       accessed,  are  downloaded,  and/or
       collect  sensitive  PII,  and  whether
       stringent controls are required.
    .   Reviewed   and   submitted   draft
       language  for  the   Agency's  new
       telework  policy  to  ensure   that
       employees  are  aware  of   their
       responsibilities  to protect PII when
       working offsite.

    Plans   for   further   improvements
    .   Develop  a privacy intranet website
       that will  make privacy documents
       available to employees.
       Continue  to  monitor  progress  to
       ensure the Agency  is in compliance
       with  NIST  and   OMB  standards
       and/or requirements.

    20.  Agency  Efforts   in  Support  of
       Homeland Security

    Scope of Challenge: An OIG evaluation
    of   the  Agency's   Emergency  Response

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                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
   Business   Plan    identified   planning
   assumptions and aspects of the planning
   process that may challenge EPA 's ability to
   rely on the Plan as a valid assessment of its
   readiness.  OIG believes the plan does not:
   (1) provide the rationale for the incidents of
   national significance on  which it is based;
   (2) document the  methodology  used  to
   determine the required emergency response
   resources;  (3) address  the involvement of
   other federal  or state and local emergency
   response agency resources; (4) incorporate
   lessons learned; and (5) address the criteria
   or responsible agencies for deciding when
   residents may return to an area impacted by
   an  incident.   GAO also raises concerns
   regarding  EPA's  communications about
   potential health risks residents may face and
   protective gear  they  should have  when
   returning to their homes after an emergency.
   (OIG and GAO)

EPA  developed  an Emergency Response
Business (ER) Plan to increase the Agency's
preparedness in responding to environmental
and  homeland  security  related disasters.
The  plan  provides  a framework  for  the
Agency to address simultaneous incidents of
national   significance   while  maintaining
effective  day-to-day  emergency  response
and removal operations.   In preparing  the
plan,  headquarters and   regions  use  five
simultaneous  incidents  in  a  "worst case"
planning scenario around which to develop
detailed  assessments,  gap analyses,  and
program activities.

EPA is currently working on an agency wide
National  Approach  to  Response  (NAR)
Implementation  Plan to address the  overall
preparedness     framework   for     five
simultaneous    incidents    of   national
significance.  This plan  will build  on  the
2006 ER Business Plan.  The Department of
Homeland Security (DHS)  has developed 15
nationally  significant  scenarios, many of
which  will  require a  substantial response
effort by  EPA.   The  five DHS scenarios
selected for agency planning are: a chemical
incident (blister  agent),  a radiation incident
(RDD), a biological incident (anthrax), and
two   natural   disasters   (earthquake   and
hurricane).    A  workgroup  is  currently
preparing resource estimates for each of the

These  estimates  will  then  be  used  by
regional   groupings  to  develop  response
plans that consider among other things, state
and  local relationships,  unique challenges
and    regional   response    assets.    The
development of the NAR Implementation
Plan will be  an iterative process.  It  will
identify any gaps and  be used to  prioritize
future preparedness activities.

   Highlights of progress include:
   .   Developed an Incident Management
       Handbook that provides guidance on
       organizational structure and outlines
       the communications  flow during an
       incident of national significance.
   .   Developed   and   implemented  an
       Information   Technology  Strategy
       that allows EPA to share information
       with  its   partners    through   the
       Emergency Management Portal and
       with the  general public  from  its
       public web site.
   .   Formed  an  Administrative   and
       Finance   Workgroup   to   address
       procurement, property  tracking, and
       pay issues.
   .   Developed a draft plan for  acquiring
       and        maintaining        field
       communications   equipment   for
       EPA's      emergency     response
   .   Issued  the  final  version  of EPA's
       National  Approach   to   Response
       (NAR) Crisis Communication  Plan.
       The   plan   addresses   roles   and
       responsibilities   for   incidents  of
       national significance.
   .   Developed  draft  guidance for the
       Response Support Corps which will
       support   the  emergency  response

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
   Plans  for   further   improvements
   .   Implement the Emergency Response
       Business Plan's approach for making
       the   necessary   changes  in   the
       management of personnel, financial,
       and other resources through  NAR
       priority projects.
   .   Continue to develop training courses
       related   to    weapons   of   mass
       destruction and pandemic and avian

   21. Voluntary Programs

   Scope of Challenge:  EPA  supports  and
   advocates  a range  of voluntary programs
   addressing a wide variety of environmental
   challenges.   However,  the growth of these
   programs  has  not   been   matched   by
   appropriate  organization  and oversight.
   OIG work has found that EPA does not have
   (1) Agency-wide policies on key evaluative
   elements; (2) consistent and reliable data;
   (3) operational guidelines  that allow  for
   comparative  assessments;  (4)  definitions
   that  help  staff  categorize   or  identify
   voluntary programs; and (5)  a systematic
   process  to  develop,  test,    market,  and
   evaluate  the  effectiveness  of  voluntary
   programs. (OIG)

EPA programs  and  regions support a range
of voluntary/partnership  programs,  which
function  as   an  adjunct  to  regulatory
programs or  fill  in  where a regulatory
approach is not practicable. These programs
are diverse  in size,  scope, environmental
media,  target  environmental   issue,   and
stakeholder base.  They range  from high-
profile programs  such as ENERGY STAR
and  Performance Track to smaller,  more
targeted  programs  such as   Sunwise   or
Natural Gas STAR.  There are more than 50
partnership programs  Agency-wide  which
are managed  by many  different  program
offices  and  regions,  each  of  which  is
responsible for ensuring that programs  are
well  designed  and  well run.    Thus, it is
difficult  for any  single  office  response to
address such a broadly-defined management

However, the  Agency's  Innovation Action
Council (IAC), which directs and oversees
the  Agency's  innovation  agenda,   has
initiated a number of efforts to clarify the
goals and measures and evaluate the results
of innovative  and "voluntary" partnership
programs.   As part of  this initiative,  a
Partnership Program  Coordination Team has
been formed within OPEI's National Center
for Environmental Innovation.

   Highlights of progress include:
       Issued    guidelines   on    optimal
       program    design,    performance
       measurement, and marketing.
   .   Implemented  a notification system
       for new and expanding programs.
   .   Established a charter that includes an
       Agency-wide    workgroup     and
       network   to    maximize   uniform
       understanding of  and  compliance
       with    relevant    policies     and
   .   Established a  coordination function
       in the Office  of the Administrator to
       encourage sound program design and
       management,    with    a   special
       emphasis      on      performance
   .   Finalized  guidelines for  marketing
       partnership programs, and issued  a
       compilation  of previous  guidelines.
       Guidelines  are  available  on  the
       Partners   intranet   website    at:
   .   Formed a cross-agency Partnership
       Program    Review     Workgroup,
       charged   with    developing    a
       framework   for   the   systematic
       evaluation   and    assessment   of
       partnership programs.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

  Plans   for   further  improvements
     Initiate the development of a new set
     of Guidelines on Program Evaluation
     for partnership programs.
  .  Finalize                          a
     Progress/Accomplishments   Report
     that will compile  the environmental
     results reported by programs  across
     the Agency.
     Conduct training  on best practices
     and   procedures,   and   arrange
     seminars  and discussion groups on
     new   research    on  trends   and

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
                           EPA USER FEE PROGRAM
In FY 2009, EPA will have several user fee
programs  in  operation.  These  user  fee
programs and proposals are as follows:

Current Fees: Pesticides

The FY 2009 President's Budget reflects the
continued collection of Maintenance fees for
review  of  existing pesticide  registrations,
and Enhanced Registration Service Fees for
the accelerated  review  of  new pesticide
registration applications.

•  Pesticides Maintenance Fee Extension

The Maintenance fee provides funding for
the Reregi strati on program  and  a certain
percentage   supports   the  processing   of
applications  involving  "me-too"  or inert
ingredients.    In  FY  2009,  the  Agency
expects  to   collect   $22    million   in
Maintenance fees under current law.

•  Enhanced Registration Services

Entities seeking to register pesticides for use
in the United States pay a fee at the time the
registration action request is  submitted to
EPA  specifically for accelerated pesticide
registration decision service.  This  process
has introduced new pesticides to the market
more  quickly.  In FY  2009,  the  Agency
expects to  collect $6 million  in  Enhanced
Registration Service fees under current law.

Current Fees: Other

•  Pre-Manufacturing Notification Fee

Since    1989,    the   Pre-Manufacturing
Notifications  (PMN) fee has been collected
for the  review  and  processing  of  new
chemical  pre-manufacturing  notifications
submitted to EPA by the chemical industry.
These fees are paid at the time of submission
of the PMN for review by EPA's Toxic
Substances   program.  PMN   fees   are
authorized by the Toxic Substances Control
Act and  contain  a cap  on the  amount the
Agency may charge for a PMN review. EPA
is authorized to collect up to $1.8 million in
PMN fees in FY 2009 under current law.

