U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Table of Contents

Introduction and Overview	i-1
        EPA's Mission and Goals	i-1
        Annual Plan and Budget Overview	i-2
        Organization of the Annual Performance Plan and Budget	i-10

Resource Tables	RT-1
        Resources by Appropriation	RT-1
        Resources by Goal/Appropriation	RT-3
        Resources by Goal/Objective	RT-8

Goal 1: Clean Air and Global Climate Change	1-1
        Healthier Outdoor Air	1-11
        Healthier Indoor Air	1-27
        Protect the Ozone Layer	1-38
        Radiation	1-41
        Reduce Greenhouse Gas Intensity	1-47
        Enhance Science and Research	1-52

Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water	II-l
        Protect Human Health	11-10
        Protect Water Quality	11-27
        Enhance Science and Research	11-41

Goal 3: Land Preservation and Restoration	III-l
        Preserve Land	III-l 1
        Restore Land	111-17
        Enhance Science and Research	111-29

Goal 4: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems	IV-1
        Chemical, Organism, and Pesticide Risks	IV-16
        Communities	IV-31
        Ecosystems	IV-37
        Enhance Science and Research	IV-54

Goal 5: Compliance and Environmental Stewardship	V-l
        Improve Compliance	V-14
        Improve Environmental Performance through Pollution Prevention and Innovation	V-24
        Build Tribal Capacity	V-33
        Enhance Science and Research	V-37

Enabling/Support Programs	ESP-1
        Office of Air and Radiation	ESP-1
        Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response	ESP-1
        Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance	ESP-1
        Office of Administration and Resources Management	ESP-1
        Office of Environmental Information	ESP-3
        Office of the Chief Financial Officer	ESP-10
        Office of International Activities	ESP-12
        Office of the Administrator	ESP-12
        Office of the General Counsel	ESP-12
        Inspector General	ESP-12

Annual Performance Goals and Measures	1
        Clean Air and Global Climate Change	1
        Clean and Safe Water	22
        Land Preservation and Restoration	31
        Healthy Communities and Ecosystems	40

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
        Compliance and Environmental Stewardship	62

Special Analysis	SA-1
        Major Management Challenges	SA-1
        EPA User Fee Program	SA-10
        Working Capital Fund	SA-12
        STAG: Appropriation Account	SA-13
        STAG: Categorical Grants Program	SA-14
        STAG: Statutory Authority and Eligible Uses  	SA-19
        STAG: Infrastructure Financing	SA-29
        Program Projects 	SA-32
        Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)	SA-40

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan

                                           EPA's Mission
        The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to protect and safeguard human health and
the environment, with a new focus on collaboration and partnerships with our Geographic and Regional partners.
This budget supports the  Administration's commitment to environmental results - making the air cleaner, water
purer, and  better protecting  our  land.  The Agency's proposal for FY 2005 also reflects our primary goal of
compliance with national standards, which support neighborhood solutions. It will enable the Agency to take a giant
step toward national market-based solutions, boosting our nation to the next level of environmental protection.

                                             EPA's Goals
        EPA has five strategic, long-term goals in its
Strategic Plan  that guide  the  Agency's planning,
budgeting,     analysis,     accountability,     and
implementation processes.

•   Clean Air  and Global Climate Change: EPA
    will protect and improve the air so it is healthy to
    breathe  and  risks  to  human health and  the
    environment  are  reduced.   EPA  will  reduce
    greenhouse   gas   intensity   by    enhancing
    partnerships with businesses and other sectors.

    EPA and its partners will protect human health
    and   the   environment  by   attaining  and
    maintaining health-based  air-quality standards
    and reducing the risk from toxic air pollutants,
    and will encourage voluntary actions to improve
    indoor  air  in  homes,  schools,   and   office
    buildings.   Through worldwide  action,  ozone
    concentrations in the stratosphere will improve,
    reducing  the   risk  to  human   health from
    overexposure to ultraviolet radiation. EPA and
    its  partners   will  also  work  to  minimize
    unnecessary  releases   of  radiation  and   be
    prepared to minimize impacts  should unwanted
    releases occur.   In addition, EPA will  provide
    and apply sound  science and  conduct leading-
    edge research in support of air programs.

•   Clean  and Safe  Water:   EPA  will  ensure
    drinking water is safe. EPA will also restore and
    maintain oceans, watersheds, and their  aquatic
    ecosystems to  protect  human health,  support
    economic and recreational activities, and provide
    healthy habitat for fish, plants, and wildlife.

    EPA will  protect human  health by  reducing
    exposure to contaminants in drinking water, in
    fish  and shellfish,  and in  recreational  waters.
    EPA will also protect the quality of rivers, lakes,
    and streams on a watershed basis, and  protect
    coastal and ocean waters.  EPA's water program
    will be supported by providing and applying  a
    sound scientific foundation through the conduct
    of leading-edge research and development  of  a
    better understanding and characterization of the
    environmental outcomes.

•   Land Preservation and Restoration: EPA will
    preserve and restore the land by using innovative
    waste management  practices  and cleaning up
    contaminated properties to reduce risks posed by
    releases of harmful substances.

    EPA  will  reduce  waste  generation,  increase
    recycling, and  ensure  proper  management of
    waste and  petroleum products at facilities in
    ways that prevent releases. EPA will also work
    to control the risks  to human health and the
    environment  by  mitigating   the   impact of
    accidental or intentional releases and by cleaning
    up and restoring contaminated sites. EPA's land
    preservation and restoration  efforts  will be
    supported by the application of sound science
    and the conduct of leading-edge research.

•   Healthy  Communities and Ecosystems:  EPA
    will  protect, sustain,  or  restore the health of
    people,  communities,  and  ecosystems using
    integrated and comprehensive  approaches and

    EPA will prevent and reduce potential pesticide,
    chemical, and  genetically-engineered biological
    organism risks to humans,  communities,  and
    ecosystems.  EPA will work to protect, sustain,
    and restore the health of communities,  natural
    habitats,  and ecosystems, including  brownfield

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                         FY 2005 Annual Plan
    sites, the United States-Mexico border, wetlands,
    and specific ecosystems such as the Great Lakes,
    Chesapeake Bay, and  Gulf of Mexico.   The
    Agency will work  to  enhance  the Nation's
    capability  to prevent, detect, and recover from
    acts of terror through  research,  enhanced data
    collection and sharing, and provision of technical
    support to infrastructure.  In addition, EPA will
    provide a  sound   scientific  foundation  for
    protecting, sustaining, and restoring the health of
    people,  communities, and  ecosystems  through
    leading-edge research.

•   Compliance and Environmental Stewardship:
    EPA will  improve  environmental  performance
    through   compliance   with   environmental
    requirements,   preventing   pollution,   and
    promoting environmental stewardship. EPA will
    protect  human health and  the environment by
    encouraging innovation and providing incentives
    for governments, businesses, and the public that
    promote environmental stewardship.  Additional
    funds  and resources  provided  in  2004 and
    continued  into 2005 will  allow  resumption  of
targeted inspections and enforcement activities in
both the civil and criminal context.

EPA   will   maximize  compliance   through
compliance  assistance,  compliance incentives,
and  enforcement.    EPA  will  also  work to
improve  environmental protection  and enhance
natural  resource conservation on  the part of
government, business, and the public through the
adoption of pollution prevention and sustainable
practices, the  reduction of regulatory barriers,
and the application of results-based, innovative,
and multimedia  approaches.  In addition, EPA
will   assist  Federally  recognized  tribes  in
assessing the  condition of their environment,
help  build   their   capacity  to   implement
environmental programs, and carry out programs
in Indian country where  needed  to address
environmental issues.  EPA will also strengthen
the scientific evidence and research supporting
environmental   policies   and   decisions   on
compliance,     pollution    prevention,    and
environmental stewardship.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan

                                Annual Plan and Budget Overview
        The  EPA's FY  2005  Annual  Plan  and
Budget requests $7.8 billion in discretionary budget
authority and 17,904 Full Time Equivalents (FTE).
This budget  request  supports  the  Agency's  core
programs and implementation of critical components
of   the    President's    Management   Agenda.
Additionally, this request emphasizes the importance
of adequate resources and vision necessary to reach
our Nation's environmental goals.  Resources also
support the Agency's efforts to work with its partners
toward protecting air, water, and land, as  well as
providing for EPA's role in safeguarding the Nation
from  terrorist  acts.    The  request  supports  the
Administration's  commitment   to   setting   high
environmental  protection standards, while focusing
on  results and performance, and achieving goals
outlined in the President's Management Agenda.

        This Annual Plan and Budget submission
demonstrates   EPA's commitment  to  protecting
human health  and  the  environment,  building  and
enhancing relationships  with our  Geographic  and
Regional  partners,   and  improving   environment
results.   EPA's  budget  request places a strong
emphasis on working with  stakeholders  to  protect
human health.  For example, the Agency requests $65
million for grants to  retrofit the Nation's school buses
with cleaner technologies, thereby  reducing  diesel
emissions. The budget will also assist our state and
local  partners  in meeting  national environmental
quality standards.  EPA requests $20 million and $45
million respectively  to support the Agency's request
for Water Quality Monitoring and the Great Lakes
Legacy   Act.     These  efforts   exhibit   EPA's
commitment   to    collaborative    environmental

Clean Air and Global Climate Change

        The FY 2005 President's Budget  expands
EPA's  Clean  School Bus USA  program  to  $65
million  in grant  funding for projects that  reduce
diesel emissions  from  school  buses through  bus
retrofit or replacement. Clean School Bus USA helps
ensure that school buses - which are the safest way
for kids to get to  school - also  are  the  cleanest
possible transportation for this generation of school
children.  EPA initially launched the program in
April 2003 using $5 million in grant funding.  The
initial grant offering garnered 120 grant applications
from every region of the country totaling nearly $60
million in requests and offering some $36 million in
matching  resources.  EPA  supported  17 of these
projects with the given resources.  By expanding this
program,  additional  resources   are  available  to
communities for localized solutions that address  an
issue important to  children  and parents  across the

        The Clear  Skies initiative draws on EPA's
experience to modernize the Clean Air Act.  Using a
market-based approach, the Clear Skies initiative will
dramatically reduce power plant emissions of three of
the most  significant air pollutants—sulfur dioxide
(SO2),  nitrogen   oxides   (NOX),  and   mercury.
Reductions in  SO2 and NOX emissions will also
reduce airborne fine paniculate matter (PM2 5), which
is  associated  with these  two  pollutants.   EPA's
approach builds upon the success of the acid rain cap-
and-trade  program  created by  the Clean  Air Act
amendments in 1990.  The Clear Skies initiative will
achieve   substantially   greater   reductions   in air
pollution from power plants  more quickly and with
more certainty than the existing Clean Air Act. The
initiative requires  mandatory reductions of SO2, NOX,
and mercury (Hg) by an average of 70% from today's
levels and ensures that these  levels are achieved and
sustained through caps on emissions. EPA  has also
proposed  an  Interstate  Air Quality Rule that also
utilizes a cap and trade program to reduce  SO2 and
NOX  as   well  as  a   proposed  Utility  Mercury
Reductions  Rule  that  seeks  comments  on two
approaches for reducing the estimated 48 tons  of
mercury currently emitted each year by coal-burning
power plants in the United  States  Despite these
reductions, some  states will need  to  implement
further  measures to  meet National  Ambient  Air
Quality  Standards (NAAQS).    To help  states and
localities develop cost-effective strategies, EPA also
will need to provide assistance to states to implement
reductions. One approach is to strengthen air models
by  developing  emission factors and   improving
emission inventories.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
  The  number of people  living  in  areas  with
  monitored ambient ozone  concentrations below
  the NAAQS for the one-hour ozone standard will
  increase by 4% for a cumulative total of 53%.
        A key to achieving the Clean Air Goal is
$313.0 million included in this budget for air grants
that  support states  and tribes.   This total includes
resources   to   assist   states,   tribes   and   local
governments  in devising  additional stationary and
mobile source strategies to reduce ozone, paniculate
matter, and other pollutants.

        The  Agency  will develop strategies and
rules to help  states and tribes reduce emissions and
exposure to hazardous air pollutants, particularly in
urban areas, and reduce harmful deposition in water

        EPA's air research program will continue to
provide a strong scientific basis  for  policy and
regulatory decisions and explore emerging problem
 By 2005 the percentage of the population served by
 community water systems will receive drinking water
 that meets health-based standards with which systems
 need to comply as of December 2001 will be 94%.
  Air toxics emissions nationwide from stationary and
  mobile  sources  combined  will be reduced  by an
  additional 1% of the updated 1993 baseline  of 6.0
  million tons for a cumulative reduction of 38%.
Climate Change

        This budget request includes $130.1 million
to meet the Agency's climate change objectives by
working with business and other sectors to deliver
multiple benefits - from cleaner air to lower energy
bills   -   while   improving   overall   scientific
understanding of climate  change  and its potential
consequences.  The  core  of  EPA's climate change
efforts are government/industry partnership programs
designed   to   capitalize   on   the   tremendous
opportunities available to consumers, businesses, and
   Greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced from
   projected levels by  approximately  90 MMTCE
   per   year  through  EPA  partnerships  with
   businesses, schools, state and local governments,
   and other organizations.
organizations to make sound investments in efficient
equipment  and  practices.    These programs help
remove barriers in the marketplace, resulting in faster
deployment  of   technology  into  the  residential,
commercial, transportation, and industrial sectors of
the economy.

Clean and  Safe Water

        Over the 30 years  since  enactment  of the
Clean Water  and  Safe  Drinking  Water  Acts,
government,  citizens, and the  private  sector have
worked together to  make  dramatic  progress  in
improving the quality of surface waters and drinking
  By 2005, using both pollution prevention and
  restoration approaches, so that 500 of the Nation's
  watersheds, water quality standards are met in at
  least 80% of the assessed water segments.
        Thirty years ago, much of the nation's  tap
water  had  either very  limited treatment or  no
treatment  at  all.   About two-thirds of the surface
waters assessed by states were  not attaining  basic
water quality goals and were considered  polluted.
Some  of  the Nation's waters  were open sewers
posing health risks, and many waterbodies were so
polluted that  traditional  uses, such as swimming,
fishing, and recreation were impossible.
Today drinking water  systems  monitor  and treat
water  to  assure  compliance  with drinking  water
standards   applicable   to   a   wider   range  of
contaminants. In addition, drinking water sources are
now protected, which reduces treatment costs in the
long run.   The number of polluted  waters has been
dramatically reduced and many clean waters are even
healthier.   A  massive  investment of Federal,  state,
and  local  funds  resulted in a  new generation of
wastewater  treatment  facilities  able   to   provide
"secondary"  treatment  or better.   Discharges  from
over 50 different  categories of  industries  are now
regulated and efforts to implement 'best management
practices'  have helped reduce runoff of pollutants
from diffuse or 'nonpoint' sources.

        In  FY 2005,  EPA  will  focus  on four
strategies  toward achieving the  Nation's clean and
safe water goals. To better address the complexity of
the remaining  water quality  challenges, EPA will
promote local watershed approaches to  execute  the
best  and most cost effective solutions  to  local and
regional water problems.  To protect and build on the
gains of the past, EPA will focus on its core  water
programs.   To maximize the impact of each dollar,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
EPA will continue to  strengthen vital partnerships
with states, tribes and local governments, and others
working toward the common goal of improving the
Nation's  waters.    To  leverage  progress  through
innovation, EPA will promote water quality trading,
water efficiency, and other market based approaches.

        In FY 2005, to further support states and
tribes  in  implementing  CWA programs,  EPA  is
making a  significant investment in water  quality
monitoring to strengthen and upgrade state programs
through state  grants,  improved data  management
systems and improved monitoring tools.

        EPA's water research program will continue
to provide a strong scientific basis for policy and
regulatory decisions and explore emerging problem

Water Quality Monitoring

        The  FY  2005  water quality  monitoring
investment will be a major step toward solving the
well-documented shortcomings of the Nation's water
quality monitoring.   EPA  can make  the  most of
scarce    resources   through    information-based
management, using tools such as prevention,  source
water protection,  watershed  trading, and permitting
on watershed basis. Monitoring is the foundation of
information-based  management and it is imperative
that  the  data  and  information gaps be closed as
quickly as possible. To strengthen and upgrade water
quality monitoring programs across the country, EPA
proposes two  components:   State  grants  targeted
specifically to enhance state monitoring programs as
well as  support  and  enhancement of  state data
management systems.

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
and Storm Water

        States are struggling with implementation of
the NPDES  permitting  programs,  as   shown by
withdrawal   petitions   and  permit   backlogs.
Compounding the  problem  is that the regulated
universe  has  increased  by  tenfold  due  to new
requirements   for  concentrated   animal  feeding
operations  and  storm water runoff.    Additional
resources in the form of state  grants will assist states
in implementing the NPDES CAFO programs and
issuing storm water permits.

Water Quality Trading

        In FY 2005 EPA will advance water quality
trading  in voluntary  partnerships  on  a watershed
basis.  It capitalizes on economies of scale and cost
differences among sources.    Trading allows one
source to meet its regulatory obligations by using
pollutant reductions gained by another source and
provides incentives for voluntary reductions at a
reduced  cost to all.  It encourages earlier  and/or
greater reductions than required, more cost effective
programs, and incentives for innovative solutions to
complex water quality problems.

Water Efficiency

        Growing  populations   place   increasing
demands on water sources.  In addition, the  nation
faces a multi-billion dollar  gap between water and
wastewater infrastructure  needs over  the  next 20
years.   The touchstone of a long-term strategy to
manage  and   maintain  water   and   wastewater
infrastructure  is   sustainability.     An  important
component of that strategy is promoting sustainable
systems.  EPA will work in partnership  with  the
states, utility  industry and others to  enhance  the
operating efficiencies of systems.  These efficiencies
will  help systems make  necessary  investments to
meet growing  demand and sustain gains made over
the past three decades.  EPA will also help mitigate
the infrastructure needs by investing in  efforts to
reduce water demand and wastewater flows, allowing
for deferral or downsizing of capital projects. Added
benefits  to  reduced demand  include:   maintaining
streamflows,  protecting  aquatic  habitat,   avoiding
overdrawn aquifers, and conserving supply sources.

Land Preservation and Restoration

        This budget  continues a commitment to
clean up toxic waste  sites  with $1.4 billion  for
Superfund.  The Agency will also work to  maximize
the  participation  of responsible parties in  site
cleanups while promoting fairness in the enforcement
process.   EPA will continue the progress we have
made  in cleaning  up  toxic   waste   sites  while
protecting  public  health  and  returning  land to
productive   use.     As  of   January   6,  2004,
approximately   700 cleanup construction projects
were underway at over  430  Superfund  National
Priority List (NPL) sites construction was complete
on over 890 sites, or  59% of NPL sites.  EPA has
completed all final cleanup plans at over 1,100 NPL
sites, undertaken 7,900 removals at hazardous waste
sites  to immediately  reduce  human  health  and
environmental threats, assessed over 45,300 sites, and
removed more  than 33,400 sites from the national
toxic waste  site list to help promote the  economic
redevelopment  of these  properties.    The  waste

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
research program continues to support the Agency's
objective of reducing or controlling potential risks to
human health and the environment at contaminated
waste sites  by accelerating scientifically-defensible
and cost-effective  decisions for cleanup at complex
sites, mining sites, marine spills, and Brownfields in
accordance with CERCLA.

Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

Ensuring Safe Food

        The  FY  2005 request  includes  $156.7
million  to  meet implementation  challenges of  the
Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996 so that
all Americans will  continue to enjoy one of the safest
and most affordable food supplies in the world. The
Agency's   implementation  of  FQPA  focuses  on
science-driven policies for pesticides review, seeks to
encourage the development of reduced risk pesticides
to provide an alternative to the older versions on the
market,  and works  to develop and deliver information
on  alternative  pesticides/techniques and  best  pest
control  practices to pesticide users.  The  Agency is
also  working to  help  farmers' transition-without
disrupting   production~to   safer   substitutes   and
alternative  farming practices.  Reassessing existing
tolerances ensures  food  safety, especially for infants
and children, and ensures that all pesticides registered
for use  meet current health standards.  This budget
request  also supports FQPA research. That research
seeks  to reduce uncertainties in risk assessment by
developing  tools  to  reduce  reliance  on  default
assumptions  and support  the  development  of  new
assessment methodologies.
 By the  end  of 2005,  EPA  will  reassess  a
 cumulative 88% of the 9,721 pesticide tolerances
 required to be reassessed over ten years.
Chemical Programs

        EPA's  strategy  to  prevent  and  reduce
potential   risks   posed   by    chemicals   and
microorganisms comprises three primary approaches:
preventing  the introduction into U.S. commerce of
chemicals that pose  unreasonable risks;  effectively
screening the stock of chemicals already in use for
potential risk;  and  developing and  implementing
action plans to  reduce use  of and  exposure to
chemicals  that have been  demonstrated to  harm
humans and the  environment. EPA will continue to
work with  states and Tribes, other federal agencies,
the  private  sector,  and international entities  to
implement this strategy and, in particular, to  make
protection of children and the aging a fundamental
goal of public health and environmental protection in
the United States and around the world.  Both the
New  Chemicals and Existing Chemicals  programs
have initiated work to develop long-term,  ambitious
targets not only in response to the FY 2004 PART
process but  also  in  conjunction  with  the  EPA
Strategic  Plan  revision  effort.   Both have  made
significant improvements since the FY  2004 review,
with new chemicals program receiving one of the
highest ratings of EPA  programs  reviewed by the
PART for FY 2005. Both programs are continuing
its efforts to improve performance  measurement in
response to FY 2005 PART findings by developing
long-term and associated annual efficiency measures.

Great Lakes

        To  advance the  Agency's efforts regarding
innovative and effective partnerships, EPA is making
a significant  investment  in the  Great Lakes Legacy
Act  program to  address cleanup  of  contaminated
sediments.   EPA and  its Great Lakes community
partners will collaborate on remedial action within
the Areas of Concern identified  as potential Legacy
Act sediment remediation sites in 2005.

Chesapeake Bay

        The  FY 2005 President's Budget includes
$30 million for the Chesapeake  Bay.   Of that total,
$10  million in the  Targeted Watershed program is
directed toward Chesapeake  Bay for a regional pilot
program that will  help  sewage  treatment plants
reduce  nutrient  discharges  to  the  Bay  through
nonpoint source projects. Partners in the effort to
protect the  Bay include Maryland,  Virginia and
Pennsylvania;  the   District  of   Columbia;   the
Chesapeake Bay Commission, a tri-state legislative
body;   EPA,   which   represents   the    Federal
government;  and  participating citizen   advisory


        Additionally, the Agency is  committed to
building innovative and  effective  partnerships that
allow  states and  tribes to  make  environmental
decisions on local levels.  This budget provides $210
million  for  Brownfields.      As  one    of  the
Administration's top environmental priorities and a
key to restoring contaminated sites to productive use,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
the Brownfields program will draw on some of these
resources  to  enhance  state and Tribal response
programs.   By  protecting  land and  revitalizing
contaminated sites throughout the US, EPA continues
to expand efforts  to foster healthy and economically
sustainable communities and attract new investments
to rejuvenate areas.

Homeland Security

        EPA's FY 2005  Annual Plan  and  Budget
requests  $97 million  and 151 FTE  to  support the
Agency's  Homeland   Security  responsibilities  in
accordance  with  the  Public Health Security  and
Bioterrorism Preparedness  and   Response  Act  of
2002, the  National Strategy  for Homeland Security,
and Presidential Directives  (FDD) 39,  62, 63.  In
addition, EPA will conduct research  and provide
guidance and  technical support for  Federal,  state,
local governments, and other institutions in the areas
of biological agents, water  security,  and rapid risk
  A  strong  enforcement program  identifies  and
  reduces  noncompliance  problems,  assists  the
  regulated     community     in    understanding
  environmental laws and regulations, responds to
  complaints from the public, strives to secure a level
  economic playing field for law-abiding companies,
  and deters future violations.

Compliance and Environmental Stewardship

        Many of the environmental improvements in
this country during the past 30 years can be attributed
to a strong  set  of environmental laws and EPA's
efforts to ensure  compliance with those laws through
a smart enforcement program.  A smart enforcement
program  uses   a   mix  of  integrated  strategies,
partnerships,  and innovative approaches  to provide
cleaner air, purer  water, and better protected land.
An integrated approach considers  the  appropriate
tools   to  use  when  addressing  environmental
problems, and uses data analysis and  other relevant
information  to  marshal and  leverage  resources to
target  significant  noncompliance and address  the
associated environmental risks.  The program uses a
combination of tools such as compliance assistance
and incentives,  monitoring,  and civil and criminal
enforcement,  in cooperating  with our  regulatory
partner, to provide  a broad scope of actions designed
to protect public health and the environment.  State,
Tribal, and local  governments bear
much of the responsibility for ensuring compliance.
EPA  works  in  partnership with  them  and  other
Federal   agencies   to   promote   environmental

        The  FY  2005  request  will  continue to
support the regulated community's compliance with
environmental   requirements   through   voluntary
compliance incentives and assistance programs.  The
Agency  will  provide  information  and  technical
assistance to  the regulated community through the
compliance  assistance  program  to   increase  its
understanding  of  all  statutory  or   regulatory
environmental requirements, thereby reducing risk to
human  health  and the  environment  and  gaining
measurable  improvements in  compliance.    The
program will  also continue to develop strategies and
compliance   assistance   tools  that   will   support
   Increase the regulated community's compliance
   with environmental requirements through their
   expanded use of compliance  assistance.  The
   Agency will continue to support small business
   compliance assistance  centers  and  develop
   compliance assistance  tools  such  as  sector
   notebooks and compliance guides.
initiatives targeted toward improving compliance  at
Federal  facilities,   in  specific   industrial   and
commercial  sectors,  or  with  certain  regulatory

        The  President's FY 2005 request continues
to support pollution prevention.  Increasingly, the
nation  is  recognizing  the  value  of  pollution
prevention as  an  environmental  strategy,  as  a
sustainable business  practice,  and  as  a funding
principle of  our  society.   It is also  a vehicle for
"reinventing" traditional EPA programs and devising
innovative  alternative  strategies  to  protect public
health  and  the  environment.   Through EPA's
leadership, pollution prevention has become  a key
element   of   initiatives   to    improve   federal
environmental management, empower state and tribal
programs,  encourage  corporate  stewardship,  and
better inform the public.

Enhancing Environmental Performance

        To  further  EPA's  goal   of  promoting
environmental stewardship,  the  Agency  will make
investments in programs to support  State innovation
and pollution prevention in FY 2005.  A new State
and Tribal Performance Fund provides $23 million in
competitive grants to develop projects with tangible,
performance-based   environmental   and   health

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
outcomes that  can be  models for implementation
across the  nation.   EPA  will  also  continue its
emphasis on working with Tribal governments  to
build the capacity of their environmental programs.

Strong Science

        The FY 2005 budget supports EPA's efforts
to further strengthen the role of science in decision-
making by  using  sound scientific information and
analysis to help direct policy and establish priorities.
This budget request includes $572 million for the
Office of Research and Development to develop and
apply  strong science to address both current and
future  environmental challenges.  These resources
support  a  balanced  research  and  development
program designed  to  address Administration and
Agency priorities, and  meet the challenges  of the
Clean Air Act (CAA), the Safe Drinking Water Act
(SDWA), the Federal  Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide  Act  (FIFRA),   the   Food   Quality
Protection  Act  (FQPA),  and  other environmental
statutes.  The budget request includes important new
or increased research efforts in the following areas:
computational toxicology, data quality, and IRIS.

        In  accordance  with  the Administration's
Investment  Criteria for  Research and Development
(relevance,  quality, and  performance), the Agency
will  continue to  improve  the  application of the
Criteria  to  achieve maximum  environmental and
health protections.   Efforts  include applying the
highest quality scientific methods, models, tools, and


        EPA's Office of Research and Development
(ORD) has developed Multi-Year Plans (MYPs) for
each of its major research programs.   These MYPs
describe the scientific context and present clear goals
and priorities for each research program.  Reflecting
the inherently  long-term  nature  of  research,  each
MYP has identified annual and  long-term (five  to
eight years out) goals that contribute  to achievement
of  the  Agency's  strategic  outcome   goals  and
objectives. Each MYP is regularly updated to reflect
scientific    and   budgetary   changes,    and   is
independently peer-reviewed.

        The Agency is  also  exploring options for
establishing periodic  evaluations of EPA research
programs. Beginning in FY 2005, regular evaluations
by  independent and  external  panels  will provide
prospective  and retrospective  reviews  of program
relevance,   quality,   and   performance   to   date.
Specifically, evaluators will determine whether EPA
research programs have  complete plans with clear
goals  and  priorities,  articulate  potential  public
benefits, are relevant to National,  scientific,  and
customer needs, and identify  appropriate output and
outcome measures, schedules, and decision points.
Evaluations will also include an examination  of
program design to determine the appropriateness of a
program's short-, intermediate-, and long-term goals
and     its    strategy    for    attaining    these.
Recommendations  and  results  from these reviews
will  improve the design and management of EPA
research programs  and  help to  measure  progress
under the Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA). EPA Program Offices and Regions actively
participate in setting goals and priorities for Agency
research.  This input is used on  an annual basis to
inform  and identify the performance  impacts  of
budgetary decisions.


        The Agency will continue to rely upon peer
review as a critical means of ensuring that Agency
science   activities   are  technically    adequate,
competently performed,  properly  documented,  and
satisfy established  quality requirements.  To  ensure
quality, all scientific and  technical  work  products
undergo either internal or external peer review, with
major or significant products  requiring external peer

        EPA's Science to  Achieve Results (STAR)
program is a competitive, peer-reviewed, extramural
grants  program whose  goal  is  to enhance  EPA's
research efforts  by  engaging  the nation's  best
scientists to provide high-quality, innovative research
and  solutions  to  protect  human  health  and  the
environment.     The  STAR  program uses external
scientific peer reviewers to rate applications based on
scientific merit.


        In response to recommendations from  the
National Research Council, EPA's Science Advisory
Board,  and OMB, ORD is continually working to
improve the performance of  its research programs.
Because of the inherent  challenge in measuring
research results, EPA  is taking  a multi-faceted
approach   in   tracking  and  communicating   the
performance of its research programs.

        Specifically, EPA has developed multi-year
plans for each of its research  programs using a
program design/evaluation   logic model  to help

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
identify the outputs, customers, transfer needs,  and
short-, intermediate-, and long-term outcomes of each
research  program.   ORD  has  incorporated these
critical   elements   its  long-term   and   annual
performance   goals  to  illustrate  how   research
contributes to the achievement of Agency outcomes.
The  Agency has included specific long-term goals
and  annual  performance  goals which  represent
significant   research  accomplishments   in   the
individual goal chapters of the budget request. EPA
will  also  determine   success  in achieving  each
program's  research commitments not  only by  its
timeliness in meeting annual performance goals, but
will  also hold external independent reviews on a
regular basis to evaluate the relevance, quality,  and
performance of its research programs.

        EPA  believes  that   taking  a  multi-year
approach to its research planning, incorporating the
elements of logic model design in the development of
outcome-oriented  performance  information,   and
initiating external independent reviews of its research
programs are important improvements in support of
achieving   significant  research   results    and
contributing   to   the   achievement   of  Agency
environmental and health outcomes.

The    President's   Management   Agenda:   A
Commitment to Reform and Results

        The Agency is committed to achieving the
Administration's management reform priorities for a
government that is results-oriented, citizen-centered,
and  market-based.  This Annual Plan and Budget
represents a strong commitment to reduce regulatory
burdens and streamline Agency operations, so  that
the Agency's  focus is on positive and measurable
environmental results while working more effectively
with our partners and stakeholders. Since FY 1999,
EPA has undertaken significant management reform
by restructuring its budget  to match  the  strategic
goals and objectives of its strategic plan. Since then,
EPA has worked consistently to improve its ability to
manage  for  results.     The  Agency's  current
management reform agenda fully supports the goals
of the President's Management Agenda,  and EPA has
made demonstrable progress in carrying out the five
government-wide initiatives as reflected in Executive
Branch   Scorecard  updates  and  in  delivering
environmental results to our ultimate customer~the
American public.

        Implementation    of   the    President's
Management  Agenda  is  a  major  focus of  the
Agency's FY  2005  budget  request.    EPA  has
identified major efforts to accelerate its progress in
"getting to green" in all five initiatives: Budget and
Performance    Integration,   Improved    Financial
Performance, Expanding E-Government, Competitive
Sourcing,  and  Strategic  Management  of Human
Capital.    The  Agency's   plans   are   described
throughout  this  justification.     The  Office  of
Management and  Budget  (OMB)   rated  EPA's
progress as "green" in all five of the five areas and its
status as "green" in Improved Financial Performance.

        EPA continues to place a great emphasis on
improving performance measures.  The results of the
Administration's  Performance  Assessment  Rating
Tool (PART) were used to inform the Agency's FY
2005 budget request. For example, EPA is investing
in water  quality  monitoring to  ensure  adequate
information is available to link programmatic outputs
to environmental outcomes, and the Agency is better
targeting  pollution  prevention   (P2)   efforts   by
enhancing P2  programs that have shown outcome
results.    In  addition  to  and  complementing  the
Agency's outcome-based environmental performance
measures,  some programs have developed or are in
the process  of  developing  efficiency  measures.
These  measures are structured as a ratio  of  key
program inputs  (e.g. time, dollars, FTE) to program
outputs or outcomes.  They are intended to provide
EPA program managers with additional information
to be used as  a tool for sound decision-making in
program management.

        The    Agency   has   also    incorporated
Measurement Development Plans (MDPs) into  this
year's  Annual  Plan and  Budget.   MDPs,  which
recognize  that environmental performance does not
necessarily improve in one year, describe  efforts to
fill identified  measurement  gaps so  that progress
toward  developing  fully  functioning  measures,
whether long-term  or  short-term, can be tracked.
MDPs provide a road map for developing  improved
long-term  and short-term performance measures for
inclusion in the next strategic plan, tracking  current
strategic targets that cannot  be measured  annually,
and assessing  progress in addressing  performance
measurement gaps.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
                  GOAL 1: Clean Air and Global Climate Change
      STRATEGIC GOAL: Protect and improve the air so it is healthy to breathe and risks to human health and
      the environment are reduced. Reduce greenhouse gas intensity by enhancing partnerships with businesses
   *   and other sectors.                                                                                     /

        Based on  air  quality trends measured at
more than 5000 monitoring sites across the U.S., air
quality has improved steadily since the 1970s.  This
improvement has occurred even as Gross Domestic
Product has increased by 164 percent, miles traveled
by cars and trucks have increased 155 percent, energy
consumption  has  increased by   42 percent;   and
population has increased by 38 percent.1

        Concerted efforts and steady progress  have
achieved  cleaner,  healthier  air,  but  air  pollution
continues  to be a  human health and environmental
problem in the U.S. and around  the world.  The
average adult breathes over 3,400 gallons of air every
day.  Children are more susceptible to air pollution
because they breathe even  more  air per pound of
body weight than adults. Children  also are at greater
risk because they are more active outdoors and  their
lungs are  still developing.   The  elderly are more
sensitive to air pollution because  they  often  have
heart or lung disease.2

        Pollutants in the air cause cancer or other
serious   health   effects,   including  respiratory,
developmental, and reproductive problems.  Certain
pollutants,  such as some metals and certain organic
chemicals, that are emitted from industrial and other
sources can be deposited  into water bodies   and
magnified through the food web, adversely affecting
fish-eating humans  and animals.  Air pollution also
damages crops and forests, makes soil and waterways
more  acidic,   reduces  visibility,   and  accelerates
corrosion of buildings and monuments.3

        In  addition, air pollutants diminish  the
protective  ozone layer  in  the  upper  atmosphere.
Human activities also affect the mixture of gases in
the atmosphere and contribute to  the potential for
world climate change.
1 U.S. EPA, Latest Findings on National Air Quality: 2002
Status and Trends Report,  454/K-03-001 (August 2003),
http: //www.epa. go v/airtrends/.
2 Ibid
3 Ibid
        Outdoor  Air Pollution:   The Clean  Air
Act4 addresses three general categories of outdoor air
pollution:   "criteria" pollutants, air toxics,  and acid
rain.    Criteria  pollutants  include  six  common
pollutants:   paniculate  matter  (PM), ozone, sulfur
dioxide (SO2),  nitrogen  dioxide  (NO2),  carbon
monoxide   (CO),  and lead,  for  which EPA  sets
National Ambient Air Quality  Standards to  protect
public health and the environment. Air toxics, also
called hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), are pollutants
that are known or suspected to cause cancer or other
serious health problems, such as reproductive effects
or birth defects, or adverse ecological effects.  The
Clean Air Act lists 188 HAPs.  Examples include:
dioxin, mercury, benzene, toluene,  and xylene. Acid
rain is formed when SO2 and nitrogen oxides (NOX)
react  in the  atmosphere with  water,  oxygen, and
oxidants to form acid droplets.

        The paragraphs below summarize the health
and  environmental effects  associated with the  six
criteria pollutants, air toxics, and acid rain.5

        •       Particulate  matter.      PM   is
        associated with a wide  variety of health and
        environmental problems.   When exposed to
        higher  concentration of  fine  PM,  people
        with existing lung or heart diseases  - such as
        asthma,   chronic  obstructive   pulmonary
        disease,   congestive   heart  disease,   or
        coronary artery disease - are at  increased
        risk    of   health  problems    requiring
        hospitalization  or  of  premature  death.
        Similarly, children and people with existing
        lung disease  may not be able to breathe as
        deeply or vigorously as they normally would
        and they may experience symptoms such as
        coughing and shortness of breath.  Fine PM
        can  increase  susceptibility to  respiratory
        infections  and   can  aggravate  existing
4 Clean Air Act Title 1, Part A and Part D, Subparts 3 and 5
(42 U.S.C. 7401-7431, 7512-7512a, 7514-7541a)(15
U.S.C. 2605); Clean Air Act Amendments Title II (42
U.S.C. 7521-7590); Clean Air Act Amendments, Title IV
(42 U.S.C. 7651-7661); Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-
5 Latest Findings on National Air Quality: 2002 Status and
Trends Report

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                       FY 2005 Annual Plan
        respiratory diseases,  such as  asthma and
        chronic bronchitis,  causing  more use  of
        medication and more doctor visits.

        PM  also  is  a major cause of haze and
        reduced  visibility  in parts  of  the  U.S.,
        including  many  of our  national  parks.
        Particles can be carried over long distances
        by wind and then settle on ground or water.
        The  effects  of  certain  PM settling  may
        include  acidifying   lakes   and  streams,
        changing  the nutrient  balance in coastal
        waters  and   watersheds,  depleting   the
        nutrients in soil, damaging sensitive forests
        and farm crops, and decreasing  the diversity
        of ecosystems.

        •       Ground-level ozone (smog). When
        breathed at any  concentration, ozone can
        irritate  and  inflame a  person's airways.
        Health  effects attributed to exposures  to
        ozone,  generally   while  individuals  are
        engaged in  moderate or  heavy  exertion,
        include  significant  decreases   in   lung
        function and increased respiratory symptoms
        such   as  chest  pain   and   cough   as
        concentrations rise.   Exposures to ozone
        result  in  lung  inflammation,  aggravate
        respiratory diseases such  as asthma, and
        may  make  people  more  susceptible  to
        respiratory effects.    Other  at-risk groups
        include adults who  are active outdoors and
        individuals with respiratory disorders  such
        as asthma.

        Ground-level  ozone interferes  with  the
        ability of many plants to produce and store
        food. This reduces crop and forest yields by
        making plants more susceptible to disease,
        insects, other pollutants, and  harsh weather.
        Ozone also damages the leaves of trees and
        other plants,  affecting  the appearance  of
        cities, national parks,  and recreation areas.

        •       Sulfur dioxide.  Peak levels of SO2
        can cause temporary breathing difficulty for
        people with asthma who are active outdoors.
        Longer-term  exposure to  a combination of
        SO2  and fine particles can cause respiratory
        illness,  alter  the defense mechanisms  of
        lungs,   and   aggravate  cardiopulmonary
        disease.    People   who  may  be  most
        susceptible   to   these   effects   include
        individuals with  cardiovascular disease  or
        chronic lung disease, as well as  children and
        the elderly.  SO2 also is a major contributor
        to acidic deposition.
•       Nitrogen dioxide. Exposure to NO2
causes  respiratory   symptoms  such  as
coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath
in  children  and  adults  with  respiratory
diseases   such as  asthma.    Even   short
exposures to NO2 affect lung function.  NO2
also  contributes   to   acidic   deposition,
eutrophication  in   coastal  waters,   and
visibility problems.

•       Carbon  monoxide.    The  health
threat from even  low levels of CO is  most
serious  for those who  suffer from  heart
disease,  like  angina,  clogged  arteries, or
congestive heart disease. For a person with
heart disease, a single exposure to CO at low
levels may cause  chest pain and reduce that
person's  ability to exercise.  Even healthy
people can be affected by high levels of CO.
People who breathe higher levels of CO can
develop    vision    problems,    experience
reduced  ability to  work  or  learn,   have
reduced   manual  dexterity,    and   have
difficulty performing complex tasks. CO is
most dangerous  in  enclosed  or  confined
spaces and will cause death.

•       Lead.  Lead causes damage to the
kidneys, liver, brain and nerves, and to  other
organs.  Excessive exposure to lead causes
seizures,    mental   retardation,   behavioral
disorders,  memory  problems,   and mood
changes.    Low levels  of lead  damage the
brain and nerves  in  fetuses  and  young
children, resulting in learning  deficits and
lowered IQ.

•       Air toxics:  Air toxics or HAPs, are
pollutants  that are  known or suspected to
cause  cancer  or   other   serious  health
problems,  such as  reproductive  effects or
birth defects,  or  adverse environmental
effects.  HAPs are  emitted  from thousands
of sources, including automobiles, utilities,
and industries.  HAPs also can contribute to
the  levels  of PM  and volatile  organic
compounds (VOCs),  precursors  to  ozone.
Adverse  effects to human  health and the
environment  due  to  HAPs can result  from
even low  level exposures to air toxics  from
individual  facilities,  exposures  to mixtures
of pollutants  found in  urban  settings, or
exposures to pollutants emitted  from distant
sources that are transported through the
atmosphere over regional, national, or  even
global airsheds.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                                          FY 2005 Annual Plan
        Compared to information for the six criteria
        pollutants,  the   information   about  the
        ambient concentrations of HAPs and their
        potential   health   effects   is   relatively
        incomplete. Most of the information on the
        potential health effects of these pollutants is
        derived from experimental data.  Of the 188
        HAPs, almost  60 percent are classified by
        the Clean Air Act (section 112 (f)(2)(A))  as
        known, probable, or possible  carcinogens.
        One  of the often-documented  ecological
        concerns associated with toxic air pollutants
        is  the   potential  to   damage   aquatic

        •       Acid rain.  Emissions  of  SO2 and
        NOX react in the atmosphere and fall to earth
        as acid rain, causing acidification of lakes
        and streams and contributing to the damage
        of trees at high elevations.   Acid deposition
        also  accelerates  the   decay  of  building
        materials  and  paints   and  contributes  to
        degradation of irreplaceable cultural objects,
        such  as  statues  and   sculptures.   NOX
        deposition contributes to eutrophication  of
        coastal waters,  such as the Chesapeake Bay
        and  Tampa Bay.   Before  falling  to earth,
        SO2 and NOX gases form fine particles (fine
        PM) that affect public health by contributing
        to premature mortality,  chronic  bronchitis,
        and other respiratory problems.
        Indoor Air Pollution:
many  pollutants may be  two
occasionally  more  than  100
outdoor  levels.     There  is
 Indoor air levels of
to five times,  and
times,  higher  than
 no  comprehensive
monitoring of the quality of indoor air in the U.S. and
the actual  levels for many pollutants are not well
understood.  Indoor air pollutants are of particular
concern because most people spend as much as 90%
of their time indoors.  Common sources  can include
burning kerosene, wood,  or  oil; smoking tobacco
products;    releases    from   household  cleaners,
pesticides, building materials; and radon.  Inadequate
ventilation can increase indoor pollutant levels by not
bringing in enough  outdoor air to dilute  emissions
from indoor sources and by not  carrying indoor air
pollutants out of the home.  High temperatures and
humidity levels  can also increase concentrations of
some pollutants.

        Poor indoor air quality can cause short-term
problems,  including headaches,  fatigue,  dizziness,
nausea, and a scratchy throat.  Other effects include
cancer - particularly  from long-term exposure to high
secondhand smoke and  radon  concentrations  - and
aggravation of chronic respiratory diseases such as
asthma. Exposure to naturally occurring  radon gas is
the second leading cause (after smoking tobacco) of
lung cancer among Americans.6

        Climate  Change:     The   buildup  of
greenhouse   gases—primarily    carbon   dioxide,
methane,   and  nitrous  oxide—has  heat-trapping
properties that may impact climate on Earth.  These
potential regional climate changes could alter forests,
crop yields, and water supplies. These changes could
also threaten human health, and harm birds, fish, and
many types of ecosystems.

        Stratospheric   Ozone   Depletion:    A
protective ozone layer is located in the  stratosphere
about six to 30 miles above the Earth's surface. This
layer protects humans and other species from the
sun's  harmful ultraviolet  radiation  (UV).    This
protective shield is being damaged by chemicals such
as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),  halons,  and methyl
bromide, and can lead to harmful health  effects such
as skin cancer and cataracts.7  Increased UV also can
lead to reduced crop  yield and disruptions  in the
marine food chain.

        Ozone  depletion  and climate  change are
separate environmental issues but are related in some
ways.  Specifically, some substances that deplete the
ozone  layer  also  are potent and  very long-lived
greenhouse gases that absorb outgoing radiation and
warm the atmosphere.

        Radiation:  Radiation occurs naturally (e.g.,
radon), but  we also  use  radioactive  materials in
electricity generation, in industrial processes, and in
medical diagnoses and treatments.  Any  activity that
produces  or  uses radioactive  materials  generates
radioactive waste.  Mining, nuclear power generation,
and various processes in industry, defense, medicine,
and  scientific research  produce  byproducts that
include radioactive waste.  Radioactive waste can be
in  gas, liquid,  or  solid  form,  and  the level  of
radioactivity   can  vary.    The  waste  can  remain
radioactive for a few hours or several months or even
hundreds of thousands of years.  Frequent exposures
                           6 Institute of Medicine, Clearing the Air: Asthma and
                           Indoor Air Exposures (Washington, DC: The National
                           Academy Press, 200). Available at
                            June 1999, "Synthesis Report of the Reports of the
                           Scientific, Environmental Effects, Technology and
                           Economic Assessment Panels of the Montreal Protocol: A
                           Decade of Assessments for Decision Makers Regarding the
                           Protection of the Ozone Layer: 1988 - 1999";  January
                           2003, Report of the Montreal Protocol Science Assessment
                           Panel, "Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2002";
                           March 2003, Report of the Montreal Protocol
                           Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, "Environmental
                           Effects of Ozone Depletion: 2002".

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
to radiation can cause cancer and other adverse health

        Science  and  Research:   EPA relies  on
sound science in its clean air programs.  EPA uses
sound science to determine the relative risks that air
pollution poses to human health and the environment.
In addition, the Agency utilizes science in an attempt
to identify the best means to detect, abate and avoid
environmental   problems   associated   with   air

        The air problems that now remain are some
of the most difficult to solve.   EPA's strategy to
address the overall goals of the clean air program
includes  a  combination  of  national  and  local
measures  that reflect the  different  roles of Federal,
state, Tribal, and  local governments.   EPA, states,
and local  agencies work together as partners to meet
clean air goals cost-effectively by employing an array
of   regulatory,   market-based,   and   voluntary
approaches  and  programs.   Federal assistance and
leadership  are    essential   for   developing   and
implementing cooperative programs to prevent and
control air pollution;  for  ensuring  that  national
standards  are met; and for providing tools for states,
Tribes, and local communities to use in preparing and
implementing their clean air plans and programs.

        Healthier Outdoor Air:   Problems  with
broad regional, national or global impact - emissions
from power plants and other large sources, pollution
from motor vehicles  and fuels,  and  stratospheric
ozone depletion - are best handled primarily at the
multi-state,  regional,  or Federal level.  A  national
approach  allows for the use of traditional, regulatory
tools  where  appropriate,  and  enables  EPA  to
implement innovative, market-based techniques such
as emissions trading,  banking,  and averaging,  and
other national programs cost-effectively.

        States, Tribes, and local agencies can best
address the regional and local problems that remain
after Federal measures have  been  fully  applied.
Many   of  these  approaches   employ  innovative
techniques,  such as diesel retrofits and community-
based approaches to toxics that are well-suited to the
local nature of many  air-related problems.   EPA
works closely with public- and private-sector partners
and  stakeholders  to  develop the  tools -  such as
monitoring, modeling,  and  emission  inventories  -
that  allow states,  Tribes, and  localities to address
these more localized problems.
        EPA will also work to build the institutional
capacity within developing countries and regionally
manage air pollution, focusing on those countries that
have  demonstrated  potential and commitment to
affect human health and the  environment globally.
Programs  include those  that address  clean fuels,
reduction of mercury and lead emissions, training on
various air  quality  issues,  and  partnering  with
existing clean air initiatives.

        To  improve  air quality  and  address the
highest health and environmental risks,  EPA  will
proceed with Federal  stationary and mobile source
programs aimed at achieving large, nationwide, cost-
effective reductions in  emissions of PM and its
contributors  such as SO2, NOX, and elemental and
organic carbon;  ozone-forming NOX; and volatile
organic compounds (VOCs).

        The  President's  Clear Skies Initiative  is a
cornerstone of the EPA strategy.   The  proposed
legislation, re-introduced in the Congress in February
2003,  would create a mandatory program  that is
designed   to  reduce   dramatically  power   plant
emissions of SO2, NOX,  and  mercury, three of the
most harmful air pollutants from  power generators,
from FY 2000 levels.8  (Alternatively, the Interstate
Air Quality and Utility Mercury Reduction Rules are
integrated air rules proposed by EPA in December
2003  to achieve  many  of  Clear  Skies'  objectives
absent new legislation.).9 Both Clear Skies and the
proposed integrated air rules would create a market-
based program, with results guaranteed by emissions
caps instituted over a period of time, an approach that
proved successful in reducing acid  rain. As the Clear
Skies Initiative moves forward, through enactment of
new legislation or promulgation  of the  proposed
Interstate Air Quality and Utility Mercury Reduction
Rules, EPA will continue to implement the Acid Rain
Program to  reduce  SO2  and NOX emissions  from
electric power generators and address the interstate
transport of ozone and NOX through the NOX Budget
Program, a multi-state emissions  allowance  trading
program under the NOX SIP Call. In addition, EPA is
implementing   national   programs    that    will
dramatically  reduce  future  emissions from  a  wide
range of mobile  sources, including cars, minivans,
sport   utility  vehicles   (SUVs),  trucks,  buses,
motorcycles,  and nonroad engines.
8 Senate and House of Representatives, Clear Skies
Legislation Act of 2002, S. 2815 (July 29, 2002) andH.R.
5266 (July 26, 2002),
9 40CFR Parts 51, 72, 75, 96 Rule to Reduce Interstate
Transport of Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone (Interstate
Air Quality Rule) web site

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
        EPA  will  propose whether  to  update the
paniculate  matter standards  in  FY 2005  and will
continue the work necessary to  propose whether to
update the ozone standard in FY 2006. EPA also will
provide guidance  and technical support to states,
Tribes and local communities to help meet multiple
air  quality  standards  and regional  haze  progress
goals,  especially  for  those   pollutants  that  share
common precursors or emission sources.

        Healthier  Indoor Air:   EPA implements
two  primary  strategies to meet its  human health
objective for  indoor  air quality,  increasing public
awareness  and  increasing partnerships  with  non-
governmental  and professional entities.  EPA  raises
public awareness of actual and  potential indoor air
risks  so that  individuals can take steps to reduce
exposure.    Outreach  activities,  in  the  form  of
educational literature, media campaigns, hotlines, and
clearinghouse    operations,    provide    essential
information about indoor air health risks not only to
the  public,  but to the  professional and  research
communities as well.

        Underpinning  EPA's outreach  efforts is  a
strong  commitment   to  environmental   justice,
community-based  risk reductions,   and   customer
service.  Through  partnerships, EPA disseminates
multi-media   materials  encouraging  individuals,
schools, and industry to take  action to reduce health
risks in their indoor environments.  In addition, EPA
uses technology  transfer to  improve the  ways  in
which all  types of buildings,  including  schools,
homes, and workplaces, are designed, operated, and
maintained.  To support these voluntary approaches,
EPA incorporates the most current science  available
as the basis for recommending ways that people can
reduce exposure to indoor contaminants.

        Reduce  Greenhouse Gas  Intensity:   In
2002, President Bush announced a new  approach to
global climate change designed to harness the power
of the  marketplace and  technological innovation.
The President  committed America to cut greenhouse
gas intensity by 18 percent over the  next  decade.10
EPA's voluntary climate programs play a major role
in meeting this goal by working in partnership with
businesses  and other sectors  through programs that
deliver multiple benefits while improving overall
scientific understanding  of climate change and its
potential consequences. The core  of  EPA's climate
10 The White House, Office of the Press Secretary,
President Announces Clear Skies & Global Climate
Change Initiatives (February 14, 2002),
change  efforts are  voluntary  government/industry
partnership programs - such as the ENERGY STAR
program - designed to capitalize on the tremendous
opportunities  available to  consumers, businesses,
state and local governments, and  organizations to
make   sound  investments  in  energy   efficient
equipment and practices.  These voluntary programs
remove  barriers   to   existing   and   emerging
technologies  in the marketplace, resulting in faster
deployment of energy efficient technology into the
residential, commercial, transportation, and industrial
sectors of the economy.

        Through its Clean Automotive Technology
(CAT)   program,   EPA   develops  unique   new
technologies  with  high potential for improving air
quality   and  dramatically   improving   vehicle
efficiency.    Through  partnerships  with  industry,
significant  elements  of EPA's  technologies will be
introduced  commercially  by vehicle manufacturers
before the end of the decade.  In addition, EPA works
with  other  key   stakeholders  in   promoting  the
development  and  commercialization  of  fuel  cell
technology in support of U.S. environmental, energy,
and national security goals.

        Protect the Ozone Layer:  EPA's strategy
for restoring  the ozone layer includes carrying out a
program  that   includes    domestic   rules    and
international  technology transfer.  As a signatory to
the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Ozone  Layer, the  U.S.  is obligated  to regulate  and
enforce the  terms of the  treaty domestically.   In
accordance with this treaty and related Clean Air Act
requirements, EPA will continue to implement the
domestic rule-making agenda for the reduction  and
control  of  ozone-depleting  substances (ODSs)  and
enforce rules controlling their production, import,
and emission. This includes combining market-based
regulatory     approaches     with     sector-specific
technology    guidelines   and   facilitating    the
development and commercialization of alternatives to
methyl  bromide  and HCFCs.  EPA will  strengthen
outreach efforts to  ensure  efficient and effective
compliance,  and continue  to identify  and promote
safer alternatives to curtail ozone depletion. To help
reduce international emissions,  EPA will assist with
the transfer of technology to developing countries
and work with them  to accelerate the phase-out of
ODSs.   EPA estimates that the  worldwide phase-out
of ODS will save 6.3 million lives from fatal cases of
skin cancer, avoid  299 million cases of nonfatal skin
cancers, and  avoid 27.5 million cases of cataracts in
the U.S. alone between 1990 and 2165.

        Because the ozone layer is not expected to
recover until the middle of this century at the earliest,
the public  will continue  to  be exposed  to  higher

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                              FY 2005 Annual Plan
levels of UV radiation than existed prior to the use
and  emission  of ODS.  Recognizing  this and the
public's  current sun-exposure practices, EPA will
continue education and outreach efforts to encourage
behavioral  changes the primary  means  of reducing
UV-related health risks.

        Radiation:   EPA continues  to  meet the
statutory mandates for managing radiation waste and
controlling radioactive emissions and  to  fulfill  its
responsibilities   under    Presidential   Decision
Directives for radiological  emergency  preparedness
and response.  These responsibilities form the core of
our strategy to protect the public and the environment
from unnecessary exposure to radiation.  EPA works
with  states,   Tribes,  and   industry  to  develop
innovative training, public information and voluntary
programs to minimize these exposures.

        Science  and  Research:     To  support
achievement of its clean air objectives and the overall
goal of  clean air for American communities  and
surrounding ecosystems, EPA will ensure that efforts
to reduce environmental risks are based on the best
available scientific  information.   In addition, EPA
will   continue  to   integrate   critical   scientific
assessment  with   policy,   regulatory  and   non-
regulatory activities.

        EPA's air pollution  research  supports the
Agency's mandated responsibilities  under the Clean
Air Act.  This research falls into two distinct groups:
1)   research  supporting  the   development  and
achievement  of the  national ambient air  quality
standards (NAAQS), and 2) research on hazardous
air pollutants.  NAAQS-related research focuses on
tropospheric  ozone and paniculate matter  (PM),
while the Air Toxics Research program provides the
scientific underpinnings of the Agency's activities to
reduce hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) as identified
in the Clean Air Act.

        PM research provides methods, models, and
data on the health risks associated with exposure to
PM,  alone  and  in  combination,  focusing   on
exposures, health effects, mechanisms of injury, and
identification of PM components that  affect  public
health.  In addition, both PM and tropospheric ozone
research provide implementation tools to support
efforts by industry, state,  Tribal, and local regulators
to develop  and improve State Implementation Plans
(SIPs) to attain the NAAQS.

        Research on air  toxics investigates the root
causes  of  the  environmental  and human  health
problems in urban areas  related  to  these pollutants.
Efforts  in  this  area provide the  necessary  health
effects   data,   measurements,   methods,   models,
information, and technical support to Federal, state,
Tribal, and local regulators and industry to estimate
human  health effects  and aggregate exposures to
hazardous air pollutants.   Research  also  supports
atmospheric  and emission  modeling  in  order to
estimate fate, ambient  concentrations, and mobile
source emissions of air toxics at a more refined scale.
With this information, the Agency will be in a better
position to determine  risk and develop  alternative
strategies for maximizing risk reduction.

        Several mechanisms are in place to ensure a
high-quality  air research  program at  EPA.    The
Research Strategies Advisory Committee (RSAC) of
EPA's   Science   Advisory   Board   (SAB),   an
independent chartered Federal Advisory Committee
Act  (FACA)  committee, meets annually to conduct
an in-depth review and analysis of EPA's Science
and  Technology account.   The RSAC provides its
findings to the House Science Committee and sends a
written report on the findings to EPA's Administrator
after every annual review.  Moreover, EPA's Board
of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) provides counsel to
the  Assistant  Administrator  for  the Office  of
Research and Development (ORD) on the operation
of ORD's research program.  Also, under the Science
to Achieve Results  (STAR) program all  research
projects are selected for funding through a rigorous
competitive external peer review process designed to
ensure that only the highest quality efforts receive
funding support.  Our scientific and technical work
products must also undergo either internal or external
peer  review,  with major  or significant  products
requiring external peer review.  The Agency's Peer
Review Handbook (2nd Edition) codifies procedures
and guidance  for conducting peer review.

Healthier Outdoor Air

•       The number of people living in areas with
monitored ambient ozone concentrations below the
NAAQS for the 1-hour ozone standard will increase
by 4%  (relative to 2004) for a cumulative total of
53% (relative to 1992).
•       The number of people living in areas with
monitored  ambient PM  concentrations  below the
NAAQS for the PM-10 standard will increase by 1%
(relative to 2004) for cumulative total of 7% (relative
to 1992).
•       Air  toxics   emission   nationwide   from
stationary  and mobiles sources  combined will  be
reduced by an additional 1% of the  updated  1993
baseline of  6.0   million  tons  for  a   cumulative
reduction of 38%.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
Healthier Indoor Air

•       843,300 additional people will be living in
homes with healthier indoor air.
        1,312,500 students, faculty and staff will
experience improved  indoor  air  quality  in their

Protect the Ozone Layer

•       Restrict domestic consumptioOn of  class II
HCFCs  below 9,906  OOP-weighted metric  tons
(ODP  MTs)   and  restrict  domestic  exempted
production and import of newly produced  class  I
CFCs and halons below 10,000 ODP MTs.

Reduce Greenhouse Gas Intensity

•       Greenhouse gas emissions  will be reduced
from projected levels by approximately 90 MMTCE
per year through EPA  partnerships  with businesses,
schools,  state and local governments,  and  other

        Certify  that   40,000  55-gallon  drums  of
radioactive waste (containing approximately 120,000
curies) shipped by DOE to the Waste Isolation Pilot
Plant  are  permanently  disposed  of  safely  and
according to EPA standards.

Enhance Science and Research

•       Transfer   hybrid  powertrain  components,
originally  developed for passenger  car applications,
to meet  size,  performance, durability, and towing
requirements  of Sport Utility  Vehicle  and urban
delivery   vehicle   applications  with  an   average
efficiency improvement of 30% over the baseline.

Ensure Healthier Outdoor Air

        In FY 2005, EPA will significantly expand
its efforts  to  reduce children's exposure to diesel
exhaust and the amount of air pollution created by
diesel  school  buses through its Clean  School  Bus
USA program.  More than 24 million children in the
US ride  a bus to and from school every  day and
research has found that these children can be exposed
to high levels of diesel exhaust.  The Agency's Clean
School Bus USA program is designed to help reduce
this exposure by  providing  grant  funds to State,
tribal,  or  local government  entities to upgrade (or
"retrofit") newer  school buses with better emission
control  technologies and/or fuel them with cleaner
fuels or to replace the oldest school buses in the fleet
with new, less polluting buses.  In FY 2005, EPA will
develop a grant solicitation process that will award
these funds on a competitive basis.

        In  FY  2005,  EPA  will  complete  an
assessment of how sources  create Fine PM in the air
and, with along with mercury emissions, the effect on
downwind  areas.  This  assessment will support the
Fine PM NAAQS implementation, the Interstate Air
Quality  Rule and the Utility Mercury  Reductions
Rule.   This work  will also support  the  President's
legislative proposal on Clear Skies.  EPA will begin
implementation  efforts  for both  the Interstate Air
Quality  Rule and the Utility Mercury  Reductions

        The Agency will also continue to work with
states,  Tribes  and  local  communities  to   reduce
exposure to air pollution through  implementation of
the National  Ambient Air  Quality  Standards.  We
will provide technical support to states in developing
State   Implementation  Plans  to   aid  them  in
considering the transport of pollution on a regional
level in their plans.  For paniculate matter, EPA will
be finalizing  attainment designations while working
with  states  and local  areas  to  develop  control
strategies to  reduce emissions.   For  ozone, since
designation will be finalized in 2004, the Agency will
be supporting SIP development efforts while working
with localities  on innovative  measures  to  provide
early emission reductions.

        For the HAPs,  FY 2005 will be a critical
year for implementing the national air toxics strategy.
The Agency will  continue  its transition  from a
technology-based to a risk-based control program.
The Agency is  still required to set technology-based
standards for area sources.
        In FY 2005, EPA will, as  required by the
Clean Air  Act, continue the extensive residual risk
analyses   for   already    promulgated   maximum
achievable  control technology (MACT)  standards to
determine  if  additional  standards are  necessary to
reduce the  remaining risks  from these sources.  The
Agency will continue to develop the  state, local, and
Tribal component of the Air Toxics Program so that
state, local, and Tribal agencies can address emission
issues that are of concern on a state-wide, area-wide,
or community-wide basis. As part of this effort, EPA
will continue to support community  assessment and
risk reduction projects.   The  EPA  will release an
integrated  final version of the  national emission
inventory (NEI) using data collected from 2002. This
integrated inventory will include air toxics emissions
data for analyzing public health risks from air toxics
and strategies to reduce them, and  to  manage the

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                              FY 2005 Annual Plan
risks posed by air toxics emission.  The Agency will
continue to  develop the  national ambient air  toxic
network to improve characterization of both national
and community air toxic levels. Also in FY 2005, we
will be promulgating the Utility Mercury Reductions
Rule.   This program may utilize  a cap and  trade
approach that would allow emissions trading in lieu
of a MACT  standard which is less flexible and  more
costly.  (The proposed rule seeks comment on both
the cap and trade and MACT approaches.)

        In  FY  2005,  EPA will  establish  and
implement Federal standards to require cleaner motor
vehicles, nonroad equipment, locomotives,  marine
engines, and   fuels  that  are  cost-effective  and
technically  feasible.   The  Agency will continue
implementation of the Tier II and gasoline sulfur
standards.  The Agency will also continue work on
the 2007 heavy-duty  highway  engine  and diesel
sulfur   requirements.     In  addition,   EPA  is
promulgating new standards  and fuel requirements
for nonroad  diesel fuel that will take effect for new
engines starting as early as 2008.

        In addition, EPA will continue to monitor
industry compliance with vehicle,  engine, and fuel
standards, and to proceed  with advancements  in
vehicle  emission control technologies.  The type and
amount of testing required at EPA's National Vehicle
and Fuel Emissions Laboratory continues to expand
greatly to meet the much more stringent and complex
regulations for cars,  heavy-duty diesel engines, and
gasoline and diesel fuels.

Ensure Healthier Indoor Air

        In FY 2005, EPA will build on the success
of its national "Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for
Schools" (TfS) program and expand implementation
of this program to more schools.  Adoption of EPA's
low-cost/no-cost guidelines for proper operation and
maintenance of school facilities  results  in healthier
indoor environments for all students and staff, but is
of particular help to children with asthma, lessening
the degree  to  which  they are  exposed to  indoor
asthma triggers. By increasing the number of schools
where TfS indoor air quality  guidelines  are adopted
and  implemented,  healthier  indoor  air will be
provided  for  over  a  million students,  staff, and

        EPA   expects,  as  a  result  of  Agency
programs, that over three quarters of a million people
will  be  living  in  healthier  residential  indoor
environments in FY 2005. Part of meeting this goal
includes  expanding  the   Agency's   successful
education and outreach efforts to  the public about
sound indoor environmental management techniques
with respect to asthma. In addition, the Agency will
continue to  focus on ways to  assist the health-care
community to raise its awareness of, and attention it
pays to, indoor asthma  triggers  and their role in
provoking asthma attacks in those with the disease.
EPA, in conjunction with the Department of Health
and Human Services  (HHS), will continue to seek
opportunities  to  interact  with  managed  care
organizations and health insurers to promote effective
asthma  care practices  and to  encourage  greater
emphasis on avoidance of asthma  triggers, as part of
a comprehensive asthma treatment  regimen.

Greenhouse  Gases

        The President's greenhouse  gas program
builds  on the accomplishment of EPA's voluntary
climate  programs.  EPA's voluntary climate  change
programs  have made significant  progress to  date.
However, opportunities remain to  achieve  further
pollution reductions  and energy  bill  savings  from
energy efficiency programs and greater use of cost-
effective renewable energy.   In  the U.S.,  energy
consumption causes  more  than 85 percent of the
major air emissions such as NOX,  SO2, and CO2.  At
the same time,  American  families and businesses
spend over $600 billion each year on energy bills.

        In FY 2005, EPA will  continue to build
upon its successful partnership  programs  such as
ENERGY   STAR,  the  clean energy  programs,
Climate Leaders, SmartWay Transport Partnership,
and  Best Workplaces  for Commuters  programs.
Under these  innovative programs we will expand our
work with companies  to encourage them to take on
new voluntary  commitments to reduce  greenhouse
gas emissions.

Stratospheric Ozone

        To  protect  the earth's stratospheric  ozone
layer  in accordance   with  the  United  States'
commitment to  the  Montreal Protocol,  EPA will
continue to  regulate  ozone-depleting compounds,
foster  the  development  and  use  of alternative
chemicals in the U.S.  and abroad, inform the public
about the dangers of overexposure to  UV radiation,
and use pollution prevention strategies to require the
recycling of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and


        In FY 2005,  EPA will continue to  protect
people  and  the  environment  from  harmful  and
avoidable exposure  to  radiation  by oversight  of
radioactive  waste disposal in the Waste Isolation
Pilot Plant,  setting protective  limits  on radioactive

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
emissions, providing guidance and training to other
Federal and state agencies in preparing for domestic
emergencies  and other incidents that may  involve
radiation,  and  develop guidance for cleaning up
radioactively-contaminated Superfund sites. We will
ensure that the Agency employs appropriate methods
to manage radioactive releases and exposures. These
include health-risk site assessments; risk  modeling,
cleanup, and waste management activities; voluntary
programs  to  minimize  exposure  to radiation  in
commercial  products  and  industrial applications;
national    environmental    radiation   monitoring;
radiological emergency response; and provision of
Federal guidance to our international, Federal, state,
and local partners.

Enhance Science and Research

        The Tropospheric  Ozone  and  Paniculate
Matter  (PM)  Research  Programs  will  upgrade
methods  and  models  to   guide   states  in  the
development of State  Implementation Plans (SIPs)
used  to  achieve  the NAAQS.   In FY  2005,  the
Agency will release an upgraded version  of  the
Models-3   Community  Multi-scale   Air  Quality
(CMAQ)    modeling   system   with   upgraded
mechanisms  for  speeding up the model  run time.
This will be an important tool for developing state
and  tribal  SIPs.   PM research will continue  to
strengthen the scientific basis for the periodic review
of the  PM NAAQS,  through work that includes
epidemiological and  exposure studies.   The PM
program will also  develop  tools and  methods  to
characterize PM sources and health effects that will
move the Agency toward its objective of reducing
Americans'  exposure to PM. Important products of
the  FY 2005  PM  research program will  include
improved receptor  models  and  data on chemical
compounds to help identify sources that contribute to
ambient PM so that  states  and tribes can  develop
more effective control strategies

        Air toxics research provides information on
effects, exposure, and source characterization, as well
as other data to quantify existing emissions and to
identify  key  pollutants and  strategies  for cost-
effective risk management.   In FY 2005, research
will  focus on providing health hazard and exposure
methods, data,  and models to enable  the Agency to
reduce  uncertainty   in  risk  assessments,  and  the
production of tools  that enable  national,  regional,
state, or local  officials to identify and  implement
cost-effective  approaches  to  reduce  risks from
sources of air toxics.

Stakeholder participation:  To achieve clean air,
EPA  relies on  the  cooperation of Federal,  state,
Tribal, and local government agencies; industry; non-
profit organizations;  and individuals.  Success is far
from guaranteed, even with the  full participation of
all  stakeholders.   EPA  has significant  work  to
accomplish just to reach the annual targets that lead
to  the  longer-term  health  and  environmental
outcomes and improvements that are articulated in
the Clean  Air goal.   Meeting the Clean  Air goal
necessitates  a  strong partnership  among  all  the
stakeholders, but  in particular  among  the  states,
Tribes,  and  EPA;  the Environmental  Council  of
States;  and  organizations of state  and local air
pollution control officials. EPA will be working with
various stakeholders  to encourage new ways to meet
the challenges of "cross regional" issues as well as to
integrate programs  to  address  airborne  pollutants
more efficiently.

Environmental  factors:   In developing clean air
strategies,  states,  Tribes,  and  local  governments
assume normal  meteorological  patterns.   As EPA
develops  standards  and programs to achieve  the
Clean  Air goal,  it  has  to consider  weather as  a
variable in the equation for implementing standards
and meeting program goals. For example, even if an
area is implementing a  number  of air pollution
control  programs   under  normal  meteorological
patterns, a hot humid summer may  cause an area to
exceed standards for days at a time,  thereby exposing
the public to unhealthy air.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                     Resource Summary
                                    (Dollars in thousands)

Clean Air and Global Climate Change
Healthier Outdoor Air
Healthier Indoor Air
Protect the Ozone Layer
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Intensity
Enhance Science and Research
Total Workyears

FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                   OBJECTIVE:  Healthier Outdoor Air
  Through 2010, EPA and its partners will protect human health and the environment by attaining and
  maintaining health-based air quality standards and reducing the risk from toxic air pollutants.
                                  Resource Summary
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Healthier Outdoor Air
Environmental Program & Management
Science & Technology
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Building and Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY2005Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                   Program Project
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Clean School Bus
Categorical Grant: State and Local Air Quality
Children and other Sensitive Populations
Categorical Grant: Tribal Air Quality
Clean Air Allowance Trading Programs
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Federal Stationary Source Regulations
Federal Support for Air Quality Management
Federal Support for Air Toxics Program
Federal Vehicle and Fuels Standards and
International Capacity Building
Homeland Security: Critical Infrastructure
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan

Reduce Air Toxic Emissions

In 2005     Air toxics emissions nationwide from stationary and mobile sources combined will be reduced by an
            additional 1% of the updated 1993 baseline of 6.0 million tons for a cumulative reduction of 38%.

In 2004     Air toxics emissions nationwide from stationary and mobile sources combined will be reduced by an
            additional 2% of the updated 1993 baseline of 6.0 million tons for a cumulative reduction of 37%.

In 2003     End-of-year- FY 2003 data will be available in late 2009 to verify that air toxics emissions nationwide
            from stationary and mobile sources combined will be reduced by an additional 1% of the updated 1993
            baseline of 6.0 million tons for a cumulative reduction 35%.

Performance Measures:

Combined  Stationary  and Mobile Source
Reductions in Air Toxics Emissions

Mobile  Source  Air   Toxics  Emissions

Stationary  Source  Air Toxics Emissions

Major  Sources, Area and All Other Air
Toxics Emissions Reduced
FY 2003
Data Lag

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    In 1993, the last year before the MACT standards and mobile source regulations developed under the
            Clean Air Act began to be  implemented, stationary and mobile sources are now estimated to have
            emitted 6.0 million tons of air toxics. (EPA's prior estimate was 4.3 million tons and was updated with
            improved  inventory data.)  Air  toxics emission data are revised every  three  years to generate
            inventories for the National Toxics Inventory (NTI). In the intervening years between the update of the
            NTI, the model EMS-HAP  (Emissions Modeling System for Hazardous Air Pollutants)  is used to
            estimate and project annual emissions of air toxics. EMS-HAP projects emissions, by adjusting point,
            area and mobile emission data to account for growth and emission reductions resulting from emission
            reduction scenarios such as the implementation of the Maximum Achievable  Control Technology
            (MACT) standards.

Reduce SO2 Emissions

In 2005     Keep  annual emissions below level authorized by allowance holdings and make progress towards
            achieving the year 2010 SO2 emissions cap for utilities.   Annual emissions reduction target is 6.9
            million tons from the 1980 baseline.

In 2004     Maintain or increase annual SO2  emission reduction of approximately 5 million tons from the 1980
            baseline.  Keep annual emissions below level authorized by  allowance holdings and make progress
            towards achievement of Year 2010 SO2 emissions cap for utilities.

In 2003     End of year 2003 data will  be available in the  last  quarter of 2004 to verify that annual emissions
            reduction of approximately 5 million tons from utility sources were maintained or increased during

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                         FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

SO2 Emissions
FY 2003
Data Lag
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    The base of comparison for assessing progress on the annual performance goal is the 1980 emissions
            baseline.  The 1980 SO2 emissions inventory totals 17.4 million tons for electric  utility sources.  This
            inventory was developed by National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) and used as
            the basis for reductions in Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments.  This data is also contained in
            EPA's National Air Pollutant Emissions Trends Report.  Statutory SO2 emissions cap for year 2010
            and later is at 8.95 million tons which is approximately 8.5 million tons below 1980 emissions level.
            "Allowable SO2 emission level" consists of allowance allocations granted to sources each year under
            several provisions of the Act and additional allowances carried over, or banked, from previous years.

Reduce NOx Emissions

In 2003     End of year 2003 data will be available in Summer 2004 to verify that the Agency  has achieved the
            annual emission reduction goal.

Performance Measures:

NOx Reductions
FY 2003
Data Lag
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

Baseline:    Performance Baseline:  The base of comparison for assessing progress on this annual performance goal
            is emissions that would have occurred in the absence of Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments.

Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy Ozone Levels -1 Hour

In 2005     The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient ozone concentrations below the NAAQS
            for the 1-hour ozone standard will increase by 4% (relative to  2004)  for a cumulative total of 53%
            (relative to 1992).

In 2004     The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient ozone concentrations below the NAAQS
            for the 1-hour ozone standard will increase by 4% (relative to  2003)  for a cumulative total of 47%
            (relative to 1992).

In 2003     Maintained healthy air quality for approx. 161.5 million people living in monitored areas attaining the
            ozone std; certified that 5 areas of the remaining  54 nonattainment areas have attained the 1-hour
            NAAQS for ozone thus increasing the no. of people  living in areas with healthy air by 5.8 million.
Performance Measures:

Cumulative   Percent  Increase  in  the
Number of People who Live in Areas with
Ambient  1-hour  Ozone  Concentrations
Below  the  Level  of the  NAAQS  as
Compared to 1992

Cumulative   Percent  Increase  in  the
FY 2003
   Data Lag
  Data Lag

 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                          FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Number  of  Areas with Ambient  1-hour
Ozone Concentrations Below the Level of
the NAAQS as Compared to 1992

Total Number of People who Live in Areas
Designated to Attainment of the Clean Air
Standards for Ozone

Areas  Designated  to  Attainment for the
Ozone Standard

Additional   People  Living  in   Newly
Designated   Areas   with   Demonstrated
Attainment of the Ozone Standard

VOCs Reduced from Mobile Sources

NOx Reduced from Mobile Sources
FY 2003


 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.


 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.






Baseline:    The 1992 baseline for population is the population in areas not classified or designated as attainment
            for the clean air national ambient air quality standards.  The 1992 baseline for areas is those areas that
            are designated as non-attainment of the NAAQs.  Through FY 2003, 161,485,905 are living in areas
            designated to attainment; 51 areas are designated to attainment for this/these  pollutants.  The 2000
            MOBILE 6 inventory is used as the baseline year for mobile source emissions as of FY 2005.  The
            2000 baseline for VOC emissions is 7.7 million tons; the baseline is 11.8 million tons.  The 2000
            MOBILE 6 inventory is used as the baseline year for mobile source emissions as of FY 2005.  The
            2000 baseline for VOC emissions is 7.7 million tons; the baseline is 11.8 million tons.  Beginning in
            FY 2004, EPA changed the basis for evaluating progress for this measure to reflect actual measured
            levels of air quality. Previously, EPA had not defined an  area as having clean air until the area was
            formally  classified  as  having  met health-based  standards.   The  procedural  requirements  for
            classification may require a year or more to complete. The  previous total population numbers were for
            2000 - 33.4 million (m) 2001 - 382.m; 2002 - 41.7m; 2003  - 47.8m.

Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy PM Levels - PM-10

In 2005     The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient PM concentrations below the NAAQS
            for the PM-10 standard will increase by 1% (relative to 2004) for a cumulative total of 7% (relative to

In 2004     The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient PM concentrations below the NAAQS
            for the PM-10 standard will increase by 1% (relative to 2003) for a cumulative total of 6% (relative to

In 2003     Maintained healthy air quality for 120 million people living in monitored areas attaining the PM
            standards; increased by 252 thousand the number of people living in areas with  healthy air quality that
            have newly attained the standard.
Performance Measures:

Cumulative   Percent   Increase  in  the
Number of People who Live in Areas with
Ambient PM-10 Concentrations Below the
Level of the NAAQSas Compared to 1992
FY 2003
   Data Lag
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                          FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Cumulative   Percent   Increase  in  the
Number of  Areas with Ambient PM-10
Concentrations  Below  the  Level of the
NAAQSas Compared to 1992

Total Number of People who Live in Areas
Designated in Attainment with Clean Air
Standards for PM

Areas Designated  to Attainment for the
PM-10 Standard

Additional   People  Living  in  Newly
Designated  Areas  with   Demonstrated
Attainment of the PM Standard

PM-10 Reduced from Mobile Sources

PM-2.5 Reduced from Mobile Sources
FY 2003
   Data Lag




 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.





 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.







Baseline:        The  1992 baseline for population is the  population in areas  not  classified or designated  as
                attainment for the clean air national ambient air quality standards.  The 1992 baseline for areas is
                those areas that are designated as non-attainment of the NAAQs. Through FY 2003, 120,379,036
                are living in areas designated to attainment; 5 areas are designated to attainment for this/these
                pollutants.  The 1995 baseline for PM-10 reduced from mobile sources is  880,000 tons.   The
                2000 MOBILE 6 inventory is used as the baseline for mobile source emissions as of FY 2005.
                The 2000 baseline for PM 2.5 from mobile sources is 500,000 tons; the 2000 baseline for PM 2.5
                from mobile sources is 613,000 tons.  Beginning  in  FY  2004, EPA  changed the basis for
                evaluating progress fro this measure to reflect actual measured levels of air quality. Previously,
                EPA had not defined an area as having clean air until the area was formally classified as having
                met health-based standards.  The procedural requirements for classification may require a year  or
                more to complete.  The previous total population numbers were for 2000 - 1.2 million (m) 2001 -
                1.2m; 2002 - 3.4m; 2003 - 6.2m.

Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy CO, SO2, NO2, Lead

In 2005     The number  of people living in areas with monitored ambient CO, NO2, SO2, or Pb concentrations
            below the NAAQS will  increase  by  less than  1% (relative to 2004) for a cumulative total  of  53%
            (relative to 1992).

In 2004     The number  of people living in areas with monitored ambient CO, NO2, SO2, or Pb concentrations
            below the NAAQS will increase by 4%  (relative to 2003) for a cumulative total of 53% (relative  to

In 2003     Maintained healthy air quality  for 53  million people living in monitored areas attaining the CO, SO2,
            NO2, and Lead standards; increased by .74 million the number of people living in areas with healthy
            air quality that have newly attained the standard.
Performance Measures:

Cumulative   Percent   Increase  in  the
Number of People who Live in Areas with
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                         FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Ambient  CO,   SO2,   NO2,   or   Pb
Concentrations Below  the  Level  of the
NAAQS as Compared to 1992

Cumulative   Percent   Increase   in  the
Number of Areas with Ambient CO, SO2,
NO2, or  Pb  Concentrations  Below the
Level of the NAAQS as Compared to 1992

Total Number of People  Living in Areas
Designated in Attainment with Clean Air
Standards for CO, SO2, NO2, and Pb

Areas Designated to  Attainment for the
CO, SO2, NO2, and Pb Standards

Additional   People   Living  in   Newly
Designated   Areas  with  Demonstrated
Attainment of the  CO, SO2, NO2,  and Pb

CO Reduced from Mobile  Sources

Total Number of People  Living in Areas
with Demonstrated Attainment of the NO2
FY 2003
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.


Baseline:        The 1992  baseline for population is the population in areas not classified or designated  as
                attainment for the clean air national ambient air quality standards.  The 1992 baseline for areas is
                those areas that are designated as non-attainment of the NAAQs. Through FY 2003, 167,860,905
                are living in areas designated to attainment; 108 areas are designated to attainment for this/these
                pollutants.  The 1995 baseline for mobile source emissions for CO was 70,947,000 tons.  For
                mobile sources,  the 2000 MOBILE 6 inventory is used as the baseline for FY 2005; the 2000
                baseline for CO  emissions is 79 million tons.  While on-road CO emissions continue to decrease,
                there is an overall increase  in mobile source CO emissions due to a growth in nonroad CO.
                Beginning in FY 2004, EPA changed the basis for evaluating progress fro this measure to reflect
                actual measured levels of air quality. Previously, EPA had not defined an area as having clean air
                until the area was formally classified as having  met health-based standards.  The procedural
                requirements  for classification may require  a year  or more to  complete.  The previous total
                population numbers were for 2000 - 27.7 million (m)  2001 - 36.3m; 2002 - 36.7m; 2003 - 53.7m.

Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy Ozone Levels - 8 Hour

In 2005     The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient ozone concentrations below the NAAQS
            for the 8-hour  ozone standard will increase by 4% (relative to 2004) for a cumulative total of 7%
            (relative to 2001).

In 2004     The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient ozone concentrations below the NAAQS
            for the 8-hour standard will increase by 3% (relative to 2003) for a cumulative total of 3% (relative to
 Performance Measures:
     FY 2003
    FY 2004
   Pres. Bud.
   FY 2005
  Pres. Bud.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                     FY 2005 Annual Plan
 Performance Measures:

 Cumulative Percent Increase in the Number of
 People who Live in Areas with Ambient 8-hour
 Concentrations Below the Level of the NAAQS
 as Compared to 2001

 Cumulative Percent Increase in the Number of
 Areas    with   Ambient    8-hour   Ozone
 Concentrations Below the Level of the NAAQS
 as Compared to 2001
FY 2003
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:        EPA will designate the attainment status for areas in April 2004. With that data, we will have the
                population baseline as well as the number of areas that are not in attainment for the 8-hour ozone
Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy PM Levels - PM- 2.5

In 2005     The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient PM concentrations below the NAAQS
            for the PM-2.5 standard will increase by 1% (relative to 2003) for a cumulative total of less than 1%
            (relative to 2001).

In 2004     The number of people living in areas with monitored ambient ozone concentrations below the NAAQS
            for the PM-2.5 standard will increase by 1% (relative to 2003) for a cumulative total of less than 1%
            (relative to 2001).
In 2003

Performance Measures:

Cumulative Percent Increase in the  Number of
People who Live in Areas with Ambient PM-2.5
Concentrations Below the Level of the NAAQS
as Compared to 2001

Percent  Increase in the Number of  Areas with
Ambient PM-2.5 Concentrations Below the Level
of the NAAQS as Compared to 2001
FY 2003
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    EPA will designate the attainment status for areas in FY 2005.  With that data, we will have the
            population baseline as well as the number of areas that are not in attainment for the PM-2.5 standard.

Increase Tribal Air Capacity

In 2004     Increase  the number of tribes monitoring air quality for ozone and/or paniculate matter from 42 to 45
            and increase the percentage of tribes monitoring clean air for ozone from 64% to 67% and paniculate
            matter from 71% to 72%.

In 2003     39 tribes monitored air quality for ozone and/or paniculate matter; 66% of tribes monitored clean air
            for ozone and 68% monitored for paniculate matter.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                                                          FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Percent  of Tribes  with  Tribal  Lands
Monitoring for Ozone and/or Paniculate

Percent of Monitoring Tribes Monitoring
Clean Air for Ozone

Percent of Monitoring Tribes Monitoring
Clean Air for Paniculate Matter

Number  of  Tribes  Implementing  Air
FY 2003
39 tribes

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

Acid Rain

In 2005

In 2005

In 2004

In 2004
    There are 570 Federally recognized Tribes with 341  Tribes having Tribal lands (Alaska Native
    Villages  (Tribes)  number  229 entities but only one 'reservation").   During 2003, 39 Tribes
    conducted monitoring for ozone and/or paniculate matter 15  Tribes monitored their airsheds for
    ozone (10 of which recorded clean air),  and 37 Tribes monitored for paniculate matter (25 of
    which recorded clean air).   EPA will continue  to work with the Tribes to increase the number
    and/or percentage of Tribes that monitor for clean air.
Reduce total annual average nitrogen deposition and ambient nitrate concentrations 5% from baseline.

Reduce total annual average sulfur deposition and ambient sulfate concentrations 27% from baseline.

Reduce total annual average nitrogen deposition and mean ambient nitrate concentrations 5% from

Reduce total annual average sulfur deposition and mean ambient sulfate concentrations 25% from
Performance Measures:

Total Annual Average Sulfur Deposition
and   Ambient    Sulfate    concentrations
reduced (percent from baseline)
Total Annual Average Nitrogen Deposition
and   Ambient    Nitrate    concentrations
reduced (percent from baseline)
                                FY 2003
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:        Sulfur and  nitrogen deposition contribute to acidification of lakes and  streams, making them
                unable  to support fish and other aquatic life.   Reductions in both total sulfur and nitrogen
                deposition is critical to reducing the number of chronically acidic water bodies.  Ambient sulfate
                and ambient nitrate ("acid rain paniculate") contributes to unhealthy air and respiratory problems
                in humans,  especially children and other sensitive populations.  The baseline is established from
                monitored site levels based on consolidated map of 1989-1991 showing a three year of deposition
                levels produced from the CASTNet site (http://www.epa.gov/airmarkets/castnet/sites.html).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan


FY 2005 Performance Measure:

•   Combined Stationary and Mobile Source Reductions in Air Toxics Emissions
•   Mobile Source Air Toxics Emissions Reduced
•   Stationary Source Air Toxics Emissions Reduced
•   All Other Air Toxics Emissions Reduced

Performance Database: National Emissions Inventory (NEI) for Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)

Data Source:  The NEI for HAPs includes emissions from large  and small industrial sources inventoried as point
sources, smaller  stationary area and other sources, such as fires inventoried as non-point sources,  and mobile

Prior to 1999 NEI for HAPs, there was the National Toxics Inventory (NTI). The baseline NTI (for base years 1990
- 1993) includes emissions information for 188 hazardous air pollutants from more than 900 stationary  sources and
from mobile  sources. It is based on data collected during the  development of Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) standards, state and local data, Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data, and emissions estimates
using accepted emission inventory  methodologies.  The baseline NTI contains  county level emissions data and
cannot be used for modeling because it does not contain facility specific data.

The 1996 NTI and the 1999 NEI for HAPs contain stationary and mobile source estimates that are used as input to
National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) modeling. The 1996 NTI and 1999 NEI for HAPs contain estimates of
facility-specific HAP  emissions and their source  specific parameters necessary for modeling such  as location
(latitude and longitude) and facility characteristics (stack height, exit velocity, temperature, etc.)

The primary sources of data in the 1996  and 1999 NTI are state  and local air pollution control agencies and Tribes.
These data vary in completeness, format, and quality.  EPA evaluates these data and supplements them with data
gathered while developing MACT and residual risk standards, industry data, and TRI data. To produce a complete
model-ready national inventory, EPA estimates emissions for approximately 30 non-point source categories such as
wildfires and  residential heating sources not included in the state, local and Tribal data.  Mobile source data are
developed using  data provided by state  and local agencies and Tribes and the most current onroad and nonroad
models developed by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality. The draft 1996 NTI and 1999 NEI for HAPS
underwent extensive review by state and  local agencies, Tribes, industry, EPA, and the public.

For more information and references on the development of the  1996 NTI, please go to the following web site:
www.epa.gov/ttn/cMef/nti/index.htmlfati.  For more information  and references  on the development of the 1999
NEI for HAPs, please go to the following web site: www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/net/index.htmM1999

Methods,  Assumptions and Suitability:  The  EMS-HAP (Emissions Modeling  System for Hazardous Air
Pollutants)  is used to estimate annual emissions of air toxics for the 1996 NTI and 1999 NEI for HAPS (and for all
years in-between).  EMS-HAP is an emissions processor that performs the steps needed to process an emission
inventory for  input into the NATA model. These  steps include: spatial allocation of nonpoint stationary area and
mobile source emissions from the county level to the census tract level, and temporal allocation of annual emission
rates to annually  averaged (i.e., same rate for every day of the year) 3-hour emission rates. In addition, EMS-HAP
can project future  emissions, by adjusting stationary source emission data to account for growth and emission
reductions resulting from emission  reduction scenarios such as the implementation of the Maximum Achievable
Control Technology (MACT) standards.