•  Lead Accreditation and Certification

The Toxic Substances Control Act,  Title IV,
Section    402(a)(3),     mandates     the
development  of  a schedule  of  fees  for
persons operating lead training  programs
accredited under  the 402/404  rule and for
lead-based paint contractors certified under
this rule. The training programs ensure that
lead  paint abatement is done safely.  Fees
collected for this activity are  deposited in
the U.S.  Treasury. EPA estimates that $1
million will be deposited in FY 2009.

•  Motor     Vehicle    and     Engine
   Compliance Program Fee

This fee is authorized by the Clean Air Act
of 1990  and is managed by  the  Air and
Radiation program. Fee  collections  began in
August 1992.  This  fee  is  imposed  on
manufacturers of light-duty vehicles, light
and heavy trucks and motorcycles.  The fees
cover EPA's cost of certifying new engines
and vehicles and  monitoring compliance of
in-use engines and vehicles.

In 2004,  EPA promulgated  a rule  that
updated existing  fees and  established  fees
for newly-regulated vehicles and  engines.
In addition to cars and  trucks, the fees for
new  compliance programs are also  imposed
on   heavy-duty,   in-use,   and   nonroad
industries, including large  diesel  and  gas

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
equipment (earthmovers, tractors, forklifts,
compressors,  etc),  handheld  and   non-
handheld utility  engines  (chainsaws, weed-
whackers, leaf-blowers, lawnmowers, tillers,
etc.),  marine (boat motors,  watercraft, jet-
skis),  locomotive, aircraft and recreational
vehicles  (off-road  motorcycles,  all-terrain
vehicles, snowmobiles).   Since then,  EPA
has added or proposed to apply certification
fees to  additional industry  sectors as new
programs   are   developed,   such  as  for
stationary  engines  and  for  evaporative
requirements for nonroad engines.  In FY
2009, EPA expects to collect  $19.4 million
from this fee.

Fee Proposals: Pesticides

•   Pesticides Tolerance Fee

A tolerance is the maximum legal limit of a
pesticide   residue  in   and   on    food
commodities and animal feed. In 1954, the
Federal  Food,   Drug,  and  Cosmetic Act
(FFDCA) authorized the collection of fees
for  the establishment of tolerances on raw
agricultural   commodities   and   in   food
commodities. The collection of this fee has
been blocked by the Pesticides Registration
Improvement  Act  (PRIA)  through  2012.
Legislative language  will be  submitted to
allow  for  the    collection   of   Pesticide
Tolerance  fees   in  FY  2009   and  the
Administration    will   submit   legislative
language proposing to collect $13 million in
Pesticide Tolerance fees in FY 2009.

•   Enhanced Registration Services

Legislative  language  will   be  submitted
proposing to publish a new  fee schedule to
collect an additional $12 million in FY 2009
to better align fee collections with program
costs. Currently  those who  directly benefit
from EPA's registration services cover only
a  fraction  of   the  costs  to  operate  the
program,  leaving  the  general  taxpayer to
shoulder the remaining burden.

•  Pesticides Maintenance Fee Extension

Under current law, the Agency expects to
collect $22  million in Maintenance fees in
FY 2009.    Legislative  language will  be
submitted to  allow the  collection  of  an
additional $23 million in order  to  more
closely  align fee collections  with program
costs.  The  President's Budget proposes to
relieve the burden on  the general taxpayer
and  finance the  costs  of  operating  the
Reregi strati on program  from  those  who
directly benefit  from  EPA's reregi strati on

Fee Proposals: Other

•  Pre-Manufacturing Notification Fee

Under the current fee structure, the Agency
would collect $1.8  million  in FY  2009.
Legislative  language  will be  submitted to
remove the  statutory  cap  in  the   Toxic
Substances    Control    Act    on    Pre-
Manufacturing  Notification  Fees.  In  FY
2009, EPA  expects to collect an  additional
$4 million by removing the statutory cap.

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
                          WORKING CAPITAL FUND
In FY 2009, the Agency begins its thirteenth
year of operation  of the Working  Capital
Fund (WCF).   It  is  a  revolving  fund
authorized  by law to finance  a cycle of
operations,  where  the costs of goods  and
services provided are  charged to users on a
fee-for-service basis.   The funds received
are  available  without  fiscal year limitation,
to continue operations and to replace capital
equipment.  EPA's WCF was implemented
under the authority of Section 403 of the
Government  Management  Reform  Act of
1994 and EPA's FY 1997 Appropriations
Act.    Permanent WCF  authority  was
contained  in  the  Agency's   FY   1998
Appropriations Act.

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) initiated
the  WCF in FY 1997 as part of an effort to:
(1)  be accountable to Agency  offices, the
Office of Management and  Budget, and the
Congress; (2) increase the efficiency of the
administrative services provided to program
offices;  and (3) increase customer  service
and  responsiveness.   The  Agency has  a
WCF Board  which  provides  policy  and
planning oversight and  advises the  CFO
regarding the WCF financial position.  The
Board,  chaired  by  the  Associate  Chief
Financial Officer,  is composed of eighteen
permanent members from the program and
regional offices.

Four Agency  activities provided in FY 2008
will continue into  FY 2009. These  are the
Agency's  information  technology   and
telecommunications operations, managed by
the   Office  of Environmental  Information,
Agency  postage   costs,  managed  by  the
Office of Administration, and the Agency's
core  accounting  system  and  relocation
services, which  are both managed  by the
Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
The  Agency's FY  2009  budget  request
includes resources for these four activities in
each    National    Program   Manager's
submission,  totaling  approximately  $185.0
million.  These estimated resources may be
increased  to  incorporate  the  additional
service needs of program offices during the
operating  year.  To the extent that these
increases  are  subject  to  Congressional
reprogramming notifications,  the  Agency
will    comply   with    all   applicable
requirements.  In FY 2009, the Agency will
continue  to   market    its    information
technology and relocation services to other
Federal agencies in an effort to deliver high
quality services external  to EPA, which will
result in lower costs to EPA customers.

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan


AEA: Atomic Energy Act, as amended, and Reorganization Plan #3

ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act

ADEA: Age Discrimination in Employment Act

AHERA: Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act

AHPA: Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act

ASHAA: Asbestos in Schools Hazard Abatement Act

APA: Administrative Procedures Act

ASTCA: Antarctic Science, Tourism, and Conservation Act

BEACH Act of 2000: Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act

BRERA: Brownfields Revitalization and Environmental Restoration Act

CAA: Clean Air Act

CAAA: Clean Air Act Amendments

CCA: Clinger Cohen Act

CCAA: Canadian Clean Air Act

CEPA: Canadian Environmental Protection Act

CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (1980)

CFOA: Chief Financial Officers Act

CFR: Code of Federal Regulations

CICA: Competition in Contracting Act

CRA: Civil Rights Act

CSA:  Computer Security Act

CWPPR: Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act of 1990


 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

CWA: Clean Water Act

CZARA: Coastal Zone Management Act Reauthorization Amendments

CZMA: Coastal Zone Management Act

DPA: Deepwater Ports Act

DREAA: Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act

ECRA: Economic Cleanup Responsibility Act

EFOIA: Electronic Freedom of Information Act

EPAA: Environmental Programs Assistance Act

EPAAR: EPA Acquisition Regulations

EPCA: Energy Policy and Conservation  Act

EPACT: Energy Policy Act

EPCRA: Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act

ERD&DAA: Environmental Research, Development and Demonstration Authorization Act

ESA: Endangered Species Act

ESECA: Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act

FACA: Federal Advisory Committee Act

FAIR: Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act

FCMA: Fishery Conservation and Management Act

FEPCA: Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act; enacted as amendments to FIFRA.

FFDCA: Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

FGCAA: Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act

FIFRA: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act

FLPMA: Federal Land Policy and Management Act

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

FMFIA: Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act

FOIA: Freedom of Information Act

FPAS: Federal Property and Administration Services Ac

FPA: Federal Pesticide Act

FPPA: Federal Pollution Prevention Act

FPR: Federal Procurement Regulation

FQPA: Food Quality Protection Act

FRA:  Federal Register Act

FSA: Food Security Act

FUA:  Fuel Use Act

FWCA: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act

FWPCA: Federal Water Pollution and Control Act (aka CWA)

GISRA: Government Information Security Reform Act

GMRA: Government Management Reform Act

GPRA: Government Performance and Results Act

HMTA: Hazardous Materials Transportation Act

HSWA: Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments

IGA: Inspector General Act

IP A: Intergovernmental Personnel Act

IPIA:  Improper Payments Information Act

ISTEA: Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act

LPA-US/MX-BR:  1983 La Paz Agreement on US/Mexico Border Region

MPPRCA:  Marine Plastic Pollution,  Research and Control Act of 1987

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

MPRSA: Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act

NAAEC: North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

NAAQS: National Ambient Air Quality Standard

NAWCA: North American Wetlands Conservation Act,

NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act

NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act

NIPDWR: National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations

NISA: National Invasive Species Act of 1996

ODA: Ocean Dumping Act

OPA: The Oil Pollution Act

OWBPA: Older Workers Benefit Protection Act

PBA: Public Building Act

PFCRA:  Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act

PHSA: Public Health Service Act

PLIRRA: Pollution Liability Insurance  and Risk Retention Act

PR: Privacy Act

PRA: Paperwork Reduction Act

QCA: Quiet Communities Act

RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

RLBPHRA: Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act

RFA: Regulatory Flexibility Act

RICO: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan

SBREFA: Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996

SBLRBRERA: Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization and
Environmental Restoration Act

SDWA: Safe Drinking Water Act

SICEA: Steel Industry Compliance Extension Act

SMCRA: Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

SPA: Shore Protection Act of 1988

SWDA: Solid Waste Disposal Act

TCA: Tribal Cooperative Agreement

TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act

UMRA: Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.

UMTRLWA: Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Land Withdrawal Act

USC: United States Code

USTCA: Underground Storage Tank Compliance Act

WQA: Water Quality Act of 1987

WRDA: Water Resources Development Act

WSRA: Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

WWWQA: Wet Weather Water Quality Act of 2000

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
                     Statutory Authority and Eligible Uses
                            (Dollars in Thousands)
Grant Title
State and Local
Air Quality

CAA, Section

whose boards of
directors or
membership is
made up of CAA
section 302(b)
agency officers
and Tribal
and whose
mission is to
support the
programs of the
Eligible Uses
Coordinating or
facilitating a
approach to
regional haze.

FY 2008
Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)

FY 2009
Goal 1,
Obj. 1

FY 2009
Dollars (XI 000)


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Grant Title
State and Local
Air Quality

CAA, Sections
103, 105, 106

Air pollution
control agencies
as defined in
section 302(b) of
the CAA; Multi-
whose boards of
directors or
membership is
made up of CAA
section 302(b)
agency officers
and whose
mission is to
support the
programs of the
states); Interstate
air quality
control region
pursuant to
section 107 of
the CAA or of
section 176A, or
section 184
NOTE: only the
Ozone Transport
Commission is

Eligible Uses
Carrying out the
prevention and
control programs
required by the
CAA and
program support
costs, including
(section 105);
Coordinating or
facilitating a
approach to
carrying out the
prevention and
control programs
required by the
CAA (sections
103 and 106);
training for CAA
section 302(b)
air pollution
control agency
staff (sections
103 and 105);
investigative and
Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)

Goal 1,
f~\Ki 1
UuJ. 1

Dollars (X1000)


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Grant Title

Tribal Air


Water Pollution
Control (Section

Nonpoint Source
(NPS - Section


CAA, Sections
103 and 105;
(TCA) in annual

TSCA, Sections
10 and 306;
TCA in annual

Section 106;
TCA in annual

Section 3 19(h);
TCA in annual


State/ Tribal
College or

State Agencies,

States, Tribes,

States, Tribes,

Eligible Uses

Conducting air
activities to
determine a
Tribe's need to
develop a CAA
Carrying out the
prevention and
control programs
required by the
CAA and
program costs;
training for CAA
for Federally-
Assist in the
development and
of programs for
the assessment
and mitigation of
Develop and
carry out surface
and ground
water pollution
NPDES permits,
monitoring, and
NPS control
Implement EPA-
approved state
and Tribal
nonpoint source
programs and
fund priority
projects as
selected by the
Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)






Goal 1,
f~\Ki 1
UuJ. 1

Goal 1,
/~\Vvi 1
UuJ. z

Goal 2,
rvhi o

Goal 2,
f~\Ki O

Dollars (X1000)





U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Grant Title


Public Water

Security Grants

Injection Control


Section 104
(b)(3); TCA in

Section 1443(a);
TCA in annual

SDWA, Section
1442; TCA in

SDWA, Section
1443(b); TCA in


States, Local
Consortia, Non-

States, Tribes,

States, Tribes,

States, Tribes,

Eligible Uses

To develop new
programs or
enhance existing
programs for the
management and
restoration of
Assistance to
implement and
enforce National
Drinking Water
Regulations to
ensure the safety
of the Nation's
drinking water
resources and to
protect public
To assist states
and Tribes in
their water
activities with
other homeland
security efforts.
Implement and
regulations that
sources of
drinking water
by controlling
Class I-V
injection wells.
Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)






Goal 4,
/~O-i •)
UuJ. 3

Goal 2,
/~O-i 1
UuJ. 1

Goal 2,
/~O-i 1
UuJ. 1

Goal 2,
/"~"\"U ' 1
Obj. 1

Dollars (X1000)





U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Grant Title


Waste Financial



BEACH Act of
2000; TCA in

Section 3011;
Act (PL 105-
276); TCA in
amended by the
Small Business
Liability Relief
and Brownfields
Act(P.L. 107-


States, Tribes,
Consortia, Local

States, Tribes,

States, Tribes,

Eligible Uses

Develop and
programs for
monitoring and
notification of
conditions for
recreation waters
adjacent to
beaches or
similar points of
access that are
used by the
Development &
of Hazardous
Waste Programs

Build and
programs which
will assess
oversee private
party cleanups,
provide cleanup
support through
low interest
loans, and
provide certainty
for liability
related issues.
Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)





Goal 2,
f~\Ki 1
UuJ. 1

/~\Vvi 1
UuJ. 1
/~\Vvi 1
UuJ. 2.

Goal 4,
/~\Vvi 1
UuJ. 2.

Dollars (X1000)




U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Grant Title

Storage Tanks



SWDA, as
amended by the
Amendments of
1986 (Subtitle I),
Section 2007(f),
42 U.S.C.
Title XV -
Ethanol and
Motor Fuels,
Subtitle B -
Storage Tank
Sections 1521-
1533, P.L. 109-
58, 42 U.S.C.
15801; Tribal
Grants -P.L.
FIFRA, Sections
20 and 23; the
Act (PL 105-
276); FY 2000
Act (P.L. 106-
74); TCA in



States, Tribes,

Eligible Uses

Develop and/or
implement state
or Indian UST
provide funding
for SEE
enrollees to
work on the
storage tanks
and to support
direct UST

Implement the
through grants to
states, Tribes,
partners, and
Certification and
Training /
Program (ESPP)
Field Activities,
Tribal Program,
Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)




Goal 3,
f~\Ki 1
UuJ. 1

Goal 4,
/~\Vvi 1
UuJ. 1

Dollars (X1000)



U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Grant Title





TSCA, Sections
1 (land 404 (g);
FY 2000
Act(P.L. 106-
74); TCA in

TSCA, Sections
28(a) and 404
(g); TCA in

§ 23(a)(l); FY
Act(P.L. 106-
74); TCA in

States, Tribes,



Eligible Uses

Implement the
lead-based paint
activities in the
Training and
program through
state, territorial
and Tribal
programs and, in
areas without
through direct
by the Agency.
conducted as
part of this
program include
issuing grants
for the training
and certification
of individuals
and firms
engaged in lead-
based paint
abatement and
activities and the
accreditation of
Assist in
developing and
toxic substances
programs for
PCBs, asbestos,
and lead-based
Assist in

Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)





Goal 4,
/~\Vvi 1
UuJ. 1

Goal 5,
f~\Ki 1
UuJ. 1

Goal 5,
/~\Vvi 1
UuJ. 1

Dollars (X1000)




U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Grant Title
(NEIEN, aka
"the Exchange

As appropriate,
CAA, Section
103; CWA,
Section 104;
RCRA, Section
Section 20;
TSCA, Sections
10 and 28;
Section 203;
SDWA, Section
1442; Indian
Program Act of
1992, as
amended; FY
Act(P.L. 106-
74); Pollution
Prevention Act
of 1990, Section
6605; FY 2002
Act and FY
States, Tribes,
Agencies, Tribal
Other Agencies
with Related

Eligible Uses
Helps states,
territories, tribes,
and intertribal
develop the
management and
capabilities they
need to
participate in the
Network, to
continue and
expand data-
programs, and to
improve access
to environmental

Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)

Goal 5,

Dollars (X1000)


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Grant Title


Sector Program
Enforcement &


Prevention Act
of 1990, Section
6605; TSCA
Section 10; FY
Act(P.L. 106-
74); TCA in

As appropriate,
CAA, Section
103; CWA,
Section 104;
FIFRA, Section
20; TSCA,
Sections 10 and
28; MPRSA,
Section 203;
SDWA, Section
1442; Indian
Program Act of
1992, as
amended; TCA
in annual