For more information and references on EMS-HAP, please go to  the following web sites:
http://www.epa.gov/scramOO l/tt22.htm#aspen and http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/projection/emshap.html.
The growth and  reduction information  used for the projections  are further described on the following website:

QA/QC Procedures:  The NTI and the NEI for HAPs are databases designed  to house information from other
primary sources.  The EPA performs extensive quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) activities,  including


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
checking data provided by other organizations, to improve the quality of the emission inventory.  Some of these
activities include: (1) the use of an automated format QC tool to identify potential errors of data integrity, code
values, and range checks; (2) use of geographical information system (GIS) tools to verify facility locations; and (3)
automated content analysis by pollutant, source category and facility to identify potential problems with emission
estimates such as outliers, duplicate sites, duplicate emissions, coverage of a source category, etc.  The content
analysis includes a variety of comparative and  statistical analyses.   The comparative analyses help reviewers
prioritize which source  categories and pollutants to  review in more detail based on comparisons using current
inventory data and prior inventories. The statistical analyses help  reviewers identify potential outliers by providing
the minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation, and selected percentile values based on current data.   The
EPA is currently developing an automated QC content tool for data providers to use prior to submitting their data to
EPA. After investigating errors identified using the automated QC format and GIS tools, the EPA follows specific
guidance on augmenting data for missing data  fields.   This guidance is available at the following web site:
http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/invent/qaaugmementationmemo 99nei 60603.pdf

The NTI database contains data fields that indicate if a field has  been augmented and identifies the augmentation
method.  After performing the content analysis, the EPA contacts  data providers to reconcile potential errors.  The
draft NTI is posted for external review and includes a README file, with instructions on review of data  and
submission of revisions,  state-by-state modeling files with all modeled data fields, and summary files to assist in the
review of the data.  One of the summary files includes a comparison of point  source data submitted by different
organizations. During the external review of the data, state and local agencies, Tribes, and industry provide external
QA of the  inventory.  The EPA evaluates proposed revisions from external reviewers and prepares memos for
individual reviewers documenting incorporation of revisions and  explanations if revisions were not incorporated.
All revisions are tracked in the database with the source of original data and sources of subsequent revision.

The external QA and the internal QC  of the inventory have resulted in significant changes in the initial emission
estimates, as seen by comparison of the initial draft NEI for HAPs and its final version.  For more information on
QA/QC of the NEI for HAPs, please  refer to the following web  site for a paper presented at the 2002  Emission
Inventory Conference in Atlanta. "QA/QC - An Integral Step  in the Development of the  1999 National  Emission
Inventory for HAPs", Anne Pope, et al. www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/conference/eill/qa/pope.pdf

EPA's Office of Environmental Information (OEI) has created uniform data standards or elements, which provide
"meta" information on the standard NEI Input Format (NIF) fields.   These  standards were developed  by teams
representing states, Tribes, EPA and other Federal agencies.  The use of common data standards among partners
fosters consistently defined and formatted data elements and sets of data values, and provides public access to more
meaningful data.  The standards relevant to the NEI for HAPs are the: SIC/NAICS, Latitude/Longitude,  Chemical
Identification, Facility Identification,  Date, Tribal and Contact  Data Standards.   The  1999 NEI for  HAPs is
compliant with all new data standards except the Facility Identification Standard because OEI has not completed its
assignment of Facility IDs to the 1999 NEI for HAPs facilities.

For more information on compliance of the NEI for HAPs with new OMB Information Quality Guidelines and new
EPA data standards, please refer to the following web site for a  paper presented at the 2003 Emission Inventory
Conference  in San Diego.   "The Challenge  of Meeting New  EPA Data  Standards and Information Quality
Guidelines in the Development of the 2002 NEI Point Source Data  for HAPs", Anne Pope, et al.

The 2002 NEI for HAPs will undergo scientific peer review.

Data Quality Review: EPA staff, state and local agencies, Tribes, industry and the public review the NTI and the
NEI for HAPs. To assist in the review of the 1999 NEI for HAPs, the EPA provided a comparison of data from the
three data sources (MACT/residual risk data, TRI, and state, local  and Tribal inventories) for each facility. For the
1999 NEI for HAPs, two periods were available for external review - October 2001 - February 2002 and October

Both the full draft 1996 National Air Toxics Assessment and several of the individual components of the assessment
have been subjected to the scrutiny of leading scientists throughout the country  in a process called "scientific peer
review."  This ensures that EPA uses the best available scientific methods and information.  In 2001, EPA's Science
Advisory Board (SAB) reviewed the 1996 national-scale assessment.  The review was generally supportive of the
assessment purpose, methods, and presentation; the committee considers this  an  important step toward a better


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
understanding of air toxics. Many of the SAB comments related to possible improvements for future assessments
(additional national-scale assessments are being planned for the base year 1999 and for every 3 years thereafter) and
raised technical issues that would merit further investigation. EPA will follow  up on these issues.  Additional
information is available on the Internet: www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/nata/peer.html.

The following describes the various  scientific peer review activities that are associated with the  1996 national air
toxics assessment:

•   EPA's Science Advisory Board peer-reviewed the ASPEN dispersion model used in the Cumulative Exposure
    Project   (CEP).  The   Science   Advisory  Board  issued  their  report  in  1996.  It can  be  found at

•   The HAPEM exposure model underwent a peer review by EPA scientists and an external peer review in the
    summer of 2000.  While the peer review identified several limitations inherent in the current methodology, it is
    still acknowledged as an appropriate tool to help better  understand the relation of human exposures to ambient
    concentration levels.

Data Limitations:  The NTI  and the NEI for HAPs contain data from other primary references. Because of the
different data sources, not all information in the NTI and the NEI for HAPs has been developed using identical
methods.  Also, for the same reason, there are likely some geographic areas with more detail and accuracy than
others. Because of the lesser level of detail in the 1993 NTI,  it is not suitable for input to dispersion models.

For a discussion of the data limitations in the 1999  NEI for HAPs, please refer  to the discussion of Information
Quality Guidelines in the documentation at:
www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/net/index.htmrffhaps99 .

New/Improved Data or Systems: The 1996 NTI and 1999 NEI for HAPs are a significant improvement over the
baseline 1993 NTI  because of the  added facility-level detail (e.g., stack heights, latitude/longitude locations),
making it more useful for dispersion model input.  Future inventories (2002 and later years) are expected to improve
significantly because of increased interest in the NEI for HAPs by regulatory agencies, environmental interests, and
industry, and the greater potential for modeling and trend analysis. During the development of the  1999 NEI for
HAPs, all primary data submitters and reviewers were required to submit their  data and  revisions to EPA  in a
standardized format using the  Agency's Central Data Exchange (CDX).  For more information on CDX, please go
the following web site: www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/nif/cdx.html

References:  The NTI and NEI data and documentation are available at the following sites:

ftp site:                  ftp://ftp.epa.gov/EmisInventory/
Available  inventories:            1996 NTI, 1999 NEI for HAPs
Contents:                        Modeling data files for each state
                                Summary data files for nation
                                README file
Audience:                       individuals who want full access to NTI files

NEON:                  http://ttnwww.rtpnc.epa.gov/Neon/
Available  inventories:            1996 NTI and 1999 NEI for HAPs
Contents:                        Summary data files
Audience:                       EPA staff

CHIEF:                 www. epa. gov/ttn/chief
                                1999 NEI for HAPs data development materials
                                1999 Data Incorporation Plan       - describes how EPA compiled the 1999
                                    NEI for HAPs
                                QC tool for data submitters
                                Data Augmentation Memo describes procedures EPA will use to augment data
                                99 NTI Q's and A's provides answers to frequently asked questions


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                NIF (Input Format) files and descriptions
                                CDX Data Submittal Procedures - instructions on how to submit data using
                                Training materials on development of HAP emission inventories
                                Emission factor documents, databases, and models
Audience:                       State and local agencies, Tribes, industry, EPA, and the public

FY 2005 Performance Measures:

•   SO2 emissions reduced (tons/year from baseline)
•   Total annual average sulfur deposition  and  mean ambient sulfate concentrations reduced (% from
•   Total annual average nitrogen deposition and mean ambient nitrate concentrations reduced (% from

Performance Databases:

•   Emissions Tracking System (ETS) - SO2 and NOX emissions collected by Continuous  Emission Monitoring
    Systems (CEMS) or equivalent continuous monitoring methods.
•   Clean  Air Status  and Trends Network  (CASTNet)    -  dry  acid deposition; weekly  average  ambient
    concentrations of sulfate, nitrate,  sulfur dioxide, nitric  acid, ammonium; meteorological data required for
    calculating deposition rates.
•   National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP)  - wet acid (sulfur and nitrogen) deposition.

Data Sources:  On a quarterly basis, ETS receives  and processes hourly measurements of SO2, NOX, volumetric
flow, CO2, and other emission-related parameters from more than 2,500 fossil fuel-fired utility units affected under
the Title IV Acid Rain Program.  For the  5-month ozone season (May 1 -  September 30), ETS receives and
processes hourly NOX measurements from electric generation units (EGUs) and certain large  industrial combustion
units affected by NOX Budget Programs under the NOX  State  Implementation Plan (SIP) Call.  In 2004, the initial
compliance year for the NOX SIP Call, up to 2000 units in as many as 20 states and D.C. will be reporting seasonal
NOX data to ETS.  Over 900 units have been reporting these data since 1999 under the OTC NOX Budget Program.

CASTNet measures particle and  gas acidic  deposition  chemistry.  Specifically, CASTNet  measures sulfate and
nitrate dry deposition and meteorological information at approximately 70 monitoring sites,  primarily in the East.
CASTNet is a long-term dry deposition network  funded, operated and maintained by EPA's Office of Air and
Radiation (OAR).

NADP is a national long-term wet deposition network that measures precipitation chemistry and provides long-term
geographic and temporal trends in concentration and deposition of precipitation components.  Specifically, NADP
provides measurements of sulfate and nitrate wet deposition  at approximately  230 monitoring sites.  EPA, along
with several other Federal agencies, states, and other private organizations, provide funding and support for NADP.
The Illinois State Water Survey/University of Illinois maintains the NADP database.

The deposition monitoring networks  have been  in operation for  over 25  years.  They provide invaluable
measurements  on long-term trends and episodes in acid deposition; such data are essential for assessing progress
toward the program's intended environmental and welfare outcomes.   These networks are aging and need to be
modernized to  ensure the continued availability of these direct environmental measures. Much of the equipment is
beyond its useful life, replacement parts are difficult to procure, and the data processing is outmoded and expensive.
To date, modernization of this network  has not been  considered a priority.  Unless this situation changes, the
Agency's ability to assess long-term performance measures will be compromised.

Methods, Assumption, and Suitability: Consistent, well-defined methods for data aggregation and monitor tests
have been incorporated into program regulations (40 CFR Part 75 (Continuous Emissions Monitoring).  Original
final rule issued 58 FR 3701-3757 (Jan 11, 1993). Rule revisions  to improve program issued 60 FR 26510 (May 17,
1995), 61 FR 59142 (Nov 20, 1996), 63  FR 57356, 573581 and 57499 (Oct 27, 1998), 64 FR 28564 (May 26, 1999),
and 67 FR 40394 (June 12, 2002)).that were promulgated in notice and comment (public) rulemakings.   These


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
methods are used to aggregate data  across all affected utilities for each pollutant and related source operating
parameters. They specify how to calculate the baseline and test for quality assurance.

QA/QC Procedures:  QA/QC requirements in the program regulations require that a series of quality assurance
tests are performed at least annually to  assure valid  CEMS performance.   For these tests, emissions data  are
collected under highly structured, carefully designed testing conditions, which involve either high quality standard
reference materials or multiple instruments performing simultaneous emission measurements.  The resulting data are
screened and analyzed using a battery of statistical procedures, including  one that tests for systematic bias.  If a
CEM fails the bias test,  indicating a potential for systematic underestimation of emissions, the source of the error
must  be identified and  corrected or the data  are adjusted to compensate for  the measurement bias.   Further
information available on the Internet: http://www.epa.gov/airmarkets/reporting/index.html

CASTNet established a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) in November 2001; The QAPP contains data quality
objectives and quality control procedures for accuracy  and precision.  {U.S. EPA, Office  of Air Quality  Planning
and Standards, Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNet) Quality Assurance Project Plan (Research Triangle
Park, NC: U.S. EPA, November 2001). Available at http://www.epa.gov/castnet/library/qapp.html.

NADP  has  established data quality objectives  and  quality control  procedures for accuracy, precision and
representation, available on the Internet: http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/QA/.  The intended use of these data is to establish
spatial and temporal trends in wet deposition and precipitation chemistry.

Data Quality Review:  The ETS provides instant feedback to sources on data reporting problems, format errors, and
inconsistencies.          The     electronic     data     file      QA    checks    are     described     at
http://www.epa.gov/airmarkets/reporting/index.html (see Electronic  Data Report Review Process, ETS Tolerance
Tables, Active ETS Error Codes/Messages and Range Format Errors). All quarterly reports are analyzed to detect
deficiencies and to identify reports that must be resubmitted to correct problems.  EPA also identifies reports that
were not submitted by the appropriate reporting deadline.  Revised quarterly reports, with corrected deficiencies
found during the data review process,  must be obtained from sources  by a specified deadline. All data are reviewed,
and preliminary and final emissions data reports are prepared for public release and compliance determination.

CASTNet underwent formal peer review in 1997 by a panel of scientists from EPA and the  National Oceanographic
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Findings are documented in Examination of CASTNet:  Data, Results, Costs,
and Implications (United  States EPA,  Office  of Research and  Development, National Exposure Research
Laboratory, February 1997).

The NADP methods of determining wet deposition values have undergone extensive peer  review, handled entirely
by the NADP housed at the Illinois State Water Survey/University of Illinois.  Assessments of changes in NADP
methods are developed primarily through the academic community  and reviewed through the technical  literature

Data  Limitations: In order to improve the spatial resolution of CASTNet, additional monitoring sites are needed.
CASTNet has no geographic coverage for the middle of the country and very limited coverage in the Northwest.

Error Estimate: None

New/Improved Data or Systems: EPA is investigating ways to modernize aging CASTNet equipment; streamline
site operation, data collection and processing methods; reduce system operating costs; and  provide a foundation for
mutipollutant measurement compatible with other networks.

References:  For additional information about CASTNet, see http://www.epa.gov/castnet/  and for NADP,  see
http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/.        For    a    description    of    EPA's   Acid    Rain    program,     see
http://www.epa.gov/airmarkets/arp/index.html/  and  in   the electronic   Code  of   Federal   Regulations   at
http://www.epa.gov/docs/epacfr40/chapt-I.info/subch-C.htm (40 CFR parts 72-78.)

FY 2005 Performance Measures:

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
•   Cumulative percent increase in the number of people who live in areas with ambient criteria pollutant
    concentrations below the level of the NAAQS.
•   Cumulative percent increase in the number of areas with ambient criteria pollutant concentrations below
    the level of the NAAQS.
•   Areas designated to attainment for the NAAQS.

Performance Databases:
AQS —The Air Quality Subsystem (AQS) stores ambient air quality data used to evaluate an area's air quality
levels relative to the NAAQS.

FREDS—The Findings and Required Elements Data System is used to track progress of states and Regions in
reviewing and approving the required data elements of the State Implementation Plans (SIP).  SIPs are clean air
plans and define what actions a state will take to improve the air quality in areas that do not meet national ambient
air quality standards

Data Sources:
AQS:   State & local agency data from State and Local Air Monitoring Stations (SLAMS).

Population: Data from Census-Bureau/Department of Commerce

FREDS:      Data are provided by EPA's Regional offices.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability: Air quality levels are evaluated relative to the level of the appropriate
NAAQS.  Next the populations in areas with air quality concentrations above the level of the NAAQS are
aggregated. This analysis assumes that the populations of the areas are held constant at 2000 Census levels. Data
comparisons over several years allow assessment of the air program's success.

QA/QC Procedures: AQS: The QA/QC of the national air monitoring program has several major components: the
Data Quality Objective (DQO) process, reference and equivalent methods program, EPA's National Performance
Audit   Program   (NPAP),  system   audits,    and   network   reviews    (Available   on   the   Internet:
www.epa.gov/ttn/amtic/npaplist.html) To ensure quality data, the  SLAMS are required to meet the following: 1)
each site must meet network design and site criteria; 2) each site must provide adequate QA assessment, control, and
corrective action functions  according to minimum program requirements; 3) all sampling methods and equipment
must meet EPA reference or equivalent requirements; 4) acceptable data validation and record keeping procedures
must be followed;  and 5) data from SLAMS must  be summarized and reported annually to EPA.  Finally, there are
system audits that regularly  review the overall air quality data collection activity for any needed changes or
corrections. Further information available on the  Internet: http://www.epa.gov/cludvgxb/programs/namslam.html
and through United States EPA's Quality Assurance Handbook (EPA-454/R-98-004 Section 15)

Populations:    No additional QA/QC beyond that done by the Census Bureau/Department of Commerce.

FREDS: No formal QA/QC procedures.

Data Quality Review:
AQS:          No external audits have been done in the last 3 years.  However, internal audits are regularly

Populations:    No additional QA/QC beyond that done by the Census Bureau/Department of Commerce.


Data Limitations:
AQS:          None known

Populations:    No additional QA/QC beyond that done by the Census Bureau/Department of Commerce.

FREDS: None known


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Error Estimate:  At this time it is not possible to develop an error estimate.  Uncertainty in projections (from
modeling) and near term variations in air quality (due to meteorological conditions for example) exist.

New/Improved Data or Systems:
AQS:   In January 2002, EPA completed the reengineering of AQS to make it a more user friendly, Windows-
based system. As a result,  air quality data  will be more  easily accessible via the Internet.  AQS has also been
enhanced to comply with the Agency's data standards (e.g., latitude/longitude, chemical nomenclature). Beginning
in July 2003, agencies submitted air quality data to AQS thru the Agency's Central Data Exchange (CDX).  CDX is
intended to be the portal through which all environmental data coming to or leaving the Agency will pass.

Population:      None


References: For additional information about  criteria pollutant data, non-attainment areas, and  other related
information, see: http://www.epa.gov/airtrends/.

FY 2005 Performance  Measures:

•   Estimated Mobile  Source VOC Emissions
•   Estimated Mobile  Source NOx Emissions
•   Estimated Mobile  Source PM 10 Emissions
•   Estimated Mobile  Source PM 2.5 Emissions
•   Estimated Mobile  Source CO Emissions

Performance Database: National Emissions Inventory Database. See: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/trends/

Data Source:  Mobile  source emissions inventories. Estimates for on-road, off-road mobile source emissions are
built from inventories fed into the relevant models, which in turn provide input to the National Emissions Inventory

The MOBILE vehicle  emission factor model  is  a software tool for predicting  gram per mile  emissions of
hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, paniculate matter, and toxics from cars, trucks,
and motorcycles under various conditions.

The NONROAD emission inventory model is a software  tool for predicting emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon
monoxide,  oxides of nitrogen, paniculate matter,  and sulfur dioxides from small and large off road vehicles,
equipment, and engines.
Certain mobile source information is updated annually.  Inputs are updated annually only if there is a rationale and
readily available source of  annual data. Generally, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), the mix  of VMT by type of
vehicle (Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)-types), temperature, gasoline properties, and the designs of
Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) programs are updated each year. Emission factors for all mobile sources and activity
estimates for non-road sources are changed only when the Office of Transportation and Air Quality requests that this
be done and is able to provide the new information in a timely manner.  The most recent models for mobile sources
are Mobile 6 and Nonroad 2002. (Available on the Internet at http://www.epa.gov/otaq/models.htm.)

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:  EPA issues  emissions standards that set limits on how much pollution
can be emitted from a given mobile source.   Mobile sources include vehicles that operate on roads and highways
("on road" or "highway"  vehicles),  as well as nonroad vehicles, engines, and equipment.   Examples of mobile
sources are cars, trucks, buses, earthmoving  equipment, lawn and garden power tools,  ships, railroad locomotives,
and airplanes. Vehicle and equipment manufacturers have responded to many mobile source emission standards by
redesigning vehicles and engines to reduce pollution.

EPA uses models to estimate mobile source emissions, for both past and future years.  The estimates are used in a
variety of different settings, like rulemaking.


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
The most complete and systematic process for making and recording such mobile source emissions estimates is the
"Trends" inventory process executed each year by the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards' (OAQPS)
Emissions, Monitoring, and Analysis Division (EMAD).  The Assessment and Modeling Division, within the Office
of Transportation and Air Quality, provides EMAD information and  methods for making the  mobile source
estimates. In addition, EMAD's contractors obtain necessary information directly from other sources; for example,
weather data and the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) estimates by state.
EMAD creates and publishes the emission inventory estimate for the most recent historical year, detailed down to
the county level and with over 30 line items representing mobile sources. At  irregular intervals as required for
regulatory analysis  projects, EMAD creates estimates  of emissions for future years.  When the method for
estimating emissions changes significantly, EMAD usually revises its older estimates of emissions in years prior to
the most recent year, to avoid a sudden discontinuity in the apparent emissions trend. EMAD publishes the national
emission estimates in hardcopy; county-level estimates are available electronically.   Additional information about
transportation and air quality related to estimating, testing for, and measuring emissions, as well as research being
conducted on technologies for reducing emissions is available at http://www.epa.gov/otaq/research.htm

QA/QC Procedures:  The emissions inventories are continuously improved.

Data Quality Review: The emissions inventories are reviewed by both internal and external parties.

Data Limitations:  The limitations of the inventory estimates for  mobile sources come from limitations in the
modeled emission factors (based on emission factor testing and models predicting overall fleet emission factors in
g/mile)  and  also in the estimated vehicle miles traveled for each vehicle class   (derived from Department of
Transportation data).http://www.epa.gov/otaq/m6.htm. For nonroad emissions, the  estimates come from a model
using equipment populations, emission factors per hour  or unit of work, and an estimate of usage.  This nonroad
emissions model accounts for over 200 types of nonroad equipment. Any limitations in the input data will carry over
into limitations in the emission inventory estimates.

Error    Estimate:    Additional   information   about   data   integrity   is   available   on   the   Internet:

New/Improved Data or Systems: To keep pace with new analysis needs, new modeling approaches, and new data,
EPA is  currently working on  a new modeling system termed the Multi-scale Motor Vehicles and Equipment
Emission System (MOVES). This new system will estimate emissions for on road and off road sources, cover a
broad range of  pollutants, and  allow  multiple  scale analysis,  from fine scale analysis to national inventory
estimation. When fully implemented, MOVES will serve as the replacement for  MOBILE6 and NONROAD. The
new  system will not necessarily be a single piece of software, but instead will encompass the necessary tools,
algorithms, underlying data and guidance necessary for  use in  all official analyses associated with regulatory
development, compliance  with statutory requirements,  and national/regional inventory projections.  Additional
information is available on the Internet: http://www.epa.gov/otaq/ngm.htm

References: For additional information about mobile source programs see:  http://www.epa.gov/otaq/.


Alternative Motor Fuels Act of  1988
Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-7671g)
Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
National Highway System Designation Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                    OBJECTIVE:  Healthier Indoor Air
  By 2008, 22.6 million more Americans than in 1994 will be experiencing healthier indoor air in homes,
  schools, and office buildings.
                                 Resource Summary
                                (Dollars in Thousands)

Healthier Indoor Air
Environmental Program & Management
Science & Technology
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Buildings & Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                   Program Project
                                (Dollars in Thousands)

Categorical Grant: Radon
Indoor Air: Asthma Program
Indoor Air: Environment Tobacco Smoke
Indoor Air: Radon Program
Indoor Air: Schools and Workplace
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan

Healthier Residential Indoor Air

In 2005     843,300 additional people will be living in homes with healthier indoor air.

In 2004     834,400 additional people will be living in healthier residential indoor environments.

In 2003     End-of-year FY 2003 data will be available in late 2004 to verify that 834,400 additional people were
            living in healthier residential indoor environments.
Performance Measures:

People Living in Healthier Indoor Air
FY 2003
Data Lag
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
                                                                                              r>    i
Baseline:    1.   By 2005, increase the number of people living in homes built with radon reducing features to
            4,539,000 from 1,862,280 in 1994 (cumulative) .* 2.  By 2005, decrease the number of children
            exposed to ETS from 27,502,000 in  1994 to 24,119,404  (cumulative) .**  3. By 2005, increase by
            500,000 the number of people with asthma and their caregivers who are educated about indoor air
            asthma triggers. * The 1994 baseline  for the number of new homes built with radon-resistant design
            features has changed from 684,000 tO 384,000.  This is due to a recent review of historical NAHB
            Research Center reports wehich determined that a significant number of "rough-in" installations were
            reported  as radon-resistant  new construction.  "Rough-in"  installations are  not complete radon-
            reduction systems and do not provide any risk reduction, and they should not be considered when
            estimating the number of homes built with radon-resistant  new construction.  In order to improve the
            integrity of the results that are being reported, EPA is dropping homes with rough-in installations when
            estimating the amount of homes built  with radon-resistant construction.  The baseline of existing
            homes mitigated remains the same at 300,000 in 1994.

            ** The 1995 Census Report that EPA was using for a baseline population (19,500,000) for children 0
            to 6 years of age represented only childeren 0 to 4 years of age.  This recently came to our attention
            after an internal review of the baselines. The actual baseline population of children from the ages of 0
            to 6 should be 27,502,168. In order to improve the integrity of the results that are being reported, EPA
            is correcting the baseline population to the comprehensive number which includes the ages 0 to 6 years
            old. Our 2005 goal of decreasing the percentage  of childern exposed, remains at 15% and the starting
            point remains at 27.3%.

Healthier Indoor Air in Schools

In 2005     1,3 12,500 students, faculty and staff will experience improved indoor air quality in their schools.

In 2004     1,575,000 students, faculty and staff will experience improved indoor air quality in their schools.

In 2003     End-of-year FY 2003 data will be available in late 2004 to verify that 1,050,000 students, faculty and
            staff experienced improved indoor air quality in their schools.

 Performance Measures:

 Students/Staff  Experiencing   Improved
 IAQ in Schools
FY 2003

Data Lag
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.



U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Baseline:    The nation has  approximately 117,000* schools with an average of 525 students, faculty and staff
            occupying them for a total baseline population of 61,425,000.  The IAQ "Tools for Schools" Guidance
            implementation  began in 1997. For FY 2004, the program projects an additional 3,000 schools will
            implement the guidance and seeks to obtain implementation commitments from 15 of the 100 largest
            school districts in the U.S. with an average of 140,000 per district.  (Additional, not cumulative since
            there is not an established baseline for good IAQ practices in schools.)

            * According to  the U.S. Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics, between
            1994 and 2002, 7,000 new schools were built.  For the revised strategic plan we increased our baseline
            to incorporate the increase.  Our FY 2008 strategic goal incorporates the additional school.

Healthier Indoor Air in Workplaces

In 2005     150,000 additional office workers will experience improved air quality in their workplaces.

 Performance Measures:
  150,000  additional office workers  will
  experience improved air quality  in their
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    There are approximately 750,000  office buildings with 12 billion square feet.  The mean worker
            density is 1 office worker per 500 square feet. Therefore, a total of 24 million office workers work in
            office buildings.  Our 2005 goal is to get 5% of all office buildings to adopt good  IAQ measures
            which translates into  1.2 million office workers (cumulative from 1994).  Our 2008 goal is to get an
            additional 3% of all office buildings to adopt good IAQ measures which translates to 720,000 office
            workers (cumulative at 240,000 per year).


FY 2005 Overarching Performance Measure:  People Living in Healthier Indoor Air

FY 2005 Performance Measure: People Living in Radon Resistant Homes

Performance Database: Survey

Data Source:  The survey is an annual sample of home builders in the United States most of whom are members of
the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). NAHB  members construct 80% of the homes built in the
United States each year.  Using a survey  methodology reviewed by EPA, NAHB Research Center estimates the
percentage of these homes that are built radon resistant. The percentage built radon resistant from the sample is then
used to estimate what percent of all homes built nationwide are radon resistant To calculate the number of people
living in radon resistant homes, EPA assumes an average of 2.67 people per household. NAHB Research Center has
been conducting this  annual builder practices survey for over a decade, and has developed substantial expertise in
the survey's design, implementation, and analysis. The statistical estimates are typically reported with a 95 percent
confidence interval.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:  NAHB Research Center conducts an annual survey of home builders in
the United  States to assess a wide range of builder practices.   NAHB  Research Center voluntarily conducts this
survey to maintain an awareness of industry trends in order to  improve American housing and to be responsive to
the needs of the home building industry.  The annual survey gathers information such as types of houses built, lot
sizes, foundation designs, types of lumber used, types of doors and windows used, etc. The  NAHB Research Center
Builder  Survey also gathers information on the use of radon-resistant design features in new houses, and these
questions comprise about two percent of the survey questionnaire.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
In January of each year, the survey of building practices for the preceding calendar year is typically mailed out to
home builders.  For the most-recently completed survey, for building practices during calendar year 2001, NAHB
Research Center reported mailing the survey to about 44,000 active United States home building companies, and
received about 2,800 responses which translates to a response rate of about 6.4 percent. This is the response rate for
the entire survey.  The survey responses are analyzed with respect to State market areas and Census Divisions in the
United States, and are analyzed  to assess the percentage and number of homes built each year  that incorporate
radon-reducing features.  The data are also used to assess the percentage and number of homes built with radon-
reducing features in high radon potential areas in the United States (high risk areas). Other analyses include radon-
reducing features as a function of housing type, foundation type, and different techniques for radon-resistant new
home construction. The data are suitable for year-to-year comparisons.

QA/QC Procedures:  Because data are obtained from an external organization, QA/QC procedures are not entirely
known. According to NAHB Research Center, QA/QC procedures have been established, which includes QA/QC by
the vendor that is utilized for key entry of data.

Data Quality Review: Because  data are obtained from an external organization, Data Quality Review procedures
are not entirely known.  NAHB Research Center indicates  that each survey is manually  reviewed, a process that
requires several  months to complete.  The review includes  data quality checks  to ensure that  the respondents
understood the survey questions  and answered the questions  appropriately.  NAHB Research Center also applies
checks for open-ended questions to verify the appropriateness of the answers.  In some cases, where open-ended
questions request numerical information, the data are capped between the upper  and lower three percent of the
values provided in the survey responses.  Also, a  quality review of each year's draft report from NAHB Research
Center is conducted by the EPA project officer.

Data Limitations:  The majority of home builders surveyed  are NAHB members.  The  NAHB Research Center
survey also attempts to capture the activities of builders that are not members of NAHB.  Home builders that are not
members of NAHB are  typically  smaller,  sporadic  builders that in some cases build  homes  as  a secondary
profession.  To augment the list of NAHB members in the survey sample, NAHB Research Center sends the survey
to home builders identified from mailing lists of builder trade  publications, such as Professional Builder magazine.
There is some uncertainty as to whether the survey adequately characterizes the practices of builders who are not
members of NAHB. The effects on the findings are not known.

Although an overall response rate of 6.4 percent could be considered low, it is the response rate for the entire survey,
of which the radon-resistant new construction questions are only a very small portion. Builders responding to the
survey would not be doing so  principally  due  to their radon activities.   Thus, a low response rate does not
necessarily  indicate a strong potential for a positive bias under the speculation that builders using radon-resistant
construction would be more likely to respond to the survey. NAHB Research Center also makes efforts to reduce
the potential for positive bias in the way the radon-related survey questions are presented.

Error Estimate:  See Data Limitations

New/Improved Data or Systems: None

References: The results are published by the NAHB Research Center in annual reports of radon-resistant home
building practices; see http://www.nahbrc.org/. The most recent report, "Builder Practices Report: Radon Reducing
Features in New Construction 2001," Annual Builder and Consumer Practices Surveys by the NAHB Research
Center, Inc., January 2, 2003. Similar report titles exist for prior years.

FY 2005 Performance Measure: People Living in Radon Mitigated Homes

Performance Database:  External

Data Source: Radon fan manufacturers report fan sales to the Agency. EPA assumes one fan per radon mitigated
home and then multiplies it by the assumed average of 2.67 people per household.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  N/A.


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
QA/QC Procedures:  Because data are obtained from fan manufacturers, EPA relies on the business practices for
reporting data.

Data Quality Review:   Data are  obtained from fan manufacturers.   EPA reviews the data to ascertain their
reliability and discusses any irregularities with the relevant manufacturer.

Data Limitations: Reporting by radon fan manufacturers is voluntary and may underestimate the number of radon
fans sold. Nevertheless, these are the best available data to determine the number of homes mitigated.  There are
other methods to mitigate radon including: passive mitigation techniques of sealing holes  and cracks in floors and
foundation walls, installing sealed covers over sump pits, installing one-way drain valves  in untapped drains, and
installing static venting and ground covers in areas like crawl spaces. Because there are no data on the occurrence of
these methods, there is again the possibility that the number of radon mitigated homes has been underestimated.
No radon vent fan manufacturer, vent fan motor  maker or  distributor  is required to report to EPA; they provide
data/information voluntarily to EPA. There are only four (4) radon vent fan manufacturers of any significance; one
of these accounts for an estimated 70% of the market.

Error Estimate: N/A.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  None

References:  See  http://www.epa.gov/iaq/radon/pubs/index.html  for  National  performance/progress  reporting
(National Radon Results: 1985-1999) on radon, measurement, mitigation and radon-resistant new construction.

FY 2005 Performance Measure:   Number of people with asthma who have taken steps to reduce their
exposure to indoor environmental asthma triggers.

Performance Database:  The performance database consists of quarterly Partner status reports used to  document
the outcomes  of individual projects; a media tracking study used to assess behavior change within that sector of the
public viewing  the public  service  announcements;  and  a  national telephone  survey (National Survey on
Environmental Management of Asthma)  which seeks information about the steps taken by  people with asthma, and
parents  of  children with asthma,  to  minimize exposure to indoor environmental asthma triggers.  Additional
information about asthma morbidity and mortality in the US is obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).  Annual  expenditures  for health and lost productivity due to  asthma are obtained from the
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute  (NHLBI) Chartbook.

Data Source: Each component of the database has a unique source. Partner status reports are generated by those
organizations  receiving funding from EPA and are maintained by individual EPA Project Officers.  An independent
initiative of the Advertising Council provides media tacking of outcomes of all of their public service campaigns
and this is publicly available information.  The National Survey on Environmental Management of Asthma  (OMB
control number 2060-0490) source is EPA. Data on asthma morbidity and mortality is available from the National
Center for Health Statistics at the  CDC (www.cdc.gov/nchs). Data on annual  expenditures for  health and lost
productivity     due      to      asthma     are      obtained     from      the      NHLBI      Chartbook
(www.nhlbi.nih.gov/resources/docs/02 chtbk.pdf).

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:
Partner status reports: EPA requires all funded organizations to provide quarterly reports identifying the numbers
of children, adults, and health care professionals educated  about indoor asthma triggers, the numbers of homes,
schools, and child care centers in which triggers have been identified,  and the type of mitigation actions taken in
these environments.  In addition, decreases  in the number  of emergency  room visits, hospitalizations,  and other
markers of asthma morbidity are requested from those partner organizations with access to such data. EPA believes
that the information reflects progress made  at achieving performance measures.

National Survey on Environmental Management of Asthma:  (OMB control number 2060-0490): This survey is the
most robust data set for this performance measure, but it is not administered annually. EPA has designed a  survey
instrument  (telephonic survey) in consultation with  staff from EPA  and the CDC National Center for  Health
Statistics (NCHS) to ensure that respondents will understand the questions asked  and will provide the  type of data


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
necessary to measure the Agency's objectives.  In addition, care has been taken to ensure that the survey questions
target the population with asthma by using the same qualifier question that appears on other national surveys on
asthma collected by the CDC.

EPA estimates that of the 26,600 households  which make up  the sampling frame, 60 percent, or approximately
16,000, will be contacted successfully and will  agree to participate in the screening survey.  Of these approximately
16,000 individuals, EPA expects that 15 percent, or approximately 2,400 individuals, will either have asthma or live
with someone who does. Only those individuals who have asthma or live with someone who does are considered to
be eligible respondents.

Respondents  are asked to  provide primarily yes/no  responses.  In some cases, respondents are given a range of
responses in  the form of  multiple choice questions and are asked to indicate the one which best defines their
response.  The survey seeks information on those environmental management measures that the Agency considers
important in reducing an individual's exposure to known indoor environmental asthma triggers.  By using yes/no
and multiple choice questions, the Agency has substantially reduced the amount of time necessary for the respondent
to complete the survey and has ensured consistency in data response and interpretation.

The information collected may be used to establish a baseline to accurately reflect the characteristics of our nation's
asthma population and by which to evaluate progress  made at achieving performance measures.

QA/QC Procedures:  It is assumed that partner organizations report data as accurately and completely as possible;
site-visits are conducted by EPA project officers as warranted.  The National Survey is designed in accordance with
approved     Agency    procedures.    Additional     information     is    available    on    the    Internet:

Data Quality Review: EPA reviews the data  from  all sources in the performance database to ascertain reliability
and resolves any discrepancies.

Data Limitations:  The primary limitation associated with Partner organization status reporting is that  limitation
inherent to serf-reporting.   For the  National Survey, random digit dialing methodology is used to ensure  that a
representative sample of households has been  contacted; however, the survey is subject to inherent limitations of
voluntary telephone surveys of representative samples. Limitations of phone surveys include:  1) inconsistency of
interviewers following survey  directions (i.e., an interviewer might: ask the  questions incorrectly or inadvertently
lead the interviewee to a response); or 2) call at an inconvenient time.  For example, the respondent might not want
to be interrupted at the time of the call and may resent the intrusion of the phone call.  The answers will reflect this
attitude. In addition, a telephone survey is limited to those households with a telephone.

Error Estimate: The Agency expects to achieve results within the following percentage points of the true value at
the 90 percent confidence level (survey instrument):

        Adult Asthmatics               plus or minus 3.0%
        Child Asthmatics               plus or minus 4.0%
        Low Income Adult Asthmatics   plus or minus 6.5%

These precision rates are sufficient to characterize the extent to which the results measured by the survey accurately
reflect the characteristics of our nation's asthmatic population.

New/Improved Data or Systems: Data from the National Survey on Environmental Management of Asthma (OMB
control number 2060-0490) was collected from August 4-September 17, 2003 and represents the first data collection
with this instrument.

References:  National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (www.cdc.gov/nchs)

NHLBI Chartbook (www.nhlbi.nih.gov/resources/docs/02  chtbk.pdf).

EPA Indoor Environments  Division (www.epa.gov/iaq/).

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Survey results will be available in early March 2004.   Questions  may be  directed to the Indoor Environment

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Number of Children under 6 not Exposed to Secondhand Smoke (ShS) in the

Performance Databases: The performance database consists of Smoke-free Home Pledges that are tracked through
a hotline and website and that are documented in a monthly pledge report generated by EPA staff; Cooperative
Agreement Partner status reports used to document the outcomes of individual projects; a media tracking study used
to assess behavior change within that sector of the public viewing ShS public service announcements; and a national
telephone survey (National Survey on Environmental Management of Asthma) which includes a series of questions
about whether respondents allow smoking in their home, and if so, whether young  children are in the household.
Expenditures for medical costs of childhood illness  attributable to ShS were taken from an analysis of previous
studies and reports on medical costs. Information about ShS in the US is obtained periodically from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) including the National Health Interview Survey (for use in benchmarking
and national tobacco/ShS exposure data), the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (for use of cotinine
data), and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (for use of state tobacco/ShS exposure data).

Data Sources: Each component of the database has a unique source. Partner status reports are generated by those
organizations receiving funding from EPA and are maintained by individual EPA Project Officers.  As part of their
Cooperative Agreement, Consumer Federation of America Foundation provides media tracking of outcomes of all of
their public service campaigns and this is publicly available information.  The National Survey on Environmental
Management of Asthma (OMB control number 2060-0490) source is EPA. The  medical costs associated with SHS
were from 2002 Medical Costs of Childhood Illness Attributable to Environmental Tobacco  Smoke: Total National
Costs and  Cost  to Managed Care Organizations, a report prepared by  Abt Associates  Inc.,  an EPA funded
contractor.  Additional references are the US Surgeon General's report on tobacco (which includes the 1986 seminal
document on involuntary smoking and demographic profiles of smoking/ShS exposure in US), the National Cancer
Institute's (NCI) Tobacco Monograph Series (the sum of current knowledge of clinical trials, clinical guidelines and
the validation of EPA and California EPA risk assessments), the NCI funded Tobacco Use Supplement portion of
the US Census Bureau's Current Population Survey (contains fundamental policy questions  regarding tobacco/ShS
including smoking in the home ), and Healthy People 2010 (which includes information on cotinine, ShS exposure
and children).

Other related sources: National Health Interview Survey and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey are
part  of  the  National  Center   for  Health  Statistics,   Centers   for   Disease   Control  and  Prevention
(http://www.cdc.gov/nchs); Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention

This information contributes to the knowledge set that helps us to calculate end of year results.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: Partner status reports:  EPA requires  all funded organizations to provide
status reports on their activities identifying, for example, number of presentations given, pledges signed, number of
people trained (i.e. health officials, daycare providers), number of parents reached, and projected number of children
no longer exposed as a result of their activities.  EPA  believes that the  information reflects progress made at
achieving performance objectives.

National Survey on Environmental Management of Asthma (OMB control number 2060-0490): This survey is the
most  robust data  set for the FY 2005 performance measure, however it is not administered annually.  EPA  has
designed a  survey  instrument (telephonic survey) in consultation with staff from EPA's  Indoor Environments
Division (IED), EPA's Regional offices, and the CDC National Center for Health  Statistics  (NCHS) to ensure that
respondents will understand the questions asked and will provide the type of data necessary to measure the Agency's

EPA estimates that of the 26,600  households, which make up the sampling  frame, 60 percent, or approximately
16,000, will be contacted successfully and will agree to participate in the screening survey.  SHS information will be
obtained from these individuals.  The sample will be large enough to yield the number of responses necessary to
achieve an estimated two percent precision rate at a 95 percent confidence level.


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Respondents are asked to provide primarily yes/no responses.  In some cases, respondents are given a range of
responses in the form of multiple choice questions and are  asked to indicate the one which best defines their
response.  By using yes/no and multiple-choice questions, the Agency has substantially reduced the amount of time
necessary for the respondent to complete the survey and has ensured consistency in data response and interpretation.
EPA believes that the information collected may be useful in establishing a benchmark, in addition to the 1994 and
1998 National Health Interview Survey, for the number of children, ages 6 and under, who are exposed to ShS in the

QA/QC Procedures: It is assumed that partner organizations report data as accurately and completely as possible;
site-visits are conducted by EPA project officers as warranted.  The National Survey was  designed in accordance
with   approved   Agency   procedures.      Additional    information   is   available   on   the   Internet:

Data Quality Review: EPA reviews the data from all sources in the performance  database to  ascertain reliability
and resolves any discrepancies.

Data Limitations: The primary limitation associated with Cooperative Agreement Partner status reporting is that
serf-reporting has an inherent limitation.  For the National  Survey, random digit dialing methodology is used to
ensure that a representative sample of households has been contacted; however, the survey  is subject to inherent
limitations in voluntary telephone surveys of representative  samples.  Limitations of phone surveys include:  1)
possible inconsistency of interviewers following survey directions.  For example, an interviewer might; ask the
questions incorrectly or inadvertently lead the interviewee to  a response; or 2) call at an inconvenient time.  For
example, the respondent might not want to be interrupted at the time of the  call and may resent the intrusion of the
phone call. The answers will reflect this attitude.  In addition, a telephone survey is limited to those households with
a telephone or households that speak English.  Currently available cotinine survey data does not address 50% of the
age specific portion of EPA's target population.  It does not include birth to three years old, the portion of children
most susceptible to the effects of ShS.

Error Estimate: EPA's survey has been  designed to ensure that, at the 95 percent confidence level, its estimate of
the number of children fewer than 6 not exposed to ShS in the house is within approximately two percentage points
of the true value. EPA is confident that these precision rates are more than adequate.

New/Improved Data or Systems: Data from the National Survey on Environmental Management of Asthma (OMB
control number 2060-0490) was collected from August 4-September 17, 2003 and represents the first data collection
with this instrument.  This survey utilized the exact questions on SHS from the 1994 and 1998 National Health
Interview Survey and will continue to assist in  evaluating  progress made at achieving our goal.  In the future,
medical cost data could be collected from a possible expansion of  CDC's Smoking Attributable Morbidity and
Mortality Economic Costs (SAMMEC) software.

References:  EPA Indoor Environments  Division (www.epa.gov/iaq/)  Survey  results will be available in  early
March 2004. Questions may be directed to the Indoor Environments Division.

National Health Interview Survey and National Health and Nutrition Examination  Survey are part of the National
Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs)

Behavioral   Risk   Factor   Surveillance   Survey,   Centers   for   Disease   Control  and   Prevention

US Surgeon General's report on tobacco (http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/sgr/index.htm).
National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Tobacco Monograph Series (http://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/tcrb/monographs/).

NCI funded Tobacco  Use  Supplement portion  of  the  US   Census  Bureau's Current Population Survey

Healthy People 2010 (http://www.healthypeople.gov/).

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
FY 2005 Performance Measure: Students, faculty and staff experiencing improved indoor air quality in their

Performance Database:  The performance database consists of cooperative partner status reports, annual  results
reports from the regions, and tracking numbers of disseminated kits.  A survey of a representative sample of schools
was completed during 2002.  The survey serves to verify the number of schools using indoor air quality management
plans consistent with EPA's guidance.

Data Source:  The sources for the database include cooperative partners, regional data, information from  EPA's
National Clearinghouse on numbers of kits disseminated, and the statistical sample of all public and private schools
in the nation during the  1999 - 2000 school year. (United States Department of Education National Center for
Education Statistics).

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  Calculations for the number of people experiencing improved IAQ are
based upon an  estimated average of 525 students, staff and faculty per school  (data  are from the United States
Department of Education  National  Center for Education Statistics).   Estimates  of the number  of schools
implementing IAQ management plans, consistent with EPA's guidance, are conservative, and based upon a small
percentage of the number of kits distributed, and the number  of schools implementing IAQ  management plans
reported by cooperative partners and regions.  A total of 809 completed questionnaires were  returned for a  survey
response rate of 40%.  There was no evidence of systematic error or selection bias associated with the response rate.
The survey helped  determine the number of schools adopting  and implementing good indoor air quality  (IAQ)
practices consistent with EPA's IAQ Tools for Schools (TfS) guidance.

The distribution of returned and targeted questionnaires was similar with respect to the stratification criteria of
geographic region and public/private schools. Academic resource, demographic, and socioeconomic characteristics
of  schools that returned the  survey were  approximately equal to those of  schools that did  not return the
questionnaire.  IAQ management practices were independent of the amount of follow-up effort required to elicit
return of a questionnaire.  These  findings indicate that  the EPA  can use the survey results to make national
projections regarding IAQ practices in schools.

Survey  results were evaluated against the IAQ Practice Index, a scoring system developed by  weighting possible
responses to  questions regarding Integrated Pest  Management (IPM) practices and ventilation rates.  An  IAQ
Practice Index score of >70 was considered indicative of an adequate  IAQ management plan.

QA/QC Procedures:  A small sample  of returned questionnaires  was selected at random  and the manual data
transcription from the original paper copy to the electronic  database was reviewed for completeness and accuracy. A
total of 3,670 entries were cross-referenced between the database  and the paper copy of the  survey. A few minor
typographical errors in results from the first page of the questionnaire were identified (e.g., a period  missing in P.O.
Box or  letters inverted in a name). Otherwise, all responses to the actual survey questions were accurately entered
into the database.

As a quality control procedure, a random sample of surveys was scored manually and the IAQ Management Practice
Index was computed by hand. The scores and indices were compared to the corresponding values generated by the
computerized scoring program.  In total,  140 data points  were checked.  The results of all  the surveys that were
hand-scored matched the values from the computerized scoring. In  addition, the IAQ Practices in  Schools Survey
Analysis procedures and report underwent technical review by  a  qualified party at  Environmental Health and
Engineering,  Inc. (EH&E), EPA's contractor, not involved  in the original analysis. Survey is designed in accordance
with    approved    Agency   procedures.      Additional   information  is   available   on   the   Internet:

Data Quality Review:  Entries were cross-referenced between the  database and the paper copy of the survey to
ensure completeness and quality of responses. See QA/QC procedures, above.

Data Limitations: The primary limitation associated with Cooperative Agreement Partner status reporting  is that
self-reporting has an inherent limitation.  For the National Survey, random digit dialing methodology is used to
ensure that a representative sample of households has been contacted; however, the survey is  subject to inherent
limitations in voluntary telephone surveys of representative samples.  Limitations of phone surveys include: 1)


U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
possible inconsistency of interviewers following survey  directions.  For example, an interviewer might; ask the
questions incorrectly or inadvertently lead the interviewee to a response; or 2) call at an inconvenient time.  For
example, the respondent might not want to be interrupted at the time of the call and may resent the intrusion of the
phone call.  The answers will reflect this attitude. In addition, a telephone survey is limited to those households with
a telephone or households that speak English.

Error Estimate:  The sample size was selected to ensure that the survey response yields a statistically valid result
with a +/- three percent margin of error at the 95th percent confidence level.

New/Improved Data or Systems: Prior to the survey, EPA tracked the number of schools receiving the Tools for
Schools (TfS) guidance and  estimated the population of the school to determine the number  of students/staff
experiencing improved indoor air quality.  With this  survey, EPA queried a statistically representative sample of
schools, to  estimate the number of schools that have actually adopted and implemented  good IAQ management
practices consistent with the TfS guidance.

References:     See  the   United  States   Department   of  Education   National   Center  for  Education
Statistics,http://nces.ed.gov/.     See  also  Indoor  Air  Quality   Tools for  Schools Kit  (402-K-95-001) at
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/schools. There is  no website  specifically relating to the survey.  Inquiries may be made
directly to the EPA Office of Indoor Environments.

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Office Workers improved indoor air quality in their workplaces.

Performance Database:  The performance database consists of two sources, requested copies of building indoor air
quality guidance documents, (e.g. Building Air Quality, I-Beam, and related guidance Mold Remediation in Schools
and Commercial Buildings) and training  conducted through cooperative  agreements or other government agencies
(e.g., General Services Administration (GSA)) using EPA's documents.  In addition, EPA conducted a voluntary,
pilot survey of building owners and managers in 2001  to determine the use of indoor air quality (IAQ) management
practices in U.S. office buildings.

Data Source:  The survey was developed by EPA and distributed by Building Owners and Managers Association
(BOMA). The survey's purpose and design received approval from the Office of Management and Budget.  The
survey is not administered on an annual basis.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  EPA  developed a seven-page survey of multiple-choice questions that
requested each building owner or manager to supply information regarding: the size and uses of a selected building;
documentation of management practices employed in the building; how the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning
systems are managed; how  pollution sources  are  addressed;  housekeeping and pest  management practices;
remodeling and renovation  activities; and responses to tenant complaints  regarding IAQ.   EPA's contractor
developed a project database to facilitate entry,  storage and reporting statistics obtained from the survey.  Based
upon random sampling of membership lists from BOMA,  the International Facilities Managers Association (IFMA)
and buildings managed by the General Services Administration (GSA), the contractor generated a sampling frame.
The  final sample size, (and survey  recipient list) was 3,612 and we received 591 completed surveys.  The survey
results identified both strengths and  weaknesses in building management practices in U.S. office buildings.

QA/QC Procedures: The survey was focus group tested and peer-reviewed by IAQ professionals to ensure that
respondents would understand the questions and provide accurate responses. It was also designed by a statistician to
ensure reliability of the data collected. Each survey mailed was assigned a unique identifier to facilitate the tracking
of survey responses within the database. BOMA, EPA's cooperative partner, ensured accuracy and completeness of
submitted surveys by reviewing each submission prior to data entry. A double-entry protocol for all data entry was
implemented to ensure an accuracy  rate of at least 99%; each survey form was entered into the database twice, after
which a computer program identified any variances.  Two-percent of the records were randomly checked to ensure
that accuracy goals were met.  BOMA was responsible for tracking survey responses, entering the survey responses
into the database, maintaining the data in a secure environment and providing quality assurance/quality control of all
survey activities.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
After the quality assurance checks on the data were performed, EPA's contractor aggregated the data analyses. EPA
and the contractor developed a method to score the responses for each item on the questionnaire and computed an
index of IAQ management practices. The quality of the scoring program results was assured by random inspection
and correction, if necessary.  The  IAQ indices were analyzed using analysis-of-variance techniques to identify
covariates of IAQ practices that could be used in considering future program initiatives.

Data Quality Review:  BOMA had responsibility for the accuracy of data entered into the database.  Quality
assurance safeguards were  used in the data  entry.  BOMA, and EPA's contractor reviewed individual survey
responses and data for accuracy during the aggregation and analyses activities.

Data Limitations:  The primary limitation associated with basing estimates on requests for guidance documents and
training is the unknown factor of how many of the  requests result in actions resulting in improved indoor air quality.
The  survey provides a reference point on progress. The survey results are subject to  the limitations inherent in
survey sampling. The response rate of 14% for the survey was low due to the timing of the survey administration
and subsequent events in September and October 2001.

Error Estimate: 4% precision at a 95% confidence level.

New/Improved Data or Systems: None

References: There is no website specifically relating to this survey.  Inquiries may be made directly to EPA's
Office of Air and Radiation,  Indoor Environments Division.


Clean Air Act Amendments  of 1990 (CAA)
Indoor Radon Abatement Act (IRAA), Section 306
Radon Gas and Indoor Air Quality  Research Act  of Title IV of the Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization
   Act (SARA) of 1986
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), section 6, Titles II, and Title III (15 U.S.C. 2605 and  2641-2671), and
   Section 10

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                  OBJECTIVE:  Protect the Ozone Layer
By 2010, through worldwide action, ozone concentrations in the stratosphere will have stopped declining and
slowly begun the slow process of recovery, and the risk to human health from overexposure to ultraviolet (UV)
radiation, particularly among susceptible subpopulations, such as children, will be reduced
                                     Resource Summary
                                    (Dollars in Thousands)

Protect the Ozone Layer
Environmental Program & Management
Buildings & Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                      Program Project
                                    (Dollars in Thousands)

Stratospheric Ozone: Domestic Programs
Stratospheric Ozone: Multilateral Fund
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

Restrict Domestic Consumption of Class II HCFCs

In 2005     Restrict domestic consumption of class II HCFCs below 9,906 ODP-weighted metric tonnes (ODP
           MTs) and restrict domestic exempted production and import of newly produced class I CFCs and
           halons below 10,000 ODP MTs.

In 2004     Restrict domestic consumption of class II HCFCs below 9,906 ODP-weighted metric tonnes (ODP
           MTs) and restrict domestic exempted production and import of newly produced class I CFCs and
           halons below 10,000 ODP MTs.

In 2003     End of year FY 2003 data will be available in late 2004 to verify restriction of domestic consumption
           of class II HCFCs below 9,906 ODP-weighted metric tonnes (ODP MTs) and restriction of domestic
           exempted production and import of newly produced class I CFCs and halons below 10,000 ODP MTs.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                                                       FY 2005 Annual Plan
 Performance Measures:
Consumption of  Class  II
 Domestic   Exempted   Production  and
 Import of Newly Produced Class I CFC s
 and Halons
FY 2003
Data Lag
Data Lag
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
                                                                                          OOP MTs
                                                                                          OOP MTs
Baseline:    The base of comparison for assessing progress on the 2005 annual performance goal is the domestic
            consumption cap of class II HCFCs  as set by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol.   Each Ozone
            Depleting Substance (ODS) is weighted based on the damage it does to the stratospheric ozone - this is
            its ozone-depletion potential (OOP). Beginning on January  1,  1996, the cap was set at the sum of 2.8
            percent of the domestic OOP-weighted consumption of CFCs in 1989 plus the OOP-weighted level of
            HCFCs in 1989.  Consumption equals production plus import minus export.

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Restrict Domestic Consumption of Class II HCFCs Restrict Domestic
Exempted Production and Import of Newly Produced Class I CFCs and Halons

Performance Database: The Allowance Tracking System (ATS) database is maintained by the Global Programs
Division (GPD).  ATS is used to compile and analyze quarterly information on U.S. production, imports, exports,
transformations, and allowance trades of ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

Data Source:  Progress on restricting domestic exempted consumption of Class I CFCs and halons is tracked by
monitoring industry reports of compliance with EPA's phaseout regulations. Data are provided by U.S. companies
producing, importing, and exporting ODS.  Monthly information on domestic production, imports, and exports from
the International Trade Commission  is maintained in the ATS. Corporate  data are typically submitted  as quarterly
reports.    Specific  requirements  as outlined  in  the  Clean Air Act  are  available  on  the  Internet at:

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: Data are aggregated across all U.S. companies for each individual ODS to
analyze U.S. total consumption and production.

QA/QC Procedures:  Reporting and record-keeping requirements are published in 40 CFR Part 82, Subpart A,
Sections 82.9 through 82.13.  These sections of the Stratospheric Ozone Protection Rule specify the required data
and accompanying documentation that companies must submit or maintain on-site to demonstrate their compliance
with the regulation.

The ATS data are subject to a Quality Assurance Plan.  In addition,  the data are subject  to an annual quality
assurance review, coordinated by OAR staff separate from those  on the  team normally  responsible  for data
collection and maintenance.  The ATS is  programmed to ensure consistency of the  data elements  reported by
companies.  The tracking system flags inconsistent data for review and resolution by the tracking system manager.
This information is then cross-checked with compliance data submitted by  reporting  companies.   The GPD
maintains a user's manual for the ATS that specifies the standard operating procedures for data entry and data
analysis.  Regional inspectors perform inspections and audits on-site at the facilities of producers, importers,  and
exporters.  These  audits verify the accuracy  of compliance data submitted to EPA through examination  of company

Data Quality Reviews:  The Government Accounting Office (GAO) completed a review of U.S.  participation in
five international environmental agreements, and analyzed  data submissions from the U.S. under the Montreal
Protocol on Substances the Deplete the Ozone Layer.  No deficiencies were identified in their January 2003 report.

Data Limitations: None. Data are required by the Clean Air Act.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Error Estimate: None

New/Improved Data or Systems: The GPD continues to explore an improved system whereby direct electronic
reporting would be possible.

References:     See   http://www.epa.gov/ozone/desc.html  for  additional  information  on   ODSs.   See
http://www.unep.ch/ozone/montreal.shtml  for  additional  information  about the  Montreal Protocol.     See
http://www.unmfs.org/ for more information about the Multilateral Fund.

        EPA continues to place a great emphasis  on improving its performance measures.  In addition to and
complementing the Agency's outcome-based environmental performance measures, some programs are developing
efficiency measures. Efficiency measures are structured as a ratio of key program inputs (e.g. time, dollars, FTE) to
program outputs or outcomes.  They are intended to  provide EPA programs with additional information that can be
used for sound decision-making and program management.

        Below are EPA's proposed efficiency measures for selected programs.

        Stratospheric Ozone: For every $50 invested by EPA in the domestic ODS phaseout program and the
Multilateral Fund, the US will avoid 1 skin cancer fatality related to UV radiation exposure.  This outcome assumes
that the US and other Parties to the Montreal Protocol achieve planned phaseout targets, and that present funding
levels are continued.

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAA), Title I, Parts A and D (42U.S.C. 7401-7434, 7501 7515), Title V (42
   U.S.C. 7661-7661f), and Title VI (42 U.S.C. 7671-7671q)
Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. 6921-6926 and 6938) sections 3001-3006 and 3017
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                               OBJECTIVE: Radiation
  Through 2008, working with partners, EPA will minimize unnecessary releases of radiation and be prepared to
  minimize impacts to human health and the environment should unwanted releases occur.
                                      Resource Summary
                                     (Dollars in Thousands)

Environmental Program & Management
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Science & Technology
Building & Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                       Program Project
                                     (Dollars in Thousands)

Radiation: Protection
Radiation: Response Preparedness
Homeland Security: Preparedness, Response,
and Recovery
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

Ensure WIPP Safety

In 2005     Certify that 40,000 55-gallon drums of radioactive waste (containing approximately 120,000 curies)
           shipped by DOE to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant are permanently disposed of safely and according to
           EPA standards.

In 2004     Certify that 36,000 55-gallon drums of radioactive waste (containing approximately  108,000 curies)
           shipped by DOE to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant are permanently disposed of safely and according to
           EPA standards.

In 2003     36,041 drums (55 gallon) of radioactive waste shipped by DOE to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant were
           permanently disposed of safely and according to EPA standards.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                        FY 2005 Annual Plan
 Performance Measures:

 Number   of   55-Gallon  Drums
 Radioactive    Waste    Disposed
 According to EPA Standards


FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

Baseline:    The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, NM was opened  in May  1999 to  accept
            radioactive transuranic waste.  By the end of FY 2003, approximately 73,000 (cumulative) 55 gallon
            drums will be safely disposed.  In FY 2005, EPA expects that DOE will ship an additional 40,000 55-
            gallon drums of waste.  Through FY 2004, EPA expects that DOE will have shipped safely and
            according to EPA  standards, approximately  13% of the  planned waste volume, based on disposal of
            860,000 drums over the next 40 years.  Number of drums shipped to the WIPP facility on an  annual
            basis is dependent on DOE priorities and funding. EPA volume estimates are based on projecting the
            average shipment volumes over 40 years with an initial start up.

Build National Radiation Monitoring System

In 2005     EPA will purchase 60 additional state  of the art monitoring units and  initiate deployment to sites
            selected based on population  and geographical coverage.  All old sampling will be  replaced and
            population coverage will be expanded to 60%.

In 2004     EPA will purchase 60 state of the art radiation monitoring units thereby increasing EPA radiation
            monitoring capacity and population coverage from 37% of the  contiguous U.S. population in FY 2002
            to 50% in FY 2004.
 Performance Measures:

 Purchase  and  Deploy  State-of-the  Art
 Monitoring Units
Baseline:    The current fixed monitoring system, part of the  Environmental  Radiation Ambient Monitoring
            System, was developed in the 1960s for the purpose of monitoring  radioactive fallout from nuclear
            weapons testing.  The system currently consists of 52 old, low-tech air paniculate samplers which
            provide coverage in cities which represent approximately 24% of the population.  By 2005, EPA will
            upgrade the old system by purchasing 120 state-of-the-art units which wil be strategically located to
            cover approximatley 60% of the population. The  current system's air samplers will be retired from
            service due to age, although some may be retained for emergency use.

Homeland Security - Readiness & Response

In 2005     Verify  that 50 percent of EPA's Radiological  Emergency Response Team (RERT)  members meet
            scenario-based response criteria.
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.


Performance Measures:
Percentage of EPA RERT members that meet
scenario-based criteria
FY 2003
FY 2004
               Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
               Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    Currently, EPA assesses RERT readiness based on the ability of the RERT to: (1) provide effective
            field response, as defined today; (2) support coordination centers; and 3) provide analytical capabilities
            throughout as needed to support a single small-to-medium scale incident.  These evaluation criteria
            will be reevaluated and revised in response to the Department of Homeland Security development of
            critieria for the Nuclear Incident Response Team established under the Homeland Security Act of
            2002, which includes EPA RERT assets.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan


FY 2005 Performance Measure: Purchase and Deploy State-of-Art Monitoring Units

Performance Data:   Output Measure.  Data from the near real-time gamma component of the Environmental
Radiation Ambient Monitoring System (ERAMS) will be stored in an internal EPA database at the National Air and
Radiation Environmental Laboratory (NAREL) in Montgomery, Alabama.  EPA monitors for radiation to provide
data for nuclear and radiological emergency response assessments; to provide data on ambient levels of radiation in
the environment for baseline and trend analysis; and to inform the general public and public officials.

Data  Source:   Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring  System (ERAMS).  A total of 60 near real-time
monitoring units will provide data to the database at NAREL.

Methods, Assumptions and  Suitability:  Assuming that funding  is secured during future years and the project
receives  all  necessary approvals, the existing air sampling equipment will be replaced with state-of-the art air
monitors that  include  near  real-time  gamma  radiation  detection  capability.   Addition  of detectors  and
communication systems will provide notification about significant radioactive contamination events to decision-
makers within hours

QA/QC Procedures:  Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures will follow the Agency guidelines and be
consistent with a specific Quality Assurance Plan that is being developed for the project.  All monitoring equipment
will be periodically calibrated with reliable standards and routinely checked for accuracy with onsite testing devices.
Laboratory analyses of air filters and other environmental media  are closely controlled in compliance  with the
NAREL Quality Management Plan and applicable Standard Operating Procedures.

Data  Quality Reviews: The database will screen all incoming data from the monitoring systems for abnormalities
as an indicator of either a contamination event or an instrument malfunction. Data will be held in a secure portion of
the database until verified by trained personnel. Copies of quality assurance and quality control testing will also be
maintained to assure the quality of the data.

Data  Limitations:   Data are limited in near  real-time to  gamma emitting  radionuclide  identification and
quantification.  Radiation levels from gamma-emitting nuclides that will be so low as to be "undetectable" will be
significantly below health concerns that require immediate action.  Lower levels of radioactive materials in the
samples will be measured through laboratory based analyses and data will be available within days after the sample
is received. Data will not be available to the general public or others, except relevant decision-makers, until verified
by trained personnel.

Error Estimate: The overall error in detection capability is estimated to be within 50% of the actual concentration
based on previous experience with similar measurement  systems.  An error analysis will be  performed on the
prototype systems during the process of detector selection.

New/Improved Performance Data or Systems:  New  air samplers will maintain steady flow  rates  that are
measured during operation and corrected for varying environmental conditions. Addition of gamma spectrometric
detectors and computer-based multi-channel  analyzers to the  air  samplers  provide near real-time  analyses of
radioactive content in particles captured by the filter. In addition to data collection, the onboard computer systems
can communicate results of analyses back to a central database and even identify abnormal conditions that might
require action.   These improvements not only include higher quality data, but also  will provide  information
regarding contamination events to  decision-makers within hours instead of days.  The number and location of
monitoring sites will be improved to provide representative sampling for much more of the nation's population.

References:    For  a  additional  information  about  the   continuous  monitoring  system,  ERAMS   see:

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Drums of Radioactive Waste Disposed of according to EPA Standards.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Data:  The Department of Energy (DOE) Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) database contains the
number of drums shipped by DOE waste generator facilities and placed in the  DOE WIPP. The WIPP is a DOE
facility located in southeastern New Mexico, 26 miles from Carlsbad.  The WIPP Land Withdrawal Act was passed
by Congress in October 1992 and amended in September 1996. The act transferred the land occupied by the WIPP
to DOE and gave EPA regulatory responsibility for determining whether the facility complies with radioactive waste
disposal standards.

Data Source: Department of Energy

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures:  The performance data used by EPA are collected and maintained by DOE.  Under EPA's
WIPP regulations (available on the Internet:  http://www.epa.gov/radiation/wipp/background.htm. all DOE WIPP-
related data must be collected and maintained under a comprehensive quality assurance program meeting consensus
standards developed  by the American Society of  Mechanical  Engineers  (ASME)  (available  on the  Internet:
http://www.asme.org/codes/).  EPA conducts regular inspections to ensure that these quality assurance systems are
in place and functioning properly; no additional QA/QC of the DOE data is conducted by EPA.

Data Quality Reviews: N/A

Data Limitations:   The DOE WIPP database contains the number of drums  shipped by DOE waste generator
facilities and placed in the DOE WIPP.  Currently, there are five DOE waste generator facilities that are approved to
generate and ship waste: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Hanford
Site, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Savannah River Site.

Before DOE waste generator facilities can ship waste to the WIPP, EPA must approve the waste characterization
controls and quality assurance procedures for waste identification at these sites. EPA conducts frequent independent
inspections and audits at these sites to verify continued compliance with radioactive waste disposal standards and to
determine if DOE is properly tracking the waste and adhering to specific waste component limits. Since  1998, EPA
has completed over 60 inspections prior to shipment of waste to the WIPP facility. Once EPA gives its approval, the
number of drums shipped to the WIPP facility on an annual basis is dependent on DOE priorities and funding. EPA
volume estimates are based on projecting the average shipment volumes over 40 years with an initial start up.

New/Improved Data or Systems: None

References:    The Department  of Energy  National  TRU Waste  Management Plan  Quarterly Supplement
http://www.wipp.ws/librarv/caolib.htnrfControlled contains information on the monthly volumes of waste that are
received at the DOE WIPP.

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Percentage of EPA RERT members that meet scenario-based criteria.

Performance Data:  To determine the effectiveness of RERT performance, an output measure has been developed
that scores RERT members on a  scale of one (1) to 100 against scenario-based criteria. A baseline evaluation was
performed in Fiscal Year (FY) 2003, based on the effectiveness of the RERT in responses to actual incidents and a
major national exercise (TOPOFF2).  RERT members were evaluated in their ability to: (1) provide effective field
response, (2)  support coordination centers, and (3)  provide analytical capabilities  and throughput  as needed to
support a single small-to-medium scale incident.   Overall  RERT  effectiveness in  this baseline  analysis  was
measured at approximately 13 percent. In FY 2005, however, the evaluation criteria will need to be reevaluated and
revised in response to the changes enacted by the Homeland Security Act of 2002.  Under this Act, the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) is  required to develop evaluation criteria and test the effectiveness of the Nuclear
Incident Response  Team (NIRT), which will include  EPA RERT assets.  Thus, the output  measure  tentatively
outlined above will be modified in cooperation with DHS to meet their needs.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Data Source:  Beginning in FY 2005, EPA expects the Department of Homeland Security to maintain the data.
DHS is responsible for assuring that all Federal Emergency Response assets maintain an adequate level of readiness
(Homeland Security Act of 2002). EPA assumes they also will maintain a data system to evaluate and assess the
readiness of assets across the federal government. EPA will perform evaluations of its own assets and report results
under this measure, but must rely on the DHS data source for key information.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  N/A

QA/QC Procedures:  N/A

Data Quality Reviews:  N/A

Data Limitations: The expectations for performance of EPA's RERT are currently evolving. Under Section 501 of
the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Department of State's (DOS) Under Secretary for Emergency Preparedness and
Response will establish standards for EPA RERT assets as part of the new Nuclear Incident Response Team.  DHS
will also evaluate the NIRT's performance against these new standards.  These criteria have not yet been developed.
In addition, the requirements for the RERT (i.e., what is actually expected of RERT members during a response)
may also change. This uncertainty means that the current evaluation may not effectively reflect future criteria.

New/Improved Data or Systems: None

References: The Homeland Security Act of 2002


Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,  42 U.S.C 2011 et seq. (1970), and Reorganization Plan #3 of 1970
Clean Air Act Amendments of  1990 (CAA)
Comprehensive Environmental Response  Compensation  and  Liability Act  (CERCLA),  as  amended  by the
   Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)
Energy Policy Act of 1992, PL. 102-486
Executive Order 12241 of September 1980, National Contingency Plan, 3 CFR, 1980
Executive Order 12656 of November 1988, Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities, 3 CFR, 1988.
Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982
Public Health Service Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C 201 et seq.
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, 42 U. S.C 5121 et seq.
Safe Drinking Water Act
Title XIV of the National Defense Authorization Act of 1996 (Nunn-Lugar II)
Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Land Withdrawl Act of 1978
Waste Isolation Pilot Plan (WIPP) Land Withdrawal Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
              OBJECTIVE:  Reduce Greenhouse Gas Intensity
  Through EPA's voluntary climate protection programs, contribute 45 million metric tons of carbon equivalent
  (MMTCE) annually to the President's 18 percent greenhouse gas intensity improvement goal by 2012.  (An
  additional 75 MMTCE to result from the sustained growth in the climate programs are reflected in the
  Administration's business-as-usual projection for greenhouse gas intensity improvement.)
                                      Resource Summary
                                     (Dollars in Thousands)

Reduce Greenhouse Gas Intensity
Environmental Program & Management
Science & Technology
Buildings & Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                       Program Project
                                     (Dollars in Thousands)

Climate Protection Program
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Administrative Projects
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2005     Greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced from projected levels by approximately 90 MMTCE per
           year through EPA partnerships with businesses, schools,  state  and local governments, and other

In 2004     Greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced from projected levels by approximately 81 MMTCE per
           year through EPA partnerships with businesses, schools,  state  and local governments, and other

In 2003     End of year FY 2003 data will be available in mid-2004 to verify that Greenhouse gas emissions will
           be reduced from projected levels by approximately 72.2 MMTCE per year through EPA partnerships
           with businesses, schools, state and local governments, and other organizations.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                                                                    FY 2005 Annual Plan
FY 2003
Data Lag
Data Lag
Data Lag
Data Lag
Data Lag
Data Lag
Data Lag
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

Performance Measures:

Annual Greenhouse Gas Reductions - All
EPA Programs

Greenhouse  Gas Reductions from  EPA's
Buildings  Sector  Programs   (ENERGY

Greenhouse  Gas Reductions from  EPA's
Industrial  Efficiency/Waste Management

Greenhouse  Gas Reductions from  EPA's
Industrial Methane Outreach Programs

Greenhouse  Gas Reductions from  EPA's
Industrial HFC/PFC Programs

Greenhouse  Gas Reductions from  EPA's
Transportation Programs

Greenhouse  Gas Reductions from  EPA's
State and Local Programs
Baseline:    The baseline for evaluating program performance is a projection of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in
            the absence of the U.S. climate change programs. The baseline was developed as part of an interagency
            evaluation of the U.S. climate change programs in 2002, which built on similar baseline forecasts
            developed in 1997 and 1993. Baseline data for carbon emissions related to energy use is based on data
            from the Energy Information Agency (EIA) and from EPA's Integrated Planning Model of the U.S.
            electric power sector.  Baseline data for non-carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, including nitrous oxide
            and other high global warming potential  gases are maintained by  EPA. Baseline information is
            discussed     at     length     in     the     U.S.     Climate     Action    Report    2002
            (www.epa.gov/globalwarming/publications/car/index.html), which provides a discussion of differences
            in assumptions between the 1997 baseline  and the 2002 update, including which portion of energy
            efficiency programs are included in the estimates. EPA develops the non-CO2 emissions baselines and
            projections using information from  partners  and other sources.  EPA continues to develop annual
            inventories as well as update methodologies as new  information becomes available.

Reduce Energy Consumption

In 2005     Reduce  energy  consumption from projected  levels by more  than 120 billion  kilowatt hours,
            contributing to over $8.5 billion in energy savings to consumers and businesses.

In 2004     Reduce  energy  consumption from projected  levels by more  than 110 billion  kilowatt hours,
            contributing to over $7.5 billion in energy savings to consumers and businesses.

In 2003     End of year FY 2003 data will be available in late 2004 to verify the reduction in energy consumption
            from projected levels by more  than 95 billion kilowatt hours,  contributing to over $6.5 billion in
            energy savings to consumers and businesses.
Performance Measures:

Annual   Energy  Savings
                             All  EPA
FY 2003
Data Lag
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:        The baseline for evaluating program performance is a projection of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions
in the absence of the U.S. climate change programs. The baseline was developed as part of an interagency evaluation
of the U.S. climate change programs in 2002, which built on similar baseline forecasts developed in 1997 and 1993.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Baseline data for carbon emissions related to energy use is based on data from the Energy Information Agency
(EIA) and from EPA's Integrated Planning Model of the U.S. electric power sector.  Baseline data for non-carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions, including nitrous oxide and other high global warming potential gases are maintained by
EPA. Baseline information is discussed at length in the U.S. Climate Action Report 2002
(www.epa.gov/globalwarming/publications/car/index.html), which provides a discussion of differences in
assumptions between the 1997 baseline and the 2002 update, including which portion of energy efficiency programs
are included in the estimates. EPA develops the non-CO2 emissions baselines and projections using information
from partners and other sources.  EPA continues to develop annual inventories as well as update methodologies as
new information becomes available.

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions overall and by Sector

Performance Database:  Climate Protection Partnerships Division Tracking System.

Data Source:  Baseline data for carbon emissions related to energy use comes from the Energy Information Agency
(EIA) and from EPA's Integrated Planning Model of the U.S. electric power sector.  Baseline data for non-carbon
dioxide (CO2)  emissions, including nitrous oxide and other high global warming potential gases, are maintained by
EPA. Baseline information is discussed at length in the U.S. Climate Action Report 2002. EPA develops the carbon
and non-CO2 emissions baselines and projections using information from partners and other sources.  Data collected
by EPA's voluntary  programs include partner reports on facility- specific improvements (e.g.  space  upgraded,
kilowatt-hours (kWh) reduced),   national  market  data  on shipments  of efficient products, and  engineering
measurements  of equipment power levels and usage patterns.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:  Most of the voluntary climate programs' focus is on energy efficiency.
For these programs,  EPA estimates the expected reduction  in electricity consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
Emissions prevented  are calculated as the product of the  kWh of electricity saved and an annual emission factor
(e.g., million metric  tons  carbon  equivalent  (MMTCE) prevented  per  kWh). Other programs focus on directly
lowering greenhouse  gas emissions (e.g., Natural Gas STAR,  Landfill Methane Outreach, and Coalbed Methane
Outreach); for these, greenhouse gas emission reductions  are  estimated on  a  project-by-project basis.   EPA
maintains a "tracking system" for emissions reductions.

QA/QC  Procedures: EPA  devotes  considerable effort  to obtaining the best  possible information on which to
evaluate emissions reductions  from voluntary programs.  Peer-reviewed carbon-conversion factors  are used to
ensure consistency with generally accepted measures of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions,  and peer-reviewed
methodologies are used to calculate GHG reductions from these programs.

Data Quality  Review:  The Administration  evaluates its climate programs using an interagency  approach. The
second  such interagency  evaluation  included  participants from EPA  and the  Departments  of  State, Energy,
Commerce, Transportation, and Agriculture.  The previous evaluation was  published in the U.S.  Climate Action
Report-1997. A 1997  audit by EPA's Office of the Inspector General concluded that the climate programs examined
"used good management practices" and "effectively estimated  the impact their activities had on reducing risks to
health and the environment..."

Data Limitations:  These are indirect  measures  of GHG emissions (carbon conversion factors and methods to
convert material-specific reductions to GHG emissions reductions). Also, the voluntary nature of the programs may
affect reporting.   Further research will  be  necessary  in order to  fully  understand the links  between  GHG
concentrations and specific environmental impacts, such as impacts on health, ecosystems, crops, weather events,
and so forth.

Error Estimate:  These are  indirect measures of GHG emissions.  Although EPA devotes considerable effort to
obtaining the best possible information on which to evaluate emissions reductions from  voluntary programs, errors
in the performance data could be introduced through uncertainties in carbon  conversion factors,  engineering
analyses, and econometric analyses.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
New/Improved Data or Systems: The Administration regularly evaluates the effectiveness of its climate programs
through interagency evaluations.  EPA continues to  update inventories and methodologies as new information
becomes available.

References:          The      U.S.     Climate    Action     Report     2002     is     available     at:
www.epa.gov/globalwarming/publications/car/index.html.   The accomplishments  of many  of EPA's voluntary
programs are documented in the Climate Protection Partnerships Division Annual Report. The most recent version is
Change for the Better: Energy Star and Other Voluntary Programs, Climate Protection Partnerships Division 2002
Annual Report.

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Annual Energy Savings

Performance Database:  Climate Protection Partnerships Division Tracking System

Data Source:   Data  collected by  EPA's voluntary  programs  include  partner  reports  on  facility  specific
improvements (e.g. space upgraded, kilowatt-hours (kWh) reduced), national market data on shipments of efficient
products, and engineering measurements of equipment power levels and usage patterns.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:  Most of the voluntary climate programs' focus is on energy efficiency.
For these  programs, EPA estimates the expected reduction  in electricity consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
Emissions prevented are calculated as the product of the  kWh of electricity saved and an annual emission factor
(e.g., MMTCE prevented per kWh). Other programs  focus on directly lowering greenhouse gas  emissions (e.g.,
Natural Gas STAR,  Landfill Methane Outreach, and Coalbed Methane  Outreach); for these,  greenhouse gas
emission reductions are estimated on a project-by-project basis.  EPA maintains a tracking  system for energy

Energy bill savings are calculated as the product of the kWh  of energy saved and the cost of electricity for the
affected market segment (residential, commercial, or industrial) taken from the Energy Information Administration's
(EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2002 and Annual Energy Review 2000 for each year in the analysis (1993-2012).
Energy bill savings also include revenue from the sale  of methane and/or the sale of electricity made from captured
methane.  The net present value  (NPV) of these savings was calculated using a 4-percent discount rate and a 2001

QA/QC Procedures:   EPA devotes  considerable effort to obtaining the best possible  information on which to
evaluate energy savings from its voluntary programs.

Data Quality Review:  The Administration regularly evaluates the effectiveness of its climate programs  through
interagency  evaluations.   The  second such interagency evaluation  included  participants  from EPA  and the
Departments of State, Energy, Commerce, Transportation, and Agriculture.  The results were published in  the U.S.
Climate Action Report-2002 as  part of the United States' submission to the Framework Convention on  Climate
Change (FCCC). The previous evaluation was published in the  U.S. Climate Action Report-1997.  A 1997 audit by
EPA's Office of the  Inspector General concluded that the climate programs examined "used good management
practices" and  "effectively  estimated  the  impact their  activities  had on reducing risks  to   health and the

Data Limitations: The voluntary nature of programs  may affect reporting. In addition, errors  in the performance
data could be introduced through uncertainties in engineering analyses and econometric analyses.

Error Estimate:  Although EPA devotes considerable effort to  obtaining the best possible information on which to
evaluate emissions reductions from voluntary programs, errors in the performance data could be  introduced through
uncertainties in engineering analyses and econometric analyses.

New/Improved Data or Systems: The Administration regularly evaluates the effectiveness of its climate programs
through interagency evaluations.  EPA continues to  update inventories and methodologies as new information
becomes available.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
References: The U.S. Climate Action Report 2002 is available at:
www.epa.gov/globalwarming/publications/car/index.html.  The accomplishments of many of EPA voluntary
programs are documented in the Climate Protection Partnerships Division Annual Report. The most recent version
is Change for the Better: Energy Star and Other Voluntary Programs, Climate Protection Partnerships Division
2002 Annual Report.


Clean Air Act Amendments, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq. - Sections 102, 103, 104, and 108
Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. - Section 104
Federal Technology Transfer Act, 15 U.S.C. - Section 370la
Global Climate Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. 2901 - Section 1103
National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. - Section 102
Pollution Prevention Act, 42 U.S.C. 13101 et seq.  - Sections 6602, 6603, 6604, and 6605
Solid Waste Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq. - Section 8001

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
              OBJECTIVE:  Enhance Science and Research
  Through 2010, provide and apply sound science to support EPA's goal of clean air by conducting leading-edge
  research and developing a better understanding and characterization of environmental outcomes under Goal 1.
                                 Resource Summary
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Enhance Science and Research
Environmental Program & Management
Science & Technology
Buildings and Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY2005Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                   Program Project
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Climate Protection Program
Radiation: Protection
Research: Air Toxics
Research: Particulate Matter
Research: Troposphere Ozone
Clean Air Allowance Trading Programs
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Federal Support for Air Quality Management
Federal Support for Air Toxics Program
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                                                                         FY 2005 Annual Plan
Participate Matter Research

Long-term Outcome Measusre
Annual Measure
Efficiency Measure
                            Measure under development.
                            Measure under development.
                            Measure under development.
Clean Automotive Technology

In 2005     Transfer hybrid powertrain components, originally developed for passenger car applications, to meet
            size, performance, durability, and towing requirements of Sport Utility Vehicle and urban delivery
            vehicle applications with an average fuel economy improvement of 30% over the baseline.

In 2004     Transfer hybrid powertrain components, originally developed for passenger car applications, to meet
            size, performance, durability, and towing requirements of Sport Utility Vehicle and urban delivery
            vehicle applications with an average fuel economy improvement of 25% over the baseline.

Performance Measures:

Fuel Economy of EPA-Developed SUV
Hybrid Vehicle over EPA Driving  Cycles
Tested                                                       _            _             MpG
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
The average fuel economy of all SUVs sold in the US in 2001 is 20.2 mpg.  Values for 2002, 2003,
and 2004 represent 15%, 20%, and 25% improvements over this baseline, respectively. The long-term
target is to demonstrate a practical and affordable powertrain that is 30% more efficient by 2005, and
100% more efficient by 2010.
PM Measurement Research

In 2005     Deliver and transfer improved receptor models and data on chemical compounds emitted from sources
            so that, by 2006, EPA's Office of Air and Radiation and the states have the necessary new data and
            tools to predict, measure, and reduce ambient PM and PM emissions to attain the existing PM National
            Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for the protection of public health.

Performance Measures:

Improved receptor  models and data on
chemical compounds emitted from sources
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.


Baseline:    Following designation of non-attainment areas for the Paniculate Matter National Ambient Air Quality
            Standards  in 2004 and 2005, states will need to immediately begin developing State Implementation
            Plans (SIPs).  SIPs incorporate source emission reduction rules that once implemented lead to cleaner
            air and standards attainment.  They are  due to EPA three years after designation. SIP development is
            predicated on the availability of recent and credible information on source emission characteristics and
            receptor-oriented models that can identify sources contributing to locally observed PM concentrations
            based on their chemical signatures.  A  next update (FY 2005) of these constantly improving models
            and the latest in source signatures will be produced to help states with their SIPs as part of a weight of
            evidence approach that  use  these and chemical transport modeling to tag specific sources  with
            reduction targets.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
            Beginning in FY 2005, regular evaluations by independent and external panels will provide reviews of
            EPA research programs' relevance, quality, and successful performance to date, in accordance with
            OMB's Investment Criteria for Research and Development.   These evaluations will include an
            examination of a  program's design to  determine  the  appropriateness of  a program's short-,
            intermediate-, and  long-term goals  and  its strategy for attaining these.   Reviewers  will  also
            qualitatively determine whether EPA has been successful in meeting  its  annual  and  long-term
            commitments for research.  Recommendations and results from these reviews will improve the design
            and management of EPA research programs and help to measure their progress under the Government
            Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Fuel Economy of EPA-Developed SUV Hybrid Vehicle over EPA Driving
Cycles Tested

Performance Database:  Fuel economy test data for both urban and highway test cycles under the EPA Federal
Test Procedure for passenger cars.

Data Source: EPA fuel economy tests performed at the National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL),
Ann Arbor, Michigan

QA/QC Procedures: EPA fuel  economy tests are performed in accordance with the EPA Federal Test Procedure
and all applicable QA/QC procedures. Available on the Internet: http://www.epa.gov/otaq/sftp.htm.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

Data Quality Reviews:  EPA's  NVFEL laboratory is recognized as a national  and  international facility for fuel
economy and emissions testing. NVFEL is also the reference point for private industry.

Data Limitations:  Primarily due to EPA regulations, vehicle fuel economy testing is a well established and precise
exercise with extremely low test  to test variability (well less than 5%). Additional information is available on the
Internet:  http://www.epa.gov/otaq/testdata.html  One challenge relates to fuel economy testing of hybrid vehicles
(i.e., more than one source of onboard power), which is more complex than testing of conventional vehicles. EPA
has not yet published formal regulations to cover hybrid vehicles. However, relevant information is available on the
Internet:  http://www.ctts.nrel.gov/analysis/hev  test/procedures.shtml

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems:  EPA is using solid engineering judgment and consultations with other expert
organizations (including major auto companies) to develop internal procedures for testing hybrid vehicles.

References:  See http://www.epa.gov/otaq/testproc.htm  for additional information  about testing and measuring
emissions at the NVFEL.

        As a measure of efficiency, the Agency will track the time it takes to process paniculate matter research
grant proposals from RFA closure to submittal to EPA's Grants Administration Division. The Agency will also track
the number of peer-reviewed paniculate matter research journal articles produced per scientific/engineering FTE.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Clean Air Act Amendments
Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation and  Liability  Act (CERCLA),  as  amended  by the
   Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)
Energy Policy Act of 1992
Federal Technology Transfer Act, 15 U.S.C. - Section 3701a
Global Climate Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. 2901 - Section 1103
National Climate Program Act (1997)
Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982
Pollution Prevention Act, 42 U.S.C. 13101 et seq. - Sections 6602, 6603, 6604, and 6605
Safe Drinking Water Act
U.S. Global Change Research Program Act of 1990
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978
Waste Isolation Pilot Plan (WIPP) Land Withdrawal Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
                               Goal 2: Clean and Safe Water
STRATEGIC GOAL: Ensure drinking water is safe.  Restore and maintain oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic
ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and recreational activities, and provide healthy habitat for fish,
plants, and wildlife.

        Over the 30 years since enactment of the
Clean Water and Safe Drinking  Water Acts (CWA
and  SDWA),  government, citizens,  and the private
sector have  worked  together  to  make  dramatic
progress in improving the quality of surface waters
and drinking water.

        Thirty years ago, much  of  the nation's tap
water  had either very  limited  treatment  (usually
disinfection) or no treatment at all. About two-thirds
of the surface waters assessed by  states were not
attaining  basic  water  quality   goals  and  were
considered polluted.1  Some  of the  Nation's waters
were open sewers posing health risks and many water
bodies were so polluted that traditional uses, such as
swimming, fishing, and recreation, were impossible.

        Today, drinking water systems monitor and
treat water to assure compliance with drinking water
standards covering a wide range of contaminants. In
addition, we  now protect sources of drinking water
through  activities such  as regulating  injection of
wastes to ground waters.  A massive investment of
federal, state,  and   local funds  resulted  in a new
generation of wastewater treatment facilities able to
provide "secondary" treatment or better.  Over 50
categories  of industry now comply  with nationally
consistent   discharge  regulations.   In   addition,
sustained efforts to  implement  "best management
practices"  have helped reduce runoff of pollutants
from diffuse or "nonpoint" sources.

        Cleaner,    safer  water    has   renewed
recreational,  ecological,  and  economic interests in
communities  across  the  nation.    The recreation,
tourism,  and travel  industry  is  one of the largest
employers in the nation,  and  a significant portion of
recreational  spending  comes  from   swimming,
boating, sport fishing, and hunting.2 Each year,  more
1 United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of
Water. 1998. Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and
Protecting America's Water.  Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office.
2 Travel Industry Association of America. Tourism for
America, 11th Edition. Washington, DC: Travel Industry of
than  180   million  people  visit  the  shore  for
recreation.3  In 2001, sportspersons spent a total of
$70 billion- $35.6 billion on fishing, $20.6 billion on
hunting,  and $13.8 million on items used for both
hunting  and fishing.  Wildlife  watchers spent  an
additional $38.4 billion on their activities around the
home  and  on  trips  away  from  home.4    The
commercial fishing  industry, which  also requires
clean water and healthy wetlands, contributed $28.6
billion to the economy  in 2001.5   The  Cuyahoga
River, which once caught fire, is now busy with boats
and  harbor  businesses   that generate  substantial
revenue for the  City of Cleveland.  The Willamette
River  in Oregon  has been restored to  provide
swimming, fishing, and  water sports.  Even Lake
Erie, once infamous for its dead fish, now supports a
$600 million per year fishing industry.6

        Much of the dramatic progress in improving
the nation's water quality  over the past 30 years is
directly attributable to our improvements  in water
infrastructure.   Entering  the 21st century, however,
the job is far from over.  Despite the gains made
since  the passage  of the CWA and the  SDWA,
approximately 40% of the nation's waters assessed
by  states  still  do  not  meet basic  water  quality
standards.7  Remaining water quality  problems are
not easily remedied:   they  come  not just from
discharge from  pipes, but from diffuse  sources  -
farming and forestry, construction sites, urban streets,
automobiles, atmospheric  deposition, even suburban
homes and yards.  They are no longer just chemical
3 Pew Oceans Commission. 2002. America's Living Oceans
Charting a Course for Sea Change. Arlington, VA: Pew
Oceans Commission.
4 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2002. 2001 National
Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated
Recreation. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
5 National Marine Fisheries Service. 2002. Fisheries of the
U.S. 2001.  Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
6 United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of
Water. 1998. Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and
Protecting America's Water.  Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office.
7 303(d) information comes from: U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. States' Listing of Impaired Waters as
Required by Clean Water Act Section 303(d). Washington,
DC. Available online at

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
in nature.  There are biological threats to our nation's
waters that we must address as well if we are to truly
achieve the stated goal of the CWA to "restore and
maintain  the chemical,  physical,  and  biological
integrity of the nation's waters."