States, Tribes,

Associations of

Eligible Uses

assistance to
states and state
entities (i.e.,
colleges and
universities) and
Tribes and
consortia in
order to deliver
assistance to
small and
businesses. A
goal of the
program is to
assist businesses
and industries
with identifying
strategies and
solutions for
reducing waste
at the source.
Assist in
multi-media, or
approaches to
enforcement and
Provide training
on sectors,
compliance and
and single or

Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)




Goal 5,


Goal 5,
/~\Vvi 1
Ob). 1

Dollars (X1000)



U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Grant Title

Tribal General


Program Act (42
U.S.C. 4368b);
TCA in annual


Eligible Uses

Plan and develop

Enacted Budget
Dollars (X1000)



Goal 5,

Obj. 3

Dollars (X1000)


 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)

Acquisition Management
Administrative Law
Alternative Dispute
Audits, Evaluations, and
Beach / Fish Programs
Brownfields Projects
Categorical Grant:
Beaches Protection
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted
Categorical Grant:

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                             FY 2009 Annual Plan

Categorical Grant:
Categorical Grant:
Hazardous Waste
Categorical Grant:
Homeland Security
Categorical Grant: Lead
Categorical Grant:
Nonpoint Source
(Sec. 319)
Categorical Grant:
Categorical Grant:
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted
        Pesticides Program
Categorical Grant:
        Pollution Control
        (Sec. 106)








 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Categorical Grant:
Categorical Grant: Public
Water System
Categorical Grant: Radon
FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud

Pres Bud
vs. Enacted

Categorical Grant:  Sector

Categorical Grant:  State
       and Local Air

Categorical Grant:

Categorical Grant:  Toxics

Categorical Grant:  Tribal
       Air Quality

Categorical Grant:  Tribal
       General Assistance

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan

Categorical Grant:
Injection Control
Categorical Grant:
Storage Tanks
Categorical Grant:
Wetlands Program
Central Planning,
Budgeting, and
Children and Other
Civil Enforcement
Oil Spills
FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud

Pres Bud
vs. Enacted

Civil Rights / Title VI

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Clean Air Allowance
Trading Programs
Climate Protection
Commission for
Compliance Assistance and
Oil Spills
Compliance Incentives
Compliance Monitoring
External Relations
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan

Congressionally Mandated
Criminal Enforcement
Diesel Emissions Reduction
Grant Program
Drinking Water Programs
Endocrine Disrupters
Enforcement Training
Environment and Trade
Environmental Education
Environmental Justice
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted
Exchange Network

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan

Facilities Infrastructure
and Operations
Oil Spills
Federal Stationary Source
Federal Support for Air
Federal Support for Air
Toxics Program
Federal Vehicle and Fuels
Standards and
Financial Assistance Grants
/ IAG Management
FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud

Pres Bud
vs. Enacted

Forensics Support

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Geographic Program:
Chesapeake Bay
Geographic Program:
Great Lakes
Geographic Program: Gulf
of Mexico
Geographic Program:
Lake Champlain
Geographic Program:
Long Island Sound
Geographic Program:
Great Lakes Legacy Act
Homeland Security:
and Information
Homeland Security:
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Homeland Security:
Response, and
Homeland Security:
Protection of EPA
Personnel and
Human Health Risk
Human Resources
IT / Data Management
Oil Spills
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Indoor Air: Radon
Information Security
Infrastructure Assistance:
Alaska Native
Infrastructure Assistance:
Clean Water SRF
Infrastructure Assistance:
Drinking Water
Infrastructure Assistance:
Mexico Border
International Capacity
International Sources of
FY 2008
Pres Bud







FY 2008







FY 2009
Pres Bud







Pres Bud
vs. Enacted








  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan

LUST Cooperative
Legal Advice:
Legal Advice: Support
Marine Pollution
NEPA Implementation
National Estuary Program /
Coastal Waterways
Not Specified
Oil Spill: Prevention,
Preparedness and
Oil Spills
POPs Implementation
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted
Pesticides: Protect Human

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Health from
Pesticide Risk
Pesticides: Protect the
Environment from
Pesticide Risk
Pesticides: Realize the
Value of Pesticide
Pollution Prevention
RCRA: Corrective Action
RCRA: Waste
RCRA: Waste
Minimization &
Radiation: Protection
FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud

Pres Bud
vs. Enacted


 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan

Radiation: Response
Reduce Risks from Indoor
Regional Geographic
Regional Science and
Regulatory Innovation
Management and
Research: Computational
Research: Drinking Water
Research: Endocrine
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted
Research: Fellowships

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan

Research: Global Change
Research: Human Health
and Ecosystems
Research: Land Protection
and Restoration
Oil Spills
Research: Pesticides and
Research: Water Quality
Research: Clean Air
Research: Sustainability
Science Advisory Board
Science Policy and
FY 2008
Pres Bud
FY 2008
FY 2009
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted
Small Business

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Small Minority Business
State and Local Prevention
and Preparedness
Stratospheric Ozone:
Stratospheric Ozone:
Multilateral Fund
Superfund: EPA
Superfund: Emergency
Response and
Superfund: Enforcement
Superfund: Federal
Superfund: Remedial
FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud

Pres Bud
vs. Enacted


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Superfund: Support to
Other Federal
Superfund: Federal
Surface Water Protection
TRI / Right to Know
Toxic Substances:
Chemical Risk
Toxic Substances:
Chemical Risk
Review and
Toxic Substances: Lead
Risk Reduction
Trade and Governance
Tribal - Capacity Building
FY 2008
Pres Bud





FY 2008





FY 2009
Pres Bud





Pres Bud
vs. Enacted






  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                              FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                FY 2008
                                Pres Bud
                  FY 2008
               FY 2009
               Pres Bud
               Pres Bud
              vs. Enacted
US Mexico Border
$7,199,400.0       $7,472,324.0        $7,142,520.0

  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                                (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                   FY 2007
              FY 2008
              Pres Bud
              FY 2008
              FY 2009
              Pres Bud
             Pres Bud
            vs. Enacted
Air Toxics and Quality

   Clean Air Allowance Trading Programs

   Federal Support for Air Quality Management

   Federal Support for Air Toxics Program

   Federal Vehicle and Fuels Standards and

   Radiation:  Protection

   Radiation:  Response Preparedness

Subtotal, Air Toxics and Quality






























Climate Protection Program

    Climate Protection Program

    Forensics Support
Homeland Security

    Homeland Security: Critical Infrastructure

           Water Sentinel

           Homeland Security:  Critical
           Infrastructure Protection (other

      Subtotal, Homeland Security: Critical
         Infrastructure Protection

    Homeland Security: Preparedness, Response, and


           Laboratory Preparedness and Response

           Safe Buildings

           Homeland Security:  Preparedness,
           Response, and Recovery (other

      Subtotal, Homeland Security: Preparedness,
         Response, and Recovery

    Homeland Security: Protection of EPA Personnel
    and Infrastructure

Subtotal, Homeland Security
Indoor Air

  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Indoor Air: Radon Program
Reduce Risks from Indoor Air
Subtotal, Indoor Air
IT / Data Management / Security
IT / Data Management
Operations and Administration
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
(other activities)
Subtotal, Facilities Infrastructure and
Subtotal, Operations and Administration
Pesticides Licensing
Pesticides: Protect Human Health from Pesticide
Pesticides: Protect the Environment from
Pesticide Risk
Pesticides: Realize the Value of Pesticide
Pesticides: Registration of New Pesticides
Pesticides: Review / Reregistration of Existing
Subtotal, Pesticides Licensing
Research: Clean Air
Research: Air Toxics
Research: Clean Air
Research: Global Change
Research: NAAQS
Subtotal, Research: Clean Air
Research: Clean Water
Research: Drinking Water
Research: Water Quality
Subtotal, Research: Clean Water





Pres Bud










Pres Bud





Pres Bud
vs. Enacted





Research / Congressional Priorities

  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                            FY 2009 Annual Plan

Congressionally Mandated Projects
Research: Human Health and Ecosystems
Human Health Risk Assessment
Research: Computational Toxicology
Research: Endocrine Disrupter
Research: Fellowships
Research: Human Health and Ecosystems
Human Health
Research: Human Health and
Ecosystems (other activities)
Subtotal, Research: Human Health and
Subtotal, Research: Human Health and


Pres Bud




Pres Bud


Pres Bud
vs. Enacted


Research: Land Protection

    Research:  Land Protection and Restoration
Research: Sustainability

    Research: Economics and Decision Science(EDS)

    Research:  Environmental Technology
    Verification (ETV)

    Research: Sustainability

Subtotal, Research: Sustainability

Toxic Research and Prevention

    Research:  Pesticides and Toxics

Water:  Human Health Protection

    Drinking Water Programs

Total, Science & Technology


Air Toxics and Quality

    Clean Air Allowance Trading Programs

    Federal Stationary Source Regulations

    Federal Support for Air Quality Management

            Clean Diesel Initiative

            Federal Support for Air Quality
            Management (other activities)