        States  have  identified  more than  25,000
waterways as being impaired and have listed a group
of principal causes of impairment to the waterways.8
One of these impairments is pesticides.  The U.S.
Geological   Survey   (USGS)    has  synthesized
contaminant and nutrient data from  its 1992-1998
National  Water  Quality  Assessment  (NAWQA)
program.    This  assessment found that  detectable
concentrations of pesticides are widespread in urban,
agricultural   and    mixed-use    area    streams.
Interestingly, streams in  urban areas  generally have
higher concentrations of  insecticides than streams in
agricultural areas, however incidences are generally
lower.      Recent   trends   toward  low-density
development  (sprawl)  will  increase waterways'
overall exposure to pesticides because it leaves fewer
pristine natural areas  and  fewer trees and  exposes
more land to pesticides.

        Reductions of pesticide  concentrations in
streams  and  groundwater   require  management
strategies that focus on reducing chemical use.  This
means local and regional management strategies are
needed  to   account   for  geographic  patterns  in
chemical use and natural  factors. One of the primary
concerns for water  quality  in the U.S. is the role of
small,  dispersed  sources   of   non-point   source
pollution.   The major factors that contribute to the
increasing  levels  of pesticides found  in streams and
groundwater include  the  application  pattern  of
pesticides,  the  soil condition and the  amount of
rainfall or irrigation, which can increase  pesticide
run-off into streams and rivers.

        Communities  are  challenged  to  find the
fiscal resources to  sustain  the gains  of the past 30
years, while providing clean and safe water for the
future.   They  must find ways  to  replace  aging
infrastructure,  to   meet   growing   infrastructure
demands fueled by  population growth, and to secure
their  water  and  wastewater infrastructure  against
threats.  To further our progress toward clean waters
and safer drinking water, we  must both maintain our
commitment to the core measures we have already
established and look for new ways to  improve water
quality and protect human health.
8 303(d) information comes from: U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. States' Listing of Impaired Waters as
Required by Clean Water Act Section 303(d). Washington,
DC. Available online at

        EPA  will focus on four key strategies to
accelerate progress toward achieving the Nation's
clean and safe water goals.  To better address the
complexity of the remaining water quality challenges,
EPA  will promote local watershed  approaches to
achieving the best and most cost effective solutions
to local and regional water problems.  To protect and
build on the gains of the past, EPA will focus on its
core water programs.  To  maximize the impact of
each dollar, EPA will continue to strengthen our vital
partnerships with States, Tribes, local governments,
and other parties that  are  also working  toward the
common goal of improving the  Nation's waters. To
leverage progress  through innovation,   EPA will
promote water quality  trading, water efficiency, and
other market based approaches.

        To achieve the Nation's clean and safe water
goals, EPA  will  operate  under  an  overarching
watershed  approach in  carrying  out its statutory
authorities  under both the  SDWA Amendments of
1996  and the CWA.  EPA is committed  to helping
local  governments meet the challenges  of  water
management in the 21st century in fiscally responsible
and  sustainable  ways.   We want to maintain the
improvements  in water  quality,  while  enabling
communities to grow and prosper.

        EPA's   core   water  programs  are  the
fundamental underpinning for protecting and building
on the gains of the past.  This approach calls for
setting   watershed  goals,  assessing   conditions,
determining sources of concern, addressing them
using regulatory  and voluntary  tools, and then re-
evaluating  and adapting plans  as new information
becomes available.  By focusing and integrating the
work of EPA with  sister  agencies,  States, Tribes,
local    governments,    industry,   and    nonprofit
organizations  in watersheds, we  are  able  to  pool
information, resources, and authorities and focus our
collective energies on our common environmental
objectives.  In watersheds,  we can better understand
the cumulative  impact of  activities,  determine the
most   critical  problems,  better  allocate  limited
financial and human resources,  engage stakeholders,
win public support, and make real improvements in
the environment.

        Maintaining high  environmental  standards
and sustaining a healthy economy requires that we
work with States,  Tribes,  local governments,  and
other partners to optimize costs and  conserve our
natural  resources.   Innovative programs  like  water
quality trading are based on a broad environmental
perspective, looking at entire watersheds.  Trading

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                              FY 2005 Annual Plan
can capitalize on economies of scale and control cost
differentials among and between sources.  Trading is
a valuable  tool to more  cost-effectively  implement
TMDLs, and to enable  communities to grow and
prosper while maintaining their commitment to water
quality.    Trading   can  also  be  an  appropriate
mechanism in a pre-TMDL context.

        As a  result of mounting evidence  that
pesticide  use   can  lead   to  contamination  of
groundwater,   the   Agency   has   developed   a
groundwater strategy.  This strategy is designed to
protect  our groundwater resources  from pesticide
contamination.   The  Agency  is working with the
States and  Tribes to implement local aspects of the
strategy which includes providing  assistance in the
development of Pesticide  Management Plans for both
generic aspects of  pesticide use, as well  as  more
specific plans for a particular  pesticide.  The plans
provide a roadmap  to managing pesticides through
preventive  and corrective  measures.   In addition,
EPA has an extensive scientific review process for
data on new pesticides prior to granting registration,
and  on  older  pesticides under  the reregistration
program. One of the assessment areas for pesticides
is the impact on ecosystems, including the likelihood
of the chemical or product to leach into groundwater,
or to persist in surface water after it leaves  the field
as runoff. Restrictions on use of the pesticide can be
added  to  the  registration (or reregistration),  if


        EPA's water research program supports the
Agency's Clean and Safe Water Goal by providing
the  scientific basis  essential for protecting human
health  and  the environment. Implementation of the
research provisions in the 1996 Safe Drinking Water
Act (SDWA) amendments and the  Clean Water Act
will provide improved tools (e.g., methods, models,
risk assessments, management strategies, and new
data) to better evaluate the  risks posed by chemical
and  microbial  contaminants  that  persist  in the
environment and threaten wildlife and, potentially,
human health.

        The drinking water research program will
focus  on filling key data gaps   and developing
analytical  detection  methods  for   measuring the
occurrence  of chemical and microbial contaminants
on  the  Contaminant Candidate  List  (CCL)  and
developing and  evaluating cost-effective treatment
technologies for  removing  pathogens  from water
supplies while  minimizing  disinfection by-product
(DBF)   formation.    The  water  quality  research
program will provide approaches and  methods the
Agency and its partners  need to develop and apply
criteria to support designated uses, tools to diagnose
and assess impairment in aquatic  systems, and tools
to restore and protect aquatic systems.  Water quality
research  will address a wide spectrum  of  aquatic
ecosystem   stressors,  with  particular  attention
accorded to stressors that the Agency most often cites
as  causing  water  body   impairment,   including
pathogens/indicators   of   fecal   contamination,
nutrients, and suspended and bedded sediments.

         Several mechanisms are in place to ensure a
high-quality water research program at EPA.   EPA's
Science  Advisory  Board (SAB),  an independently
chartered Federal Advisory Committee  Act (FACA)
committee, meets annually to conduct an in-depth
review   and  analysis  of EPA's   Science  and
Technology  account.  The SAB provides its findings
to the House Science Committee and sends a written
report on the findings to EPA's Administrator after
every annual review.  EPA's  Board  of Scientific
Counselors (BOSC) provides counsel to the Assistant
Administrator   for  the  Office  of  Research  and
Development (ORD)  on the  operation  of  ORD's
research  program.    Also,  under the  Science to
Achieve  Results  (STAR)  program   all research
projects are  selected for funding through a rigorous
competitive external peer review process designed to
ensure that only the highest quality efforts  receive
funding support. EPA's scientific and technical work
products  must also undergo  either internal or external
peer review, with major  or  significant products
requiring external peer review.  The Agency's Peer
Review Handbook (2nd Edition) codifies procedures
and guidance for conducting peer review.

Protect Human Health

•       In 2005  93% of the population served by
        community  water  systems  will receive
        drinking  water  that meets  all  applicable
        health-based   drinking   water   standards
        through effective treatment and source water

•       In 2005  94% of the population served by
        community  water  systems  will receive
        drinking  water   that meets  health-based
        standards with  which  systems need to
        comply as of December 2001.

•       In 2005  75% of the population served by
        community  water  systems  will receive
        drinking  water   that meets  health-based

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                              FY 2005 Annual Plan
        standards with a compliance date of January
        2002 or later.

        In 2005 94% of community water systems
        will provide  drinking water  that  meets
        health-based standards with which systems
        need to comply as of December 2001.

        In 2005 75% of community water systems
        will provide  drinking water  that  meets
        health-based  standards with a  compliance
        date of January 2002 or later.

        In 2005 90% of the  population served by
        community water systems in Indian country
        will receive drinking water that meets all
        applicable   health-based   drinking  water

        In  2005 20%  of source  water  areas  for
        community  water  systems  will  achieve
        minimized risk to public health.

        In 2005 80% of the shellfish growing acres
        monitored  by  states  are  approved  or
        conditionally approved for use.

        In 2005 At least 1% of the water miles/acres
        identified by states or tribes as having a fish
        consumption advisory in  2002 will have
        improved water and sediment quality  so that
        increased consumption of fish and shellfish
        is allowed.

        In 2005 Coastal and Great Lakes beaches
        monitored by  State beach safety programs
        will be open and safe for swimming in over
        94% of the days of the beach season.

        In  2005 Restore  water  quality  to  allow
        swimming in not less  than 2% of the  stream
        miles and lake acres  identified by tates in
        2000  as having water quality unsafe  for
Protect Water Quality
        In 2005 500 of the Nation's watersheds have
        water quality standards met in at least 80%
        of the assessed water segments.

        In 2005 Water quality  standards are fully
        attained  in over  25% of miles/acres  of
        waters by 2012, with an interim milestone of
        restoring 2% of these waters - identified in
        2000 as not attaining standards - by 2005.
•       In 2005 Improve ratings reported on  the
        national  "good/fair/poor"   scale   of  the
        National  Coastal Condition  Report for:
        coastal  wetlands  loss by at  least 0.1  point;
        contamination of sediments in coastal waters
        by at least 0.1 point; benthic  quality by at
        least 0.1 point; & eutrophic  condition by at
        least 0.1 point

•       In 2005 Scores for  overall  aquatic system
        health of coastal  waters nationally,  and in
        each  coastal  region, is improved on  the
        "good/fair/poor"  scale  of  the  National
        Coastal Condition Report by at least  0.1

•       In 2005 In coordination with other federal
        partners reduce,  by  11%,  households  on
        tribal   lands   lacking   access  to   basic

•       In 2005 Water quality in Indian country will
        be improved at not less than 35  monitoring
        stations in tribal  waters for which baseline
        data are available (i.e., show at least a 10%
        improvement   for   each   of  four  key
        parameters: total nitrogen, total phosphorus,
        dissolved oxygen, and fecal coliforms.)

Enhance Science and Research

•       In 2005  By  2005,  provide  methods  for
        developing water  quality criteria so that, by
        2008, approaches  and methods are available
        to  States  and  Tribes  for  their  use   in
        developing and applying criteria for habitat
        alteration, nutrients,  suspended and bedded
        sediments, pathogens and toxic chemicals
        that will support designated uses  for aquatic
        ecosystems and increase the scientific basis
        for listing  and  delisting  impaired  water
        bodies under  Section 303 (d)  of the  Clean
        Water Act.


Surface Water Protection

        Water Quality Monitoring:    EPA's  fiscal
year 2005 request will be the first step toward solving
the well-documented  shortcomings of the  Nation's
water quality  monitoring.   The most cost-efficient,
practical  means  of  making  the most  of  scarce
resources is information-based management that uses
tools such as prevention,  source water  protection,
watershed trading, and permitting on watershed basis.
Monitoring is the foundation for information-based
environmental management. It is imperative that we

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
close  data  and  information  gaps as  quickly  as
possible: they lead to market and regulatory failures,
thwart our ability to document progress, and limit our
ability  to   effectively  target limited  resources.
Without adequate monitoring data, the managers  of
water programs cannot inform the public  about the
condition   of  the  Nation's   waters;  make  wise
management decisions; demonstrate the success  or
failure of those programs; and verify  that resources
are being used cost-effectively. Federal, State, and
local monitoring data are essential for States to carry
out  their  responsibilities  for Clean  Water  Act
requirements. Strengthening our monitoring program
for both surface and  ground  water will  allow for
special emphasis  on  drinking  water  sources  to
support expeditious actions to protect or clean up
these critical resources.

        High  quality,  current monitoring  data  is
critical for  states  and others  to:   make watershed-
based   decisions,  target   water  quality  criteria
development, develop necessary standards and total
maximum daily loads (TMDLs), and accurately and
consistently  portray  conditions  and  trends.    To
support these efforts, the President's Budget proposes
$20 million to implement improved state monitoring
efforts that will:

•       Describe the condition of aquatic resources
        at  multiple   scales  using   scientifically
        defensible  methods  that are  statistically
        valid and compatible;
•       Apply predictive tools to target waters that
        need more intensive monitoring;
•       Implement data management  systems  to
        facilitate   exchange  and   use of  data  of
        documented quality;
•       Determine   site-specific   water   quality
        impacts, appropriate  protection levels and
        cost-effective management actions;
•       Monitor    performance    to   determine
        effectiveness  of management actions  and
        support  adaptive  management, if needed;
•       Utilize monitoring councils/partnerships  to
        improve collaboration among      entities
        collection, analysis, and use  of monitoring
        data and information.

        This  approach  will  result in social  costs
savings by maximizing the  efficiency  of monitoring
and assessment resources and, more importantly, by
ensuring that resources invested  in  environmental
protection activities are directed most efficiently and
are achieving performance objectives.
        Concentrated  Animal Feeding Operations
and Storm Water:  As evidenced by recent newspaper
articles, withdrawal petitions, and the permit backlog,
some States  are  struggling with implementation of
their NPDES permitting programs.  In addition, the
universe  of  facilities  is  increasing  due  to  new
program requirements to permit concentrated animal
feeding operations  (CAFOs) and additional sources
of storm water.   Without timely  issuance of  high
quality  permits,  necessary  improvements in water
quality  will  be  delayed.   To help  States with this
workload, we are requesting an increase of $5 million
for Section 106 Grants.  This increase would be  used
by  States  to support  implementation  of NPDES
CAFO  programs, which  should result  in pollutant
reductions of over 2 billion pounds annually,9 and to
support  State  issuance  of storm water  permits,
resulting  in long  term  annual  reductions   of
approximately 100 billion pounds of sediment.10
         Water  Quality  Trading:    Water  quality
trading  is a watershed approach based on voluntary
partnerships  at  the local  level.   It capitalizes on
economies of  scale and control  cost  differences
among  sources,  by allowing one source to meet its
regulatory obligation by  using  pollutant reductions
created  by another source that  has lower pollution
control   costs.    Trading provides  incentives  for
voluntary  pollutant  reductions,   especially  from
sources that  are  not regulated.  It  encourages early
reductions and  more cost effective  programs  for
restoring  impaired waters.   Trading  also  provides
incentives for innovative solutions to complex and
diverse  water quality problems across the nation.

         A current  example of  a successful trading
effort between point sources can be found on Long
Island Sound, where nitrogen trading among publicly
owned treatment works  in Connecticut is expected to
save over $200  million in control  costs.  A March
2003, report  by the World Resources Institute, states
that  market  mechanisms  such  as nutrient trading
provide the  greatest  overall environmental benefits
and  a   cost-effective  strategy  for  reducing   the
Mississippi River Basin's contribution to the Dead
Zone in the  Gulf of Mexico.  The report highlights
9 United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of
Water.  (January 2001).  Development Document for the
Proposed Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System Regulation and the Effluent Guidelines
for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. (EPA-821-
R-01-003). Washington, D.C. [On-line] Available:
10 U.S. EPA, Office of Water. "Economic Analysis of the
Final Phase II Storm Water Rule," EPA 833-R-99-002,
October 1999.
U.S. EPA, Office of Water. "Construction and
Development Effluent Guideline Proposed Rule," Federal
RegisterNotice (June 24, 2002). Accessed December 29,
2003. Available on the internet at:

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
the fact that trading provides a real opportunity for
farmers to play a role in reducing nutrient pollution.11

        In FY 2005, we plan to redirect $4 million
for this effort, to be set-aside within the Targeted
Watershed Grants.

        Water Efficiency:   At the  end  of 2002,
nearly half the continental U.S. was in drought.12  In
addition  to  reduced rainfall,  most  of our water
systems  also  face  a growing  population and  a
growing  economy.  In the  future,  our waters are
going  to be even more stretched across competing
demands.  The Agency is committed to helping States
and local governments address a multi-billion dollar
gap  between  water and  wastewater infrastructure
needs and available capital financing over the next 20

        One  way to reduce  national  water and
wastewater infrastructure needs is by  reducing water
demand and wastewater flows, allowing for deferral
or downsizing of capital projects.   In addition to
reduced infrastructure needs,  less water demand may
result  in  many  environmental  benefits   including
maintaining  stream flows, protecting aquatic habitats,
avoiding overdrawn aquifers, conserving sources of
supply,  and   mitigating  drought   effects.    In
anticipation  of these  benefits,  we are proposing to
develop and implement  a water efficiency market
enhancement   program   that   would    promote
recognition of water-efficient products based on the
highly successful Energy Star Program. The Budget
includes nearly $ 1 million for this new program.

Surface  Water  Protection  & Drinking  Water

        Sustainable  Infrastructure:    Closing  the
infrastructure gap requires actions and innovations to
reduce the demand for infrastructure, including better
management, conservation (or smart water use), and
intergovernmental cooperation through the watershed

        The touchstone  of a long-term strategy to
manage and maintain the Nation's infrastructure is
fiscal sustainability.  An important component of this
strategy   is   promoting   sustainable  water  and
wastewater  treatment  systems.     This   includes
ensuring the  technical,  financial,  and  managerial
capacity of  water and wastewater systems;  helping
11 Greenhalgh, Suzie and Amanda Sauer. 2003.
"Awakening the 'Dead Zone': An Investment for
Agriculture, Water Quality, and Climate Change." World
Resources Institute.
12 The Drought Monitor; National Drought Mitigation
Center; Website: www.drought.unl.edu/dm/about.html
service  providers avoid future gaps and expanding
watershed  approaches that engage  stakeholders in
broad-based action-oriented partnerships to identify
efficient and effective local infrastructure solutions
by  adopting  sustainable   management  systems to
improve efficiency  and  economies  of scale;  and
reducing the average cost of service.  Through a $2.5
million  sustainable  infrastructure initiative, we  will
work in partnership with  States, the utility industry,
and  other  stakeholders  to enhance the  operating
efficiencies of water and wastewater systems. These
efficiencies can help systems make the infrastructure
investments  needed  to  meet  growing consumer
demand, and help to sustain the human health and
environmental gains we have achieved over the  past
three decades.

        In FY 2005,  the  Agency  will  continue to
coordinate with States and Tribes providing guidance
and  assistance in the development of generic  and
specific  Pesticide Management Plans  in order to
protect  our  ground  water resources.    EPA  will
coordinate  pesticide  water  issues  and  assist  our
partners in identifying and implementing effective
ground  water  protection  programs  through these
plans.   The Agency will continue to support efforts
on identifying the  adverse effects of pesticides in
ground  and surface water at the  State, Tribal  and
Regional levels.  Additionally, we will  continue to
assist States  and Tribes  in identifying, developing
and  implementing  measures to prevent or reduce
water contamination.   Key to  this  effort will be
tailoring preventive   and  recovery  measures  to
localities and specific pesticides.


        In FY 2005, EPA's drinking water research
program will continue to conduct research to reduce
the uncertainties of risk associated with  exposure to
microbial  contaminants  in  drinking   water   and
improve analytical methods to control risks posed by
drinking water contamination.   The drinking water
research program will continue to focus on chemical
and  microbial  contaminants on current and future
CCLs.   Significant  data gaps  still exist on the
occurrence   of harmful  microbes  in  source  and
distribution system water,  linkages between water
exposure and  infection,  and the  effectiveness of
candidate  treatment  technologies  to remove  and
inactivate  these  contaminants.   Efforts will   also
continue to  support arsenic-specific  research  and
development  of   more   cost-effective   treatment
technologies  for the removal of arsenic from small
community drinking water systems.

        EPA is working  to develop biological and
landscape indicators of ecosystem condition, sources

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
of impairment, stressor response/fate and transport
models, and options for managing stressors and their
sources.  Through the development of a framework
for diagnosing adverse effects of chemical pollutants
in surface waters, EPA will be  able to  evaluate the
risks  posed by  chemicals  that  persist  in  the
environment and accumulate  in  the  food chain,
threatening  wildlife  and potentially human health.
The  Agency will also  develop and evaluate more
cost-effective   technologies  and   approaches  for
managing  sediments,  and  evaluate   management
options for watershed restoration of TMDLs for other
significant  stressors  (e.g.,  nutrients, pathogens  and
toxic  compounds).   Finally,  research  to  address
uncertainties  associated   with  determining   and
reducing the risks to human health of the production
and   application  of  treated   wastewater  sludge
(biosolids)  to land for use  as fertilizers and  soil
conditioners  is  emerging  as an area  of renewed
importance for the Agency.

        Another area  of research  will focus  on
growing  evidence of the risk of infectious  diseases
resulting from exposure to microbes in recreational
waters.   Exposure to these diseases is of particular
concern  after  major rainfall  events   that  cause
discharges  from  both point and non-point  sources.
These events may pose risks to human and ecological
health through the uncontrolled release of pathogenic
bacteria,  protozoans, and viruses, as well as a number
of potentially toxic, bioaccumulative contaminants.
EPA  will develop and validate effective watershed
management strategies and tools for controlling wet
weather flows (WWFs), which  will enable EPA to
provide states with consistent  monitoring methods,
standardized  indicators   of   contamination,   and
standardized definitions of what constitutes a risk to
public health.


        EPA's  strategies   for achieving  clean  and
safe  water depend on substantial contributions  and
investments by many public and private entities.

         States     are    primary    partners    in
implementation of both clean water and safe drinking
water programs.  Many states, however,  are facing
budget problems  and  even deficits.  EPA recognizes
that state budget shortfalls are an external factor that
may limit progress toward  clean and safe water goals.

        Consistent with  the  federal government's
unique trust responsibility to  federally recognized
tribes, EPA implements programs in Indian country,
helps build  tribal capacity to administer clean  and
safe  water  programs, and works  with authorized
tribes as co-regulators. Unlike states, many tribes are
still  developing programs  to  administer  clean  and
safe water programs.

        Local  governments play  a critical role in
implementing clean and safe water programs, and the
continued participation of local government in these
programs   is   critical  to  cleaner,   safer  water.
Municipalities and other local entities have proven to
be  strong partners with  states  and  the federal
government in the financing of wastewater treatment
and   drinking   water   systems,   and   continued
partnership in financing these systems is essential to
meeting water  goals.  Municipalities are  taking on
additional responsibilities for addressing storm water
and combined sewer overflows and they are adopting
sustainable  management  practices  to extend  the
useful lives  of  their  wastewater  infrastructure.
Approximately  78 percent of wastewater treatment
plants are operated by small communities, thousands
of which have had past  operational  difficulties.13
Continued assistance to these small treatment plants,
through the Wastewater Operator Training Program,
is important to  keeping the nation's waters clean. In
the case of the drinking water program, effective
local   management  of  drinking  water  systems,
including protection of source waters, is essential to
maintaining high rates of compliance with drinking
water standards.  Ninety-five percent of the 160,000
or more public water systems responsible for meeting
drinking water safety standards are  small systems that
face challenges in sustaining their capacity to provide
safe drinking water.14 Strong partnerships with local
governments  are critical to achieving clean and  safe
water goals.

        Several  key components of the national
water program, including  nonpoint source  control,
source water protection, and watershed management,
as well as the core water quality and drinking water
standards,   monitoring,   TMDLs  and  NPDES
permitting  programs  require  broad  partnerships
among many federal, state, and local agencies. Over
the  next  several  years,  building  partnerships,
particularly with the agricultural community (such as
USDA,  state   agricultural  agencies,  and  local
conservation  districts)  is a top priority for meeting
clean water goals.  We must continue to provide EPA
water quality  data and work with USDA to  help
target runoff control programs' resources.
13 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Enforcement and Compliance Assistance; Permit
Compliance System; Web-site:

14 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Safe Drinking
Water Information System (SDWIS/FED),

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
        States lead  the  effort in  water  quality
monitoring.   However, EPA  relies  on many other
agencies to  provide  monitoring  data to  measure
progress toward its goal of clean and safe water, such
as the U.S Geological Survey,  which maintains water
monitoring  stations  throughout  the  nation,  and
NOAA,  which provides  information  on  coastal
waters.  EPA relies on the continued collection of
data by these agencies.

        Additionally, all of the EPA's  coastal  and
oceans activities are carried out in partnership with
other  federal  agencies,  and,  in   some   cases,
international, state, local and private entities as well.
EPA  relies  on its work with the  Department of
Defense, Coast Guard, Alaska and other states, and a
number of cruise ship and environmental and non-
governmental organizations regarding regulatory and
non-regulatory  approaches to  managing wastewater
discharges from vessels.  Meeting ocean and coastal
goals will also depend on the  extent to which the
growth  in  coastal  areas  is  directed  in  ways  that
minimize effects on water quality.

        West   Nile    Virus   cases    increased
dramatically in 2002,  spreading across 38 states and
the  District  of Columbia.  In areas  with new West
Nile virus  detections,  EPA  regional offices  have
reported heightened  concern  about  the pesticides
used for mosquito control and the  adverse affect it
might have in contaminating groundwater. Pesticides
are  applied to areas where groundwater is prevalent
due  to  the  fact that  mosquitoes  need  stagnant or
standing water to lay their eggs. The possibility of the
West Nile  Virus  expanding  into new areas of the
United States in the future will require the application
of more pesticides onto the new breeding areas.

U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                Resource Summary
                               (Dollars in thousands)

Clean and Safe Water
Protect Human Health
Protect Water Quality
Enhance Science and Research
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req.
FY 2004 Pres

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                  OBJECTIVE: Protect Human Health
       Protect human health by reducing exposure to contaminants in drinking water (including protecting
source waters), in fish and shellfish, and in recreational waters.
                                 Resource Summary
                                (Dollars in Thousands)

Protect Human Health
Environmental Program & Management
Science & Technology
Building & Facilities
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                      Program Project
                                    (Dollars in Thousands)

Children and other Sensitive
Categorical Grant: Public Water System
Supervision (PWSS)
Categorical Grant: Underground
Injection Control (UIC)
Categorical Grant: Pesticides Program
Categorical Grant: Beaches Protection
Beach / Fish Programs
Drinking Water Programs
Infrastructure Assistance: Drinking
Water SRF
Infrastructure Assistance: Puerto Rico
Pesticides: Field Programs
Categorical Grant: Water Quality
Cooperative Agreements
Congressionally Mandated Projects
International Capacity Building
Categorical Grant: Homeland Security
Homeland Security: Critical
Infrastructure Protection
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan



Annual Performance Goals and Measures

Safe Drinking Water

In 2005     93% of the population served by community water systems will receive drinking water that meets all
            applicable  health-based drinking  water  standards through effective treatment  and source  water

In 2005     94% of the population served by  community water systems will receive drinking water that meets
            health-based standards with which systems need to comply as of December 2001.

In 2005     75% of the population served by  community water systems will receive drinking water that meets
            health-based standards with a compliance date of January 2002 or later.

In 2005     94% of community water systems will provide drinking water that meets  health-based standards with
            which systems need to comply as of December 2001.

In 2005     75% of community water systems will provide drinking water that meets health-based standards with a
            compliance date of January 2002 or later.

In 2005     90% of the  population served by community  water systems in Indian country will receive drinking
            water that meets all applicable health-based drinking water standards.

In 2004     85 percent of the population served by community water systems will receive drinking water meeting
            health-based standards promulgated in or after 1998.

In 2004     92% of the  population served by community  water systems will receive drinking water meeting all
            health-based standards in effect as of 1994, up from 83% in 1994.

In 2003     End of year FY 2003 data will be  available in 2004 to verify 85 percent  of the population served by
            community water systems received drinking water meeting health-based standards promulgated in or
            after 1998.

In 2003     End of year FY 2003 data will be  available in 2004 to verify 92% of the population served by
            community water systems received drinking water meeting all health-based  standards in effect as of
            1994, up from 83% in 1994.

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
                         FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                                FY 2003
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Performance Measures:

Percent of  population  served  by  community
drinking water systems with no violations during
the year of any  Federally enforceable  health-
based standards that were in place by 1994.

Population served by community water systems
providing drinking water  meeting  health-based
standards promulgated in or after 1998.

Population served by community water systems
that  receive drinking water  that meets  health-
based  standards with which systems need to
comply as of December 2001

Population served by community water systems
that  receive drinking water  that meets  health-
based  standards  with  a  compliance date  of
January 2002 or later

Percentage of  community water systems that
provide drinking  water  that  meets  health-based
standards with which systems need to comply as
of December 2001

Percentage of  community water systems that
provide drinking  water  that  meets  health-based
standards  with a compliance date  of January
2002 or later

Percent of the population  served by community
water  systems  in Indian  country  that receive
drinking water  that meets  all applicable  health-
based drinking water standards

% of  population served by  community  water
systems that receive drinking water that meets all
applicable health-based drinking water standards
through effective treatment   and  source  water
Baseline:    In 1998, 85% of the population that was served by community water systems and 96% of the
            population served by non-community, non-transient drinking water systems received drinking water
            for which no violations of Federally enforceable health standards had occurred during the year.  Year-
            to-year performance is expected to change  as new standards take effect.  Covered standards include:
            Stage 1 disinfection by-products/interim enhanced surface water treatment  rule/long-term enhanced
            surface water treatment rule/arsenic.

Source Water Protection

In 2005      20% of source water areas for community water systems will achieve minimized risk to public health.

In 2004      Advance States'  efforts with community water systems  to  protect their surface and  ground water
            resources that are sources of drinking water  supplies.

In 2003      End of year FY 2003 data will be available in 2004 to verify 39,000 community water systems (75% of
            the nation's service population) will have completed source water assessments and 2,600  of these (10%
            of the nation's service population) will be implementing source water protection programs.
                % Population

                % Population

                % Population

                % Population

                % CWSs

                % CWSs

                % Population

                % population

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
                                      FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Number  of  community  water  systems  and
percent of population served by those CWSs that
are  implementing   source  water  protection
Percent of source water areas for community
water systems that achieve minimized  risk to
public health
FY 2003
Data Lag
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
25% / 7,500
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
                % pop/systems
                               % Areas
Baseline:    EPA defines "achieve minimized risk" as substantial  implementation  of source  water protection
            actions, as determined by a State's source water protection strategy.   Approximately 268 million
            people are estimated to be served by Community Water Systems (CWSs) in 2002.
River/Lake Assessments for Fish Consumption

In 2005     80% of the shellfish growing acres monitored by states are approved or conditionally approved for use.

In 2005     At least  1% of the water miles/acres identified by states or tribes as having a fish consumption
            advisory in 2002 will have improved water and sediment quality so that increased consumption of fish
            and shellfish is allowed.

In 2004     Reduce consumption of contaminated fish by increasing the information available to States, Tribes,
            local governments, citizens, and decision-makers.

In 2003     Reduced  consumption of contaminated fish by increasing the information available to States, Tribes,
            local governments, citizens, and decision-makers.
Performance Measures:

Lake  acres assessed  for  the need for  fish
advisories and compilation of state-issued  fish
consumption     advisory      methodologies.

River miles  assessed  for  the need for  fish
consumption advisories & compilation of state-
issued fish consumption advisory methodologies.

Percent of water miles/acres, identified by states
or tribes  as  having fish consumption advisories
in 2002, where increased consumption of fish is

Percent of the shellfish growing acres monitored
by states that are approved or conditionally
approved for use
FY 2003
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
                % Lake acres
                % River miles
                                           % Miles/Acres
                               % Areas
Baseline:    In 1999, 7% of the Nation's rivers and 15% of the Nation's lakes were assessed to determine if they
            contained fish that should not be eaten or should be eaten in only  limited quantities.  In September
            1999, 25 states/tribes are monitoring and conducting assessments based  on the national guidance to
            establish nationally consistent fish advisories. In the 2000 Report to Congress on the National Water
            Quality Inventory, 69% of assessed river and stream miles; 63% of assessed lake, reservoir, and pond

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
          FY 2005 Annual Plan
            acres; and 53% of assessed estuarie square miles supported their designated use for fish consumption.
            For shell fish consumption, 77% of assessed estuary square miles met this designated use.

Increase Information  on Beaches

In 2005     Coastal and Great Lakes beaches monitored by State beach safety programs will be open and safe for
            swimming in over 94% of the days of the beach season.

In 2005     Restore water quality to  allow swimming in not less than 2% of the stream miles and lake acres
            identified by states in 2000 as having water quality unsafe for swimming.

In 2004     Reduce human exposure to contaminated recreation waters by increasing the  information available to
            the public and decision-makers.

In 2003     Reduced human exposure to contaminated recreation waters by increasing the information available to
            the public and decision-makers.
Performance Measures:
Beaches for which monitoring and closure data is
available      to      the      public       at

Restore water quality to  allow  swimming  in
stream miles and lake acres identified by states

Days  (of beach season)  that coastal and Great
Lakes beaches monitored by State beach safety
programs are open and safe for swimming.
FY 2003

 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.


Baseline:    By the end of FY 1999, 33 states had responded to EPA's first annual survey on state and local beach
            monitoring and closure practices and EPA made available to the public via the internet. An average of
            9 recreational contact  waterborne disease  outbreaks reported per year by the Centers for Disease
            Control for the years 1994-1998, based on data housed in EPA/ORD  internal database.  In 2002,
            monitored beaches were opened 94% of the  days during the beach season.
FY 2005 Performance Measures: The percentage of the population served by community water systems that receive
drinking water that meets health-based standards with which systems need to comply as of December 2001.

The percentage of the population served by community water systems that receive drinking water that meets
health-based standards with a compliance date of January 2002 or later.  (Covered standards include:  Stage I
disinfection  by-products/interim enhanced  surface water treatment rule/long-term enhanced surface water
treatment rule/arsenic.)
The percentage of community water systems that provide drinking water that meets health-based standards
with which systems need to comply as of December 2001.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

The percentage of community water systems that provide drinking water that meets health-based standards
with a compliance date of January 2002 or later.

The percentage of population served by community water systems in Indian country that receive drinking water
that meets all applicable health-based drinking water standards.

Performance Database:  Safe Drinking Water Information System- Federal Version (SDWIS  or SDWIS-FED).
SDWIS contains basic inventory information, including an individual public water system's activity status, type of
water system (i.e., community, non-community, and non-transient non-community), and the population served by that
system.  SDWIS also contains violations records that detail violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act and the statute's
implementing regulations. The performance measure is based on the population served by community water systems
that were active during any part of the performance year and did not have any violations designated as "health based."
Exceedances of a maximum contaminant level and violations of a treatment  technique  are health-based violations;
monitoring and reporting, record keeping, and public notification violations are not "health based."

Data Source:   Agencies with primacy (primary enforcement authority)  for  the Public Water Supply Supervision
(PWSS) program including states and EPA Regional Offices with direct implementation  (DI) responsibility for states
and Indian tribes. The Navajo Nation Indian tribe, the only tribe with primacy, is expected  to begin reporting directly to
EPA in FY 2004. Primacy agencies collect the data from the regulated water systems, determine compliance, and
report a subset of the data to EPA (primarily inventory and violations).

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: The analytical methods that drinking water systems use to collect violations
data are specified in the technical guidance associated with each drinking water regulation.  Laboratories must be
certified by the primacy  agencies to analyze drinking water samples  and are subject to periodic performance audits
by the states and EPA as the direct implementers.  Performance measures are based on data reported by individual
systems to states, which, in turn, supply the information to EPA through SDWIS. EPA then verifies and validates
the data for 10 to 12  states  per year, according to a protocol, which is updated annually.  To  measure  program
performance, EPA aggregates  the SDWIS  data into a national statistic  on overall compliance with health-based
drinking water standards. This statistic compares the total population served by community water systems meeting
all health-based standards to the total population served by all community water systems.

QA/QC Procedures:  SDWIS-FED has numerous edit checks built into the software to reject erroneous data. There
are quality assurance manuals for states and Regions to follow to ensure data quality. The manuals provide standard
operating  procedures for conducting routine assessments of the quality of the data, communication and follow-up
actions to be conducted with the  state to  achieve timely corrective action(s).  EPA  offers  training to states on
reporting requirements, data entry, data retrieval, and error correction. User and system documentation is produced
with each software release and is maintained on EPA's web  site.  SDWIS-FED documentation includes data entry
instructions, data  element  dictionary (on-line data dictionary  - electronic documentation), entity relationship
diagrams, a user's manual, and regulation-specific reporting requirements documents.  System, user, and reporting
requirements documents can be found on the EPA web site,  http://www.epa.gov/safewater/.   System and user
documents are accessed via the  database link  http://www.epa.gov/safewater/databases.html. and  specific  rule
reporting  requirements  documents are  accessed via  the  regulations,  guidance,  and policy  documents  link
http://www.epa.gov/safewater/regs.html.  In  addition, EPA  provides specific error  correction and reconciliation
support through a troubleshooter's guide, a system-generated summary with detailed reports documenting the results
of each data submission, and an error code database for states to use when they have questions on how to enter or
correct data. A user support hotline is available 5 days a week to answer questions and provide technical assistance.
At least one EPA staff person  in each EPA regional office serves as the SDWIS-FED  Regional  data management
coordinator to provide technical assistance and training to the states  on all aspects of information management and
required reporting to EPA.  Primacy agencies' information  systems are  audited on an average  schedule of once
every 3 years.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

SDWIS-FED does not have a quality assurance project plan - it is a legacy system which has "evolved" since the
early  1980s prior to the requirement for a plan.  The SDWIS-FED  equivalent is the data reliability action plan15
(DRAP). The DRAP contains the processes and procedures and major activities to be employed and undertaken for
assuring the data in SDWIS meet required data quality standards.  There are three major components of this plan:
assurance,  assessment, and control.  The assurance  component includes management of the plan, development
and/or maintenance of tools used to support the implementation processes and procedures, and standard operating
procedures. It also includes provision of training, technical assistance vehicles, coordination with other program
areas  that use the  data or impact its quality.  The second major component  of the plan is  assessment.   Quality
assurance assessments include all types of review, audit, and assessment of the  DRAP, data, and information needs.
The third major component of the  plan is control.   Quality assurance controls include software edit checks,
processing controls, security controls, and other procedural controls that limit or prevent incomplete, inaccurate, or
unauthorized updates or modifications to the data.  The data verification protocol, and its use in on-site audits of
states' files, is the final measure of data quality control.  Thirty-one state data verification audits were conducted
over the period from 1999 to 2001.

Data Quality Review:  SDWIS data quality was identified as an Agency weakness in 1999 and has a corrective action
completion target date in  2005.  SDWIS' weaknesses center around five major issues:  1) completeness of the data
(e.g.,  the  inventory of public  water systems,  violations  of maximum contaminant  levels,  enforcement  actions)
submitted by the states, 2) timeliness  of the data sent by the states, i.e., if states  do not report at specified times, then
enforcement and oversight actions suffer, 3) difficulty receiving data from the states, 4) both cost and difficulty
processing and storing data in SDWIS  after it has been received, and 5) difficulty getting SDWIS  data for reporting and
analysis. The DRAP focuses on the first three issues, and an information strategic plan16 (ISP) has been developed and
is being implemented to address the last two issues, which deal primarily with technology (hardware and software)
concerns. For instance, the ISP is examining ways to improve tools and processes for creating and transferring data to
EPA,  such as incorporating newer technologies and adapting the  Agency's Enterprise Architecture Plan to integrate
data and the flow of data from reporting entities to EPA via  a secure central  data exchange  (CDX) environment.
Detailed activities and implementation schedules are included in these two documents, and to date the  Agency expects
to correct these weaknesses by the end of 2005.

Routine data quality assurance and  quality control (QA/QC) analyses of the Safe Drinking Water Information
System (SDWIS) by the  Office Water (OW) have revealed a  degree of nonreporting of violations  of health-based
drinking water standards,  and of violations of regulatory monitoring and reporting requirements. As  a result of these
data quality problems, the baseline statistic of national compliance with health-based drinking water  standards likely
is lower than previously reported.  The Agency is currently engaged  in a  rigorous statistical analysis and in
discussions with states to more accurately quantify the impact of these data quality problems on  the estimate of
national compliance with health-based drinking water standards.  This analysis could result  in statistically based
adjustments to the baseline that will lower the 5-year (2008) performance targets for our SDWIS-based subobjective
and strategic measures. Ongoing EPA and state efforts to improve data quality in SDWIS already have resulted in
significant  improvements in data accuracy  and completeness, however.  Even as these  improvements are made,
SDWIS serves as the best source of national information on compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act requirements,
and is a critical database  for program management, the development of drinking water regulations, trends analyses,
and public information.

Management System Reviews (MSRs) of quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) systems for SDWIS are carried
out by the Quality Assurance Division of the Office of Environmental Information.  An MSR of SDWIS data quality
was completed in 1999 and the final report contained favorable comments on the level of detail in EPA's plans and
actions to improve data quality.   EPA also completed a data reliability assessment (QA audit) of the  1996-1998
SDWIS-FED data in FY  2000, which, in turn,  led to the development and issuance of the 2002 DRAP.  A second
data reliability  assessment is  expected to be released  in January 2004 and is based on 1998-2001  data in
SDWIS/FED.    Also, the 2002 DRAP will be  revised and expanded in 2004 to include the findings of the second
data reliability assessment.
15 Data Reliability Action Plan. U.S. EPA, October 2002.  Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water internal work plan
16 U.S. EPA, Office of Water, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Information Strategy (under revision). See Options
for OGWDWInformation Strategy (Working Draft), EPA 816-P-01-001. Washington, DC, February 2001. Available on the
Internet at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/data/informationstrategv.html


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

*        The basic findings from the second data reliability assessment were that the data in SDWIS are accurate
         but incomplete.  Improvements were observed in all areas except timeliness of violations reporting.  Core
         inventory data are highly complete and accurate.  The quality of violations data is improving, with high
         accuracy but  still low in completeness.  Monitoring and reporting violations continue to be the major
         problem area. Health-based violation data quality is highly accurate with higher levels of completeness
         than monitoring violations data.

Finally, EPA and its contracted auditors of primacy agencies' information systems conduct individual data quality
reviews. The frequency of these audits is every 2 to 4 years depending on the resources available and programmatic
need in the region.   Continuous data quality reviews include data quality estimates based on the results of data
verifications, timeliness and completeness of violation reporting, completeness of various required inventory data
elements, and completeness of reporting for specific rules.

Data Limitations:  Currently SDWIS-FED is  an "exceptions" database that focuses  exclusively on public water
systems noncompliance with drinking water regulations (health-based  and program).  Primacy states  implement
drinking water regulations with the support of the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) grant  program and
determine whether public  water systems have violated: maximum contaminant levels (MCL); treatment technique
requirements; consumer notification requirements; or  monitoring-and-reporting requirements.  These violations  are
reported through SDWIS.

Recent  state data verification and other quality assurance analyses indicate that the most significant data quality
problem is  under-reporting to  EPA  of monitoring  and  health-based  standards violations  and  inventory
characteristics, such as water sources and/or latitude/longitude for all sources.  The most significant under-reporting
occurs in monitoring violations. Even though those are not covered in the health based violation category, which is
covered by the performance measure, failures to monitor could mask treatment technique and MCL violations.  Such
under-reporting of violations limits EPA's ability to:  1) accurately quantify the number of sources and treatments
applied, 2) undertake geo-spatial analysis, and 3) integrate and share data with other data systems.  The under-
reporting limits EPA's ability to precisely quantify the population served by systems, which are meeting the health-
based standards. As described in the Data Quality Review section above, currently the program office is assessing
the percentage of unreported health-based violations and calculating possible adjustments to the performance data
that might be required for future reports. The SDWIS inventory of public water systems is highly complete and the
quality of population data has been determined to be of high quality.

In addition to the DRAP and the information strategy, other options under consideration to improve data in SDWIS

1.     Increase  the  focus  on state  compliance determinations and reporting  of complete,  accurate and timely
      violations data. This is the single most significant factor for data quality improvement.
2.     Develop incentives to improve the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of state reporting.
3.     Enhance and ease the flow of data from providers to EPA via a secure environment (Central Data Exchange -
      CDX), utilizing modern technologies (e.g., extensible markup language - XML) and standardized procedures
      and processes.
4.     Continue to analyze the quality of the data.
5.     Obtain parametric data (analytical  results used to evaluate compliance with monitoring regulations and
      compliance with treatment techniques and maximum contaminant levels) from states through an agreement
      on voluntarily reporting these data to EPA, monitoring schedules, and waiver information assigned to water
      systems by the state primacy agency.  This information would allow EPA to  have more direct access to  the
      data used for compliance  determinations for quality assurance and  state  oversight  purposes.   Potential
      violation under  reporting could be  identified through the availability of this information and appropriate
      corrective actions implemented.

Error Estimate:  Analyses are under way to determine the impact of data quality on the performance measures, and
are scheduled for completion by early 2004.  The analysis will include data from an additional round of audits to
provide a more accurate error estimate compared to the results of earlier baseline audits.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

New/Improved Data or Systems:  Several approaches are underway.

First,  EPA will continue to work with states to implement the DRAP and ISP, which have already improved the
completeness, accuracy, timeliness, and consistency of the data in  SDWIS-FED through: 1)  training courses for
SDWIS-FED data entry, error correction, and regulation specific compliance determination and reporting requirements,
2) specific DRAP analyses, follow-up activities and state-specific technical assistance, 3) increased number of data
conducted each year, and  4)  creation of various quality assurance  reports to assist regions  and states in the
identification and reconciliation of missing, incomplete, or conflicting data.

Second, more states will use SDWIS-STATE,17 a software information system jointly designed by states and EPA,
to support states as they implement the drinking water program. SDWIS-STATE is the counterpart to SDWIS-FED
and uses many of the same edit criteria and enforces many of the mandatory data elements. If the SDWIS-STATE
system is fully utilized by a state, the information it holds would meet EPA's minimum data requirements.  SDWIS-
STATE links directly to SDWIS-FED, which aids in easing the states' reporting burden to EPA and in the process
minimizes data conversion errors and improves data quality and accuracy.  In addition, a Web-enabled version of
SDWIS-STATE and a data migration application that can be used by all states to process data for upload to SDWIS-
FED are being developed.  EPA estimates that 40 states will be using SDWIS-STATE for data collections by the
end of FY 2004.

Third, EPA is modifying SDWIS-FED to  (1) streamline its table structure, which simplifies updates and retrievals,
(2) minimize data entry options that result in complex software and prevent meaningful edit criteria, (3) enforce
compliance with permitted values and Agency data standards through software edits, and (4) ease the flow of data to
EPA through a secure data exchange environment incorporating modern technologies, all of which will improve the
accuracy of the data.

Fourth,  EPA has developed a data warehouse system that is  optimized for  analysis,  data retrieval, and data
integration from other data sources like information from data verifications, sample  (parametric) data, source water
quality data (e.g., U.S. Geological Survey [USGS]  data),  and indicators from inspections conducted at the water
systems.  It will improve the program's ability to more efficiently use information to support decision-making and
effectively manage the program.

Finally, EPA, in partnership with the states, is developing information modules  on other drinking water programs:
the Source Water Protection Program, the Underground Injection Control Program (UIC), and the Drinking Water
State  Revolving Fund.  These  modules will be integrated  with SDWIS to  provide a more comprehensive data set
with which to assess the nation's  drinking water supplies, a key component of the goal. In 2003, agreement was
reached on the data elements for reporting source water and UIC data. In 2004,  plans will be developed for design
of systems to address these data flows.  Developing the systems to receive the data is scheduled for 2005.



    •   SDWIS-FED does not  have a Quality Assurance Project Plan - it is a legacy system which has "evolved"
        since the early  80s prior to the requirement for a Plan. The SDWIS-FED equivalent is the Data Reliability
        Action Plan.
    •   Information Strategy Plan - SDWIS-FED (see footnote 2 )
    •   Office of Water Quality Management Plan, available at http ://www.epa. gov/water/info.html
    •   Enterprise Architecture Plan
17 SDWIS/STATE (Version 8.1) is an optional Oracle data base application available for use by states and EPA regions to
support implementation of their drinking water programs.
U.S. EPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water. Data and Databases. Drinking Water Data & Databases -
SDWIS/STATE, July 2002. Information available on the Internet: 


U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv	FY 2005 Annual Plan
    •   1999 SDWIS/FED Data Reliability
    •   2003 SDWIS/FED Data Reliability Report - contains the Data Reliability Action Plan and status report
    •   PWSS Management Report (quarterly)
    •   1999 Management Plan Review Report
    •   2003 Management Plan Review Report

Guidance Manuals, and Tools

    •   PWSS SDWIS/FED Quality Assurance Manual
    •   Various SDWIS-FED User and System Guidance Manuals (includes data entry instructions, data On-line
        Data Element Dictionary-a database application, Error Code Data Base (ECDB) - a database application,
        users guide, release notes, etc.) Available on the Internet at
    •   Regulation-Specific Reporting Requirements Guidance. Available on the Internet at

Web site addresses

    •   OGWDW Internet Site  and contains access to the
        information systems and various guidance, manuals, tools, and reports.
    •   Sites of particular interest are:
         contains information for users to better analyze the data,
          contains  reporting  guidance,  system  and  user
        documentation and reporting tools for the SDWIS-FED system.
FY 2005 Performance Measure: Percentage of source water areas for community water systems that achieve
minimized risk to public health.

Performance Database:  The source water assessment and protection programs are authorized under Sections 1453,
1428, and relevant subsections of 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).18  EPA issued  guidance to
implement these programs in 1997, State Source Water Assessment and Protection Programs Guidance.19 EPA will
issue supplemental reporting guidance - - Source Water Assessment and Protection Measures: Initial Guidance - - in
2004.  Starting in FY 2003, and updated annually thereafter, states will report to EPA on the results of their source
water assessment programs' (SWAPs) progress in implementing source water protection (SWP) strategies,  and
whether such strategy implementation is affecting public health protection.  To assess progress in completing the
SWAPs, state reporting will include five elements:  (1) the delineated source water areas around each well and intake,
(2) whether the assessments are complete, (3) and (4) most prevalent and most threatening sources of contamination,
and  (5) relative susceptibility ratings across source water areas, i.e., high, medium, or low susceptibility. To assess
progress in implementing the SWP strategies,  state reporting will include three elements: (1) whether a prevention
strategy covering source water  areas has been adopted,  (2) whether that strategy is being implemented, and (3)
whether such strategy implementation has reached a substantial level.  To assess whether the program is affecting
public health protection, states will report change in the number of source water areas with substantially
* These are internal documents maintained by EPA's Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water. Please call 202-564-3751 for
further information.
18 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996. P.L. 104-182. (Washington: 6 August 1996). Available on the Internet at

19 U.S. EPA, Office of Water. State Source Water Assessment and Protection Programs Guidance. EPA 816-R-97-009
(Washington: US EPA, August 1997). Available on the Internet at 


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

implemented source water protection strategies.  The Agency will develop a national summary of data on the
progress of states' source water protection programs using these data elements.

In FY 2003, EPA maintained state-level summary data for each of these elements in an Excel database. Beginning
in FY 2004, states may, at their option, make available to EPA public water system-level data for each of these
elements to be maintained in a set of data tables in the drinking water warehouse (for tabular data) and in event
tables in the Office of Water's Reach Address Database (RAD)20 (GIS data).  These data will be compatible with
the inventory data  States are currently reporting to the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS).21  [Not
publicly available.  Contact the Drinking Water Protection Division at 202-564-3797.]

Data Source:  See section "New/Improved Data or Systems."

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  For this measure, the states' reporting of progress in implementing their
source water assessment and protection programs will be based on EPA's 2004 guidance, Source Water Assessment
and Protection Measures:  Initial Guidance.  States will only report state-level summary information that may be:
(1) directly related to specific community water systems in a database; (2) directly related to the community water
systems sampled in a statewide statistical  sample; or (3) estimated using best professional judgment.  Because state
reporting  will be based on  consistent definitions and procedures found  in the Source  Water Assessment and
Protection Measures: Initial Guidance, EPA  assumes that these data are reliable for use in making management

QA/QC Procedures: QA/QC procedures will be included in the 2004 Source Water Assessment and Protection
Measures: Initial Guidance.  Additionally, a series of data checks will be built into the Excel-based data collection
procedures given to each Region for their work with states. States will be required to identify whether their reported
summary-level data are based on a system-level database or on aggregate-level estimates. EPA's Regions also will
work with individual states to obtain a description of their methods of collecting and verifying information.

Data Quality  Reviews:  EPA Regions will conduct data quality reviews of state data using the QA/QC procedures
included with the Excel-based data system, and work with  states to resolve data exceptions.  As a result, EPA
expects the quality of data  on assessments  and  source water protection activities to improve over time.

Data Limitations: Because the initial reporting provides only state-level summary information, there is no standard
protocol for EPA  to verify  and validate the  data to system-level information contained in  state  databases.  In
addition, much of the data reported by states is voluntary and based on working agreements with EPA because
SDWA only requires states to complete source water assessments. The only source water information that states are
required to report to EPA  under SDWA is whether the assessments are completed.  Although EPA's 2004 Source
Water Assessment  and Protection Measures: Initial Guidance will set standard data definitions and procedures, it
also provides for considerable flexibility in states' data collection protocols and analytical methods to evaluate their
data.  For example,  some states may require each public water system (PWS) to report data,  while  others may
institute a voluntary process.  Further, those states that use statistical surveys may  choose  samples differently.
Because much of the data reporting  is voluntary and the individual state protocols may vary, state data may  be
incomplete and inconsistent across states.

Error Estimate:  There is  no basis for  making an error estimate for this performance measure  given the data
limitations of state-level summary reporting described above.

New/Improved Data or Systems: EPA  is developing a new source water data module to collect, store, and use
public water system-level data received from states.  The source water module is being developed as a joint initiative
between EPA, the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA), and the Ground Water Protection
Council (GWPC).   It will give EPA the  ability to access the data directly from states through a data  exchange
agreement using an electronic data transfer capability.  A state may  choose, at its  option, to provide EPA more
detailed data in lieu of state-level summary reporting. The new source water data module will be integrated into the
20 Watershed Assessment, Tracking & Environmental Results (WATERS). Available only on the Internet at

21 Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). Information available on the Internet at


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

drinking water data warehouse and be compatible with Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) data
already reported by states.  Geospatial data (i.e., the intake and well point locations and the source water area
polygons)  will be maintained in EPA's Office of Water's Reach Access Database (RAD).   The source water
assessment and  protection indicator data and other attribute data will be maintained in data tables in the drinking
water warehouse.   The source water  data module  should be operational in  FY 2004.  A number of states are
expected to report this detailed data in 2004 as part of the EPA/ASDWA/GWPC initiative.


Guidance Manuals

    •  U.S. EPA, Office of Water. State Source Water Assessment and Protection Programs Guidance. EPA 816-
       R-97-009 (Washington: US EPA, August 1997). Available on the Internet at
    •  Source  Water Assessment and Protection Measures: Initial Guidance (to be released late summer 2003)
Web site addresses

    •   US EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, 
    •   For more detailed information on Source Water topics, US EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking
        Water, Source Water site, 
    •   US EPA Office of Water (OW) Reach Access Database (RAD). Watershed Assessment, Tracking &
        Environmental Results (WATERS), 
    •   Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). http://www.epa.gov/safewater/databases.html

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Percent of the population and the number of community water systems - -
serving more than 3,300 but less than 50,000 people - - that have certified the completion of the development
or revision of their emergency response plan.

Performance Database: No formal EPA database.  Performance is tracked against a master list of small systems
(each of which serves between 3,301 and 49,999 people) that has been compiled specifically for this performance

Data Source:  The Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) is the source  of drinking  water system
descriptive information, including system size.  The master list of small drinking water systems was compiled by
determining which systems, based on size, are required to develop/revise emergency response plans and submit a
certification of completion of this activity to EPA in accordance with the Public Health Security  and Bioterrorism
Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (Bioterrorism Act).

Methods, Assumptions  and  Suitability:  The method for determining the number of small community water
systems subject to the requirements of the Bioterrorism Act was to compile the number of community water systems
listed in SDWIS in July 2002.  This listing was sent to Regional drinking water program staff who, in turn, worked
with each state in that Region to review and categorize these systems by size as defined in the Bioterrorism Act.
However, because the number of community water systems changes often - - due to acquisitions, mergers, closures,
etc. - - all major stakeholders in this effort, i.e., EPA, state, drinking water systems, states-related organizations, and
environmental  groups agreed that these numbers should be considered  estimates  and that EPA  should count the
number of certifications of completion of emergency response plans submitted to the Agency. Each state serves as
the final arbiter of issues related to system size. As each system submits this document, its name is checked.  Any
system on the list that has not submitted its certification of emergency response plan completion by the statutory
deadline set forth in the Bioterrorism Act is  contacted and a determination is made at that time if the  system is still
in operation and when it will submit the required material.

QA/QC Procedures: Other than what is  described above, there is no QA/QC  procedure for  this activity  and
performance measure.

Data Quality Review: EPA works with the states on a regular basis to identify the drinking water systems in that
state and to assure that these systems are reporting data to SDWIS.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: With a newly-developed information strategy developed by EPA in partnership
with the states and major stakeholders, several improvements to SDWIS are underway.

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  The quality of water and sediments will be improved to allow increased
consumption of fish in not less than 3% of the water miles/acres identified by states or tribes as having a fish
consumption advisory in 2002.

Performance  Database:   National  Listing of Fish and Wildlife  Advisories.1  The  database  includes  fields
identifying the waters for which fish consumption advisories have been issued.  The fields also identify the date
upon which the advisory was issued, thus  allowing an assessment of trends.  The National Hydrographic Data
(NHD) are used to calculate the spatial extent of the fish advisory.  This information is updated continually as states
and tribes issue or revise advisories. The National Listing of Fish and Wildlife Advisories database includes records
showing that 485,205 river miles and  11,277,276 lake acres were identified by states or tribes in calendar year 2002
(calendar year 2003  data will be available in May 2004) as having fish with chemical contamination levels resulting
in an advisory of potential human health risk from consumption.  States and tribes report data on  a calendar year
basis. The calendar year data are then used to support the fiscal year commitments (e.g. calendar year 2002 data
support the FY 2003 commitments).  Metadata are also available describing methodologies used by states and tribes
for establishing advisories.

Data Source:  State and Tribal Governments.  These entities collect the information and enter it directly into the
National Listing of Fish and Wildlife Advisories database. EPA reviews advisory entries, including the states' or
tribes' responses to  an on-line survey, which support the advisory decision. The Agency follows-up with the state
or local government to obtain additional information where it is incomplete.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  The database comprises advisories that reporting states and tribes have in
effect each year. The advisories are specific to a waterbody, and thus are  not aggregated.  The percentage of lake
acres and river miles assessed is the ratio of the surface area of lakes and/or rivers for which states submit data to the
National Listing of Fish & Wildlife Advisories database and the total water surface area in the United States.  It is a
simple mathematical calculation.  The database reflects the actual number of advisories that states and tribes issued,
and are thus specific to the performance measure.

QA/QC Procedures:  A  standard survey,  which has been approved by OMB, is available on the Internet for
electronic submission.  A password is issued to ensure the appropriate party is completing the  survey.  EPA  has
national guidance2'3 for states and tribes on developing and implementing quality assurance practices for  the
collection of environmental information related to fish advisories.  This guidance helps assure data quality of the
information that states and tribes use to decide whether to issue an  advisory. The Office  of WaterDs DQuality
Management Plan,D approved in September 2001 and published in July  20024, is the guidance that applies to this
information collection.
Data Quality Reviews:  EPA reviews advisory entries and responses to  the survey to ensure the information is
complete, then follows-up with the  state or local government to  obtain additional information where needed.
However, the Agency cannot verify the accuracy of the voluntary information that state  and local governments
provide.  There have been no external party reviews of this information.

Data Limitations:  Participation in this survey and collection of data is voluntary.  While the voluntary response
rate has been high,  it does not capture the complete universe  of advisories.  Two states, Puerto Rico, the  Virgin
Islands, and Guam do not report in the  survey.  In addition, states have not assessed all waters for the need for
advisories, so the information reported reflects a subset of waterbodies in the state.

Error Estimate:   Because  submitting data to  the National Listing  of Fish  & Wildlife  Advisories database is
voluntary, the Agency cannot be certain that the database contains information on 100% of the assessed waters in

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

the United States. Therefore, we may be understating the total amount of waters assessed, the magnitude of which
is not known. The error value cannot be quantified.

New/Improved Data or Systems: EPA will use grants to encourage states to investigate more waters for the need
for advisories.  This will increase the number of waterbodies assessed, and lead to a more complete characterization
of the nationDs fish safety.


1.       U.S. EPA. Office of Water. DNational Listing of Fish and Wildlife Advisories.D Washington, DC: EPA
Accessed May 1, 2003.  Available only on the internet at     http://map 1.epa. gov/
2.       U.S. EPA. Office of Water. DFish Sampling and Analysis.D Volume 1 of "Guidance for  Assessing
Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories. 3rd ed. EPA-823-B-    00-007. Washington DC: EPA,
2000. Available at       http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/fishadvice/volumel/ .
3.       U.S. EPA. Office of Water. DRisk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits.D Volume 2 of "Guidance for
Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories. 3rd ed. EPA-823-B-00-008. Washington DC:
EPA, 2000.      http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/fishadvice/volume2/.
4.       U.S. EPA. Office of Water. DQuality Management Plan.D EPA 821-X-02-001.  Washington, DC: EPA,
July 2002. Available at   http://www.epa.gov/ow/programs/qmpjuly2.

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Percentage of the shellfish-growing acres monitored by states that will be
approved for use.

Performance Database: The Shellfish Information Management System (SIMS). The database is being developed
and implemented by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on behalf of the
Interstate Shellfish Sanitation  Conference (ISSC),  a Cooperative Program chartered  by the Food  and Drug
Administration (FDA).  The database  will include relevant information that is collected by State Shellfish Control
Authorities.  Historically, NOAA collected shellfish-growing area data in 5-year intervals, 1985, 1990, and 1995.
These data were not stored in a database. Once operational, SIMS will be the first national shellfish growing area
database and will  include NOAA's  1995 data  and new  data,  available in September, 2003.  State  summary
information can then be  used to track trends  relevant to the performance measure, with the 1995 data as baseline.
The SIMS database is designed as a real time database. The ISSC plans to request data updates annually, but states
may update their data any time.  These data may be accessed at any time so timely status reports can be generated.

Data Source:  EPA is a member of the ISSC SIMS  steering committee, along with FDA and NOAA. The SIMS
architecture is compatible with other databases using the  National Hydrographic Dataset (NHD).  The steering
committee is confident that the procedures used to collect, analyze, and report the data will result in accurate and
reliable data.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  SDVIS is a real time database and, therefore, will provide  up-to-date

QA/QC Procedures: States will be responsible for the internal QA/QC of their data.  SIMS is designed to use state
data to produce nationwide reports.

Data Quality Reviews: The ISSC is developing its SIMS processes to review data submitted by states.

Data Limitations:  Based  on  NOAADs previous surveys and the voluntary nature of  the effort, potential data
limitations may include incomplete coverage of shellfish growing areas.

Error Estimate: No estimates are available.

New/Improved Data or Systems: SIMS, initiated  in September 2003, will be evaluated on a periodic basis to
identify  and implement improvements.

References:  None at this time.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Restore water quality to allow swimming in stream miles and lake  acres
identified by states in 2000 as having water quality unsafe for recreation.

[The data narrative for this measure is under Goal 2, Objective 2 — FY 2005 Performance
Measure: Water quality standards are fully attained in miles/acres of waters identified in
2000 as not attaining standards.]

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Percentage of days of the beach season that coastal and Great Lakes beaches
monitored by State beach safety programs will be open and safe for swimming.

Performance Database:   The data are  stored in PRAWN (Program tracking, beach Advisories, Water quality
standards, and Nutrients)1,  an new internal database that feeds into  the National Health Protection Survey of
Beaches Information Management System.2  The database includes fields identifying the  beaches for which
monitoring and notification information are available and the date upon which the advisory or closure was issued,
thus enabling trend assessments to be made.  Beginning in FY 2003, the database will identify those states that have
received a BEACH (Beaches Environmental Assessment  and Coastal Health) Act  [P.L. 106-284] grant.  EPA
reports the information annually, on a calendar year basis, each May.

Data  Source: Since  1997, EPA has surveyed state and local governments for information on their monitoring
programs and on their advisories or closures. State and local governmental response to the survey is voluntary. The
number of records on beaches has grown from 1,021 beaches in calendar year 1997 to 2,823 beaches  in calendar
year 2002.  States and local entities collect and report data on a calendar year basis.  The calendar year data are then
used  to  support fiscal year  commitments (e.g.  2002  calendar year data  are used to  support the FY  2003
commitments). Starting in calendar year 2003, data for beaches along the coast and Great Lakes must be reported to
EPA as a condition of grants awarded under the BEACH Act3.  EPA reviews the advisory entries and responses to
the survey to ensure  the information is  complete, then follows-up with the state  or  local government to obtain
additional information where needed.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: The data are a census of beach-specific advisories or closures issued by
the reporting state or local governments during the year. Performance against the target is tracked using a simple
count of the number of beaches responding to the survey and the advisory or closure actions taken. Thus the data
are suitable for the performance measure.

QA/QC Procedures:  Since 1997, EPA has distributed a standard survey form, approved by OMB, to  coastal and
Great Lake state and county environmental and public health beach program officials in hard copy by mail.  The
form is  also available on the Internet for electronic submission.  In calendar year 2002, voluntary survey responses
included 30 percent from counties, 32 percent from cities, 20 percent from states,  10 percent from  regional or
districts, and 2 percent from federal entities.  When a state or local official enters data over the Internet, a password
is issued to ensure the appropriate party is completing the survey. EPA reviews the survey responses to ensure the
information is complete, then follows up  with the state or local government to obtain additional information where
needed.   Currently the Agency has  procedures  for  information collection  (see Office of  Water's  "Quality
Management Plan," approved September 2001 and published July 20024).  However, because  state and local
officials submitted the data voluntarily, the Agency cannot verify the accuracy of the information provided. Starting
in 2003, coastal and Great Lakes states receiving a BEACH Act grant are  subject to the Agency's grant regulations
under 40 CFR 31.45.  These regulations require  states and tribes to develop and implement quality assurance
practices for the collection of environmental information.

Data  Quality Review:  EPA reviews the  survey responses to ensure the information is complete, following up with
the state or local government to obtain additional information where needed.  The Agency  cannot verify the
accuracy of the voluntary information state and local governments provide.  There have been no external party
reviews of this information.

Data  Limitations: From calendar year 1997 to calendar year 2002, participation in the survey and submission of
data has been voluntary.  While the voluntary response rate  has been high, it has not captured the complete universe
of beaches.   The voluntary response rate was 92% in calendar year 2002 (240 out of 261 contacted  agencies
responded).  The number of beaches for which information was collected  increased  from 1,021 in calendar year
1997  to 2,823 in calendar year 2002.  Starting in calendar year 2003 participation in the survey will become a
mandatory condition for grants awarded under the BEACH Act program to coastal and Great Lakes states.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

However, coastal and Great Lakes states and local governments are not required to apply for a grant.  Those coastal
and Great Lakes states receiving a BEACH Act grant and subject to the Agency's grant regulations under 40 CFR
31.45 are  required to develop and implement  quality assurance  practices for the  collection  of environmental
information, helping to assure data quality.

Error Estimate: Because submitting data has been voluntary, the database does not contain information on 100%
of beaches in the United States.  No error estimate is available for this data because the total number of beaches in
the U.S. is unknown.

New/Improved Data or Systems: With the passage of the BEACH Act of 2000, the Agency is authorized to award
grants  to  states to  develop  and  implement monitoring and notification  programs consistent with  federal
requirements.  As the Agency awards these  implementation grants, it will require standard  program procedures,
sampling and assessment methods, and data elements for reporting.  To the extent that state governments apply for
and receive these grants, the amount, quality, and consistency of available data will  improve.  In FY 2005, EPA
expects the 35 coastal and Great Lakes states to apply for grants to implement monitoring and notification programs.
The BEACH Act also requires the Agency to maintain a database of national coastal recreation water pollution
occurrences.  The Agency has fulfilled this  requirement by creating a new PRAWN database  that includes  this
information.  EPA has also developed eBeaches5, a new Internet-based system for  secure  transmittal of beach
advisory and water quality data into PRAWN. This system will make it easier for states to  accurately transmit this
information to EPA using the Internet.


1.       U.S. EPA. Office of Waters.  "Beach Notification Data User Guide." EPA-823-R-03-005.
        Washington, DC: EPA, January 2003. Available at
2.       U.S. EPA. Office of Water. "National Health Protection Survey of Beaches".    Washington, DC: EPA.
Accessed May 23, 2003. Available only  on the internet at     http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/beaches/
3.       U.S. EPA. Office of Water. "National Beach Guidance and Required Performance        Criteria for
Grants." EPA-823-B-02-004. Washington DC: EPA, June 2002. Available at
4.      U.S. EPA. Office of Water.  "Quality Management Plan." EPA 821-X-02-001.  Washington, DC: EPA,
July 2002. Available at   http://www.epa.gov/ow/programs/qmpjuly2002.
5.       U. S. EPA. Office of Water. "eBeaches." Fact Sheet. EPA-823-F-03-009.
        Washington, DC, July 2003.  Available at   http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/beaches/


Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health  Act of 2000  (BEACH)
Clean Water Act (CWA)
Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) section 313 (42 U.S.C.        1023)
EPCRA section 313 (42 U.S.C. 11023)
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA)
Federal Fungicide, Insecticide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Food Quality Protection Act  (FQPA) of  1996
National Environmental Policy Act, Section 102
Pollution Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)
PPA (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)

  U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                    OBJECTIVE: Protect Water Quality
Protect the quality of rivers, lakes, and streams on a watershed basis and protect coastal and ocean waters.
                                   Resource Summary
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)

Protect Water Quality
Environmental Program & Management
Science & Technology
Building and Facilities
Inspector General
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                    Program Project
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)

Categorical Grant: Wastewater Operator
Categorical Grant: Nonpoint Source (Sec.
Categorical Grant: Water Quality
Cooperative Agreements
Categorical Grant: Pollution Control (Sec.
Infrastructure Assistance: Alaska Native
Infrastructure Assistance: Clean Water SRF
Marine Pollution
Surface Water Protection
Congressionally Mandated Projects
International Capacity Building
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
                                      FY 2005 Annual Plan
Watershed Protection

In 2005     500 of the Nation's watersheds have water quality standards met in at least 80% of the assessed water

In 2005     Water quality standards are fully attained in over 25% of miles/acres of waters by 2012, with an
            interim milestone of restoring 2% of these waters - identified in 2000 as not attaining standards - by

In 2004     By FY 2005, Water quality will improve on a watershed basis such that 625 of the Nation's 2,262
            watersheds will have greater than 80 percent of assessed waters meeting all water quality standards, up
            from 500 watersheds in 1998.
Performance Measures:

Watersheds  that have  greater  than  80% of
assessed  waters meeting  all  water  quality

Waterbodies   (river  miles   and  lake  acres)
identified in 2000 as not attaining Water quality
standards, are fully attained.
FY 2003
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
500 (FY 05)
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
                                             % Miles/Acres
Baseline:    As of 2002 state reports 453 watersheds had met the criteria that greater than 80% of assessed waters
            met all water quality standards. For a watershed to be counted toward this goal, at least 25% of the
            segments  in the watershed  must be assessed within the  past  4  years  consistent with assessment
            guidelines developed pursuant to section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act.  In 2002, 0% of the 255,408
            miles/and 6,803,419 acres of waters identified on 1998/2000  lists of impaired waters developed by
            States and approved by EPA under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.

Dredged Material/Ocean Disposal

In 2005     Improve  ratings reported on the national  "good/fair/poor" scale of the National Coastal Condition
            Report for: coastal wetlands loss by at least 0.1 point;  contamination of sediments in coastal waters by
            at least 0.1 point; benthic quality by at least 0.1 point; & eutrophic condition by at least 0.1 point

In 2005     Scores for overall aquatic system health of coastal waters nationally, and in each coastal region, is
            improved on the "good/fair/poor" scale of the National Coastal Condition Report by at least 0.1 point

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Score for overall aquatic system health of coastal
waters nationally, and in each coastal region, is
improved (cumulative).

Maintain water clarity and dissolved oxygen in
coastal waters at the  national levels reported in
the 2002 National Coastal Condition Report

Improve  ratings  reported  on   the  national
"good/fair/poor" scale of the National Coastal
Condition Report for coastal wetlands loss

Improve  ratings  reported  on   the  national
"good/fair/poor" scale of the National Coastal
Condition Report for contamination of sediments
in coastal waters

Improve  ratings  reported  on   the  national
"good/fair/poor" scale of the National Coastal
Condition Report for benthic quality

Improve  ratings  reported  on   the  national
"good/fair/poor" scale of the National Coastal
Condition Report for eutrophic condition
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
       Scale score
       Scale score
       Scale score
       Scale score
       Scale score
       Scale score
Baseline:    National rating of "fair/poor" or 2.4 where the rating is based on a 5-point system where 1 is poor and
            5 is good and is expressed as an aerially weighted mean of regional scores using the National Coastal
            Condition Report indicators  [i.e., water clarity, dissolved oxygen, coastal wetlands  loss, eutrophic
            conditions, sediment contamination, benthic health, and fish tissue contamination].  The 2002 National
            Coastal Condition Report indicated 4.3 for water clarity and 4.5 for dissolved oxygen, 1.4 for coastal
            wetlands loss; 1.3 for contamination of sediments in coastal waters; 1.4 for benthic quality; & 1.7 for
            eutrophic condition.

State/Tribal Water Quality Standards

In 2005     In coordination with other federal partners reduce, by  11%, households on tribal lands lacking access
            to basic sanitation.

In 2005     Water quality in Indian country  will be improved at not less than 35  monitoring stations  in tribal
            waters for which baseline data are available (i.e., show at least a 10% improvement for each of four
            key parameters: total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, and fecal conforms.)

In 2004     Assure that States and Tribes have effective, up-to-date water quality standards programs adopted in
            accordance  with the Water Quality Standards regulation and the  Water Quality  Standards program

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
                       FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

States  with  new  or revised  water  quality
standards that EPA has reviewed and approved
or   disapproved   and   promulgated   federal
replacement standards.

Tribes with water quality  standards adopted and
approved (cumulative).
Number  of  monitoring   stations  (for  which
baseline data  on 4 key parameters are available)
where water quality is improved.

Number of households on tribal lands lacking
access to basic sanitation.
                                                FY 2003
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.



Baseline:    The performance  measure of state submissions (above) thus represents a "rolling annual total" of
            updated standards acted upon by EPA, and so are neither cumulative nor strictly incremental.  EPA
            must review and approve or disapprove state revsisions to water quality standards withing 60-90 days
            after receiving the state's package.  In 2002, there  will be four key parameters available at 900
            sampling stations in Indian country. In 2002, Indian Health Service indicates that 71,000 households
            on Tribal lands lack access to basic sanitation.

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Watersheds in which at least 80% of the assessed water segments  meet
water quality standards.

Performance Database:  The Watershed Assessment Tracking Environmental Results System (WATERS) (1) is
used to summarize  water quality information at the watershed level.  For purposes of this national summary,
"watershedsD are equivalent to 8-digit hydrologic unit  codes (HUCs),  of which there  are  2,262  nationwide.
WATERS is a geographic information system that integrates many existing data management tools including the
STOrage and RETrieval (STORET) database (2), the Assessment Database (3) and the Water Quality Standards
database (4).  Water quality information available through WATERS includes data submitted by the states under
Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 305(b). These data are submitted to EPA every two years, with annual electronic
updates. The U.S.EPA summarizes these data in the National Water Quality Inventory Report. (5)

Data Source:  State CWA Section 305(b) reporting.  The data used by the states to assess water quality and prepare
CWA Section 305(b) reports come from multiple sources (state monitoring networks, United States Geological
Survey (USGS), local governments, volunteer monitors, academic institutions, etc.) as well as predictive tools such
as water quality  models.  Raw data may be entered by states  and other sources into STORET.  States compare
available ambient monitoring data to their water quality  standards to arrive at assessment results.  Assessment
results are then entered into the  Assessment Database.  EPA uses the assessment results to present a snap-shot of
water quality as reported by the states (the National Water Quality Inventory Report), but because state methods and
water quality standards vary widely, does not use the assessment results to report trends in water quality.

Information on each stateDs assessment methodology can be obtained from its 305(b)  report, and raw data entered
into STORET must meet metadata standards.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:   States  employ various  methods of ambient  water data collection,
including: 1) Direct sampling of chemical, physical, and biological parameters using targeted site selection (usually,
where problems are most likely  or where water is heavily used);  2) Predictive models of water quality standards
attainment; 3) Direct sampling at statistically-valid, probability-based sampling networks (in its early stages in a
number of states); 4) Compilation of data from outside sources such as volunteer monitors, academic institutions,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

and others. EPA-supported models include BASINS, QUAL2E, AQUATOX, and CORMIX.  Descriptions of these
models and instructions for their use can be found at www.epa.gov/OST/wqm/.

The  standard operating procedures and deviations from these methods for data sampling and prediction processes
are stored by  states in the STORET database.  EPA aggregates state assessment information by watershed (as
described above) to generate the national performance measure.  State assessment results describe attainment of
designated uses in accordance with state water quality standards and thus represent a direct measure of performance.
State CWA Section 305(b) data are suitable for providing a snapshot of the ambient water quality conditions that
exist across the nation, in that subset of waters that are assessed. However, nationally aggregated data are currently
not suitable  for year- to-year comparisons.  As states update their monitoring programs to include probabilistic
monitoring, EPA will be able to conduct nationally aggregated, year-to year comparisons.

QA/QC  Procedures:  QA/QC of data provided by states in their individual assessments (under CWA Section
305(b)) and accessed through WATERS is dependent on individual state  procedures.   Numerous system level
checks are built into the data sources in WATERS, based upon the business rules associated with the water quality
assessment database.  States are given the opportunity to review the information to ensure it accurately reflects the
data they submitted.  Detailed data exchange  guidance and training  are also provided to  the states.   Sufficiency
threshold for inclusion in this measure requires that 20% of stream miles in an 8-digit HUC be assessed.  The Office
of Water Quality Management Plan (QMP), renewed every five years, was approved in July 2002 (6).  It describes
the quality system used by the Office of Water and applies to all environmental programs within the Office of Water
and to any activity within those programs that involves the collection or use of environmental data.

Data Quality Review: Numerous independent reports have cited that weaknesses in water quality monitoring and
reporting undermine EPADs ability to depict the condition of the NationDs waters, to make trend assessments, and to
support scientifically-sound water program decisions.  The most recent reports  include the 1998 Report of the
Federal Advisory Committee on the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program (7), the March 15, 2000 General
Accounting Office report Water Quality: Key Decisions Limited by Inconsistent and Incomplete Data (8), the 2001
National Academy of Sciences Report, Assessing the TMDL Approach  to Water Quality Management (9), a 2002
National Academy of Public Administration Report, Understanding  What States Need  to Protect Water Quality
(10), and EPA 's Draft Report on the Environment (11).  Water quality reporting under Section 305(b) has been
identified as an Agency-Level weakness under the Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act.

In response to these evaluations, EPA has been working with states and other stakeholders to improve: 1) data
coverage, so that state reports reflect the condition of all waters of the state; 2) data consistency, to facilitate
comparison and aggregation of state data to the national level; and 3) documentation, so that data limitations and
discrepancies are fully understood by data users.

The  Office of Water has issued several recent guidance documents designed to increase consistency and coverage in
state monitoring, assessment and reporting. In November 2001, EPA  issued its Integrated Reporting guidance (12)
which calls on states to integrate the development and submission of 305(b) water quality reports and Section 303(d)
lists  of impaired waters. The Integrated Report will enhance the ability of water quality managers to display, access,
and integrate environmental data and information from all components of the water quality program. In July 2002,
EPA released the Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology - a  Compendium of Best Practices (13),
intended to facilitate increased consistency in monitoring program design and in the data and decision criteria used
to support water quality assessments.  And in March 2003, EPA issued Elements of a State Water Monitoring and
Assessment Program (14) which describes ten elements that each state water quality-monitoring program should
contain and a ten-year time frame for implementing all elements. As part of each stateDs monitoring strategy, state
data will be accompanied by quality assurance plans.

EPA has enhanced  two existing data  management tools (STORET  and the Assessment  Database) so  that they
include documentation of data quality information.  EPADs WATERS tool integrates many databases  including
STORET, the  Assessment Database, and the Water Quality Standards  Database.   These integrated databases
facilitate comparison and understanding of differences among state standards, monitoring activities, and assessment

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Limitations:  Data are not representative of comprehensive national water quality assessments because most
states do not yet employ a monitoring design that characterizes all waters in each reporting cycle. States, territories,
and tribes collect data and information on only a portion of their water bodies because it is prohibitively expensive
to monitor all water bodies.  Furthermore, states do not use a consistent suite of water quality indicators to assess
attainment with water quality standards.  For example, indicators of aquatic life use support range from biological
community condition to levels of dissolved  oxygen to concentrations of toxic  pollutants.  State  water quality
standards  themselves vary from state to  state.  State assessments of water quality may  include uncertainties
associated with derived or modeled data.  These variations in state practices and standards limit how the assessment
reports they provide can be  used  to describe water quality at the  national level and prevent the agency from
aggregating water quality assessments at the national level with known statistical confidence.

Error Estimate: No error estimate is available for this data.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  The Office of Water is currently working with states, tribes and other Federal
agencies to improve the database that supports this management measure by addressing the underlying methods of
monitoring water quality and assessing the data. Also, the Office of Water is  working with partners to enhance
monitoring networks to achieve comprehensive coverage of all  waters, use a consistent suite of core water quality
indicators (supplemented with additional  indicators for specific water quality questions), and document key data
elements,  decision criteria and assessment methodologies in electronic data systems. The Office of Water is using a
variety  of mechanisms  to  implement  these  improvements  including  data  management systems, guidance,
stakeholder meetings, training and technical assistance, program reviews and negotiations.

EPA is working with states to enhance their monitoring and assessment programs, with a particular emphasis on the
probabilistic approach. These enhancements, along with improving the quality and timeliness of data for making
watershed-based decisions, will greatly improve EPADs ability  to use state assessments in consistently portraying
national conditions and trends. Specific state refinements include developing rigorous biological criteria to measure
the health of aquatic communities (and  attainment  with the  aquatic life use) and  designing probability-based
monitoring designs to support statistically-valid inferences  about water quality. The EPA Environmental Monitoring
and Assessment Program (EMAP) design team has been  instrumental  in helping states design the monitoring
networks and analyze the data. Initial efforts have focused on streams, lakes and coastal waters. Wetlands and large
rivers will be targeted next. States are implementing these changes incrementally and in conjunction with traditional
targeted monitoring. At last count,  16 states have adopted probability-based monitoring designs, several more are
evaluating them, and all but 10 are collaborating in an EMAP study.

The  Agency's  FY2005  budget request  includes  a significant increase to  support water quality  monitoring
improvements.  A state grants component will support states'  implementation of monitoring strategies, including
refinement of biological assessment methods and  probability-based designs for different water resource types,
landscape models and other predictive tools, remote sensing and innovative indicators  of water quality to help
streamline where additional monitoring is needed, and targeted monitoring to provide  data to implement local
management  actions  such as National Pollution Discharge Elimination Program (NPDES) permits and Total
Maximum Daily Loads  (TMDLs)  The initiative will also support improvement of data management systems to
ensure  that water quality monitoring data are understandable and available to all who need it.  Included here are
upgrades  to STORET, to improve system navigation and operation and to enhance analysis  and presentation
applications.  Funds will also support enhancing the capability to exchange water quality data with states.


1.    WATERS available on-line  at www.epa.gov/waters.  Aggregate national maps and  state and watershed
      specific data for this measurement are displayed numerically and graphically in the WATERS database.
2.    STORET available online at www.epa.gov/STORET. Links to user guide and  descriptions of the  database
      can be found here.
3.    Assessment Database information available at http://www.epa.gov/waters/305b/
4.    Water Quality Standards Database information available at www.epa.gov/wqsdatabase/
5.    U.S. EPA, Office of Water. National Water Quality Inventory,  2000 Report. Washington, D.C: August 2002.
      EPA 841 -R-02-001. Available at www.epa.gov/305b/2000Report
6.    U.S. EPA.  Office of Water  Quality Management Plan.  Washington, DC:  July 2002. EPA 831-X-02-001.
      Available at http://www.epa.gov/ow/programs/qmp  iuly2002.pdf

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

7.     National  Advisory  Council for Environmental Policy and Technology.  Report of the Federal Advisory
      Committee  on the  Total Maximum  Daily Load Program.   1998.    EPA  100-R-98-006.  Available  at
      http ://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/faca/tofc.htm
8.     General Accounting Office.  Water Quality: Key EPA and State  Decisions Limited by Inconsistent and
      Incomplete Data. Washington, DC: March 15, 2000. GAO/RCED-00- 54.
9.     National  Research Council, Committee to Assess the  Scientific Basis of the Total Maximum Daily Load
      Approach to Water Pollution Reduction. Assessing  the TMDL Approach to Water Quality Management.
      National Academy Press, Washington, DC: 2001.
10.   National  Academy  of Public Administration.  Understanding What States Need to Protect Water Quality.
      Washington, D.C: December 2002. Academy Project No. 2001- 001. Available at www.napawash.org
11.  U.S. EPA.   Draft Report on the Environment  2003.   July  2003.   EPA 260-R-02-006.   Available  at
      http ://www. epa. gov/indicators/roe/index. htm
12.   U.S. EPA, Office of Water. Dlntegrated Water Quality Assessment and Report Guidance.D November 19,
      2001.  Available at http://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/2002wqma.html
13.   U.S. EPA, Office of Water. DConsolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology. Toward a Compendium of
      Best    Practices.D   (First  Edition).     Washington,   DC:   July   31,  2002.       Available   at
14.   U.S. EPA, Office of Water. Elements of a State Water Monitoring and Assessment Program.  Washington,
      DC: March 2003. EPA841-B-03-003. Available at:  www.epa.gov/owow/monitoring

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Water quality standards are fully attained in miles/acres of waters identified
in 2000 as not attaining standards.

Performance Database:  The Watershed Assessment Tracking Environmental Results System (WATERS- found
at  http://www.epa. gov/waters/) is the overarching Agency tool that is used to store water quality information related
to  this  measure.   Within WATERS,  resides  a  section  entitled  "303(d)  Information," compiled from  the
comprehensive data set  we refer to as States' Listings of Impaired Waters  as Required by Clean Water Act Section
303(d) (referred to here in brief as "303(d) lists").  This tool (found at http://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/status.html) is
used to generate reports that identify individual impaired waters as well as  an aggregation of impaired waters that is
the total impaired river-miles and lake-acres.  This information, combined with information and comment from EPA
Regions and states, yields the baseline data for this measure- river-miles and lake-acres of impaired waters in 2000.
As Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) are developed, updated and entered into the National TMDL Tracking
System (NTTS), and water bodies are no longer counted as impaired, the  associated restored river-miles and lake-
acres are removed from the year 2000 impaired totals. Changes will be recorded in reports, scheduled every 6 years
(e.g. future reporting years 2006 and 2012), as percentage improvements to water body impairment.

Data Source: The underlying  data source for this measure is State 303(d) lists of their impaired water bodies.  Each
state is required to submit this list to EPA every two years.  States prepare the lists using actual  water quality
monitoring data, probability-based monitoring information,  and other information and knowledge the state has, in
order to make comprehensive determinations addressing the total extent of the  state's  water body impairments.
Once EPA approves a state's 303(d) list, EPA enters the information into WATERS, as described above.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability: States employ various analytical methods of data collection, compilation,
and reporting including: 1) Direct water samples of chemical, physical, and biological  parameters; 2) Predictive
models of water quality standards attainment; 3) Probabilistic models of pollutant sources; and 4) Compilation of
data from volunteer groups, academic interests  and  others.  EPA supported models include BASINS, QUAL2E,
AQUATOX,  and CORMIX.   Descriptions of these  models and instructions  for their use can be found at
www.epa.gov/OST/wqm/. The standard  operating procedures and deviations from these methods for data sampling
and prediction processes are stored by states in the STORET database. EPA aggregates state data by watershed (as
described above) to  generate  the national  performance measure.   State provided  data describe attainment  of
designated uses  in accordance with state water quality standards and thus represent a direct measure of performance.
State CWA Section 305(b) data are suitable for providing a snapshot of the ambient water quality conditions that
exist across the nation; however, nationally aggregated ambient water quality data  are currently not suitable for year-
to-year comparisons.  As  states update their monitoring programs to  include probabilistic monitoring,  we will be
able to do nationally aggregated, year-to year comparisons.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

QA/QC Procedures:  QA/QC of data provided by  states pursuant to individual state 303(d) lists  (under CWA
Section 303(d)) is dependent on individual state procedures. EPA Regional staff interact with the states during the
process of approval of the lists and before the information is entered into the database to ensure the integrity of the
data.  The Office of Water Quality Management Plan (QMP), renewed every five years, was approved in July 2001.
EPA requires that each organization prepare a document called a quality management plan (QMP) that: documents
the organization's quality policy; describes its quality system;  and identifies the environmental programs to which
the quality system applies (e.g., those programs involved in the collection or use of environmental data).

Data Quality Review:  Numerous independent reports have cited that weaknesses in monitoring and reporting of
monitoring data undermine EPA's ability to depict the condition of the Nation's waters and to support scientifically-
sound water program decisions.   The  most  recent reports  include the  1998 Report of the Federal Advisory
Committee on the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program22, the March 15, 2000 General Accounting Office
report Water Quality: Key Decisions Limited by Inconsistent and Incomplete Data23, the 2001 National Academy of
Sciences Report Assessing the TMDL Approach to Water Quality Management24  and EPA 's Draft Report on the

In response to these evaluations,  EPA has been working with states and other stakeholders to improve: 1) data
coverage, so that state  reports  reflect the  condition of all waters of the state; 2)  data consistency to facilitate
comparison and aggregation of state data to the national level; and 3) documentation so that data limitations and
discrepancies are fully understood by data users.

First, EPA enhanced two  existing data management tools (STORET and the Assessment  Database) so that they
include documentation of data quality information.

Second, EPA  has developed a GIS tool called WATERS that integrates many databases including STORET, the
Assessment database, and a new water quality standards database. These integrated databases facilitate comparison
and understanding of differences among state standards, monitoring activities, and assessment results.

Third, EPA and states have developed a guidance document: Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology - a
Compendium of Best Practices26 (released on the Web July 31, 2002 at www.epa.gov/owow/monitoring/calm.html)
intended to facilitate increased consistency in monitoring program design and the data and decision criteria used to
support water quality assessments.

Fourth, the  Office of Water (OW) and  EPA's regional offices have developed the Elements  of a State Water
Monitoring and Assessment  Program, (August 2002) which is currently under  review by our state partners.   This
guidance describes ten elements that each state water quality-monitoring program should contain and proposes time-
frames for implementing all ten elements.