  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                        FY 2009 Annual Plan

Subtotal, Federal Support for Air Quality
Federal Support for Air Toxics Program
Radiation: Protection
Radiation: Response Preparedness
Stratospheric Ozone: Domestic Programs
Stratospheric Ozone: Multilateral Fund
Subtotal, Air Toxics and Quality
Climate Protection Program
Climate Protection Program
Energy STAR
Methane to markets
Asian Pacific Partnership
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Registry
Climate Protection Program (other
Subtotal, Climate Protection Program
Subtotal, Climate Protection Program
Compliance Assistance and Centers
Compliance Incentives
Compliance Monitoring
Subtotal, Compliance
Civil Enforcement
Criminal Enforcement
Enforcement Training
Environmental Justice
NEPA Implementation
Subtotal, Enforcement




Pres Bud








Pres Bud




Pres Bud
vs. Enacted




Environmental Protection / Congressional

    Congressionally Mandated Projects

Geographic Programs

  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan

Geographic Program: Chesapeake Bay
Geographic Program: Great Lakes
Geographic Program: Long Island Sound
Geographic Program: Gulf of Mexico
Geographic Program: Lake Champlain
Geographic Program: Other
San Francisco Bay
Geographic Program: Puget Sound
Lake Pontchartrain
Community Action for a Renewed
Environment (CARE)
Geographic Program: Other (other
Subtotal, Geographic Program: Other
Regional Geographic Initiatives
Subtotal, Geographic Programs

Pres Bud


Pres Bud

Pres Bud
vs. Enacted

Homeland Security

    Homeland Security: Communication and

           Laboratory Preparedness and Response

           Homeland Security: Communication
           and Information (other activities)

      Subtotal, Homeland Security: Communication
          and Information

    Homeland Security: Critical Infrastructure


           Homeland Security: Critical
           Infrastructure Protection (other

      Subtotal, Homeland Security: Critical
          Infrastructure Protection

    Homeland Security: Preparedness, Response, and


           Homeland Security: Preparedness,
           Response, and Recovery  (other

      Subtotal, Homeland Security: Preparedness,
          Response, and Recovery

    Homeland Security: Protection of EPA Personnel
    and Infrastructure

Subtotal, Homeland Security















Indoor Air

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Indoor Air: Radon Program
Reduce Risks from Indoor Air
Subtotal, Indoor Air
Information Exchange / Outreach
Children and Other Sensitive Populations: Agency
Environmental Education
Congressional, Intergovernmental, External
Exchange Network
Small Business Ombudsman
Small Minority Business Assistance
State and Local Prevention and Preparedness
TRI / Right to Know
Tribal - Capacity Building
Subtotal, Information Exchange / Outreach
International Programs
US Mexico Border
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Environment and Trade
International Capacity Building
POPs Implementation
International Sources of Pollution
Mexico Border
International Sources of Pollution (other
Subtotal, International Sources of Pollution
Trade and Governance
Subtotal, International Programs
IT / Data Management / Security
Information Security
IT / Data Management
Subtotal, IT / Data Management / Security
Legal / Science / Regulatory / Economic Review
Administrative Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Civil Rights / Title VI Compliance





Pres Bud










Pres Bud





Pres Bud
vs. Enacted






  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                   FY 2009 Annual Plan

Legal Advice: Environmental Program
Legal Advice: Support Program
Regional Science and Technology
Regulatory Innovation
Regulatory/Economic-Management and Analysis
Science Advisory Board
Subtotal, Legal / Science / Regulatory / Economic
Operations and Administration
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
(other activities)
Subtotal, Facilities Infrastructure and
Central Planning, Budgeting, and Finance
Acquisition Management
Financial Assistance Grants / IAG Management
Human Resources Management
Subtotal, Operations and Administration
Pesticides Licensing
Pesticides: Protect Human Health from Pesticide
Pesticides: Protect the Environment from
Pesticide Risk
Pesticides: Realize the Value of Pesticide
Pesticides: Field Programs
Pesticides: Registration of New Pesticides
Pesticides: Review / Reregistration of Existing
Science Policy and Biotechnology
Subtotal, Pesticides Licensing





Pres Bud










Pres Bud





Pres Bud
vs. Enacted





Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

   RCRA: Waste Management


  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                              FY 2009 Annual Plan

RCRA: Waste Management (other
Subtotal, RCRA: Waste Management
Corrective Action
Waste Minimization & Recycling
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
Pres Bud
vs. Enacted
Subtotal, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Toxics Risk Review and Prevention

    Endocrine Disrupters

    Toxic Substances: Chemical Risk Review and


           Toxic Substances: Chemical Risk
           Review and Reduction (other activities)

      Subtotal, Toxic Substances: Chemical Risk
         Review and Reduction

    Pollution Prevention Program

    Toxic Substances: Chemical Risk Management

    Toxic Substances: Lead Risk Reduction Program

Subtotal, Toxics Risk Review and Prevention

Water:  Ecosystems

    Great Lakes Legacy Act

    National Estuary Program / Coastal Waterways


Subtotal, Water: Ecosystems

Water: Human Health Protection

    Beach / Fish Programs

    Drinking Water Programs

Subtotal, Water: Human Health Protection

Water Quality Protection

    Marine Pollution

    Surface Water Protection

Subtotal, Water Quality Protection

Total, Environmental Program & Management

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan

Audits, Evaluations, and Investigations
Audits, Evaluations, and Investigations
Total, Inspector General
Homeland Security
Homeland Security: Protection of EPA Personnel
and Infrastructure
Operations and Administration
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Total, Building and Facilities
Air Toxics and Quality
Radiation: Protection
Audits, Evaluations, and Investigations
Audits, Evaluations, and Investigations
Compliance Assistance and Centers
Compliance Incentives
Compliance Monitoring
Subtotal, Compliance
Environmental Justice
Superfund: Enforcement
Superfund: Federal Facilities Enforcement
Civil Enforcement
Criminal Enforcement
Enforcement Training
Forensics Support
Subtotal, Enforcement







Pres Bud














Pres Bud







Pres Bud
vs. Enacted







Homeland Security

  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                           FY 2009 Annual Plan
    Homeland Security: Communication and

    Homeland Security: Critical Infrastructure


           Homeland Security:  Critical
           Infrastructure Protection (other

      Subtotal, Homeland Security: Critical
          Infrastructure Protection

    Homeland Security: Preparedness, Response, and


           Laboratory Preparedness and Response

           Homeland Security:  Preparedness,
           Response, and Recovery  (other

      Subtotal, Homeland Security: Preparedness,
          Response, and Recovery

    Homeland Security: Protection of EPA  Personnel
    and Infrastructure

Subtotal, Homeland Security
Information Exchange / Outreach

    Congressional, Intergovernmental, External

    Exchange Network

Subtotal, Information Exchange / Outreach
IT / Data Management / Security

    Information Security

    IT / Data Management

Subtotal, IT / Data Management / Security

Legal / Science / Regulatory / Economic Review

    Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Legal Advice: Environmental Program

Subtotal, Legal / Science / Regulatory / Economic

Operations and Administration

    Facilities Infrastructure and Operations





Pres Bud







Pres Bud




 Pres Bud
vs. Enacted




  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                             FY 2009 Annual Plan

Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
(other activities)
Subtotal, Facilities Infrastructure and
Financial Assistance Grants / IAG Management
Acquisition Management
Human Resources Management
Central Planning, Budgeting, and Finance
Subtotal, Operations and Administration
Research: Human Health and Ecosystems
Human Health Risk Assessment
Research: Land Protection
Research: Land Protection and Restoration
Research: SITE Program
Subtotal, Research: Land Protection
Research: Sustainability
Research: Sustainability
Superfund Cleanup
Superfund: Emergency Response and Removal
Superfund: EPA Emergency Preparedness
Superfund: Federal Facilities
Superfund: Remedial
Superfund: Support to Other Federal Agencies
Brownfields Projects
Subtotal, Superfund Cleanup




Pres Bud








Pres Bud




Pres Bud
vs. Enacted




Total, Hazardous Substance Superfund

(Transfer to Office of Inspector General)

(Transfer to Science and Technology)

      Leaking Underground Storage Tanks


    Compliance Assistance and Centers

IT / Data Management / Security

    IT / Data Management











  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                          FY 2009 Annual Plan

Operations and Administration
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
(other activities)
Subtotal, Facilities Infrastructure and
Acquisition Management
Central Planning, Budgeting, and Finance
Human Resources Management
Subtotal, Operations and Administration
Research: Land Protection
Research: Land Protection and Restoration
Underground Storage Tanks (LUST / UST)
EPAct & Related Authorities
LUST/ UST (other activities)
Subtotal, LUST / UST
LUST Cooperative Agreements
EPAct & Related Authorities
LUST Cooperative Agreements (other
Subtotal, LUST Cooperative Agreements




Pres Bud








Pres Bud




Pres Bud
vs. Enacted




Subtotal, Underground Storage Tanks (LUST /
Total, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks







    Compliance Assistance and Centers


    Civil Enforcement

IT / Data Management / Security

    IT / Data Management
    Oil Spill: Prevention, Preparedness and Response
$12,890.3         $13,499.0         $13,290.0        $13,927.0

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
Operations and Administration
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
(other activities)
Subtotal, Facilities Infrastructure and
Subtotal, Operations and Administration
Research: Land Protection
Research: Land Protection and Restoration
Total, Oil Spill Response
State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG)
Infrastructure Assistance: Clean Water SRF
Infrastructure Assistance: Drinking Water SRF
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Infrastructure Assistance: Alaska Native Villages
Brownfields Projects
Clean School Bus Initiative
Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant Program
EPAct & Related Authorities
CA Emission Reduction Project Grants
Subtotal, Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant
Infrastructure Assistance: Mexico Border
Subtotal, State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Categorical Grants
Categorical Grant: Beaches Protection
Categorical Grant: Brownfields
Categorical Grant: Environmental Information
Categorical Grant: Hazardous Waste Financial
Categorical Grant: Homeland Security
Categorical Grant: Lead
Categorical Grant: Nonpoint Source (Sec. 319)
Categorical Grant: Pesticides Enforcement





Pres Bud










Pres Bud





Pres Bud
vs. Enacted






  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                             FY 2009 Annual Plan

Categorical Grant: Pesticides Program
Categorical Grant: Pollution Control (Sec. 106)
Monitoring Grants
Categorical Grant: Pollution Control
(Sec. 1 06) (other activities)
Subtotal, Categorical Grant: Pollution Control
(Sec. 106)
Categorical Grant: Pollution Prevention
Categorical Grant: Public Water System
Supervision (PWSS)
Categorical Grant: Radon
Categorical Grant: Sector Program
Categorical Grant: State and Local Air Quality
Categorical Grant: Targeted Watersheds
Categorical Grant: Toxics Substances
Categorical Grant: Tribal Air Quality
Categorical Grant: Tribal General Assistance
Categorical Grant: Underground Injection
Control (UIC)
Categorical Grant: Underground Storage Tanks
Categorical Grant: Wastewater Operator Training
Categorical Grant: Water Quality Cooperative
Categorical Grant: Wetlands Program
nbtotal, Categorical Grants



Pres Bud






Pres Bud



Pres Bud
vs. Enacted



Total, State and Tribal Assistance Grants

Total, Rescission of Prior Year Funds

$3,337,543.9      $2,744,450.0       $2,937,051.0      $2,621,952.0    ($315,099.0)

       $0.0        ($5,000.0)         ($5,000.0)       ($10,000.0)      ($5,000.0)

$7,911,371.9      $7,199,400.0       $7,472,324.0      $7,142,520.0    ($329,804.0)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
                     DISCONTINUED PROGRAMS

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                                Categorical Grant: Targeted Watersheds
                                                         Program Area: Categorical Grants
                                                Goal: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems
                                                                 Objective(s): Ecosystems
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2009 Pres

FY 2007

FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2008
State and Tribal Assistance
Total Budget Authority / Obligations
Total Workyears
Program Project Description:

The Targeted Watersheds Grant Program encourages successful  community-based  approaches
and management techniques to protect and restore the nation's waters.

The  Targeted Watersheds Grant  Program  enhances community  watershed groups'  efforts
through two different types of competitive  grants.  Implementation grants provide monetary
assistance directly to watershed organizations to implement restoration/protection activities
within their watershed.   Resources are used to stabilize  stream banks,  demonstrate  nutrient
management  schemes, establish pollutant credits and trading projects, and work with local
governments  and private  citizens  to promote sustainable practices and  strategies.  Capacity
building grants support  established watershed service providers in their effort to increase the
viability, sustainability and effectiveness of local watershed groups by providing tools, training,
and education.

FY 2009 Activities and  Performance Plan:

There is no request for this program in FY 2009.

FY 2009 Change from FY 2008 Enacted Budget (Dollars in Thousands):

   •   (-$9,844.0) This  reduction reflects  elimination  of  congressionally  directed  funding
       provided in the FY 2008 Omnibus.

Statutory Authority:

Department of the  Interior, Environment,  and Related Agencies  Appropriations  Act,  2006,
Public Law 109-54.

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan
                                      Categorical Grant: Wastewater Operator Training
                                                         Program Area: Categorical Grants
                                                              Goal: Clean and Safe Water
                                                        Objective(s): Protect Water Quality

                                  (Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2009 Pres

FY 2007

FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2008
State and Tribal Assistance
Total Budget Authority / Obligations
Total Workyears
Program Project Description:

Section 104(g)(l) of the Clean Water Act authorizes funding for the Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operator On-site Assistance Training program.   This program targets  small publicly-owned
wastewater treatment plants, with a discharge of less than 5,000,000 gallons per day.  Federal
funding for this program  is administered through grants to states, often in cooperation  with
educational institutions or non-profit agencies. In most cases, assistance is administered through
an environmental training center.

The  goal  of the  program is to provide  direct  on-site assistance to  operators  at these  small
wastewater treatment facilities.  The assistance focuses on issues such as wastewater treatment
plant  capacity,   operation  training,   maintenance,   administrative   management,   financial
management, trouble-shooting, and laboratory operations.

FY 2009 Activities and Performance Highlights:

There is no request for this program in FY 2009.

FY 2009 Change from FY 2008 Enacted Budget (Dollars in Thousands):

   •  No change in program funding.

Statutory Authority:


 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2009 Annual Plan
                              Categorical Grant: Water Quality Cooperative Agreements
                                                         Program Area: Categorical Grants
                                                              Goal: Clean and Safe Water
                                                       Objective(s): Protect Water Quality

                                  (Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2009 Pres

FY 2007

FY 2008
Pres Bud

FY 2008

FY 2009
Pres Bud
FY 2008
State and Tribal Assistance
Total Budget Authority / Obligations
Total Workyears
Program Project Description:

Under authority of Section  104(b)(3) of the  Clean Water Act, EPA makes grants to a wide
variety of recipients, including  states, Tribes, state water pollution control agencies, interstate
agencies,  and  other  nonprofit institutions,  organizations,  and individuals  to  promote  the
coordination of environmentally beneficial activities.  This competitive funding vehicle is used
by EPA's partners to further the Agency's goals of providing clean and safe water.  The program
is designed to fund a broad range of projects, including: innovative water efficiency programs,
research,  training  and  education,  demonstration,  best management practices, stormwater
management  planning, and innovative  permitting programs  and studies related to the causes,
effects, extent, and prevention of pollution.

FY 2009 Activities and Performance Highlights:

There is no request for this program in FY 2009.

FY 2009 Change from FY 2008 Enacted Budget (Dollars in Thousands):

    •   No change in program funding.

Statutory Authority:


 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
                        E-GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES

The Grants.gov Initiative benefits EPA and
its grant programs by providing a  single
location to publish grant opportunities and
application packages, and  by providing a
single site for the grants community to apply
for grants using common forms,  processes
and systems.  EPA believes that the central
site  raises  the visibility  of  our   grants
opportunities  to   a  wider  diversity  of
applicants.    Grants.gov has also allowed
EPA  to  discontinue  support for its own
electronic grant application system,  saving
operational,    training,    and    account
management costs.

The grants community benefits from savings
in  postal  costs,  paper   and   envelopes.
Applicants  save  time  in  searching  for
Agency grant opportunities and in learning
the application systems of various agencies.
At  the request of the state environmental
agencies, EPA has begun to offer Grants.gov
application packages for mandatory  grants
(i.e. Continuing  Environmental  Program
Grants).   States requested  that we extend
usage to mandatory programs to streamline
their application process.

During   FY07  EPA  posted  173  grant
opportunities on Grants.gov Find and linked
100% of those competitive  opportunities to
electronic application packages  on Apply.
EPA received 2,942 applications through
Grants.gov in 2007,  a 28% increase over the
number of applications received in 2007.
Fiscal Year
Account Code
020-00-04-00-04- 1 3 1 6-24-
EPA Contribution
(in thousands)
Integrated Acquisition Environment
The  Integrated  Acquisition  Environment
(IAE)  is  comprised of nine government-
wide    automated   applications   and/or
databases    that   have   contributed   to
streamlining the acquisition business process
across  the government.  EPA leverages the
usefulness  of some of these  systems via
electronic     linkages   between   EPA's
acquisition  systems and  the  IAE shared
systems.  Other IAE systems are not linked
directly to EPA's  acquisition systems, but
benefit the Agency's  contracting staff and
vendor community as stand-alone resources.