Data Limitations: Data may not precisely represent the extent of impaired waters because states do not yet employ
a monitoring design that monitors  all waters in each 303(d) listing cycle. States  also do  not use a consistent suite of
water quality indicators to assess attainment with water quality  standards. For example, indicators of aquatic life use
support range from biological community  assessments  to levels of dissolved  oxygen to concentrations of toxic
pollutants. These variations in state practices limit how the 303(d)  lists provided by  states can be used to describe
water quality at the national level.  States,  territories and tribes collect data and information on only a portion of
their water bodies.  There are differences among their programs, sampling techniques,  and standards.
22 Report of the Federal Advisory Committee on the Total Maximum Daily Load Program. 1998.  National Advisory Council
for Environmental Policy and Technology. EPA Number 100R98006. National Center for Environmental Publications]
23 Water Quality: Key EPA and State Decisions Limited by Inconsistent and Incomplete Data. March 15,2000. RCED-00-54 and
Water Quality: Inconsistent State Approaches Complicate Nation's Efforts to Identify Its Most Polluted Waters. January 11, 2002
24 Assessing the TMDL Approach to Water Quality Management.  2001. Committee to Assess the Scientific Basis of the Total
Maximum Daily Load Approach to Water Pollution Reduction, Water Science and Technology Board, National Research
25 US EPA. Draft Report on the Environment 2003. July 2003. EPA 260-R-02-006. Available at
26 U.S. EPA.  (July 31, 2002). Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology. Toward a Compendium of Best
Practices. (First Edition).  Washington, DC: Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds. Available on the
Internet: Monitoring and Assessing Water Quality www.epa.gov/owow/monitoring/calm.html


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

State assessments of water quality may include uncertainties associated with derived or modeled data. Differences
in monitoring designs among and within states prevent the agency from aggregating water quality assessments at the
national  level with known statistical confidence.   States, territories,  and authorized tribes monitor to  identify
problems and typically lag times between data collection and reporting can vary by state.

Error Estimate: No error estimate is available for this data.

New/Improved Data Systems: The Office of Water has been working with states to  improve the guidance under
which 303 (d) lists are prepared.  EPA issued new listing Guidance on July 21, 2003  entitled Guidance for 2004
Assessment, Listing, and Reporting Requirements Pursuant to Sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Clean Water Act
(Guidance). The Guidance may be found at:  http://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/tmdl0103/index.html. The Guidance
addresses a number of issues that states and EPA identified during the 2002 listing cycle. Among these issues are
minimum data requirements and sample size requirements in making listing determinations, use of probability-based
sampling in the  state's monitoring program, improved year-to-year consistency in a  choice of a geo-referencing
scheme,  and use of a consistent method of segmenting water bodies  and denoting changes to the segmentation
between listing cycles.

References: Cited in body of text above.

FY 2005  Performance Measure: Water quality in Indian country

Performance Database:  National Water Information System (NWIS), the USGS water monitoring database will be
used to  report on this measure (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/usaX Although NWIS has not yet adopted the EPA
Tribal Identifier Data  Standard  (see http://oaspub.epa.gov/edr/epastd$.startup').  the AIEO  Tribal Information
Management System (https://oasint.rtpnc.epa.gov/TIMS/) (phone 202-564-0303 for password access)  can extract
records  from NWIS on the basis of reservation boundaries, enabling" both data  systems to provide tribal water
quality data for this performance measure. NWIS records monitoring dates, so time series analysis will be a key
feature of the Indian country water quality performance measure^

Data Sources: NWIS merges of all USGS district offices, and consists primarily  of data collected by USGS field
staff, either on a regular basis or for special projects.

QA/QC  Procedures:  Quality  assurance for the Indian country water quality performance measure depends on the
quality  of the USGS  NWIS  data system.   Documentation for NWIS  quality assurance  may  be found  at:
(http ://water.usgs. gov/pubs/dds/ wqn96cd/html/ wqn/qasure/qasure. htm).

Data Quality Reviews: Two quality reviews are envisioned.  The first will be a comparison  of the federal data, in
aggregate, and the water quality data reported by  the tribes in CWA §106 water quality assessment reports. The
review will be conducted for five tribal reservations. The second  is a comparison  of Storage  and Retrieval  System
(STORET) data, EPA's repository of water quality monitoring data reported  by states, tribes, other grantees, and
other federal agencies,  and NWIS water quality data for similar tribal  geographic areas; this review is dependant
upon future increased STORET use by tribes.  The  results of these two data quality reviews will allow AIEO to
estimate  a range of variation for the data used in the water quality assessments.

Data Limitations:  The data collected for the tribal water quality performance measure are limited by the accuracy
of the reservation boundary files used by  AIEO.  The files, IND-3, are  distributed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Geographic Data Service Center, (Internet site disabled). There are minor variations between the files provided by
BIA and other sources of tribal boundary files.  In  an analysis of selected reservation boundaries,  AIEO  has
determined that there is an approximately a  5% variation between the  files from  the BIA IND-3  dataset, and the
Census Tiger files of reservation boundaries (http://www.census.gov/ geo/www/cob/bdv files.html).

Error Estimate:  AIEO estimates an approximately 5% error in the identification of water monitoring sites that fall
inside reservation boundaries because  of errors in tribal boundaries and latitude and longitude of monitoring sites,
resulting in errors in the extraction of geographic records from NWIS. The overall error of the  performance measure
is expected to be the percent variation in the water quality data from different sources (STORET, water quality
assessment reports  from tribes, NWIS) compounded by the error introduced by inaccuracies in boundary files.
AIEO expects a 5% or greater error in the  analysis, depending on the magnitude of the variation of the data from the
different sources used.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

New/Improved Data or Systems:  As NWIS adopts a tribal identifier code, AIEO will no longer have to rely on
geographic extraction of data records and that source of error will be eliminated. To date, USGS has not announced
plans to tribally index their water quality data systems.

A key  improvement in EPA's ability to assess tribal water quality will be the  enhancement  of tribes' usage of
STORET. Plans are in place to improve outreach and technical assistance to tribes and states to encourage greater
use of  the system, and to use STORET's capabilities to  upload  local information to the national data warehouse.
This will facilitate determinations of water quality status  and trends nationwide and in Indian country in particular.
EPA will also work to  incorporate into STORET the  agency's new Tribal Identifier Data Standard to further
facilitate assessing tribal water quality information.

1.    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. STORET Database. http://www.epa.gov/STORET/.
2.    U.S. Environmental  Protection  Agency.   American Indian  Environmental  Office.   TIMS  Database
3.    U.S. Geological Survey.  Water Resources Division. NWIS Database http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ nwis/usa.
4.    Bureau of Indian Affairs. (2000).  IND-3 Indian Reservations.  Geographic Data Service  Center. Lakewood.
      CO. (internet site disabled).
5.    U.S. Census  Bureau.   Geographic  Division.   2000 Census  Tiger  Files of  American Indian Areas
      http://www.census.gov/geo/www/cob/bdv  files.html

FY 2005 Performance Measure:   In coordination  with  other federal partners,  reduce the number of
households on tribal lands lacking access to basic sanitation.

Performance Database: The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) has been in the forefront of working
with multiple agencies on a federal interagency Tribal Enterprise Architecture. Much of the work falls under the
auspices of OMB Circular A-16 on coordination of federal  geographic data across federal agencies (OMB 2003).
The Tribal Enterprise Architecture includes access to a wide variety of data and information from several  agencies
and numerous sources within those agencies. It also includes several AIEO and jointly- developed applications to
determine environmental performance in Indian  country for a  variety of specific  purposes,  including  strategic
planning and annual reporting under the Government Performance and Results  Act. The components of the Tribal
Enterprise Architecture create a broad, multi-variant view of the environmental conditions and programs in Indian
country.  EPA will track the  status of federal and other basic sanitation infrastructure projects being undertaken in
Indian country.

Data Sources:  AIEO Tribal Enterprise Architecture will be linked to the Indian Health  Service (IHS) Sanitation
Tracking and Reporting System (STARS) database, which will be used to measure tribal access to basic sanitation in
real-time.  IHS  STARS database, Level 4 (unsafe water or sanitation) and Level 5  (unsafe water and sanitation)
information will be analyzed.

While the information from the STARS database is reported in the aggregate to  Congress on an annual basis, the
real-time data allow EPA to link IHS codes with EPA tribal codes on a project- by-project basis. It is anticipated that
a significant percentage of other federal activity, besides EPA and IHS,— which provides  tribes  access to basic
sanitation is captured in the IHS STARS  system. AIEO will make the appropriate interagency  inquiries to verify that
all data are captured.

QA/QC Procedures:  All the  data used in the Tribal Enterprise Architecture project  have  quality assurance and
metadata documentation prepared by the originating agency.  AIEO works  to standardize data and use metadata
standards as established by the Federal Geographic Data Committee.

Data Quality Reviews:  A unique feature of the Tribal Enterprise Architecture is the direct incorporation of a data
center for documentation of errors and correction of text in the various data systems.  This system, called the TIMS
Data Center, provides for the systematic review and submission of corrections for 1) numeric and factual data from
the national data systems used, and 2) qualitative statements  made in a textual context.  In the case of corrections to
national databases, AIEO monitors submissions, and forwards them to appropriate  systems administrators who make
decisions on changes based on their criteria

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Limitations:   AIEO  uses new geographic data mining  technologies to extract  records based  on the
geographical  coordinates of the data points.  For example,  if a regulated facility has  latitude and  longitude
coordinates that place it in the boundaries of the Wind River Reservation, then it is assigned to the Arapaho and
Shoshone Tribes of the Wind River Reservation.  This technique is extremely powerful, because it "tribally enables"
large numbers of information systems which were previously incapable of identifying tribes.  This will be applied to
all the EPA databases. There are limitations, however.  When database records are not geographically  identified
with latitude and longitude, the technique does not work and the record is lost to the system.  Likewise, the accuracy
of the method depends on the accuracy of the reservation boundary files. EPA continues to request up-to-date and
accurate coverage of reservation boundaries and land status designations from other agencies

Error Estimate:   In an analysis of selected reservation boundaries,  AIEO has  determined that there is a 5%
variation between the Bureau of Indian Affairs'  IND-3 reservation boundaries and those from the United States
Census Bureau (e.g., U.S. Census Tiger file of reservation boundaries). Another source of error comes from records
that  are not sufficiently  described geographically to be assigned to specific tribes.  For some agencies, such as
USGS, the geographic record is complete, so there are no errors from these sources.  It is estimated that 20% of the
regulated facilities in EPA regulatory databases are not geographically  described, and thus will not be recognized by
the AIEO methodology.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  The technologies used by the Tribal Enterprise  Architecture are all new and
state-of-the art.  Everything is delivered securely on the  Internet with no need for special software or desktop data
disks.  The geographic interface is an ESRI product called ARC/IMS, which is a web-based application, with a fully
functional GIS system that is fully scalable.  In FY 2003,  the entire  system will be rendered in 3D.  The Tribal
Enterprise Architecture uses XML protocols to attach to and display information seamlessly and in real-time from
cooperating agency data systems without ever having to download the data to an intermediate server.


1.    Office  of Management and Budget (2003).  Circular A-16 Revised.
      http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/aO 16/aO 16  rev.html
2.    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1998). Office of Water Indian Strategic Plan.
3.    GAP Grant Tracking System,  http://gap.tetratech-ffx.com (password available upon request)
4.    Tribal Enterprise Architecture http://everest.sdc-moses.com/TRIBAL/index3.html (password available upon
5.    Indian Health Service. Sanitation Tracking and Reporting System, http://wstars.geonorth.com (password
      available upon request)
6.    TIMS Data Center,  http://it-tetratech-ffx.com/tribal/  (password available upon request)
7.    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.   2003.   Implementing EPA's  Information Quality Guidelines:
      Guidance on Information Products Developed by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.

FY 2005 Performance Measures:  Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so that overall aquatic
system health of coastal waters nationally, and in each coastal region, is improved on the "good/fair/poor"
scale of the National Coastal Condition Report.

Maintain water  clarity and dissolved oxygen in coastal waters at the national levels reported in the 2002 National
Coastal Condition Report.

Improve  ratings reported on the national "good/fair/poor" scale  of  the National Coastal  Condition Report for:
coastal wetlands loss by at least. 1 points; contamination of sediments in coastal waters by at least. 1 points;  benthic
quality by at least. 1 points; & eutrophic condition by at least. 1 points

Performance Database:  EMAP/NCA [Environmental Monitoring and  Assessment Program/National  Coastal
Assessment]  database   (housed   EPA/ORD/NHEERL/AED,   Narragansett,   RI)(Environmental   Protection
Agency/Office of Research and Development/National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory/Gulf
Ecology Division); pre-database information housed in ORD/NHEERL facility in Gulf Breeze,  FL (Gulf Ecology
Division) (pre-database refers to a temporary storage  site  for data where  it is examined  for QA purposes, has
appropriate metadata attached to it and undergoes initial statistical analyses); data upon QA acceptance and metadata
completion is transferred to EMAP/NCA database and is web available at www.epa.gov/emap/nca.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Source:  Probabilistic surveys of ecological condition completed throughout the Mid- Atlantic and Gulf of
Mexico by EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) in 1991-1994, in southern Florida in 1995, in the
Southeast in  1995-1997, in the Mid-Atlantic in 1997-1998, in each coastal state in 2000-2004 (except Alaska and
Hawaii), in Alaska in 2002 and 2004, in Hawaii in 2002 and 2004, and in Puerto Rico in 2000 and 2004, and in
other island territories (Guam, American Samoa and U.S.> Virgin Islands in 2004).  Surveys collect condition
information regarding water quality, sediment quality and biotic condition at 70-100 sites/region (e.g., mid-Atlantic)
each year of collection prior to 1999 and at 35-150 sites in each state or territory/year (site number dependent upon
state) after 1999. Additional sampling was completed in the National Estuary Programs, including all individual
national estuaries.  Additional NEP  sampling included sufficient sites to increase total sites within NEP boundaries
to 30 for a two-year period between 2000-2003.
This "third party" data is collected through a joint EPA-State cooperative agreement and the States follow a rigid
sampling and collection protocol following intensive  training by EPA  personnel.   Laboratory processing is
completed at either  a state laboratory  or through  a national  EPA contract.  Both entities are  subject to the
development of a QAPP (either the National  Coastal QAPP or one of their developments based on this QAPP) and
QA testing and  auditing by EPA.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  The surveys are conducted using a probabilistic survey design comprised
to permit extrapolation of results to the entire target population (in this case - all estuarine resources of the specific
state)  The design maximizes the spatial spread of the sites and locating each site based on a specific latitude-
longitude combination.   The  survey utilizes  an index sampling period  (generally  late  summer) to  maximize
encountering water quality, sediment quality  and biotic condition problems, if they exist. Based on the QAPP and
the  field collection manual, a site in a specific  state is located by sampling vessel via Global Positioning System
(GPS) and water quality is measured on board at multiple depths. Water samples are taken for chemistry; sediment
samples are taken for chemistry,  toxicity testing and benthic community assessment; and fish trawls are conducted
to collect community fish data and provide  selected fish (target species) for analysis of whole body and/or  fillet
contaminant concentrations.   Samples are stored in accordance with field manual and shipped to the processing
laboratory.  Laboratories follow  QA plans and complete analyses and provide electronic information to state or
EPA. For data not directly provided to EPA from laboratories, state forward data to EPA.  For data not provided
directly to states, EPA forwards  data to states.  EPA analyzes data to assess regional  condition and states analyze
data to assess condition of state-specific waters.  Results of analyses on a national and regional basis are reported as
chapters in the  National Coastal  Condition Report series.  The overall regional condition index is the mean of the
rating scores of the indicators used in successive versions of the Coastal Condition Report (see last section).  An
improvement for one of the  indicators by a full category unit over the eight year period will be necessary for the
regional estimate to meet the performance measure goal (+0.2 over an eight year period).

        Assumptions:  (1) The underlying target population (estuarine resources of  the United States)  has  been
correctly identified; (2) GPS operation is successfully located; (3) QAPP and field collection manuals are followed;
(4) all samples  can be successfully collected; (5) all analyses are completed in accordance with QAPP; and (6) all
combinations of data into indices  are completed in a statistically rigorous manner.

        Suitability.  By design all data are suitable to be aggregated to the state and regional level to characterize
water quality, sediment quality, and biotic condition.  Samples represent "reasonable", site-specific point-in-time
data (not primary intention of data use)  and an  excellent population  representation of the entire  resource
(extrapolation to entire resource  supportable).  The intended use of the data is the  characterization of populations
and subpopulations of estuarine resources through time.  The data meets this expectation and the sampling design,
response design, analysis approach  and reporting approach have been peer reviewed successfully  multiple times.
The  data are suitable for individual year characterization of condition, comparison of condition across years, and
assessment of long-term trends once sufficient data are collected (7-10 years). Data are suitable for use in National
Coastal  Condition calculations  for the  United States and its  regions as  necessary  to provide performance
measurement information.

QA/QC  Procedures:  The  sampling collection and analysis of samples are controlled by a Quality Assurance
Project Plan (QAPP) [EPA 2001] and the National Coastal Assessment Information Management Plan (IMP)[EPA
2001]. These plans are followed by all twenty-three coastal states and 5 island territories. Adherence to  the plans
are  determined by field training (conducted by EPA  ORD), field audits (conducted  by EPA/ORD), round robin
testing of chemistry laboratories  (conducted by EPA/ORD), overall systems audits of state programs and national
laboratory practices (conducted by EPA), sample splits (sent to reference laboratories), blind samples (using

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

reference materials) and overall information systems audits (conducted by EPA/ORD).  All states are subject to
audits at least once every two years these controls at least once every two years for audits, training in year 2000 and
retraining sessions every  two years,  and batch sample  processing (including QA samples  in each  batch) for
laboratory analyses.

Data Quality Reviews:  Data quality reviews have been completed in-house by EPA ORD  at the  regional and
national  level in 2000-2003 (National  Coastal  Assessment  2000-2003)  and by  the  Office  of Environmental
Information (OEI) in 2003 (assessment completed in June, 2003 and written report not yet available; oral debriefing
revealed no deficiencies). No deficiencies were found in the program.  A national laboratory used in the program
(University of Connecticut) for nutrient chemistry, sediment chemistry and fish tissue chemistry is being evaluated
by the Inspector General' s  Office for inappropriate behavior and potential falsification of laboratory  results in
connection with other programs not related to NCA. A full investigation has not been completed by the IG and in
the interim has not determined any wrongdoing by the personnel associated with NCA.  Our program has conducted
an internal audit assessment and investigation and could determine only one finding, which was an incorrect use of a
chemical digestion method for inorganic chemistry samples  (metals).  This finding has been corrected  and all
samples "digested" incorrectly have been reanalyzed at no cost.

Data Limitations: Data limitations are  few.  Because the data are collected in a manner to permit calculation of
uncertainty and designed to  meet a specific Data Quality Objective (DQO) (<10% error in spatial calculation for
each state estimate annually), the results at the regional level (appropriate for this performance measure) are within
about 2- 4% of true values dependent upon the specific sample type.  Other limitations as follows:  (a) even though
methodology errors are minimized by audits, in the first year of the NCA program (2000)  some errors occurred
resulting in loss of some data.  These problems were corrected in 2001 and no problems have been observed since
then,  (b) In some instances, (<5%)  of sample results, a QA  finding is determined regarding the precision of a
measurement (control mortality toxicity testing exceeds limit  detection limit for a chemistry batch exceeds limit,
etc.). In these  cases, the data are "flagged" in the database so that users are aware of the potential limitations, (c)
Because of the sampling/ analysis design, the loss of data at a small scale (~ 10%) does not result in a significant
increase in uncertainty in the estimate of condition. Wholesale data losses of multiple indicators throughout the U.S.
coastal states and territories would be necessary  to invalidate  the performance measure,  (d) The only source of
external variability in year-to-year climatic variation (drought vs. wet, etc.) and the only source of internal variation
is modification of reporting indicators  (e.g., new indices, not a  change in sample indicators collected and analyzed).
This internal reporting modification required  a re-analysis of  earlier information to permit direct comparison (e).
There is generally a 2-3 year lag from the time of collection until reporting. Sample analysis generally takes 1 year
and analysis takes 1 year. Report production and peer review generally take an additional year. (F) Data collections
are completed annually; however, the EPA/ORD program for this collection will occur through 2004. After 2004,
ORD will assist OW as requested to provide expertise but the conduct of the surveys after 2004 will  no longer be
supported (financially) by EPA ORD.

Error Estimate:   The estimate of condition  (upon which the performance measure is  determined has an annual
uncertainty rate of about 2-3% for national condition, about 5-7% for individual regional indicators (composite of all
five states data into a regional estimate), and about 9-10% for individual state indicators.

New/Improved Data or Systems:

 (1)     Changes have occurred in the data underlying the performance measure  based on scientific review and
        development.  A change in some reporting indicators has occurred in order to more accurately represent the
        intended ecological  process or function.  For example, a new eutrophication index was determined for the
        2000  data.  In order to compare this new index to the 1991-1994 data, the earlier data results must be
        recomputed using the new technique. This recalculation is possible because the underlying data collection
        procedures have not changed.

 (2)     New national contract laboratories have been added every year based on competition. QA requirements are
        met by new facilities and rigorous testing at these facilities is completed before sample analysis is initiated.
        QA adherence and  cross-laboratory  sample analysis  has minimized data variability resulting from new
        laboratories entering the program.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

 (3)     The only reason for the discontinuance of the National performance goal would be the elimination of the
        surveys after 2004.

        In order to continue to  utilize the 2001 National Coastal  Condition  report as the  baseline  for this
performance measure, the original  scores reported in 2001 have been re-calculated in the pending 2004 report using
the index  modifications described above (#1).  These "new" results for the baseline (re-calculated scores) are
reported in Appendix C of the pending report scheduled for release in fall 2004.


1.     Environmental  Monitoring  and  Assessment  Database  (1990-1998)  and  National  Coastal Assessment
      Database (2000- 2004) websites: www.epa.gov/emap and www.epa.gov/emap/nca (NCA data for 2000 is
      only data available at present)
2.     National Coastal Assessment. 2000-2003.  Various internal memoranda regarding results of QA audits.
      (Available through John Macauley, National QA Coordinator NCA, USEPA, ORD/NHEERL/GED, 1 Sabine
      Island, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561)
3.     National Coastal Assessment. 2001. Quality Assurance Project Plan. EPA/620/R- 01/002.(Available through
      John Macauley above)
4.     National Coastal Assessment.  2001. Information Management Plan. EPA/620/R-01/003 (Available through
      Stephen Hale, NCA IM Coordinator, ORD/NHEERL/AED, 27 Tarzwell Drive, Narragansett, RI)
5.     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2001. National Coastal Condition Report. EPA-620/R- 01/005.
6.     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2004. National Coastal Condition Report II. In review Assigned
      Report Number EPA-620/R-04/001 (expected release date - fall 2004).


Annual Appropriations Acts
Certain Alaskan Cruise Ship Operations Act (PL 106-554)
Clean Vessel Act
Clean Water Act (CWA)
Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Marine Plastic Pollution, Research  and Control Act (MPPRCA) of 1987
Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA)
National Environmental Policy Act, Section 102
National Invasive Species Act of 1996
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988
Organotin Antifouling Paint Control Act (OAPCA)
Pollution Prevention Act (PPA)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Shore Protection Act of 1988
Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)
Wet Weather Water Quality Act of 2000

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                OBJECTIVE: Enhance Science and Research
          Provide and apply a sound scientific foundation to EPA's goal of clean and safe water by conducting
    leading-edge research and developing a better understanding and characterization of the environmental
           iinHpr Gnal 9
                                  Resource Summary
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Enhance Science and Research
Environmental Program & Management
Science & Technology
Building and Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                   Program Project
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Surface Water Protection
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Research: Drinking Water
Research: Water Quality
Administrative Projects
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Azencv
                                      FY 2005 Annual Plan


Scientific Rationale for Surface Water Criteria
In 2005     Provide methods for developing water quality criteria so that, by 2008, approaches and methods are
            available to States  and Tribes for their use in developing and applying criteria for habitat alteration,
            nutrients, suspended and bedded sediments, pathogens and toxic chemicals that will support designated
            uses for aquatic ecosystems and  increase the scientific basis for listing and delisting impaired water
            bodies under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.
Performance Measures:
Methods for developing water quality  criteria
based  on  population-level  risks  of multiple
stressors to aquatic life and aquatic-dependent
FY 2003
 FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
 FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

Baseline:    State, Tribal, and EPA programs that assess, maintain, and restore water quality are all dependent upon
            the ability to define water quality standards that, when met, are protective of the designated and desired
            use of streams, lakes, and estuaries.  The scientific bases for such standards are water quality criteria
            that relate biological outcomes  (e.g., fish populations, aquatic wildlife communities, threatened and
            endangered species) to measurable water quality parameters (e.g., nutrients, suspended and embedded
            sediments, chemical concentrations).  Relatively recent and Congressionally-mandated studies by the
            National Research Council call for continued and more targeted scientific  studies on water quality
            criteria that reflect observed environmental variations and that reflect the multiple influence of habitat
            alteration, regional and watershed conditions, and appropriate designated uses. Accordingly, EPA has
            modified its longstanding research on water quality criteria to address these issues.   Scientific outputs
            from this research can be integrated into EPA technical guidance to the States and Tribes.  Adoption
            and deployment of new criteria developed with the assistance of the new methods and approaches will
            improve the cost-effectiveness of TMDL's and related restoration efforts.   Beginning  in  FY 2005,
            regular  evaluations  by  independent  and  external  panels will  provide  reviews  of EPA research
            programs' relevance,  quality,  and  successful performance  to  date,  in accordance  with  OMB's
            Investment Criteria for Research and Development.   Reviewers  will also qualitatively  determine
            whether EPA  has been successful in meeting its annual  and long-term  commitments  for research.
            Recommendations and results from these reviews will improve the design and management of EPA
            research programs and help to measure their progress under the Government Performance and Results
            Act (GPRA).

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Methods for developing water quality criteria based on population-level risks of
multiple stressors to aquatic life and aquatic-dependent wildlife.

Performance Database: Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source:  N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews: N/A

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Limitations:  N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: N/A


Clean Air Act (CAA)
Clean Vessel Act
Clean Water Act (CWA)
Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act of 1990
Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990
Endangered Species Act
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Marine Plastic Pollution, Research and Control Act (MPPRCA) of 1987
Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA)
National Invasive Species Act of 1996
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Shore Protection Act of 1988
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Water Resource Development Act (WRD A)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
                   Goal 3: Land Preservation and Restoration
   STRATEGIC GOAL: Preserve and restore the land by using innovative waste management practices and
  cleaning ut> contaminated rjrorjerties to reduce risks nosed bv releases of harmful substances.

        Left    uncontrolled,    hazardous    and
nonhazardous wastes on the land can migrate to the
air, groundwater, and surface water, contaminating
drinking water  supplies, causing acute illnesses  or
chronic diseases, and threatening healthy ecosystems
in urban, rural, and  suburban areas.   Hazardous
substances  can  kill living organisms  in lakes and
rivers,  destroy  vegetation  in  contaminated areas,
cause major reproductive complications in wildlife,
and otherwise limit the ability of an  ecosystem to

        EPA will work to preserve and restore the
land using the most effective waste management and
cleanup methods available. EPA will use a hierarchy
of approaches to protect the land: reducing waste at
its  source, recycling  waste,  and managing waste
effectively by preventing spills and  releases of toxic
materials and cleaning up contaminated properties.
The Agency is especially concerned about threats to
our most sensitive populations, such as children, the
elderly, and individuals with chronic diseases.

        The     Comprehensive     Environmental
Response,   Compensation,   and   Liability   Act
(CERCLA,  or  Superfund)1  and  the  Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)2 provide the
legal authority for most of EPA's work  toward this
goal.   The Agency  and its partners use Superfund
authority to  clean up uncontrolled or  abandoned
hazardous waste sites; return the  land to productive
use; and maximize  the participation of potentially
responsible parties in cleanup efforts. Under RCRA,
EPA works in partnership with states and Tribes to
address risks associated with  leaking underground
storage  tanks   and  with  the   generation  and
management of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes.
        EPA also uses authorities provided under the
Clean Air Act,3Clean Water Act,4 and Oil Pollution
Act of 19905 to protect against spills and releases of
hazardous materials.   Controlling the many risks
posed  by accidental  and  intentional  releases  of
harmful substances presents a significant challenge to
protecting the  land.   EPA's approach  integrates
prevention, preparedness, and response activities to
minimize these risks. Spill prevention activities keep
harmful  substances  from  being released  to  the
environment. Improving its readiness to respond to
emergencies, through training, development of clear
authorities, and provision of proper equipment, will
ensure that EPA is adequately prepared to minimize
contamination and harm to the  environment  when
spills do occur.

        In FY 2005, EPA will maintain its focus on
three themes  established  in  FY  2004, and one
additional  theme  on  emergency  preparedness,
response and  homeland security, in achieving its

•   Recycling,  Waste   Minimization  and  Energy
    Recovery:  EPA's strategy for  reducing  waste
    generation and increasing recycling is based on
    (1) establishing  and expanding partnerships with
    businesses, industries,  states, communities, and
    consumers;   (2)    stimulating    infrastructure
    development,   environmentally   responsible
    behavior by product manufacturers, users, and
    disposers  ("product  stewardship"),  and  new
    technologies;  and  (3)   helping  businesses,
    government,  institutions,  and  consumers  by
    education,  outreach,  training,  and  technical

•   One Cleanup Program:   Through  the  "One
    Cleanup Program" the Agency is looking across
    its programs to  bring consistency and enhanced
    effectiveness to  site cleanups. The Agency will
    work  with  its  partners  and  stakeholders  to
    enhance     coordination,     planning,     and
1 42 U.S. Code 9601-9675

2 42 U.S. Code 6901-6992k
3 42 U.S. Code 7401-767Iq
4 33 U.S. Code 1251-1387
5 33 U.S. Code 2701-2761

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
    communication across the full range of Federal,
    state, Tribal, and local cleanup programs. This
    effort will  improve the pace, efficiency, and
    effectiveness of site cleanups, as well as more
    fully integrate land reuse and continued use into
    cleanup programs.   The Agency will promote
    information technologies that describe waste site
    cleanup and revitalization information in ways
    that keep  the public  and  stakeholders fully
    informed.   Finally,  the Agency will develop
    environmental outcome performance measures
    that report progress among all cleanup programs,
    such as the number of acres able to be  reused
    after  site  cleanup.   A  crucial element to this
    effort is a national dialogue, currently underway,
    on the future of Superfund and other EPA waste
    cleanup programs.

•   Revitalization:  The  Agency's broad promotion
    of the successes  of  the Brownfields and other
    waste programs focuses on restoring and revising
    contaminated  lands.   The Land  Revitalization
    Initiative complements the Agency's traditional
    cleanup programs by focusing on solutions that
    improve the quality of life and economy  of
    affected communities.   Front end planning  for
    the final, productive use of contaminated lands
    enables the  cleanup programs, communities and
    interested  stakeholders  to   more   easily  and
    quickly  make   cleanup  decisions.     This
    integration  of land reuse  planning with  the
    traditional cleanup processes  will lead to faster,
    more efficient cleanups.

•   Emergency    Preparedness,   Response,   and
    Homeland  Security:   EPA has a major role in
    reducing the  risk  to  human  health  and  the
    environment posed by accidental or intentional
    releases of harmful substances and oil. EPA will
    work to improve its ability to effectively respond
    to these incidents, working closely with other
    federal  agencies  within the National Response

Reducing and Recycling Waste

        The  Resource   Conservation   Challenge
(RCC)  represents a  major  national effort to find
flexible yet protective ways to conserve our valuable
natural  resources by reducing waste, recycling, and
recovering  energy.6   Through   the   RCC,   EPA
6 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Solid Waste. Resource Conservation Challenge Web
challenges all Americans to make purchasing and
disposal decisions that conserve natural  resources,
save  energy,  reduce  costs,   and  preserve  the
environment for future generations.

        Establishing  and Expanding  Partnerships:
EPA will establish and expand its partnerships with
industry, states, and other entities to reduce waste and
to develop and deliver tools that can help businesses,
manufacturers,  and   consumers.      Nationally-
recognized  programs,  such as WasteWise,7 which
uses partnerships to encourage waste prevention and
recycling, will serve  as models for  new alliances
among  federal,  state,  and  local governments and
businesses that  capitalize  on  voluntary  efforts  to
reduce waste and increase recycling.

        EPA  will also continue to  help  its Tribal
partners improve practices for managing solid waste
on Indian lands.  EPA  has direct implementation
responsibility  for  the  RCRA  hazardous waste and
Underground  Storage  Tank  programs  in  Indian
country.    Recognizing  the   unique  challenges
encountered in Indian  country,  EPA will work with
Tribes  on a  government-to-government basis that
affirms   the  federal   government's   vital  trust
responsibility  and the importance  of conserving
natural resources for cultural uses. EPA will conduct
joint  projects  to upgrade  Tribal   solid   waste
management infrastructure, developing plans, codes
and ordinances,   recycling  programs, and  other
alternatives to  open dumping. These efforts will help
to prevent open dumping in Indian country in  the
future and allow clean up of existing dumps, reducing
the risks that such dumps pose to human health and
the environment.

        Stimulating    Infrastructure   Development.
Product   Stewardship,  and  New   Technologies:
Another key strategy for reducing waste is fostering
development of infrastructure that will make it easier
for businesses and consumers  to reduce  the waste
they generate; acquire and  use recycled  materials;
and  purchase   products   containing   recovered
materials.   For  example,   EPA  has established
voluntary  product stewardship  partnerships with
manufacturers,    retailers,    governmental,   and

m. Washington, D.C. Last updated August  21, 2003.
7 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Solid Waste. WasteWise Program Web Site, About
Waste Wise Page:
Washington, D.C. Last  updated September 27, 2002.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
nongovernmental organizations to reduce the impacts
that electronics  and  carpets   can have  on  the
environment  throughout  their  lifecycles.    EPA
continues to  promote the development of  new and
better  recycling technologies and  explore  ways  to
obtain energy or products from waste.

        Providing  Education.  Outreach.  Training.
and Technical Assistance:  EPA works with major
retailers,   electronics    manufacturers,   and   the
amusement   and   motion  picture  industries   to
revitalize, create,  and display  conservation, waste
prevention, and recycling messages. These  activities
encourage smarter, more environmentally responsible
behavior  by  consumers,   young  people,   and
underserved  communities.  The Agency  and  its
partners design activities that encourage students and
teachers  to start innovative recycling programs and
develop unique tools and projects to promote waste
reduction, recycling, and neighborhood revitalization
in Hispanic and African-American communities and
on Indian lands.

Managing   Hazardous  Wastes  and   Petroleum
Products Properly

        Recognizing  that  some hazardous wastes
cannot yet be completely eliminated or recycled, the
RCRA program works to reduce the risks of exposure
to  hazardous wastes  by maintaining a  "cradle-to-
grave" approach to waste management.

        Preventing Hazardous Releases from RCRA
Facilities: EPA's  strategy for addressing hazardous
wastes that must be treated or stored is to achieve
greater efficiencies at waste management  facilities
through  more  focused  permitting  processes  and
tighter standards where appropriate.  EPA works with
state, Tribal, and local government partners to ensure
that hazardous  waste management facilities  have
approved controls in place and continues to  strive for
safe waste management.

        EPA will  work with the authorized states—
specifically those  with a large  number  of facilities
lacking approved controls in place— to resolve issues
and transfer best practices from other states.  EPA
also plans to  study  the universe of unpermitted
facilities and work with states to identify and resolve
issues  that  may  be preventing key  categories  of
facilities from  obtaining permits  or putting  other
approved controls  in  place.   To  achieve greater
efficiencies at facilities that treat or store hazardous
waste,  the  Agency   will   promote   innovative
technologies that streamline permitting processes and
improve  protection  of  human  health  and  the

        Reducing Emissions from Hazardous Waste
Combustion:  EPA continues  to  develop and issue
regulations  on emission  standards  for hazardous
waste combustion facilities. Implementation of these
regulations  is  key  to  reducing the  emission of
dioxins, furans, paniculate matter, and acid gases.
Within 2 years from the date when EPA issues new
limits, facilities  will  conduct  emission tests to
demonstrate reductions.   Additional  periodic tests
will  ensure continued compliance with the limits
established for emissions.

        Preventing  Releases   from  Underground
Storage Tank Systems: EPA recognizes that the size
and diversity of the regulated community put state
authorities   in  the  best  position   to   regulate
Underground  Storage  Tanks  (USTs)  and  to  set
priorities.    RCRA  Subtitle   I  allows state  UST
programs approved by EPA to operate in lieu of the
federal program.8  Except in  Indian  country, even
states that  have not received  formal  state program
approval  from EPA  are in most cases  the primary
implementing  agencies  and receive  annual  grants
from EPA.

        While the frequency and severity of releases
from UST  systems have been  greatly  reduced, EPA
and its state partners have observed that releases are
still occurring.  EPA will  continue to work with its
state  and  Tribal partners to  prevent and  detect
petroleum  releases   from  USTs  by  ensuring  that
compliance with  detection prevention requirements
(spill,  overfill,  and  corrosion  protection)   are  a
national priority.   While  the  vast majority of the
approximately  683,000   active  USTs  have  the
regulatory  equipment,  significant work remains to
ensure that UST owners and operators maintain and
operate their systems properly.9   In  FY2005, the
Agency will continue its performance evaluation of
new  or upgraded UST systems to better and  more
quickly  identify  releases  and their  causes.   The
Agency will also continue to  identify  opportunities
for improving UST system performance.

        To protect  our Nation's groundwater and
drinking  water from petroleum  releases, EPA will
8 42 U.S. Code 9601-6992k
9 Memorandum from Cliff Rothenstein, Director,
EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks to
Underground Storage Tank Division Directors in
EPA Regions 1-10.  June 19, 2003.  FA2003  Semi
Annual (Mid-Year) Activity Report

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
continue  to  support  state  programs;  strengthen
partnerships  among   stakeholders;   and  provide
technical and compliance assistance,  and training to
promote and enforce UST facilities' compliance.  In
addition, EPA will continue its work to obtain states'
commitments  to  increase   their  inspection  and
enforcement presence if state-specific goals are  not
met.  The Agency and  states will  use innovative
compliance  approaches,  along with outreach  and
education tools, to bring more tanks into compliance.

        The  Agency will also provide  guidance to
foster  the use  of  new technology  to  enhance
compliance.  For example, the presence of methyl-
tertiary-butyl-ether (MTBE) in gasoline increases  the
importance  of  preventing  and  rapidly  detecting
releases, since MTBE cleanups can cost 100 percent
more  than  cleanups  involving  other  gasoline
contaminants.10 The Agency will focus its efforts on
reducing UST releases and increasing early detection
of petroleum products, including MTBE, by further
evaluating  the  performance   of  compliant  UST

Preparing for and Responding to Emergencies

        EPA plays a major role in reducing the risks
that accidental  and intentional releases of harmful
substances  and oil pose to human  health and  the
environment.  Under the National Response System
(NRS),  EPA evaluates and responds to thousands of
releases annually.   The  NRS  is  a  multi-agency
preparedness  and response mechanism that includes
the  following  key  components:    the  National
Response   Center,  the  National  Response  Team
(NRT) which is composed of 16 Federal agencies, 13
Regional Response Teams,  and Federal On-Scene
Coordinators (OSCs).  These organizations work with
state and  local  officials to  develop and  maintain
contingency plans that will enable  the Nation to
respond effectively to  hazardous substance and  oil
emergencies.  When an incident occurs, these groups
coordinate with the OSC in charge to ensure that all
necessary   resources,   such   as   personnel   and
equipment,  are  available   and that  containment,
cleanup, and  disposal  activities proceed  quickly,
efficiently, and effectively.  EPA's primary role in
the NRS is to serve as the Federal OSC for spills and
releases in the inland  zone.  As  a  result of NRS
efforts,  the Nation has successfully contained many
   New England Interstate Water Pollution Control
Commission. 2000. A Survey of Site Experiences
with MTBE Contamination at LUST Sites. Web Site:
major oil spills and releases of hazardous substances,
minimizing the adverse impacts on human health and
the environment.

        Preparing for Emergencies:  Preparedness
on a  national level  is  essential  to ensure  that
emergency responders are able to deal with multiple,
large-scale emergencies, including  those  that may
involve  chemicals,   oil,  biological   agents,  or
radiological  incidents.  Over the next several years,
EPA  will  enhance  its core  emergency response
program to  respond  quickly  and  effectively  to
chemical,  oil, biological, and radiological releases.
EPA also  will improve coordination mechanisms to
respond   to   simultaneous,  large-scale   national
emergencies, including homeland security incidents.
The  Agency  will focus  its efforts on Regional
Response  Teams  and coordination among Regions;
health  and  safety issues,  including provision of
clothing  that protects  and  identifies  responders,
training, and exercise;  establishment of delegation
and  warrant authorities;  and  response  readiness,
including  equipment, transportation,  and outreach.
The  criteria for excellence in the core  emergency
response program will ensure a high level of overall
readiness  throughout the  Agency and improve  its
ability to support multi-Regional responses.

        In  addition to  enhancing  its  readiness
capabilities,  EPA will work to improve internal and
external     coordination    and    communication
mechanisms.  For example, as part of the National
Incident Coordination  Team,  EPA will continue to
improve its policies, plans, procedures, and decision-
making processes for coordinating  responses  to
national emergencies.    Under  the  Continuity  of
Operations/Continuity of Government program, EPA
will upgrade and test plans, facilities, training, and
equipment  to  ensure  that  essential  government
business   can  continue  during  a  catastrophic
emergency.  NRT capabilities are being expanded to
coordinate interagency  activities  during  large-scale
responses. EPA will  coordinate its activities with the
Department    of   Homeland    Security,  Federal
Emergency  Management  Administration (FEMA),
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), other Federal
agencies, and state and local governments.  EPA will
also continue to clarify its roles  and responsibilities
so that Agency security programs are consistent with
the national homeland security strategy.

        Responding    to   Hazardous    Substance
Releases and Oil  Spills:  Each year, EPA personnel
assess, respond to, mitigate, and clean up  thousands
of  releases,  whether  accidental,   deliberate,  or
naturally occurring.    These  incidents  range  from

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
small spills at chemical  or  oil facilities to national
disasters,  such as  hurricanes  and earthquakes,  to
terrorist events like the 2001 World Trade Center and
anthrax  attacks,  to  the 2003  Columbia  shuttle

        EPA will work to improve its capability to
respond  effectively to incidents that  may  involve
harmful  chemical, oil, biological, and radiological
substances.  The Agency will explore improvements
in field and  personal  protection equipment and
response training and exercises; review response data
provided in the "after-action"  reports prepared by
EPA emergency responders  following a release; and
examine "lessons learned" reports to identify which
activities work and which need to  be  improved.
Application of this  information and  other data will
advance  the Agency's  state-of-the-art  emergency
response operations.

        Preventing  Oil  Spills:    An  important
component of EPA's  land strategy is to prevent oil
spills from reaching the Nation's waters.  Under the
Oil Pollution  Act,11  the Agency requires  certain
facilities (defined in 40 CFR 112.2)  to develop and
implement    spill    prevention,    control,    and
countermeasure (SPCC) plans.   SPCC plans  ensure
that  facilities  put in  place containment  and other
countermeasures to  prevent  oil spills  from reaching
navigable  waters.   Facilities  that  are  unable  to
provide  secondary  containment, such  as  berms
around  an oil  storage tank, must provide  a  spill
contingency plan that  details cleanup measures to be
taken if a  spill  occurs.    Compliance  with these
requirements reduces  the number of oil  spills that
reach navigable  waters   and  prevents  detrimental
effects on human health and the environment should
a spill occur.

Controlling Risks  to  Human  Health  and  the
Environment at Contaminated Sites

        Leaching contaminants  can  foul drinking
water in underground aquifers used  for wells  or
surface   waters   used by  public water intakes.
Contaminated  soil can result in human ingestion or
dermal    absorption   of   harmful    substances.
Contamination can also affect subsistence resources,
including resources  subject to  special  protections
through  treaties  between  Federal   and  Tribal
governments.  Furthermore, because of the risks it
poses, contaminated land may  not be available for
     U.S. Code,6901-6992k
        EPA  and  its partners  work  to clean up
contaminated land to levels sufficient to control risks
to human health and the environment  and to return
the land to productive use.   The Agency's  cleanup
activities, some  new and  some well-established,
include  removing  contaminated  soil,  capping  or
containing contamination in place, pumping and
treating groundwater, and bioremediation.

        EPA uses a variety  of tools to  accomplish
cleanups:  permits,  enforcement actions,  consent
agreements, Federal  Facility Agreements, and many
other mechanisms.  As part of EPA's  One Cleanup
Program Initiative,  all  levels of government will
work together to ensure that appropriate cleanup tools
are used; that  resources,  activities, and results  are
coordinated  with  partners   and   stakeholders and
communicated  to  the public effectively; and that
cleanups are protective and contribute to  community
revitalization.   This  approach reflects EPA's efforts
to coordinate  across all  of  its  cleanup  programs,
while   maintaining   the  flexibility   needed   to
accommodate differences in program authorities and

        EPA   fulfills   its   cleanup   and   waste
management  responsibilities on  Tribal  lands  by
acknowledging Tribal sovereignty and recognizing
Tribal governments  as being the  most  appropriate
authorities for  setting  standards, making  policy
decisions, and  managing programs consistent with
Agency standards and regulations.

        Through strong policy, leadership, program
administration,  and  a dedicated  workforce,  EPA's
cleanup programs will merge  sound science,  cutting-
edge technology, quality  environmental information,
and  stakeholder involvement to protect  the  Nation
from the harmful effects  of  contaminated property.
To  accomplish  its  cleanup goals,  the  Agency
continues to forge partnerships and develop outreach
and education strategies.

        EPA and its partners follow four key steps to
accomplish cleanups and control risks  to  human
health   and    the    environment:      assessment,
stabilization,  selection of appropriate remedies, and
implementation of  remedies.   The   Agency will
continue to work with Federal, state, Tribal, and local
government partners at each step  of the process to
identify facilities and sites requiring attention and to
monitor changes in priorities.  For example, EPA is
collecting Tribal  program  baseline  data  for  the
Superfund program and will modify the  Superfund
data system to more accurately track sites of concern
to Tribes, along with those situated on Indian lands.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
As  systems  and   approaches  change,  cleanup
programs will revise guidance appropriately.

        Usable   land   is   a  valuable  resource.
However,  where  contamination presents  a  real or
perceived   threat   to   human   health   and  the
environment, options for future land use at that site
may be limited.  EPA's cleanup programs have set a
national goal of returning  formerly contaminated
sites to long-term, sustainable, and productive  use.
This goal creates greater impetus for selecting and
implementing remedies that,  in addition to providing
clear environmental benefits, will support future land
use providing greater economic and social benefits.

Maximizing Potentially Responsible Party
Participation at Superfund Sites:

        Enforcement authorities play a  critical  role
in all Agency cleanup programs. However, they have
an additional and unique role under the Superfund
program:   they  are  used to leverage private-party
resources to conduct a majority of the cleanup actions
and to  reimburse the federal government for cleanups
financed by the Trust Fund.  EPA will  continue to
pursue the following two strategies  for  limiting the
use of trust funds.

        Applying  Superfund  "Enforcement First":
Historically, EPA has achieved at least $6 in private-
party cleanup commitments  for every $1 spent on
enforcement.   The Agency will continue  to use its
enforcement  authorities to  achieve  this end.   The
Superfund program's "Enforcement  First" strategy
will allow EPA to focus limited Trust Fund resources
on sites where viable, potentially responsible parties
either do not  exist or lack the funds or capabilities to
conduct the cleanup.  By taking enforcement actions
at sites where viable, liable parties do exist, EPA will
continue to  leverage private-party  dollars  so  that
Trust Fund money is used  only when absolutely
necessary to clean up hazardous waste sites.

        Recovering Costs:  Cost recovery  is another
way to  leverage  private-party  resources through
enforcement.    Under  Superfund,   EPA  has  the
authority to compel private parties to pay back Trust
Fund money  spent  to conduct cleanup  activities.
EPA will  continue its efforts to address  100 percent
of the Statute of Limitations cases for Superfund sites
with unaddressed total  past costs equal to  or greater
than $200,000 and  to report the  value of costs

        The   FY   2005  land  research  program
supports  the  Agency's  objective of  reducing or
controlling potential risks to  human  health and the
environment   at   contaminated  waste  sites   by
accelerating   scientifically-defensible   and   cost-
effective  decisions for cleanup  at  complex  sites,
mining  sites,  marine  spills,  and Brownfields in
accordance with the Comprehensive  Environmental
Response,   Compensation,   and  Liabilities   Act

        The Agency will conduct research  to:  1)
improve  the  range  and  scientific foundation for
contaminated  sediment  remedy  selection  options
through improved site characterization, and increased
understanding  of  different  remedial  options;  2)
determine  the performance  and cost benefit of
alternative groundwater remediation technologies and
provide  tools  for  characterizing  and  assessing
groundwater contamination to  program offices for
use in state and local remedial decisions; 3) provide
tools  and methods that  will allow the Agency to
accurately  and efficiently assess,  remediate,  and
manage soil and land contamination;  and 4) provide
tools, methods, and models, and technical support to
characterize   the   extent   of  multimedia   site

        Multimedia    decision-making,     waste
management,  and  combustion  constitute the  three
major  areas  of  research  under  the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) in FY 2005,
as the Agency works  toward preventing  releases
through proper facility management.   Multimedia
research will focus on  resource conservation  (e.g.,
electronic  waste   recycling   and  waste-derived
products),   corrective    action,   and   multimedia
modeling. Waste management research will develop
more  cost-effective  ways  to  manage/recycle  non-
hazardous wastes and will examine other remediation
technologies,  while   combustion   research   will
continue  to focus  on characterizing and controlling
emissions from bioreactors and industrial combustion
        Several mechanisms are in place to ensure a
high-quality waste research program at EPA.   The
Research Strategies Advisory  Committee (RSAC) of
EPA's  Science   Advisory   Board   (SAB),   an
independent chartered Federal Advisory Committee
Act (FACA) committee, meets annually to conduct
an in-depth review and analysis  of EPA's Science
and Technology account.  The RSAC provides its
findings to the  House Science  Committee and sends a
written report on the findings to EPA's Administrator
after every annual  review.  Moreover, EPA's Board
of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) provides counsel to

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2005 Annual Plan
the  Assistant  Administrator  for  the  Office  of
Research and Development (ORD) on the operation
of ORD's research program.  Also, under the Science
to Achieve  Results (STAR)  program, all research
projects are  selected for funding through a rigorous
competitive external peer review process designed to
ensure that only the highest quality efforts receive
funding support.  Our scientific and technical work
products must also undergo either internal or external
peer  review, with  major  or significant  products
requiring external peer review.  The Agency's Peer
Review Handbook (2nd Edition) codifies procedures
and guidance for conducting peer review.

Preserve Land.  By 2008, reduce adverse effects to
land  by  reducing  waste  generation, increasing
recycling, and ensuring proper management of waste
and  petroleum  products  at  facilities  in ways that
prevent releases.

Restore Land.  By 2008, control the risks to human
health and the environment by mitigating the impact
of accidental or intentional releases and by cleaning
up and restoring contaminated sites  or properties to
appropriate levels.

Enhance Science  and Research.   Through 2008,
provide and apply  sound science for protecting and
restoring land by conducting leading-edge research
and   developing   a   better  understanding  and
characterization  of environmental  outcomes  under


        In FY  2005,  EPA and its  partners will
preserve and restore the land by reducing, recycling,
and managing wastes, preventing and  responding to
releases  of harmful substances,  and  cleaning up
contaminated land.  The following accomplishments
are examples of what has been done by  the Agency to
achieve these purposes:

        •   completed    303,120    cleanups   of
        confirmed releases from Federally-regulated
        LUSTs since 1987;

        •   conducted over 7,900 removal response
        actions from 1982 through January 6, 2004;
•   completed clean up construction at 890
Superfund  National  Priorities List  Sites
through January 6, 2004;

•   assessed   over    45,300   potential
Superfund sites through January 6, 2004;

•   removed more  than 33,400  sites  from
the     Comprehensive     Environmental
Response,   Compensation   and  Liability
Information System (CERCLIS) waste site

•   responded to or monitored 300 oil  spills
in a typical year;

•   699 construction projects are ongoing at
over 430 sites;

•   expanded the Waste Wise Partnership to
more than 1,300 partners who recycled over
9 million tons of waste, and prevented over
400,000 tons of waste;

•   enrolled 50  Coal Combustion Products
Partners, who  are  investigating  ways to
increase the use of coal combustion products
(CCPs) in construction and to promote  other
beneficial uses of CCPs;

•   determined  that an investment of $1
million in  Jobs  Through Recycling grants
helped businesses  create more than  1,700
jobs and $290 million in capital investment;

•   provided over $6.0 million to  thirty-one
Tribes to clean  up open dumps  and $3.1
million to  47  Tribes to develop hazardous
waste  management programs  through the
Tribal Solid Waste Interagency Workgroup;

•   developed e-permitting tools to expedite
and  simplify  the  permitting  process and
provide better public access to  permitting

•   financial assurance regulations reduced
the number of sites that must be cleaned up
under  either state  or  Federal authorities
(such as Superfund removals) by requiring
facilities to have  financial assurance for
third party  liability,  closure, and completion
of corrective action;

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
        •   83 percent of hazardous waste facilities
        have approved controls (permits)  in place,
        exceeding the 2005 goal of 80 percent;

        •   the  "worst  facilities   first"  strategy
        resulted in over  1,200 facilities  achieving
        the  Current  Human  Exposures  Under
        Control environmental indicator  goal and
        over 1,000 facilities achieving the Migration
        of   Contaminated   Groundwater   Under
        Control environmental indicator goal;

        •   secured greater than $20 billion in PRP
        commitments,  through response  and  cost
        recovery settlements, over  the life  of the
        Superfund program; and

        •   resolved potential liability  of 24,700
        small  volume  waste  contributing parties
        through  more  than  475   de   minimis

        In FY 2005,  contaminated  sites  research
will:    1)  reduce  uncertainties  associated  with
soil/groundwater sampling  and analysis; 2) reduce
the time and cost associated with site characterization
and site remediation activities;  and 3) develop and
demonstrate  more  effective   and  less  costly
remediation technologies involving complex sites and
hard-to-treat  wastes.  Other proposed work  will
enhance   and   accelerate    current   contaminated
sediments research efforts, providing the data needed
to make and support crucial decisions on high impact
and high visibility sites.  The Superfund Innovative
Technology Evaluation (SITE)  program fosters the
development and  use  of  lower cost  and  more
effective    characterization   and    monitoring
technologies, as well as risk management remediation
technologies for sediments,  soils, and groundwater.
In FY 2005, EPA will complete at least four SITE
demonstrations, with emphasis on non-aqueous phase
liquids (NAPLs) and sediments.

        Waste  management research in  FY 2005
will work to advance the multimedia modeling and
uncertainty/sensitivity analyses methodologies that
support core  RCRA program needs  as  well as
emerging RCRA resource conservation needs.  Waste
management  research  will  also  be  conducted to
improve the management of both solid and hazardous

        EPA's ability to respond as the Federal On-
Scene Coordinator for releases of harmful substances
in the inland zone will be affected by several external
factors.  The National Response  System ensures that
EPA will respond when necessary,  but relies heavily
on the ability of responsible parties and state,  local,
and Tribal agencies to respond to most emergencies.
The need for EPA to respond is a function of the
quantity and severity of spills that occur, as well as
the  capacity of state, local, and Tribal agencies to
address spills.

        EPA's  ability   to  respond  to   homeland
security incidents may be affected  by circumstances
surrounding each event.   For instance, if  travel or
communication is severely impeded, EPA's response
may be  delayed and  its efficiency  compromised.
Also,  in the  case of a  single large-scale  incident,
removal  program resources will  most  likely be
concentrated on that response, thus reducing EPA's
ability to address other emergency releases.  In severe
cases, EPA's current emergency response workforce
and resources may not be sufficient to address a large
number of simultaneous large-scale  incidents.

        A number of external factors could also
affect the Agency's ability to achieve its objectives
for  cleanup and prevention.  These  factors include
Agency reliance on private-party response  and state
and   Tribal  partnerships,  development   of   new
environmental technologies, work  by other Federal
agencies,  and  statutory  barriers.    Achieving  the
release prevention objectives and attaining FY 2005
targets will depend heavily on  the participation of
states that have been authorized or approved to be the
primary implementors of these programs.
        Attaining  EPA's  waste  reduction  and
recycling objectives will  depend on the participation
of   Federal    agencies,   states,    Tribes,   local
governments, industries,  and the general  public in
partnerships aimed at reducing waste generation and
increasing  recycling rates.  EPA provides national
leadership  in  the  areas  of waste  reduction and
recycling to facilitate public and private partnerships
that  can  provide  the   impetus  for  government,
businesses, and citizens to join  in the campaign to
significantly reduce the amount of waste  generated
and  ultimately  sent for  disposal.  Further,   both
domestic   and  foreign  economic   stresses  can
adversely affect markets for recovered materials.

        State programs are primarily responsible for
implementing the RCRA Hazardous Waste  and UST

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
programs. EPA's ability to achieve its goals for these
programs depends on the  strength of state programs,
including the level of funding contributed by states to
these programs.

        The Agency's ability to achieve its goals for
Superfund   construction   completion is  partially
dependent upon the performance of cleanup activities
by  the  Department of  Defense (DOD) and  the
Department  of  Energy  (DOE).   In  addition  to
construction completion, the Agency must rely on the
efforts of DOD and DOE to establish and maintain
Restoration  Advisory  Boards   (RABs)  and  Site
Specific  Advisory  Boards (SSABs).   RABs and
SSABs  provide  a  forum for stakeholders to offer
advice and recommendations on the restoration  of
Federal  Facilities.  Program  success  also  partly
depends  on  private   party  response  and  State
partnerships,  development  of  new  environmental
technology,  work  by  other federal  agencies, and
statutory barriers. Further, EPA also  coordinates  its
activities  with   other  entities,  such  as  PRP
negotiations and agreements with states and Tribes.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                   Resource Summary
                                   (Dollars in thousands)

Land Preservation and Restoration
Preserve Land
Restore Land
Enhance Science and Research
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                        OBJECTIVE:  Preserve Land
        By 2008, reduce adverse effects to land by reducing waste generation, increasing recycling, and
  ensuring proper management of waste and petroleum products at facilities in ways that prevent releases.
                                  Resource Summary
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Preserve Land
Environmental Program & Management
Science & Technology
Building and Facilities
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                   Program Project
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Categorical Grant: Tribal General
Assistance Program
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Categorical Grant: Hazardous Waste
Financial Assistance
Categorical Grant: Underground Storage
Compliance Assistance and Centers
RCRA: Waste Management
RCRA: Waste Minimization & Recycling
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan



Municipal Solid Waste Source Reduction

In 2005     Divert an additional 1% (for a cumulative total of 35% or 81 million tons) of municipal solid waste
            from land filling and combustion, and maintain per capita generation of RCRA municipal solid waste
            at 4.5 pounds per day.

In 2004     Divert an additional 1% (for a cumulative total of 34% or 79 million tons) of municipal solid waste
            from land filling and combustion, and maintain per capita generation of RCRA municipal solid waste
            at 4.5 pounds per day.

In 2003     End of year FY 2003 data will be available in December 2005 to verify that an additional 1% (for a
            cumulative total of 32% or 74 million tons) of municipal solid waste from land filling and combustion,
            and maintain per capita generation of RCRA municipal solid waste at 4.5 pounds per day was diverted.
Performance Measures:

Millions  of tons  of municipal  solid waste

Daily per capita generation of municipal solid
FY 2003
Data available in
December 2005
Data available in
December 2005
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.


FY 2005
Pres. Bud.


      million tons
      Ibs. MSW
Baseline:    An analysis conducted in FY 2001 shows approximately 68 million tons (29.2%) of municipal solid
            waste diverted and 4.4 Ibs of MSW per person daily generation.  While data indicate that the growth in
            recycling rates has slowed, the target of a 35% recycling rate is being maintained.

Waste and Petroleum Management Controls

In 2005      Reduce releases to the environment by managing hazardous wastes and petroleum products properly.

In 2004      Reduce releases to the environment by managing hazardous wastes and petroleum products properly.

In 2003      For UST facilities, 72% are in operational compliance with leak detection, and 79% are in operational
            compliance  with  spill prevention requirements.  An additional 4.1% of the RCRA facilities have
            permits or approved controls.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Percent increase  of RCRA  hazardous  waste
management  facilities  with permits  or  other
approved controls.

Number of confirmed UST releases nationally.

Increase   in   UST  facilities  in  significant
operational  compliance  with  leak   detection

Increase   in   UST  facilities  in  significant
operational  compliance with spill, overfill and
corrosion protection regulations.

Percent increase of UST facilities in significant
operational compliance with both detection and
release  prevention  (spill  overflow,  corrosion
protection) requirements.
FY 2003



FY 2004
Pres. Bud.




FY 2005
Pres. Bud.



Baseline:    EPA did not increase by  3% to 80% for the leak detection requirements or with spill, overfill and
            corrosion protection requirements by 3% to 85% in FY 2003. The FY 2003 actuals were 72% for UST
            facilities  in  significant operational compliance  with  leak detection requirements;  79% for UST
            facilities in significant operational compliance with spill, overfill and corrosion protection. Although
            the Agency  has been working with  the  states  to improve  their reporting of both measures, the
            compliance rates for both have been steady  or declining.  There is some variability in reporting by
            states because  some states have more stringent requirements, while other states have targeted non-
            compliant UST facilities so the facilities  that  are inspected are not representative of all facilities in the
            state.   A baseline for the new combined  measure will be determined in FY 2004, and is currently
            estimated to be  approximately 60%.   Between  FY  1999 and  FY  2003, confirmed UST releases
            averaged 13,600. By the end of FY 2003, 83.1%  of approximately 2,750 RCRA facilities had permits
            or other approved controls in place.


FY 2005 Performance Measure:

•       Daily per capita generation
•       Millions of tons municipal solid waste diverted

Performance Database: Data are provided by the Department of Commerce. EPA does not maintain a database for
this information.

Data Source:  The baseline numbers for municipal solid waste  source reduction and recycling are developed using a
materials flow methodology employing data  largely from  the Department of Commerce and described in the EPA
report titled "Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste  in the United States."  The Department of Commerce
collects solid waste generation and recycling rate data from various industries.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: Data on domestic production of materials and products are compiled using
published data series.  U.S.  Department of Commerce sources are used, where available; but  in several instances
more detailed information on production of goods by end-use  is available from trade  associations. The goal is to
obtain a consistent historical data series for each product and/or material. Data on average product lifetimes are used
to adjust the data series.  These estimates and calculations result in material-by-material  and product-by-product
estimates of MSW generation, recovery, and discards.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
There are various assumptions factored into the analysis to develop estimates of MSW generation, recovery and
discards. Example assumptions (from pages 141-142 of year 2000 "Characterization Report" include: Textiles used
as rags  are assumed to enter the waste stream the same  year  the textiles are discarded.  Some products  (e.g.,
newspapers and packaging) normally have short lifetime; products are assumed to be discarded in the year they are

QA/QC  Procedures:  Quality assurance and  quality control are  provided by  the Department of Commerce's
internal procedures and systems. The report prepared by the Agency, "Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in
the United States," is then reviewed by a number of experts for accuracy and soundness.

Data Quality Review:  The report, including the baseline numbers and annual  rates  of recycling and per capita
municipal solid waste generation, is widely accepted among experts.

Data Limitations:  Data limitations stem from the fact that the baseline statistics and annual rates of recycling and
per capita municipal solid waste generation are based on a series of models, assumptions, and extrapolations and, as
such, are not an empirical accounting of municipal solid waste generated or recycled.

Error Estimate: N/A. Currently, the Office of Solid Waste (OSW) does not collect data on estimated error rates.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  Because the statistics on MSW generation and recycling are widely reported and
accepted by experts, no new efforts to improve the data or the methodology have been identified or are necessary.
EPA plans to develop regulations for improving reporting of source reduction activities by TRI reporting facilities.

References: Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 1999 Facts and Figures, EPA, July 2001  (EPA 530-R-01-
014), http://www.epa.gov/osw/index.htm

FY 2005 Performance Measure

        Percent of RCRA hazardous waste management facilities with permits or other approved controls in

Performance Database: The Resource Conservation Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo) is the
national database which supports EPA's RCRA program.

Data Source: Data are entered by the States.  Supporting documentation and reference materials are maintained in
regional and state files. EPA's Regional offices and authorized states enter data on a rolling basis.

Methods, Assumptions  and  Suitability:   The Resource  Conservation  Recovery Act  Information  System
(RCRAInfo) is the national database which supports EPA's RCRA program.  RCRAInfo contains information on
entities  (genetically referred to as  "handlers") engaged in hazardous waste (HW) generation and management
activities regulated under the portion of RCRA that provides  for regulation of hazardous waste.  RCRAInfo has
several different modules,  including status of RCRA facilities in the RCRA permitting universe.

QA/QC  Procedures: States and EPA's  Regional offices generate the data and manage data quality related to
timeliness and accuracy.  Within RCRAInfo, the application software enforces structural controls that ensure that
high-priority national components of the data are properly entered. RCRAInfo documentation, which is available to
all users on-line (at http://www.epa.gov/rcrainfo/) provides guidance to facilitate the generation and interpretation of
data.  Training on use of RCRAInfo is provided on a regular basis, usually annually,  depending  on the nature of
system changes and user needs. The data that support the performance for the  GPRA goals is of far better quality
than the handler data in general (including generators). Determination of whether or not the GPRA annual goals are
met is based on the legal and operating status codes for each unit (e.g., a facility can have more than one unit). In
1999 and 2000 there was a focused effort to  update this information for the baseline facilities in RCRAInfo.
RCRAInfo is the sole repository for this information and is a focal point in planning from the local to national level.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Note: Access to RCRAInfo is open only to EPA Headquarters, Regional, and authorized State personnel. It is not
available to the general public because the system contains  enforcement sensitive data.   The general public is
referred to EPA's Envirofacts Data Warehouse to  obtain filtered information on RCRA-regulated hazardous waste

Data Quality Review: The Government Accounting Office's (GAO's) 1995 Report on EPA's Hazardous Waste
Information System  http://frebgate  access  gpo  gov/cgibin/    (This historical document is available  on  the
Government Printing Office  Website)  reviewed  whether national RCRA information systems support EPA and
states in managing their hazardous waste program.  Recommendations coincide with ongoing internal  efforts
(WIN/Informed) to improve the definitions of data collected, ensure that data collected provide  critical information
and minimize the burden on states.

Data Limitations: No data limitations have been identified. The states have ownership of their data and EPA has to
rely on them to make changes. The data that determine if a facility has met its permit requirements are prioritized
in update efforts. Basic site identification data may become out-of-date because RCRA does not mandate annual or
other periodic notification by the regulated entity when  site  name, ownership and contact information changes.
Nevertheless, EPA tracks the facilities by their IDs and those should not change even during ownership changes.

Error Estimate: N/A. Currently OSW does not collect data on estimated error rates.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  EPA has successfully implemented new tools for managing environmental
information to support federal and state programs, replacing the old data systems (the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Information System and the Biennial Reporting  System) with RCRAInfo. RCRAInfo allows for tracking
of information on the regulated universe of RCRA hazardous waste  handlers,  such  as facility status, regulated
activities, and compliance history.  The system also captures detailed data on the  generation of hazardous waste by
large  quantity generators and on waste  management practices from  treatment, storage,  and disposal facilities.
RCRAInfo  is web accessible, providing a  convenient  user interface  for  Federal,  state and local managers,
encouraging development of in-house expertise for controlled cost, and using  commercial off-the-shelf software to
develop reports from database tables.

References: http://www.epa.gov/osw/index.htm

FY2005 Performance Measure:

•   Percentage of UST facilities that are in significant operational compliance with both release detection and
    release prevention (spill, overfill, and corrosion protection) requirements.
•   Number of confirmed releases at UST facilities nationally

Performance Database: The Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) does not maintain a national database;
the states maintain their respective databases and/or spreadsheets.

FY 2004 will be the first year of establishing the baseline for the new combined measure, the percentage of UST
facilities that are in significant operational compliance with both release detection and release prevention (spill,
overfill, and corrosion protection), which will be reported in the FY2005 Annual Report. EPA has previously
reported progress in meeting each of these requirements separately.  The new combined measure cannot be
recalculated using the previous separate measures because there hasn't been a baseline prior to FY 2004. As there is
no database for this information, a requirement to recalculate the baseline would be overly burdensome to the states.

Data Source: Designated state agencies submit semi-annual progress reports to the EPA's Regional offices.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  N/A

QA/QC Procedures:  States submit their performance on an EPA-supplied form  for review against national trends
and historical data.  Previously reported  percentages and/or totals are compared to current values and states are
notified of any discrepancies and/or anomalies.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Quality Review: EPA resolves any discrepancies and/or anomalies in the reported information through
written explanations and/or justifications from the states and discussions.

Data Limitations:  Percentages reported are sometimes based on estimates and extrapolations from sample data.
The quality of the states' data depends on the completeness and accuracy of states' internal recordkeeping.

Error Estimate: Not calculated.

New/Improved Data or Systems: None.

References:  FY 2003 Mid-Year Activity Report, June 19, 2003  (updated semi-annually)


Department of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriation
   Act, Public Law 105-275; 112 Stat. 2461, 2499 (1998)
Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, as  amended; (42 U.S.C. 6901-6992k) Public Law 94-
   580, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.
Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA) of 1976, as amended by the Hazardous Waste Amendments of 1984, (Subtitle I);
   Section 8001 (a); Tribal Grants: PL 105-276

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                         OBJECTIVE: Restore Land
         By 2008, control the risks to human health and the environment by mitigating the impact of accidental
  or intentional releases and by cleaning up and restoring contaminated sites or properties to appropriate levels.
                                   Resource Summary
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)

Restore Land
Environmental Program & Management
Building and Facilities
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
Oil Spill Response
Inspector General
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                     Program Project
                                   (Dollars in Thousands)

Congressionally Mandated Projects
Categorical Grant: Hazardous Waste
Financial Assistance
Compliance Assistance and Centers
Civil Enforcement
Homeland Security: Preparedness,
Response, and Recovery
LUST Cooperative Agreements
Oil Spill: Prevention, Preparedness and
RCRA: Corrective Action
Superfund: Emergency Response and
Superfund: Enforcement
Superfund: EPA Emergency
Superfund: Federal Facilities
Superfund: Federal Facilities lAGs
Superfund: Remedial
Superfund: Support to Other Federal
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan

Prepare for and Respond to Accidental and Intentional Releases

In 2005     Reduce and  control the risks posed by accidental and intentional releases of harmful substances by
            improving our Nation's capability to prepare for and respond more effectively to these emergencies.

In 2004     Reduce and  control the risks posed by accidental and intentional releases of harmful substances by
            improving our Nation's capability to prepare for and respond more effectively to these emergencies.

In 2003     EPA responded to  or monitored 322 significant  oil spills in the  inland zone  and  Superfund
            accomplished 380 removal response actions.

Performance Measures:

Number of Superfund removal response actions

Oil spills responded to or monitored by EPA.

Number of inspections and  exercises conducted
at oil storage facilities that are required to  have
Facility Response Plans.

Percentage of emergency response and homeland
security readiness improvement.
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    Through FY2003, Superfund  had initiated approximately  7,900  removal response  actions.   EPA
            typically responds to or monitors 300 oil spill  cleanups per year.    In FY2003, EPA  completed
            evaluations of core emergency response capabilities in each region, and the average score from these
            was 823 out of a possible 1,000 points so 82.3  percent is used  as the baseline for improvements.
            Between FY 1997 and FY 2003, approximately 31 percent (or 1,862) of the nearly 6,000 oil storage
            facilities required to have Facility Response Plans were inspected.

Assess and Cleanup Contaminated Land

In 2005     Control the risks to  human health and the environment at contaminated properties or sites through
            cleanup, stabilization, or other action, and make land available for reuse.

In 2004     Control the risks to  human health and the environment at contaminated properties or sites through
            cleanup, stabilization, or other action, and make land available for reuse.

In 2003     Superfund made 917 final site assessment decisions, controlled  human exposures  at 28  sites  and
            groundwater migration at 54 sites, and achieved  40  construction completions.  The RCRA program
            controlled  human exposures at 230 sites and groundwater migration at 175 sites.  There were  18,518
            LUST cleanups.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Number  of  Superfund final  site  assessment

Number of Superfund construction completions.

Number of Superfund hazardous waste sites with
human exposures controlled.

Number  of   Superfund hazardous waste  sites
with groundwater migration controlled.

Number  of  final  remedies  (cleanup  targets)
selected at Superfund sites.

Number  of  leaking underground storage  tank
cleanups completed.

Number  of high priority  RCRA facilities  with
human exposures to toxins controlled.

Number  of high priority  RCRA facilities  with
toxic releases to groundwater controlled.
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    By the end  of FY 2003, Superfund  had initiated approximately 7,900 removal response actions,
            controlled human exposures at 82% (1,227 of 1,494) of eligible NPL sites and controlled groundwater
            migration at 65% (826 of 1,275) of eligible NPL sites, and completed construction at 58% (886) of the
            NPL sites.  Of the 1,714 RCRA Corrective Action high priority facilities, 73% (1,246) have human
            exposures controlled,  an increase from 1,018 facilities with human exposures controlled at the end of
            FY 2002; and 61% (1,049) have groundwater migration controlled, an increase from 877 facilities with
            groundwater migration controlled at the end of FY 2002. Furthermore, at the end of FY 2001 there
            were  814 facilities with human  exposures controlled and 737 facilities  groundwater migration
            controlled reflecting the strong EPA/state partnership in this program. At the end of FY 2003, 303,120
            cleanups  of  confirmed  releases  from Federally-regulated  leaking underground storage tanks were
            completed since 1987. At the end of FY 2002, there was a universe of 1,103 Superfund sites with final
            remedies  selected. The Agency is currently evaluating this baseline and may adjust it downward in the
Superfund Cost Recovery

In 2005     Ensure trust fund stewardship by getting PRPs to initiate or fund the work and recover costs from
            PRPs when EPA expends trust fund monies. Address cost recovery at all NPL and non-NPL sites with
            a statute of limitations (SOL) on total past costs equal to or greater than $200,000.

In 2004     Ensure trust fund stewardship by getting PRPs to initiate or fund the work and recover costs from
            PRPs when EPA expends trust fund monies. Address cost recovery at all NPL and non-NPL sites with
            a statute of limitations (SOL) on total past costs equal to or greater than $200,000.

In 2003     Ensured trust fund stewardship by getting PRPs to initiate or fund the work and recover costs from
            PRPs when EPA expends trust fund monies. Addressed cost recovery at all NPL and non-NPL sites
            with a statute of limitations (SOL) on total past costs equal to or greater than $200,000.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Refer to DOJ, settle, or write off 100% of Statute
of Limitations  (SOLs) cases  for SF sites  with
total unaddressed past costs equal to or greater
than  $200,000  and  report   value of costs
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    In FY 98 the Agency addressed 100 percent of cost recovery at all NPL & non-NPL sites with total
            past costs equal or greater than $200,000.
Superfund Potentially Responsible Party Participation

In 2005      Reach a settlement or take an enforcement action before the start of a remedial action at 90 percent of
            Superfund sites having a viable, liable responsible party other than the federal government.

In 2004      Reach a settlement or take an enforcement action before the start of a remedial action at 90 percent of
            Superfund sites having a viable, liable responsible party other than the federal government.

In 2003      Maximized all aspects of PRP participation which included maintaining PRP work at 87% of the new
            remedial  construction starts at  non-Federal Facility Superfund,  and emphasized fairness  in  the
            settlement process.

Performance Measures:
PRPs  conduct  70%  of  the  work  at  new
construction starts

Percentage   of   Superfund  sites  at  which
settlement or enforcement action taken before
the start of RA.
FY 2003


FY 2004



Baseline:    In FY 98 approximately 70% of new remedial work at NPL sites (excluding Federal facilities) was
            initiated by private parties.  In FY2003, a settlement was reached or an enforcement action was taken
            with  non-Federal PRPs before the  start of the remedial action at approximately  90  percent of
            Superfund sites.

FY 2005 Performance Measures:

•   Number of final Superfund site assessment decisions.
•   Number of Superfund hazardous waste sites with human exposures controlled.
•   Number of Superfund hazardous waste sites with groundwater migration controlled.
•   Number of final remedies (cleanup targets) selected at Superfund sites.
•   Number of Superfund construction completions.
•   Number of Superfund removal response actions initiated.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Database:   The  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,  and Liability  System
(CERCLIS) is the database used by the Agency to track, store, and report Superfund site information.

Data Source: CERCLIS is  an automated EPA  system; headquarters and EPA's Regional offices enter data into
CERCLIS on a rolling basis.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: Each performance measure is a specific variable within CERCLIS.

QA/QC Procedures:  To ensure data accuracy and control, the following administrative controls are in place: 1)
Superfund Implementation Manual (SPIM), the program management manual that  details what data must be
reported; 2) Report Specifications, which are published for each report detailing how reported data are calculated; 3)
Coding  Guide, which contains technical instructions to such data users as Regional Information Management
Coordinators (IMCs), program personnel, report owners, and data input personnel; 4) Quality Assurance (QA) Unit
Testing, an extensive QA check against report specifications;  5)  Regional CERCLIS Data Entry Internal  Control
Plan, which includes: (a) regional policies and procedures for entering data into CERCLIS; (b) a review process to
ensure that all Superfund accomplishments are supported by source documentation; (c)  delegation of authorities for
approval of data input into  CERCLIS; and (d) procedures to  ensure that reported accomplishments  meet
accomplishment definitions;  and  (6) a historical lockout feature has been added to CERCLIS so that changes in past
fiscal year data can be changed only by approved and designated personnel and are logged to a change-log report.

CERCLIS 3/WasteLAN operation and further development  is taking place under the following  administrative
control quality assurance  procedures:   1) OIRM Life Cycle Guidance; 2) OSRTI Quality Management Plan; 3)
Agency  platform, software and  hardware standards (NTSD); 4) Quality Assurance Requirements in all contract
vehicles  under  which CERCLIS 3/WasteLAN  is being developed  and maintained; and 5) Agency security
procedures.  In addition, specific controls are in place for system  design, data conversion and data capture, and
CERCLIS 3/WasteLAN outputs.

Data Quality  Reviews:  Two  audits, one  by  the Office Inspector  General (OIG) and the other  by General
Accounting Office (GAO),  were done to assess the validity  of the data in CERCLIS.  The OIG audit report,
Superfund Construction Completion Reporting (No. E1SGF7_05_0102_ 8100030), dated December 30, 1997, was
prepared to verify the accuracy of the  information that the Agency was providing to Congress and the public. The
OIG report concluded that the Agency "has good management controls to ensure accuracy of the information that is
reported," and "Congress and the public can rely upon the  information EPA provides regarding construction
completions."  Further information on this report are  available at http://www.epa.gov/oigearth/eroom.htm.   The
GAO's report, Superfund Information on the Status of Sites  (GAO/RECD-98-241), dated August 28, 1998, was
prepared to verify the accuracy of the information in CERCLIS on sites' cleanup progress. The report estimates that
the cleanup status of National Priority List sites reported by CERCLIS as of September 30, 1997, is accurate for 95
percent of the sites.  Additional information on the Status of Sites may be obtained by visiting http://www.gao.gov.
Another  OIG  audit,  Information Technology - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,  and
Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Data Quality (Report No. 2002-P-00016), dated September 30, 2002,
evaluated the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and consistency of the  data entered into CERCLIS.   The
weaknesses identified were  caused by the lack of an effective quality  assurance process and adequate  internal
controls for CERCLIS data  quality.  The report  provided 11 recommendations to improve controls for CERCLIS
data quality.  OSWER concurs with the recommendations contained in the audit, and many of the  identified
problems have been  corrected or actions that would address these recommendations are underway.   Additional
information about this report is available at http://www.epa.gov/oigearth/eroom.htm.

The IG reviews annually the end-of-year Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA) data, in an informal process, to verify the data supporting the performance measures.  Typically,  there
are no published results.

The  Quality Management Plan  (QMP) for  the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) is
currently under review by the Office of Environmental Information.

Data Limitations: Weaknesses  were identified  in the OIG audit, Information  Technology -  Comprehensive
Environmental Response,  Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Data Quality (Report No.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
2002-P-00016), dated September 30, 2002.  The weaknesses identified were caused by the lack of an effective
quality assurance process and adequate internal controls over  CERCLIS  data quality.  The report provided 11
recommendations with which OSWER concurs. Many of the identified problems have been corrected or actions that
would address these recommendations are underway, e.g., 1) FY 02/03 SPIM Chapter 2 update was made to better
define the Headquarters and Regional roles and responsibilities for maintaining planning and accomplishment data
in CERCLIS; 2) draft guidance from OCA (Other Cleanup Activity) subgroup, which outlines the conditions under
which sites are taken back from states when states have the lead but are not performing  and 3) Pre-CERCLIS
Screening: A Data Entry Guide, which provides guidance to the regions for preventing entry of duplicate sites in
CERCLIS.  The development and implementation of a quality assurance process for CERCLIS data has begun. This
process  includes delineating quality assurance  responsibilities  in the program  office and periodically  selecting
random samples of CERCLIS data points to check against source documents in site files.

Error Estimate:  The GAO's report,  "Superfund Information on the  Status of Sites" (GAO/RECD-98-241), dated
August 28, 1998, estimates that the cleanup status of National Priority List sites reported by CERCLIS is accurate
for 95 percent of the sites.

New/Improved Data or Systems: A CERCLIS modernization effort is currently underway to enhance CERCLIS,
with a focus on data collection and data analysis and how to best satisfy the current needs of the Superfund program.
Among other initiatives, this effort includes reviewing current and anticipated data needs. Items in CERCLIS that
are no longer needed will be deleted, and new items identified will be added. Strict standards for quality will be
enforced.   During FY 2004,  the CERCLIS database  will be made Intranet accessible, and perhaps, Internet
accessible,  using CITRIX.  This will make it easier to access the database and will simplify  the SNAPSHOT
process.  This change will improve  database reliability since there will no longer  be 10 separate CERCLIS
installations on servers maintained by regional  IRM  shops.  The Superfund eFacts system is a vital part of the
CERCLIS modernization efforts. The Superfund eFacts system is an e-Government solution design to  give EPA
management and staff quick and easy access to  important milestones relating to various aspects of the Superfund
program. In 2005, the Agency will continue its efforts begun in 1999 to improve the Superfund program's technical
information by increasing reliance  upon CERCLIS support data systems, which incorporate more  site remedy
selection, risk, removal response, and community involvement information.  Efforts to share information among the
Federal, state, and Tribal programs to further enhance  the Agency's efforts  to efficiently identify, evaluate, and
remediate Superfund hazardous  waste sites will continue. In 2005,  the Agency will also establish data quality
objectives for program planning purposes and to formulate the organization's information needs for the next 5 years.
Adjustments will be made to EPA's current architecture and business processes to better meet those needs.

References:  References  include OIG audit  reports,  Superfund  Construction  Completion  Reporting, (No.
E1SGF7_05_0102_  8100030) and  Information  Technology - Comprehensive FY  2005 Performance  Measures
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Data Quality,  (No. 2002-P-
00016), http://www.epa.gov/oigearth/eroom.htm: and the GAO report, Superfund Information on  the Status of Sites
(GAO/RECD-98-241), http://www.gao.gov.   Other references include the Superfund/Oil Implementation Manuals
for the fiscal years  1987 to the current manual, the Annual Performance Report to Congress,  and the Office of
Superfund  Remediation and  Technology Innovation's Information Management  Center's Quality Assurance
Procedures for the Official Superfund Data Base, CERCLIS 3/WasteLAN.

FY 2005 Performance Measures

    * Number of leaking underground storage tank cleanups completed.

Performance Database: The Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) does not maintain a national database;
the states maintain their respective databases and/or spreadsheets.

Data Source: Designated state agencies submit semi-annual progress reports to the EPA's Regional offices.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
QA/QC Procedures: States submit their performance on an EPA-supplied form for review against national trends
and historical data.  Previously reported percentages  and/or totals are compared to current values and states are
notified of any discrepancies and/or anomalies.

Data Quality Review:  EPA resolves any  discrepancies and/or anomalies in the reported information through
written explanations and/or justifications from the states and discussions.

Data Limitations: Percentages reported are sometimes based on estimates and extrapolations from sample  data.
The quality of the states' data depends on the completeness and accuracy of states' internal recordkeeping.

Error Estimate: Not calculated.

New/Improved Data or Systems: None.

References: FY 2003 Mid-Year Activity Report, June 19, 2003 (updated semi-annually)

FY 2005 Performance Measures:

    •   High priority RCRA facilities with human exposures to toxins controlled
    •   High priority RCRA facilities with toxic releases to groundwater controlled

Performance  Database:  The Resource Conservation Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo) is the
national database which supports EPA's RCRA program.

Data Source:  Data are entered by the States. A "yes" or "no" entry is made in the database with respect to meeting
corrective action indicators.  Supporting documentation and reference materials are maintained in Regional and state
files.  EPA's Regional offices and authorized states enter data on a rolling basis.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  RCRAInfo  has several different modules, including a Corrective Action
Module that tracks  the status of facilities that require, or may require, corrective actions. RCRAInfo  contains
information on entities (genetically referred to as "handlers") engaged in hazardous waste (HW)  generation and
management activities regulated under the  portion of  RCRA that provides for regulation of hazardous waste.
Human exposures controlled and toxic releases to groundwater controlled are used to summarize and report on the
facility-wide environmental conditions at the RCRA Corrective Action Program's highest priority  facilities.   The
environmental indicators are used to track the RCRA program's progress in getting highest priority contaminated
sites under control.  Known and suspected sitewide conditions are evaluated using a series of simple questions and
flow-chart logic to arrive at a reasonable, defensible determination. These questions were issued as a memorandum
Interim Final Guidance for RCRA Corrective Action Environmental Indicators,  Office of Solid  Waste, February 5,
1999). Lead regulators for the site (authorized state or EPA) make the environmental indicator determination;
however, facilities or their consultants may  assist EPA  in the evaluation by providing  information on the current
environmental conditions.

QA/QC Procedures:   States and Regions  generate the data and  manage data quality related to  timeliness and
accuracy  (i.e., the environmental conditions and determinations are correctly reflected by the  data).   Within
RCRAInfo, the application software enforces structural controls that ensure that high-priority national components
of the data are properly entered.  RCRAInfo  documentation, which is  available to all  users on-line, provides
guidance to facilitate the generation and interpretation of data.  Training on use of RCRAInfo is provided  on a
regular basis, usually annually, depending on the nature of systems changes and user needs.

Note: Access to RCRAInfo is open only to EPA Headquarters, Regional, and authorized State personnel.  It is not
available to the general public because  the system contains  enforcement sensitive data.   The general public is
referred to EPA's Envirofacts Data Warehouse to obtain filtered information on RCRA-regulated hazardous waste

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Data  Quality   Review:   GAO's   1995   Report  on   EPAs  Hazardous  Waste  Information  System
(http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/) reviewed whether  national RCRA information systems support EPA and the
states in managing their hazardous waste programs.

Data Limitations:   No  data limitations have been identified.   As  discussed above, environmental indicator
determinations are made by the authorized states and EPA Regions based on a series  of standard questions and
entered directly into RCRAInfo.  EPA has provided guidance  and training to states and Regions to help ensure
consistency in those determinations. High priority facilities are monitored on a facility-by-facility basis and the
QA/QC procedures identified above are in place to help ensure data validity.

Error Estimate: N/A. Currently, the Office of Solid Waste does not collect data on estimated error rates.

New/Improved Data or  Systems:  EPA has successfully implemented new tools for managing environmental
information to support federal and state programs, replacing the old data systems (the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Information System and the Biennial Reporting System) with RCRAInfo.  RCRAInfo allows for tracking
of information on the regulated universe of RCRA  hazardous waste handlers, such as facility status, regulated
activities, and compliance history.  The system also  captures detailed data on the generation of hazardous waste
from large quantity generators and on waste management practices by treatment, storage, and disposal facilities.
RCRAInfo  is web-accessible,  providing a convenient user  interface for federal, state  and local  managers,
encouraging development of in-house expertise for controlled cost, and using commercial off-the-shelf software to
develop reports from database tables.

References:  GAO's  1995 Report on EPA's  Hazardous Waste Information System reviewed whether national
RCRA  information  systems support EPA  and  the states  in  managing  their  hazardous waste  programs.
Recommendations coincide with ongoing internal efforts  (WIN/Informed) to improve the  definitions of data
collected, ensure that data collected provide critical information and minimize the burden on states. This historical
document is available on the Government  Printing Office Website  (http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/)

FY 2005 Performance Measure:

•   Percentage of emergency response and homeland security readiness improvement.

Performance Database:  No specific database  has been developed.  Data from evaluations are tabulated and stored
using standard software (WordPerfect, spreadsheets, etc.)

Data Source: Data are  collected through detailed  surveys  and interviews of personnel and  managers in each
program office. The  survey instrument was developed based upon Core Emergency Response (ER) elements, and
has been approved by EPA Headquarters and Regional managers.

Methods, Assumptions and  Suitability:  The Core ER elements were developed over the last several years by the
EPA Removal Program to identify and clarify what is needed to ensure an excellent emergency response program.
The elements, definitions, and rationales  were developed by staff and managers and have been presented  to the
Administrator and other high level Agency managers. Based on the  Core ER standards, evaluation  forms and
criteria  were  established for  EPA's Regional  programs, the  Environmental Response Team  (ERT),  and
Headquarters.  These evaluation criteria identify what data need to be collected, and how that data translate into an
appropriate score for each Core ER element.  The elements and evaluation criteria will be reviewed each year for
relevance to ensure that the programs have the highest standards of excellence and that the measurement clearly
reflects the level of readiness.  The data  are collected from each Regional office, ERT, and Headquarters using a
systematic, objective  process. Each evaluation team  consists of managers and staff, from Headquarters and from
another EPA  Regional office, with some portion of the team  involved in  all reviews  for consistency and some
portion varying to ensure independence and objectivity.  For instance, a team evaluating Region A might include
some or all of the following:  a staff person from Headquarters who is participating in  all reviews, a staff person
from Headquarters who is very familiar with Region A activities, a manager from Headquarters, and a staff person
and/or manager from Region B.  One staff or group will be responsible for gathering and analyzing all the data to
determine  the overall score  for each Regional office, ERT, and  Headquarters, and for determining  an overall
National score.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
QA/QC Procedures: See "Methods, Assumptions and Suitability"

Data Quality Review:  The evaluation team  will review the data  (see Methods, Assumptions and Suitability)
during the data collection and analysis process.  Additional data review will be conducted after the data has been
analyzed to ensure that the scores are consistent with the data and program information.  There currently is no
specific database that has been developed to collect, store, and manage the data.

Data Limitations: One key limitation of the data is the lack of a dedicated database system to collect and manage
the data.  Standard software packages (word processing, spreadsheets) are used to develop the evaluation criteria,
collect the data, and develop the accompanying readiness scores.

Error Estimate: It is likely that the error estimate for this measure will be small for the following reasons: the
standards and evaluation criteria have been developed  and reviewed extensively by Headquarters and  EPA's
Regional managers  and staff; the data will be  collected by a combination  of managers and staff to provide
consistency across all reviews plus an important element of objectivity in each review; the  scores will be developed
by a team looking across all ten Regions, ERT,  and Headquarters; and only twelve sets of data will be collected,
allowing for easier cross-checking and ensuring better consistency of data analysis and identification of data quality

New/Improved Data or Systems: There are no current plans to develop a dedicated system to manage the data.

References: FY 2003 Core Emergency Response Report, based  on Regional and Headquarters evaluations (for
internal EPA use only).
FY 2005 Performance Measures:

•   Number of inspections and exercises conducted at oil storage facilities required to have Facility Response
•   Oil spills responded to or monitored by EPA

Performance Database:   The  Comprehensive Environmental Response,  Compensation,  and Liability  System
(CERCLIS) is the database used by the Agency to track, store, and report Superfund site information. Historically,
oil  program performance has been reported in CERCLIS;  a  new, more streamlined reporting system is being
developed in 2004 to  store oil spill prevention, emergency preparedness and response information.  Information
included in the new database will be  similar to CERCLIS, but definitions and activities pertaining to oil will be
included to support oil spill program needs for FY 2004 and beyond.

Data Source: Automated EPA system; Headquarters and Regional offices enter data (Currently CERCLIS, has a
new system pending).

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  Each performance measure is a specific variable within CERCLIS.

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews: N/A
Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: The Superfund/Oil Implementation Manual, 1987.  This is being revised as part of the development of
the new database.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
FY 2005 Performance Measures:

    •   Refer to DOJ, settle, or writeoff 100% of Statute of Limitations (SOLs) cases for Superfund sites
        with total unaddressed past costs  equal to or greater than $200,000  and report value of costs

Performance Database:  Comprehensive  Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information
System (CERCLIS)

Data Source: Automated EPA system; Headquarters and EPA's Regional offices enter data into CERCLIS

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  The data used to support this measure are collected on a fiscal year basis
only. Enforcement reports are run at the end of the fiscal year, and the data that support this measure are extracted
from the report.

QA/QC Procedures: Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (OSRE) Quality Management Plan, approved April
11, 2001. To ensure data accuracy and control, the following administrative controls are in place:  1) Superfund/Oil
Implementation Manual (SPIM), a program management manual that details what data must be reported; 2) Report
specifications, which are published for each report detailing how reported data are calculated;  3) Coding Guide,
which contains technical instructions to such data users as Regional Information Management Coordinators (IMCs),
program personnel, report owners, and data input personnel; 4) Quality Assurance (QA) Unit Testing, an extensive
QA check against report specifications; 5) QA Third Party Testing, an extensive test made by an independent QA
tester to ensure that the report produces data in conformance with the report specifications; 6) Regional CERCLIS
Data Entry Internal Control Plan,  which includes:  a) regional policies and procedures for entering data into
CERCLIS,  b) a  review  process  to ensure that all  Superfund  accomplishments are  supported  by  source
documentation, c) delegation of authorities for approval of data input into CERCLIS, and, d) procedures to ensure
that reported accomplishments meet accomplishment definitions; and 7) a historical lockout feature  that has been
added to CERCLIS so that changes in past fiscal year data can be changed only by approved and designated
personnel and are logged to a change-log report.

Data Quality Review: The IG annually reviews the end-of-year CERCLA data, in an informal process, to verify the
data supporting the performance measure. Typically, there are no published results.

Data Limitations: None

Error Estimate:  NA

New/Improved Data or Systems: None

References: Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (OSRE) Quality Management Plan, approved April 11, 2001

FY 2005 Performance Measures:

    •   Reach a settlement or take an enforcement action before the start of a remedial action at 90 percent
        of Superfund sites having viable, liable responsible parties other than the Federal government.

Performance Database:  Comprehensive  Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information
System (CERCLIS).

Data Source: Automated EPA system; headquarters and regional offices enter data into CERCLIS

Methods, Assumptions  and Suitability:   There  are no  analytical or statistical  methods  used to  collect  the
information. The data used to support this measure are collected on a fiscal year basis only. Enforcement reports are
run at the end of the fiscal year, and the data that support this measure is extracted from the report.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
QA/QC Procedures: Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (OSRE) Quality Management Plan, approved April
11, 2001. To ensure data accuracy and control, the following administrative controls are in place: 1) Superfund/Oil
Implementation Manual (SPIM), a program management manual that details what data must be reported; 2) Report
Specifications, which are published for each report detailing how reported data are calculated; 3) Coding Guide,
which contains technical instructions to such data users as Regional Information Management Coordinators (IMCs),
program personnel, report owners, and data input personnel; 4) Quality Assurance (QA) Unit Testing, an extensive
QA check against report specifications; 5) QA Third Party Testing, an extensive test made by an independent QA
tester to ensure that the report produces data in conformance with the report specifications; 6) Regional CERCLIS
Data Entry Internal Control Plan, which includes:  a) regional  policies and procedures for entering data  into
CERCLIS,  b) a  review  process  to ensure  that all Superfund  accomplishments  are supported by  source
documentation, c) delegation of authorities for approval of data input into CERCLIS, and, d) procedures to ensure
that reported accomplishments meet accomplishment definitions; and 7) a historical lockout feature that has been
added to CERCLIS so that changes in past fiscal year data can be changed only by approved  and designated
personnel and are logged to a change-log report.

Data Quality Review:  The IG annually reviews the end-of-year CERCLA data, in an informal process, to verify
the data supporting the performance measure. Typically, there are no published results.

Data Limitations:  None

Error Estimate: NA

New/Improved Data or Systems: None

References: Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (OSRE) Quality Management Plan, approved April 11, 2001.


Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq. (1970), and Reorganization Plan #3  of 1970
Clean Water Act
Comprehensive  Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability  Act (CERCLA) as amended  by  the
   Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. 9601-9657
Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act (CERFA)
Defense Base  Closure  and Realignment  Act  of 1990, and the  Defense  Authorization Amendments and Base
   Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC) of 1990, Section 2905(a)(l)(E) (10 U.S.C. 2687 Note)
Departments of Veterans Affairs, Housing and  Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act
   of 1999, Public Law 105-276, (112 Stat. 2461, 2499; 42 U.S.C. 6908a).
Executive Order 12241 of September 1980, National Contingency Plan, 3 CFR, 1980
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Oil Pollution Act 33 U.S.C.A.
Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)
Public Health Service Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, 42 U. S.C. 5121 et seq.
Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. 300F et seq. (1974)
Solid Waste Disposal  Act as  amended by  Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 to the Resource
   Conversation and Recovery Act of 1976
Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Land Withdrawal Act of 1978
Executive Order 12656 of November 1988, Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities, 3 CFR, 1988
Executive Order 12580 of January 1987, Superfund I

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
              OBJECTIVE: Enhance Science and Research
        Through 2008, provide and apply sound science for protecting and restoring land by conducting
  leading-edge research and developing a better understanding and characterization of environmental outcomes
  under Goal 3.
                                 Resource Summary
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Enhance Science and Research
Environmental Program & Management
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
Oil Spill Response
Science & Technology
Buildings and Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY2005Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                   Program Project
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Congressionally Mandated Projects
Superfund: Remedial
Research: Land Protection and Restoration
Research: SITE Program
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan


Scientifically Defensible Decisions for Site Clean

In 2005     Complete at least four SITE demonstrations, with emphasis on NAPLs and sediments, in order to, by
            2010, develop or evaluate 40 scientific tools, technologies, methods, and models, and provide technical
            support that enable practitioners to 1) characterize the nature and extent of multimedia contamination;
            2) assess, predict,  and communicate risks to human health and the environment; 3) employ improved
            remediation options; and 4) respond to oil spills effectively.

In 2004     Provide risk assessors and managers  with site-specific data sets on three applications detailing the
            performance of conventional remedies for contaminated sediments to help determine the most effective
            techniques for remediating contaminated sites and protecting human health and the environment.

In 2003     Delivered state-of-the-science report and methods to EPA and other stakeholders for risk management
            of fuel oxygenates; organic and inorganic contamination of sediments, ground water and/or soils; and
            oil spills to ensure cost-effective and technically sound site clean-up.

Performance Measures:

Complete draft of the FY 2002 Annual SITE
Report to Congress.
Reports on performance data for conventional
sediment remedies for three sites.

SITE demonstrations completed
FY 2003

FY 2003

FY 2003

draft report
Baseline:    This APG will contribute to an array of assessment and remediation options targeted to addressing
            situations where uncertainty remains high, technology performance is lacking, or where existing
            options  are cost- or time intensive.  Through FY 2005, non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) and
            contaminated sediments will be of special interest because of the cost and complexity of assessing and
            remediating  these  sites, as  well  as  the  risks they pose  to  public  health.   EPA  estimates that
            approximately 20% of National Priorities List (NPL) sites have contaminated sediments with risk from
            a number of toxic substances (http:www.epa.gov/superfund/resources/sediment/index.htm).  Available
            remedies are unproven, expensive to  implement,  or  both.   The  SITE program evaluates  tools,
            technologies,  and  approaches  for remediation,  measurement, and monitoring.   The innovative
            approaches that are evaluated are largely developed in the private sector.  The purpose of the program
            is to  provide an independent  assessment of performance, so that site decision-makers can gain
            confidence in selecting an innovative approach.  Since the inception of the SITE program in 1986,
            clean-up of contaminated sites through the use  of innovative technologies has resulted in an estimated
            net cost savings of $2.4 billion
             (http://www.epa.gov/ORD/SITE/congress/540R03502/540R03502.htm).   Beginning  in FY  2005,
            regular  evaluations by  independent  and external  panels  will provide reviews  of  EPA research
            programs'  relevance,  quality,  and successful performance to date,  in accordance with OMB's
            Investment Criteria for  Research and Development.  Reviewers will also qualitatively  determine
            whether EPA has been  successful in meeting  its annual and  long-term commitments for research.
            Recommendations  and results from these reviews will improve the design and management of EPA
            research programs and help to measure their progress under the Government Performance and Results
            Act (GPRA).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan


FY 2005 Performance Measure:

SITE demonstrations completed

Performance Database: Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source: N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews: N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems:  N/A

References: N/A


Brownfields Revitalization and Environmental Restoration Act
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liabilities Act (CERCLA)
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA)
Oil Pollution Act (OPA)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA)
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
               GOAL  4: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems
     STRATEGIC GOAL:  Protect, sustain, or restore the health of people, communities, and ecosystems using
  integrated and comprehensive approaches and partnerships.

        To   promote  healthy   communities  and
ecosystems,  EPA must bring together a variety  of
programs, tools,  approaches  and  resources.   The
support of a multitude of stakeholders,  along with
strong partnerships  with  Federal, State,  Tribal and
local  governments,  are  necessary to achieve  the
Agency's goal of protecting, sustaining or restoring
healthy communities and ecosystems.  The Agency's
goal   of achieving   healthy   communities  and
ecosystems will be accomplished by focusing both on
stressors to human health and the  environment and
the locations at most  risk from  environmental

        A key component of this goal is protecting
human health and the environment by identifying,
assessing, and reducing the  potential risks presented
by the thousands of chemicals on which  our society
and economy have come  to depend.  These include
the pesticides we use to meet national  and global
demands for food, and the industrial and commercial
chemicals  found   throughout   our   homes,   our
workplaces, and the products we use.

         Some pest-control  methods that are used to
ensure an abundant  and affordable food  supply can
cause unwanted environmental or health effects if not
used and managed properly.  Apart from its role in
agriculture, effective pest control is also essential in
homes,   gardens,  rights-of-ways,  hospitals,  and
drinking water treatment facilities.  Pesticides are an
important part of pest management in each of these
settings.  EPA licenses pesticides to help ensure they
can be used  safely  and beneficially while avoiding
unintended harm to our health or environment. EPA
must also address the emerging challenges posed by a
growing  array  of biological organisms—naturally
occurring and, increasingly,  genetically engineered—
that are  being  used in industrial  and agricultural
        Agriculture accounts for  about 80 percent of
all conventional  pesticide applications.  Herbicides
are the most widely used pesticides and account for
the greatest expenditure and volume, approximately
$6.4  billion  and  534  million  pounds  in  1999.
Biopesticides  and  reduced   risk  pesticides  are
assuming   an  increasingly   important  role.  For
example,   safer   pesticides,   which    include
biopesticides and reduced risk pesticides, increased in
use from 3.6  percent in  1998  to 7.5 percent of total
pounds reported for 2002.

        Biological agents are  potential weapons that
could be exploited by terrorists against the United
States.  EPA's pesticides antimicrobial program has
been  very responsive  to  addressing  this  threat.
Antimicrobials play an important role in public health
and  safety.   EPA  is  conducting comprehensive
scientific assessments and developing test protocols
to determine product safety and efficacy of products
used  against  chemical and biological  weapons  of
mass  destruction,  and  registering  products  as
necessary.  EPA  is also developing a  timeline for
prioritizing and implementing the tests.

        EPA programs under this  Goal have  many
indirect  effects that significantly augment the stream
of benefits they provide. For example, each year the
Toxic   Substances  Control   Act  (TSCA)   New
Chemicals  program  reviews  and  manages  the
potential  risks  from  approximately   1,800   new
chemicals  and  40 products  of biotechnology that
enter  the  marketplace.     Since  its   inception,
approximately 17,000 new chemicals reviewed by the
program have entered United States commerce.  This
new chemical review process  not only protects the
public from the possible immediate threats of harmful
chemicals  like polychlorinated  biphenyls  (PCBs)
from  entering  the  marketplace,  but  it has  also
contributed to changing the behavior of the chemical
industry,   making  industry   more  aware   and
responsible for the impact these chemicals have on
human health and the environment.

        Americans come into  daily contact with any
number  of chemicals that entered the market before
the New Chemicals Program was established in 1978,
yet relatively little  is known  about many of their

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
potential impacts.   Getting  basic  hazard testing
information on large volume chemicals is one focus

of EPA's work in the Existing Chemicals program.
The  voluntary  High  Production Volume  program
challenges industry to develop chemical hazard data
critical to enabling EPA, State, Tribes, and the public
to screen chemicals already  in commerce for any
risks they may be posing.  Risks of other chemicals,
such as lead or PCBs are  well known, and EPA's
responsibility centers on reducing exposure through
proper handling or disposal.

        The  Acute  Exposure Guideline  Levels
(AEGLs) Program was designed by EPA to  provide
scientifically  credible  data   to  directly   support
chemical   emergency   planning,   response,   and
prevention   programs   mandated   by  Congress.
Emergency workers and  first responders  need to
know how dangerous a chemical contaminant may be
to breathe  or touch, and  how long  it may remain
dangerous.     The  program  develops  short-term
exposure limits applicable to  the general population
for a wide  range of extremely hazardous substances
(approximately 400) for purposes related to chemical
terrorism and chemical accidents.

        In addition to addressing human health and
ecosystems  and stressors  such as  chemicals and
pesticides, this goal also focuses on those geographic
areas  with human  and ecological  communities at
most risk.  For example the  Mexican Border is an
area facing unique environmental challenges.  At the
Mexican Border, EPA addresses local pollution and
infrastructure  needs  that  are  priorities  for the
Mexican and the U.S. governments under the Border
2012 agreement.

        As the population in coastal regions grows
the challenges to preserve and protect these important
ecosystems increase.  Through the National  Estuary
Program, coastal areas have proved valuable grounds
for combining  innovative  and community-based
approaches with national guidelines and inter-agency
coordination to achieve results.

        Wetlands  are  among the most productive
ecosystems in the world, comparable to rain forests
and coral reefs.  Yet the nation loses an estimated
58,000 acres per year, and existing wetlands may be
degraded   by  excessive   sedimentation,   nutrient
enrichment, and other factors.1
1 Dahl, I.E. 1990. Status and Trends of Wetlands in the
Conterminous United States, 1986 to 1997. Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Available online at:
        In 2001 the Supreme Court determined that
some isolated waters and wetlands are not regulated
under  the  Clean Water Act.   Many waters with
important aquatic values may no longer be covered
by CWA Section 404 protections.

        Large water bodies like the Gulf of Mexico,
the  Great  Lakes,  and  the   Chesapeake  Bay  are
surrounded by industrial and  other development and
have been exposed to substantial pollution over many
years at levels  higher than  current  environmental
standards  permit.    As a result,  the volume  of
pollutants in these water bodies has exceeded their
natural  ability to  restore balance.   Working with
stakeholders, EPA has established special programs
to protect  and restore these unique  resources by
addressing the vulnerabilities for each.

        EPA's continued enforcement efforts will be
strengthened through the development of measures to
assess the impact of enforcement activities and assist
in targeting  areas  that pose the  greatest risks  to
human health and the  environment, display patterns
of noncompliance, and include  disproportionately
exposed populations.    In   addition,  the  EPA's
enforcement program supports Environmental Justice
effort by focusing enforcement actions and criminal
investigations on  industries   that  have  repeatedly
violated environmental laws in minority and/or low-
income areas.

        Further, EPA's Brownfields Initiative  funds
pilot programs and other research  efforts; clarifies
liability issues; enters  into Federal, state  and local
partnerships; conducts outreach activities; and creates
job training and workforce development programs.

        EPA's environmental justice program will
continue education,  outreach, and  data availability
initiatives.  The Program provides a central point for
the  Agency  to address environmental and human
health  concerns  in  minority and/or  low-income
communities~a segment of the population that  has
been disproportionately  exposed to  environmental
harms and  risks.   The program  will  continue  to
manage   the  Agency's  Environmental  Justice
Community  Small  Grants  Program that assists
community-based organizations working to develop
solutions to local environmental issues.

        The Agency will continue to support  the
National Environmental Justice  Advisory Council

Report to Congress on the Status  and Trends of Wetlands in
the Conterminous United States, 1986 to 1997.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
(NEJAC)  which provides the Agency  significant
input  from  interested   stakeholders   such   as
community-based   organizations,   business   and
industry, academic institutions, state, Tribal and local
governments,  non-governmental  organizations  and
environmental  groups.    The Agency   will  also
continue to chair an Interagency Working  Group
(IWG)  consisting  of   eleven  departments  and
agencies, as well as representatives of various White
House offices, to  ensure that environmental justice
concerns are incorporated into all Federal programs.


        EPA  has a  responsibility  to  ensure  that
efforts to  reduce potential environmental risks  are
based on  the  best available  scientific information.
Strong  science  allows  identification of  the  most
important  sources  of risk to  human health and  the
environment as  well as the  best means  to detect,
abate, and avoid possible environmental  problems,
and  thereby guides  our priorities,  policies,  and
deployment of resources.  It is critical that research
and  scientific assessment be  integrated with EPA's
policy and regulatory activities.  In order to address
complex issues in the future, the Agency will design
and  test fundamentally  new tools and management
approaches  that  have   potential   for   achieving
environmental results.  Under Goal 4,  EPA  will
conduct research in many areas, including emerging
areas such as  biotechnology and computational
toxicology, to help develop better understandings and
characterizations of positive environmental outcomes
related to healthy communities and ecosystems.

        EPA uses several noteworthy mechanisms to
ensure scientific  relevance, quality, and integration as
it seeks to produce sound environmental results.  For
example, EPA's Science Advisor is  responsible  for
advising the EPA Administrator on  science  and
technology  issues  to support Agency   programs,
policies, procedures,  and decisions.  Also,  EPA uses
its Science Advisory Board (SAB), an independently
chartered   Federal   Advisory   Committee   Act
committee, to conduct annual, in-depth reviews and
analyses of EPA's Science and Technology account.
The  SAB provides its findings to  the House Science
Committee   and   reports   findings   to  EPA's
Administrator after every annual review.   Under the
Science to  Achieve Results  (STAR)  program,  all
research projects are selected for funding  through a
rigorous,  competitive,  and  external  peer review
process  designed  to  ensure  that only  the  highest
quality efforts receive funding support.   All EPA
scientific and technical work products must undergo
either internal or external peer review, with major or
significant  products requiring external peer review.
The Agency also uses a Peer Review Handbook (2nd
Edition) which codifies procedures and guidance for
conducting  quality  EPA  peer  reviews.    Taken
together, these mechanisms serve to  ensure  EPA's
research and science remains relevant and committed
to achieving superior environmental results.


        In coordination with our State and Tribal co-
regulators and co-implementers and with the support
of  industry,  environmental   groups,  and   other
stakeholders, EPA will  use multiple  approaches to
address  risks  associated  with  chemicals  and
pesticides.     Improving  communities'  ability   to
address local problems is a critical part of our efforts
to reduce risk.

        The Agency's strategy for reducing the risks
of exposures to pesticides and industrial chemicals is
based on:
        Identifying  and  assessing  potential  risks
        from?     chemicals,     pesticides,    and
        Setting priorities for addressing these risks;
        Developing and  implementing  strategies
        aimed  at preventing risks  and  managing
        those risks that cannot be prevented;
        Implementing  regulatory measures, such as
        systematic review of pesticides  and  new
        chemicals,    and     developing    and
        implementing     procedures    for    safe
        production,  use,  storage, and handling  of
        chemicals, pesticides, and microorganisms;
        Employing innovative voluntary  measures,
        such as promoting the  use of reduced-risk
        pesticides  and  challenging  companies  to
        assess   and  reduce  chemical  risks  and
        develop   safer  and  less  polluting   new
        chemicals, processes, and technologies; and
        Conducting outreach  and   training,  and
        establishing partnerships.
Pesticides Management

        EPA  has the  responsibility under  Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide  Act (FIFRA)
and  the Federal  Food  and  Drug  Cosmetic  Act
(FFDCA) to  set  terms and conditions of pesticide
registration, marketing and use.  EPA will use these
authorities to reduce risk from residues  of pesticides,
particularly those  pesticides with the highest potential
to cause harm to human health and the  environment,
including those  which  pose particular risks  to
children and other susceptible populations.  All new

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
pesticides are reviewed for registration  through an
extensive review and evaluation of human health and
ecosystem studies and data, applying the  most recent
scientific   advances   in   risk   assessment.   The
Registration program includes registration activities,
such  as  setting tolerances, registering  new active
ingredients and new uses,  and handling experimental
use permits and emergency exemptions.

        New registration actions  result  in more
pesticides on the market  that meet the  strict Food
Quality Protection Act (FQPA)  pesticide risk-based
standards, which brings the Agency closer to the
objective of reducing  adverse  risks from  pesticide
use.  In 2005, the Agency will continue  to promote
accelerated registrations for pesticides that provide
improved risk reduction or risk prevention compared
to  those currently  on  the  market.  Progressively
replacing older,  higher-risk pesticides is one of the
most  effective methods for curtailing adverse impact
on  health and the ecosystem while preserving  food
quality  and  production  rates.     EPA measures
adoption of the  reduced-risk pesticides by tracking
the amount of acres treated — or "acre treatments" ~
- using  reduced  risk  pesticides.   By  2005,  an
estimated 8.7 percent of total  acre-treatments are
expected to use reduced-risk pesticides.

        Another priority is to review older pesticides
in applying the FQPA safety standards.  We  will
complete pesticide reregistration eligibility decisions
by 2008 (food use by 2006) and, in tandem with that
work, meet  our FQPA statutory goal of reassessing
9,721  existing  tolerances  by August 2006.    The
Strategic Agricultural Partnership  Initiative  and the
Pesticide   Environmental   Stewardship   Program
collaborate   with   USDA,   States,    and   non-
governmental organizations to demonstrate integrated
pest  management strategies that  reduce  pesticide
residues in the environment.
        Pesticide  and  pest  control  issues  extend
beyond  the  farm.   Public  health officials   and
homeowners use pesticides to  control a variety of
pests, protect human health, and benefit  consumers.
Through our regulatory programs,  EPA  reviews all
pesticides with  the  goal  of minimizing  pesticide
exposure  and  risk.    For  example, as of 2002,
children's exposure to organophosphates  - an older,
riskier class of pesticide - was reduced by 60 percent
through the  elimination of many uses in  and around
the house.   EPA registers antimicrobials used by
public drinking water treatment facilities and by food
processing plants and hospitals to disinfect surfaces.
Effective antimicrobials are of growing  importance
as many serious disease-causing organisms become
resistant  to  our  antibiotic procedures.   To  provide
environmental, public health, and economic benefits,
we  will   continue  addressing  risk  from  older
pesticides,  making  new  pesticides  available  and
addressing emergency  health or pest damage  issues
flexibly and efficiently.

        Biotechnology has presented  the  Agency
with a range  of new issues and scientific challenges
as  well.   Outreach activities  on  the  subject of
biotechnology such as public meetings and scientific
peer reviews  of  our policies and  assessments are
likely to be expanded to keep pace with  changing
science and the public's demand for information in
this area.  EPA is working closely with other Federal
agencies involved  in  biotechnology. Adoption of
biotechnology has great potential to reduce reliance
on some older, more risky chemical pesticides,  and to
lower worker risks.   For  example,  the use  of Bt
cotton has  reduced the use of other insecticides that
present higher risk to wildlife.

Toxic Chemicals

        Three primary approaches  comprise EPA's
strategy to prevent  and reduce risks that  may be
posed by chemicals and microrganisms:

•       Preventing  the  introduction  into   U.S.
        commerce  of chemicals and organisms that
        pose unreasonable risks;
•       Effectively screening the stock of chemicals
        already in use for potential risk; and
•       Developing and implementing action plans
        to reduce use  of and exposure to chemicals
        that   have  been  demonstrated  to  harm
        humans and the environment.

        EPA intends to work with States and Tribes,
other Federal  agencies,  the  private  sector,  and
international entities to implement this strategy and,
in particular,  to  make protecting children  and the
aging population a fundamental goal of public  health
and environmental protection.

        TSCA requires  that  EPA  review  all new
chemicals and organisms prior to their production or
import and be notified of significant new  uses for
certain chemicals that  have already been reviewed.2
While TSCA gives EPA a 90-day review period, new
criteria,  such  as preventing  the   introduction of
persistent  bioaccumulative   toxics   (PBTs)   or
considering the use of new  chemicals as potential
weapons of terror, continue to emerge. An expanded
set of  screening tools  will  increase  EPA's  and
2 Toxic Substances Control Act Section 5: Manufacturing
and Processing Notices, Public Law 94-469, October 11,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
industry's efficiency by using the limited data that
companies provide in their Pre-manufacturing Notice
(PMN)  submissions to  predict  potential  hazards,
exposures, and risks quickly and effectively.

        In  2005,  EPA  will  continue  to  make
progress in screening, assessing, and reducing risks
posed by the 66,600 chemicals that were in use prior
to the enactment  of TSCA.   Thousands of  these
chemicals are  still used today,  and nearly 3,000  of
them  are  "high  production  volume"   (HPV)
chemicals, produced  or  imported  in quantities
exceeding   one    million   pounds   per   year.
Approximately 300 companies and 100 consortia are
voluntarily providing data covering over 2,200 of the
more than 2,800  chemicals  included  in the  HPV
Challenge Program.3   EPA  will  make the  data
publicly  available  and screen for potential  hazards
and risks. We will then identify and set priorities for
further assessment, and determine the  need to take
action to  eliminate or effectively  manage the risks
identified. To support these efforts, we will draw on
data already obtained through the TSCA Inventory
Update  Rule4, particularly on new expo sure-related
data to be provided beginning in 2005.

        In certain instances,  risk-reduction efforts
are targeted at specific chemicals.  Foremost among
these is  the Federal government's commitment  to
eliminate the incidence of childhood lead poisoning.
Since 1973, we have reduced environmental  lead
levels by phasing out leaded gasoline and addressing
other sources of lead exposure.  Since the  1990's,
EPA has focused on reducing children's exposure  to
lead  in  paint  and  dust  through   a  regulatory
framework and by  educating parents and the  medical
community  about  prevention.5    EPA's  efforts,
combined with those of other Federal  agencies, has
led to a 50 percent drop in the number of children in
the  U.S. that  have  elevated  blood  levels,   to
approximately 400,000 children.

        EPA  is  employing  a  multimedia, cross-
Agency  strategy  to  focus  on other  high-risk
chemicals and classes of chemicals. For example, we
are working  to  prevent new PBTs from  entering
commerce and to reduce risks associated with PBTs,
including mercury, that are currently in use or that
have been  used  in  the  past.     In  addition,
3 U.S. EPA, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
High Production Volume Challenge Program, HPV
Commitment Tracking System. Available at
4 U.S. EPA website, www.epa.gov/opptintr/iur; Title 40
CFRPait'710, SubpartA
 See www.epa.gov/lead
recommendations will be provided to EPA in 2004
from a panel of national experts on asbestos that will
assist the  Agency in designing strategies to address
remaining asbestos risks. We will expand successful
pilots to encourage  companies to retire from service
large capacitors and transformers containing PCBs to
meet ambitious new targets for safe disposal by 2008.

U.S./Mexican Border

         To reduce environmental and human health
risks along  the U.S./Mexico Border,  EPA employs
both voluntary  and  regulatory  measures.  Efforts
include a series of workgroups that focus on priority
issues   ranging   from  water  infrastructure   and
hazardous waste to outreach  efforts focusing on
communities and businesses in the border area.  The
programs  were initially conceived in a  Federal-to-
Federal context.  Today, it  is clear that in both
countries,    non-Federal   governments   are    the
appropriate  entities  for developing and carrying out
much  of  the  work   of   protecting  the  border
environment. The experience of the last six years has
shown  U.S. border states  as key  participants  in
workgroup activities with similar experience on the
Mexico side.
        In  the  past  year,  all border  states  have
stressed the need  for  greater  decentralization  of
environmental authority, and in FY 1999, states and
the Federal governments agreed to a set of principles
that clarify the roles of the governments and advance
State   and  Tribal   participation.   Under  a   new
environmental plan developed  with SEMARNAP
(EPA's Mexican counterpart), completed  in  April
2003,  the  States  and  Tribes will  play  a  more
substantial and meaningful role in:

•       determining how Federal border programs
        are developed and funded;
•       developing   regional  workgroups   that
        empower border citizens; and
•       ensuring  that   programs   devolve   from
        Mexico's   Federal   government  to   the
        Mexican states, with corresponding funding.


        EPA will work with Federal, state, Tribal,
local,  and private  sector  partners  to achieve  our
ecosystem objectives. Through continuing emphasis
on partnerships and innovation, we will protect and
restore  coastal water quality  through the  National
Estuary Program  and  related coastal  watershed
support.     In  coordination  with  the  Corps   of
Engineers, EPA will improve the CWA Section 404
program to achieve no net  loss of wetlands by

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
avoiding,  minimizing and compensating for losses.
With an emphasis on community-based restoration,
EPA will contribute to the  goal of no net loss  of

        Great Lakes Strategy  2002, developed by
EPA and  Federal,  state, and  Tribal agencies  in
consultation with  the public,  advances U.S.  Great
Lakes Water Quality Agreement implementation. Its
long-range vision for a  healthy natural environment
where all beaches are open for swimming, all fish are
safe to  eat, and the Lakes  are  protected as a safe
source of drinking water, is  supported by Lakewide
Management Plans (LaMPs) and  Remedial  Action
Plans (RAPs) for Areas of Concern (AOCs).

        Work in the Chesapeake Bay is based on a
unique  regional partnership formed  to  direct and
conduct restoration of the Chesapeake Bay.  Partners
include  Maryland,  Virginia and Pennsylvania; the
District   of  Columbia;   the   Chesapeake   Bay
Commission; EPA; and participating citizen advisory
groups.      A   comprehensive   and  far-reaching
agreement, Chesapeake  2000, will guide restoration
and protection efforts through 2010.  The agreement
focuses  on improving  water  quality as  the  most
critical  element   in  the  overall  protection  and
restoration of the Bay and its tributaries.

        EPA's  efforts   in  the  Gulf  of  Mexico
represent  a broad, multi-organizational partnership
based on the participation of business and industry,
agriculture,    local     government,     citizens,
environmental and fishery interests, Federal agencies,
and five  Gulf  States.    The  partners voluntarily
identify key environmental problems and work at the
regional,  state,   and local level  to  define  and
recommend solutions.


        Brownfields are defined as  real properties,
where expansion,  redevelopment,  or reuse  may be
complicated by the presence or potential presence of
a  hazardous substance,  pollutant, or contaminant.
Brownfields   include   abandoned   industrial  and
commercial properties, drug  labs, mine-scarred  land,
and sites contaminated with petroleum or petroleum
products.   The Small Business Liability  Relief and
Brownfields Revitalization Act (SBLRBRA), signed
into  law   in  2002, expands  Federal  grants  for
assessment, cleanup, and job training. To encourage
revitalization and reuse  of brownfield sites, the law
limits the  legal  liability of  prospective purchasers,
innocent  land holders,  and  contiguous  property
owners related to brownfield properties.  In addition,
the law provides for establishing and enhancing state
and Tribal response programs, which play a critical
role  in successfully  cleaning  up  and revitalizing

        Brownfields grants will continue to provide
communities   with   vital   assessment,   cleanup,
revolving-loan   fund,   and  job-training  support.
Brownfields assessment grants  provide funding  to
inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct planning
and  community  involvement activities  related  to
brownfields. Brownfields revolving-loan fund grants
provide  funding  for  a  grantee   to  capitalize  a
revolving loan  and  make subgrants to carry out
cleanup activities.  Cleanup grants, newly authorized
by the Brownfields Law, will fund cleanup activities
by grant recipients. Expanded authorities within the
new law also address the potential for limited funding
for institutional   controls,  insurance,  and  health
monitoring.  EPA will  provide  limited funding for
grants that provide technical assistance, training, and
research to Brownfields  communities.  EPA will also
provide funding to create  local environmental job
training  programs,  ensuring  that  the   economic
benefits  derived  from  Brownfields  revitalization
efforts remain in the community.

         EPA will continue to work in partnership
with state cleanup programs to address brownfield
properties.   The  Agency will  provide  states and
Tribes with tools, information, and funding they can
use to develop response programs that will address
environmental assessment cleanup,  characterization,
and redevelopment needs at sites contaminated with
hazardous wastes and petroleum.  The Agency will
continue to encourage  the empowerment  of state,
Tribal,  and  local environmental   and  economic
development officials to  oversee brownfield activities
and the implementation of local solutions to local


        EPA  is continuing to  ensure that it is a
source of strong scientific and technical information,
and that it is on the leading  edge  of environmental
protection innovations that will allow achievement of
its strategic objectives.   The  Agency  consults a
number  of expert  sources,  both  internally and
externally,  and  uses  several  deliberative  steps  in
planning its research programs.  As a starting  point,
the Agency  draws  input  from multi-year  plans,
EPA's Strategic Plan, available research plans, EPA
program  offices  and  Regions, Federal  research
partners, and  peer  advisory  bodies  such as the
Science Advisory Board (SAB) and others. Agency
teams prioritize research areas by examining risk and

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
other  factors  such  as  National  Science  and
Technology Council (NSTC) research, client office

priorities, court orders,  and  legislative  mandates.
EPA's research program  will increase understanding
of environmental processes and capabilities to assess
environmental  risks  to  both human  health and

        To enable the Agency to  enhance  science
and  research for  healthy people, communities, and
ecosystems through 2008, EPA will engage in high
priority, multidisciplinary research efforts to improve
understanding of the  risks associated with: 1) human
health and  ecosystems;  2)   climate  change;  3)
pesticides and toxics; 4) computational toxicology; 5)
endocrine disrupters;  6)  mercury, and 7) homeland
security.   Following is a summary of the means and
strategies to meet the Agency's long-term objectives
in these areas.

        EPA's human health research represents the
Agency's only comprehensive program to address the
limitations  in  human  health  risk  assessment.
Scientists  across  the  Agency  will  use   the
measurement-derived  databases,   models,   and
protocols developed through this research program to
strengthen the scientific foundation for human health
risk assessment.  In addition, global change, loss and
destruction of habitat due to sprawl and exploitation
of natural resources, invasive  species,  non-point
source   pollution,   and   the   accumulation  and
interaction  of  these  effects   present  emerging
ecological challenges.  EPA will conduct research to
strengthen its ability to assess and compare  risks to
ecosystems,  protect   and restore them,  and  track
progress toward optimal ecological outcomes.

        EPA designs its Climate Change research
program  in collaboration  with the other agencies
participating in the Climate Change  Science Program
(CCSP).  This research focuses on assessing potential
direct  and indirect  effects of  climate  change on
human health, air quality, water quality, and aquatic
ecosystems;   identifying   and  quantifying   the
uncertainties  associated  with those  effects;  and
comparing potential  climate  change  effects  with
effects caused by other stressors.

        Research under the Food Quality Protection
Act  (FQPA) builds  on  earlier research  to reduce
scientific  uncertainty  in  risk  assessment.     This
research will provide  data needed to develop refined
aggregate and cumulative risk assessments,  develop
the appropriate safety factors to protect children and
other sensitive populations, refine risk assessments,
and provide risk mitigation technologies.  By 2008,
EPA will provide scientific tools that can be used to
characterize,  assess,  and manage  risks associated
with the implementation of FQPA.

        The Agency will conduct additional research
on  pesticides  and toxics that  support the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
and the  Toxic  Substances  Control  Act  (TSCA),
designed to enhance the Agency's human health and
ecological  risk  assessment  and risk management
capabilities.  Efforts will include the development of
predictive tools used in testing requirements, research
on    probabilistic    risk   assessment    methods,
biotechnology, and other  areas of high interest and
utility to the Agency.

        To   enhance  the   scientific  basis  and
diagnostic/predictive   capabilities  of  existing and
proposed   chemical   testing   programs,   EPA's
Computational Toxicology (CT)  Research Program
will use  in  vitro or  other approaches  such  as
molecular profiling, bioinformatics, and quantitative
structure-activity  relationships.   These  alternative
approaches, in conjunction with highly sophisticated
computer-based  models  and research results, will
greatly reduce the use  of animal testing to obtain
chemical  toxicity information.   To support our
regulatory mandates,  endocrine disrupters research
will  focus   on  improving   EPA's    scientific
understanding of exposures  to,  effects  of, and
management   of  endocrine-disrupter  chemicals.
Research in direct support of EPA's screening and
testing  programs will   evaluate  current  testing
protocols  and develop new protocols to  evaluate
potential endocrine effects of environmental  agents.
The Agency will also conduct research to determine
impacts  that  endocrine-disrupting  chemicals  may
have on humans, wildlife, and the environment.

        A 1997  EPA  Mercury Study  Report  to
Congress  discussed  the  magnitude of  mercury
emissions in the United States and  concluded that a
plausible link exists between human activities that
release  mercury  from industrial  and combustion
sources in the  United  States and methylmercury
concentrations in humans  and wildlife. The Agency
will conduct risk management research for managing
emissions   from   coal-fired    utilities    (critical
information  for  rule-making)  and  non-combustion
sources of mercury;  on  the fate and transport  of
mercury   in   the   atmosphere;   for    assessing
methylmercury  in human   populations;  and  for
developing risk communication methods and tools.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
        EPA's Homeland Security research program
will expand knowledge of potential threats, as well as
its  response   capabilities,   by   assembling  and
evaluating  private  sector tools  and  capabilities.
Preferred  response  approaches  will  be  identified,
promoted, and evaluated for potential future use by
first  responders,  decision makers,  and the public.
The  Agency will be  working  closely with  other
federal and outside  organizations to fill gaps in this
critical research area. EPA's research will focus on
preparedness,     risk     assessment,     detection,
containment,   decontamination   and   disposal   of
chemical and biological attacks water systems.


Chemical, Organism, and Pesticide Risks
        Ensure  new  pesticide registration actions
        (including new active ingredients  and new
        uses) meet new  health  standards and are
        environmentally safe.
        Increase percentage of acre treatments that
        will use reduced-risk pesticides.
        Decrease   occurrence   of   residues   of
        carcinogenic  and cholinesterase-inhibiting
        neuortic pesticides  on  foods  eaten by
        children from their 1994 to 1996 average.
        Ensure  that through ongoing data reviews,
        pesticide active ingredients, and  products
        that contain them,  are reviewed to  assure
        adequate protection for  human  health and
        the environment, taking  into  consideration
        exposure such as subsistence lifestyles of the
        Native Americans.
        Standardize and validate screening assays.
        Reduce from  1995  levels the  number  of
        incidents    involving    mortalities    to
        nontargeted terrestrial and aquatic wildlife
        caused by pesticides.
        Reduce exposure to and health effects from
        priority    industrial    and    commercial
        Identify, restrict, and reduce risks associated
        with industrial and commercial chemicals.
        assessment/monitoring of  overall wetland
        Support projects with the goal of creating,

        restoring  or  protecting  2400  acres   of
        important coastal and marine  habitats  per
        year in the Gulf of Mexico.
        Assist the  Gulf States  in  implementing
        watershed  restoration actions  in priority
        impaired coastal river and estuary segments.
        Improve    Great    Lakes     ecosystem
        components,  including progress  on  fish
        contaminants, beach closures, air toxics and
        trophic status.
        Improve  the   aquatic   health   of   the
        Chesapeake Bay.
        By 2005, working with partners, achieve no
        net loss of wetlands.
Community Health
        Empower states, Tribes, local communities
        and   other  stakeholders   in   economic
        redevelopment to work together to prevent,
        assess,    safely   cleanup,   and    reuse
        Through December 2003,  the Brownfields
        program  has   awarded  552  Brownfields
        assessment grants,  over 171 Brownfields
        revolving loan funds and 50 cleanup grants,
        and 66 job training grants.
        Assess 1,000 Brownfields properties,
        Clean up 60 properties using Brownfields
        Leverage       $1.0       billion       in
        cleanup/redevelopment funding,
        Leverage 5,000 jobs.
        Train 200 participants, placing 65  percent in
Science and Research
        Support  wetlands   and  stream  corridor
        restoration    and     management    and
        Establish and  maintain Centers of Applied
        Science to provide technical assistance and
        coordination of applied  research activities
        addressing the  latest needs of stakeholders.
        Provide high quality exposure, effects and
        assessment research results that support the
        August 2006  reassessment of current-use
        pesticide tolerances, so that, by 2008, EPA
        will  be  able  to characterize key  factors
        influencing     children's    and     other
        subpopulations'   risks    from   pesticide

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
        By  2005,  provide  risk  assessors  and
        managers  with  methods  and  tools  for
        measuring exposure and effects in children.
        By 2005,  provide  technical guidance  for
        implementing  and  evaluating  projects  to
        restore  riparian zones,  so that,  by  2010,
        watershed   manages   have   state-of-the-
        science  field   evaluation  tools,  technical
        guidance and decision-support systems.
        Through 2005,  initiate or submit to external
        review  28 human  health assessments and
        complete   12   human  health  assessments
        through  the  Integrated Risk  Information
        System (IRIS).

Chemical, Organism and Pesticide Risks

Pesticide Registration

        In 2005, the Agency will continue its efforts
to decrease the risk to the public from pesticide use
through the  regulatory  review  of new pesticides.
EPA  expedites the registration  of  reduced  risk
pesticides, which  are generally  presumed to  pose
lower risks to consumers, workers, the ozone layer,
groundwater,  and  wildlife.    These  accelerated
pesticide reviews provide an incentive for industry to
develop, register,  and  use lower risk pesticides.
Additionally, the availability of  these reduced risk
pesticides provides alternatives to older, potentially
more harmful products currently on the market.

        Biological agents are potential weapons that
could be exploited by  terrorists  against the  United
States.  EPA's pesticides antimicrobial  program is
working to help address this threat.  Antimicrobials
play an important role in public health  and  safety.
EPA   is   conducting   comprehensive  scientific
assessments   and   developing  test   protocols  to
determine the safety and  efficacy of products  used
against  chemical and biological weapons of mass
destruction,  and registering products  as necessary.
EPA is also developing a timeline for prioritizing and
implementing the tests.

Tolerance Reassessment and Reregistration

        The   1996 Food  Quality Protection  Act
requires  the  reassessment of  existing pesticide
tolerances by  2006.  A tolerance is the amount  of
pesticide residue that may legally remain on a food.
Pesticide  reregistration  is a  statutory requirement
under the 1988 amendments to FIFRA.  Under the
law, all pesticides registered prior to November 1984
must be  reviewed to ensure that they meet current
health and safety standards. Many pesticides must be
reviewed under both statutes.  Additional program
requirements and priorities within FQPA include:
        Review of inert ingredients;
        Reform of the antimicrobial review process;
        Transparency of our regulatory decisions;
        Incorporation of aggregate and cumulative
        risk into our reviews;
        Special protection for infants and children;
        Screening   of  pesticides   for  endocrine
        disrupting effects;
        Enhancements to minor use program; and
        Emphasis on registration of reduced risk
        In the Pesticides program, the main focus,
our primary goal, and our largest public commitment
is  to  meet the final  statutory  goal  for completing
tolerance reassessment by August 3, 2006. Additional
resources of $4,400,000 are requested in this program
to  complete food use reregistration work necessary
for                  the                  Agency
to  complete tolerance  reassessments  by  2006  as
required by FQPA.   These resources will support
completion   of  conventional   pesticides,   inerts,
biopesticides and antimicrobial reviews.  The reviews
can take several years to complete, therefore FY 2005
is the last opportunity to ensure the Agency has the
resources to meet the 2006 FQPA deadline.

        In FY 2005, the Agency will continue  its
review of older pesticides and move forward toward
its ten-year statutory deadline of reassessing all 9,721
tolerances. EPA met its first two  statutory deadlines
under  FQPA  for  tolerance  reassessment.    The
tolerance reassessment process addresses the highest-
risk pesticides first. Using data surveys conducted by
USD A, FDA and other sources, EPA has identified a
group of "top 20" foods consumed by children and
matched  those  with the  tolerance  reassessments
required for pesticides used on those foods.   The
Agency is  tracking  its  progress in  determining
appropriate tolerances for these pesticides under the
FQPA standards.  In 2005, EPA will continue  its
effort  to   reduce  dietary  risks  to  children   by
completing approximately 93 percent (cumulative) of
these children's tolerances of special concern.

        Through the Reregistration program, EPA
reviews pesticides currently on the market to ensure
they meet the  latest health standards.  Pesticides not
in compliance with the standards will be eliminated
or restricted in order to minimize potentially harmful

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
exposure.     FQPA  added  considerably  more
complexity  to  the  pesticide reregistration  process,
lengthening the "front end"  of reregistration. These
requirements  include considering  aggregate   and
cumulative   risk   in    our   risk   assessments,
implementing new processes to increase involvement
of  pesticide  users   and  other  stakeholders,   and
ensuring a reasonable opportunity for agriculture to
make the transition to new, safer pest control tools
and practices.

        In 2005, EPA will work toward completing
40    Reregistration   Decisions6,   400   product
reregistrations and 1000 tolerance reassessments.  The
Agency will also continue to develop tools to screen
pesticides for their potential to disrupt the endocrine
system.   Over the  longer  run, these  changes  will
enhance   protection  of  human  health and  the

        Appropriate transition strategies to  reduced
risk pesticides are important to  the nation to avoid
disruption of the food supply or sudden changes in
the market that could result from abruptly terminating
the use of a pesticide before well-targeted  reduced
risk equivalents can be identified and made available.
In FY 2005, the Agency will continue efforts to reach
more  farmers and grower groups, encourage them to
adopt  safer  pesticides,  and   use  environmental
stewardship   and   integrated   pest  management
practices. These outreach efforts play pivotal roles in
moving the nation to the use of safe pest control
methods, including reduced risk pesticides.  These
programs   promote   risk  reduction   through
collaborative efforts with stakeholders to use safer
alternatives  to traditional chemical methods of  pest

Endangered Species

        Also in FY 2005, the Agency is requesting
additional   resources  of   $1,000,000  for   the
Endangered Species program. The Agency has been
working  with the Fish and Wildlife Service and the
National Marine Fisheries  Service to  improve  the
review process on the potential impact of pesticides
on endangered species.    Efforts include elevating
the level of detail of specificity in risk assessments to
more  realistically predict risks to endangered species
populations; developing a compendium of species
biology,  food  and  habitat requirements,  listing
specification   and   recovery    efforts;   ensuring
implementation of applicable label provisions;  and
supporting State  and  Tribal  entities in  protecting
endangered  species.     This funding will be  used
mainly   by   the   states   for   assisting   in   the
implementation of these improvements.

Endocrine Disrupters

        EPA's  Endocrine   Disrupters   Screening
Program (EDSP)  was established in response to an
FQPA requirement, and to growing concerns in the
scientific community about observed adverse effects
in wildlife and their potential relationship to human
effects.   The  program's primary  objectives are to
establish  validated   assays  and   scientifically-
supported tools for  testing chemicals for possible
adverse  effects to  the endocrine system.  FQPA
requires  that  "validated"  assays  be  used  in  the
Screening Program, but at passage in 1996, available
endocrine effects test methods  were  principally
experimental and  none had been validated.  EPA has
spent the past several years standardizing a defined
set of assays  and establishing their  relevance  and
reliability. The long-term outcomes of the EDSP will
be a  baseline estimate  of the degree of endocrine
disruption occurring from environmental chemicals,
and a way to measure the risk.

High Production Volume Challenge Program

        EPA's High  Production Volume  (HPV)
Challenge Program, established in cooperation with
industry, environmental groups, and other interested
parties,  works to ensure that critical human health
and  environmental effects  data  on  approximately
2,800  HPV   chemicals are  screened  and  made
publicly  available.  HPV chemicals are defined as
industrial chemicals  that   are  manufactured  or
imported into  the United States in volumes  of one
million  pounds or more each year.  Through  this
program, EPA asks  industry to voluntarily sponsor
HPV chemicals for screening-level testing.  Hazard
test information on large volume chemicals is now
more visible through the HPV website7, giving states,
regions,  and  Tribes  accessibility  and the ability to
share critical data and information. EPA's screening
efforts should be well under way by FY 2005 and are
expected to result in follow up actions on five to ten
percent of the chemicals screened.

Lead Poisoning Prevention Activities
6 Reregistration Decisions include Reregistration Eligibility
Decisions [REDs], Tolerance Reregistration Eligibility
Decisions [TREDs] and Interim Reregistration Eligibility
Decisions [IREDs]).
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Pollution Prevention and Toxics. "High Production Volume
(HPV) Challenge Program." Available online at:
http://www.epa.gov/chemrtk/volchall.htm. Washington,
DC. Accessed September 9, 2003.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
        EPA is part of the Federal effort to address
lead poisoning and elevated blood levels in children
by assisting in, and in some  cases guiding, Federal
activities aimed at reducing the exposure of children
in homes with lead-based paint. In 2005, EPA plans
to proceed with a proposed rule on the de-leading of
bridges and structures.  Also, because  much of the
remaining incidence of lead poisoning occurs in low-
income, urban areas, new public education initiatives
will  focus on these  populations.  EPA also plans to
step  up efforts with the private  sector to increase
knowledge and ability to work in a lead-safe manner
as a normal part of  doing business, and plans to
ensure that special attention is paid to private sector
(non-profit and for-profit) organizations working in
high-impact areas.

Risk Management Plans

        Reducing chemical  accidents  is vital to
ensure  that  communities  are  not  exposed  to
hazardous  materials.   The  Agency continues its
efforts to help states and Local Emergency Planning
Committees    (LEPCs)    implement   the   risk
management plan (RMP) program.  In FY  2002, 398
RMP  audits  were  conducted  and the  Agency
continues  to make steady progress in this  area.  In
FY  2005,  EPA  will  provide  technical  assistance
grants, technical support,  outreach, and training to
state and  LEPCs.   Through these activities, states,
local communities  and individuals  will  be better
prepared  to prevent  and  prepare for  chemical
cleanup/redevelopment funding, leverage 5,000 jobs,
and train 200 participants, placing 65 percent in jobs.
Community Health


        The  Brownfields program is designed  to
empower states, Tribes, local communities and other
stakeholders  in  economic  redevelopment  to  work
together to prevent, assess, safely cleanup, and reuse
Brownfields.     Through   December  2003,  the
Brownfields program has awarded 552  Brownfields
assessment grants, over  171 Brownfields revolving
loan funds and 50 cleanup grants, and 66 job training
grants.  In FY 2005, working with its state, Tribal,
and  local  partners to  meet  its objective  to sustain,
cleanup, and  restore communities and the ecological
systems that  support  them,  EPA intends to  assess
1,000 Brownfields properties, clean up 60 properties
using Brownfields funding,  leverage $1.0 billion  in

National Estuary Program

        EPA will continue to support protection and
restoration  efforts   in  high-priority   ecosystems,
including  those covered  by the National Estuary
Program (NEP).  Key NEP activities will include
continued support for assessing status and trends, and
implementation  activities  to  restore  and  protect
critical habitat.

State and Tribal Grants

        EPA will continue its grants to states and
Tribes to help them protect wetlands made vulnerable
by the  SWANCC ruling  as part of comprehensive
programs  that will achieve no net loss of wetlands,
while also providing grant funding for states and
Tribes to  assume more decision-making authority in
waters that remain subject to the CWA.


        Targeted geographic  watershed initiatives
are an  important  component of community-based
environmental protection  and restoration.   In  the
Great Lakes, EPA will target additional  resources to
clean up contaminated sediments and strive to reduce
PCB concentrations in lake trout and walleye.  The
emphasis  in the  Chesapeake  Bay will be  the
restoration of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV).
To  achieve  improved  water quality  and  restore
submerged  aquatic  vegetation,  Chesapeake  Bay
partners have  committed  to  reducing nutrient and
sediment pollution loads sufficiently to remove  the
Bay and the tidal portions of its tributaries from the
list of impaired waters.  Continued implementation of
core water  programs  and  efforts  to  address  the
hypoxic zone will help to  restore the waters  of the
Gulf of Mexico  and its tributaries.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan

Research for Human Health and Ecosystems

        In order to improve the scientific basis for
identifying,  characterizing, assessing,  and managing
environmental exposures that can  pose the  greatest
health  risks  to  the  American  public,  EPA  is
committed to developing and verifying innovative
methods and models for assessing the  susceptibilities
of sub-populations,  such as children and the elderly,
to environmental toxins.  Since many of the current
human health risk assessment methods, models, and
databases are based on environmental risks for adults,
this research is primarily aimed at enhancing current
risk  assessment  and  management   strategies  and
guidance to better consider risk determination needs
for children.

        In FY 2005, research will identify modes of
action    by    which     specific     groups    of
chemicals/pesticides  increase  cancer  or non-cancer
health risks as a function of life stage, develop the
necessary  tools   and models to  characterize  and
conduct field studies on exposures to high-priority
environmental chemicals in the elderly, and examine
effects  of  pre-existing respiratory  disease  (e.g.,
asthma, bronchitis) on response to air pollutants.

        EPA will  continue to generate exposure
measurement and exposure factor data and establish
methods to support the development, evaluation, and
enhancement of models of aggregate exposures, dose,
and effects.  This research  seeks to understand the
key  determinants of exposure  and  risk, improve
exposure  measurement  techniques,   and develop
critical data on exposure and exposure factors.  The
results will be used  to fill data  gaps and  reduce
reliance on numerous default assumptions that are
currently used in the risk assessment process, which
will  strengthen the  scientific foundation for  human
health risk assessment.

        Additional  research will provide  regulatory
decision-makers  with models and guidance that will
be used for conducting assessments for cumulative
exposure and risks to pollutants that pose the greatest
health risks to the American public.   Activities for
FY 2005  and beyond  include:  1) developing and
refining   physiologically-based   pharmacokinetic
(PBPK) models  for using exposure, biomarker, and
PK data in risk assessments; 2) examining promising
new biomarkers  of exposure and effects that can be
used in future exposure and epidemiological studies,
such as the National Children's Study  (NCS); and 3)
sponsoring research that will provide a framework for
structuring evaluations  of the  toxicity  of complex
chemical   mixtures   for   use   in  human   and
environmental health assessments.

        In order to  balance the growth of human
activity with the  need to protect the environment, it is
important to  understand  the  current condition  of
ecosystems,  what stressors   are  changing  that
condition,  what  the  effects  may  be  from  those
changes,  and what can be done to prevent, mitigate,
or  adapt  to  those  changes.    In FY  2005,  the
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program
(EMAP)  will  continue to  be a major contributor to
EPA's environmental indicators report and will be
instrumental in improving state  contributions to  the
Agency's  bi-annual  report  to Congress  on  the
condition of the Nation's waters. Baseline ecological
condition of Western  streams will be  determined  so
that, by 2008, a monitoring framework is  available
for streams and small  rivers in the Western U.S. that
can be used from  the local to the national level for
statistical  assessments of condition and change  to
ecological resources.
        Research   will  also   provide   technical
guidance for implementing and evaluating projects to
restore riparian  zones, which  are critical landscape
components for the restoration of aquatic ecosystems
and  water quality.   Research  will  include:    (1)
development,  demonstration and technical support
for monitoring designs, indicators,  and interpretive
analysis tools  to allow States and Tribes to monitor
and  report the  condition of  water  resources;  (2)
development of  approaches to identify and test  the
linkages  between probability-based  and   targeted
water  quality  monitoring  programs,   landscape
characteristics and the probability of water  body
impairment; (3)  development of monitoring methods
and decision support systems to improve our ability
to identify probable causes of ecological impairment
in  streams;  and  (4)  development  of  monitoring
approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of programs
to manage  and restore aquatic resources in reaching
performance  objectives at site,  regional, state and
national scales.

        The Agency will continue research to assess
the impacts of invasive species on U.S.  ecosystems,
including monitoring for invasive species as part of
the Western EMAP program and the National Coastal
Assessment,  modeling  zebra  mussel influence  on

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
nutrients in Great Lakes Ecosystems, and developing
a model for predicting where  certain species  will
invade next.

        Research efforts in FY 2005 will continue to
build on the Agency's FY 2004 Clear Skies Research
Initiative  to  identify  where  emerging   control
technologies   and   continuous   measurement  of
mercury  combustion   sources  can  facilitate  or
optimize mercury emissions reduction. This research
will  also give support to the  recent Utility  Mercury
Reductions proposal signed by Administrator Leavitt
on December 15, 2003.

        EPA  will  increase  efforts to  implement
information quality guidelines.   While  the Agency
has extensive procedures in place to ensure that the
information it disseminates  meets  high standards,
further  actions will  be taken to ensure that such
information is current and fully complies  with the
guidelines. In FY 2005, the Agency will establish an
extramural  mechanism  to   assist  Regions  in
identifying external peer reviewers and securing their
advice and assistance.

Climate Change Research

        EPA's Climate Change Research  Program
supports  one  of  six  Administration  FY  2005
Interagency Research and Development Priorities -
Climate  Change  Science  and  Technology.    All
activities to assess potential impacts of global climate
change  will be developed and coordinated  with the
Climate Change Science Program (CCSP).  Attention
is  expected to be given to assessing the  potential
consequences  of global change - including climate
variability and change,  land  use  changes,  and UV
radiation - on air quality, water quality, ecosystem
health,  and human health.   The  Agency will  also
assess  potential  adaptation strategies for  building
resilience to global change, while responding to both
potential risks and opportunities.

Research for Pesticides and Toxics

        EPA  is  continuing  to  build  on  research
launched under the FY 2003 Biotechnology Initiative
focusing  on  plant-incorporated  protectants (PIP)
crops.   In FY 2005,  the Agency will deliver a final
report  outlining  the state-of-the-art  in tools  for
monitoring resistance development  in the field and
the  use of target  pest ecology  to  refine  Insect
Resistance  Management  strategies,  as they   are
determined in risk assessment practice.  This report
will  focus on data gaps in pest biology, ecology, and
population dynamics related to insect resistance
development.  The report will also lend insight into
the development of appropriate tools to identify and
measure  resistance in field  populations  of target

Research for Computational Toxicology

        EPA's Computational Toxicology research
program supports the Molecular-level Understanding
of   Life   Processes   activity,   one    of   the
Administration's six FY 2005 Interagency Research
and Development Priorities, by employing the use of
genomic   information  and  modern  computational
techniques to enable better management of chemicals
that may be present in the environment. In FY 2005,
EPA   will   invest    additional   resources   in
computational toxicology (CT) research -  4.0 FTE
and $4,080,093.  The FY 2005 CT investment will
build upon the current program by accelerating the
use  of  bioinformatics  and  other  computational
approaches and apply the program to address  other
high  priority  regulatory  issues,   including  the
assessment of important classes of  environmental
agents.   In FY  2005,  the  Agency  will begin to
develop computational models that could be used to
help prioritize  anti-microbial agents and  inerts for
screening and testing requirements.


        The  STAR fellowship program is the only
Federal fellowship program designed exclusively for
students   pursuing   advanced   degrees   in   the
environmental  sciences and  engineering.   In FY
2005, the  Agency will invest  additional resources to
support STAR graduate fellowships.  This additional
investment will extend the  purpose  of developing
high  quality  scientists across multiple  disciplines,
including  the  biological  and  physical   sciences,
mathematics, computer sciences, and engineering that
will benefit  EPA,  the private sector,  and the entire

        In FY 2005, EPA will also invest additional
resources to support Association of Schools of Public
Health (ASPH) fellowships.   This  investment will
further extend the important  contribution to public
health issues that ASPH fellows provide within  EPA,
thereby helping EPA to better design its programs for
human  health outcomes.    Under  a  cooperative
agreement with the ASPH, eligible fellows are placed
in EPA labs, centers, and offices to conduct projects
that contribute to EPA's public health mission.

Research for Homeland Security

        EPA's Homeland Security research program
will   continue  to  conduct  critical cross-cutting
research   to   provide   near-term,   appropriate,
affordable, reliable, tested, and effective technologies
and guidance.  Work will focus on preparedness, risk

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
assessment, detection, containment, decontamination,
and disposal of chemical and biological agents used
in attacks on water systems.  New work will be
initiated  in  the  decontamination and clean up  of
biological agents.


        The  ability of the Agency  to achieve its
strategic  goals and objectives depends  on several
factors over which the Agency  has only  partial
control   or   influence.     Partnerships,   voluntary
cooperation,  international  collaboration,  industry,
economic influences,  industrial  accidents, natural
disasters, litigation, and legislation play critical roles,
affecting the Agency's results. Changes in the focus,
level of effort, or status of any of these components
could affect the success of the Agency's programs
under Goal  4.   Consequently, EPA  must consider
these  factors as it establishes annual performance
measures and targets.

        EPA  assures the safe use  of pesticides in
coordination with  the USDA and FDA, who  have
responsibility to monitor and control residues and
other environmental exposures. EPA also works with
these agencies to coordinate with other countries and
international  organizations with  which the United
States  shares  environmental  goals.   The  Agency
employs  a number of mechanisms and programs to
assure that our partners in environmental protection
will  have  the  capacity to  conduct the  activities
needed to achieve the objectives. However, as noted,
EPA often has  limited control over these  entities.
Much of the success of EPA programs depends on
the voluntary cooperation of the  private  sector and
the public.

        Other factors that may delay or prevent the
Agency's achievement  of the  objectives  include
lawsuits that delay or stop the planned activities of
EPA  and/or  State  partners, new   or   amended
legislation,  and  new   commitments within  the
Administration.  Economic growth and changes in
producer and consumer  behavior could also have an
influence  on the  Agency's  ability  to achieve the
objectives within the time frame specified.

        Large-scale  accidental  releases,  such  as
pesticide spills,  or rare catastrophic  natural events
(such as hurricanes or large-scale  flooding)  could
impact EPA's ability to achieve objectives in the
short  term.   In the longer term, new technology,
newly   identified   environmental   problems  and
priorities, or unanticipated complexity or magnitude
of pesticide-related  problems may  affect  the  time
frame for achieving the objectives or long-term goals.
For   example,  pesticide   use  is   affected  by
unanticipated outbreaks of pest infestations and/or
disease  factors,  which require  EPA  to  review
emergency uses in order to preclude unreasonable
risks to the environment.   While the Agency  can
provide incentives for the submission of registration
actions  such as reduced risk and  minor uses, EPA
does not control incoming requests  for registration
actions.   As a result,  the  Agency's projection of
regulatory workload is subject to change.

        Progress in reducing risks  is often highly
dependent on industry's response to  EPA assistance
and initiatives.  EPA has little direct control over the
pace and  volume  at which industry develops new
chemicals or pesticides; we primarily concentrate on
providing  industry with  tools, such as the PBT
Profiler and Pollution Prevention Framework, or

incentives, such as the priority review of reduced-risk
pesticides,  to  help screen out high-risk  chemicals
before  they are submitted for EPA  review.  These
tools and incentives have been shown to be effective
in gaining cooperation from industry and meeting our
long-term and annual goals.  In addition, voluntary
programs,  such as the HPV  Challenge Program,
operate   exclusively  on the  basis  of  industry
commitments for participation.   Industry's response
to such initiatives  affects  the  Agency's  ability to
achieve effective new chemical screening efficiently.


        Strong science  is predicated  on the desire of
the Agency to make human health and environmental
decisions based on high-quality scientific  data  and
information.  This challenges the Agency to perform
and apply the  best available science and  technical
analyses when  addressing health and environmental
problems.   Such a challenge moves the Agency to a
more integrated, efficient, and effective approach of
reducing potential risks.  As  long as high  quality
science  is a central tenant for  actions taken by the
Agency, then external factors will have a minimal
impact on the goal.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                   Resource Summary
                                  (Dollars in thousands)

Healthy Communities and Ecosystems
Chemical, Organism, and Pesticide Risks
Enhance Science and Research
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
      OBJECTIVE: Chemical, Organism, and Pesticide Risks
      Prevent and reduce pesticide, chemical, and genetically engineered biological organism risks to humans,
communities, and ecosystems.
                               Resource Summary
                              (Dollars in Thousands)

Chemical, Organism, and Pesticide Risks
Credit Subsidy Re-estimate
Environmental Program & Management
Science & Technology
Building and Facilities
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Inspector General
Total Workyears

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                Program Project
                              (Dollars in Thousands)

Children and other Sensitive Populations
Categorical Grant: Pesticides Program
Pesticides: Field Programs
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Homeland Security: Preparedness, Response,
and Recovery
Categorical Grant: Lead
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Pesticides: Registration of New Pesticides
Pesticides: Review / Reregistration of Existing
POPs Implementation
State and Local Prevention and Preparedness
Toxic Substances: Chemical Risk
Toxic Substances: Chemical Risk Review and
Toxic Substances: Lead Risk Reduction Prgm
TRI / Right to Know
International Capacity Building
Administrative Projects
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                        FY 2005 Annual Plan



Annual Performance Goals and Measures

Decrease Risk from Agricultural Pesticides

In 2005     Ensure new pesticide registration actions (including new active ingredients, new uses) meet new health
            standards and are environmentally safe.

In 2005     Percentage of acre treatments that will use applications of reduced-risk pesticides

In 2004     Decrease adverse risk from agricultural uses from 1995 levels.

In 2003     124 safer chemicals and biopesticides were registered, 72 new chemicals were registered, and 425 new
            uses were registered. Date for acre-treatments is expected in 2004.

Performance Measures:

Register safer chemicals and biopesticides

New Chemicals (Active Ingredients)

New Uses

Percentage  of acre-treatments with reduced  risk

Maintain timeliness of S18 decisions

Reduce registration decision   times  for new
conventional chemicals

Reduce registration decision times for reduced
risk chemicals

Baseline:    The baseline for registration of reduced risk pesticides, new chemicals, and new uses, is zero in the
            year 1996  (the year FQPA was enacted). Progress is measured cumulatively since 1996. The baseline
            for acres-treated is 3.6% of total acreage in 1998, when the reduced-risk pesticide acres-treatments was
            30,332,499 and total  (all pesticides)  was  843,063,644 acre-treatments.   Each year's  total  acre-
            treatments, as reported by Doane Marketing Research, Inc. serves as the basis  for computing the
            percentage of acre-treatments using reduced risk pesticides. Acre-treatments count the total number of
            pesticide treatments each acre receives each year.  As of 2003, there are no products registered for use
            against  other  potential bio-agents (non-anthrax).   Conventional pesticides FY  2002 baseline for
            reducing decision time is 44 months; reduced risk pesticides FY 2002 baseline for reducing time is
            32.5 months.   The 2005 baseline for expedited new active ingredient pesticides is 4.  The S18 2005
            baseline is 45 days.

Reduce use of highly toxic pesticides

In 2005
FY 2003



Data lag

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.




FY 2005
Pres. Bud.





In 2004
Decrease occurrence of residues of carcinogenic and cholinesterase-inhibiting neuortic pesticides on
foods eaten by children from their average 1994-1996 levels

Decrease occurrence of residues of carcinogenic and cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides on foods
eaten by children from their average 1994-1996 levels.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                         FY 2005 Annual Plan
In 2003
Data available in 2004.
FY 2003
Data lag
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

Performance Measures:

Reduction of detections on a core set of 19 foods
eaten by children relative to detection levels for
those foods reported in 1994-1996.
Baseline:    Percent occurrence of residues of FQPA priority pesticides (organophosphates  and carbamates) on
            samples of children's foods in baseline years 94-96.  Baseline percent is 33.5% of composite sample of
            children's foods: apples,  apple juice, bananas, broccoli, carrots, celery,  grapes,  green beans (fresh,
            canned, frozen), lettuce, milk,  oranges, peaches, potatoes,  spinach, sweet corn (canned and frozen),
            sweet peas (canned and frozen), sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and wheat.

Reassess Pesticide Tolerances

In 2005     Ensure that through ongoing data reviews, pesticide active ingredients, and products that contain them
            are reviewed  to assure  adequate protection for human health  and the environment, taking into
            consideration exposure scenarios such as subsistence lifestyles of the Native Americans

In 2004     Ensure that through on-going data reviews,  pesticide active ingredients and the products that contain
            them are reviewed to assure adequate protection for human health and the environment, taking into
            consideration exposure scenarios such as subsistence lifestyles of Native Americans.
Performance Measures:

Tolerance Reassessment

Reregistration Eligibility Decisions (REDs)

Product Reregistration

Tolerance reassessments for top 20 foods eaten
by children

Number  of   inert   ingredients   tolerances

Reduce decision time for REDs
Baseline:    The baseline value for tolerance reassessments is the 9,721 tolerances that must be reassessed by 2006
            using FQPA  health and safety standards. The baseline for REDS  is the 612 REDs that must be
            completed by 2008.  The baseline for inerts tolerances is 870 that must be reassessed by 2006.  The
            baseline for the top 20  foods eaten by children is 893 tolerances that must be reassessed by 2006.
            Tribal Pilot of 2 models in FY 2003; total number of models to be determined  (current estimate is!6-
            18). Reregistration decision time baseline 38-40 months.

Testing of Chemicals in Commerce for Endocrine Disruption

In 2005     Standardization and validation of screening assays

In 2004     Standardization and validation of screening assays
FY 2003



FY 2004
Pres. Bud.




FY 2005
Pres. Bud.





U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Screening Assays Completed

FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

Baseline:    The  non-prioritized universe of chemicals that needs to  be considered for prioritization includes:
            pesticide  active  ingredients,  pesticide  inert  ingredients,  chemicals  on  the  TSCA  Inventory,
            environmental contaminants, food additives, Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and
            representative mixtures.  "Priority-setting" refers to the determination of priorities for entry into Tier 1
            Screening.  The baseline for the Tier 1  screening measure  is zero  in 1996  - no valid methods for
            endocrine disrupter screening and testing existed when FQPA was enacted in FY1996.

Process and Disseminate TRI Information - OEI

In 2005     The increased use of the Toxic Release Inventory Made Easy (TRI-ME) will result in a total burden
            reduction of 5% for Reporting Year 2004 from Reporting Year 2003 levels.

In 2004     The increased use of the Toxic Release Inventory Made Easy (TRI-ME) will result in a total burden
            reduction of 5% for Reporting Year 2003 from Reporting Year 2002 levels.
Performance Measures:

Percentage of TRI chemical  forms submitted
over the Internet using TRI-ME and the Central
Data Exchange.

Baseline:    4.2 million hours for FY 2002.
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Reduce Wildlife Incidents and Mortalities

In 2005     Reduce from 1995 levels the number of incidents involving mortalities to nontargeted terrestrial and
            aquatic wildlife caused by pesticides

In 2004     Reduce Wildlife Incidents and Mortalities
Performance Measures:

Number of incidents and mortalities to terrestrial
and aquatic wildlife caused by the 15 pesticides
responsible for the greatest  mortality  to  such
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    80 reported bird  incidents (involving 1150 estimated bird casualties); 65  reported fish incidents
            (involving 632,000 estimated fish casualties) as reported in 1995.

Exposure to Industrial / Commercial Chemicals

In 2005     Reduce exposure to and health effects from priority industrial / commercial chemicals

In 2004     Reduce exposure to and health effects from priority industrial / commercial chemicals

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                      FY 2005 Annual Plan
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Performance Measures:

Safe Disposal of Transformers

Safe Disposal of Capacitors
number of children aged 1-5 years with elevated
blood lead levels (>10 ug / dl)
Baseline:    1999/2000  baseline released  in January 2003: Approximately  400,000 cases of childhood  lead
            poisoning cases according to NHANES data.  In 2004 a larger data set will be included as we will be
            expanding to include more EPA Regional efforts that will include all federally administered and State
            administered programs.  Introduced the  "number of children aged 1-5 years"  measure in FY2004.
            Since the baseline is 1999/2000 data we are unable to project targets for 2004 and 2005 due to the
            data-lag.  The FY2003 data for a new baseline may not be available until 2005.  The baseline for PCB
            transformers is estimated at 2.2 million units and for capacitors is estimated at 1.85 million units as of
            1988  as noted in the 1989  PCB Notification and Manifesting Rule.  From 1991-2001  there was a
            declining trend in PCB disposal due to failing equipment and environmental liability: the total number
            of PCB large capacitors safely disposed of 436,485 and the total number of PCB transformers safely
            disposed of 172,672 as of 2002.

Risks from Industrial / Commercial Chemicals

In 2005     Identify, restrict, and reduce  risks associated with industrial/commercial chemicals.

In 2004     Identify and reduce risks associated with international industrial/commercial chemicals.

In 2004     Identify, restrict, and reduce  risks associated with industrial/commercial chemicals.

In 2003     Of the approximately 1,633 applications for new chemicals and microorganisms submitted by industry,
            ensure those marketed are safe for humans and the environment. Increased proportion  of commercial
            chemicals that have undergone PMN review to signify they are properly managed and may be potential
            "green" alternatives to existing chemicals in commerce.
Performance Measures:

Number  of  TSCA  Pre-Manufacture  Notice

Make screening level health and environmental
effects data  publicly available  for  sponsored
HPV chemicals
Reduction  in  the   current  year  production-
adjusted    Risk    Screening    Environmental
Indicators  risk-based  score  of releases  and
transfers of toxic chemicals.
High   Production  Volume   chemicals   with
complete  Screening  Information   Data  Sets
(SIDS)   submitted   to  OECD  SIDS   Initial
Assessment Meeting

Percentage  of chemicals  identified as highest
priority by the Acute Exposure Guideline Levels
(AEGLs)  Program  with  short-term  exposure
limits established.
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Baseline:    The baseline for TSCA PMNs in FY2004 is zero.  (EPA receives about 1,700 PMNs per year for
            chemicals about to enter commerce.  From 1979-2002, EPA reviewed about 40,000 PMNs.  Of the
            78,000 chemicals potentially in commerce, 16,618 have gone through the risk-screening process of
            Notice of Commencement.)  The baseline for HPV measure is zero chemicals in 1998.  The baseline
            for the RSEI measure is the index calculated for 2001.  Baseline is 2002; calculation methodology by
            addition of AEGL values (10 minute, 1 hour, 4 hour and 24 hour exposure periods) and numbers of
            chemicals addressed.  There is a list maintained by the AEGL FACA committee  of highest priority
            chemicals: 99 chemicals are on List 1 which was generated at the program's inception in 1996 and 137
            chemicals are highest priority on List 2 which was generated in 2001.  Therefore the total of highest
            priority chemical stands today at 236 chemicals, however chemicals can be added or deleted from the
            list to fit stakeholder needs which is why we have decided to provide percentage targets.  2001  levels
            will serve as the baseline reference point for the percent reduction in relative risk index for chronic
            human health associated with environmental releases of industrial chemicals in commerce as measured
            by Risk Screening Environmental Indicators Model  analyzing  results  to  date.  Measurement
            Development Plans exist for HPV, VCCEP, and New Chemicals.

Chemical Facility Risk Reduction

In 2005     Protect human health, communities, and ecosystems from chemical risks and releases through facility
            risk reduction efforts and building community infrastructures.

In 2004     Protect human health, communities, and ecosystems from chemical risks and releases through facility
            risk reduction efforts and building community infrastructures.

In 2003     Data available in March 2004.

Performance Measures:

Number  of  risk   management  plan   audits  Data lag       400           400           audits

Baseline:    By the end of FY 2001, 438 risk management plan audits were completed.


FY 2005 Performance Measure: Percentage of TRI chemical forms  submitted over the Internet using the
Toxic Release Inventory Made Easy (TRI-ME) and the Central Data Exchange (CDX).

Performance Database: TRI System (TRIS).

Data Source: Facility submissions of TRI data to EPA.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability: As part of the regular process of opening the mail at  the TRI Reporting
Center, submissions are immediately classified as paper or floppy disk.  This information is then entered into  TRIS.
The identification of an electronic submission via CDX is done automatically by the software.

QA/QC Procedures: Currently, the mail room determines whether a submission is  on paper or a floppy disk during
the normal process of entering and tracking submissions. Electronic  submissions via CDX are automatically tracked
by the software.   With an increase in electronic reporting via CDX,  the manual mail room processing will be
significantly reduced. Information received via hard copy is double-key entered. During the facility reconciliation
process, the data entered  are checked to  ensure submission identification is accomplished at no less than 99 %
accuracy.  Accuracy is defined as accurate identification of document type.

Data Quality Reviews: Each month the Data Processing Center  conducts data  quality  checks to ensure  99 %
accuracy of submission information captured in TRIS.
Data Limitations: Occasionally,  some facilities send in their forms in  duplicative formats (e.g., paper, floppy,
and/or through CDX). All submissions are entered into TRIS. The Data Processing Center follows the procedures

FY 2003
Data lag
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

outlined in the document  "Dupe Check Procedures" to  identify potential duplicate submissions.  Submissions
through CDX override  duplicate submissions through disk and/or hard copy.  Floppy disk submissions override
duplicate paper copy submissions.

Error Estimate: The error rate for "submission-type" data capture has been assessed to be less than 1%.  The
quality of the data is high.

New/Improved Performance  Data or  Systems:  EPA continues to identify  enhancements in  E-reporting
capabilities via CDX.

References: www.epa.gov/TRI

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Percentage of acre treatments with reduced risk pesticides.

Performance Database: EPA uses an external database, Doane Marketing Research data, for this measure.

Data Source: Primary source is Doane Marketing Research, Inc. (a private sector research database).
Methods,  Assumptions and Suitability:  A reduced-risk pesticide must meet the criteria set forth in Pesticide
Registration Notice 97-3, September 4, 1997. Reduced-risk pesticides include those which reduce the risks to human
health; reduce the risks to non-target organisms; reduce the  potential for contamination of groundwater,  surface
water,  or  other valued environmental resources; and/or broaden the adoption of integrated pest management
strategies  or make such strategies more available or more  effective. In addition, biopesticides  are generally
considered safer (and  thus  reduced-risk).  EPA's  statistical and economics  staff  review  data  from  Doane.
Information  is also compared to prior years for variations and trends as well as to determine the reasons for the

Doane sampling plans and QA/QC procedures are available to the public at their website. More specific  information
about the data is proprietary and a subscription fee is required.  Data are weighted and multiple regression procedure
is used to adjust for known disproportionalities (known disproportionality refers to a non proportional sample, which
means individual  respondents  have different  weights) and  ensure consistency with USDA  and  state acreage

QA/QC Procedures: All registration actions must employ sound science and meet the Food Quality Protection Act
(FQPA) new safety standard. All risk assessments are subject to public and scientific peer review. Doane data are
subject to extensive QA/QC procedures, documented at their websites.

Data  Quality  Review:  Doane  data are  subject to  extensive  internal quality review, documented at the website.
EPA's statistical and economics staff review data from Doane.  Information is also compared to prior years for
variations  and trends as well as to determine the reasons for the variability.

Data Limitations: Doane data  are proprietary; thus in order to release  any detailed information, the Agency  must
obtain approval.

Error Estimate: Error estimates differ according to the data/database and year of sampling.  Doane sampling plans
and QA/QC procedures are available to the  public at their website.  More specific information about the data is
proprietary and a subscription fee is required. Data are weighted and multiple regression procedure is used to adjust
for known disproportionalities and ensure consistency with USDA and state acreage estimates.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  These are not EPA databases; thus improvements are not known in any detail at
this time.

References:  EPA Website; EPA  Annual Report; Annual Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report,
http://www.ams.usda.gov/science/pdp/download.htm; Doane Marketing Research, Inc.: http://www.doanemr.com;
http://www.usda.gov/nass/pubs  and http://www.usda.nass/nass/nassinfo; FFDCA Sec 408(a)(2); EPA  Pesticide
Registration Notice 97-3, September 4, 1997.

FY 2005  Performance Measure: Reduction in  occurrences of carcinogenic and cholinesterase-inhibiting
neurotoxic pesticide  residues on a core set of 19 children's foods reported in 1994-1996
Performance Database: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Pesticide Data Program (PDF).


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data  Source:  Data collection is conducted by the states.  Information is coordinated by USDA agencies and
cooperating state agencies.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:   The information is  collected  by the states and includes statistical
information on pesticide use, food consumption, and residue detections, which provide the basis for realistic dietary
risk assessments and evaluation of pesticide tolerance. Pesticide  residue sampling and  testing procedures are
managed by USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). AMS also maintains an automated information system
for pesticide residue data and publishes annual summaries of residue detections.

This measure helps provide information on the effect of EPA's regulatory actions on children's health via reduction
of pesticide residues on children's foods. The assumption is that through reduction of pesticide residues on these
foods, children's exposure to pesticides will be reduced; thus, the risk to  their health diminished.  This measure
contributes to the Agency's goal  of protecting human health and is aligned with the Food Quality Protection Act
(FQPA) mandate of protecting children's health.

QA/QC Procedures:  The core of USDA's PDP's QA/QC program is Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) based
on EPA's Good Laboratory Practices. At each participating laboratory, there is a quality assurance (QA) unit which
operates independently from the rest of the laboratory staff. QA Plans are followed as the standard procedure, with
any deviations documented extensively.  Final QA  review is conducted by PDF staff responsible for collating and
reviewing data for conformance with SOPs.   PDF  staff also monitors the performance of participating laboratories
through proficiency  evaluation samples, quality assurance  internal  reviews, and on-site visits.  Additionally,
analytical methods have been standardized in various areas including analytical standards, laboratory operations,
data handling, instrumentation and QA/QC.  With the exception of California, all samples of a commodity collected
for PDF are forwarded to a single laboratory, allowing greater consistency, improved QA/QC and reduced sample
loss. Program plans may be accessed at http://www.ams.usda.gov/science/pdp/SOPs.htm.

Data  Quality Review: In addition to having extensive QA plans to ensure reliability of the data, the PDF follows
EPA's Good  Laboratory Practices in  standard  operating procedures.  A QA  committee composed of quality
assurance officers is responsible for annual review of program SOPs and  for addressing QA/QC issues.  Quality
assurance units at each participating laboratory operate independently from the laboratory staff and are responsible
for day-to-day quality assurance oversight.  Preliminary QA/QC review is done at each participating laboratory with
final review performed by PDF staff for conformance with SOPs.

Data  Limitations: Participation in the PDF is voluntary. Sampling is limited to ten states but designed in a manner
to represent the  food supply nationwide.  The number of sampling sites  and volume  vary by state.  Sampling
procedures are described at the website, see reference below.
Error Estimate: Uncertainties and other sources of error are minor  and not expected to have any significant effect
on performance assessment.  More information is available on the website (See References).

New/Improved Data or Systems: These are not EPA data; thus improvements are not known in any detail at this

References:       PDF      Annual        Reports,       http://www.ams.usda.gov/science/pdp/download.htm;
http://www.ams.usda.gov/process/;  CFR   40  Part  160;  Food   Quality   Protection  Act   (FQPA)  1996;

FY 2005 Performance Measures:

•       Number of Tolerance Reassessments issued.
•       Number of Reregistration Eligibility Decisions (REDs) issued.
•       Number of Product Reregistration decisions issued.
•       Tolerance Reassessments for top 20 foods eaten by children
•       Number of inert ingredients tolerance/tolerance exemptions reassessed.
•       Reduce decision times for REDs

Performance Database:  The OPPIN (Office of Pesticide Programs Information Network) consolidates various
EPA program databases. It is maintained by the EPA and tracks regulatory data submissions and studies, organized

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

by scientific discipline, which are submitted by the registrant in support of a pesticide's reregistration. Additionally,
manual counts of the registrations of reduced risk pesticides are kept as backup and quality control.

Data Source: EPA's Pesticides Program.

Methods, Assumptions  and Suitability:  The measures  are program outputs which represent the program's
statutory requirements to ensure that  pesticides  entering the marketplace are safe for  human health and the
environment and when used in accordance with the packaging label present a reasonable certainty of no harm.
While program outputs are not the best measures of risk reduction, they do provide a means for reducing risk in that
the program's safety review prevents dangerous pesticides from entering the marketplace.

QA/QC Procedures:  All registration actions must employ sound science and meet the Food Quality Protection Act
(FQPA) new safety standard. All risk assessments are subject to public and scientific peer review.

Data Quality Review: Management reviews the program counts and signs off on the decision document.

Data Limitations: None known.

Error Estimate: N/A.  There are no errors associated with count data.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  The OPPIN, which  consolidates various pesticides program databases,  will
contribute to reducing the processing time for reregistration actions.
References:  EPA Website http://www.epa.gov/pesticides EPA Annual  Report 2002  EPA  Number 735-R-03-001;
2003 Annual Performance Plan

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Number of incidents and mortalities to terrestrial and aquatic wildlife
caused by the 15 pesticides responsible for the greatest mortality to such wildlife.

Performance Database:  The Ecological Incident  Information System (EIIS) is a national  database of information
on  poisoning incidents of non-target plants and animals  caused by pesticide use.  The Environmental Fate and
Effects staff for Pesticide Programs maintain this database.

Data Source:  Data are extracted from written reports of fish and wildlife incidents submitted to the Agency by
pesticide registrants under the Federal Insecticide Fungicide  and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), Section 6(a)(2), as well
as incident reports voluntarily  submitted by state and Federal agencies involved in investigating such incidents.

Methods, Assumptions  and Suitability:  This measure helps to provide information on the effect of EPA's
regulatory actions on the well being of fish and  wildlife.  The assumption is that the number of incidents and
mortalities to fish and wildlife  caused by pesticides will decrease when use  of those pesticides are  curtailed or

QA/QC Procedures:  EPA  employs a process to ensure data quality for this measure  which begins before entering
an incident into the database.  A database program is used  to screen for records already in the database with similar
locations and dates.  Similar records are then individually reviewed to prevent duplicate reporting.  After each record
is entered into the EIIS database, an incident report is printed that contains all the data entered into the database. A
staff member, other than the one who entered the data, then reviews the information in the report and compares it to
the original source report to verify data quality. Scientists  using the incident database are also encouraged to report
any inaccuracies they find in the database for correction.

Data Quality Review: Internally and externally conducted data quality reviews related  to data entry are ongoing.
EPA follows a quality assurance plan for accurately extracting data from  reports and entering it into the EIIS
database.  This quality assurance plan is described in Appendix D of the Quality Management Plan for pesticides
programs. When resources allow incorporation of wildlife data from private organizations, such as the American
Bird Conservancy, the new data and EIIS data are reviewed for quality during data entry using the same standards.

Data Limitations: This measure is designed to monitor trends in the numbers of acute poisoning events reported to
the Agency.  Because the data are obtained, in part, through voluntary reporting, the numbers of reported incidents
may not accurately reflect the numbers of actual incidents.  Therefore, it is important to consider the possible factors
influencing changes in incident reporting rates over time when evaluating this measure.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Error Estimate:  Moving average counts of number of incidents per year may be interpreted as a relative index of
the frequency of adverse effects that pesticides are causing to fish and wildlife from acute toxicity effects.  The
indicator numbers are subject to under-reporting, but trends in the numbers over time may  indicate if the overall
level of adverse acute effects is improving or getting worse. Even so, if there is an increase in bird kills since the
baseline year, it may be due to better tracking/reporting of kills  rather  than an increase or  change in use  of a
New/Improved Data or Systems: The EPA is currently conducting a project with the American Bird Conservancy,
reviewing the data in its Avian Incident Monitoring System on bird kill incidents caused by  pesticides. These  data
will be incorporated into the EIIS.  The project is expected to improve the quantity and quality of data in the EIIS
database on avian incidents.

References: The Ecological Incident Information System (EIIS) is an internal EPA database. Federal Insecticide
Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), Section 6(a)(2).
QMP: Quality Management Plan for the Office of Pesticides Program, May 20, 2000

FY 2005 Performance Measures:

•       Number  of registrations of  reduced  risk  pesticides  registered  (Register safer chemicals  and
•       Number of new (active ingredients) conventional pesticides registered (New Chemicals)(Cumulative).
•       Number of conventional new uses registered (New Uses)(Cumulative).
•       Number of new uses for previously registered antimicrobial products.
•       Maintain timeliness of Section 18 Emergency Exemption Decisions.
•       Reduce registration decision times for reduced risk chemicals

Performance Database: The OPPIN (Office  of Pesticide Programs Information Network) consolidates various
pesticides program databases.  It is maintained by the EPA and tracks regulatory data submissions  and studies,
organized by scientific discipline, which are submitted by the  registrant in support of a pesticide's  registration.
Additionally, manual counts of the registrations of reduced risk pesticides are maintained for quality control

Data Source: Pesticide program reviewers update the status of the submissions and studies as they are received and
as work is completed by the  reviewers. The status indicates  whether the  application is ready for review, the
application is in the process  of review, or the review has been completed.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: The measures are program outputs which when finalized, represent the
program's statutory requirements to ensure:  1) that pesticides entering the marketplace are  safe for human health
and the environment, and 2) when used in accordance with the packaging label present a reasonable certainty of no
harm. While program outputs are not the best measures of risk reduction, they do provide a means for reducing  risk,
such that the program's safety review prevents dangerous pesticides from entering the  marketplace.

QA/QC Procedures: A reduced risk pesticide must meet the criteria set forth in Pesticide Registration Notice 97-3,
September 4, 1997.  Reduced risk pesticides include those which reduce the risks to human health; reduce the risks
to non-target organisms; reduce the potential for contamination of groundwater, surface water or other valued
environmental  resources; and/or broaden the adoption  of  integrated pest management strategies,  or make  such
strategies  more  available or more effective. In addition, biopesticides are generally considered safer (and  thus
reduced risk).   All registration actions  must employ sound science and meet the  Food Quality  Protection Act
(FQPA) new safety standard. All risk assessments are subject to public and scientific peer review.

Data  Quality Review: These are program outputs. EPA  staff and management review  the  program outputs in
accordance with established policy for the registration of reduced-risk pesticides as set forth in Pesticide Regulation
Notice 97-3, September 4, 1997.

Data  Limitations: None.  All required data must  be  submitted  for the risk assessments before the pesticide,
including a reduced risk pesticide, is registered. If data are not submitted, the pesticide is not registered. As stated
above, a reduced risk pesticide must meet the criteria set forth in PRN 97-3 and all registrations must meet FQPA
safety requirements.  If a pesticide does not  meet these criteria, it is not registered. If an application for a reduced
risk pesticide does not meet  the reduced risk criteria, it is reviewed as a conventional active ingredient.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved  Data or Systems:  The  OPPIN (Office  of Pesticide Programs  Information Network),  which
consolidates various pesticides program databases, will reduce the processing time for registration actions.

References: FIFRA Sec 3(c)(5); FFDCA Sec 408(a)(2); EPA Pesticide Registration Notice  97-3, September 4,
1997; Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) 1996;

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Number of children aged  1-5 years with elevated blood lead levels (>10
ug/dL). This is the level that CDC defines as 'elevated' and indicative of the need for intervention.