EPA's acquisition systems use data provided
by the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) to
replace  internally maintained vendor data.
Contracting officers can  download vendor-
provided  representation  and  certification
information  electronically,  via  the  Online
Representations and Certifications (ORCA)
database, which allows vendors to submit
this information once,  rather than separately
for every contract  proposal.   Contracting
officers are  able to  access the  Excluded

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
Parties List  System (EPLS)  via  links  in
EPA's  acquisition  systems  to  identify
vendors that are debarred from receiving
contract awards.

Contracting  officers can  also link to the
Wage  Determination Online  (WDOL)  to
obtain  information  required  under  the
Service Contract Act and the  Davis-Bacon
Act.  EPA's acquisition systems  link to the
Federal Procurement Data System - Next
Generation (FPDS-NG) for submission  of
contract  actions at the  time  of award.
FPDS-NG   provides   public  access  to
government-wide contract information.  The
Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System
(eSRS)   supports  vendor  submission  of
subcontracting data for contracts  identified
as requiring this information.  EPA submits
synopses of procurement opportunities over
$25,000    to    the   Federal   Business
Opportunities  (FBO)   website, where the
information is  accessible  to  the  public.
Vendors use this website to identify business
opportunities in federal contracting.
Account Code
EPA Service Fee
(in thousands)
Integrated Acquisition Environment
(IAE) Grants and Loans

The  Federal Funding Accountability  and
Transparency  Act  (FFATA)  requires the
agencies to unambiguously identify contract,
grant,  and  loan  recipients  and determine
parent/child      relationship,       address
information,  etc.    The FFATA taskforce
determined that using both  the  Dun and
Bradstreet (D&B) DUNS Number (standard
identifier for all business lines) and Central
Contractor  Registration (CCR), the single
point of  entry for  data collection  and
dissemination, is the most appropriate way
to accomplish this.  This fee will  pay  for
EPA's use  of this  service in  the  course of
reporting grants and/or loans.
Fiscal Year
Account Code
EPA Service Fee
             Note: FY 2008 amount is for Agency contribution and FY 2009 amount is for service fee.
Enterprise Human Resource Integration

The     Enterprise    Human    Resource
Integration's  (EHRI)  Electronic  Official
Personnel Folder  (eOPF)  is  designed  to
provide  a  consolidated   repository  that
digitally documents the employment actions
and history of individuals employed  by the
Federal government. EPA plans to migrate
from a manual Official Personnel File (OFF)
process to the federal eOPF system by April
2008. This initiative will benefit the Agency
by reducing contract support costs for file
room maintenance  and improve customer
service  for employees  and productivity  for
FIR specialists.

  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
The   Agency   plans   to   reduce   the
Headquarters OFF contract once the eOPF is
implemented. The contract will be evaluated
one year from the  actual eOPF deployment
to determine if additional cost reductions are
feasible  or  if the   contract  could  be
eliminated. In  addition, customer  service
will improve for employees since they will
have  24/7  access  to  view and  print their
official   personnel   documents   and  HR
specialists  will no  longer be required to
manually  file,  retrieve  or mail  personnel
actions   to  employees   thus   improving
EPA  benefits  from EHRI in  FY09 are
anticipated to be the same as those described
Fiscal Year
Account Code
EPA Service Fee
(in thousands)
Recruitment One-Stop (ROS)

Recruitment One-Stop  (ROS) simplifies the
process of locating and applying for Federal
jobs.     USAJOBS   is   a   standard  job
announcement and resume builder.  It is the
one-stop for  Federal job seekers to search
for and  apply  to  positions  on-line.   This
integrated  process  benefits  citizens  by
providing a more efficient process to locate
and  apply for  jobs,  and assists  Federal
agencies in hiring top talent in a competitive
marketplace.    The  Recruitment  One-Stop
initiative   has   increased   job   seeker
satisfaction with the  Federal job application
process and is helping  the Agency to locate
highly-qualified candidates   and  improve
response times to applicants.

By integrating  with  ROS, the Agency has
eliminated the need   for   applicants  to
maintain multiple user IDs  to apply  for
Federal jobs through various systems.  The
vacancy  announcement format has  been
improved for easier readability.  The system
can maintain up to 5 resumes per applicant,
which  allows them  to  create  and  store
resumes tailored to specific skills —  this is
an improvement from our previous system
that only allowed one resume per applicant.
In addition,  ROS has a notification feature
that keeps applicants updated on the current
status of the application, and provides a link
to  the   agency  website   for   detailed
information.   This self-help  ROS  feature
allows  applicants  to  obtain  up-to-date
information on the status of their application
upon request.

EPA benefits from Recruitment One-Stop in
FY09 are anticipated to be the same as those
described forFYOS.
Fiscal Year
Account Code
EPA Service Fee
(in thousands)

 The   President's  Management  Agenda
encourages e-learning to improve training,
efficiency and financial performance.  EPA
recently exercised its option to renew the
current Interagency Agreement with  OPM-
GoLearn that provides  licenses to  online

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
training for employees.   EPA  purchased
5,000 licenses to prevent any interruption in
service to current users.
EPA benefits from  eTraining in FY09 are
anticipated to be the same as those described
Fiscal Year
Account Code
EPA Service Fee
(in thousands)
Human Resources LoB

The  Human  Resources Line  of Business
(FIR LoB) provides federal government the
infrastructure    to    support    pay-for-
performance   systems,   modernized   HR
systems,   and  the   core   functionality
necessary for  the strategic management of
human capital.
The FIR LoB offers common solutions that
will   enable  Federal  departments  and
agencies  to  work more effectively, and  it
provides managers and executives across the
Federal  Government  improved  means  to
meet strategic objectives. EPA benefits by
supporting     an     effective    program
management  activity  which will  deliver
more tangible results in 2009 and beyond.
Fiscal Year
Account Code
020-00-0 1 - 1 6-04- 1 200-24-403 -250
EPA Contribution
(in thousands)
Grants Management LoB

EPA manages 6,288  grant awards equaling
approximately $4.1 billion. EPA anticipates
the key benefit will be having a centralized
location to download all applications, make
awards,  and  track  awards  to  closeout.
Automated  business   processes   available
through consortium service  providers will
decrease  agency  reliance on manual and
paper-based   processing.  Consortium  lead
agencies   will   spread   operations  and
maintenance     (O&M)     costs,    and
development,      modernization,     and
enhancement (DME) costs across agencies,
decreasing the burden that any one  agency
must bear.

GM LoB will lead to a reduction in the
number of systems of record for grants data
across  EPA  and  the  government and the
development    of   common    reporting
standards,  improving  EPA's  ability  to
provide  agency-   and  government-wide
reports  on  grant  activities  and results.
Migrating to a consortium lead agency will
help EPA comply with the Federal Financial
Assistance  Management  Improvement Act
of   1999   and   the   Federal   Funding
Accountability  and  Transparency Act  of

Service to constituents will  be  improved
through the standardization and streamlining
of   government-wide    grants   business
processes. The public will save time a result
of quicker notification  and  faster  payments
due  to an  automated system  for  grants
processing.   Furthermore,  GM  LoB will
minimize  complex  and  varying agency-
specific requirements and increase grantee
ease of use on  Federal grants management

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                       FY 2009 Annual Plan
systems.   Constituents will benefit as they
will have fewer unique agency systems and
processes to learn; grantees' ability to learn
how to use the system will be improved and
reliance on call center technical support will
be reduced.  Consortium lead agencies will
also provide grantees with online access to
standard post-award  reports, decreasing the
number of unique agency-specific reporting
Fiscal Year
Account Code
020-00-04-00-04- 1 3 00-24-
020-00-04-00-04- 1 3 00-24
Contribution (in
Geospatial LoB

The Geospatial Line of Business (GeoLoB)
will  reduce EPA costs  and  improve  our
operations in several areas. The investment
in  FY08  and  FY09  will   provide  the
necessary  planning  and   coordination  to
begin providing significant benefits to EPA
in FY10 and beyond in the following ways:

EPA's mission requires the use of a  broad
range of data on places (e.g. facilities, roads,
waste  sites, etc.)  and  geographic features
(wetlands, sols, hydrography, etc) to support
our   decision   making  processes.   OMB
circular  A-16  identified  over 30 critical
datasets,  many  of which are needed  to
support  environmental  decisions.    The
GeoLoB   Program  Management  Office,
established in  late FY07, will  help EPA by
providing  much  needed  planning   and
coordination across the A-16 data stewards
to complete these critical data sets.