Performance  Database:  Centers for Disease  Control and  Prevention's (CDC)  National  Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES).

Data Source:  The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey  is a coordinated program of studies designed
to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the  U.S.  The program began in the early 1960s
and continues.  The survey examines a nationally representative sample of approximately 5,000 people each year
located across the U.S.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:  Detailed interview questions cover areas related to demographic, socio-
economic, dietary, and health-related  questions.  The  survey  also  includes an  extensive medical and  dental
examination of participants, physiological measurements, and  laboratory tests.  Specific laboratory measurements of
environmental interest include:  heavy  metals  (lead,  cadmium,  and  mercury), VOC exposures,  phthalates,
organophosphates (OPs), pesticides and their metabolites, non-persistent pesticides, dioxins/furans and polyaromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs).  NHANES is unique in that it links  laboratory-derived measurements of exposure (urine,
blood etc.) to questionnaire responses and results of physical exams.

CDC has published both the  "National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals," (March 2001) and
the "Second National Report on Human  Exposure  to Environmental Chemicals"  (January 2003), which reflect
findings from NHANES, including the body burden of lead and other pollutants measured in the blood stream or
urine.  These reports provide ongoing surveillance of the U.S. population's exposure to environmental chemicals.
The 2001 report provides measurements of exposure to 27 chemicals based on blood and urine samples from people
participating in NHANES 1999. The 2003 Report expands the  number of chemicals  to 100 (in order to include
carcinogenic  volatile  organic compounds,  carcinogenic  PAHs,  dioxins  and furans,  PCBs,  trihalomethanes,
haloacetic  acids, and  carbamate and  organochlorine  pesticides).  Future reports will provide additional details on
exposure among different populations  ~ stratifying results by gender,  race/ethnicity, age, urban/rural residence,
education level, income, and other characteristics.  CDC will track these indicators over time.  Data will assist both
public health officials and regulators  in analyzing: 1) trends over time; 2) the effectiveness of public health efforts;
and 3) exposure variations among sub-populations.

QA/QC Procedures:  Quality assurance  plans are  available from both CDC and the contractor, WESTAT, as
outlined on the web site  under the NHANES section.

Data  Quality Reviews:  CDC follows standardized survey instrument procedures to  collect data to promote data
quality, and data are  subjected to rigorous QA/QC review.   CDC/NCHS has an  elaborate  data quality checking
procedure outlined on the web site  under the NHANES section.

Data Limitations: The NHANES survey uses two steps, a questionnaire and a physical exam. For this reason, there
are sometimes different numbers of subjects in the interview and examinations and special weighting techniques are
needed. Additionally, the number of records in each date file varies depending on gender and age profiles for the
specific components.   Demographic information is collected but not available at the highest level of detail in order
to protect  privacy. Body burden data are evidence of human  exposure to toxic  substances; however, linkages
between evidence of exposure and source of exposure have yet to be made for many substances. In the case of lead,
the correlation is strongly documented.

Error Estimate:  Because  NHANES  is  based on  a complex  multi-stage sample design,  appropriate sampling
weights should be used in analyses to produce national estimates.   Several statistical methodologies can be used to
account for unequal probability of the selection of sample persons.  The methodologies and appropriate weights are


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

provided at www.cdc.gov/nchs/about/major/nhanes/nhanes3/cdrom/nchs/MANUALS/NH3GUIDE to help generate
appropriate error estimates.

New/Improved Data or Systems: NHANES has moved to an annual schedule.  The sample design allows for
limited estimates to be produced on an annual basis and more detailed estimates to be produced on 3-year samples.

References: "National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals," (NCEH Publication Number 01-
0164,   Atlanta,   GA:   March   2001),    [On   the   web   at    http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes.htm  or
http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/dls/report/]; more extensive findings from NHANES are in the "Second National Report
on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals"  (NCEH Publication Number 03-0022: Atlanta, GA  January
2003) [On the web at [http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes.htm, or http://www.cdc.gov/exposurereport/].

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Reduce the potential for risks from leaks and spills by ensuring the safe
disposal of large capacitors and transformers containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Performance Database: PCB Annual Report Database.

Data Source: Annual Reports from commercial storers and disposers of PCB Waste.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:  Data provide a baseline for the amount of safe disposal of PCB waste
annually.   By ensuring safe disposal of PCBs in equipment such as transformers and capacitors coming out of
service, and contaminated media such as soil, and structures from remediation activities, the Agency is reducing the
exposure risk of PCBs that are  either already  in the  environment or may be released to the environment through
spills or leaks.

QA/QC Procedures: The Agency reviews, transcribes, and assembles data into the Annual Report Database.

Data Quality Reviews: The Agency  contacts data reporters, when needed, for clarification of data submitted.

Data Limitations:  Data limitations include missing submissions from commercial storers and disposers, and
inaccurate submissions. PCB-Contaminated Transformers, of PCB concentrations 50 to 499 parts per million (ppm),
and those that are 500 ppm PCBs or greater are not distinguished in the data. Similarly, large and small capacitors
of PCB waste may not be differentiated. Data are collected for the previous calendar year on July 1 of the next year
creating a lag of approximately one  year.  Despite these limitations, the data do provide the only estimate of the
amount of PCB waste disposed annually.

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: None

References:  U.S EPA, Office  of Pollution Prevention and  Toxics, National Program Chemicals Program, PCB
Annual Report for Storage and Disposal of PCB Waste.

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Percent reduction in relative risk index for chronic human health associated
with  environmental  releases  of  industrial  chemicals  in  commerce as  measured by Risk Screening
Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model.

Performance Database: The RSEI  Model uses annual reporting from individual industrial facilities along with a
variety  of other information to evaluate  chemical emissions and  other waste management  activities.  RSEI
incorporates detailed data from EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) and Integrated Risk Information System, the
U.S. Census, and many other sources. Due to a TRI data lag, performance data will be unavailable for this measure
when the FY 2005 Annual Performance Report is prepared. The data will be available for the FY 2007 report.

Data Source: The wide variety of data used within RSEI were collected by Federal Agencies (U.S. Census Bureau,
EPA, U.S. Geological Survey, Commerce Dept. - National Oceanographic Atmospheric Administration, Dept. of
Interior - U.S. Fish and Wildlife), state agencies (air emissions and stack data, fishing license  data), and research
organizations (Electric Power Research  Institute (EPRI), etc.) for a variety  of national/state  programmatic and
regulatory purposes, and for industry-specific measurements.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: The RSEI Model generates unique numerical values known as "Indicator
Elements" using the factors pertaining to surrogate dose, toxicity and exposed population. Indicator Elements are
unitless (like an index number, they can be compared to one-another but do not reflect actual risk), but proportional
to the modeled relative risk of each release (incrementally higher numbers reflect greater estimated risk). Indicator
Elements are risk-related measures generated for every possible combination of reporting facility, chemical, release
medium, and exposure pathway (inhalation or ingestion).  Each Indicator Element represents a unique release-
exposure event and together these form the building blocks  to describe  exposure scenarios of interest. These
Indicator Elements are summed in various ways to  represent the risk-related results for releases users are interested
in assessing.   RSEI results are  for comparative purposes and only meaningful when compared to other scores
produced by RSEI.  The measure is appropriate for year-to-year comparisons of performance. Depending on how
the  user wishes to aggregate, RSEI can address trends nationally, regionally, by state or smaller geographic areas.

QA/QC Procedures:  EPA annually updates the data sources used within the RSEI model to take advantage of the
most recent and reliable data. For example,  TRI facilities self-report release data and occasionally make errors. TRI
has QC functions and an error-correction mechanism for reporting such mistakes.  Because of the unique screening-
level abilities of the RSEI model, it is possible to identify other likely reporting errors and these are forwarded to the
TRI Program for resolution. In developing the RSEI model, OPPT has performed numerous Q/C checks on various
types of data.  For instance, locational data for on-site and off-site facilities have been checked and corrected, and
this information is being supplied to the Office of Environmental Information (OEI) and the Envirofacts database.

Data Quality  Reviews: RSEI depends upon a broad array of data resources, each of which has gone through a
quality review  process tailored to the specific data and managed by the providers of the data sources.  RSEI includes
data from  the Toxics Release  Inventory  (TRI),  Integrated  Risk  Information  System  (IRIS),  Health Effects
Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST), U.S. Census, etc.  All were collected for regulatory or programmatic
purposes and are of sufficient quality to be used by EPA,  other Federal agencies, and state regulatory  agencies.
Over the course of its development, RSEI has been the subject of three reviews by EPA's Science Advisory Board
(U.S. EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Risk Screening Environmental Indicators Model, Peer
Reviews. Available at http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/rsei/faqs.html).

The RSEI  model  has undergone  continuous  upgrading since the  1997 SAB  Review.   Toxicity  weighting
methodology was completely revised and subject to a second positive review by SAB (in collaboration with EPA's
Civil Rights program); air methodology was revised and ground-truthed using New York data to demonstrate high
confidence; water  methodology  has been revised  in collaboration with EPA's Water program.  When the land
methodology has been reviewed  and revised, EPA will have completed its formal, written response to the 1997 SAB

Data Limitations: RSEI relies on data from a variety of EPA and other sources.  TRI data may have errors that are
not corrected in the standard TRI QC process. In the past, RSEI has identified some of these errors and corrections
have been  made by reporting  companies.  Drinking water intake  locations  are not available  for  all intakes
nationwide.  Where intake locations are  known only at the  county-level, RSEI distributes the  drinking  water
population between all stream reaches in that county.   This could increase or decrease the RSEI risk-related results
depending on the pattern of TRI releases on the stream reaches in that county. If the actual uptake location is on a
highly  polluted stream reach, this approach would underestimate risk by distributing the drinking water population
to less-polluted reaches. In coastal areas, Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) water releases may go directly
to the  ocean,  rather than nearby streams.   EPA  is  in the process of systematically  correcting potential errors
regarding POTW water releases. These examples are illustrative of the data quality checks and methodological
improvements  that are part of the RSEI development effort. Data sources are updated annually and all RSEI values
are  recalculated on an annual basis.

Error  Estimate:  In developing the RSEI methodology, both sensitivity analyses and groundtruthing studies have
been   used  to  address   model  accuracy  (documentation  is  provided  on  the  RSEI  Home  Page   -
www.epa.gov/oppt/env_ind/).  For example, groundtruthing of the air  modeling performed by RSEI compared to
site-specific regulatory modeling done by the state of New York showed virtually identical results in both rank order
and  magnitude.  However, the complexity of modeling performed in RSEI,  coupled  with  un-quantified data
limitations, limits a precise estimation  of errors that  may either over- or under-estimate risk-related results.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  The program regularly  tracks improvements in other Agency databases (e.g.,
SDWIS and Reach File databases) and incorporates newer data into the RSEI databases.  Such improvements can


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

also lead to methodological modifications in the model.  Corrections in TRI reporting data for all previous years are
captured by the annual updates of the RSEI model.

References:  The methodologies used in RSEI were documented for the 1997 review by the EPA Science Advisory
Board. The Agency has provided this and other technical documentation on the RSEI Home Page.  The Agency is
revising the existing methodology documents concurrent with the second beta release of RSEI Version 2.0. [RSEI
Home Page - www.epa.gov/oppt/env_ind/]

U.S.  EPA Office  of Pollution Prevention  and Toxics,  Risk  Screening Environmental  Indicators Model, Peer
Reviews. Available at http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/rsei/faqs.html

RSEI Methodology Document (describes data and methods used in RSEI Modeling)

RSEI User's Manual (PDF, 1.5 MB) explains all of the functions of the model, the data used, and contains tutorials
to walk the new user through common RSEI tasks (http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/rsei/docs/users_manual.pdf).

A more  general overview  of  the   model  can be found   in  the  RSEI  Fact  Sheet (PDF,  23 KB)

There are also seven Technical Appendices that accompany these two documents and provide additional information
on the data used in the model. The Appendices are as follows:

Technical  Appendix  A (PDF, 121 KB) -  Listing of  All  Toxicity  Weights  for TRI Chemicals and  Chemical
Technical Appendix B (PDF, 290 KB) - Physicochemical Properties for TRI Chemicals and Chemical Categories
Technical Appendix C (PDF, 40 KB) - Derivation of Model Exposure Parameters
Technical Appendix D (PDF, 71 KB) - Locational Data for TRI Reporting Facilities and Off-site Facilities
Technical Appendix E (PDF, 44 KB) - Derivation of Stack Parameter Data
Technical Appendix F (PDF, 84KB) - Summary of Differences Between RSEI Data and TRI Public Data Release

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Establish short-term exposure limits for 52 percent of chemicals identified as
highest priority by the Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGL) Program.

Performance Database:  Performance is measured by the cumulative number of chemicals with "Proposed",
"Interim", and/or "Final" AEGL values.

Data Source:  EPA manages a Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) committee that  reviews short term
exposure values for extremely hazardous chemicals.  The supporting data, from both published and unpublished
sources and from which the AEGL values are derived, are collected, evaluated, and summarized by FACA Chemical
Managers  and Oak Ridge National Laboratory's  scientists.   Proposed AEGL values are published for public
comment in  the Federal Register.  After reviewing public  comment, interim values are presented to the AEGL
Subcommittee of the National Academies of Sciences (NAS) for review and comment. After review and comment
resolution, the National Research Council  under the  auspices of the National Academies of Sciences (NAS)
publishes the values as final.

Methods,  Assumptions, and Suitability:   The work  of the National Advisory Committee's Acute  Exposure
Guideline  Levels  (NAC/AEGL)  adheres to the  1993  U.S. National Research  Council/National Academies of
Sciences (NRC/NAS)  publication Guidelines for  Developing   Community Emergency Exposure  Levels for
Hazardous Substances.  NAC/AEGL, in cooperation with the  National Academy of Sciences' Subcommittee on
AEGLs, have developed standard operating procedures (SOPs), which are followed by the program.  These have
been published by the National Academies Press and are referenced below.

AEGL values approved as "proposed" and "interim" by the NAC/AEGL FACA Committee and "final" by  the
National Academies of Sciences represent the measure of the performance. The work is assumed to be completed at
the time of final approval of the AEGL values by the NAS.

QA/QC Procedures:     QA/QC procedures include public comment via the Federal Register process, review and
approval by  the FACA committee, and review and approval  by the NAS/AEGL committee and their external


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Quality Review: N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: This is the first time acute exposure values for extremely hazardous chemicals
have been established according to a standardized process and put through such a rigorous review.

References:   Standing Operating Procedures for Developing Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Hazardous
Chemicals, National Academy Press, Washington, DC 2001 (http://www.nap.edu/books/030907553X/html/).

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Number of risk management plan audits completed

Performance Database: There is no database for this measure.

Data Source: EPA's Regional offices and the states provide the data to EPA headquarters.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  Data are collected and analyzed by surveying EPA's Regional offices to
determine how many audits of facilities' risk management plans (RMPs) have been completed.

QA/QC Procedures: Data are collected from states by EPA's Regional offices, with review at the Regional  and
Headquarters' levels.

Data Quality Review: Data quality is evaluated by both Regional and Headquarters' personnel.

Data Limitations: Data quality is dependent on completeness and accuracy of the data provided by state programs.

Error Estimate:  Not calculated.

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

Reference:  N/A


1909 Boundary Waters Agreement
1978 U.S./Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
1989 US/USSR Agreement on Pollution
1991 U.S./Canada Air Quality Agreement
1996 Habitat Agenda, paragraph 43bb
Chemical Safety Information, Site Security and Fuels Regulatory Relief Act
Clean Air Act (CAA)
Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. 1251_1387)]
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act
Endangered Species Act
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA)
Federal Fungicide, Insecticide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996
North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC)
North American Free Trade Agreement
Pollution  Prevention Act
Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Section 112r, Accidental Release Provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
U.S./Canada Agreements on Arctic Cooperation
World Trade Organization Agreements


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                        OBJECTIVE: Communities
        Sustain, clean up, and restore communities and the ecological systems that support them.
                                Resource Summary
                               (Dollars in Thousands)

Environmental Program & Management
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Science & Technology
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Building and Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                 Program Project
                               (Dollars in Thousands)

Children and other Sensitive Populations
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Categorical Grant: Brownfields
Environment and Trade
Environmental Justice
Geographic Program: Other
Infrastructure Assistance: Brownfields
Infrastructure Assistance: Mexico Border
Regulatory Innovation
US Mexico Border
Regional Geographic Initiatives
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                      FY 2005 Annual Plan



Annual Performance Goals and Measures

U.S. - Mexico Border Water/Wastewater Infrastructure

              In the US-Mexico Border Region, sustain and restore community health, and preserve the ecological systems that support them
In 2005

In 2004

In 2003
              Increase the number of residents in the Mexico border area who are protected from health risks, beach pollution and damaged
              ecosystems from nonexistent and failing water and wastewater  treatment infrastructure by providing improved water and
              wastewater service.

              Increase the number of residents in the Mexico border area who are protected from health risks, beach pollution and damaged
              ecosystems from nonexistent and failing water and wastewater  treatment infrastructure by providing improved water and
              wastewater service.
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
1.5 Million

Performance Measures:
                                                        Enacted          Pres. Bud.         Request
People in the Mexico border area protected from health risks                                      1.5 Million        People
because of adequate water and wastewater sanitation systems
funded through the  Border  Environmental Infrastructure

Number of additional people in Mexico border area protected   900,000          990,000                             People
from health risks, because of adequate water & wastewater
sanitation  systems  funded through border  environmental
infrastructure funding.

Baseline:       The US-Mexico border region extends more than 3,100 kilometers (2,000 miles) from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean,
              and 62.5 miles on each side of the international border. More than 11.8 million people reside along the border and this figure is
              expected to increase to 19.4 million by 2020.  Ninety percent of the population reside in the 14 impaired, interdependent sister
              cities.  Rapid population growth in urban areas has resulted in unplanned development,  greater demand for  land and energy,
              increased traffic congestion, increased waste generation, overburdened or unavailable waste treatment and disposal facilities, and
              more  frequent chemical emergencies.  Rural areas  suffer from exposure to airborne dust, pesticide use, and  inadequate water
              supply and treatment facilities. EPA, other US Federal agencies, and the Government of Mexico have partnered to address these
              environmental problems.

World Trade Organization - Regulatory System

In 2005       Assist trade partner countries in completing environmental reviews
Performance Measures:

Number  of environmental  reviews  initiated by  FTAA
countries following the  enactment of  the  2002  Trade
Promotion Act (TPA).
                                                        FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
              As of the end of FY 2003, two environmental reviews (Chile and Singapore) have been initiated since the enactment of the 2002
              Trade Promotion Act.
Revitalize Properties

In 2005        Leverage jobs by assessing, promoting the cleanup and reuse of brownfields properties.

In 2004        Leverage jobs through revitalization efforts.

In 2004        Leverage or generate funds through revitalization efforts.

In 2004        Make Brownfields property acres available for reuse or continued use.
In 2003        Leverage jobs through revitalization efforts.

In 2003        Leverage or generate $0.9 B through revitalization efforts.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:
Number of Brownfields properties assessed.
Number of Brownfields cleanup grants awarded.
Number of properties cleaned up using Brownfields funding.
Estimated number of Brownfield property acres available for
reuse or continued use.
Number of jobs leveraged from Brownfields activities.
Number of Brownfields job training participants trained.
Percentage of Brownfields job training trainees placed.
Amount of cleanup and redevelopment funds leveraged at
Brownfields sites.
Number of Tribes supported by Brownfields cooperative
FY 2003
472 (qtr 3)

1,202 (qtr 3)

62% (qtr 3)

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
no target
no target

FY 2005
no target
no target
trainees placed
Baseline:      By the end of FY 2002, the Brownfields program had leveraged 19,646 jobs, provided job training to 913 individuals, placed an
            average of 65% of job training participants,  and leveraged a total of $6.7 billion.  Data reported for FY 2002 reflect
            accomplishments up to the 3rd quarter of FY 2002.

FY 2005 Performance Measure:
        Number of Brownfields properties assessed.
        Number of jobs leveraged from Brownfields activities.
        Number of properties cleaned up using Brownfields funding.
        Percentage of Brownfields job training trainees placed.
        Amount of cleanup and redevelopment funds leveraged at Brownfields sites.
Performance Database: The Brownfields Management System (BMS) contains the performance information
identified in the above measures.

Key fields related to performance measures include:

AP 5 - Number of Properties with Assessment Completed with Pilot Funding
AP 1 1 - Number of Cleanup/Construction Jobs Leveraged
AP 12 - Number of Cleanup Dollars Leveraged
AP 13 - Number of Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged
AP 14 - Number of Redevelopment/Construction Dollars Leveraged
JT 2 - Number of Participants Completing Training
JT 3 - Number of Participants Obtaining Employment
RLF - Number of Properties with cleanup activities completed using Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund

Data Source: Data are extracted from quarterly reports prepared by Cooperative Agreement Award Recipients
Methods, Assumptions and Sustainability: Cooperative Agreement Award Recipients submit reports quarterly on
project progress. Data on performance measures are extracted from quarterly reports by an EPA contractor.
Afterwards, data are forwarded to Regional Pilot managers for review and finalization.

"Number of jobs leveraged from Brownfields activities" is the aggregate of the "Number of redevelopment jobs
leveraged" and the "Number of cleanup/construction jobs leveraged." "Amount of cleanup and redevelopment funds
leveraged at Brownfields sites"  is the aggregate of "Number of Cleanup Dollars Leveraged" and the "Number of
Redevelopment/Construction Dollars Leveraged."  "Percentage of Brownfields job training trainees placed" based
on the "Number of Participants Completing Training" and the "Number of Participants Obtaining Employment."


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

"Number of properties cleaned up using Brownfields funding" is the aggregate of "Number of Properties with
cleanup activities completed using BCRLF funds" and the number of properties cleaned up using cleanup grant
funding (to be included in amended database. See "New and Improved Data or Systems").

QA/QC Procedures:  Data reported by cooperative award agreement recipients are reviewed by EPA Regional pilot
managers for accuracy and to ensure appropriate interpretation of key measure definitions. Reports are produced
monthly with detailed data trends analysis.

Data Quality Reviews: No external reviews.

Data Limitations: All data provided voluntarily.

Error Estimate: NA

New/Improved Data or Systems: The Brownfields Management System (BMS) has been migrated to an oracle
platform and is currently being modified to include all reporting elements required in grantee terms and conditions.
Key field definitions will be updated.

References: NA

FY 2005 Performance Measure: People in the Mexico border area connected to potable water and wastewater
collection and treatment systems (cumulative).

Performance Database:  No  formal EPA database.  Performance is tracked and reported quarterly by Border
Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) and North American Development Bank (NADBank). Data field is
A population -served by potable water and wastewater collection and treatment systems.

Data Source: 1) U.S. population figures from the 2000 U.S. Census  [Reference A, below]; 2) Data on U.S. and
Mexican populations served by A certified® water/wastewater treatment improvements from the BECC; 3) Data on
projects funded from the NADBank.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: Summation of population from BECC and NADBank.  U.S. Census data
are assumed to be correct and suitable.
QA/QC Procedures: EPA Headquarters is responsible for evaluation of reports from BECC and NADBank on
drinking water and wastewater sanitation projects. Regional representatives attend meetings of the certifying and
financing entities for border projects (BECC and NADBank) and conduct site visits of projects underway to ensure
the accuracy of information reported. [Reference B]

Data Quality Review: Regional representatives attend meetings of the certifying and financing entities for border
projects (BECC and NADBank) and conduct site visits of projects underway to ensure the accuracy of information

Data Limitations: None

Error Estimate: Same as census data.

New/Improved Data or Systems: None.

A. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1990).
Institute* Nacional de Estadistica, Geografm y Informatica, Aguascalientes, Total Population by State (1990).

B. Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), Cd Juarez,  Chih, and North American Development
Bank (NADBank), (San Antonio, TX, 2002).


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

FY 2005  External Performance  Measure:  Assist trade  partner countries  in completing environmental

Performance Database: None- Manual Collection

Data Source: Project / Trade Agreement Specific

QA/QC Procedures:  Verification does  not involve any pollutant database analysis, but will require objective
assessment of: (1) tasks completed, (2) compliance with new regulation, and (3) progress toward project goals and

Validating measurements under international programs presents several challenges.  Technical assistance projects,
for instance, typically  target developing countries, which often do not have sound data collection and analysis
systems in place.  Non-technical projects, such as assistance  in regulatory reform, frequently must rely on more
subjective measures of change, such as  the opinions of project  staff or reviews by third-party  organizations,
including other U.S. government organizations, in judging the long-term efficacy of the assistance provided.

EPA works with its trading partners on capacity building projects, which establish the framework and tools to ensure
increased trade does not degrade the environment and harm human health.  Projects will help prevent pollution at the
source, and will be tailored to partner-country needs and be built on past US assistance.  Tracking development and
implementation of these projects presents few challenges because EPA project staff maintains close contact with
their counterparts and any changes become part of a public record.  Assessing the effectiveness of these projects or
the inclusion of environmental provisions in trade  agreements is  more subjective.  Aside  from feedback from
Agency project staff, EPA relies, in part, on feedback from its trading partners in the target countries and regions
and from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other third parties.  Because EPA works to establish long-
term relationships  with its trading partners, the Agency is often able to assess environmental improvements in these
countries and regions for a number of years following implementation of the trade agreement.


Annual Appropriations Act
Clean Air Act
Clean Water Act
Comprehensive Environmental Response,  Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) as amended by the
   Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act (SBLRBRA) (Public Law 107-118).
Computer Security Act
Congressional Review Act
Congressional Review Act
Contract law
CPRKAof 1986
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) section 313 (42 U.S.C. 110001-11050)
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) section 313 (42 U.S.C. 110001-11050)
Enterprise for the Americas Initiative Act (7 U.S.C. 5404)
Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Act (ERDDA) of 1981
EPA's Assistance Regulations
EPA's Environmental Statues
Executive Order 12866
Executive Order 12915 - Federal Implementation of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
Executive Order 12916 - Implementation of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission and  the North
   American Development Bank Plain Language Executive Order
Executive Order 13148, "Greening the Government through Leadership in Environmental Management"
Federal Acquisition Regulations
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)  (5 U.S.C. App.)
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA)
Federal Grant and  Cooperative Agreement Act
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA)
Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA)
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552)
Government Management Reform Act (1990)
Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA)
National Environmental Education Act
National Environmental Policy Act
North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
North American Free Trade Agreement
Paperwork Reduction Act Amendment of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520)
Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)
PPA (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)
Privacy Act
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8001.
Safe Drinking Water Act
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
Toxic Substance Control Act section 14 (TSCA) (15 U.S.C. 2601-2692)
Toxic Substances  Control Act
Trade Act of 2002 (TPA)
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
World Trade Organization Agreements

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                          OBJECTIVE: Ecosystems
                Protect, sustain, and restore the health of natural habitats and ecosystems.
                                Resource Summary
                               (Dollars in Thousands)

Environmental Program & Management
Buildings & Facilities
State & Tribal Assistance Grants
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                 Program Project
                               (Dollars in Thousands)

Congressionally Mandated Projects
Geographic Program: Other
Regional Geographic Initiatives
Categorical Grant: Wetlands Program
Categorical Grant: Targeted Watersheds
Geographic Program: Chesapeake Bay
Geographic Program: Great Lakes
Geographic Program: Gulf of Mexico
Geographic Program: Lake Champlain
Geographic Program: Long Island Sound
Great Lakes Legacy Act
National Estuary Program / Coastal Waterways
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan



Protecting and Enhancing Estuaries

In 2005        Working with NEP partners, protect or restore an additional 25,000 acres of habitat within the study areas for the 28 estuaries
               that are part of the National Estuary Program (NEP).

In 2004        Restore and protect estuaries through the implementation of Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans (CCMPs).

In 2003        Restored and protected estuaries through the implementation of Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans (CCMPs).
Performance Measures:
Acres of habitat restored and protected nationwide as part of
the National Estuary Program, (incremental)
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:       As of January 2000, there were over 600,000 acres of habitat preserved, restored, and/or created.

Gulf of Mexico

In 2005        Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic species in order to improve the health of the Gulf of Mexico.

In 2004        Assist the Gulf States in implementing watershed restoration actions in 14 priority impaired coastal river and estuary segments.

In 2003        Assisted the Gulf States in implementing  watershed  restoration actions in 14 priority impaired coastal  river and estuary
Performance Measures:

Impaired  Gulf   coastal   river  and   estuary  segments
implementing watershed restoration actions (incremental).

Reduce releases of nutrients throughout the Mississippi River
Basin that affect the size of the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of
Mexico, as measured by the five year running average
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
71/5 yr rollavg

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

Less than
Baseline:       There are 95 coastal watersheds at the 8-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) scale on the Gulf coast.  The Gulf of Mexico Program
               has identified 12 priority coastal areas for assistance.  These 12 areas include 30 of the 95 coastal watersheds.  Within the 30
               priority watersheds, the Gulf States have identified 354 segments that are impaired and not meeting full designated uses under
               the States' water quality standards.  The 1996-2000 running average size = 14,128 km2.

Wetland and River Corridor Projects

In 2005        Working with partners, achieve a no net loss of wetlands.
Performance Measures:

Annually,  in partnership with the  Corps of Engineers and
States, achieve no net loss of wetlands in the Clean Water
Act section 404 regulatory program

Working with partners, achieve no net loss of wetland acres
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
No Net Loss
No Net Loss
Baseline:       Annual net loss of an estimated 58,500 acres.   In partnership with the Corps of Engineers, a baseline and initial reporting will
               begin in FY 2004 on net loss of wetlands in the CWA Section 404 regulatory programs.

Great Lakes Assessment and Implementation Actions

In 2005        Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so that overall ecosystem health of the Great Lakes is improved by at least 1

In 2004        Great Lakes ecosystem components will improve, including progress on fish contaminants, beach closures, air toxics, and
               trophic status.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
In 2003        End of year data will be available in 2004 to verify that Great Lakes ecosystem components have improved, including progress
              on fish contaminants, beach closures, air toxics, and trophic status.

Performance Measures:

Long-term concentration trends of toxics  (PCBs) in Great
Lakes top predator fish.

Long-term concentration trends of toxic chemicals in the air.

Total phosphorus concentrations (long-term) in the Lake Erie
Central Basin.

Average concentrations of PCBs  in whole lake trout and
walleye samples will decline.

Average concentrations of toxic chemicals in the air in the
Great Lakes basin will decline

Restore and delist Areas of Concern (AOCs) within the Great
Lakes basin

Cubic  yards  (in  millions)  of   contaminated  sediment
remediated in the Great Lakes (cumulative from 1997).

Baseline:       In 2003,  Great Lakes rating of 20 on a 40 point scale where the rating uses select Great Lakes State of the Lakes Ecosystem
              indicators based on a 1 to 5 rating system for each indicator, where 1 is poor and 5 is good.  The trend (starting with 1972 data)
              for toxics in Great  Lakes top predator fish is expected to be less than 2 parts per million (the FDA action level) but far above the
              Great Lakes Initiative target or levels at which fish advisories can  be removed.  The trend (starting with 1992 data) for PCB
              concentrations in the air is expected to range from 50 to 250 picograms per cubic meter. In 2002, no Areas of Concern had been
              delisted.  2.1 million yards of remediated sediments are the cumulative number of yards from 1997 -  2001.

Chesapeake Bay Habitat

In 2005        Prevent water pollution and protect aquatic systems so that overall aquatic system health of the Chesapeake Bay is improved
              enough so that there are 91,000 acres of submerged aquatic vegetation,  (cumulative)

In 2005        Reduce nitrogen loads by 74 million pounds per year; phosphorus loads by 8.7 million pounds per  year, and sediment loads by
              1.06 million tons per year from entering the Chesapeake Bay, from 1985 levels

In 2004        Improve habitat in  the Chesapeake Bay.

In 2003        Improved habitat in the Chesapeake Bay.
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Data Lag
Data Lag

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Annual decrease
Annual decrease
Annual Decrease
Annual Decrease
Cubic Yards/M
Performance Measures:

Reduction, from 1985 levels, of nitrogen (M/lbs), phosphorus
(M/lbs), and sediment loads (tons) entering Chesapeake Bay.

Acres of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) present in the
Chesapeake Bay. (cumulative)
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:       In 1984, there were 37,000 acres of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay.  In 2002, baseline for nitrogen loads
              was 51 million pounds per year; phosphorus loads was 8.0 million pounds per year; and sediment loads was 0.8 million tons per


FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Acres of habitat restored and  protected nationwide as part of the National
Estuary Program (NEP).

Performance Database:  The Office of Wetlands Oceans and Watersheds has developed a standardized format for
data  reporting  and compilation, defining  habitat  protection and restoration activities and  specifying habitat
categories.  We have also designed a web page that, in an educational fashion with graphics and images, highlights
habitat loss/alteration, as well as,  the  number of habitat acres protected and restored by habitat type, based on
specific NEP reports.   This enables EPA to provide a visual means of communicating NEP performance and habitat
protection and restoration progress to a wide range of stakeholders and decision-makers.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Source:  NEP documents such as annual work plans (which contain achievements made in the previous year)
and annual progress reports are used, along with other implementation tracking materials, to  document the number
of acres of habitat restored and protected.  EPA then aggregates the data provided by  each  NEP  to arrive at a
national total for the entire Program.  EPA is confident that the data presented are as accurate as possible, based on
review and inspection by each NEP prior to reporting to EPA.  In addition, EPA conducts regular reviews of NEP
implementation to  help ensure that information provided in these documents is  generally accurate, and progress
reported is in fact being achieved.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: Measuring the number of acres of habitat restored and protected may not
directly correlate to improvements in the health of the habitat reported, or of the estuary overall, but it is a suitable
measure of on-the-ground progress.  We recognize that habitat acreage does not necessarily correspond one-to-one
with habitat quality, nor does habitat  (quantity or quality) represent  the only  indicator  of ecosystem health.
Nevertheless, habitat acreage serves  as an adequate surrogate, and is a suitable  measure of on-the-ground progress
made toward EPA's annual performance goal of habitat protection and restoration in the NEP.

QA/QC Procedures:  Primary data are  prepared by the staff of the NEP based on their own reports and from data
supplied by other partnering agencies/organizations (that are responsible for implementing the action resulting in
habitat protection and restoration). The NEP staff is requested to follow guidance provided by EPA to prepare their
reports, and to verify the numbers.  EPA then confirms that the national total accurately reflects the information
submitted by each program. The Office of Water Quality Management Plan (QMP), renewed every five years, was
approved in July 2001.  EPA requires that each organization prepare a document called a  quality management plan
(QMP)  that: documents  the organization's   quality policy;  describes its quality system;  and identifies the
environmental programs to which the quality system applies  (e.g., those programs that involves the collection or use
of environmental data.)

Data Quality Review:  No audits or quality reviews conducted yet.

Data Limitations: It is still early to determine the full extent of data limitations.  Current data limitations include:
information that may be reported inconsistently (based on different interpretations of the protection and restoration
definitions), acreage  that may be  miscalculated or misreported, and acreage that may be double counted (same
parcel may also be counted by partnering/implementing agency or need to be replanted multiple  years).  In addition,
measuring the number of acres of habitat restored and protected may not directly correlate to improvements in the
health of the habitat reported (particularly in the year of reporting), but is rather a measure of on-the-ground progress
made by the NEPs.

Error Estimate: No error estimate is available for this data.

New/Improved Data or  Systems: We are examining the possibility of geo-referencing the data in a geographic
information system (GIS).

References: Aggregate national and regional data for this measurement, as well as data submitted by the individual
National Estuary Programs, is displayed numerically, graphically, and by  habitat type in the Performance Indicators
Visualization    and   Outreach    Tool    (PIVOT).        PIVOT   data    is    publicly    available   at
http://www.epa.gov/owow/estuaries/pivot/overview/intro.htm.  The Office of Water Quality Management Plan (July
2001) is available on the Intranet at http://intranet.epa.gov/ow/infopolicy.html.

FY 2005  Performance  Measure:   Annually, beginning in FY04 and in partnership with the Corps of
Engineers and states, achieve no  net loss of wetlands in the Clean Water Act Section 404 regulatory program.

Performance Database:  Since 1989, the goal  of the Clean Water Act Section 404 program has been no net loss of

Historically, the Corps has collected limited data on wetlands losses  and gains in its RAMS  permit  tracking
database.  The Corps has compiled  national Section 404 wetland permitting data for the last 10 years reflecting
wetland acres avoided (through the permit process), permitted for impacts, and mitigated.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Corps national data for the last 10 years (1993-2002):

•       44,000 acres mitigated/year
•       6,000 acres avoided/year

=  Total  of 50,000  acres/year of wetlands offset  or preserved while  allowing for development activities
(approximately 24,000 acres of impacts authorized per year).

Data Source:  Data included in RAMS  is generally collected by private consultants hired by permit applicants or
Corps Regulatory Staff. Data input is generally done by Corps staff.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: RAMS was designed to be an administrative aid in tracking permits, thus
it lacks many of the fields necessary to adequately track important information regarding wetland losses and gains.
Also, the database was modified differently for each of the 38 Corps Districts making national summaries difficult.
Furthermore, the database is also proprietary making it difficult to retrofit without utilizing its original developers.

QA/QC Procedures! Historically, there has not been a high level of QA/QC with regard to data input into RAMS.
Its antiquated format and  numerous administrative fields discourage use. Lack of standard terms and classification
also make all aspects of data entry problematic.

Data Quality  Reviews: Independent evaluations published in 2001 by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
and the  General Accounting Office  (GAO) provided  a  critical  evaluation  of the effectiveness of wetlands
compensatory mitigation (the restoration, creation, or enhancement of wetlands to compensate for permitted wetland
losses) for authorized losses of wetlands and other waters under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.  The NAS
determined that available data  was insufficient to determine whether or not the Section 404 program was meeting its
goal of no net loss of either wetland area or function. The NAS added that available data suggested that the program
was not meeting its no net loss goal. Among its suite of recommendations, the NAS noted that wetland area and
function lost and regained over time should be tracked in a national database and that the Corps  should expand and
improve quality assurance measures for data entry.

In response to  the NAS, GAO, and other recent critiques of the effectiveness of wetlands compensatory mitigation,
EPA and the Corps in conjunction with the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Interior, and Transportation
released the  National Wetlands Mitigation Action Plan on December 26, 2002.  The Plan includes  17 tasks that the
agencies will complete over the next three years to improve the ecological performance and results of compensatory

One of the major goals articulated in the 2002  interagency National Wetlands Mitigation Action Plan (MAP) is
improving data collection and availability (including tracking and reporting on acreage and function  gains and
losses).  MAP  includes three action items the agencies will complete over the next two years that will improve their
ability to track and report on wetlands gains and losses. Additional details of the milestones shown below  are
contained in the MAP: http://www.epa.gov/owow/wetiands/guidance/index.htmMniitigation.

•       The Corps,  EPA,  USDA, DOI,  and  NOAA,  in conjunction with  states and Tribes,  compiling  and
        disseminating information regarding existing mitigation-tracking database systems in FY04.
•       Building upon the  analysis of existing  mitigation data base systems, the Corps, EPA, USDA, DOI, and
        NOAA will establish  a shared mitigation database by FY05.
•       Utilizing the shared database, the Corps, in conjunction with EPA, USDA, DOI, and NOAA, will provide
        an  annual public report  card on  compensatory mitigation to complement reporting  of other wetlands
        programs by FY05.

Data Limitations: As previously  noted, RAMS currently provides the only national data on wetlands losses and
gains  in  the Section 404 Program.  Also, as  previously noted, there are a number of concerns regarding  the
conclusions that can be drawn  from these numbers.  Data quality issues include:

1.   Inability  to  separate  restoration,   creation,   enhancement   and  preservation   acreage   from   the
    aggregate  "mitigation" acreage reported
2.   Lack of data regarding how much designated mitigation acreage was actually undertaken, and   how much of
    that total was successful


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

3.   Lack of data regarding how much of the permitted impacts actually occurred, and
4.   Limitations on identifying acres "avoided," as the figure is only based on the difference between original
    proposed impacts and impacts authorized.  Often, permit applicants who  are aware of the 404 program's
    requirements to avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands, make initial site selection and site design decisions
    that minimize  wetland impacts prior to submitting a permit application.   Such avoidance decisions benefit
    applicants,  as  their applications are more likely to be  accepted and processed with minor changes.  This
    behavioral  influence  that the program  engenders is  difficult to capture and  quantify, but  contributes
    considerable undocumented "avoided" impacts.

Error Estimate: Not applicable
New/Improved Data or Systems: The EPA and the Corps have acknowledged the need for improved 404 tracking.
Corps is currently  piloting a new national permit tracking database called ORM to replace its existing database
(RAMS).  As part of the MAP, the Corps is working with EPA and the other Federal agencies and states to ensure
that the version of ORM that is ultimately deployed will adequately track wetlands gains and losses.  ORM is being
designed to provide improved tracking regarding:

•       Type of impacts
•       Type of habitat impacted (Using Hydrogeomorphic and Cowardin classification systems)
•       Type of habitat mitigated (Using Hydrogeomorphic and Cowardin classification systems)
•       Type of mitigation (restoration, creation, enhancement, or preservation)
•       Amount of mitigation by type
•       Differentiate stream mitigation (in linear feet) from wetlands mitigation (in acres)
•       Spacial tracking via GIS for both impact and mitigation sites (planned)

http://www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands/guidance/index. html#mitigation

FY 2005  Performance Measure: Prevent water pollution  and protect aquatic ecosystems so that overall
ecosystem health of the Great Lakes is improved.

Performance Database:  US EPA's Great  Lakes National  Program Office (GLNPO) will collect and track the
components of the index and publish the performance results as part of annual reporting under the Government
Performance  and  Results  Act  (GPRA)   and  as  online  reporting  of   GLNPO's  monitoring  program,
  . Extensive databases for the indicator components are  maintained
by  GLNPO (phosphorus concentrations, contaminated sediments, benthic  health, fish tissue contamination), by
binational agreement with Environment Canada (air toxics deposition) or other entities (coastal wetlands), and by
local authorities who provide data to EPA (drinking water quality, beach closures).

Data Source: Data for the index components are tracked internally and reported at the State of the Lakes Ecosystem
Conferences (SOLEC).  The  document, "Implementing Indicators 2003-A Technical Report," presents detailed
indicator reports as prepared by primary authors (attending the conference), including references to data sources
found in the summary document.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability: The  Index is based on a 40 point scale where the rating uses select Great
Lakes State of the Lakes Ecosystem indicators  (i.e., coastal wetlands, phosphorus concentrations, Areas of Concern
(AOC), sediment contamination, benthic health, fish tissue contamination, beach closures, drinking water quality,
and air toxics deposition). Each component of  the Index is based on a 1 to 5 rating system, where 1 is poor and  5 is
good.  Authors of SOLEC indicator reports use best professional judgment to assess the  overall status of the
ecosystem component in relation to  established endpoints or ecosystem objectives, when available. Each of the
index components  is included in the broader  suite of Great Lakes indicators, which was developed through an
extensive  multi-agency process to  satisfy the overall criteria  of necessary, sufficient and feasible.  Information on
the selection process is in the document, "Selection of Indicators for Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Health, Version

QA/QC Procedures: GLNPO has an  approved Quality Management system in place1  that conforms to the EPA
quality management order and is audited every  3 years in accordance with Federal policy for Quality Management.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Quality Review: GLNPO's quality management system has been given "outstanding" evaluations in previous
peer and management reviews2.   GLNPO has implemented all recommendations from these external audits and
complies with Agency Quality standards.

Data Limitations: Data limitations vary  among the indicator components of the Index.  The data are especially
good for phosphorus concentrations, fish tissue contamination, benthic health, and air toxics deposition.  The data
associated with other components of the index (coastal wetlands, AOC sediment contamination, beach closures, and
drinking water quality) are more qualitative. Some are distributed among several sources, and without an extensive
trend line.  Limitations for each of the index components are included in the formal indicator descriptions in the
document, "Selection of Indicators for Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Health, Version 4."
Error Estimate:
Error statistics for the Great Lakes Index have not been quantified. Each unit of the 40 point scale represents 2.5%
of the total, so any unit change in the assessment of one of the component indicators would result in a change of the
index of that magnitude.  The degree of environmental change required to affect an indicator assessment, however,
may be significantly large.

New/Improved Data or Systems: The data system specifically for this index is being developed. Data continue to
be collected through the SOLEC process by various agencies, including GLNPO.  Efforts are currently in progress
to integrate various Great Lakes monitoring programs to better meet SOLEC objectives and to increase efficiencies
in data collection and reporting.


1.  "Quality Management Plan for the Great Lakes National Program Office."  EPA905-R-02-009. October 2002,
    Approved April 2003.

2.  "GLNPO Management Systems Review of 1999." Unpublished - in USEPA Great Lakes National Program
    Office files.

3.  Canada and the United States. "State of the Great Lakes 2003."  ISBN 0-662-34798-6,  Environment Canada,
    Burlington, Ontario, Cat. No. En40-ll/35-2003E, and U.S.

4.  Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago, EPA 905-R-03-004.  2003.   Available on CD and online at

5.  Canada and the United States.  "Implementing Indicators 2003 - A Technical Report."  ISBN 0-662-34797-8
    (CD-Rom), Environment Canada, Burlington, Ontario, Cat. No.  Enl64-l/2003E-MRC  (CD-Rom), and U.S.
    Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago, EPA 905-R-03-003.  2003. Available on CD from U.S. EPA/Great
    Lakes National Program Office, Chicago.

6.  Bertram,  Paul and Nancy Stadler-Salt. "Selection of Indicators for Great  Lakes  Basin Ecosystem Health,
    Version 4."  Environment Canada, Burlington, Ontario, and U.S. EPA,  Chicago.  2000. Available online at

FY 2005 Performance Measure: The average concentrations of PCBs  in whole lake trout  and walleye.

Performance Database: Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) base monitoring program1. The key fields
for this measure are Lake Trout and Walleye (Lake Erie). Reporting starts with 1972 data for Lake Michigan and
1977 or 1978 data for the other Lakes. In FY05, the database will contain QA/QC data from fish collected in 2003.

Data  Source:  GLNPO's  ongoing base monitoring program,  which has  included  work  with  cooperating
organizations such as the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Survey (USFWS).

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:  This indicator provides concentrations  of selected organic contaminants
in sport fish from the Great Lakes to: (1) determine time trends in contaminant concentrations, (2) assess impacts of
contaminants on the fishery, and (3) to assess potential human and wildlife exposures from consuming contaminated
sport fish. The data provide two elements of contaminant concentrations: The first element includes data from 600-
700 mm lake trout (Salvelinus  namaycush) whole  fish composites (5 fish)  from each of the lakes (walleye,
Stizostedion vitreum vitreum, in Lake Erie). These data are used to assess time trends in organic contaminants in the


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

open waters of the Great Lakes, using fish as biomonitors. These data can also be used to assess the risks of such
contaminants on the health of this important fishery, and on wildlife that consume them.

The second element of the indicator focuses on assessing human exposures via consumption of popular sport fish.
Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from each lake  (rainbow trout,
Salmo gairdneri, in Lake Erie) are collected during the fall spawning run, and composite fillets (5 fish) are analyzed
for organic contaminants to  assess human exposure. The coho salmon spawn at 3 years of age, and so their body
burdens reflect a more focused and consistent exposure time compared to  the lake trout which may integrate
exposures over 4 to 10 yrs depending on the lake. Chinook salmon spawn after 4-5 years, and have higher (and thus
more detectable) concentrations than the coho salmon and also represent a consistent exposure time. Thus time
trends for consistent age fish as well as consistent size fish can be assessed from these data.

QA/QC Procedures:  GLNPO has an approved Quality Management system in place2 that conforms to the EPA
quality management order and is audited every 3 years in accordance with Federal policy for Quality Management.
The Quality Assurance (QA) plan that supports the fish contaminant program is approved and available on request3.
The draft field sampling Quality  Assurance  Project Plan (QAPP)  is being revised and will be submitted  to the
GLNPO QA officer for review by September 30, 20034.

Data Quality Review: GLNPO's quality management system has been evaluated as "outstanding" in previous peer
and management reviews5.  GLNPO has implemented all recommendations from these external audits and complies
with Agency Quality standards.

Data Limitations: The top predator fish (lake trout) program was designed specifically for lakewide trends. It is
not well suited to portray localized changes.

Error Estimate: The goal of the fish contaminant program is to detect a 20% change in each measured contaminant
concentration between two consecutively sampled periods at each site. The program was designed to reach that goal
with 95% confidence.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  The GLENDA database is a significant new system with enhanced capabilities.
Existing and future fish data will be added to GLENDA.

"The Great Lakes Fish Monitoring  Program - A technical and Scientific Model For Interstate Environmental
Monitoring:' September, 1990. EPA503/4-90-004.

"Great      Lakes      National      Program      Office      Indicators.           Fish      Indicators."
"Trends in Great Lakes Fish Contaminants" , Dr. Deborah Swackhammer, Univ a/Minnesota
Environ.  Occ.  Health,  School of Public Health, EPA  Grant #GL97524201-2,  7///02.De Vault, D. S.  1984.
Contaminant analysis  of fish from  Great Lakes  harbors and  tributary mouths. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Great Lakes National Program Office. EPA 905/3-84-003.

De Vault,  D.  S. 1985. Contaminants in fish from Great  Lakes harbors  and tributary  mouths. Archives of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 14: 587-594.

De Vault, D. S., P. Bertram, D.  M. Whittle and S. Rang. 1995. Toxic contaminants  in the Great Lakes. State of the
Great Lakes Ecosystem Conference (SOLEC). Chicago and Toronto, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Great
Lakes National Program Office and Environment Canada.

De Vault, D. S., R. Hesselberg, P. W. Rodgers  and T. J. Feist. 1996. Contaminant trends in lake trout and walleye
from the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 22: 884-895.

De Vault, D. S. and J. A. Weishaar. 1983. Contaminant analysis of 1981 fall run coho salmon. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Great Lakes National Program Office. EPA 905/3-83-001.

De Vault, D. S. and J. A. Weishaar. 1984. Contaminant analysis of 1982 fall run coho salmon. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Great Lakes National Program Office. EPA 905/3-85-004.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

De Vault, D. S., J. A. Weishaar, J. M. Clark and G. Lavhis. 1988. Contaminants and trends in fall run coho salmon.
Journal of Great Lakes Research 14: 23-33.

De Vault, D.  S., W. A. Willford, R. Hesselberg, E. Nortrupt and E. Rundberg. 1985. Contaminant trends in lake
trout   (Salvelinus  namaycush) from the upper Great  Lakes.  Archives  of Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology 15: 349-356.

De Vault,  D. S., W. A. Willford, R.  J. Hesselberg and D. A. Nortrupt. 1986. Contaminant trends in lake trout
(Salvelinus namaycush) from the upper Great Lakes. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 15:

Eby, L. A., C.  A. Stow, R. J. Hesselberg and J.  F. Kitchell.  1997. Modeling changes in growth and diet on
polychlorinated biphenyl bioaccumulation in "Coregonus hoyi". Ecological Applications 7(3): 981-990.

Giesy, J. P., et al.  1995. Contaminants in fishes from Great Lakes influenced sections and above dams of three
Michigan  rivers: III.  Implications for health  of bald  eagles.  Archives  of Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology 29: 309-321.

Giesy, J. P., J. P. Ludwig and D. E. Tillett. 1994. Deformities in birds of the Great Lakes region: assigning causality.
Environmental Science and Technology 28(3): 128A-135A.

Giesy, J. P., et al.  1994. Contaminants in fishes from Great Lakes-influenced sections and above dams of three
Michigan rivers. II: Implications for health of mink. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 27:

Glassmeyer, S. T., D. S. De Vault, T. R. Myers  and R. A. Kites.  1997. Toxaphene in Great Lakes fish: a temporal,
spatial, and trophic study. Environmental Science and Technology 31: 84-88.

Glassmeyer, S. T., K. E. Shanks and R. A. Hites. 1999. Automated toxaphene quantitation by GC/MS. Analytical
Chemistry in press.

GLNPO. 1981.  A Strategy  for Fish Contaminant Monitoring in the Great Lakes.  USEPA  Great Lakes National
Program Office. .

Jeremiason, J. D., K. C. Hornbuckle and S. J. Eisenreich. 1994. PCBs in Lake Superior, 1978-1992: decreases in
water concentrations reflect loss by volatilization. Environmental Science and Technology 28(5): 903-914.

Kubiak, T. J., Harris, H. J., Smith, L.  M., Schwartz, T. R., Stalling, D. L., Trick, J. A., Sileo, L., Docherty, D. E.,
and Erdman, T. C. 1989. Microcontaminants and reproductive impairment of the Forster's Tern on Green Bay, Lake
Michigan -1983. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 18: 706-727.

Mac, M. J. and C.  C.  Edsal. 1991. Environmental contaminants and the reproductive success of lake  trout in the
Great Lakes. J. Tox. Environ. Health. 33: 375-394.

Mac, M. J., T. R. Schwartz, C. C. Edsall and A. M. Frank. 1993. Polychlorinated biphenyls in Great Lakes lake trout
and their eggs: relations to  survival and congener composition 1979-1988.  Journal of Great Lakes Research 19(4):

Madenjian, C. P., T. J. DeSorcie, R. M. Stedman, E. H. J. Brown, G. W. Eck, L. J. Schmidt, R. J. Hesselberg, S. M.
Chernyak and D. R. Passino-Reader.  1999. Spatial patterns in PCB concentrations of Lake Michigan lake trout.
Journal of Great Lakes Research 25(1): 149-159.

Madenjian, C. P., R. J. Hesselberg, T. J. Desorcie, L. J. Schmidt, R. M.  Stedman, L. J. Begnoche and D. R. Passino-
Reader.  1998. Estimate of net trophic transfer  efficiency of PCBs to Lake Michigan lake trout from their prey.
Environmental Science and Technology 32(7): 886-891.

Pearson, R. F., K. C. Hornbuckle,  S. J. Eisenreich and D. L. Swackhammer. 1996.  PCBs in Lake Michigan water
revisited. Environ. Sci. & Technol.  30(5): 1429-1436.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Rodgers, P. W. and W. R. Swain.  1983.  Analysis of poly chlorinated biphenyl (PCB) loading trends in Lake
Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 9: 548-558.

Safe, S. H. 1994. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): environmental impact, biochemical and toxic responses, and
implications for risk. CRC Critical Reviews in Toxicology 24(2): 87-149.

Schmidt, L. I, and Hesselberg, R. J. 1992. A mass spectroscopic method for analysis of AHH-inducing and other
polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and selected pesticides in fish. Archives of Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology 23: 37-44.

Stow, C. A. 1995. Factors associated with PCB concentrations  in Lake Michigan salmonids. Environmental Science
and Technology 29(2): 522-527.

Stow, C. A., S. R. Carp and J. F. Amrheim. 1994. PCB concentration trends in Lake Michigan coho (Oncorhynchus
kisutch) and chinook salmon (O.  tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 51: 1384-1390.

Stow, C. A. and S. R. Carpenter. 1994.  PCB accumulation in Lake Michigan coho and chinook salmon: individual-
based models using allometric relationships. Environmental Science and Technology 28: 1543-1549.

Stow, C. A.,  S. R. Carpenter, L.  A. Eby, J. F. Amrhein and R. J. Hesselberg.  1995. Evidence that PCBs are
approaching stable concentrations in Lake Michigan fishes. Ecological Applications 5: 248-260.

Stow, C. A. and S. S. Qian. 1998. A size-based probabilistic assessment of PCB exposure from Lake Michigan fish
consumption. Environmental Science and Technology 32: 2325-2330.

Swackhammer, D., J. Charles and R.  Hites. 1987. Quantitation of toxaphene in environmental samples using
negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 59: 913-917.

Swackhammer, D. L. 1996. Studies of polychlorinated biphenyls in  the Great Lakes. Issues  in Environmental
Science and Technology 6: 137-153.

Swackhammer, D. L.  and R.  A. Hites. 1988. Occurrence and bioaccumulation of organochlorine compounds in
fishes from Siskiwit Lake. Environmental Science and Technology 22: 543-548.

Swackhammer, D. L. and A. Trowbridge. 1997. LMMBS Methods Compendium: Vol. 2 Organics and Mercury
Sample Analysis Techniques, Chapter 1, Section 042. USEPA.  905-R-97-012b.
Trowbridge, A. G. and D. L. Swackhammer. 1999. Biomagnification of Toxic PCB Congeners in the Lake Michigan
Foodweb. Bioaccumulative Toxic  Compounds in  the Environment. R. Lipnick, D.  Muir, J. Hermens and K. C.
Jones. Washington, DC, ACS Symposium Series Monograph: in review.

"Quality Management Plan for  the Great Lakes National Program Office."   EPA905-R-02-009.  October 2002,
Approved April 2003.

Swackhammer, D. L. 2001. "Trends in Great Lakes Fish Contaminants." Unpublished - in USEPA Great Lakes
National Program Office files.
Swackhammer, D.L. February 2002.  "Trends in Great Lakes Fish Contaminants."  Unpublished - in USEPA Great
Lakes National Program Office files.
"GLNPO Management Systems Review of 1999." Unpublished - in USEPA Great Lakes National Program Office

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Concentration trends of toxic chemicals in the air in the Great Lakes basin
will decline.

Performance Database:  Great Lakes National  Program Office  (GLNPO) integrated atmospheric deposition
network : (IADN) operated jointly  with Canada. Reporting starts with 1992  data, collected  through the joint
US/Canadian Integrated  Atmospheric Deposition Program and includes, PCBs, PAHs, and pesticides.  Monitoring
results from 2003 will be reported in 2005.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Source: GLNPO and Environment Canada are the principal sources of the data. Data also come through in-
kind support and information sharing with other Federal agencies, with Great Lakes' States, and with Canada.

Methods, Assumptions, and  Suitability: There are five  master IADN stations, one for  each  lake, which  are
supplemented by satellite stations in other locations.  The master stations are located in remote areas and are meant
to represent regional background levels.  Concentrations from the master stations are used for the performance
measure.   Concentrations from the  satellite stations in Chicago and Cleveland are  also sometimes  used to
demonstrate the importance of urban areas to atmospheric deposition to the Lakes.
Air samples are collected for 24 hours using hi-volume samplers containing an adsorbent.  Precipitation samples are
collected as 28-day composites. Laboratory analysis protocols generally call for solvent extraction of the organic
sampling media with addition of surrogate recovery standards.  Extracts are then concentrated followed by column
chromatographic cleanup, fractionation, nitrogen blow-down to small volume (about 1 mL) and injection (typically
1 uL) into GC-ECD or GC-MS  instruments.

All IADN data are loaded and quality  controlled using the Research Database Management System (RDMQ), a
Statistical Analysis System (SAS) program.  RDMQ provides a unified set of quality assured data, including flags
for each data point  that can  be used to evaluate the usability of the data.  Statistical  summaries of annual
concentrations are generated by the  program and used  as input into  an  atmospheric loading calculation.   The
loadings calculation is described in detail in the Technical Summary  referenced below.  However, the averaged
annual concentrations rather than the loadings are used in the performance measure.
QA/QC Procedures: GLNPO has  a Quality Management system in place, which conforms to the EPA quality
management order and is audited every 3 years in accordance with Federal policy for Quality Management2. Quality
Assurance Project Plans are in place for the laboratory grantee, as well as for the network as a whole.  A jointly-
funded QA contractor conducts laboratory audits and tracks QA statistics.  Data from all contributing agencies are
quality-controlled using the SAS-based system.

Data Quality Review:  GLNPO's quality management system has been evaluated as "outstanding" in previous peer
and management reviews3. This program has a joint Canadian US quality system and workgroup that meets twice a
year.  GLNPO has implemented all  recommendations from these external audits and complies with Agency Quality

A regular set of laboratory and field blanks is taken and recorded for comparison to the IADN field samples.  In
addition, a suite of chemical surrogates and internal standards is used extensively in the analyses.  A jointly-funded
QA contractor conducts laboratory audits and intercomparisons and tracks QA statistics. As previously mentioned,
data from all contributing agencies are quality-controlled using a SAS-based system.

Data Limitations: The  sampling design is dominated by rural sites that under emphasize urban contributions to
deposition; thus  although the data is very  useful  for  trends information, there  is less  assurance of  the
representativeness of deposition to  the whole lake.  There are gaps in open lake water column organics data, thus
limiting our ability to calculate  atmospheric loadings.

Error estimate:  Concentrations have an error of +/- 40%, usually less.  Differences between laboratories have been
found to be 40% or less.  This is outstanding given the very low levels of these pollutants in the air and the difficulty
in analysis. The performance measure examines the long-term trend.

New/Improved  Data or Systems: GLNPO expects  to post joint  data that has  passed quality review  to <
http://binational.net/ >, a joint international web site, and to the IADN website at < www.msc.ec.gc.ca/iadn/ >.


1. "Great Lakes National Program Office Indicators.  Air Indicators."

Details of these analyses can be found in the Laboratory Protocol Manuals or the agency project plans, which can be
found on the IADN resource page at:http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca/iadn/resources/resources e.html

Overall results of the project can be found in "Technical Summary of Progress under  the Integrated Atmospheric
Deposition Program  1990-1996" and the Draft "Technical Summary of Progress under the Integrated Atmospheric
Deposition 1997-2002".  The former can also be found on the IADN resource page.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

2. "Quality Management Plan for the Great Lakes National Program Office."  EPA905-R-02-009.  October 2002,
Approved April 2003.
3.  "GLNPO Management Systems Review of 1999." Unpublished - in USEPA Great Lakes National Program
Office files.

4.  "Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network Quality Assurance Program  Plan - Revision 1.1.  Environment
Canada and USEPA. June 29, 2001.  Unpublished - in USEPA Great Lakes National Program Office files.

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Cumulative total of Areas of Concern within the Great Lakes Basin that
have been restored and delisted.

Performance Database: US EPA's  Great Lakes National Program Office will track the cumulative total Areas of
Concern (AOC) and post that information http://www.epa.gov/glnpo/aoc/index.html>   Forty-three AOCs have been
identified: 26 located entirely within the United States; 12 located wholly within Canada; and five that are shared by
both countries. GLNPO is tracking the 31 which are within the US or shared; however, none of these are currently
restored and delisted.

Data Source: Internal tracking and communications with Great Lakes States, the US  Department of State and the
International Joint Commission (IJC).

Methods, Assumptions,  and  Suitability:  US EPA's Great Lakes National  Program  Office is  in regular
communication with the Great Lakes  States,  the US Department of State and the  IJC, and is responsible  for
coordinating and overseeing the de-listing of Areas of Concern.

QA/QC Procedures: GLNPO has an approved Quality Management  system in place1  that  conforms to the EPA
quality management order and is audited every 3 years in accordance with Federal policy for Quality Management

Data Quality Review:  GLNPO's quality management system has been given "outstanding" evaluations in previous
peer and  management reviews2.  GLNPO has implemented all recommendations from these  external  audits and
complies  with Agency Quality standards.
Data Limitations: None known.

Error Estimate: None.

New/Improved Data or Systems: NA


GLNPO will develop and  maintain the appropriate tracking system once there are any de-listed US or Binational
Areas  of  Concern.     Information   regarding   Areas  of  Concern  is   currently available   online  at:

1.  "Quality Management Plan for the Great Lakes National Program Office."  EPA905-R-02-009.  October 2002,
    Approved April 2003.

2.  "GLNPO Management Systems Review of 1999." Unpublished - in USEPA Great Lakes National Program
    Office files.
FY 2005 Performance Measure:   Cubic yards of contaminated sediment in the Great Lakes remediated.
(cumulative from 1997)

Performance Database: Data tracking sediment remediation are compiled in two different formats. The first is a
matrix that shows the cumulative total of contaminated sediment that was remediated in the Great Lakes basin from
1997 to 2002 for each Area of Concern  or other non-Areas of Concern with  sediment remediation.  The second
format  depicts the yearly totals for sediment remediation projects  graphically.  These databases are reported
approximately one year after the completion of work.

Data Source: GLNPO collects sediment  remediation data from various state and Federal project managers across
the Great Lakes region.  These data are obtained directly from the project manager via an information fact sheet the
project manager  completes for any site in the Great  Lakes  basin that has  performed any remedial work on


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

contaminated sediment. The project manager also indicates whether an approved Quality Assurance Project Plan
(QAPP) was used in the collection of data at the site.  This is used to decide if the data provided by the project
manager are reliable for GLNPO reporting purposes.  If an approved QAPP was not used, sediment data would
likely not be reported by GLNPO

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability: The data collected to track sediment remediation in the Great Lakes show
the amount of sediment remediated for that year, the amount of sediment remediated in prior years, and the amount
of sediment remaining to be addressed for a particular site. This format is suitable for year-to-year comparisons for
individual sites.

QA/QC Procedures: GLNPO relies on the individual government/agency project managers to provide information
on whether an approved QAPP was in place during remediation of contaminated sediment. This tracking database
houses information on the calculated amount of sediment remediated at individual sites as provided by the project
managers.  It is then GLNPO's responsibility to determine if the data are usable based upon the information sheet
provided by the project managers.

Data Quality Review: The data, in both the graphic and matrix formats, are reviewed by management, individual
project managers, and GLNPO's Sediment Team Leader prior to being released.  GLNPO's quality management
system has  been given "outstanding"  evaluations  in previous peer and management reviews.   GLNPO has
implemented all recommendations from these external audits and complies with Agency Quality standards.

Data Limitations: The data provided in the sediment tracking database should be used as a tool to track sediment
remediation progress at sites across the  Great Lakes.  Many of the totals for sediment remediation are estimates
provided by project  managers. For specific data uses, individual project managers should be contacted to provide
additional information.

Error Estimate: The amount of sediment remediated or yet to be addressed should be viewed as estimated data. A
specific error estimate is not available.

New/Improved Data or Systems: Existing tracking systems are anticipated to remain in place.


1.   Collier, D.C.  2002. "Sediment Remediation Matrix". Unpublished - in USEPA Great Lakes National Program
    Office files.

2.   Collier, D.C. 2002.  "Sediment Remediation  Pie  Charts". Unpublished - in USEPA Great Lakes  National
    Program Office files.

3.  Collier, D.C. 2002. "Compilation of Project Managers Informational Sheets".  Unpublished - in USEPA Great
    Lakes National Program Office files.

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Acres of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) present in the Chesapeake

Performance Database: SAV acres in Chesapeake Bay.  Total acres surveyed and estimated additional acres from
1978 through 2002,  excluding the years  1979-1983 and 1988 when no surveys were conducted. FY 2005 Annual
Performance Report for this measure will be based on the results of the survey conducted the previous calendar year
(2004). We expect to receive the preliminary survey results for calendar year 2004 in April 2005.

Data Source:  Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences provides the data (via an EPA Chesapeake Bay Program grant
to  Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences).  EPA has confidence in the third party  data and believes the data are
accurate and reliable based on QA/QC procedures described below.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: The SAV survey is a general monitoring program, conducted to  optimize
precision and accuracy in characterizing annually the status and trends of SAV in tidal portions of the Chesapeake
Bay.  The general plan is to follow fixed flight routes over shallow water areas of the Bay, to comprehensively
survey all tidal shallow water areas of the Bay and its tidal tributaries. Non-tidal areas are omitted from the survey.
SAV beds less than 1 square meter are not included due to the limits of the photography and interpretation.  Annual


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

monitoring began in 1978 and is ongoing. Methods are described in the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) on
file for the EPA grant and at the VIMS web site (http://www.vims.eduhttp://www.vims.edu/bio/sav/).

QA/QC Procedures: Quality assurance project plan for the EPA grant to the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences
describes data collection, analysis, and management methods. This is on file at the EPA Chesapeake Bay Program
Office.  The VIMS web site at http://www.vims.edu/bio/sav/ provides this information as well.  Metadata are
included with the data set posted at the VIMS web site (http://www.vims.edu/bio/sav/metadata/recent.html).

Data Quality Reviews:   This indicator has undergone extensive technical and peer review by state, Federal and
non-government organization partner members of the  SAV workgroup  and the Living Resources subcommittee.
Data collection, data analysis and QA/QC are conducted by the principal investigators/scientists.  The data are peer
reviewed by scientists on the workgroup. Data selection and interpretation, the presentation of the indicator, along
with all supporting information and conclusions, are arrived at via consensus by the scientists and resource manager
members of the workgroup.  The workgroup presents the indicator to the subcommittee where extensive peer review
by Bay Program managers occurs.

No audits have been conducted by  the  Inspector General (IG)  or evaluations  by  the General Accounting Office
(GAO), OMB and National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA).  No deficiencies identified in external
reviews.  Data are not identified as an "Agency-Level or Material Weakness" as a result of EPA decisions under the
Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act.
Data Limitations: Due to funding constraints, there were no surveys in the years 1979-1983 and 1988.  Spatial
gaps in 1999 occurred due to hurricane  disturbance and subsequent inability to reliably photograph SAV.  Spatial
gaps in 2001 occurred due to post-nine-eleven flight restrictions near Washington D.C.

Error Estimate: No error estimate is available for this data.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  Some technical improvements (e.g., photointerpretation  tools) were made over
the 22 years of the annual SAV survey in Chesapeake Bay.


See Chesapeake Bay SAV  special reports  at http://www.vims.edu/bio/sav/savreports.html and  bibliography  at
http://www.vims.edu/bio/sav/savchespub.html.      The   SAV   distribution   data   files   are   located   at
http://www.vims.edu/bio/sav/savdata.html  and also  at  http://www.chesapeakebav.net/pubs/statustrends/88-data-
2002.xls. The SAV indicator is published at http://www.chesapeakebav.net/status.cfm?sid=88.

FY 2005 Performance Measures:

•       Reduce nitrogen loads entering Chesapeake  Bay,  from  1985 levels   (2002  Baseline:  51 million
        pounds/year reduced.)
•       Reduce phosphorus loads entering Chesapeake  Bay, from  1985  levels.  (2002 Baseline: 8 million
        pounds/year reduced.)
•       Reduce sediment loads entering Chesapeake Bay, from  1985 levels.   (2002  Baseline: 0.8 million
        tons/year reduced.)

Performance Database:  Nutrient and Sediment Loads Delivered to the  Chesapeake Bay. The Bay data files used
in the indicator are located at http://www.chesapeakebay.net/pubs/statustrends/186-data-2003.xls.   Data have been
collected in 1985, 2000, 2001, and are expected on an annual basis after 2001.  There is a two year data lag. Load
data are from Chesapeake Bay watershed portions of NY, MD, PA, VA, WV, DE, and DC.

FY 2005 Annual Performance Report for these measures will be based on the  results of the 2003 data collection.
We expect to receive the preliminary results for calendar year 2003 in April 2005.

Data Source:  State/district data are provided to the Chesapeake Bay Program Office for input into the Chesapeake
Bay Program Watershed Model.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  The data are  of high quality.  Data  are consolidated by watershed
boundaries at the state level and provided to the Chesapeake Bay Program Office for input into the watershed model.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data   are   collected  from   states  and   local  governments   programs.    Methods   are   described  at
http://www.chesapeakebav.net/data/index.htm. (refer to CBP Watershed Model Scenario Output Database, Phase
4.3).     For  more  information  contact  Kate  Hopkins   at   hopkins .kate@epa. gov  or  Jeff  Sweeney

QA/QC Procedures:  State offices have documentation of the databases used indicating the design, construction
and maintenance conforming to existing U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service
(USDA/NRCS) technical standards and specifications for nonpoint source data and PCS standards for point source
data.  State offices also have documentation of implemented Best Management Practices (BMPs) based on USDA
NRCS standards  and specification and the  Chesapeake Bay  Program's protocols and guidance.   BMPs are
traditionally used  to  reduce  pollutant  loads coming from nonpoint  sources such  as  urban/suburban runoff,
agriculture, and forestry activities.  Some people also think of nutrient reduction technology used at wastewater
treatment plants as a point source BMP, however, in the traditional sense, BMPs have been used to describe the suite
of practices used to reduce pollutant loads coming from agricultural, forest, and urban/suburban lands. References
include: the USDA NRCS Technical Guide  and Appendix H  from the Chesapeake Bay Program (contact Russ
Mader at mader.russ(@,epa.gov or Kate Hopkins  at hopkins.kate(@,epa.govX  Quality assurance program plans are
available in each state office.

Data  Quality Reviews: All data  are reviewed and approved by the individual jurisdictions before input to the
watershed model.  Model results are also reviewed and approved before release  to the web site.  Processes are
reviewed by the Tributary Strategy Workgroup of the Nutrient Subcommittee.  The model itself is given a quarterly
peer review by an outside independent group of experts.

No audits have been conducted by the  Inspector General (IG) or evaluations by  the  General Accounting Office
(GAO), OMB and National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA).  No  deficiencies identified in external
reviews.  Data are not identified as an "Agency-Level or Material Weakness" as a result of EPA decisions under the
Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act.

Data Limitations: Data collected from voluntary collection programs are not included in the database, even though
they may be valid and reliable.  The only data submitted by state and local governments to  our office are data that
are required for reporting under the cost share and regulatory programs.  State and local governments are aware that
additional data collection efforts are being conducted by non-governmental organizations and that several entities
are involved in using BMPs, however, they are done independently of the cost share programs and are therefore not

Error Estimate:  There may be errors of omission, mis-classification, incorrect georeferencing, mis-documentation
or mistakes in the processing of data.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  The next version of the watershed model is currently under development and
will be completed in 2005.  The new version(phase 5) will have  increased spatial resolution and ability to model the
effect of management practices. The phase 5  watershed model is a joint project with cooperating state and Federal
agencies.       Contact   Gary   Shenk   gshenk@chesapeakebay.net   or   see   the   web    site   at

See http://www.chesapeakebav.net/data/index.htm. refer to CBP Watershed Model Scenario Output Database, Phase
4.3. Contact Kate Hopkins at hopkins.kate(@,epa.gov or Jeff Sweeney jsweenev(@,chesapeakebav.net
The   nutrient   and   sediment   loads    delivered    to   the    Bay   indicator   are   published   at
http://www.chesapeakebav.net/status.cfm?sid=186.  The nutrient and sediment loads delivered to the Bay data files
used in the indicator are located at http://www.chesapeakebay.net/pubs/statustrends/186-data-2003.xls.
See "Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Application and Calculation of Nutrient and Sediment Loadings, Appendix
H:  Tracking Best Management Practice Nutrient Reductions in the Chesapeake  Bay  Program, A Report of the
Chesapeake Bay Program Modeling Subcommittee",   USEPA  Chesapeake Bay Program Office, Annapolis, MD,
August 1998, available at http://www.chesapeakebay.net/pubs/777.pdf
See USDA NRCS Field Office Technical Guide available at http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/efotg/

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Prevent water pollution  and protect aquatic ecosystems  so that  overall
aquatic system health of coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico is improved on the "good/fair/poor" scale of the
National Coastal Condition Report.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Reduce releases of nutrients  throughout the Mississippi River Basin to
reduce the size of the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

Performance Database:   (1) Louisiana Coastal Hypoxia Shelfwide Survey metadata (data housed at National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Ocean Data Center, Silver Spring, Maryland).  Funds for this
research  are  provided by  the  National  Oceanic and Atmospheric  Administration,  Coastal  Ocean  Program
(2) Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program  (SEAMAP) - Gulf surveys.

Data  Source:  (1) Hydrographic data  are collected during annual surveys of the Louisiana continental shelf.
Nutrient, pigment and station information data are also  acquired.   The physical, biological and chemical data
collected are part of a long-term coastal Louisiana dataset.   The goal is to understand physical  and biological
processes that contribute to the causes of hypoxia and  use the data to support environmental models for use by
resource managers.

(2) The Southeast Area Monitoring and  Assessment Program (SEAMAP) is a state/Federal/university program for
collection, management and dissemination of fishery-independent data and information in the southeastern United

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: (1) During the shelfwide cruise, data is collected along transects from the
mouth of the Mississippi River to the  Texas border.   Information is  collected on a wide range  of parameters,
including conductivity/temperature/depth (CTD),  light penetration, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, nutrients,
phytoplankton, and chlorophyll. Hydrographic, chemical, and biological data from two transects of Terrebonne Bay
on a monthly basis, and bimonthly, off Atchafalaya Bay. There is a single moored instrument array in 20-m water
depth in the  core of the hypoxic zone that collects vertical conductivity/temperature data, as well as near-surface,
mid, and near-bottom oxygen data; an upward directed  Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) on the seabed
measures direction and speed of currents from the seabed to the surface.  There is also an assortment of nutrient and
light meters.

Station depths range from 3.25 to 52.4 meters.  The objective is to delimit and describe the area of midsummer
bottom dissolved oxygen less than 2 (mg. L).  Northern end stations of transects are chosen based on the survey
vessel's minimum depth limits for each longitude.

Standard data collections include hydrographic profiles for temperature, salinity, dissolved  oxygen, and optical
properties. Water samples for chlorophyll a  and  phaeopigments,  nutrients, salinity, suspended  sediment, and
phytoplankton community composition are collected from the surface, near-bottom, and variable middle depths.

Details of data collection and methodology are provided in referenced reports.

QA/QC Procedures: NOAA does not require written QA/QC procedures or Quality Management Plan; however,
the procedures related to data collection are covered in the metadata files.

SEAMAP Data Management System (DMS) is based on information contained in the SEAMAP Gulf and South
Atlantic DMS Requirements Document developed through a cooperative effort between National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) and other SEAMAP participants.

Data Quality Reviews: (1) Essential components of an environmental monitoring program in the Gulf of Mexico
include efforts to document the  temporal and spatial extent of shelf hypoxia, and  to collect basic hydrographic,
chemical and biological data related to the development of hypoxia over seasonal cycles.  All data collection
protocols and data are presented to and reviewed by the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task
Force (the Task Force) in support of the adaptive management approach as outlined in the Action Plan for Reducing,
Mitigating, and Controlling Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (the Action Plan).

(2) Biological and environmental data from all SEAMAP-Gulf surveys are included in the  SEAMAP Information
System, managed in  conjunction with National Marine Fisheries Service - Southeast Fisheries Science Center
(NMFS-SEFSC). Raw data are edited by the collecting agency and verified by the SEAMAP Data Manager prior to
entry into the system. Data from all SEAMAP-Gulf surveys during  1982-2002 have been entered into the system,
and data from 2003 surveys are in the process of being verified, edited, and entered for storage and retrieval.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Limitations:   Some existing monitoring for shelf-wide conditions are currently only performed each year
primarily, but not exclusively, during July. Resources to conduct them limit the spatial boundaries of some of these
existing monitoring efforts. Experience with the  datasets has shown that when data are plotted or used in further
analysis, outlying values may occasionally be discovered.

Error Estimate± (1) The manufacturers  state +/- 0.2mg/L as the error allowance for both  SeaBird and Hydrolab
oxygen sensors.


Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task force.2001. Action Plan for Reducing, Mitigating, and
Controlling Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Washington, DC.

Rabalais N.N., R.E. Turner, Dubravko Justic, Quay Dortch, and WJ. Wiseman. 1999. Characterization of Hypoxia.
Topic 1 Report for the Integrated assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program
Decision Analysis Series No. 15. Silver Spring Maryland:  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Hendee, J.C.  1994. Data management for the nutrient enhanced coastal ocean productivity program. Estuaries

Rabalais, Nancy N., WJ. Wiseman Jr., R.E. Turner ; Comparison of continuous records of near-bottom dissolved
oxygen from the hypoxia zone of Louisiana. Estuaries 19:386-407

SEAMAP Information System http://www.gsmfc.org/sis.html


1909 The Boundary Waters Treaty
1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA)
1987 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
1987 Montreal Protocol on Ozone Depleting Substances
1990 Great Lakes Critical Programs Act
1996 Habitat Agenda
1997 Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Binational Toxics  Strategy
2002 Great Lakes and Lake Champlain Act
Clean Water Act
Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act of 1990
Estuaries and Clean Waters Act of 2000
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
US-Canada Agreements
Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
              OBJECTIVE: Enhance Science and Research
         Through 2008, provide a sound scientific foundation for EPA's goal of protecting, sustaining, and
  restoring the health of people,  communities, and ecosystems by conducting leading-edge research and
  developing a better understanding and characterization of environmental outcomes under Goal 4.
                                  Resource Summary
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Enhance Science and Research
Environmental Program & Management
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Science & Technology
Buildings and Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                    Program Project
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)

Research: Computational Toxicology
Research: Endocrine Disrupter
Research: Global Change
Research: Human Health and Ecosystems
Research: Pesticides and Toxics
Research: Fellowships
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Homeland Security: Preparedness, Response,
and Recovery
Endocrine Disrupters
Science Policy and Biotechnology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                FY 2005 Annual Plan


Research to Support FQPA

In 2005        Provide high quality exposure, effects and assessment research results that support the August 2006 reassessment of current-use
               pesticide tolerances to  EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs so that, by 2008, EPA will be  able to characterize key factors
               influencing children's and other subpopulations' risks from pesticide exposure.
Performance Measures:

Children's exposure data and tools for assessing aggregate
exposure to residential-use pesticides
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:       The Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) requires EPA to review, by August 2006, the pesticide tolerances for pesticides in use
               as of August 1996. EPA's Office of Research Development (ORD) has been conducting research to generate new and improved
               exposure and effects tools (data, methods, and models) to assist the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) in meeting this 2006
               requirement.  In FY05, ORD will  provide OPP with a summary document highlighting the key results from ORD's exposure
               research program over the period 2000-2005.  ORD will also provide OPP with validated children's pesticide exposure data and
               exposure factor data from multiple exposure field and laboratory studies.  This high quality data will fill critical data gaps and
               eliminate the need for using  many default assumptions currently used in the risk assessment process. An analysis of these results
               will also be performed to help  identify remaining critical children's exposure data needs.  ORD will also provide OPP with a
               suite  of  exposure-to-dose  models that can  be  used to estimate  aggregate  pesticide  exposures for  children (by age  and
               developmental life stage) and other susceptible subpopulations.  These state-of-the-art models will be used by  OPP to develop
               pesticide exposure distributions and address key issues associated with variability and uncertainty in exposure.  With improved
               information, EPA can better protect public health from risks posed by pesticide use.  Beginning in FY 2005, regular evaluations
               by independent  and  external panels will  provide  reviews of EPA research programs' relevance, quality,  and  successful
               performance to date, in accordance  with OMB's Investment Criteria for Research and Development.  Reviewers will also
               qualitatively determine whether EPA has been successful in meeting its annual and long-term commitments for research.

Risk Assessment

In 2005        Through FY2005 initiate or  submit to external review 28 human health assessments and complete 12 human health assessments
               through the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS).  This information will improve EPA's and other decisionmakers' ability
               to protect the public from harmful chemical exposure
Performance Measures:

Complete 4 human  health  assessments  and publish their
results on the IRIS website

Initiate  or  submit to external  peer  review human  health
assessments of at least 20 high priority chemicals.

Complete 8 human  health  assessments  and publish their
results on the IRIS website

Initiate  or  submit to external  peer  review human  health
assessments of 8 high priority chemicals
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:       IRIS is an EPA data base containing Agency consensus scientific positions on potential adverse human health effects that may
               result from exposure to chemical substances found in the environment. IRIS  currently provides information on health effects
               associated with chronic exposure to  over 500 specific chemical substances. IRIS contains  chemical-specific summaries of
               qualitative and quantitative health information in support of the first two steps of the risk  assessment process,  i.e., hazard
               identification  and  dose-response  evaluation.   Combined  with specific situational  exposure  assessment  information,  the
               information in IRIS may be used as a  source in evaluating potential public health risks  from environmental contaminants. IRIS
               is widely used in risk assessments for EPA regulatory  programs and site-specific decision making.  Updating IRIS with new
               scientific information  is critical to maintaining information quality and providing decision makers with a credible source of
               health effects information.  Achieving this APG will provide EPA and other decision makers with needed updates to IRIS so
               they can make informed decisions on how to best protect the public from harmful chemical exposure.  In FY 2004,  the Agency
               will complete 4 human health assessments and initiate or submit for external peer review human health assessments of at least 20
               high priority chemicals.  In FY 2005,  EPA will complete 8 more assessments  and initiate or submit for review an additional 8
               assessments, for a  two-year total of 12 completed assessments and 28 initiated or submitted for review.mmBeginning in FY
               2005, regular evaluations by independent and external panels will provide reviews of EPA research programs' relevance, quality,
               and successful performance to date, in accordance with OMB's Investment Criteria for Research and Development.  Reviewers
               will  also qualitatively determine whether EPA has  been successful in meeting its annual and long-term commitments for

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                FY 2005 Annual Plan
Regional Scale Ecosystem Assessment Methods

In 2005        The baseline ecological condition of Western streams will be determined so that, by 2008, a monitoring framework is available
               for streams and small rivers in the Western U.S. that can be used from the local to the national level for statistical assessments of
               condition and change to determine the status and trends of ecological resources.

In 2004        Provide Federal, state and local resource managers with a means to more effectively determine long-term trends in the condition
               and vitality of Eastern U.S. stream ecosystems through  measurements  of changes in the  genetic  diversity  of stream fish
Performance Measures:

A study of fish genetic diversity that demonstrates the power
of this modern approach for evaluating condition and vitality
of biotic communities to Federal,  state  and local resource

Baseline ecological condition of Western streams determined
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005


Baseline:       This FY 2005 APG represents the first statistically-valid baseline for Western stream condition from state-based data.  Although
               States and Tribes are required by the Clean Water Act (CWA) to monitor the condition of all their waters, they typically are only
               able to monitor at, and make scientifically defensible statements about, targeted sites that account for only a small percentage of
               their total waters.  The monitoring framework used in the achievement of this APG removes scientific uncertainty by using a
               probability  design  approach (random  sampling) to provide  a  more  cost-effective,  scientifically-defensible  alternative for
               determining the condition of all the streams of a State or Tribe.  EPA is transferring this approach to our State, Tribal, and EPA
               Regional  partners  in the Western U.S. so that they can  determine the status  and trends of their ecological resources.  This
               monitoring framework also provides the scientific basis  for identifying problems  and needs for action, causes of harm, and
               successful mitigation and restoration efforts.  This information  will ultimately allow EPA to determine its success in  achieving
               specific environmental outcomes.

               Beginning in FY 2005, regular evaluations by independent and external panels will provide reviews of EPA research programs'
               relevance, quality,  and successful performance to date,  in accordance  with OMB's  Investment Criteria  for  Research and
               Development.  These  evaluations will include an examination of a program's design to determine the appropriateness of a
               program's short-, intermediate-, and long-term goals  and its strategy for attaining these.  Reviewers will also qualitatively
               determine whether EPA has been successful in meeting its annual and long-term commitments for research. Recommendations
               and results from these reviews will improve the design and management of EPA research programs and help to measure their
               progress under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

Research on Riparian Zone Restoration

In 2005        Provide technical  guidance for implementing and evaluating projects to restore riparian zones, which  are critical landscape
               components for the restoration of aquatic  ecosystems and water quality, so that, by 2010, watershed managers have state-of-the-
               science field-evaluated tools, technical guidance, and decision-support systems for selecting, implementing, and evaluating cost-
               effective and environmentally-sound approaches to restore ecosystem services as part of watershed management
Performance Measures:

Technical guidance for implementing and evaluating projects
to restore riparian zones
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
                                                        tech. guide
Baseline:       This FY 2005 APG will provide State, Tribal, Regional, and local watershed managers and restoration practitioners with
               technical guidance for  selecting, implementing, and evaluating cost-effective and environmentally-sound approaches to restore
               ecosystem  services.  Essential ecosystem services are a result of naturally occurring processes and include such necessities for
               human health as a reliable supply of clean water, oxygen, nutrient cycling, and soil regeneration, as well as wildlife habitat and
               greenspace. Habitat destruction, invasive species, and non-point source pollutants such as excess nitrogen and eroded sediments
               adversely impact ecosystem services by contributing to the loss of ecosystems and/or their functions.  Finding effective and
               efficient ways to protect and restore ecosystem services is necessary for human, as  well as ecological, health.  Riparian zones,
               i.e. those areas immediately adjacent to river and stream banks, are critical components of any watershed.   Without a healthy
               riparian zone, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve  water quality goals. EPA is evaluating the  effectiveness of
               riparian restoration techniques as tools to achieve goals such as water quality criteria or the restoration of specific ecosystem
               functions,  such as  denitrification.  The guidance represented by this APG will  help  watershed managers  and  restoration
               practitioners  in decision-making and on-the-ground implementation of scientifically- and technically-defensible restoration and
               management techniques.

               Beginning  in FY 2005, regular evaluations by independent and external panels will provide reviews of EPA research programs'
               relevance,  quality,  and successful performance to date,  in accordance with OMB's Investment Criteria  for Research and
               Development. Reviewers will also qualitatively determine whether EPA has been successful in meeting its annual and long-term
               commitments for research.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                FY 2005 Annual Plan
Exposures and Effect of Environmental Research

In 2005        Provide risk assessors and managers with methods and tools for measuring exposure and effects in children, and characterizing
               and reducing risks to children from environmental agents in schools so that, by 2014, EPA will be able to demonstrate why some
               groups of people, defined by life stage, genetic factors, and health status, are more vulnerable than others to adverse effects from
               exposure to environmental agents.
Performance Measures:

Methods and tools for  measuring exposure and  effects  in
children, and characterizing and reducing risks to children
from environmental agents in schools
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:       Current risk assessments for children are hampered by the lack of exposure and risk data and by a lack of methods that are
               appropriate for children. By FY 2004,  EPA expects to have better data on children's exposures and on children's exposure
               factors. In FY 2005, research will build upon the improved data on children's exposures by compiling and analyzing the data,
               and translating the enhanced knowledge  into better methods and approaches for measuring and estimating children's exposure
               and risk.  The research in FY 2005 will culminate in initial approaches, ready for external peer review, on: how to conduct
               children's exposure and risk assessments; how to replace default uncertainty factors with data and distributions; and how to use
               biomarkers more appropriately in characterizing children's exposures.  In addition, the increased understanding of children's
               exposures will  provide evaluated methods for reducing their exposures and risks  in schools  and other  indoor environments.
               These  data, methods, and approaches will significantly improve the reliability, credibility, and transparency of children's risk
               assessments used by regulatory decision-makers throughout EPA and will provide to the public and to school and daycare
               officials tested methods to reduce children's exposures to chemical pollutants.

               Beginning in FY 2005, regular evaluations by independent and external panels will  provide reviews of EPA research programs'
               relevance, quality, and successful performance to date,  in accordance  with OMB's Investment Criteria  for Research and
               Development. Reviewers will also qualitatively determine whether EPA has been successful in meeting its annual and long-term
               commitments for research. Recommendations and results from these reviews will improve the  design and management of EPA
               research programs and help to measure their progress under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

Mercury Research

In 2005        Provide information on managing mercury and other co-pollutants from utility boilers so that, by 2010, there  is an extensive set
               of data and tools available to help industry and federal, state, and local environmental management officials make decisions on
               the most cost-effective ways to reduce or  prevent mercury releases into the environment.
Performance Measures:

Information on managing mercury  and other co-pollutants
from utility boilers
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:       EPA's Mercury Study Report to Congress identified emissions from coal-fired utilities as one of the most significant contributors
               of mercury to the air (http://www.epa.gov/oar/mercury.html).  On December 14, 2000, EPA determined that mercury emissions
               from coal-fired utilities needed to be regulated.  Unless some form of multi-pollutant legislation for utility boilers is passed by
               Congress, a Maximum Achievable Control Technology standard (MACT) will be promulgated in December 2004 to  control
               mercury emissions with full compliance of utilities expected by December 2007.  There are a variety of technological options
               under development that could  be  used to more cost-effectively achieve  any required mercury reduction.  These  control
               technologies need to be evaluated  before  utilities make decisions on how to comply.  The state-of-the-science on emission
               controls for mercury will be advanced by investigating the factors that impact the species of mercury in coal-fired utilities flue
               gas and the performance of promising mercury control technologies.   Results  available by the end of FY  2005 will  be
               documented and made available for use by utilities and other interested stakeholders.

               Beginning in FY 2005, regular evaluations  by independent and external panels will provide reviews of EPA research programs'
               relevance,  quality, and successful  performance  to date,  in  accordance  with OMB's  Investment Criteria  for  Research and
               Development.   These evaluations will include an examination of a program's design to  determine the appropriateness of a
               program's short-, intermediate-, and long-term goals and its strategy for attaining these.  Reviewers  will also qualitatively
               determine whether EPA has been successful in meeting its annual and long-term commitments for research. Recommendations
               and results from these reviews will improve the design and management  of EPA research  programs and help to  measure their
               progress under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

Homeland Security Research

In 2005        Provide tools,  case  studies, and technical  guidance so that, by FY 2006, first responders and decision-makers  will have the
               methods, guidance documents, and technologies to enhance safety and to mitigate adverse effects of the purposeful introduction
               of hazardous chemical or biological materials into the environment.

In 2004        Provide a database  of  EPA experts on topics of importance to  assessing the health and ecological impacts of actions taken
               against homeland security that is available to key EPA staff and managers who might be called upon to  rapidly assess the
               impacts of a significant terrorist event.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
In 2004        Provide to building owners, facility managers, and others, methods, guidance documents, and technologies to enhance safety in
               large buildings and to mitigate adverse effects of the purposeful introduction of hazardous chemical or biological materials into
               indoor air.

In 2004        Verify two point-of-use drinking water technologies that treat intentionally introduced contaminants in drinking water supplies
               for application by commercial and residential users, water supply utilities, and public officials.
                                                         FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
                                                                                                              tech. guidance
                                                                                                              case studies
Performance Measures:

Verify  two  treatment  technologies  for  application  in
buildings by commercial and residential users, utilities, and
public officials to  treat  contaminants  in drinking  water

Prepare ETV evaluations on at least 5 new technologies for
detection,     containment,     or   decontamination    of
chemical/biological  contaminants  in  buildings  to  help
workers select safe alternatives.

Through  SBIR  awards,  support  as   least  three  new
technologies/methods to decontaminate  HVAC systems in
smaller commercial  buildings  or decontaminate valuable or
irreplaceable materials.

Prepare technical guidance for building owners and facility
managers  on methods/strategies to minimize  damage  to
buildings     from     intentional    introduction     of
biological/chemical contaminants.

A restricted access database of EPA experts with knowledge,
expertise, and experience for use by EPA to rapidly  assess
health and ecological impacts focused on safe buildings and
water security.

Risk  assessment   toolbox  to  predict  and reduce  the
consequences of chemical/biological attacks in U.S. cities.

Technical  guidance  for water  system owners and operators
on   methods/strategies  for  minimizing   damage   from
intentional introduction of biological/chemical contaminants

Water system-related case studies that provide a spectrum of
contingency planning situations and responses, including one
specifically focused on the National Capital area

Baseline:       EPA's homeland security research provides  appropriate, effective, and rapid risk assessment guidelines and technologies to help
               decision-makers prepare for, detect, contain, and decontaminate building and water treatment systems against which chemical
               and/or biological attacks have been directed.  The Agency intends to expand the state of the knowledge of potential threats, as
               well as its response capabilities, by assembling and evaluating private sector tools  and capabilities so that preferred response
               approaches can be identified, promoted, and evaluated  for future use by first responders,  decision-makers, and the public.
               Examples of the types of products that will be available in  FY 2005  include: sampling protocols, efficacy protocols, risk
               assessment tools, and threat scenario simulations.  These products will enable first responders to better deal with threats to the
               public and the environment posed by the intentional release of toxic or infectious materials.

               Beginning in FY 2005, regular evaluations by independent and external panels will provide reviews of EPA research programs'
               relevance, quality, and successful  performance to  date, in accordance with  OMB's  Investment Criteria for Research and
               Development.   These evaluations will include  an examination of a program's  design to determine the  appropriateness of a
               program's short-, intermediate-, and long-term  goals and its strategy for  attaining these.  Reviewers will also qualitatively
               determine whether EPA has been successful in meeting its annual and long-term commitments for research.  Recommendations
               and results from these reviews will improve the design and management of EPA research programs and help to measure their
               progress under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).


FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Children's exposure data and tools for assessing aggregate exposure to
residential-use pesticides

Performance Database:  Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source: N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews:  N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Information on managing mercury and other co-pollutants from utility

Performance Database:  Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source: N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews:  N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Methods and tools for measuring exposure and effects in children, and
characterizing and reducing risks to children from environmental agents in schools.

Performance Database:  Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source: N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures: N/A
Data Quality Reviews:  N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Technical guidance for implementing and evaluating projects to restore
riparian zones.

Performance Database:  Program output; no internal tracking system
Data Source: N/A


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures:  N/A

Data Quality Reviews: N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data  or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Baseline ecological condition of Western streams determined.

Performance Database:  Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source: N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures:  N/A

Data Quality Reviews: N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data  or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Complete 8 human health assessments and publish their results on the IRIS

Performance Database:  Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source: N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures:  N/A

Data Quality Reviews: N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data  or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Initiate or submit to external peer review human health assessments of 8
high priority chemicals
Performance Database:  Program output; no internal tracking system


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Source: N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews:  N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Risk assessment toolbox to predict and reduce the consequences of
chemical/biological attacks in U.S. cities.

Performance Database: Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source: N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews:  N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Technical guidance for water system owners and operators on
methods/strategies for minimizing damage from intentional introduction of biological/chemical contaminants.

Performance Database: Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source: N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews:  N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate: N/A
New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Water system-related case studies that provide a spectrum of contingency
planning situations and responses, including one specifically focused on the National Capital area.

Performance Database: Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source:  N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  N/A

QA/QC Procedures:  N/A

Data Quality Reviews:  N/A

Data Limitations:  N/A

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems:  N/A

References: N/A

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
          GOAL 5: Compliance and Environmental Stewardship
     STRATEGIC GOAL: Improve environmental performance through compliance with environmental
    requirements, preventing pollution, and promoting environmental stewardship.  Protect human health and
    the environment by encouraging innovation and providing incentives for governments, businesses, and the
    public that promote

        The underlying principles  of the activities
within  Goal  5  are  to  improve  environmental
performance through compliance with environmental
requirements, preventing pollution,  and promoting
environmental  stewardship. Working in partnership
with   State   and   Tribal   governments,   local
communities  and other  Federal  agencies,  EPA
identifies  and  addresses significant  environmental
and public health problems, strategically deploys its
resources, and makes use of integrated approaches to
achieve strong environmental outcomes.

Enforcement and Compliance

        The Agency is committed to implementing a
"smart enforcement" approach to EPA's mission of
identifying,  preventing,   and  reducing  potential
environmental    risks  and   noncompliance   and
promoting   greater    voluntary    environmental
stewardship. This approach uses the  most appropriate
enforcement or compliance tool to address the most
significant problems to achieve the best outcomes.

        Smart enforcement embodies an integrated,
common-sense  approach  to  problem-solving  and
decision-making.  Simply put,  smart enforcement is
the use of an appropriate mix  of data collection and
analysis;   compliance monitoring,   assistance  and
incentives; civil and criminal enforcement resources;
and  innovative   problem-solving  approaches;  to
address significant environmental issues and achieve
environmentally beneficial outcomes. This approach
requires that the Agency develop and maintain strong
and flexible partnerships with regulated entities and a
well-informed public, in order to  foster a climate of
empowerment,  and  a shared  responsibility  for the
quality  of  our  nation's  land,   resources  and
Pollution Prevention and Innovation

        While  enforcement presents one tool  for
achieving  the Agency's  mission, the  diversity of
America's   environments   (communities,  homes,
workplaces and ecosystems) requires EPA to adopt a
multi-faceted approach to protecting  the public from
threats  that  may  be posed by  pesticides,  toxic
chemicals   and  other  pollutants.  Throughout  its
history, EPA has taken the lead in  developing and
evaluating tools and technologies to monitor, prevent,
control, and cleanup pollution. The emphasis of the
Agency's programs in the 1970's and 1980's was to
identify viable options for controlling or remediating
environmental problems.  Over the  last decade,  the
Agency has turned its attention more  and more to
pollution prevention (P2)  when addressing many
important human health and environmental problems.
A preventive  approach  requires that the  Agency
develop:  (1)  innovative  design  and  production
techniques that minimize or eliminate environmental
liabilities;  (2) holistic approaches  to  utilizing  air,
water,  and  land resources;  and (3)  fundamental
changes in the creation  of goods and services and
their delivery to consumers. EPA remains committed
to helping  industry  further  prevent  pollution  by
adopting more efficient, sustainable, and protective
business practices, materials, and technologies.
        The  Pollution  Prevention Act  of  1990
establishes  pollution  prevention  as  a  "national
objective" and the pollution prevention hierarchy as
national  policy. The  Act  requires that pollution
should  be  prevented  or reduced  at the  source
wherever feasible;  that  pollution  that  cannot be
prevented should be recycled in an environmentally
safe manner; and that,  in the absence of feasible
prevention  or  recycling opportunities,  pollution
should be treated. Disposal or other release into the
environment should be used as a last resort. Pollution
Prevention  is generally more effective than end-of-
pipe approaches in reducing potential health and
environmental risks in that it helps identify voluntary
programs which:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
        Reduce releases to the environment;
        Reduce the need to manage pollutants;
        Avoid shifting pollutants from one medium
        (air, water, land) to another; and
        Protect and conserve  energy sources and
        natural resources  for future generations by
        cutting waste and  conserving materials.
Increasingly complex environmental problems,  such
as the continuing accumulation of greenhouse gases;
poor  water quality;  increasing urban smog;  and
inequities  in  building  and   maintaining  water
infrastructure; give  rise to the need for EPA  to
develop and use a broader set of cross media tools.
Shrinking state and Federal budgets also require the
development of new ways to leverage partnerships
with states, local communities  and businesses  to
produce better environmental results at lower costs.
EPA  will  work  to  ensure  that  governments,
businesses  and  the public  meet   Federal  legal
environmental requirements, and will encourage and
assist them to adopt environmental stewardship and
to voluntarily exceed current requirements. Through
public recognition, incentives, and sometimes relief
from  regulatory  mandates,  EPA  will  encourage
environmental  stewardship,   behavior that   goes
beyond compliance with the laws.
       Strengthening        environmental
       partnerships,   targeting  priorities,
       expanding the current collection of
       tools,   and   creating   a   more
       innovative  culture  to  effectively
       address   challenging  problems  is
       what EPA's innovation strategy is
       all about.
        EPA is committed to promoting innovation
in strategies to  protect the environment, including
new less-polluting technologies. In FY 2002, EPA
launched a comprehensive Innovations Strategy  to
drive innovation in all aspects of the Agency's work.
Crafted with input from states and other stakeholders,
the Strategy focuses  on transforming EPA  into  a
more innovative, results-oriented organization by:

•       strengthening  partnerships with states and
•       focusing on a set of priority problems that
        are in need of innovative solutions;
•       developing tools and approaches that expand
        problem-solving capabilities; and,
•       fostering an innovation-friendly culture and
        set of organizational systems.
        The  effectiveness  of  EPA's  regulatory
decisions  depends on the analysis underlying these
regulations,  and  the  clarity with which they  are
presented.   Their  quality   determines   how  well
environmental  programs  actually  work,  and  the
extent  to   which   they   achieve   health  and
environmental  goals.  Sound economic and  policy
analysis builds the foundation for EPA to meet its
overarching goals, as  well as to wisely use societal

        EPA's emphasis on economic and  policy
analysis supports the  Agency's continuing effort to
quantify  the benefits  of its  air, land  and  water
regulations,  policies  and programs.  For example,
determining the value of ecological systems and the
benefits associated with preserving these systems will
be critical over the coming years as the Agency
strives  to  focus on  healthy   communities  and
ecosystems. Sound economic and policy analysis also
supports    EPA's  stewardship   and   improved
compliance  goals by  fostering  consideration  of
alternative approaches, such as voluntary programs,
innovative compliance tools, and flexible, market-
based solutions. Sound economic and policy analysis
helps EPA  achieve  results by  documenting and
communicating  its   decisions,   thereby   avoiding
challenges to  our analyses that  might  otherwise
impede our ability to implement regulations, policies
or programs.

Tribal Capacity

        Since adoption of the EPA Indian Policy in
1984, EPA has worked with  Tribes on a government-
to-government  basis that affirms  the federal  trust
responsibility  that EPA maintains  with federally
recognized Tribe and Tribal  government. In terms of
strengthening partnerships with Tribes, under Federal
environmental statutes, the Agency has responsibility
for   assuring   human health  and   environmental
protection in Indian Country. EPA  has  worked to
establish the internal infrastructure and organize its
activities  in order to  meet  this responsibility. The
creation of  EPA's American Indian  Environmental
Office (AIEO) in  1994 took responsibility for such
efforts  and  was  a  further   step   in  ensuring
environmental protection in Indian Country.

        Today's  environmental innovations  extend
beyond scientific and  technological  advances  to
include new policies  and management tools that
respond to changing conditions and needs. Examples

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
include  market-based  incentives that provide  an
economic  benefit for environmental  improvement;
regulatory  flexibility  that  gives companies more
discretion related to how specific goals are met; and
disclosure  of   information  about  environmental
performance.   As  a  result  of  these  and other
innovations, the nation's environmental  protection
system continues to evolve, with a focus on increased
efficiency   and   effectiveness,    and    greater
inclusiveness of all elements of society.


Improving Compliance: A strong enforcement and
compliance   program   identifies   and   reduces
noncompliance   problems;   assists   the   regulated
community in understanding environmental laws and
regulations; responds to  complaints from the public;
strives to  secure a level  economic playing field for
law-abiding companies;  and  deters future violations.
The  Agency  carefully targets its enforcement  and
compliance  assurance  resources,  personnel  and
activities  to address the most significant  risks to
human health and the environment, and to ensure that
certain populations  do not bear a disproportionate
environmental burden.

        In FY  2005  the  Agency  will  identify
national priorities, in consultation with states  and
other regulatory partners, to  most effectively  and
efficiently address significant environmental,  public
health, or  noncompliance problems, and will use the
most appropriate tool(s) to achieve the best outcomes
culminating   with    the    development    and
implementation of performance-based strategies for
FY2005 - FY 2007 national priorities that take into
account environmental justice considerations and a
workforce deployment analysis.

        The EPA will also  promote compliance in
core program areas by working within the agency and
with  our  partners  to address  major  problems in
media-specific programs with the most appropriate
tool(s) to  achieve the best outcomes. These efforts
will be aided by use of a facility "Watch List"  that
identifies  facilities  with  chronic   noncompliance
problems.  EPA will use compliance data to identify
problems  in  need  of EPA  or  state  attention, to
monitor performance of Regional and media-specific
program elements, and to improve the  effectiveness
of the program by incorporating lessons learned into
program operations.

        The    Agency's   "smart    enforcement"
approach uses the most appropriate enforcement or
compliance tools to  address  the  most significant
problems  to  achieve  the  best  outcomes.  This
approach includes:

•       Compliance Assistance and Incentives: The
        Agency's  Enforcement  and  Compliance
        Assurance   Program   uses   compliance
        assistance  tools to  encourage  compliance
        with  regulatory requirements and  reduce
        adverse  public health  and environmental
        problems.   To achieve  compliance,  the
        regulated community must first understand
        its  regulatory obligations,  and then learn
        how to best comply with those  obligations.
        EPA  supports  the  regulated universe  by
        assuring  that  requirements  are  clearly
        understood, and by helping industry identify
        cost-effective options to comply through the
        use of pollution prevention  and innovative
        technologies.  EPA  also   enables  other
        assistance    providers    (e.g.,    states,
        universities)   to   provide    compliance
        information to the regulated community.

•       Compliance  Monitoring:   The   Agency
        reviews and evaluates  the activities of the
        regulated   community    to    determine
        compliance   with     applicable    laws,
        regulations,   permit    conditions   and
        settlement  agreements  and  to  determine
        whether conditions presenting imminent and
        substantial    endangerment   exist.   The
        majority   of  work-   years  devoted  to
        compliance monitoring are provided by the
        regions  to  conduct investigations,  on-site
        inspections  and evaluations, and  perform
        monitoring, sampling and emissions testing.
        Compliance monitoring activities are  both
        environmental media- and sector-based. The
        traditional  media-based  inspections  and
        evaluations complement those performed by
        states and tribes, and are a key part of our
        strategy  for  meeting  the  long-term and
        annual goals established for the air, water,
        pesticides,  toxic substances, and hazardous
        waste environmental goals included in the
        EPA Strategic Plan.

•       Enforcement:   The Enforcement Program
        addresses violations of environmental laws,
        to  ensure   that   violators  come  into
        compliance with these laws and regulations.
        The  program   achieves  the  Agency's
        environmental goals through consistent, fair
        and    focused   enforcement    of    all
        environmental  statutes.  The  overarching
        goal  of  the enforcement  program  is  to
        protect human health and the environment,

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
        targeting its actions according to degree of
        health  and environmental risk. Further,  it
        aims to level the economic playing field by
        ensuring  that  violators  do not realize an
        economic benefit from non-compliance, and
        seeks to deter future violations.

        Auditing and Evaluation Tools: Maximum
        compliance requires the active efforts of the
        regulated community  to police itself. EPA
        will  continue  to  investigate options for
        encouraging   self-directed   audits   and
        disclosures. It will also continue to measure
        and  evaluate the  effectiveness of Agency
        programs in improving compliance rates and
        provide   information  and    compliance
        assistance  to  the  regulated community.
        Further, the Agency will maintain its focus
        on   developing    innovative   approaches,
        through  better communication,  fostering
        partnerships  and  cooperation,   and  the
        application of new technologies.

        Partnering:     State,   Tribal  and   local
        governments bear much of the responsibility
        for ensuring compliance, and EPA works in
        partnership with  them  and  other Federal
        agencies    to    promote    environmental
        protection. EPA also develops and maintains
        productive  partnerships  with  other nations,
        to ensure and  enforce compliance with US
        environmental  standards and regulations.

        NEPA  Federal Review:  EPA fulfills its
        uniquely  federal responsibilities under the
        National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
        NEPA  requires that federal agencies prepare
        and    submit    Environmental    Impact
        Statements   (EIS),  to  identify  potential
        environmental   consequences  of   major
        proposed activities, and develop  plans to
        mitigate or eliminate negative impacts. The
        Agency maximizes its use of  NEPA review
        resources  by  targeting  its efforts  toward
        potentially  high-impact projects,  and  by
        promoting  cooperation,   innovation,  and
        working towards a more streamlined review

        International:    EPA  will  continue  to
        cooperate with states  and the international
        community   to    enforce   and    ensure
        compliance with cross-border environmental
        regulations, and to help  build their capacity
        to design and implement effective
•       environmental regulatory, enforcement and
        environmental impact assessment programs.

Improving Environmental Performance  through
Pollution Prevention and Innovation:  Preventing
pollution   through   regulatory,   voluntary,   and
partnership actions, that is, educating and changing
the behavior of the public, is a sensible and effective
approach to sustainable development while protecting
our nation's  health.  Two groups  with significant
potential to effect environmental change are industry
and   academia.   The  Agency  has   successfully
implemented  a number of pollution prevention (P2)
programs with both of these groups. These programs
address  the   market  for products   through  the
purchasing and  supply  chain, emphasize certain
sectors for additional targeted  technical assistance,
provide support  for State and  Tribal  infrastructure,
and work to reduce the number and amount of toxic
chemicals in use  by finding alternative chemicals and
alternative industry processes.

•       Environmentally   Preferable   Purchasing:
        Because of the enormous span of private and
        public sector activities  which would benefit
        from a  prevention-based  approach, EPA's
        P2  programs  necessarily cover  a  wide
        variety  of  informational   and  capacity
        building activities. For  example, the Agency
        works  to   improve   the   market   for
        environmentally "greener"  products though
        voluntary  programs,  the Environmentally
        Preferable Purchasing  (EPP)  Program, and
        the Green Suppliers Network. EPP provides
        guidance  and  carries  out  a variety  of
        initiatives and outreach activities for a wide
        constituency,  including  federal  agencies.
        Under the EPP  Program, EPA  will  help
        purchasers  identify  those   products  that
        generate the least pollution, consume fewest
        non-renewable    natural   resources,   and
        constitute  the least threat to human health
        and  to  wildlife.    The  Green  Suppliers
        Network  enables large  manufacturers  to
        actively engage all  levels of their supply
        chain in the development of  good business
        approaches to prevent pollution.

•       Pollution  Prevention  State  Grants:    The
        development   and    support   of   State
        infrastructure is essential for providing small
        and  medium size businesses,  government
        and schools with the opportunities to change
        and to test new technologies, processes and
        alternatives.  A  vital  component of our
        strategy is the continuation of the Pollution

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                     FY 2005 Annual Plan
        Prevention State Grant  Program.  In FY
        2005, EPA will provide $7 million to States
        and Tribes to support their efforts to provide
        industry    with    technical    assistance,
        information  sharing,  and   outreach.  The
        grants  also  support  promising,  innovative
        ideas for preventing pollution.

        Technical   Assistance:       Sector-based
        technical  assistance  is another method to
        accomplish  our  mission.   The  Resource
        Conservation Challenge is a major national
        effort to find flexible, yet more protective
        ways  to conserve our valuable  resources
        through   pollution   prevention,   waste
        reduction and energy recovery activities that
        will   improve   public   health   and  the
        environment. EPA  is working to address
        environmental problems in the electronics,
        buildings, hospitals, paper production, and
        priority   chemicals   areas   under   this
        comprehensive  approach.  Similarly,  in an
        effort   to   expand   voluntary   pollution
        prevention  strategies  to  the  healthcare
        sector,  the  Hospitals  for   a   Healthy
        Environment (H2E)  Program works with
        hospitals  and  health care  facilities  to
        eliminate  mercury use and reduce hospital

        Green  Chemistry:   EPA  works  to help
        industry   further  prevent  pollution  by
        adopting  more  efficient,  sustainable  and
        protective business practices, materials, and
        technologies.  EPA's  Green   Chemistry
        Program  supports  research  and  fosters
        development   and   implementation   of
        innovative chemical technologies to prevent
        pollution  in  a scientifically sound,  cost-
        effective manner.  The Green Engineering
        Program works  to  incorporate "green" or
        environmentally   conscious  thinking  and
        approaches in the daily work of engineers,
        especially of chemical and environmental
        engineers. Similarly, EPA's  Design for the
        Environment (DfE)   Industry  Partnership
        Program promotes  integration  of cleaner,
        cheaper,  and smarter pollution prevention
        solutions into everyday business practices.

        NEPA Federal Review:   EPA  fulfills its
        uniquely federal responsibilities under the
        National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
        NEPA requires that federal agencies prepare
        and    submit    Environmental    Impact
        Statements  (EIS),  to  identify  potential
        environmental   consequences  of   major
proposed  activities,  and develop  plans  to
mitigate or eliminate negative impacts. The
Enforcement and Compliance  Assistance
Program maximizes its use of NEPA review
resources  by targeting its  efforts toward
potentially  high-impact  projects,  and  by
promoting  cooperation,  innovation,  and
working towards a more streamlined review

Resource  Conservation Challenge  (RCC):
This   program   focuses   on  recovering
materials  and energy,  either by converting
wastes into  products and energy directly  or
as a result of process and product redesigns
that produce these benefits. We will closely
coordinate  our  RCC efforts  with the
Agency's    other   pollution   prevention
activities,  potentially revising our strategies
or targets  to focus on  materials and energy
recovery  through recycling when  source
reduction  is not a  feasible solution. The
Agency is also  working with its partners  to
identify additional goals that will reflect our
expanded  effort, beginning  in  2003,  to
increase recovery of materials and energy
and reduce releases of priority chemicals  in
waste. We expect these new goals to be  in
place  by 2004, as the program becomes fully

State  Innovation Grant Program:  EPA will
develop     and    promote    innovative
environmental  protection   strategies  that
achieve better  environmental results at a
lower cost and also reward environmental
stewardship. In collaboration with its state
and  Tribal  partners,   the   Agency  will
continue to  focus its efforts on innovations
that  will  help  small  businesses  and
communities    improve     both    their
environmental performance and their bottom
lines.   A  cornerstone  of  the  Agency's
Innovation Strategy is reaching out to states
and tribes  through the  State  Innovation
Grant Program to  promote,  support and
facilitate  innovation  in state  and  Tribal
environmental   programs.    The    Grant
Program  allows  states and  tribes to test
innovative   ideas,    such   as    using
Environmental Management Systems in the
permitting system to improve environmental
results while achieving  resource efficiencies.

Regulatory and Economic Management and
Analysis:  EPA is exploring the potential for
more   integrated, holistic,   regulatory and

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
        non-regulatory approaches at a facility level,
        building  on  experience  with federal  and
        State  pilot  programs  for permitting  and
        pollution prevention. EPA sees facility-wide
        approaches  as  holding the  possibility of
        obtaining better environmental results, while
        eliminating unnecessary regulatory burdens.
        These  approaches  should  help  stimulate
        pollution  prevention,  and  help facilities
        obtain the maximum benefit from use of
        environmental  management  systems.  The
        Agency  will augment  programs  such as
        EPA's National Environment Performance
        Track Program, which recognize and reward
        superior  environmental  performance  and
        motivate improvements.  Under  its  Sector
        Strategies Program,  EPA  will  also tailor
        environmental  performance  improvement
        efforts to particular industry sectors.

•       Small Business:  EPA has undertaken an
        effort to review the current Agency Small
        Business Strategy. The new Strategy  will
        guide  the Agency  in  future  efforts to
        understand the operations and needs of small
        businesses,  consider  those  needs  when
        developing and implementing programs and
        policies  that  affect   them,  and  work
        effectively   with   the   small   business
        community   to  improve   environmental

Building  Tribal Capacity:    EPA's strategy  for
Tribes has three major components. First, work with
Tribes to create an environmental presence for each
federally  recognized   Tribe.  An   environmental
presence allows most Tribes to support at least one or
two persons working  in their community to  build a
strong, sustainable environment for the future. These
people perform vital work by assessing the status of a
Tribe's environmental  condition  and building an
environmental program tailored to that Tribe's needs.

        Another key role of this workforce is to alert
EPA of serious conditions requiring attention in the
near term so  that, in addition  to  assisting  in  the
building of Tribal environmental capacity, EPA can
work  with the Tribe to respond to immediate public
health and ecological threats. Second, provide  the
information  needed by the  Tribe to meet EPA and
Tribal environmental  priorities.  At the  same time,
ensure EPA has the ability  to view and analyze the
conditions on Indian lands and the effects of EPA and

Tribal actions and programs on  the  environmental
conditions.  Third,  provide  the   opportunity   for
implementation of Tribal environmental programs by
Tribes, or directly by EPA, as necessary.

Managing and  Improving Environmental  Data:
Through the Environmental Information Exchange
Network (http://www.exchange  network.net),  EPA
will continue to provide funding to states, tribes, and
territories to encourage  and promote  their data
integration efforts and participation in the Network.1
These grants will allow  states and tribes to  create
"next generation"  environmental data systems that
integrate air, water, and waste data and provide the
regulated  community  with efficient  and reliable
electronic   means   for  reporting   compliance
information   consistent    with    the   President's
Management Agenda and the goals of e-Government.

        The National Environmental  Information
Exchange Network grant program encourages state
and other partners' data integration efforts and their
participation in the Network.  State, Tribal, and EPA
data  on   the   Network  will   both  facilitate
understanding of various environmental  issues and
serve as a precursor to understanding the data needed
to fully comprehend environmental  conditions and
trends and, thus, make better-informed environmental
and human health decisions.

        This program has four main parts: Network
Readiness;   Implementation;   Collaboration;   and
Support Grants.  These grants will increase state and
Tribal capacity to integrate  their environmental data,
reduce   reporting   burden,   enhance  electronic
reporting, provide  public  access  to  data,  and
participate in the Exchange Network.

Enhancing   Science  and  Research:     EPA's
Compliance  and Environmental Stewardship strategic
goal is  designed  to  protect human  health and the
environment by  improving environmental behavior
through regulatory and non-regulatory means. Under
this goal, EPA strives to use science and research
more strategically and effectively to  inform Agency
policy  decisions  and guide  compliance, pollution
prevention, and environmental stewardship efforts. In
order to  strengthen  the  scientific   evidence  and
research supporting  environmental  policies  and
decisions,  EPA   works  with   its   partners   and
stakeholders  to  identify  research needs  and  set
priorities. The Agency continues  to conduct research
on pollution prevention  and new  and developing
technologies, with an overall  aim  of  promoting
conservation of energy and natural resources,

pollution prevention, recycling, and other aspects of
environmental stewardship.

        EPA also conducts research to enhance its

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
capacity to evaluate the economic costs and benefits
and other social impacts of environmental policies.
These  efforts,  undertaken  in concert with other
agencies, will result in improved methods to assess
economic  costs and  benefits,  such  as  improved
economic  assessments of  land  use  policies  and
improved assessments for the valuation of children's
health,  as   well   as  other  social   impacts   of
environmental decision-making.

        The  Agency  will  also   continue   to
characterize, prevent,  and  clean  up  contaminants
associated  with high priority human health  and
environmental problems through  the  development
and verification of improved environmental tools and
technologies.  EPA   will  incorporate  a  holistic
approach to pollution prevention  by  assessing the
interaction   of multiple  stressors  threatening  both
human and environmental health, and by developing
cost-effective responses to those stressors. Research
will also explore the principles governing sustainable
systems and the  integration of social, economic,  and
environmental    objectives    in   environmental
assessment  and  management. Emphasis will be on
developing and assessing preventive approaches for
industries and communities having difficulty meeting
pollution  standards.   In  a  broader  context,  the
pollution prevention research program  will continue
expanding   beyond  its  traditional  focus  on  the
industrial sectors to other sectors (e.g., municipal)
and ecosystems. The P2 research program will also
focus on developing outcome goals to measure its

        Several mechanisms are in place to ensure a
high-quality research program at EPA. The EPA's
Science Advisory  Board  (SAB),  an  independent
chartered Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
committee,  meets  annually  to conduct an in-depth
review  and  analysis  of   EPA's  Science   and
Technology  account. The SAB provides its findings
to the House Science Committee and sends a written
report on the finding to EPA's  Administrator after
every annual review.  In addition, EPA's  scientific
and technical work products undergo either internal
or external  peer review, with major or significant
products   requiring   external  peer  review.   The
Agency's  Peer  Review  Handbook  (2nd Edition)
codifies procedures and guidance for conducting peer


Improve Compliance
        By 2008, maximize  compliance  to  protect
human  health  and   the   environment   through
compliance  assistance,  compliance  incentives,  and
enforcement by achieving a 5 percent increase in the
pounds of pollution reduced, treated, or eliminated,1
and achieving a 5 percent increase in the number of
regulated   entities   making   improvements   in
environmental management practices.2  (Baseline to
be determined for 2005.)

Improve  Environmental Performance  through
Pollution Prevention and Innovation.

        By 2008, improve environmental protection
and enhance natural resource conservation on the part
of government, business, and the public through the
adoption of  pollution  prevention  and  sustainable
practices that include the design of products  and
manufacturing processes that generate less pollution,
the reduction of regulatory barriers, and the adoption
of   results-based,   innovative,  and  multimedia

Build Tribal Capacity

        Through   2008,   assist    all    federally
recognized Tribes in assessing the condition of their
environment,  help  in  building  their  capacity to
implement  environmental programs where needed to
improve Tribal health and environments, and
implement programs in Indian Country where  needed
to address environmental issues.

Enhance Science and Research

        Through  2008,  strengthen the   scientific
evidence  and  research  supporting  environmental
'"Pounds of pollutants reduced, treated, or eliminated" is an
EPA measure of the quantity of pollutants that will no
longer be released to the environment as a result of a non-
complying facility returning to its allowable limits through
the successful completion of an enforcement settlement.
(Facilities may further reduce pollutants by carrying out
voluntary Supplemental Environmental Projects.) On-line
compliance information is available to the public via
ECHO, at http://www.epa. gov/echo/.

^'Environmental management practices" refers to a specific
set of activities EPA tracks to evaluate changes brought
about through assistance, incentives, and concluded
enforcement actions. Implementing or improving
environmental management practices—for example, by
changing industrial processes; discharges; or testing,
auditing, and reporting—may assist a regulated facility in
remaining in compliance with environmental requirements.
Further information on environmental management
practices is available at
www. epa. go v/compliance/resources/publications/planning/

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
policies  and  decisions  on  compliance, pollution
prevention, and environmental stewardship.


Improving Compliance

        The    Compliance   Assistance   Program
strategically targets  areas where regulated entities
demonstrate an incomplete   understanding of  how
they can best  comply with regulatory requirements.
The  Agency's  support of industry  and government
sector internet-based Compliance Assistance Centers
greatly  expands  the reach   of  EPA's compliance
assistance efforts. It provides educational tools and
other assistance, such as workshops and on-site visits,
to  help  increase   understanding  of  regulatory
obligations,  improve  environmental  management
practices and reduce pollution.

        Other tools that are used include compliance
incentives,  voluntary  programs,   and  innovative
approaches    designed   to   motivate    better
environmental  compliance   and  performance  by
individuals,  communities, businesses  and industry
sectors.   The  Agency  promotes  self-policing and
improvement  through  incentives,   such as  EPA's
Audit,  Small Business and Small Local Governments
policies   and   the  inclusion   of   environmental
management systems in enforcement actions.

        The  Agency will continue to  work  with
states and tribes  to  target areas that pose risks  to
human health or the environment, display patterns of
noncompliance,   or  include    disproportionately
exposed populations. Media-specific, industry sector
and problem-based priorities  will be established for
the national  program,  and   will be  developed  in
conjunction  with the Regional  offices,  with input
from    states,    tribes,    environmental    justice
representatives, and other stakeholders.

        The Agency's  Forensics  Support Program
provides technical support, including field sampling
and measurement; forensic analytical chemistry; and
computer forensic imaging, restoration and analysis.
The forensics team consistently provides high-quality
data  and  analyses,  allowing  the   Agency   to
successfully investigate and  prosecute  the nation's
most complex criminal and civil enforcement cases.
Improving Environmental  Performance through
Pollution Prevention and Innovation

        In the 1990's, through the Pollution
Prevention Act, Congress formally established a
national policy to prevent or reduce  pollution at its
source  whenever feasible.  The Act defines P2  as
".. .the use of materials, processes, or practices that
reduce the use of hazardous materials, energy, water,
or other resources and practices that protect natural
resources through conservation or more efficient
use." 3

        Major provisions of the Act include:
        Providing matching funds for State and local
        P2 programs through the PPIS grant
        program to promote P2 techniques by
        Establishing a P2 strategy outlining the
        Agency's intent to promote source reduction
        and collect data on source reduction
        Operating a source reduction clearinghouse
        Mandating P2 reporting as part of TRI
        There are also several Executive Orders that
address  Pollution   Prevention.     For  example,
Executive   Order   13101,   titled   Greening   the
Government through Waste Prevention, Recycling,
and   Federal   Acquisition,   strengthens   federal
mandates  to  protect the environment  and promote
economic    growth   through  the   purchase   of
environmentally preferable  products.4   Using  the
purchasing power of the federal government is one
way to help improve the market for environmentally
preferable, recycled content, and bio-based products
while protecting our natural resources and providing
an example for private industry.

        The   Executive  Order   (EO)   defines
"environmentally preferable" as "products or services
that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health
and the environment when compared with competing
products and services that serve the  same purpose."
The EO also states that products or services should be
compared across the entire life  cycle  - from raw
material acquisition to its final disposal at its end of
life.  EPA  has several responsibilities under the EO,
including  developing guidance on  environmentally
preferable  purchasing  for  federal  agencies,  and
assisting   federal  agencies with conducting  and
documenting pilot projects. EPA has also developed
tools  to  assist  federal  purchasers,  including  a
database  of environmental standards, case  study of
federal pilot projects, model contract language and
other resources.
3 Pollution Prevention Act. U.S. Code Title 42, The Public
Health and Welfare, Chapter 133, sec. 13101 b. Policy.
4 Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention,
Recycling, and Federal Acquisition - 63 Federal Register
49643. September 16, 1998.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
        Reducing pollution at its source involves
two types of changes in behavior: making the
greener products available, and increasing the
demand for them. The Environmentally Preferable
Purchasing (EPP) Program works to harness the
purchasing power of government to stimulate
demand for "greener" products and services, thereby
fostering manufacturing changes. In FY 2005, the P2
program will shift resources to state grants and other
P2 programs, which have shown significant results.
The P2 research program will be evaluated to
improve its performance and contribution to the
Agency's P2 efforts.

        In FY 2005, the Agency also will continue
to identify environmental performance  standards by
which products can be evaluated, and invest  in the
development of tools, such as life-cycle analysis tools
that businesses and purchasers can use to evaluate the
environmental performance of products. In FY 2005,
the Agency will continue to focus on providing tools,
resources and models  to  federal  agencies  on a
number of product categories, including electronics,
janitorial  services,  and  meetings/conferences.  EPA
will also continue its efforts to meet its own goals to
green  its own facilities and operations, including

        The voluntary  Green  Suppliers  Network
(GSN)  builds  on the  premise that cost effective
manufacturing,     pollution    prevention     and
environmental protection can be the result  of good
business planning and practice.  The GSN  uses the
purchasing power of the private  sector to achieve
pollution  prevention and manufacturing efficiencies
throughout the supply  chain.  In FY 2005 the GSN
will continue to  develop and enhance partnerships
with   the   aerospace,   healthcare/pharmaceutical,
office/home  furniture, farm and  construction,  and
automotive  sectors. The Agency expects to explore
GSN  with other federal agencies, replication  of the
program  internationally, and working with new
sectors,   such  as  the  truck/bus  and  appliance
manufacturing sectors.

        Through   voluntary   partnerships   with
academia, industry, and other government agencies,
Green Chemistry  supports fundamental research in
environmentally benign chemistry  and provides a
variety of educational and  international activities,
including sponsoring conferences and meetings and
developing tools.  The Presidential  Green Chemistry
Challenge  Award  Program  recognizes   superior
achievement in the design of chemical products, and
continues to quantitatively demonstrate the scientific,
economic, and  environmental benefits that  green
chemistry  technologies  offer.5  In  FY 2005,  the
program will explore ways to increase the number
and  effectiveness of  incentives, and to reduce the
barriers to mainstreaming green chemistry practices.

        Traditionally, engineering  approaches  to
pollution prevention  have been focused on  waste
minimization  and  have  not  addressed  such risk
factors as exposure, fate, and toxicity.  EPA's  Green
Engineering Program promotes consideration of these
factors in the design,  commercialization, and use of
chemical products and the development of feasible,
economical processes that minimize generation  of
pollution at the source. In FY 2005, the program will
focus on the implementation of specific activities that
provide    quantifiable    environmental   benefits,
particularly in  industrial applications.  The program
will  continue to partner with research institutions  on
their green engineering/sustainable research projects
and  collect  data  on  the application  of  Green
Engineering approaches and tools,  with an emphasis
on   gathering  information  from   people   and
organizations  that  have  already  received  green
engineering  training  and  have  adopted  green
engineering approaches.

        The Design  for the Environment Program
will  continue to work  with industry sectors to reduce
risks to human health and the environment, improve
performance, and save costs associated with existing
and  alternative pollution prevention technologies or
processes.   In FY 2005,  the  program expects  to
initiate one to three new projects.  The program will
also  implement,  as  part of any  new  partnership
building   activities,   evaluation   guidelines  for
developing  and collecting  measures,  building  on
program-wide analysis and evaluation  that will  be
completed in FY 2004.

        Pollution  Prevention  State  Grants provide
funds to build pollution  prevention  strategies into
State   government    environmental    protection
programs, encourage  innovative and non-regulatory
pollution   prevention  solutions   and   encourage
government/industry   partnerships.       Pollution
Prevention  State Grants  are  unique  within  EPA
because they address cross-media and multi-media
environmental impacts at the source, rather than end-

        The Agency's  innovation  programs are
demonstrating significant  results.   For example, in
5 U.S. EPA, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
Green Chemistry Challenge. Accessed October 1, 2003.
Available at

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
FY 2003, The Performance Track Program added 61
new  members,  bringing  the  total  number  of
members  to  320.   The Program's  first progress
report showed that in FY 2001 Performance Track
facilities  reduced  energy   use  by  1.1  million
MMBTUs, reduced hazardous materials use by 908
tons, and increased their use of recycled and reused
materials by 10,823 tons,  (www.epa.gov/sectors/)

        EPA   expanded   its   partnerships  with
industry  sectors in FY  2003.  Eight new sectors
(agribusiness,  cement manufacturing, colleges and
universities, construction, forest products, iron and
steel manufacturing, paint and coatings, and ports)
committed to  work  collaboratively to  improve
environmental management while also addressing
regulatory   and   other   barriers   to   improve
performance     and     increase    efficiencies.
(www. epa. gov/sectors/)

        Past performance  demonstrates  remarkable
progress in delivering results.  For example,  in FY
2003, EPA assisted more than ten states in continuing
support of twenty-one innovative projects approved
in  previous  years  and  in approving  eight new
innovative projects. These projects achieved a broad
range  of  efficiency  gains by:    enhancing  the
infrastructure   to   recycle    electronic    waste,
streamlining  permitting, better  coordinating  non-
point and  point sources to meet Total  Maximum
Daily   Loads,    supporting    streamlined   state
authorization procedures, and improving compliance
monitoring for small drinking water systems.  These
projects'  also invested  in  less  energy  demanding
alternative technology at pulp and paper facilities,
alternative landfill  technology  to increase  landfill
capacity,  and  increased  recycling  of  hazardous

        During the same year,  EPA also awarded
grants to three states to test innovative concepts in
permitting. First, the funding  provided  under the
State Innovation Grant Program allowed the State of
Arizona  to develop  a  web-based,  Aintelligent@
screening and permit application program for storm
water permits that will increase the efficiency of the
permitting process.  Second, Delaware will develop
an auto body sector Environmental Results Program
(ERP) modeled after other state ERP projects, such as
Rhode Island and Florida. The Delaware ERP project
expects  to  significantly  improve   environmental
compliance in hundreds  of small businesses state-
wide. Third, Massachusetts will develop a watershed-
based permitting program to improve water quality
on a National Heritage Waterway.
        The Environmental Results Program model
that  originated in Massachusetts has  expanded to
seven other states and the District of Columbia with
projects being implemented across   seven business
sectors: dry cleaners, printers, photoprocessors, auto
repair facilities, auto salvage yards, auto body shops,
gasoline stations (underground  storage  tanks  and
Stage II vapor recovery systems).


         In FY 2005, the Agency will continue its
systems-based  approach  to pollution prevention,
which will lead to  a  more  thorough assessment of
human health  and environmental risks and a more
comprehensive management of those risks. EPA will
improve FY 2005 performance  measures to prevent
pollution at its source and continue to  evaluate a
small set of environmental technologies through the
Environmental   Technology  Verification   (ETV)
program.    ETV  is  a  voluntary,   market-based
verification    program    for    commercial-ready
technologies.   In FY 2005, the  ETV program will
complete 15 additional verifications and two testing
protocols. In addition,  the program will  evaluate
whether verifications and testing protocols  have led
to increased use of environmental technologies.

        Additionally,   through   the    National
Environmental  Technology Competition  (NETC),
based on results  from field demonstrations of one-
year in  duration, EPA  will recognize  innovative
technologies  that cost-effectively  remove arsenic
from drinking water to help  small communities meet
the new arsenic drinking water standard. Other work
includes research  on  market  mechanisms  and
incentives  that   will  support   investigations that
explore the  conditions  under which financial  and
other   performance   incentives    will    achieve
environmental objectives at a lower cost  or more
effectively than traditional regulatory approaches.


        The Agency's Enforcement and Compliance
Assurance  Program's  ability  to meet  its  annual
performance goals may be  affected  by  a number of
factors. Projected performance could be impacted by
natural  catastrophes,   such  as   major  floods  or
significant chemical spills, requiring a redirection of
resources  to   address   immediate  environmental
threats.  Many of the targets are coordinated with and
predicated on  the assumption that state  and Tribal
partners  will continue or  increase  their levels  of
enforcement and compliance  work.   In  addition,
successful conclusion of EPA's enforcement relies on
the  Department of  Justice  to accept and prosecute

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
cases.  The success of EPA's activities hinges on the
availability  and  applicability  of technology  and
adequate resources to  modernize and maintain our
information  systems.      Finally,   the  regulated
community's willingness to comply with the law will
greatly   influence  EPA's  ability  to   meet  its
performance goals.

        Other factors, such as the number of projects
subject  to  scoping requirements initiated by other
federal agencies, the number of draft/final documents
(Environmental  Assessments   and  Environmental
Impact  Statements) submitted to EPA  for  review,
streamlining  requirements  of  the  Transportation
Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), and the
responsiveness   of  other  federal  agencies   to
environmental concerns  raised by EPA,  may  also
impact the  Agency's ability to meet its performance
goals.  The NEPA  Compliance workload is driven by
the number of project proposals submitted to EPA for
funding  or NPDES  permits  that  require  NEPA
compliance, including the Congressional projects for
wastewater, water  supply  and  solid waste collection
facility grants which have increased in recent years.

        In the  area  of  pollution  prevention,  the
Agency's work is almost entirely dependent on
voluntary partnerships,  collaboration,  and persuasion,
since there  are few environmental regulations that set
specific source-reduction requirements.  The Design
for the Environment Program seeks partnerships with
industry  trade associations to  engage jointly in the
development and marketing of products that generate
less  pollution.     The  Green  Chemistry Program
challenges  industry and the  academic community to
step  forward with new chemical formulations that
pose  fewer   risks  to   human  health  and   the
environment.  EPA's strategy of "greening the supply
chain"  depends  on  the  willingness  of  large
manufacturers to voluntarily require their suppliers to
provide environmentally preferable products.  These
efforts  all  depend  on   our   partners'  continued
willingness to cooperate in joint endeavors that may
not realize  an immediate  payoff.  EPA's ability  to
carry out its voluntary pollution prevention initiatives
could be reduced if partners begin to  believe that the
initiatives are not  worthwhile, are too risky,  or are
otherwise contrary to their best interests. Historically
however, this has not been the case, and the Agency
and  industry  have worked well together to  reduce

        Finally, our evolving user community will
also  affect the success of our information efforts.  As
more states and Tribes develop the ability to integrate
their environmental  information,  we  must  adjust
EPA's systems to  ensure that we are able to receive
and process reports from states and industry under
Agency  statutory  requirements.   Local  citizens'
organizations  and  the  public  at  large are  also
increasingly  involved  in  environmental decision-
making,  and their need  for  information and more
sophisticated analytical  tools is  growing.  Further,
shrinking state budgets have underscored the critical
need for the State Innovations Grants Program.

        EPA's policy has been, and continues to be,
that  Tribes develop  the  capability to  implement
federal programs themselves.  However,  in working
with Tribes, EPA has realized that  "Treatment as a
State"  (TAS) may not suit the needs of all Tribes.
Some Tribes with acute pollution sources and other
environmental problems may be too small to support
fully delegated or approved environmental programs.
Other Tribes are wary of seeking TAS status because
it may lead to costly litigation that may in turn lead to
a diminishment of Tribal sovereignty. In the absence
of EPA-approved Tribal  programs, EPA generally
faces practical challenges in implementing the federal
programs in Indian  Country.  EPA  will continue to
encourage  and work  with Tribes  to develop their
capability  to  implement Federal environmental

        Achieving our objectives for Indian Country
is  based  upon  a partnership  with Indian  Tribal
governments, many of which face severe  poverty,
employment, housing and  education issues.  Because
Tribal  Leader and Environmental  Director  support
will  be  critical  in  achieving this objective,  the
Agency is  working  with Tribes to  ensure that they
understand   the  importance   of   having   good
information on environmental conditions in  Indian
Country  and sound environmental  capabilities.  In
addition,  EPA  also  works  with other   Federal
Agencies, the Department of Interior (US Geological
Survey, Bureau of  Indian Affairs, and Bureau of
Reclamation), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, the  Indian Health  Service and the
Corps of Engineers to help build programs on Tribal
lands.  Changing priorities in these agencies  could
impact their ability to work with EPA in establishing
and implementing strategies, regulations, guidance,
programs and projects that affect Tribes.

        Strong science is predicated on the desire of
the Agency to make human health and environmental
decisions based on  high-quality scientific data and
information.  This challenges the Agency to perform
and apply  the best  available science and technical
analyses  when addressing health and environmental
problems  that adversely  impact the United  States.
Such  a  challenge moves  the  Agency  to  a  more
integrated,   efficient,  and  effective  approach of

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

reducing risks.  As long as high quality science is a       external factors will have a minimal impact on the
central tenant for actions taken by the  Agency, then       goal.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                   Resource Summary
                                   (Dollars in thousands)

Compliance and Environmental
Improve Compliance
Improve Environmental Performance
through Pollution Prevention and
Build Tribal Capacity
Enhance Science and Research
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                     OBJECTIVE:  Improve Compliance
  By 2008, maximize compliance to protect human health and the environment through compliance assistance,
  compliance incentives, and enforcement by achieving a 5 percent increase in the pounds of pollution reduced,
  treated, or eliminated, and  achieving  a 5 percent increase in the number of regulated entities making
  improvements in environmental management practices.  (Baseline to be determined for 2005.)
                                   Resource Summary
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)

Improve Compliance
Building & Facilities
Environmental Program & Management
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Inspector General
Science & Technology
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Total Workyears
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                    Program Project
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)

Categorical Grant: Pesticides Enforcement
Categorical Grant: Toxics Substances
Categorical Grant: Sector Program
Compliance Monitoring
Criminal Enforcement
Enforcement Training
Compliance Incentives
Compliance Assistance and Centers
Civil Enforcement
International Capacity Building
Homeland Security: Critical Infrastructure
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan

Non-Compliance Reduction

In 2005        Through  monitoring and  enforcement  actions, EPA will increase complying actions,  pollutant reduction or treatment,  and
               improve EMP.

In 2004        EPA will direct enforcement actions to maximize compliance and address environmental and human health problems.

In 2003        EPA will directed enforcement actions to maximize compliance and address environmental and human health problems.

Performance Measures:

Millions  of pounds  of pollutants  required to be reduced
through enforcement  actions settled this  fiscal  year, (core

Number of EPA inspections conducted (core required)

Pounds of pollution  estimated to be reduced,  treated, and
eliminated as a result of concluded enforcement actions.

Percentage of concluded enforcement cases (including SEPs)
requiring that pollutants be reduced,  treated, or eliminated
and protection of populations or ecosystems.

Percentage of concluded enforcement cases (including SEPs)
requiring  implementation  of improved env.  management

Number  of inspections,  civil investigations  and criminal
investigations conducted.

Dollars invested in improved env. performance  or improved
EMP  as  a result of  concluded  enforcement  actions  (i.e.,
injunctive relief and SEPs)

Percentage of regulated entities taking complying actions, as
a result of compliance monitoring.

Percent of concluded enforcement actions  that require  an
action that results in  environmental benefits and/or changes
in facility management or information practices.

Number of Criminal Investigations

Number of Civil Investigations

Baseline:       Protecting the public and the  environment from risks posed by violations of environmental requirements is basic to EPA's
               mission.  To develop a more complete  picture of the results of the enforcement and compliance program, EPA has initiated a
               number of performance measures designed to capture the results of reducing the amount of time for significant noncompliers to
               return to  compliance,  reducing  noncompliance  recidivism rates, and improvements in facility process and/or management
               practices through behavioral changes. The baseline rates for many of these measures were established in FYOO.  These measures
               will complement the traditional enforcement measures of inspections and enforcement actions  to provide a more complete
               picture of environmental results from the enforcement and compliance program.

Compliance Incentives

In 2005        Through self-disclosure policies, EPA will increase the percentage of facilities reducing pollutants or improving EMP.

In 2004        Increase opportunities through new targeted sector initiatives for industries to voluntarily self-disclose and correct violations on
               a corporate-wide basis.

In 2003        Increased opportunities through new targeted sector initiatives for industries to voluntarily self-disclose and correct violations on
               a corporate-wide basis.
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

4 billion

M pounds
million pounds

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                 FY 2005 Annual Plan
Performance Measures:

Percentage of  audits or  other actions  that  result in the
reduction, treatment,  or elimination of pollutants; and the
protection of populations or ecosystems.

Percentage  of  audits  or  other  actions  that  result  in
improvements in env. management practices.

Pounds of pollutants  reduced, treated,  or eliminated, as a
result of audit agreements or other actions.

Dollars invested  in improving environmental  management
practices as a result of audit agreements or other actions.

Facilities voluntarily self-disclose and correct violations with
reduced or no  penalty as a result of EPA self-disclosure
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
.25 million
2 million

Baseline:       EPA developed its  Audit/Self-Policing  Policy  in  1995 to encourage  corporate  audits and  subsequent correction of self-
               discovered violations.  That Policy as well as the Small Business Compliance Policy were modified in FYOO. The Agency is
               working to  expand the use of the Audit Policy through aggressive outreach to specific sectors.    In FY01 the performance
               measure was modified to reach settlements with 500 facilities to voluntarily self-disclose and correct violations.  This same
               measure has been carried continued.

Regulated Communities

In 2005        Through compliance assistance, EPA will increase the understanding of regulated entities, improve Environmental Management
               Practices, and reduce pollutants.

In 2004        Increase the regulated community's compliance with environmental requirements  through their  expanded use of compliance
               assistance.  The Agency will continue  to support small  business  compliance assistance  centers and  develop compliance
               assistance tools such as sector notebooks and compliance guides.

In 2003        Increased the regulated community's compliance with environmental requirements through their expanded use of compliance
               assistance.  The Agency continued to support small business compliance assistance centers and developed compliance assistance
               tools such as sector notebooks  and compliance guides.
Performance Measures:

Number of facilities, states, technical assistance providers or
other entities reached through targeted compliance assistance
(core optional)

Percentage of  regulated  entities  seeking assistance  from
EPA-sponsored CA centers and clearinghouse reporting that
they improved EMP as a result of their use of the centers or
the clearinghouse.

Percentage of regulated entities receiving direct compliance
assistance from EPA (e.g., training, on-site visits) reporting
that they improved EMP as a result of EPA assistance.

%  of  regulated  entities  seeking assistance  from  EPA-
sponsored CA centers and clearinghouse reporting that they
reduced, treated, or  eliminated pollution as a result of that

%  of  regulated  entities  seeking assistance  from  EPA-
sponsored CA centers and clearinghouse reporting that they
increased  their  understanding  of  env. rqmts. as a result of
their use of the resources.

% of regulated  entities receiving direct CA from EPA (e.g.,
training,  on-site visits) reporting  that they increased their
understanding of env. rqmts. as a result of EPA assistance.

% of regulated  entities receiving direct assistance from EPA
(e.g., training,  on-site visits)  reporting that they reduced,
treated, or eliminated pollution, as a result of EPA assistance.
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:       EPA provides clear and consistent descriptions of regulatory requirements to assure that the community can understand its
               obligations.  EPA supports initiatives targeted toward compliance in specific industrial and commercial sectors or with certain

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

            regulatory requirements. Compliance assistance tools range from plain-language guides, fact sheets, checklists and newsletters.
            New distribution methods include the on-line Clearinghouse. In FY03, EPA is planning to reach 475,000 facilities, states, or
            technical assistance providers through targeted compliance assistance efforts.



Percentage of concluded enforcement cases (including SEPs) requiring that pollutants be reduced, treated, or
eliminated and protection of populations or ecosystems.

Pounds of pollution estimated to be reduced, treated, or eliminated as a result of concluded enforcement

Percentage  of concluded enforcement  cases  (including  SEPs)  requiring implementation  of  improved
environmental management practices.

Dollars invested in improved environmental performance or improved environmental management practices
as a result of concluded enforcement actions (i.e., injunctive relief and SEPs).

Percentage of audits or other actions that result in the reduction, treatment, or elimination of pollutants and
protection of populations or ecosystems.

Percentage of audits or other actions that result in improvements in environmental management practices.

Pounds of pollutants reduced, treated, or eliminated as a result of audit agreements or other actions.

Dollars invested in improved environmental management practices as a result  of audit agreements or other

Performance  Database:    The Integrated  Compliance  Information System,  (ICIS), which tracks  EPA civil
enforcement (e.g., judicial and administrative) actions.

Data Source:  Most of the essential data on environmental results in ICIS are collected through the use of the Case
Conclusion Data Sheet (CCDS), which Agency staff begins preparing after the conclusion of each civil (judicial and
administrative) enforcement action. EPA  implemented the  CCDS  in 1996  to capture relevant information on the
results and environmental  benefits of concluded enforcement cases. The information  generated through the CCDS is
used to track progress for several of the performance measures. The CCDS form consists of 27 specific questions
which, when completed,  describe  specifics of the case; the facility  involved; information on how the case was
concluded; the compliance actions  required to be taken by the defendant(s);  the costs involved; information on any
Supplemental Environmental Project to be undertaken as part of the settlement; the amounts and types of any
penalties assessed;  and any costs recovered through the action, if applicable. The  CCDS documents whether the
facility/defendant, through injunctive relief, must: (1) reduce pollutants; and (2) improve management practices to
curtail, eliminate or better monitor and handle pollutants in the future.  The Criminal Enforcement Program also
maintains  a  separate case conclusion data form and system for compiling and analyzing the results of criminal
enforcement prosecution.

Methods,  Assumptions and Suitability:  For enforcement actions which result in pollution reductions,  the staff
estimate the amounts of pollution reduced for an immediately implemented improvement, or an average year once a
long-term  solution  is in place. There are established procedures for the staff to calculate, by  statute, (e.g., Clean
Water Act), the pollutant reductions or eliminations. The procedure first entails the  determination of the difference
between the current "out of compliance"  concentration of the pollutant(s) and the  post enforcement action "in
compliance"  concentration. This difference is then converted to mass per time using the flow or quantity information
derived during the case.

QA/QC Procedures:   Quality Assurance/Quality Control procedures [See references] are  in place for both the
CCDS and ICIS entry. There are  a Case Conclusion Data Sheet  Training Booklet  [See references] and a Case
Conclusion Data Sheet Quick Guide [See references], both of which have been distributed throughout Regional and

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Headquarters' (HQ) offices. Separate CCDS Calculation and Completion Checklists [See references] are required to
be filled out at the time the CCDS is completed.

Quality Management Plans (QMPs) are prepared for each Office within The Office of Enforcement and Compliance
Assurance (OECA). The Office of Compliance (OC) has established extensive processes for ensuring timely input,
review and certification of ICIS information in FY'03. OC's QMP, effective for 5 years, was approved July 29,
2003. OECA instituted a requirement for semiannual executive certification of the overall accuracy of information
to satisfy the GPRA, the Agency's information quality guidelines, and other significant enforcement and compliance
policies on performance measurement.

Data  Quality Review:  Information contained in the CCDS and ICIS  are required by policy to be reviewed by
regional and headquarters' staff for completeness and accuracy.

Data  Limitations:  The pollutant reductions or eliminations reported on the CCDS are estimates of what will be
achieved if the defendant carries out the requirements of the settlement. Information on expected outcomes of state
enforcement is not available. The estimates are based on information available  at the time a case is settled or an
order is issued. In some instances, this information will be developed and  entered after the settlement,  during
continued discussions over specific plans for compliance. Because of the time it takes to agree on the compliance
actions, there may be delay in completing the CCDS. Additionally, because of unknowns at the time of settlement,
different levels of technical proficiency, or the nature of a case, OECA's expectation is that based on information on
the CCDS, the overall amounts of pollutant  reductions/eliminations will be prudently underestimated.

Error Estimate: Not available

New & Improved Data or Systems:  In November 2000, EPA completed a comprehensive guidance package on
the preparation of the Case Conclusion Data  Sheet.  This guidance, issued to headquarters' and regional  managers
and staff,  was made available in print and CD-ROM, and was supplemented in FY 2002 [See references].   The
guidance contains work examples to ensure better calculation of the amounts of pollutants reduced or eliminated
through concluded enforcement actions. EPA trained each of its ten regional offices during FY 2002. OC's Quality
Management Plan was approved by OEI July 29, 2003, and is effective for five years. [See references]

References: Quality Assurance and Quality Control procedures: Data Quality: Life Cycle Management Guidance,
(IRM Policy Manual 2100, dated September 28,  1994, reference Chapter  17 for Life Cycle Management).  Case
Conclusion Data Sheets: Case Conclusion  Data Sheet,  Training Booklet, issued November 2000   available:
www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/publications/planning/caseconc.pdf:  Quick Guide for Case Conclusion  Data
Sheet, issued November 2000. Information Quality  Strategy  and  OC's Quality  Management Plans:   Final
Enforcement  and Compliance  Data  Quality  Strategy,  and Description  of FY 2002 Data Quality Strategy
Implementation Plan Projects, signed March 25,  2002. ICIS: U.S.  EPA, Office of Enforcement and Compliance
Assurance, ICIS Phase I, implemented June 2002. Internal EPA database; non-enforcement sensitive data available
to the public through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

FY 2005  Performance Measure: Number  of  inspections, civil investigations,  and criminal investigations

Performance Databases: Output measure. Integrated Data for Enforcement Analysis (IDEA) integrates  data from
major enforcement and compliance  systems, such as the Permit Compliance System (PCS), Air Facilities Subsystem
(AFS), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo), and Emergency  Response
Notification system (ERNS).  The Criminal Docket System (CRIMDOC) is a  criminal case management, tracking
and reporting system. Information about  criminal cases  investigated  by  the  U.S.  EPA-Criminal Investigation
Division (CID) is entered into CRIMDOC at case initiation, and investigation and prosecution information is tracked
until case conclusion.

Data  Source: EPA's regional and Headquarters' offices. U.S. EPA-CID offices.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

QA/QC Procedures:   All the systems have been developed in accordance with the Office of Information
Management's Lifecycle Management Guidance, which includes data validation processes, internal screen audit
checks and verification, system and user documents, data quality audit reports, third-party  testing reports, and
detailed report  specifications  for showing how  data are calculated.  For CRIMDOC,  the system administrator
performs regularly scheduled quality assurance/quality control checks of the CRIMDOC database to validate data
and to evaluate and recommend enhancements to the system.

Data Quality Review:  EPA is now using updated monitoring strategies [See references] which clarify reporting
definitions and enhances oversight of state and local compliance monitoring programs.    In FY2003,  OECA
instituted a requirement for semiannual executive certification of the overall accuracy of information to satisfy the
GPRA, the Agency's information quality guidelines, and other significant enforcement and compliance policies on
performance measurement.

Data Limitations:   For all systems, there are concerns about quality and completeness of data and the ability of
existing systems to meet data needs. Incompatible  database structures/designs  and  differences in data definitions
impede integrated analyses. Additionally, there are incomplete data available on the  universe of regulated facilities
because not all are inspected/permitted.  In addition, the targets for numbers of inspections, and civil and criminal
investigations are based on the resources redirected to the state and Tribal enforcement grant program.

Error Estimate: N/A

New & Improved Data or Systems:  PCS modernization is underway  and the first version is scheduled to be
released in December 2005. An Interim Data Exchange  Format (IDEF) has been established  and will  support the
transfer of data from modernized state systems into the current PCS data system while PCS is being modernized.
EPA is  addressing the quality  of the data in the major  systems and each Office within OECA has developed  a
Quality  Management Plan  (data quality objectives, quality assurance project plans, baseline assessments).  A new
Integrated Compliance Information  System (ICIS) supports core program needs and consolidates and  streamlines
existing systems. Additionally, OECA began implementing its Data Quality Strategy in FY 2002. A new case
management, tracking and reporting system (Case Reporting System) is currently being developed that will replace
CRIMDOC. This new system will be a more user-friendly database with greater tracking, management and reporting

References:      Clean     Air    Act     Compliance    Monitoring     Strategy,    April    25,     2001,
AFS: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/planning/data/air/afssvstem.html.
PCS: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/planning/data/water/pcssvs.html.
RCRA info: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/data/index.htm.
For CRIMDOC: CRIM-DOC U.S. EPA, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Internal enforcement
confidential database; non-enforcement sensitive data available to the public through the Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA).
Information  Quality Strategy  and OC's Quality  Management Plans:  Final Enforcement and Compliance Data
Quality  Strategy, and Description of FY 2002 Data Quality Strategy Implementation Plan Projects, signed March
25, 2002

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Percentage of regulated entities taking complying actions as  a result of
compliance inspections and evaluations.

Performance Databases: ICIS and manual reporting by regions

Data Sources: EPA regional offices and Office of Regulatory Enforcement (specifically, the Clean Air Act (CAA)-
Mobile Source program).

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: A new measurement tool, the Inspection Conclusion Data Sheet, (ICDS)
will be used to analyze results from  inspections conducted under some of EPA's major statutes.  EPA will analyze
data on communication of problems to industry, compliance assistance  delivered  by  inspectors, and immediate
corrections made by industry  according to region, nationally and by industry sector.  The inspectors  fill out the

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Inspection Conclusion Data Sheet (ICDS) for each inspection and that information is reported to ICIS by the

QA/QC Procedures:  ICIS has been developed per Office of Information Management Lifecycle Management
Guidance, which includes data validation processes, internal screen audit checks and verification, system and user
documents, data quality audit reports, third party testing reports, and detailed report specifications for showing how
data are calculated.

Data Quality Review: Regional manual reports are reviewed and checked against the inspection data entered into
other Agency databases  (Air Facilities Subsystem (AFS), Permit Compliance System (PCS), Online Tracking
Information System (OTIS), Integrated Data for Enforcement Analysis (IDEA)). Information contained in the CCDS
and ICIS are required by policy to be reviewed by regional and headquarters' staff for completeness and accuracy.
In FY2003, OECA instituted a requirement  for semiannual executive certification of the overall accuracy of
information to satisfy the GPRA, the Agency's information quality guidelines, and other  significant enforcement
and compliance policies on performance measurement.

Data Limitations:  ICIS is not currently the primary database for inspections and as a result the regions have to
enter inspection data into both ICIS and  other Agency databases.  This can result in redundant, incomplete, or
contradictory data.

Error Estimate: N/A

New & Improved Data or Systems: The new Integrated Compliance Information System  (ICIS) will support core
program needs and consolidate and streamline  existing systems. As ICIS becomes more widely used by the regions
and HQ programs some of the problems with data entry and reporting should be resolved. As various older systems
become modernized (e.g., PCS), they will incorporate the ICDS data set as part of the system. This should minimize
data entry and reporting problems.

References: ICIS:  U.S. EPA, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, ICIS Phase I, implemented June
2002. Internal EPA database; non-enforcement sensitive  data available to the  public through the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA).

FY 2005 Performance Measure:

Percentage of regulated survey  respondents seeking assistance from EPA-sponsored compliance assistance
centers and clearinghouse reporting that they improved environmental management practices as a result of
their use of the centers or the clearinghouse.

Percentage of regulated survey  respondents seeking assistance from EPA-sponsored compliance assistance
centers and clearinghouse reporting that they reduced, treated, or eliminated pollution as a result of their use
of the centers or the clearinghouse.

Percentage of regulated survey  respondents seeking assistance from EPA-sponsored compliance assistance
centers and clearinghouse reporting that they increased their understanding of environmental requirements
as a result of their use of the centers or the clearinghouse.

Performance Database:  In FY2005, EPA Headquarters will manage data on the performance of the Centers and
Clearinghouse respondents using ICIS (Integrated Compliance Information System) and will no longer operate and
maintain the Reporting Compliance Assistance  Tracking System (RCATS).

Data source:  Headquarters and EPA's Regional offices will enter information in ICIS upon completion and
delivery  of media  and sector-specific compliance  assistance including workshops, training, on-site visits and
distribution of compliance assistance tools. ICIS is designed to capture outcome measurement information such as
increased awareness/understanding of environmental laws, changes in behavior and environmental improvements as
a result of the compliance assistance provided.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

QA/QC Procedures:  Automated data checks and data entry guidelines are in place for ICIS.

Data Quality Reviews:  Information contained in the ICIS is reviewed by Regional and Headquarters staff for
completeness and accuracy.  In FY2003, OECA instituted a requirement for semiannual executive certification of
the overall accuracy of information to satisfy the  GPRA, the Agency's information quality guidelines, and other
significant enforcement and compliance policies on performance measurement.

Data Limitations: None

Error Estimate:  None

New/Improved Data or Systems: EPA plans to incorporate RCATS into ICIS in FY2004.

References:  Reporting Compliance Assistance Data in the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS),
January 9, 2004.  RCATS: U.S. EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Internal EPA database.
Guidance: RCATs User Guide of March 19, 2001.

FY 2005 Performance Measure:

Percentage of regulated entities receiving direct compliance assistance from EPA (e.g., training, on-site visits)
reporting that they improved environmental management practices as a result of EPA assistance.

Percentage of regulated entities receiving direct compliance assistance from EPA (e.g., training, on-site visits)
reporting that they  increased their understanding  of environmental  requirements as a  result  of EPA

Percentage of  regulated entities receiving direct assistance from EPA (e.g., training, on-site visits) reporting
that they reduced, treated, or eliminated pollution, as a result of EPA assistance.

Performance Database:  EPA Headquarters  will manage data on the performance of the Centers and clearinghouse
respondents using ICIS (Integrated Compliance  Information System) in FY05 and will no longer operate and
maintain the Reporting Compliance Assistance Tracking System (RCATS).
Data source: Headquarters and EPA's Regional offices will enter information in ICIS upon completion and delivery
of media and sector-specific compliance assistance including workshops, training,  on-site visits and distribution of
compliance assistance tools.   ICIS is designed to  capture  outcome measurement information  such as increased
awareness/understanding of environmental laws, changes in behavior and environmental improvements as a result of
the compliance assistance provided.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC: Automated data checks and data entry guidelines are in place for ICIS.

Data Quality  Review: Information contained in the ICIS is reviewed by  Regional  and  Headquarters staff for
completeness and accuracy.  In FY2003,  OECA instituted a requirement for semiannual executive certification of
the overall accuracy of information to satisfy the  GPRA, the Agency's information quality guidelines, and other
significant enforcement and compliance policies on performance measurement.

Data Limitations: None

Error Estimate: None

New & Improved Data or Systems: EPA plans to incorporate RCATS into ICIS in FY2004.

References:  Reporting Compliance Assistance Data in the Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS),
January 9, 2004.  RCATS: U.S. EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Internal EPA database.
Guidance: RCATs User Guide of March 19, 2001.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan


Resource Conservation and Recovery Act sections 3007, 3008, 3013, and 7003 (42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, 6973)
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act sections  106, 107,  109, and 122 (42
   U.S.C. 9606, 9607, 9609, 9622)
Clean Water Act (CWA) sections 308, 309, and 311 (33 U.S.C. 1318, 1319, 1321)
Safe Drinking Water Act sections 1413, 1414, 1417, 1422, 1423, 1425, 1431, 1432, 1445 (42 U.S.C. 300g-2, 300g-
   3, 300g-6, 300h-l, 300h-2, 300h-4, 300i, 3001-1, 300J-4)
Clean Air Act sections 113, 114, and 303 (42 U.S.C. 7413, 7414, 7603)
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) sections 11, 16, and 17 and TSCA Titles II and IV (15 U.S.C. 2610, 2615,
   2616, 2641-2656, 2681-2692)
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act sections 325 and 326 (42 U.S.C. 11045, 11046)
Residential Lead-Based  Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, section 1018 under TSCA section 11  (42 U.S.C.
   4852d, 2610)
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act sections 8, 9, 12, 13, and 14 (7 U.S.C. 136f, 136g,  136j, 136k,
Ocean Dumping Act sections 101, 104B, 105, and 107 (33 U.S.C. 1411, 1414B, 1415, 1417)
North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
1983 La Paz Agreement on US/Mexico Border Region
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) section 102(f)
Pollution Prosecution Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. section 4321 note)

Environmental Information Authorities

Clean Air Act (CAA) (42 U.S.C. 7601-7671q)
Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. 1251 -1387)
Clinger-Cohen Act
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) (42 U.S.C. 9601-9675)
Computer Security Act
Congressional Review Act
Congressional Review Act
CPRKA of 1986
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)  section 313 (42 U.S.C. 110001-11050)
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)  section 313 (42   U.S.C.     110001-11050
Enterprise for the Americas Initiative Act (7 U.S.C. 5404)
Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Act (ERDDA) of 1981
Executive Order 12866
Executive Order 12915  - Federal Implementation of the North American Agreement on        Environmental
Executive Order 12916 - Implementation of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission     and the North
   American Development Bank
Executive Order 13148, "Greening the Government through Leadership in Environmental Management"
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) (5 U.S.C. App.)
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA)
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (7 U.S. C. 136-136y)
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (7 U.S. C. 136-136y)
Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA)
Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA)
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552)
Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA)
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
National Environmental Education Act
North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
Paperwork Reduction Act Amendment of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520)
Plain Language Executive Order
Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) (42 U.S.C. 13101-13109)
Privacy Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Regulatory Flexibility Act
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (42 U.S.C. 6901-6992k)
Safe Drinking Water Act section 1445 (SDWA) (42 U.S.C. 300f-300j-26)
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
Toxic Substance Control Act section 14 (TSCA) (15 U.S.C. 2601-2692)
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
    OBJECTIVE: Improve Environmental Performance through

                    Pollution Prevention and Innovation
  By 2008, improve environmental protection and enhance natural resource conservation on the part of
  government, business, and the public through the adoption of pollution prevention and sustainable practices
  that include the design of products and manufacturing processes that generate less pollution, the reduction of
  regulatory barriers, and the adoption of results-based, innovative, and multimedia approaches.
                                 Resource Summary
                                (Dollars in Thousands)

Improve Environmental Performance
through Pollution Prevention and
Environmental Program & Management
Building and Facilities
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY2005Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                  Program Project
                                (Dollars in Thousands)

Categorical Grant: State and Tribal
Performance Fund
Small Business Ombudsman
Categorical Grant: Environmental Information
Categorical Grant: Pollution Prevention
NEPA Implementation
Pollution Prevention Program
Regulatory /Economic-Management and
Environmental Education
Congressionally Mandated Projects
RCRA: Waste Minimization & Recycling
Regulatory Innovation
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                          FY 2005 Annual Plan

GOAL:        COMPLIANCE        AND

Reduction of Industrial / Commercial Chemicals

In 2005      Prevent, reduce and recycle hazardous industrial/commercial chemicals and improve environmental
            stewardship practices.

In 2004      Prevent, reduce and recycle hazardous industrial/commercial chemicals and municipal solid wastes.

In 2003      FY 2003  data will  be available in 2005 to  verity the  quantity  of toxic release inventory (TRI)
            pollutants released, disposed of, treated or combusted for energy recovery in 2003, (normalized for
            changes in industrial production) will be reduced by 200 million pounds, or two percent, from 2002.

Performance Measures:

Reduction   of   TRI   non-recycled   waste

Alternative   feed  stocks,  processes,  or safer
products  identified  through  Green  Chemistry
Challenge Award

Number  of participants  in  Hospitals  for a
Healthy Environment

Quantity   of   hazardous   chemicals/solvents
eliminated   through  the   Green   Chemistry
Challenge Awards Program

For eco-friendly detergents, track the number of
laundry detergent formulations developed.

Percent reduction  in Toxics Release Inventory
(TRI) reported toxic chemical releases at Federal

Percent   reduction  in  both  Toxics  Release
Inventory  (TRI)  chemical  releases  to   the
environment from  the business sector per unit of
production ("Clean Index")

Percent   reduction  in   TRI   chemicals   in
production-related  wastes  generated  by   the
business  sector per unit  of production  ("Green

Reduction in overall pounds of pollution.

Millions of dollars saved through reductions in

Annual cumulative quantity of water conserved

Billions of BTUs of energy conserved.
FY 2003
Data lag

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
200 Million
150 million

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.



34 Billion
134 Million

1.5 billion
143 Billion

Waste (Cum)
BTU (Cum)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                      FY 2005 Annual Plan
Baseline:    The baseline for the TRI non-recycled wastes measure is the amount of non-recycled wastes in 2001
            reported FY2003.  The baseline for eco-friendly detergents is 0 formulations in 1997. The baseline for
            the alternative feed  stocks / processes  measure is zero in  2000.   The baseline for the quantity  of
            hazardous chemicals / solvents measures is zero pounds  in the year 2000.  The baseline for the
            hospitals measure is zero in FY2001. The baseline reference  point for reductions of pollution and
            conservation of BTUs and water will be zero for 2003.  The baseline for money saved will be 2003.
            The baseline for reduction in CO2 will be zero for 1996.  The baseline  for the Clean and Green Index
            would be 2001 levels. The baseline for chemical releases is 2001 level.  The baseline for chemical
            production related wastes is 2001 level.  Note: Several output measures were changed to internal-only
            reporting  status   in 2005.    Annual  Performance  measures  under  development   for  EPA's
            Environmentally Preferable Purchasing program for the FY2006 Annual Performance Plan.

Innovation Activities

In 2005 Performance Track members collectively will achieve an annual reduction of 600  million gallons in water
        use; 2.5 million MMBTUs in energy use; 15,000 tons of solid waste; 6,000 tons of air releases; and 10,000
        tons in water discharges, compared with 2001 results.
Performance Measures:

Specific annual reductions in five media/resource
areas: water use, energy use, solid waste, air
releases, and water discharges.
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:        The baseline year is 2001.  The FY 2005 specific reductions planned are that Performance Track
                members collectively will achieve annual reductions, compared with 2001, of 600M gallons of
                water used; 2.5M MMBTUs of energy used; 15,000 tons of solid waste; 6,000 tons of air releases;
                and 10,000 tons of water discharges.

FY 2005 Performance Measure:

Percent reduction in both Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) chemical  releases to the environment from the
business sector per unit of production ("Clean Index").

Percent reduction in TRI chemicals in production-related wastes generated by the business sector per unit of
production ("Green Index").

Percent reduction in Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reported toxic chemical releases at Federal Facilities.

Performance  Database:  TRIM:  Toxics Release  Inventory Modernization,  formerly TRIS  (Toxics  Release
Inventory System) provides facility/chemical-specific data quantifying the amount of TRI-listed chemicals  entering
wastes associated with production process in each year.  The total amount of each chemical in production-related
wastes can be broken out by the methods employed in managing such wastes, including recycling, energy recovery,
treatment, and disposal/release.  Amounts of these wastes that are not recycled are tracked for  this  performance

Data Source:  Regulated facilities report facility-specific, chemical-specific release, waste and recycling data to
EPA. For example, in calendar year 1999, 22,639 facilities filed 84,068 TRI reports.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Methods, Assumptions, and  Suitability: TRI data are collected as required by sections 313 of EPCRA and 6607
of Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) (40 CFR '  372; www.epa.gov/tri/).  Only certain facilities in specific Standard
Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are required to report annually the quantities of over 650 listed toxic chemicals
and chemical categories released to each environmental medium and otherwise managed as waste (40 CFR ' 372;
www.epa.gov/tri/). Regulation requires covered facilities to use monitoring, mass balance, emission factors and/or
engineering calculations approaches to estimate releases  and recycling volumes.  For purposes of the Clean and
Green Index performance measures, data controls are  employed to facilitate cross-year comparisons: a subset of
chemicals and sectors are assessed that are consistently reported in all years;  data  are normalized to  control for
changes in production using published U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) gross product indices (chain-type
quantity index for the manufacturing sector).  [Please note, the federal facility measure data are not normalized to
control for changes in production].

QA/QC  Procedures: Most facilities  use EPA-certified  automated Toxics Release  Inventory (TRI) FORM R
reporting tools, which contain automated error checking mechanisms. Upon receipt  of the facilities' reports, EPA
conducts automated edits, error checks, data scrubs, corrections and normalization during data entry and subsequent
processing to verify that the information provided by the facilities is correctly entered in TRIM. The Agency does
not control the quality  of the data submitted  by the regulated community.  EPA does, however, work with the
regulated community to improve the quality of their estimates.

Data Quality Review:  The quality of the data contained in the TRI chemical reports is dependent upon the quality
of the data that the reporting facility uses to estimate its  releases and other waste management quantities. Use of TRI
Form R by submitters and EPA's performance data reviews combine to help assure data quality. The GAO Report,
Environmental Protection: EPA  Should  Strengthen  Its Efforts to  Measure and Encourage Pollution  Prevention
(GAO - 01 - 283), recommends that EPA strengthen  the rule on reporting of source reduction activities.  Although
EPA agrees that source reduction data are valuable, the Agency has not finalized regulations to improve reporting of
source reduction activities by TRI-regulated facilities.

Data Limitations: Use of the data should be based on the user's understanding that  the Agency does not have direct
assurance of the accuracy of the facilities' measurement and reporting processes. TRI release data are reported by
facilities on a good faith, best-estimate basis. EPA does not have the resources to conduct on-site validation of each
facility's reporting data, though on-site investigations  do occur each year at a subset  of reporting facilities.

Error  Estimate:   From the  various data quality efforts, EPA has learned of several reporting issues such as
incorrect assignment of threshold activities and incorrect assignment of release and other waste management
quantities (EPA-745-F-93-001; EPA-745-R-98-012;
www.epa.gov/tri/tridata/dataquality reports/index.htm; www.epa.gov/tri/report/index.htm.')

For example, certain facilities incorrectly assigned a 'processing' (25,000 Ib) threshold instead of an 'otherwise use'
(10,000 Ib) threshold for certain non-persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals, so they did not have to
report if their releases were below 25,000 Ibs.  Also, for example, some facilities incorrectly reported fugitive
releases instead of stack releases of certain toxic chemicals.

New/Improved Data or Systems: EPA plans to develop  regulations for improving reporting of source reduction
activities by TRI reporting facilities.

References:   www.epa.gov/tri/  and  additional citations  provided above.  (EPA-745-F-93-001;EPA-745-R-98-
012;http://www.epa.gov/tri/report/index.htm;              www.epa.gov/tri/tridata/data quality  reports/index.htm;
www.epa.gov/tri/report/index.htm    Bureau   of   Economic   Analysis  (BEA)  indices  are  available  at

FY 2005 Performance Measure:

•       Reduction in overall pounds of pollution
•       Billions of BTUs of energy conserved
•       Billions of gallons of water saved
•       Millions of dollars saved through reductions in pollution
•       Reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from a baseline year of 1996. (Green Chemistry only)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

        The Agency's Pollution Prevention programs include Green Chemistry, Design for the Environment, Green
Engineering, and other Pollution Prevention (P2) Programs. Each of these programs operate under the principles of
the Pollution Prevention Act and work with others to reduce waste at the source, before it is generated.  These
programs are designed to facilitate the incorporation of pollution prevention concepts and principles into the daily
operations of government agencies, businesses, manufacturers, nonprofit organizations, and individuals.

Performance Database:
Green Chemistry (GC):  EPA is  developing an electronic database ("metrics" database) which will allow organized
storage  and retrieval of green chemistry data  submitted to EPA on alternative feedstocks, processes, and safer
chemicals.   The database is being  designed to store  and retrieve,  in a systematic fashion, information on the
environmental benefits and, where available, economic benefits that these alternative green chemistry technologies
offer. The database is also  being designed to  track the quantity of hazardous chemicals and solvents eliminated
through implementation  of these alternative technologies.

Design for the Environment (DfE): DfE does not have a performance database.  Instead, DfE is planning to develop
an evaluation spreadsheet for its main project approaches (i.e., Life Cycle Assessment, Formulator, Best Practices,
Cleaner Technology Substitutes Assessment, and Supply Chain).  Spreadsheet content will vary by approach, and
generally will include  measures  comparing baseline technologies  or products to "cleaner" ones, as well  as
information on partner  adoption  and/or market share of cleaner alternatives;  for example, the DfE formulator
approach tracks chemical improvements (such as pounds of chemicals of concern no longer used by partners, and
conversely pounds of safer ingredients) and resource savings. This information will allow benefit calculations.

Green Engineering (GE): Similar to the Green  Chemistry Program, EPA will be developing an electronic database
to keep  track of environmental benefits of GE  projects including, gallons of water, British Thermal Units (BTUs)
and dollars saved and pounds of carbon dioxide  (CO2) emissions eliminated.

Pollution Prevention (P2) Programs: EPA is  working with state and local  P2 programs  to develop a national
database that will provide data on environmental outcomes (the core P2 metrics included in the above performance
measure). Many EPA Regional  offices', state and local P2 programs are currently collecting data on P2 program
activities, outputs, and outcomes.  EPA will be working with these programs to reach consensus on standardized
metrics, including definitions, and to establish an ongoing system to gather data on these metrics.  The system will
include  new reporting requirements  in EPA P2 grants and the cooperation of key stakeholder groups, such as the
National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (which produced a January 2003 report providing baseline data on the
above metrics for the period  1990-2000). Data collected from the program will be placed in a new national database,
facilitating convenient data storage and retrieval.

Data Source:
Green Chemistry (GC): Industry and academia submit nominations annually to OPPT in response to the Presidential
Green Chemistry Challenge Awards.   Environmental  and  economic benefit information is  included in  the
nomination packages.  The metrics database pulls this benefit information from the nominations.

Design for the Environment (DfE):  The source of DfE's evaluation information varies by the approach and the
partner  industry.   For  example,  in DfE's formulation improvement partnerships, partners provide proprietary
information on both  their  original formulation  and their environmentally  improved  one.    Partners sign  a
memorandum  of  understanding with EPA/DfE which includes information  on how the company uses cleaner
chemistry to formulate  a product, the environmental and health benefits of the product,  and customer and sales
information.   For other partnerships, data sources typically  include technical  studies (e.g., cleaner technology
substitutes assessments, life-cycle assessments) and market/sales/adoption information from associations.

Green Engineering  (GE):  Data will  come   from  profiles  of recognized  projects  by technical journals  or
organizations,  such as the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, or directly reported by project leaders on
industry projects or joint academia-industry projects.

Pollution Prevention (P2) Programs: State and local P2 programs will submit data as described above.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:
Green  Chemistry (GC): This is an output measure tracked directly through OPPT record-keeping systems.  No
models or assumptions or statistical methods are employed.

Design for  the Environment (DfE): Methods  and assumptions vary by approach and partner industry.  Each DfE
partnership identifies and focuses on a unique set of chemicals and industrial processes. For most DfE approaches,
the general method is to 1) develop a model for a "typical" or "average" facility, 2) assess the differences between
traditional and alternative technologies on metrics such as toxics use, resource consumption, cost, and performance,
3) track market share of alternative technologies over time, and 4) multiply the increase in use of alternative, cleaner
technologies by the environmental, cost, and performance differences identified in Step 2. Through this quantitative
process, the Agency is able to calculate the benefits generated by the cleaner technology: e.g. how much toxics use
reduction is occurring,  how much less resources  are consumed?  Similarly, for DfE's formulation improvement
approach, the method is to analyze environmental (e.g., toxics use, resource consumption) and cost differences
between  the old and improved formulations. This proprietary  information is provided by our partners  and  sales
information. For each approach, we will develop a spreadsheet that includes the methods and assumptions.

Green  Engineering  (GE): The information will be tracked directly through EPA record keeping  systems.   No
models or statistical extrapolations are expected to be used.

Pollution Prevention (P2) Programs: The data will come from state and local P2 programs as described above. No
models or assumptions or statistical methods are employed.

QA/QC  Procedures:  All Pollution Prevention and Toxics  programs operate under the Information Quality
Guidelines  as  found  at  http://www.epa.gov/oei/qualitvguidelines/index.html  and  under the  OPPT Quality
Management Plan (QMP). OPPT Quality Management Plan is for internal use only.

Green  Chemistry: Data undergo a technical screening review by OPPT before being uploaded to the database to
determine if they adequately support the environmental benefits described in the application.  Subsequent to OPPT
screening, data are reviewed by  an external independent panel  of technical experts from academia, industry,
government, and NGOs.  Their comments on potential  benefits are incorporated into the database. The panel is
convened by the Green Chemistry Institute of the American Chemical Society, primarily for judging nominations
submitted to the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program and selecting winning technologies

Design for the Environment (DfE): Data undergo  a technical screening review by DfE before being uploaded to the
spreadsheet. DfE determines whether data submitted adequately support the  environmental benefits described.

Green  Engineering (GE): Data collected will be reviewed to ensure it meets  the EPA Quality Guidelines in terms of
transparency, reasonableness and accuracy.

Pollution Prevention (P2) Programs: Data will undergo technical screening review by EPA and  other program
participants  (e.g., National  Pollution Prevention Roundtable) before being  placed in the  database.  Additional
QA/QC steps to be developed, as appropriate.

Data  Quality Review:  All Office of Pollution  Prevention and Toxics  (OPPT)  programs operate  under the
Information Quality Guidelines as found at http://www.epa.gov/oei/qualitvguidelines/index.html  and  under the
OPPT Quality Management Plan (QMP).

Green  Chemistry (GC): Review of industry and  academic data as documented in U.S. EPA, Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics,  Green Chemistry Program Files available at http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/greenchemistry/

Design for the Environment (DfE): Not applicable.

Green Engineering (GE): Data collected will be reviewed to meet data quality requirements.

Pollution Prevention (P2) Programs:  The new metrics and data system were based, in part, on recommendations in
the February 2001 GAO  report, "EPA Should Strengthen Its  Efforts to Measure and  Encourage  Pollution
Prevention" (GAO-01-283). They also incorporate work by such organizations as the Northeast Waste Management

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Officials Association, Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center, and National Pollution Prevention

Data Limitations:
Green  Chemistry  (GC):  Occasionally  data are  limited for a  given technology  due to confidential business
information (the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge  Awards  Program does not process CBI).  It  also is
occasionally unclear what the percentage market penetration of implemented alternative green chemistry technology
(potential benefits vs. realized benefits) is.  In these cases, the database is so noted.
Design for the Environment (DfE): Occasionally data are limited for a given technology due to confidential business

Green Engineering (GE):  There may be  instances  in which environment benefits are not clearly quantified.   In
those instances, the data will be excluded.

Pollution Prevention (P2) Programs: Limitations  arise from the reliance on individual state and local P2 programs
to gather data.  These programs vary in attention to data collection from  sources within their jurisdictions, data
verification and other QA/QC procedures. Also, despite plans described above  to move toward consistent metrics
and definitions, some differences exist

Error Estimate:
Green Engineering (GE):  There may be  instances  in which environment benefits are not clearly quantified.   In
those instances, the data will be excluded.

Not applicable for other programs contributing data to this  measure.

New/Improved Data or Systems:
Green Chemistry (GC), Design for the Environment (DfE), Green Engineering (GE):   The American Chemistry
Council (ACC) has initiated an industry  serf-monitoring program called Responsible Care.  Beginning in 2003,
member companies will collect and report on a variety of information.  Measures tentatively include Toxic Release
Inventory (TRI) releases; tons of CO2  equivalent per pound of production; total BTUs consumed per pound of
production; systems for assessing or, reassessing potential  environmental,  health, and safety  risks;  percentage of
products re-evaluated; percentage of commitments for chemical evaluation programs; documentation of process for
characterizing and managing product risks;  and documentation of communication of risk characterization  results.
Many of these measures are similar to the EPA program targets identified under Goal 5, Objective 2.  These reports
may be an invaluable source of industry baseline information.  It is important that  the EPA programs identified
under Goal 5 evaluate the utility of the reports generated under the ACC's Responsible Care Program in support of
the EPA's programs as well as  the goals of Responsible Care.  (CAPRM II,  Chemical and Pesticide Results
Measures, March 2003 pp. 313)

Pollution Prevention  (P2) Programs and Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (H2E):  See discussion in first item.