EPA  is moving towards  deployment of  a
service-oriented   architecture  that   will
facilitate flexible access to data to support a
variety     of     business    applications.
Implementing     a    Service    Oriented
Architecture     (SOA)    requires     the
establishment  of  common standards  and
policies.  The GeoLoB  will  advance  the
establishment of  a  geospatial  segment
architecture as part of the Federal Enterprise
Architecture that can expose geospatial data
and  capabilities  across  vertical  lines  of
business. In the process of establishing the
geospatial    segment   architecture,    the
GeoLoB will promote the implementation of
standards and policies to support an SOA.

EPA's   geospatial   program   has   saved
approximately  $2  million  per  year  by
consolidating  procurements for  data  and
tools  into  multi-year  enterprise  licenses.
The GeoLoB will reduce costs by providing
an opportunity for EPA and other agencies
to  share   approaches  on   procurement
consolidation that other agencies can follow.
In  FY08,  EPA   is   leading   a  GeoLoB
initiative   to  explore  opportunities  for
Federal-wide acquisition of key geospatial
software and  data.

EPA benefits from Geospatial LoB in FY09
are anticipated to  be  the same  as  those
described for FY08.

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
Fiscal Year
Account Code
(in thousands)

The  eRulemaking program  is designed to
enhance public access and participation in
the regulatory  process  through electronic
systems;  reduce  burden for  citizens  and
businesses  in finding  relevant regulations
and  commenting on  proposed rulemaking
actions;   consolidate   redundant   docket
systems;  and improve  agency  regulatory
processes  and the timeliness of regulatory

The  Federal  Docket Management System,
which  was  launched under  eRulemaking,
has simplified the public's participation in
the rulemaking  process  and made EPA's
rulemaking   business   processes    more
accessible as well as transparent.  FDMS
provides EPA's  1,430 registered users with
a  secure, centralized electronic repository
for  managing  the  Agency's  rulemaking
development via distributed management of
data and robust role-based user access. EPA
posts   regulatory    and   non-regulatory
documents  in Regulations.gov  for  public
viewing,  downloading,   and  commenting.
From  January  through  October   2007,
Regulations.gov   posted   1,374  Federal
Register notices, 1,171  rules and proposed
rules,  and  24,461   public   submissions.
During  the  same time-frame, EPA  posted
13,429 supporting and related materials.

Fiscal Year


Account Code

020-00-01-16-04-0060-24-306-1 13
020-00-0 1 0 1 6-04-0060-24
$ 535.0

Public trust in the  security  of information
exchanged  over the Internet plays a vital
role in the  success of E-Gov initiatives. E-
Authentication  is setting the standards  for
the identity  proofing  of individuals  and
businesses,  based on risk of online services
used.  The initiative focuses  on meeting  the
authentication business needs of the E-Gov
initiatives  and  building   the   necessary
infrastructure to support common, unified
processes and systems for government-wide
use. This will help build the trust that must
be an inherent part of every online exchange
between citizens and government.

The  only  web-based E-Authentication that
EPA is currently implementing is for Central
Data Exchange Web Portal (CDX-Web) at
Level   3.      CDX-Web   provides   E-
Authentication and  other services for back-
end EPA systems, and our current plan is to
offer  production Level  3 E-Authentication
for the  end-users  of the one  system that
currently is  on  track  to implement  PKI-

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan
based    digital    signatures.        This
implementation  will   achieve   production
Level 3 E-Authentication by upgrading PKI
certificate   management   practices   and
validation  technologies  already  available
within the  CDX-Web  environment so that
they   meet  the   requirements   for  E-
Authentication participation.   As currently
planned, the implementation will provide E-
Authentication  services for 1,000 to  2,000

The initiative benefits  EPA  by  providing
expertise,   guidance,  and  documentation,
including  project  planning and  reporting
templates,  to  enable  EPA   to   achieve
production    implementation    of    E-
Authentication for its CDX-Web by the end
of Q2 FY08. EPA is taking advantage of the
availability  of PKI  certificates  provided
through the EPA  Authentication Federation
to offer production level 3 E-Authentication

EPA  benefits  from  E-Authentication   in
FY09 are  anticipated to be similar to those
described for FY08.
Fiscal Year
Account Code
EPA Service Fee
(in thousands)
Business Gateway

By  creating  a single  portal  for  business
information,  such  as the  e-Forms catalog,
Business Gateway directly benefits EPA's
regulated communities, many of whom are
subject to complex regulatory requirements
across multiple agencies.    The Business
Gateway   initiative   benefits   EPA   by
supporting  the Agency's  emphasis on the
Small Business Paperwork Relief Act  of
2002.    EPA  has  over  100  initiatives,
activities,  and services  directed at small
business needs.  Business.gov continues to
provide a one-stop compliance tool enabling
small and  emerging businesses  access  to
compliance  information,  forms and  tools
across the  Federal Government.  Business
Gateway  supports  EPA's  small  business
activities   function   by   providing   the
following benefits:

    •   Providing a single point of access for
       electronic regulatory forms;
    •   Providing      "plain      English"
       compliance guidance, fact sheets and
       links   to   checklists   for   small
       businesses; and
    •   Maintaining an extensive  Web site
       with numerous links to other internal
       and external assistance sources.

EPA   anticipates  similar   benefits   from
Business Gateway  in 2009  as stated  for
Fiscal Year
Account Code
(in thousands)

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      FY 2009 Annual Plan

E-Travel is designed to provide EPA more
efficient and effective  travel  management
services, with  cost  savings  from  cross-
government  purchasing  agreements  and
improved functionality through streamlined
travel policies and processes, strict security
and privacy controls,  and enhanced agency
oversight and audit capabilities.
EPA employees also will benefit from  the
integrated travel planning provided through
E-Travel.  EPA and GSA have agreed to a
September 2008  GovTrip implementation
Fiscal Year
Account Code
EPA Service Fee
(in thousands)

The   initiative   benefits  EPA  through
improved    IT    performance,    greater
efficiencies in  IT infrastructure investments,
and  consistency   and  standardization   of
infrastructure platforms.  The IT LoB will
provide EPA  with best  practice data and
industry-wide   performance   metrics   to
validate existing performance.
EPA  stands to  benefit from  all three IT
Infrastructure  areas of  concentration (End
User Systems and Support, Mainframes and
Servers   Systems   and    Support,   and
Telecommunications Systems and Support).
In  addition,   EPA  should  benefit  from
information   and,    potentially,   pricing
previously available to only larger agencies.
Fiscal Year
Account Code
EPA Contribution
(in thousands)
Financial Management Line of Business

EPA  will  complete  the  planning  and
acquisition phase  of its Financial  System
Modernization  Project  (FSMP)  and  will
begin migration to a shared service provider.
This work will benefit from the  migration
guidance developed in FY06, including the
use of performance  metrics  developed for
service  level  agreements and  the  use of
standard business  processes developed  for
four  core  financial   management  sub-
functions:  Payments, Receipts,  Funds and
Reporting.  The Agency expects to achieve
operational savings in future years because
of the use of the shared  service provider for
operations  and  maintenance  of the new

 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                FY 2009 Annual Plan
Fiscal Year
Account Code
(in thousands)
Budget Formulation and Execution (BFE)

The  Budget Formulation  and  Execution
Lines of Business (BFE LoB) allows EPA
and other agencies to access budget-related
benefits   and  services   and   optionally
implement LoB sponsored tools and


EPA has  benefited from the BFE LoB in the
following ways:
   •   Through      on-going      agency
       presentations,   the   LoB    shares
       valuable   information   on   what
       has/hasn't     worked    (best/worst
       practices)  on  the use  of different
       budget systems and software.
   •   Through the use of a collaboration
       effort,        a       government-
       wide/government only capability for
       electronic  collaboration  (Wiki) has
       been  established  where  a Budget
       Community website allows EPA to
       share budget information with OMB
       (and other federal  agencies)  in  a
       more efficient and effective manner.
   •   The LoB is working on giving EPA
       and other  agencies the capability to
       have secure, virtual on-line meetings
       where participants can not only hear
       what's  been  said  by  conference
       calling into  the  meeting,  but  also
       view  budget-related  presentations
       directly from their workspace.
The  LoB has  provided EPA  and
other   agencies   with    Budget
Execution       and      Financial
Management Integration tools, such
as fundamental  budget documents,
that   provide  agencies   a  better
understanding of the relationship and
tie-in between  the budget  process
and   the   financial   management
The LoB has provided budget-related
training to EPA budget  employees
on OMB's MAX budget system, and
on Treasury's FACTS  II statements
and how it ties to the budget process.
EPA will also benefit from the LoB's
on-going  effort   to   develop    a
government-wide            "core
competencies" budget  training  and
certification      program     where
employees  entering the  field  of
budget will  be required to complete
essential  basic  federal  budgeting
training; thus providing EPA with  a
better qualified budget analysts.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2009 Annual Plan


Account Code

(in thousands)
"K1 1 0 0 nf in IdnH
"KQS 0 nf in IdnH