Chemical and Pesticide Results Measures II: http://www.pepps.fsu.edu./CAPRM/index.html
Green Chemistry (GC): http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/greenchemistry/
Design for the Environment (DfE): http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/dfe/
Green Engineering (GE): http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/greenengineering/
Pollution Prevention (P2) Programs: http://www.epa.gov/oppt/p2home/index.htm

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Specific annual  reductions in five media/resource areas: water use, energy
use, solid waste, air releases, and water discharges.

Performance Databases: Both the Performance Track On-Line  (a Domino database) and the Performance Track
Members Database (a Microsoft Access database) store information  provided to EPA from members' applications
and annual performance reports. Both databases contain the  same  information; in fact, data from PTrack On-Line is
transferred electronically to the PTrack Members Database,  which is more useful for analysis.  Performance Track
members select a  set of environmental indicators  on which to  report performance over a three-year period of
participation.  The externally  reported indicators (listed above) may or may  not be included in any particular

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

facility's set of indicators.  Performance Track aggregates and reports only that information that a facility voluntarily
reports to the Agency.  A facility may make progress towards one of the above indicators, but if it is not among its
set of "commitments", then Performance Track's data will not reflect  the  changes occurring at the  facility.
Similarly, if a facility's performance declines in any of the above areas and the indicator is not included among its
set of commitments, that decline will not be reflected in the above results.

Members report on results in a calendar year. Fiscal year 2005 corresponds most closely with members' calendar
year of 2005.  That data will be reported to the Performance Track program by April 1, 2006. The data will then be
reviewed, aggregated, and available for external reporting in August 2006.  (Calendar year 2004 data will become
available in August of 2005.)

Data Source: All data are self-reported and self-certified by member facilities.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:  Data collected  from members'  applications and annual performance
reports are  compiled and aggregated across those members that choose to report on the given indicator.  The data
reflect the performance results at the facility; any improvements or declines in performance are due to activities  and
conditions at the specific facility. The data should not be interpreted to represent the direct results of participating in
the Performance Track program.   Additionally, while Performance Track  asks that  facilities report results of an
indicator for the facility as a whole, in some cases facilities  report results for specific sections of a facility. This is
not always  clear in the reports submitted to the  program.  For example, Member A commits to reducing its VOC
emissions from 1000 tons to 500 tons over a 3-year period.  In Year 1, it reports a reduction of VOCs from 1000
tons to 800 tons.  Performance Track aggregates this reduction of 200 tons with results from other facilities.  But
unbeknownst to Performance Track, the facility  made a commitment to reduce its VOCs from Production Line A
and is only reporting on its results from that production line.  The facility  is not intentionally hiding information
from EPA,  but it  mistakenly thought that its commitment could  focus on environmental management activities at
Production Line A rather than across the entire facility. Unfortunately, due to increased production and a couple of
mishaps by a sloppy technician, VOC emissions at Production Line B  increased by 500 tons in Year 1. Thus, the
facility's VOC emissions actually INCREASED by 300 tons in Year 1.  Performance Track's statement to the public
that the facility reduced its emissions by 200 tons is therefore misleading.

The data can  be  used to make year-to-year comparisons, but reviewers and analysts should bear in mind  that
Performance Track membership is constantly in flux.  Although members should retain the same set of indicators for
their three-year participation period,  as new  members join the program and others leave,  the baseline constantly

Due to unavoidable  issues regarding the timing of the application period, a small  subset of reported data will
represent two years of performance at certain facilities, i.e., the baseline will be two years prior rather than one year.

QA/QC  Procedures:   Data submitted with applications  and  annual  performance  reports to the program  are
reviewed for completeness and adherence to program formatting  requirements.   In cases where it appears  possible
that data  is  miscalculated or misreported, EPA or contractor staff follows up with the facility.  If the accuracy of data
remains under question or if a facility has provided incomplete or non-standard data, the database is coded to ensure
that the data is excluded from aggregated and externally reported results.
Additionally, Performance Track staff visit up to 20% of Performance Track member facilities each year.  During
those visits, facilities are asked about their data collection systems and about the sources of the data reported to the

Performance Track contractors conduct a quality review of data  entered manually into the  database. Performance
Track staff conduct periodic checks of the entered data.

As described,  Performance Track is quality controlled to the extent possible, but is not audited in a formal way.
However, a prerequisite of Performance Track membership is an environmental management system (EMS) at the
facility, a key element of which is a system of  measurement and monitoring.  Most Performance Track facilities
have had independent third-party audits of their EMSs, which create a basis for confidence in the facilities' data.

A Quality Management Plan is under development.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Data Quality Reviews: N/A.

Data  Limitations:  Potential sources of error include  miscalculations, faulty data collection,  misreporting,
inconsistent reporting, and nonstandard reporting on the part of the facility. Where facilities submit data outside of
the Performance Track On-Line system, Performance Track staff or contractors must enter data manually into the
database. Manually entered data is sometimes typed incorrectly.

It is clear from submitted reports that some  facilities have a tendency to estimate or round data.  Errors are also
made  in converting units  and in calculations. In general, however, EPA is confident that the externally reported
results are a fair representation of members' performance.

Error Estimate: Not calculated.

New/Improved Performance Data or Systems:  As of spring 2004, all Performance Track applications and annual
performance reports will be submitted electronically  (i.e., through the Performance Track On-Line  system), thus
avoiding the new  for manual data entry. Additionally, the program is implementing a new  requirement that all
members gain third-party assessments of their EMS.

References:  Members' applications  and annual performance reports can be found on the Performance Track
website at http://www.epa.gov/performancetrack/particip/alphabet.htm.
Performance  Track  On-Line and the  Performance  Track Members Database are not generally  accessible.
Performance Track staff can grant access to and review of the databases by request.

Antarctic Science, Tourism, and Conservation Act (ASTCA)
Clean Air Act (CAA) section 309 (42 U.S.C. 7609)
Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387)
Economy Act of 1932
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) (42 U.S.C. 11001-11050)
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 18, 24, and 25 (7 U.S.C. 136a,
   136a-l, 136c, 136d, 136i, 136p, 136v, and 136w)
National Environmental Policy Act
Pollution Prevention Act  (PPA) (42 U.S.C.  13101-13109)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (42 U.S.C. 6901-6992k)
Safe Drinking Water Act
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
Solid Waste Disposal Act as amended by the Hazardous Waste Amendments of 1984
Toxic Substances Control Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                     OBJECTIVE: Build Tribal Capacity
   Through 2008, assist all federally recognized tribes in assessing the condition of their environment, help in
   building their capacity to implement environmental programs where needed to improve tribal health and
   environments, and implement programs in Indian country where needed to address environmental issues.
                                   Resource Summary
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)

Build Tribal Capacity
Environmental Program & Management
State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Building and Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                    Program Project
                                  (Dollars in Thousands)

Categorical Grant: Tribal General Assistance
Tribal - Capacity Building
Administrative Projects
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan

Tribal Environmental Baseline/Environmental Priori

In 2005       Assist federally recognized tribes in assessing the condition of their environment, help in building their capacity to implement
             environmental programs where needed to improve tribal health and environments, and implement programs in Indian country
             where needed to address environmental issues.

In 2004       Percent of Tribes will have an environmental presence (e.g., one or more persons to assist in building Tribal capacity to develop
             and implement environmental programs.
Performance Measures:

Percent of Tribes with delegated and non-delegated programs

Percent  of  Tribes with EPA-reviewed monitoring  and
assessment occurring (cumulative).

Percent of Tribes with EPA-approved multimedia workplans

Increase  tribes' ability  to develop  environmental program
capacity of federally recognized tribes that have access to an
environmental presence.

Develop  or integrate EPA and interagency data systems to
facilitate  the  use  of EPA Tribal  Enterprise  Architecture
information in setting environmental priorities and informing
policy decisions.

Eliminate data gaps for environmental conditions for major
water, land, and  air programs as determined through the
availability of information in the  EPA  Tribal  Enterprise

Increase  implementation of environmental programs  in
Indian country  by  program delegations,  approvals,  or
primacies issued to tribes and direct implementation activities
by EPA.

Increase the percent of tribes with environmental monitoring
and  assessment  activities  under  EPA-approved  quality
assurance procedures.

Increase  the  percent of tribes  w/ multimedia programs
reflecting traditional use of natural resources.
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

      % Tribes
      % Data Gap
      % Tribes
      % Tribes
             There are 572 tribal entities that are eligible for GAP program funding.  These entities are the ones for which environmental
             assessments of their lands will be conducted.

FY 2005 Performance Measure:

Increase tribes' ability to develop environmental program capacity by ensuring that 90 percent of federally
recognized tribes have access to an environmental presence.

Develop or integrate 15 (cumulative) EPA and interagency software applications to facilitate the use of EPA
Tribal Enterprise  Architecture  information in  setting  environmental  priorities  and informing  policy

Eliminate data gaps for environmental conditions for major water,  land, and air programs as determined
through the availability of information in the EPA Tribal Enterprise Architecture.

Increase implementation  of environmental programs  in  Indian   Country  as  determined by  program
delegations, or primacies issued to tribes and direct implementation activities by EPA.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Increase the percent of tribes with environmental monitoring and assessment activities under EPA-approved
quality assurance procedures.

Increase the percent of tribes with multimedia programs reflecting traditional use of natural resources as
determined by use of Performance Partnership Grants, EPA/Tribal Environmental Agreements, and other
innovative EPA agreements that reflect holistic program integration.

Performance Database:  EPA's American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) has been in the forefront of
working with multiple agencies on a federal interagency Tribal Enterprise Architecture under the auspices of OMB
Circular A-16 on federal data coordination. The Tribal Enterprise Architecture includes access to a wide variety of
data from several agencies and numerous sources within the agencies. It also includes several AIEO-developed
applications to analyze environmental performance in Indian Country.

Environmental presence on tribal land is the creation of tribal government infrastructure  (FTE and support) to
develop program capacity, assess environmental  conditions, establish environmental  priorities,  implement  and
manage programs  that result in environmental improvements.  The GAP  Grant Tracking System, which is a
component of the Tribal Enterprise Architecture, can measure environmental presence, based on tribally reported
information.  Environmental  presence is  measured by  staffing  levels  reported; also information is collected on
general capacity building, media program, and cross-media activities.

        The Tribal  Information Management  System (TIMS),  which is also part  of  the Tribal Enterprise
Architecture, is  a  web-based  application (http:/oasint.rtpnc.epa.gov)  used  to  access  baseline  environmental
information on federally recognized Indian Tribes. Public access to this information via the web cannot be provided
until EPA completes its consultation with the tribes. TIMS contains information about the environmental condition
of tribal  lands, the nature and  status  of regulated facilities there, as well as the nature and extent of tribal
environmental management program  activities. TIMS is not a static system.  It is a real-time  system that extracts
information from EPA and external data systems as they are maintained and updated by various federal, non-federal,
and tribal partners.  TIMS is also  a vehicle for tribes,  federal agencies and non-federal agencies, to  develop
partnerships, improve communication, and to establish tribal environmental priorities in a coordinated, multimedia,
and interagency way.

        TIMS generates tribal profiles, which are standardized overviews of environmental  conditions and include
tribally supplied background (non-environmental) information.  The overviews are multi-media and allow further
access to specific,  detailed,  publicly available information.   These profiles,  in  conjunction with other Tribal
Enterprise Architecture information:  (1)  allow EPA to accurately assess the  establishment of an environmental
presence  in Indian Country, and to report results annually as progress toward performance goals; (2) allow EPA to
measure  trends  and changes in environmental conditions  and  program results  over  time;  and,  (3)  provide
information for tribes and agencies to establish environmental priorities in a coordinated fashion.

Data  Sources:   Current TIMS  data  sources are existing federal databases, both from EPA  and other agencies,
supplemented by data sources collected from the EPA regions as appropriate.  All data sources are identified  and
referenced in the TIMS application.  In FY 2004 we expect to formalize interagency data standards and protocols,
working with the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) formed as a result of OMB Circular A-16, to ensure
information is collected and reported consistently among the federal agencies.  In 2005, AIEO will be working as
the co-lead of the Federal Geographic Data Committee (with DOI's Bureau of Indian Affairs) on the FGDC tribal
data workgroup.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  The methodology for assessments of environmental  conditions in Indian
Country will be standard statistical methods of analysis of variance. Chi Square and Fisher linear model techniques
will be used to  evaluate the  statistical significance of  comparisons of tribal  conditions, with regard to  specific
environmental parameters, compared to the nation as a whole.  The data used to develop these statistical inferences
are in general non-aggregated point measurements that  have been geographically indexed.   Sample sizes  are
generally large enough (often  in the hundreds of thousands when evaluating parameters such as regulated facilities)
to provide the necessary degrees of freedom to make statistical inferences in spite of the large variance in sizes of
reservations in Indian Country.  The data are suitable for year-to-year performance comparisons, and also for trend
analysis.  Forecasting technologies have not yet been tested on the data.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

QA/QC Procedures: All the data used in the baseline project have quality assurance and metadata documentation
prepared by the originating agency.   These will all be described in a Quality Management document:  "Manual to
TIMS: Tribal Information Management System." AIEO will develop data and metadata standards through its work
on the Federal Geographic Data Committee.

Data  Quality Reviews:  Quality of the external databases will be described but not ranked.  Data correction and
improvement is an ongoing part of the baseline assessment project. Tribes will have the opportunity to review their
Tribal Profiles.  Mechanisms for adjusting data will be supplied. Errors in the tribal profile are subject to errors in
the underlying data. A special site http://db-server.tetratech-ffx.com/baseline/datacenter which will be used to: 1)
allow direct editing and correction of text of the profiles, 2) submit geographic corrections to maps and boundary
files,  or submit files of different kinds of political units for analysis, and 3) submit corrections to quantitative  data
points, and 4) display the bibliography used to compile the TIMS information system.

Data  Limitations:  The largest part of the data used by the Tribal Enterprise Architecture has not been coded to
particular tribes by the recording agency. AIEO uses new geographic data mining technologies to extract records
based on the geographical coordinates of the data points.  For example, if a  regulated facility has latitude and
longitude coordinates  that place  it in the boundaries  of the Wind River Reservation, then it is assigned to  the
Arapaho and Shoshone Tribes of the Wind River Reservation.  This technique is extremely powerful, because it
"tribally enables" large numbers of information systems which were previously incapable of identifying tribes. This
will be applied to  all the EPA  databases.  There are limitations, however.   When database  records  are  not
geographically identified with latitude and longitude,  the technique does not work and  the record is  lost to  the
system. Likewise, the accuracy  of the method depends on the accuracy of the reservation boundary  files. EPA
continues to request up-to-date and accurate coverage of reservation boundaries and land status designations from
other  agencies.

Error Estimate:  Analysis of variation of the various coverage of reservation boundaries that are available to EPA
indicates deviations of up to 5%. The other source  of error comes from records that are not  sufficiently described
geographically, to be  assigned to specific tribes.   For some  agencies, such as USGS, the  geographic record is
complete,  so there is  no error from these  sources.  It is estimated that 20% of the regulated facilities in EPA
regulatory databases are not geographically described, and thus will not be recognized by the AIEO methodology.

New/Improved Data  or Systems:  The technologies used by  the Tribal Enterprise Architecture are all new and
state-of-the-art. Everything is delivered on the Internet, with security, and no need for any special software or data
disk on the desktop.    The  geographic  interface is an ESRI product called ARC/IMS, which is a  web-based
application, with a fully functional GIS system that is fully scalable. In FY 2003, the entire system will be rendered
in 3D. The Tribal Enterprise Architecture uses XML protocols to attach to and display information seamlessly and
in real-time from cooperating agency data  systems without ever having to download the data to an intermediate


Manual to TIMS: Tribal Information Management System (draft).

http://www.epa.gov/enviro/html/bia/tribal em.html
http ://db-server.tetratech-ffx. comn/baseline/datacenter
http ://gap-demo. tetratech-ffx. com


Act of 1992 as amended (42 U.S.C. 4368b)
Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (GAP)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
              OBJECTIVE: Enhance Science and Research
  Through 2008, strengthen the scientific evidence and research supporting environmental policies and decisions
  on compliance, pollution prevention, and environmental stewardship.
                                 Resource Summary
                                (Dollars in Thousands)

Enhance Science and Research
Environmental Program & Management
Hazardous Substance Superfund
Science & Technology
Buildings and Facilities
Inspector General
Total Workyears
FY 2003
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud
                                  Program Project
                                (Dollars in Thousands)

Research: Pollution Prevention
Forensics Support
Research: Environmental Technology
Verification (ETV)
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Administrative Projects
Pres. Bud.
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005 Req. v.
FY 2004 Pres Bud

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                FY 2005 Annual Plan

Pollution Prevention Research

Long-term Outcome Measure
Annual Measure
Efficiency Measure
Measure under development.
Measure under development.
Measure under development.
New Technologies

In 2005         Complete thirty verifications and four testing protocols for a program cumulative total of 280 verifications and 88 testing
               protocols for new environmental technologies so that, by 2009, appropriate and credible performance information about new,
               commercial-ready environmental technology is available that influences users to purchase effective environmental technology in
               the US and abroad.

In 2004         Verify 35 air, water, greenhouse gas, and monitoring technologies so that States, technology purchasers, and the public will have
               highly credible data and performance analyses on which to make technology selection decisions.

In 2003         Developed 10 testing protocols and  completed  40 technology  verifications for a  cumulative Environmental Technology
               Verification (ETV) program total of 230 to aid industry, states, and consumers in choosing  effective technologies to protect the
               public and environment from high risk pollutants.
Performance Measures:

Verify  and provide  information  to  States,  technology
purchasers, and  the  public  on  40 air,  water, pollution
prevention  and  monitoring  technologies  for  an  ETV
programmatic total of 230 verifications.

Complete an additional 10 stakeholder approved and peer-
reviewed test  protocols in all  environmental  technology
categories  under ETV, and provide them to international
testing organizations.

Through the ETV program, verify  the performance of 35
commercial-ready environmental technologies.

Verifications completed

Testing protocols completed
                 FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.



Baseline:       Actual  environmental risk  reduction is  directly related to performance and  effectiveness of environmental  technologies
               purchased and used.  Private sector technology developers produce almost all the new technologies purchased in the U.S. and
               around the world. Purchasers and permitters of environmental technologies need an independent, objective, high quality source
               of performance information in order to make  more informed  decisions; and vendors with innovative, improved, faster and
               cheaper environmental technologies need a reliable source of independent evaluation to be able to penetrate the environmental
               technology market.   Through FY 2004, EPA's Environmental Technology Verification  (ETV) Program  will have verified
               approximately a programmatic total of 265 technologies, as well as making data on their performance available for public use,
               and will have developed 86 protocols. In FY 2005, the ETV Program will complete 15 additional verifications and two testing
               protocols for a cumulative total of 280 verifications and 88 testing protocols since ETV begin in 1995.  Beginning in FY 2005,
               regular evaluations by independent and external panels will provide reviews of EPA research programs' relevance, quality, and
               successful performance  to  date,  in  accordance with OMB's  Investment Criteria for Research and Development.   These
               evaluations  will include an examination of  a program's design to determine the  appropriateness  of a program's short-,
               intermediate-, and long-term goals and its strategy for attaining these.  Reviewers will also qualitatively determine whether EPA
               has been successful in meeting its annual and long-term commitments for research.  Recommendations and results from these
               reviews will improve the design  and management of EPA research programs and help to measure their progress under the
               Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).


FY 2005 Performance Measure: Verifications completed

Performance Database:   Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source:  N/A

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews: N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate:  N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: N/A

FY 2005 Performance Measure: Testing protocols completed

Performance Database: Program output; no internal tracking system

Data Source:  N/A

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: N/A

QA/QC Procedures: N/A

Data Quality Reviews: N/A

Data Limitations: N/A

Error Estimate:  N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: N/A


Clean Air Act
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
Clean Water Act
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act sections 106, 107, 109, and 122 (42
   U.S.C. 9606, 9607, 9609, 9622)
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act sections 325 and 326 (42 U.S.C. 11045, 11046)
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
Federal Technology Transfer Act
Ocean Dumping Act sections 101, 104B, 105, and 107 (33 U.S.C. 1411, 1414B, 1415, 1417)
Pollution Prevention Act
Pollution Prosecution Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. section 4321 note)
Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, section 1018 under TSCA section 11  (42 U.S.C.
   4852d, 2610)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 6901-6992K)
Safe Drinking Water Act
Small Business Innovation and Development Act
Superfund Amendments Reauthorization Act
Toxic Substances  Control Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                               Enabling/Support programs
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)
Office of Air and Radiation
Program Project
Homeland Security: Protection of EPA Personnel and
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
Program Project
Homeland Security: Protection of EPA Personnel and
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
Program Project
Congressional, Intergovernmental, External Relations
IT / Data Management
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Office of Administration and Resources Management
Program Project
Homeland Security: Protection of EPA Personnel and
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Acquisition Management
Human Resources Management
Financial Assistance Grants / IAG Management
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan


Energy Consumption Reduction

In 2005      By 2005, EPA will achieve a 20% energy consumption reduction from 1990 in its 21 laboratories which is in line to meet the
            2005 requirement of a 20% reduction from the 1990 base. This includes Green Power purchases.

In 2004      By 2004, EPA will achieve a 16% energy consumption reduction from 1990 in its 21 laboratories which is in line to meet the
            2005 requirement of a 20% reduction from the 1990 base. This includes Green Power purchases.

In 2003      The Agency achieved 15.3% energy consumption reduction from 1990 in its 21 laboratories.
Performance Measures:
Cumulative  percentage  reduction in energy  consumption
(from 1990).
                                               FY 2003
FY 2004
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:     In FY 2000, energy consumption of British Thermal Units (BTUs) per square foot is 320,000 BTUs per square foot.

Performance  Measure:  Cumulative percentage reduction in energy  consumption in EPA's 21  laboratories
from the 1990 base.

Performance  Database: The Agency's contractor receives energy bills regularly - either monthly or quarterly -
from the utility companies. This information is compiled in the contractor's database and provided to the Agency
quarterly and annually. The contractor is responsible for validating the data.

Data Source:  Energy bills from the utility companies, as compiled by  the Agency's contractor.

QA/QC Procedures: Agency staff/contractor review utility bills from laboratories.

Data Quality  Review: EPA's Sustainable Facilities Practices Branch.

Data Limitations: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems:  N/A

References: N/A

Data Source:  The Office of Human Resources and Organizational Services (OHROS) will assist Program Offices in
determining their demand for future mission-critical skills and competencies, identifying their gaps, and developing
a methodology for filling the gaps.  This information will be entered by the Program Offices  into the Agency's
Workforce Planning module in PeoplePlus, the Agency's integrated human resources/time&labor/payroll system.

QA/QC Procedures: The information will be verified through collaboration with Program Managers, e.g., through
focus groups.

Data Quality  Review: N/A

Data Limitations: Some of the data, like a determination of current  competencies and skills, will be  generated by
employees themselves.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  PeoplePlus is the Agency's new integrated system set to go live in early October

References: http://intranet.epa.gov/institute/wds/planning.htm

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Office of Environmental Information
Program Project
Homeland Security: Communication and Information
Exchange Network
Information Security
IT / Data Management
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
In FY 2005, EPA proposes increased focus on the following five critical areas:

    •   Address critical technology gaps affecting EPA's ability to deliver information access consistently where
        interfacing with external partners is an essential dimension of operations.

    •   Deliver a high speed network and information technology (IT) infrastructure that has the capacity to handle
        the massive amounts of data needed to perform environmental analyses, support environmental decision
        making, and share environmental data with partners inside and outside EPA.

    •   Improve management  and reduce the cost of IT investments to modernize  Agency  technology and
        information infrastructure through adoption of sound investment strategies and architecture planning,
        consistent with the President's Management Agenda (PMA) and e-Gov concepts1.

    •   Implement cyber-security for environmental  information to  assess and mitigate highest priority  risks,
        address critical homeland security requirements, and ensure reliable, secure information access for all EPA
        personnel, emergency responders (EPA and local), and all external partners.

    •   Enhance EPA's Web site  management procedures and processes to keep pace with technological advances
        as well as homeland defense concerns on the disclosure of certain information, and the public's demand for
        access to environmental information.

        EPA's Chief Information  Officer (CIO) will  continue to pursue a strategy which supports a strong Agency
architecture program and investment management process as outlined by the Federal CIO Council and required by
the  Clinger-Cohen Act.  Our approach to information will allow EPA to collect and share data while making key
information, technology, and funding  decisions at an  enterprise-wide level and  strengthening the efficiency and
effectiveness of the governance structure and operations.

        The vast majority of environmental data are collected by states and tribes, not directly by EPA.  Through a
five-year partnership effort,  EPA  is working with states and tribes to develop  an internet-based Environmental
Information Exchange Network (Exchange Network). The Exchange Network is the means by which EPA and our
partners are migrating from antiquated, inaccessible, "stove pipe" data systems (or sometimes even paper systems)
to digital, high quality, integrated environmental information  systems.   These new  systems, with their "network
portals" allow multiple types of data to be exchanged  over the internet between  EPA, states, tribes, the regulated
community, and the public. The Exchange Network was conceived and designed by EPA and the states to enhance
environmental decision making at the Federal, state,  and local level.  It increases the availability of data, ensures
better data quality and accuracy, maintains security  of sensitive data, prevents avoidance of redundant data, and
reduces the burden on those who  provide and those  who access data.  It is an effort which supports both public
servants and private citizens' environmental choices.
1 Office of Management and Budget. "The President's Management Agenda." Available (or accessible) only though
the Internet: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2002/mgmt.pdf

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                   FY 2005 Annual Plan
         In addition to the value inter-governmental partnerships and environmental information exchange provide
to environmental policy making, EPA and others also benefit from the economies of scale and efficiencies which
improve the quality of services and drive down the cost of basic government functions.  The Agency's enterprise-
wide investment and planning will result in improved services beyond the institutional boundaries of EPA.  The
PMA's e-Gov efforts seek to simplify processes and unify operations to better serve citizens'  needs.  EPA will
continue  its efforts to implement this vision, and eliminate redundancies and overlap. Specific activities include
small business compliance, payroll, geospatial information, online rulemaking, and other enterprise-wide resource
Information Exchange Network
In 2005
In 2004
In 2003
              Improve the quality, comparability, and availability of environmental data for sound environmental decision-making through the
              Central Data Exchange (CDX).
Improve the quality, comparability, and availability of environmental data for sound environmental decision-making through the
Central Data Exchange (CDX).

Continued to improve data access to ensure that decision makers have access to the environmental data that EPA collects and
manages to make sound environmental decisions while minimizing the reporting burden on data providers.
Performance Measures:

States using the Central Data Exchange (CDX) to send data
to EPA.

CDX will fully support electronic data exchange
requirements for major EPA environmental systems, enabling
faster receipt, processing, and quality checking of data.

States will be able to exchange data with CDX through state
nodes in real time, using new web-based data standards that
allow for automated data-quality checking.

States, tribes, laboratories, and others will choose to use
CDX to report environmental data electronically to EPA,
taking advantage of automated data quality checks and on-
line customer support.

Customer help desk calls are resolved in a timely manner.

In preparation for increasing the exchange of information
through CDX, implement four data standards in 13 major
systems and develop four additional standards in 2003.

Number of private sector and local government entities, such
as water authorities, will use CDX to exchange
environmental data with EPA.

CDX offers online data exchange for all major national
systems by the end of FY 2004.

Number of states using CDX as the means by which they
routinely exchange environmental data with two or more
EPA media programs or Regions.
FY 2003


FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

              The Central Data Exchange program began in FY 2001.
Data Quality

In 2005        EPA increasingly uses environmental indicators to inform the public and manage for results.

In 2005        EPA will improve the quality and scope of information available to the public for environmental decision-making.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
In 2004        EPA increasingly uses environmental indicators to inform the public and manage for results.

In 2003        The public had access to a wide range of Federal, state, and local information about local enviromental conditions and features in
              an area of their choice.
Performance Measures:

Establish an improved suite of environmental indicators for
use by EPA's programs and partners in the Agency's strategic
planning and performance measurement process.

Responders to the baseline questionnaire on customer
satisfaction on the EPA Website report overall satisfaction
with their visit to EPA.GOV.

Window-to-My Environment is nationally deployed and
provides citizens across the country with Federal, state, and
local environmental information specific to an area of their

Establish the baseline for the suite of indicators that are used
by EPA's programs and partners in the Agency's strategic
planning and performance measurement process.
FY 2003


FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

              An effort to develop a State of the Environment report based on environmental indicators was initiated in FY 2002.
Information Security

In 2005        OMB reports that all EPA information systems meet/exceed established standards for security.

In 2004        OMB reports that all EPA information systems meet/exceed established standards for security.

In 2003        OMB reported that all EPA information systems meet/exceed established standards for security.

Performance Measures:

Percent compliance with criteria used by OMB to assess
Agency security programs reported annually to OMB under
Federal Information Security Management Act/Govt.
Information Security Reform Act.

Percent of intrusion detection monitoring sensors installed
and operational.
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

              In FY 2002, the Agency started planning an effort to expand and its strengthen information security infrastructure.
Agency-Wide IT Infrastructure

In 2004
              Manage Agency-wide information technology assests consistent with the Agency's multi-year strategic information resource
              management plan (Enterprise Architecture) reflecting current Agency mission priorities and resources.
Performance Measures:

Designated upgrades to technology infrastructure and
enterprise information tools occur on schedule per plan.
FY 2003

FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

              The baseline for this program is zero, as it will just begin in FY 2004.
FY 2005 Performance Measures:
         The Central Data Exchange  (CDX) will fully support  electronic data exchange  requirements  for
         major EPA environmental systems, enabling faster receipt, processing, and quality checking of data.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
        States will be able to exchange data with CDX through state nodes in real time, using new web-based
        data standards that allow for automated data-quality checking.
        Private sector, local and tribal governments, and other regulated entities, including laboratories, will
        choose to use CDX to  report  environmental  data electronically  to  EPA,  taking  advantage  of
        automated data quality checks and on-line customer support.
        Customer-help desk calls resolved in a timely fashion.

Performance Database: CDX Customer Registration Subsystem.

Data Source: Data are provided by state, private sector, local, and tribal government CDX users.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability:  All CDX users  must register before they can begin reporting to  the
system. The records of registration provide an up-to-date, accurate count of
users. Users identify themselves with several descriptors.

QA/QC Procedures: QA/QC have been performed in accordance with a CDX Quality Assurance Plan [Quality
Assurance Project Plan for the Interim Central Data Exchange System. Document number: EP005T7. Sept.  17,
2001] and the CDX Design Document v.3.  Appendix K registration procedures [Central Data Exchange Electronic
Reporting Prototype System Requirements'. Version 3; Document number: EP005S3. December 2000].  Specifically,
data are reviewed for authenticity and integrity.  There are plans to update these procedures during FY 2004 to
incorporate new technology and policy requirements.  Automated  edit checking routines  are performed  in
accordance with program specifications and CDX quality assurance guidance [Quality Assurance Project Plan for
the Interim Central Data Exchange System.  Document number: EP005T7. Sept. 17, 2001].

Data Quality Reviews: CDX successfully completed independent security risk assessment in the summer 2001.  In
addition, routine audits of CDX data collection procedures and customer service  operations are provided weekly to
CDX management and staff for review. Included in these reports are performance measures such as the number of
CDX new users, number of submissions to CDX, number of help desk calls, number of calls resolved, ranking of
errors/problems, and actions taken. These reports are reviewed and actions discussed at weekly project meetings.

Data Limitations: The CDX  system collects,  reports, and tracks performance measures on data quality and
customer service.  While its automated routines are sufficient to screen systemic problems/issues, a more detailed
assessment of data errors/problems generally requires a secondary level of analysis that takes time  and human

Error  Estimate:  CDX incorporates  a number of features to reduce errors, such as pre-populating data whenever
possible, edit checks, etc.  The possibility of an error in the number  of states  registered for CDX, e.g., double-
counting of some sort, is extremely remote (far less than 1 %).

New/Improved Performance Data or Systems: CDX coalesces the registration/submission requirements of many
different state-to-EPA, private sector-to-EPA,  and local and tribal governments-to-EPA data exchanges into a single
web-based  system. The system allows for a more  consistent and comprehensive management and performance
tracking of many different external customers. The creation of a centralized registration system, coupled with the
use of web forms and web-based approaches to submitting the data, invite opportunities to introduce automated
quality assurance procedures for the system and reduce human error.

References: CDX website (www.epa.gov/cdx).

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Establish an improved suite of environmental indicators for use by EPA's
programs and partners in the Agency's strategic planning and performance measurement process.

Performance Database: Initial collection  of indicators compiled during the drafting of EPA's  "Report on  the
Environment," supplemented by indicators currently  used  in the Agency's strategic planning and performance
measurement process (e.g., EPA's Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan, Annual Performance Report, Annual

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Operating Plan, and  National Environmental Performance Partnership Agreements), will comprise an Agency
baseline of indicators.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability: The Office of Environmental Information (OEI), the Office of Research
and Development (ORD), and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) will review the planning documents
and establish a baseline of indicators in consultation with key Agency steering committees.

QA/QC Procedures: As the baseline is established, protocols also will be developed to ensure that the data
supporting the indicators are accurate and complete.

Data Quality Reviews: To be determined and conducted once a baseline has been established.

Data Limitations: The challenge is to develop suitable indicators with sufficient data of known quality.

Error Estimate: To be determined.

New/Improved Performance Data or Systems: The baseline indicators and supporting data are in development.

References: EPA's "Draft Report on the  Environment"  and "Technical Support Document" (EPA pub. no. 260-R-
02-006).  Draft Report on the Environment Technical Document (Publication # EPA 600-R-03-050). Both Dated
June 2003

Web site: http://www.epa.gov/indicators/roe/html/roePDF.htm

FY 2005 Performance Measure:  Percent compliance with criteria used by OMB to assess Agency security
programs reported annually to OMB under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA).

Performance Database: Automated Security  Serf-Evaluation and Remediation Tracking (ASSERT) database.

Data Source: Information technology (IT) system owners in Agency Program and Regional offices.

Methods, Assumptions, and Suitability: Annual  IT security assessments are conducted using the methodology
mandated by the Office of Management  and  Budget (OMB), the National Institute  of Standards, and Technology
(NIST) Security Serf Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems.  ASSERT has  automated and web-
enabled this methodology.

QA/QC  Procedures: Automated  edit checking routines are performed in accordance with ASSERT  design
specifications to ensure answers to questions in ASSERT are consistent.  Independent evaluations are conducted on
the assessments by both the Office of Inspector General consistent with §3545 FISMA and the Chief Information
Officer's information security staff. The Agency certifies results to OMB in the annual FISMA report.

Data Quality Reviews:  Program offices are required to  develop security action  plans composed of tasks and
milestones to address security weakness.  Program offices serf-report progress toward these milestones.  EPA's
information security staff review these serf-reported data, conduct independent validation of a sample, and discuss
anomalies with the submitting office.

Data Limitations: Resources constrain the security staff's ability to validate all of the serf-reported compliance data
submitted by program systems' managers.

Error Estimate: N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References: Annual Information Security Reports to OMB:  http://intranet.epa.gov/itsecuritv/progreviews/: OMB
guidance   memorandum:     http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda/2003.html:  ASSERT  web   site:
https://cfint.rtpnc.epa.gov/assert/; NIST Special Publication 800-26, Security Self_Assessment Guide for Information

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Technology  Systems,   November  2001:     http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/index.html:   and,  Federal
Information Security Management Act, PL107-347: http://csrc.nist.gov/policies/FISMA  final.pdf.

FY 2005 Performance Measures: Responders to the baseline questionnaire on customer satisfaction on the
EPA Website report overall satisfaction with their visit to EPA.GOV. baseline levels.

Performance Database: Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

Data Source: Data are provided by customers completing the questionnaire.

Methods, Assumptions, and  Suitability: Customers visiting  the EPA's Website are given an opportunity to
provide feedback by completing a short customer satisfaction questionnaire. In an effort to maintain the objectivity
of the questionnaire results, EPA has contracted with an independent group, which specializes in hosting online
surveys, to gather and analyze data. No personal information is collected as a result of completing the survey.

QA/QC Procedures: The  EPA Website provides access to information produced by the  EPA's program and
Regional offices.  Information published on  the Website must go through a product review conducted by the
program/Region producing  the information.  Additionally, all information must adhere  to Agency Website policies
and guidance.  The customer satisfaction questionnaire database has controls in place to  prevent repeated entries.

Data Quality  Reviews: An annual EPA Website accounts audit is conducted by The Office of Environmental
Information's (OEI's) Office of Information Analysis and Access and requires EPA's program offices to review the
content and quality of their material and to re-authorize who can post to their Web area. The customer satisfaction
database is reviewed quarterly.

Data Limitations: The customer satisfaction questionnaire is voluntary.

Error Estimate:  N/A

New/Improved Data or Systems: The EPA Website was converted to a single look and feel  that provides a  more
consistent approach to presenting information on the Web. In FY 2004, to help users access the information  more
easily, and to provide information in an integrated manner, the website's search engine will be replaced.
References: EPA Web site  (www.epa.gov')


•       EPA plans to track the costs incurred for the Central Data Exchange (CDX) relative to production system,
state node, and CDX user.

•       Regarding information security, the  Agency will  measure the number of incidents that occurred  from
known threats  that should have been anticipated relative to the  number of Computer Emergency Response Team
(CERT) advisories implemented within EPA's infrastructure.


        EPA  works with  its  state partners under the State/EPA  Information Management Workgroup and the
Network Steering Board.   This workgroup has created action teams to jointly develop key information projects.
Action teams consist of EPA,  state, and Tribal members.  They are structured to result in consensus solutions to
information management  issues which affect states, tribes, and EPA,  such  as  the development and  use of
environmental data standards, and implementation of new technologies for collecting and reporting information.

        EPA also participates in multiple workgroups with  other Federal agencies including the United States
Geological  Survey (USGS), Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC),  and CIO Council.  The Agency is
actively involved with several agencies in developing government-wide e-government reforms, and continues to
participate with the Office of Homeland Security and national security agencies on homeland security. These multi-

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
agency workgroups are designed to ensure consistent implementation of standards and technologies across Federal
agencies in order to support efficient data sharing.

        EPA will  continue to coordinate with key Federal data sharing partners including the USGS, Bureau of
Indian Affairs, and the Fish and Wildlife Service as well as state and local data sharing partners in public access
information initiatives.  With respect to community-based  environmental programs, EPA coordinates with state,
Tribal, and local agencies, and with non-governmental organizations, to design and implement specific projects.

        The nature and degree of EPA's interaction with other entities varies widely, depending on the nature of the
project and the  location(s) in which it is implemented.  EPA is working closely with the FGDC and the USGS to
develop and implement the infrastructure for national spatial data. EPA is coordinating its program with other state
and Federal organizations, including the Council for Environmental Quality and the  Environmental  Council of
States, to insure that the appropriate context is represented for observed environmental and human health conditions.

        EPA will  continue to coordinate with other  Federal agencies on IT  infrastructure and security issues by
participating on the Federal CIO Council. For example, EPA (along with the Department of Labor) recently co-
chaired  a Federal  government  committee on security.  EPA will  continue to participate on the CIO  Council
committees on security, capital planning, workforce development, interoperability, and e-Gov, and will engage with
other Federal agencies in ensuring the infrastructure for homeland security.

        EPA is a leader in many areas,  such as E-dockets.  EPA has a modern well-supported system that can host
other Agencies' docket systems, thereby reducing their costs to develop or deploy such a system.  EPA will also
continue to coordinate with state agencies on IT infrastructure and security issues through state organizations such
as the National Association of State Information Resources Executives.  In addition, EPA, along with other Federal
agencies, is involved  in the OMB led  e-Gov initiatives. As part of this effort, EPA, OMB,  the  Department of
Transportation,  and ten other Federal agencies are examining the expansion of EPA's Regulatory Public Access
System, a consolidated on-line rule-making docket system providing a single point of access for all Federal rules.
EPA is also coordinating efforts with the National Archives and Records Administration on an  e-records initiative.
This effort is aimed at establishing uniform procedures, requirements, and standards for electronic record keeping of
Federal e-Gov records.


Clean Air Act and amendments
Clean Water Act and amendments
Clinger-Cohen Act
Comprehensive  Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
Computer Security  Act
Electronic Freedom of Information Act
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Act
Federal Advisory Committee Act
Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
Food Quality Protection Act
Freedom of Information Act
Government Information Security Reform Action
Government Management Reform Act
Government Performance and Results Act
Paperwork Reduction Act
Privacy Act
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Safe Drinking Water Act and amendments
Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act
Toxic Substance Control Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                           FY 2005 Annual Plan
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Program Project
Central Planning, Budgeting, and Finance
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
        Resources will  support  activities related to maintaining the highest-quality standards  for environmental
leadership and for effective internal management and fiscal responsibility of Agency resources.  Activities under this
program/project  will  support  the  management   of  integrated  planning,  budgeting,  financial  management,
performance and accountability processes and systems to ensure effective stewardship of resources. In addition, this
program/project supports a full range of national, local and specialized accounting, financial and customer services
through the Agency's four Finance Centers.

Strengthen EPA's Management

In 2005   Strengthen EPA's financial management services in support of the Agency's mission while addressing the challenges included in the
         President's Management Agenda

In 2004   Strengthen EPA's financial management services in support of the Agency's mission while addressing the challenges included in the
         President's Management Agenda

In 2003   Strengthen EPA's financial management services in support of the Agency's mission while addressing the challenges included in the
         President's Management Agenda
Performance Measures:

Agency   audited   Financial
Statements  are   timely,  and
receive an unqualified opinion.
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Financial statement
Baseline:      The Agency's audited FY 2004 Financial Statements will be submitted on time, in accordance with the new accelerated schedule,
             to OMB and receive an unqualified opinion.


Performance Measure: Agency's audited Financial Statements meet the new accelerated schedule and receive
an unqualified opinion.

Performance Database:  N/A

Data Source: OMB acknowledgement of receipt of financial statements, OIG audit report.

QA/QC Procedures: OCFO management review, OIG audit

Data Quality Review:  OIG audit. The annual financial audit opinion, rendered by  the OIG, is  a gauge of the
accuracy and fair presentation of the financial activity and financial balances of the Agency.  The unqualified
opinion is rendered by the OIG.

Data Limitations:  N/A

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan

New/Improved Data or Systems: N/A

References:  Fiscal Year 2003 EPA Annual Report


        EPA will develop and issue guidance for executive agencies to use when purchasing goods and services in
response to Executive Order 13101 to show a preference for "environmentally preferable" products and services.

        To achieve its mission, OCFO has undertaken specific coordination efforts with Federal and  state agencies
and departments through two separate vehicles: 1) the National Academy of Public Administration's Consortium on
Improving Government Performance;  2) active contributions to  standing interagency management committees,
including the Chief Financial Officers Council and the Federal Financial Managers'  Council. These groups  are
focused on improving resources management and accountability throughout the  Federal government. OCFO also
coordinates appropriately with Congress and  other Federal agencies, such as Department of Treasury, Office of
Management of Budget, and the General Accounting Office.


Annual Appropriations Act
Clinger-Cohen Act
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
Computer Security Act
E - Government Act of 2002
Electronic Freedom of Information Act
EPA's Environmental Statutes, and the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act
Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act (FAIR)
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), contract law,  and EPA's Assistance Regulations (40CFR Parts 30, 31,  35,
40, 45, 46, 47)
Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act (1982)
Freedom of Information Act
Government Management Reform Act (1994)
Improper Payments Information Act
Inspector General Act of 1978 and Amendments of 1988
Paperwork Reduction Act
Privacy Act
The Chief Financial Officers Act (1990)
The Government Performance and Results Act (1993)
The Prompt Payment Act (1982)
Title 5 United States Code

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Office of International Activities
Program Project
Homeland Security: Protection of EPA Personnel and
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Office of the Administrator
Program Project
Homeland Security: Communication and Information
Congressional, Intergovernmental, External Relations
Administrative Law
Civil Rights / Title VI Compliance
Regional Science and Technology
Science Advisory Board
Small Minority Business Assistance
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Office of the General Counsel
Program Project
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Legal Advice: Environmental Program
Legal Advice: Support Program
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
        The Office of General Counsel (OGC) and the Offices of Regional Counsel (ORCs) will provide legal
representational services,  legal counseling, and legal support for all Agency environmental activities and for all
activities necessary for the operation of the Agency. Additionally, these resources are used by the OGC to provide
environmental Alternative Dispute Resolution services.

Office of the Inspector General
Program Project
Audits, Evaluations, and Investigations
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
        All Office of the Inspector General  (OIG) work is  planned based on  the  anticipated value  toward
influencing resolution of the Agency's  major management challenges, reducing risk, improving practices  and
program operations, and saving taxpayer dollars while leading to the attainment of EPA's Strategic Goals. Our
strategic plan aligns OIG products and services with current Agency goals and priorities based upon emerging
issues, legislative initiatives, needs of various customers, clients and stakeholders, and multiple dynamic  external
Fraud Detection and Deterrence

In 2005     In 2005, the OIG will improve Agency business and operations by identifying 240 recommendations,
            potential savings and recoveries equal to 200 percent of the annual investment in the OIG, 102 actions
            for better business operations, and 80 criminal, civil, or administrative actions reducing risk or loss of

In 2004     In 2004, the OIG will improve Agency business and operations by identifying 240 recommendations,
            contributing to potential savings and recoveries equal to 150 percent of the annual investment  in the
            OIG,  100  actions for greater efficiency and effectiveness,  and 80 criminal,  civil, or administrative
            actions reducing the risk of loss or integrity.

In 2003     In the Annual Performance Report, our results for APG 2 were combined with the results for APG 1.

Performance Measures:

Number  of improved  business  practices and

Number  of criminal, civil,  and  administrative

Number of business recommendations, risks, and
best practices identified.

Return on the  annual  dollar investment  in the
FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.
Baseline:    In FY 2002, the OIG established a baseline of 150 business recommendations, 70 improved business
            practices, and 50 criminal, civil, and administrative actions for improving Agency management; and a
            100% potential dollar return on the investment in the OIG from savings and recoveries.

Audit and Advisory Services

In 2005     In 2005, the OIG will contribute to improved environmental quality and human health by identifying
            95  environmental recommendations, best practices,  risks,  or opportunities  for improvement;
            contributing to the reduction or elimination of 23 environmental or infrastructure security risks; and 45
            actions influencing environmental improvements or program changes.

In 2004     In 2004,  the  OIG  will improve environmental quality and  human  health by identifying 80
            recommendations,  risks,  or best practices;  contributing to  the reduction or  elimination of 18
            environmental risks; and 42  actions influencing positive environmental or health impacts.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
In 2003     Improve environmental quality and human health by identifying 48 environmental recommendations,
            risks,  and best practices; contributing  to the reduction of 9  environmental risks, and 47  actions
            influencing positive environmental or health impacts.

Performance Measures:

Number of environmental risks reduced.              9          18          23       Risks

Number of environmental actions.                  47          42          45       Improvements

Number  of  environmental  recommendations,     48          80          95       Recommendations
risks, and best practices identified.
FY 2003

FY 2004
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

Baseline:  In FY 2002, the OIG established a baseline of: 75 recommendations, best practices and risks identified
contributing to improved  Agency  environmental  goals;  15  environmental actions; and the  reduction of  15
environmental  risks.   The FY 2004   performance measure  targets for environmental measures were revised
downward due to actual experience gained within the past year.

FY 2005 Performance Measures:  Number of actions taken for environmental improvement, reductions in
environmental risks, and recommendations made for environmental improvement.  Number of actions taken
for improvement in business practices, criminal/civil/administrative  actions, potential dollar  return, and
recommendations made for improved business practices.

Performance Database: The OIG Performance Measurement and Results System is used to capture and aggregate
information  on an array  of measures in a logic  model format,  linking immediate  outputs with longer  term
intermediate outcomes and results.  Because intermediate and long-term  results may not be  realized for several
years, only verifiable results are reported in the year completed, while others remain prospective until completed and
verified.  Database measures  include  numbers  of:l)  recommendations  for  environmental and  management
improvement; 2) legislative, regulatory policy,  directive, or process changes; 3) environmental and integrity  risks
identified, reduced or eliminated; 4) best practices  identified and transferred; 5) examples  of environmental and
management improvements; and 6) monetary value of funds questioned, saved, fined or recovered.

Data Source: Designated OIG staff enter data into the system. Data are from OIG performance evaluations, audits,
research, court records  and from  EPA documents,  data systems  and  reports that track  environmental  and
management actions or improvements made, risks reduced or avoided. OIG also collects  independent data  from
EPA's partners and stakeholders.

Methods, Assumptions and Suitability:  OIG  performance results are a chain of linked events, starting with OIG
outputs (e.g., recommendations, reports of best  practices and identification of risks). The subsequent actions taken
by  EPA or its  stakeholders/partners,  as a result of OIG's outputs, to  improve operational  efficiency  and
environmental program delivery are  reported as intermediate outcomes. The resulting  improvements in operational
efficiency, risks reduced/eliminated, and conditions  of environmental  and human health are  reported as outcomes.
By  using common categories of performance measures, quantitative  results can be  summed and reported. Each
outcome  is also qualitatively described, supported and linked to an OIG product or output.  The OIG can only
control its outputs, and has no authority, beyond its influence, to implement  its recommendations.

QA/QC Procedures: All performance data submitted to the database require at least one verifiable source assuring
data accuracy and reliability. Data quality assurance and control are performed as an extension of OIG products and
services,  subject to rigorous compliance with the Government Auditing Standards of the Comptroller General, and
regularly reviewed by OIG management, an independent OIG Management Assessment Review Team, and external

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
independent peer reviews.  The statutory mission of the OIG is to independently evaluate the integrity of Agency
operations and reporting systems. The OIG has also issued its own data quality policy and procedures.

Data Quality Reviews:  There have not been any previous audit findings or reports by external groups on data or
database weaknesses in the OIG Performance Measurement and Results System.

Data Limitations:  All OIG staff are responsible for data accuracy in their products and services.  However, there
is a  possibility of incomplete,  miscoded, or missing data  in the system due to human  error or time lags. Data
supporting achievement of results are often from indirect or external sources, with their own methods or standards
for data verification/validation.

Error Estimate:  The error rate  for outputs is  estimated at +1-5%, while the error rate  for reported outcomes is
estimated to be at least +/-10%.

New/Improved Data or Systems:  The OIG developed the Performance Measurement  and Results System as a
prototype in FY 2001 and anticipates replacing it in FY 2004 with a more sophisticated system designed to integrate
data  collection, and analysis. We also expect the  quality of the data to improve as staff gains greater familiarity with
the system and measures. This system is a best practice in government for linking an array  of measures from outputs
to eventual results and  impacts.  With enhanced linkages to customer satisfaction results and resource investments, it
will provide a full balanced scorecard with return on investment information for accountability and decision-making.

References: All OIG  non-restricted performance results are referenced in the OIG Performance Measurement and
Results  System with  supporting  documentation available either through the OIG Web  Site or other  Agency
databases. The OIG Web Site is www.epa.gov/oigearth.
Coordination with Other Agencies

        The EPA Inspector General is a member of the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE), an
organization comprised of Federal Inspectors General (IG).  The PCIE  coordinates and improves the way  IGs
conduct audits and investigations, and completes projects of government-wide interest. The EPA IG chairs the
PCIE's Environmental Consortium, GPRA Roundtable, and Human Resources Committee.  The Consortium, which
seeks effective solutions to cross-cutting environmental issues, currently includes representatives from 19 executive
agencies and  GAO.  The OIG  Computer Crimes  Unit coordinates activities  with other law enforcement
organizations that have computer crimes units such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the  Secret Service,  and
the Department  of Justice.  In addition, the OIG participates with  various inter-governmental audit forums,
professional associations, and other cross-governmental forums to exchange information, share best practices,  and
directly  collaborate efforts.

Statutory Authorities

Chief Financial Officers Act
Comprehensive Environmental Response,  Compensation and Liability Act
Federal Financial Management Improvement Act
Federal Information Security Management Act
Food Quality Protection Act
Government Management Reform Act
Inspector General Act, as amended
Reports  Consolidation Act
Single Audit Act

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                          Special Analysis

        In FY 2003 EPA strengthened its ability to
achieve environmental and human health results by
addressing its major management challenges.  For the
second  year,   the  Agency  reported  no  material
weaknesses  under the Federal Managers Financial
Integrity Act (Integrity Act).1  EPA also resolved in
FY 2003 almost one third of its less severe, internal
Agency weaknesses tracked by the  Administrator.
To identify management issues and monitor progress
in  addressing  them,  Agency  senior leaders use  a
system  of  activities  that  includes:   internal  and
independent   reviews,   program   evaluation   and
measurement;  audits by the  General  Accounting
Office (GAO) and EPA's Office of Inspector General
(OIG); and input from the Office of Management and
Budget  (OMB).  These efforts ensure that program
activities  are  effectively carried  out in  accordance
with applicable laws and sound management policy,
and provide  reasonable  assurance that Agency
resources are  protected against fraud, waste, abuse
and mismanagement.

        In FY 2003 OMB recognized EPA's success
in correcting material weaknesses, which contributed
to the Agency achievement of a "green" status score
in Improved Financial Performance,  a key initiative
of the President's Management Agenda.2  Following
are brief descriptions  and  summaries  on  efforts
underway to  address  the  management  challenges
facing the Agency.

Challenges    in   Addressing  the  Air  Toxics
Regulatory/Residual Risk Program

        While EPA has made  substantial progress in
issuing  Phase 1 air toxics standards, it was over two
years behind in fulfilling statutory responsibilities.
From FY 2001 to FY 2003, this  issue has been an
Integrity Act  weakness,  and from FY 2002  to  FY
2003 an OIG management challenge.
        EPA  has  made  significant progress  in
correcting the Agency  level weakness on Meeting
Statutory    Deadlines   for    the    Air   Toxics
Regulatory/Residual Risk Program.   Based on this
progress, the Agency is on target to complete all of
its    10-year    Maximum   Achievable    Control
Technology  (MACT)  standards by  February  27,
2004.3  In addition  to  strengthening the  air toxics
program to prevent  further delays in issuing  the
MACT,  EPA   has   developed  a   comprehensive,
integrated air toxics program that better meets long
term goals by addressing risks from  all  sources of
toxics—major, area, mobile and indoor sources. The
Agency continues to shift the emphasis  of its  air
toxics   program  to  a  risk-based  approach that
addresses specific needs of the various categories of
residual risk and their special handling in the Clean
Air  Act.    EPA  is developing  site-specific risk
assessment guidance4 that will allow a  facility to
demonstrate whether the health risks it poses to the
surrounding community are low enough to comply
with the residual risk standards.  The Agency is also
continuing to analyze the risk of the remaining 2-,  4-,
and  7-year MACT source categories.  As part of the
effort to address concerns about data gaps for toxicity
and different data collection and analysis methods,
EPA is  also developing  an efficiency measure on the
cause-and-effect relationships between the air toxics
program and changes in environmental conditions or
cancer  incidence.    In  addition,  the Agency  is
strengthening its sound  scientific foundation for  an
effective risk-based program. This year, the Science
Advisory Board  (SAB) completed an external review
of the Agency's air toxics research strategy5  EPA is
also  working with state  and local agencies in a joint
Air Toxics Monitoring Steering Committee to design
a national toxics monitoring network.   The SAB has
expressed clear support to the Agency's approach for
developing this  capacity through monitoring  pilots
carried  out  under  the sponsorship  of  the joint
committee.  The data analysis phase  of the  initial
assessment work, reflected  in  a 10-city  air toxics
1  Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982, Public
Law 97-255 (September 8, 1982).
2  Office of Management and Budget, The Executive Office
of the President, Federal Management, The President's
Management Agenda. Available at
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budintegration/pma  index
  U.S. EPA, National Emission Standards for Hazardous
Air Pollutants. Available at
4 Air Toxics Website - http://www.epa. go v/ttn/atw/.

5 Science Advisory Board Website -

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
monitoring  pilot project,  was  completed  in mid-
2003.6  Data from this effort is helping to complete
the design  of  a network for a national air toxics
characterization in FY  2004.  While EPA works to
develop better indicators of air toxic risk reduction, it
continues to effectively reduce air toxics, which since
1990 have been reduced by  1.5 million tons per year,
a 34%  reduction7   When  all the MACT rules  are
fully implemented, in addition to efforts by states and
industry,  toxic  emissbns  from   large  industrial
facilities will decrease by  1.7 million tons per year or
63% from 1990-1993 baseline levels.8

Reduce   the   Backlog   of  National  Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits 9

        Expired NPDES permits might not reflect
the most recent applicable effluent guidelines, water
quality  standards, or Total Maximum Daily Loads
posing  a threat to  the  environment.   Necessary
improvements  in water quality  could be delayed if
high-quality permits are not issued timely. From FY
2001 to FY  2003 this issue has been an Integrity  Act
weakness and an OIG management challenge.

        EPA's strategy for improving the  program
has significantly reduced the backlog.  84 percent of
major facilities have current permits (63 percent of
the targeted reduction).   82 percent  of individual
minor facilities have current permits (79 percent of
the targeted reduction).  When facilities covered by
non-storm water general permits are included in the
count of minors, 85  percent have current permits (87
percent of the targeted reduction).
        In  addition to significantly  reducing  the
backlog,  EPA  is   continuing  to   improve  permit
6 Technology Transfer Website -
http: //www. epa. go v/ttn/amtic/
7 U.S. EPA, Office of Air and Radiation. Analysis based
on emission projections using the EMS-HAP version 2
model and the 2000 version of the 1990/1993 baseline
inventory. EMS-HAP available at
http://www.epa.gov/scramQ01/tt22.htmtfaspen.  Projection-
related inputs available at
8 U.S. EPA, Office of Air and Radiation. Analysis based
on emission projections using the EMS-HAP version 2
model and the 2000 version of the 1990/1993 baseline
inventory. EMS-HAP available at
http://www.epa.gov/scram001/tt22.htmtfaspen.  Projection-
related inputs available at
9 U.S. EPA, Office of Water, National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES), Backlog Reduction.
Available at
efficiency  and  quality.   EPA's  recently  revised
strategy  includes  increased  focus  on:  effective
prioritization  of permits for environmental  Esults,
stronger NPDES  program  integrity,  and increased
efficiency through permit streamlining. To prioritize
permits,  in FY 2003, EPA pilot tested the use  of a
permit prioritization checklist  and is  working  with
regions  and  states  to finalize  it.    EPA  is  also
reviewing   permit  data  quality,  increasing  the
percentage of permit records with locational data to
better  characterize the  environmental impact,  and
modernizing PCS for  anticipated implementation in
FY 2006.  To strengthen NPDES program integrity,
EPA is holding regular training courses for permit
writers,  and  working  with regions  and states to
develop   and   pilot  quality   management   tools,
including  regional   and  state   self  assessments,
quarterly trend  reports,  and state NPDES program
profiles.  As part of the effort to increase efficiency,
the Agency is bundling lower priority permits in a
streamlined  process,  facilitating   watershed-based
permitting approaches, encouraging use  of  general
permits,  and developing  and distributing  electronic
permit application and permit writing tools. In 2003,
EPA  also  made available,  through  the internet,
scanned  copies of major permits and fact sheets. The
web-accessible   permits   improve    access   to
information,  provide  models  and  improve  data

Management of Biosolids

         OIG  raised concerns regarding the scientific
studies regarding risk  and the  resources  devoted to
implementing  the biosolids program.  From FY  2002
to FY 2003 this issue  has been an OIG management

         EPA   continues  to  meet  its  statutory
obligations  under  the  Clean  Water  Act  (CWA)
pertaining  to  sewage sludge  while  it  addresses
concerns about  the adequacy of the sewage sludge
rule, significantly expands biosolids-related research,
and continues to actively  address biosolids violations
and  enforce  safe land-application  of biosolids to
prevent  risk to  human health  or the  environment.
EPA set into motion an inclusive process to address
concerns by establishing  an intra-Agency committee
to develop a draft Agency  response  to National
Research Council (NRC) 2002 recommendations for
additional research.10  In April 2003 EPA published
10  National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life
Studies, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology,
Biosolids Applied to Land: Advancing Standards and
Practices (2002). Available at

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
its draft response in the Federal Register for public
comment.11  and  announced  its final  response and
strategy in the Federal Register on December 31,
2003.    The  December 31,  Federal Register  notice
also  included the  final  decision  on  identifying
additional pollutants in biosolids that may warrant
further regulation §405(d)(2)(C) of the CWA.  It
describes  a multi-pathway screening  risk analysis
from  which EPA identified 15 pollutants for further
evaluation and data  gathering to determine whether
they may warrant regulation under the CWA.

        On October 17, 2003, EPA announced  its
final decision  not to regulate  dioxins in land applied
sewage sludge.13   This decision was based on the
results  of  a   peer  reviewed multi-pathway  risk
assessment  that  took   five  years  to  develop  and
finalize.    The  results  of   this   risk  assessment
demonstrated  that the  risk is small  of new cancers
from  exposure  to  dioxins  for a  highly  exposed
population of  farm families that use sewage sludge
on their farms as a  fertilizer and soil amendment.
EPA  also evaluated the potential risks  to wildlife
from  exposure to dioxins from land applied sewage
sludge.  The results  of this evaluation  indicated that
there are no significant ecological impacts.

        EPA  is undertaking  research  and analyses
initiatives  to  improve  and   expand  its  scientific
understanding  and  management of  the  biosolids
program.   In addition, EPA has taken actions to
address biosolids violations and will continue to take
actions to address instances where biosolids pose an
endangerment to  human health or the  environment.
From FY  1995 to FY2002 EPA undertook over 500
enforcement actions, and from FY 2000  to FY 2002
conducted approximately 380 inspections.14 To assist
the states  and  regions in  their  oversight  of  the
biosolids program, EPA has, either in place  or in
development, tools to assist and promote compliance
with biosolids regulatory requirements.  For example,
the Agency recently developed revised guidance and
training on NPDES inspections, including biosolids.15
EPA  is also continuing to work with  states  as it
modernizes the Permit  Compliance  System (PCS) to
allow for more effective program oversight. As part
of the  PCS  modernization, a  separate workgroup
(including states and EPA) was devoted to the data
needed  to  manage the biosolids program.16   The
anticipated implementation date for the modernized
PCS is December 2005.  In addition to this national
system, states and  facilities may choose to use the
Biosolids Data Management System (BDMS) as  an
additional management tool.

        EPA also has been working closely with the
National Biosolids  Partnership to develop  and pilot
test a voluntary system for biosolids which seeks to
enhance biosolids  management  from  pretreatment
through   processing  and   ultimate   disposition.
Currently   there    are  62   wastewater   treatment
authorities  in  the  EMS  and  EMS development
program.  At the end of Calendar 2003, the first two
authorities, Orange County, California and the City
of Los Angeles California attained EMS status with
the awarding of EMS certificates by the  National
Biosolids Partnership.   The  Agency  has also been
actively coordinating with states and regions through
a  cross-office  Biosolids  Program  Implementation
Team.  EPA also continues to conduct state of the
biosolids workshops.  The Agency  held the most
recent conference  on the  "State  of Science for the
Land Application of Biosolids" in January, 2004.  In
cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture
and many other stakeholders, EPA plans to conduct
field studies  at selected locations to assess potential
emissions of certain chemical and microbial agents
from biosolids land-application sites.

EPA's Working Relationships with States

        The  National Environmental Performance
Partnership System  (NEPPS)17 established working
EPA-state  partnerships designed to  focus  scarce
resources on priority environmental problems.  Under
NEPPS, jointly-developed priorities, strategies, and
measures  for assessing progress are  articulated in
performance    partnership   agreements   (PPAs).
Performance  partnership  grants (PPGs),18 a primary
tool  for implementing NEPPS,  allow  states  and
Tribes to combine multiple EPA grants into  one grant
directed to their needs and priorities.  FromFY 2001
1'  Federal Register, April 9, 2003 at 68 Federal Register
12  Federal Register, December 31, 2003 at 68 Federal Register 75531-75552
13  Federal Register, October 24, 2003 at 68 Federal
Register 61084-61096.
14  U.S. EPA, Office of Enforcement and Compliance
Assurance, Permit Compliance System (PCS) database.
15  U.S. EPA, Office of Enforcement and Compliance
Assurance, Clean Water Act/NPDES Computer Based
Inspector Training CD ROM, August, 2003.
16  U.S. EPA, Office of Enforcement and Compliance
Assurance, ICIS Phase II, Permit Compliance System
Modernization, Final Design Document, September, 2003.
17  U.S. EPA, Office of Congressional and
Intergovernmental Relations, Performance Partnership.
Available at http: //www. epa. gov/ocirpage/nepps/index.htm
18  U.S. EPA, Office of Congressional and
Intergovernmental Relations, Performance Partnership.
Available at http: //www. epa. go v/ocirpage/nepps/index.htm

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
to FY 2003, NEPPS implementation has been a GAO
or OIG major management challenge.

        The  Agency   continues   its   long-term
commitment to  working  with  state  agencies  to
improve  management  of national environmental
programs and promote implementation of NEPPS.  A
joint EPA-Environmental Council of States (ECOS)
workgroup was established in the spring of 2003  to
further  advance  joint  planning and  performance
partnerships. After a series of working sessions, EPA
and state leaders agreed to better align E?A national,
regional, and state planning processes and facilitate
more meaningful joint priority setting.  To strengthen
the role of PPAs as the defining document for the
state-EPA  partnership,  they  also  agreed  upon the
essential elements of PPAs.   Implementation will
begin in 2004, with particular focus on piloting the
improved processes with a subset of states that have
expressed an interest and commitment to participate
during the FY 2005 planning cycle.  The EPA-ECOS
workgroup will monitor the  initial  effort  to ensure
continuous improvement.

        The  Performance   Partnership   Steering
Committee comprised of senior  leaders from  across
EPA, meets periodically to provide  overall direction
and  resolve policy  issues  related to  improving
performance partnerships.   Responding to a  major
need identified  during a joint EPA-state meeting on
PPGs in  January  2003,  EPA  developed a PPG
training course  that was delivered to EPA and state
officials in a series of workshops across the country
during the  year.   In FY 2004,  EPA will focus on
addressing  issues  raised during the training sessions.
These  issues  include  timing  of  grants, use   of
carryover  funds,  joint  evaluation, and  mitigating
conflicts between performance partnership  principles
and  categorical  grants guidance.   Regional and
program  office  NEPPS coordinators hold  regular
conference  calls  to  share  experiences and  discuss
issues, and the  Agency  continues periodic reporting
on the status of PPAs and PPGs to keep the  states,
Congress,   and  other  stakeholders  and  partners
informed.    With these activities  serving   as the
foundation for further progress, EPA is committed  to
continuing  training,  working group sessions, joint
reviews, and developing and implementing a strategy
to market the successes and benefits of performance

Information System Security

        EPA continues to improve  the management
and  oversight of  the Agency  information security
program with the  development and implementation
of effective information security tools and  processes
that mitigate risks to the Agency's data and systems.
From FY 2001 to FY  2003 this topic has been an
Integrity  Act   weakness,  and   GAO  or   OIG
management challenge.

        EPA  has  successfully  demonstrated  and
maintained a high level of security for its information
resources and environmental data.  In FY 2002, the
Agency  developed  and  began   implementing   a
comprehensive  strategy  to systematically  address
security-related deficiencies in accordance with the
Government Information Security Reform Act,19 and
in F Y 2003, the Agency validated the effectiveness of
these corrective  actions.  The corrective  actions
include ensuring annual security self-assessments of
Agency   general   support   systems   and   major
applications in  accordance with Federal  Information
Security  Management  Act20  and relevant OMB
directives;  conducting  in-depth analyses of  Capital
Planning  and  Investment Control system security
plans to  determine  that the  controls provide the
anticipated  protections;   ensuring   regular   risk
assessments and follow-up on major applications and
general   support   systems;   monitoring   Agency
networked computer servers  for  compliance  with
security standards and  sending quarterly reports to
senior officials  summarizing their compliance status;
conducting internal and external network penetration
testing; and monitoring EPA's  firewall and intrusion
detection system to ensure  security of the Agency's
cyber perimeter.

        EPA plans to  sustain information security
improvements  through consistent security  control
implementation,  ongoing  evaluation,  and  regular
testing to ensure that the policies and procedures are
effective.   In FY  2004,  the Agency will focus on
establishing a  robust  quality  assurance program,
improving the security training program for staff with
significant   security    responsibilities,   ensuring
contingency plans are  updated,  and establishing  a
process to ensure  that  the Agency's  information
security practices  are  implemented throughout the
life cycle of information technology systems.

Information  Resources Management  (TRM)  and
Data  Quality/Environmental and  Performance
Information Management

        To acquire, manage, and deliver the data the
Agency  needs  to make  decisions  and  monitor
19 FY 2001 Defense Authorization Act, Public Law 106-
398, Title X, Subtitle G.
20 FY 2003 Electronic Government Act, Public Law 107-
347, Title III.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                                                                                     FY 2005 Annual Plan
progress against environmental goals, EPA continues
to improve data management and use  by providing
tools  and  planning  processes  for effective  data
sharing, data integration,  and identification of key
data gaps.  From FY 2001 to FY 2003  this issue has
been an Integrity Act weakness and a GAO and OIG
management challenge.

        EPA's progress includes completion of the
EPA Strategic Information Plan, A Framework for
the Future'?1   promulgation  of  six  Reinventing
Environmental    Information    data    standards;
development  of the Data Architecture,  a component
of  the  Agency  Enterprise  Architecture  (EA);
development  of the draft  Data and Information
Quality Strategic Plan;14 completion of a second set
of six new data standards;  and improvement of data
collection  processes  through  the  Central  Data
Exchange.    EPA is working with the states and
tribes,  through  the  Environmental Data Standards
Council, to develop data standards for  the exchange
of environmental data.  To facilitate data standard
implementation, EPA has established technical  and
business guidelines  for  the use  of  standard  data
elements,   and   is  providing  technical  assistance.
Building on  the  FY  2003  Draft Report on  the
Environment?6  EPA is continuing the Environmental
Indicators Initiative,  a long-term effort to work with
stakeholders,  partners and the public to identify  and
fill key data gaps.

        All  EPA  organizations  have  approved
Quality  Management Plans, and are  focusing  on
implementing and integrating quality procedures into
business practices. During 2004,  EPA  will continue
its  efforts  with  states  and tribes to  develop  the
National   Environmental   Information  Exchange
21 EPA Strategic Information Plan: A Frame-work for the
Future. Available at
www.epa.gov/oei/pdf/Strategic Information Plan 7 29 0
22 U.S. EPA, Environmental Data Registry. Available at
23 U.S. EPA, DRAFT Data and Information Quality
Strategic Plan (January 2002). Available from the Office
of Environmental Information's Office of Planning,
Resources, and Outreach.
24 U.S. EPA, EPA Enterprise Architecture, Version 1.0
(January 2003).  Available from the Office of
Environmental Information's Office of Technology and
Operations Planning.
25 U.S. EPA, Central Data Exchange. Available at
26 U.S. EPA Draft Report on the Environment 2003 (EPA-
260-R-02-006, June 2003), available at
Network, a web-based system that enables electronic
data  exchanges  that  improve  data  quality  and
timeliness,  reduce burden  and  costs, and improve
public access.  The Agency plans for at least 25 states
to have Exchange servers by the end of FY 2004.

        EPA  efforts  to improve   oversight  and
management of Agency  laboratory quality systems
include  developing a web site of best  practices of
laboratory policies, procedures, tools and training to
improve capacity to produce quality  environmental
data.    The  Agency's  Forum on   Environmental
Measurements (FEM)  developed a draft policy to
ensure and demonstrate the  competency of Agency
laboratories.  The draft policy,  currently undergoing
Science Policy  Council  review,  requires  Agency
laboratories to become accredited and participate in
inter-laboratory comparison studies  to  demonstrate
continuing  competency.   The  draft  policy   also
mandates assessments  by external organizations or
assessors in cases  where appropriate  accreditation
programs do not exist.

Making Regulatory Innovations Successful27

        EPA  has invested  considerable  time and
resources  to  "reinvent"  environmental regulations
within the existing statutory framework, but  GAO is
concerned that EPA must address statutory obstacles
in  order  for  innovative regulatory programs to
succeed.   In  FY 2002  and  FY  2003,  regulatory
reinvention has been  a GAO  major  management

        EPA is committed to  continue testing  and
implementing  innovative  approaches  to  achieve
environmental results.  This continued  commitment
allows progress to occur in the near  term, while
gaining  experience in how new legislative authority
could address impediments without undermining the
benefits  of   today's  environmental  statutes  or
sacrificing  important  safeguards  in the Nation's
environmental protection system.   In  2003,  EPA
continued  and enhanced  its  robust  approach to
regulatory innovation.  For example,  EPA has been
instrumental in its facilitation of the  transfer of the
Environmental Results Program (ERP), an innovation
model originated  in  Massachusetts self-certification
innovation launched in the late 1990's, to other states
and environmental problem areas. ERP interlinks the
three  components of  compliance  assistance,  self-
certification and  performance measurement.   ERP
                                                         27 U.S. EPA National Center for Environmental
                                                         Innovation. Available athttp://www.epa.gov/innovation.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                             FY 2005 Annual Plan
compliance assistance  brings together all regulatory
requirements   and    pollution   prevention    best
management   practices   in   a   "plain  English"
workbook.  Facility self-certification can be single or
multimedia based and  is prepared in a user friendly
format.  ERP performance measurement is based on
statistically  valid  inspection  protocols  and allows
tracking whole business sectors  as  well  individual
facilities.  The three components are interlinked so
workbook sections relate directly  to self-certification
questions  and inspection protocols for performance
measurement  and  tracking.    The  Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection (MA DEP)
has found  that  ERP reduces  cost  and burden for
regulators and regulated entities.  MA DEP estimates
that ERP has resulted  in dry cleaners reducing their
perchloroethyane emissions by 22 tons, and printers
their volatile organic compound emissions by 4 tons.
Also, underground storage tanks ERP  projects are
being implemented in several states as well as other
small-business dominated sectors.

        EPA   continues   to   work    with   the
Environmental  Council  of the  States  (EGOS) to
improve  the  EPA  processes  needed  to  create
regulatory flexibility  for state innovation projects.
For example, EPA and EGOS are developing a Joint
Workplan designed to align EPA and state innovation
efforts  so   they   address   the   same  priority
environmental problems, leveraging the combined
efforts of EPA and the states, and driving innovation
into core state environmental programs.  EPA also
successfully  piloted  a  state  innovation   grant
competition and awarded  several  state grants to
provide seed money  to  the state-initiated projects.
Based on an independent evaluation of the first-year
innovation competition, the Agency is expanding this
state  innovation  funding  idea.     The   second
solicitation was  issued  in  October  2003  and  is
targeted at priorities identified in consultation with
states and other stakeholders.  This kind of program,
and  the  discussion between  state  environmental
commissioners   and  EPA  senior  leadership,  can
inform the legislative process, and potentially support
a clearer understanding  of how specific legislative
provisions could be designed to overcome perceived
barriers in existing statutes.  The greatest potential
and anticipated  benefit  of this innovation work  $
effectively    taking    lessons   learned   during
experimental pilots and applying them to our national
and   state  programs,   and   potentially  making
regulatory change. EPA  is working with the states in
the grant program to measure and evaluate the results
of the state pilots.  EPA describes a specific strategic
target for the State Innovation Grant Program in the
Agency's  Strategic Plan for 2003-2008 to measure
improvement in environmental protection resulting
from   alternative  approaches   to  environmental
Implementation/Employee Competencies

        EPA recognizes the importance  of placing
the right people, with the  appropriate skills, where
they are needed.  The Agency needs a  systematic
approach  to  workforce   planning,  supported  by
reliable and valid workforce  data, and should focus
on sustaining adequate scientific expertise.  From FY
2001 to FY 2003 this issue has been an Integrity Act
weakness,  and  a   GAO  and  OIG management

        EPA  made  significant  progress  toward
addressing  this  weakness    and  achieving  the
President's  Management  Agenda  (PMA) Human
Capital initiative.   EPA  received  green progress
scores for five of six quarters28 The Agency aligned
its human capital planning activities  with strategic
planning and budgeting processes.  EPA has issued a
new Strategy for Human Capital, Investing in Our
People II, 2004 and Beyond2 to build on a history of
solid  accomplishments  and chart the course for the
future.  The Strategy identifies  80 specific action
items for  FY 2004 that set the stage  for achieving
Human Capital excellence  and for attaining a green
status  score  in  the  Human  Capital portion of the
PMA.  Some of those action items include:
I.       Implementing     the
Strategic  Workforce  Planning
which links competencies to mission needs
along major occupations, and will provide
managers with a tool to inventory workforce
competencies  and project future  needs to
identify skill gaps.
II.      Continuing   to   offer   successful
developmental  programs  that  address the
28 U. S. Executive Office of the President. "The President's
Management Agenda." Washington, DC: Available only
on the Internet at:
29 U.S. EPA, Office of Administration and Resources
Management. "Strategy for Human Capital, Investing in
Our People II, 2004 and Beyond." Washington, DC: EPA.
Available only on the Intranet at:
30  U. S. EPA, Office of Administration and Resources
Management. "National Strategic Workforce Planning
System." Washington, DC: EPA. Available only on the
intranet at:

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
        needs of all employees from administrative
        personnel to executive leadership.
        III.     Assessing the effectiveness of the
        Workforce     Development      Strategy31
        programs, by  conducting several program
        evaluations  and making enhancements  as
        indicated  by  these  evaluations.    These
        evaluations will serve as a "test bed" for  an
        evaluation methodology that will be applied
        to other human capital initiatives.
        IV.     Providing   greater   support   for
        national    recruitment    initiatives    and
        developing  a  coordinated   approach   to
        Agency-wide  recruitment  and   outreach

        To ensure that the Agency's Human Capital
activities support  the agency  mission and  are being
effectively  conducted,  EPA  is  implementing   a
Human Capital Accountability Plan.

Protecting  Critical  Infrastructure   from   Non-
Traditional Attacks

         While EPA's  efforts to enhance critical
infrastructure  protection  are  commendable,  EPA
needs  to  better  define  expectations   and develop
systems to  effectively measure and analyze program
performance to ensure the desired state of security
and achieve its goals.  This issue has been an OIG
management challenge since FY 2002.

        EPA   made   significant   progress    in
implementing   the  Agency's  Homeland  Security
Strategic  Plan^2  a  comprehensive   approach   to
carrying out EPA's responsibilities in responding  to
and recovering from acts of environmental and other
terrorists attacks.  In FY 2003, EPA established  an
Office of Homeland Security  (OHS)  as  the lead
office for ensuring implementation of the Homeland
Security  Strategic  Plan,  coordinating   homeland
security policy development across EPA, and serving
as  primary liaison  with  senior  officials in the
Department of Homeland Security and other Federal
agencies with responsibilities  for homeland security.
The Homeland Security Strategic Plan was updated
and is currently undergoing a quality control review.
31  U. S. EPA Office of Administration and Resources
Management. "Workforce Development Strategy."
Washington, DC: EPA. Available only on the Intranet at:
32  U.S. EPA Strategic Plan for Homeland Security.
Available at
curitv strategic plan.pdf
EPA plans to release the updated Plan during  the
second quarter of FY 2004.

        EPA responded to requests for information
and  reports  from the  White  House  Homeland
Security Council, Department of Homeland Security,
White  House  Office  of Management  and Budget,
General Accounting Office, Congress, and members
of the public.  The Agency  is also developing a
homeland security information management system.

        EPA is working to complete a number of
inter- and intra-agency efforts related to homeland
security, including  critical infrastructure, bio-defense,
and laboratory capacity.  In addition,  EPA convened
a   Homeland   Security    Policy    Coordinating
Committee,  and is working  with senior  staff to
develop  and   resolve  homeland  security   policy
priorities at EPA.  EPA also formed a working group
to explore issues associated with the management and
analysis of national security  information and other
sensitive information.    The group completed a
program review during the first quarter of FY 2004,
and   EPA   is   currently   reviewing   proposed
recommendations.    EPA's  plans  to  implement
accepted recommendations  should  begin during the
second quarter of FY 2004.

Linking Mission and Management

        OIG   believes  that  EPA  has   begun
developing the  process  for  linking resources to
results, but needs to strengthen its ability to link costs
to goals by working cooperatively with its State and
Federal agency partners to develop more outcome-
oriented  goals and  measures, and  by  improving
Agency accounting procedures.  This issue has been
an OIG management challenge from FY 2001 to FY

        EPA's sustained  focus on  improving  the
way  the Agency manages for results and uses cost
and performance information in decision making has
resulted  in  government-wide recognition  for  the
Agency's achievements in Budget  and Performance
Integration  under  the  President's   Management
Agenda.  The Agency's accomplishments in FY 2003
include the following:  (1)  revising EPA's strategic
plan to  include five outcome-oriented  goals  and
supporting  objectives and sub-objectives that have
clear linkages  with the work  of regions, states,  and
tribes;  (2) developing Regional Plans as a common
framework for linking EPA's Regional priorities to
the Agency's five  strategic goals; (3) increasing the
use of annual performance information and trend data
in  developing the  FY  2005  budget;  and   (4)
developing    more    outcome-oriented    annual

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
performance goals and measures as well as efficiency
measures. In addition, in FY 2003, EPA enhanced its
cost accounting  capabilities  and  strengthened  the
linkages between resources  and  performance  by
developing a new accounting framework that will
allow EPA to track resources  across the five new
goals.  Further, EPA released a Draft Report on the
Environment'1'    as    part    of   the   Agency's
"environmental   indicators  initiative,"  which  is
intended to  help assess  the  current  state  of  the
environment and to provide a baseline against which
future performance can be measured.

        EPA joined only two other Federal agencies
in receiving  a "green" status  score for Improved
Financial   Performance.    OMB  provided  this
distinction in recognition of the Agency's significant
accomplishments  in these areas, including EPA's use
of financial and performance information h day-to-
day  program management  and  decision making.
OMB also provided the Agency with progress scores
of "green"  for Budget and Performance Integration
under the President's Management Agenda for the
seventh consecutive quarter since June 2002.  EPA
received a  2003 President's  Quality  Award  for
financial management,34 the highest recognition  in
government given to Federal agencies for excellence
in management.   In addition, EPA  was selected as a
finalist  last year  for  the 2002 President's Quality
Award  in  the area  of Budget and  Performance
Integration.       While  EPA  acknowledges  the
importance   of   the   improvement   opportunities
identified by the  OIG,  it  has  made  significant
progress in this area,  and is effectively working on
further achievements.

Grants  Management   and  Use  of  Assistance

        EPA  needs to improve oversight  for  the
award and administration of assistance agreements to
ensure effective and efficient use of resources.  From
FY 2001 to  FY  2003 this issue has been  an ffA
weakness, and a  GAO, OMB or OIG management
33  U.S. EPA Draft Report on the Environment 2003 (EPA-
260-R-02-006, June 2003), available at
34  EPA received 2003 Presidential Award for
Management Excellence, media advisory. Available at
35  EPA selected as finalist for the 2002 Presidential
Quality Award in Area of Budget and Performance
Integration, news release. Available at
http://www.whitehouse.gOV/news/releases/2002/l 1/200211
25 2.html.
        Each fiscal  year,  EPA  awards,  on  the
average, slightly less than half of the Agency's
budget  in  grants,36   and  it  is  implementing  a
comprehensive  approach to  manage  these  grant
dollars  effectively  and  ensure  they  further  the
Agency's  mission.  Specifically, in FY 2003, EPA
developed the  Agency's first  long-term  Grants
Management  Plan.37     The  Plan  provides  the
framework for ensuring that EPA's grant programs
meet the highest management and fiduciary standards
and further the Agency's strategic program goals.

        A key objective of the long-term Plan is to
strengthen accountability for grants management. To
that end, EPA issued directives emphasizing the need
to  hold  staff  accountable   for  effective   grants
management,  and  requiring  managers  to  include
compliance with grants management policies in mid-
year performance discussions with staff.  In addition,
EPA is  requiring Headquarters and Regional offices
to include in their Integrity  Act Assurance  letters a
description  of their efforts  to  address the  grants
management  weakness.      The    Agency   is
supplementing these efforts with an ongoing review
of employee performance standards  to  ensure that
standards   adequately  reflect  grants  management

        EPA  is   aggressively   implementing  its
recently established policies for grants  competition
and post-award monitoring. In FY 2003, the Agency
has more than doubled the percentage of competitive
awards  to non-profit  organizations covered by the
competition policy  over the level achieved in FY
2002, and the new post-award monitoring policy will
significantly  increase  the  level  of  baseline  and
advanced monitoring of grantees. All Agency Senior
Resource  Officials (SROs) submitted FY 2003 post-
award monitoring plans to ensure a strong level  of
commitment  to  effective grants management  and
accountability.    EPA also  has  developed  a new
performance  incentives  award program for  grants
management that will recognize offices that exceed
the performance measures  in  the  long-term Plan.
Other accomplishments include: revamped  training
programs  focusing on core competencies of project
officers and grants specialists;  a comprehensive, new
system  of  grants  management  reviews  of  EPA
offices;  highlighting in the Agency's 2003 Strategic
36  U.S. EPA, Office of Administration and Resources
Management. "EPA Grants Information and Control
System (GICS) database." Washington, DC: EPA.
37  U.S. EPA, Office of Administration and Resources
Management. "EPA Grants Management Plan."
Washington, DC: EPA. Available only through the

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency	FY 2005 Annual Plan
Plan the importance of effective grants management        results; and convening two meetings of the Grants
in  carrying  out  the  Agency's   strategic  goals;        Management Council, composed of SROs, to provide
developing an interim policy on grant environmental         for high-level planning and coordination.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                    FY 2005 Annual Plan

        In F Y 2005, EPA will have several user fee
programs in operation.  These user fee programs are
as follows:

Current Fees

??      Pre-Manufacturing Notification Fee

        Since 1989, this fee has been collected for
        the review and processing of new chemical
        Pre-Manufacturing   Notifications   (PMN)
        submitted to EPA by the chemical industry.
        These fees are paid at the time of submission
        of the  PMN for review by EPA's Office of
        Prevention,     Pesticides     and     Toxic
        Substances.  PMN fees are authorized by the
        Toxic Substances Control Act and contain a
        cap on the amount the Agency may charge
        for a PMN review.  EPA  expects to collect
        $1,800,000 in PMN fees in  FY 2005  if the
        existing fee structure is not altered  in  FY
        2004. The removal of the statutory fee cap is
        discussed below under User Fee Proposals.

??      Lead Accreditation and Certification Fee

        The Toxic Substances Control Act, Title IV,
        Section     402(a)(3),     mandates     the
        development of  a  schedule  of  fees  for
        persons operating  lead training programs
        accredited under the 402/404  rule and  for
        lead-based paint contractors certified under
        this rule.  The training programs ensure that
        lead paint  abatement is done safely.  Fees
        collected for this activity are  deposited  in
        the U.S. Treasury.   EPA estimates that less
        than $500,000 will be deposited in FY 2005.

Pesticides Fees

        The FY  2005  President's Budget assumes
passage of  the FY  2004 Omnibus Appropriations
Act, which  includes authorization  for  a  new  fee
structure  for  the  pesticides  program,  under  the
Pesticides Registration Improvement Act for 2003.
The new  structure  includes  an  extension to  the
Maintenance fee for older  pesticide review,  and a
new Enhanced Registration Services  fee, which will
allow the  Agency  to accelerate  the  review of new
registration actions for pesticides.
Pesticides Maintenance Fee Extension

The Maintenance Fee provides funding for
both the Tolerance  Reassessment and  the
Reregistration  programs.  The  Pesticides
Registration Improvement Act extends  the
maintenance fee through 2008, to  coincide
with  the  schedules  for  these  programs.
Tolerance  reassessment   is   slated   for
completion in 2006, under the FQPA statute,
and  the  final  reregistration  decisions  are
scheduled for 2008. In FY 2005, the Agency
expects collections of $27,000,000.

Enhanced Registration Services

The  Pesticides  Registration  Improvement
Act includes fees for accelerated service on
registration decisions  for pesticides. This
will allow industry to move  new pesticides
to the market more quickly, often providing
an alternative to older, riskier  pesticides in
use.  These fees will be paid to the Agency
at the time the registration action request is
submitted.  In FY 2005, Agency collections
are estimated at $19,400,000.

Removal of the Statutory Cap on the Pre-
Manufacturing Notification Fee

The  Agency  is  proposing authorizing  and
appropriations  language  to  remove   the
statutory   cap    on   the   existing  Pre-
Manufacturing  Notification (PMN) fees to
allow EPA to cover the full cost of the PMN
program.  The  authorizing language  would
remove the current  statutory  cap  in  the
Toxic  Substances  Control Act on the total
fee that EPA is allowed to charge.  The fee
change  would  be   subject   to   an
appropriations language trigger that  would
allow the fees to be counted as discretionary.
Under the current fee structure, the Agency
would collect $1,800,000 in FY 2005.  The
increase in PMN fees will be deposited into
a special fund in the U.S. Treasury, available
to the Agency,  subject to appropriation.
After  the  anticipated  rulemaking,   the
Agency   estimates   collections    of   an
additional $4,000,000 in FY 2005.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                    FY 2005 Annual Plan
        Pesticides Registration Fee

        The Pesticides Registration Improvement
        Act rescinds the authority to collect
        pesticides registration fees to offset base
        program costs. This budget proposes
        amending the Act to allow collection of this
        fee.  Collections are estimated at

        Motor Vehicle and Engine Compliance
        Program Fee

        This fee is  authorized by the Clean Air Act
        of 1990 and is managed by the Office of Air
        and  Radiation.   Fee collections began  in
        August 1992.    This  fee is  imposed on
        manufacturers of light-duty vehicles, light
        and heavy trucks and motorcycles.  EPA has
a final rule currently under review at OMB
that  updates  fees  for  industries  currently
paying fees and setting forth fees  for newly
regulated vehicles and engines.   The fees
established for new compliance  programs
are  imposed  on  heavy-duty,  in-use,  and
nonroad industries, including large  diesel
and  gas equipment (earthmovers, tractors,
forklifts, compressors, etc),  handheld and
non-handheld  utility   engines  (chainsaws,
weed-wackers,  leaf-blowers, lawnmowers,
tillers, etc.),   marine   (boat  motors,  tugs,
watercraft, jet-skis), locomotive, aircraft and
recreational vehicles (off-road motorcycles,
snowmobiles).  The fees cover EPA's cost
of certifying new engines and vehicles and
monitoring compliance of  in-use engines
and vehicles.   In FY 2005, EPA expects to
collect $18,000,000 from this fee.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan

        In FY 2005, the Agency begins  its ninth
year of  operation  of the Working  Capital Fund
(WCF).  It is a revolving fund authorized by law to
finance a cycle of operations, where the costs of
goods and services provided are charged to users on a
fee-for-service  basis.    The  funds  received  are
available without fiscal year limitation,  to continue
operations and to replace capital equipment.  EPA's
WCF  was  implemented  under  the authority  of
Section 403 of the Government Management Reform
Act of 1994 and EPA's FY 1997 Appropriations Act.
Permanent WCF authority  was  contained  in  the
Agency's FY 1998 Appropriations Act.

        The  Chief Financial  Officer  initiated the
WCF in  FY  1997 as part of an  effort  to:  (1) be
accountable   to   Agency  offices,  the  Office  of
Management  and Budget, and  the Congress;  (2)
increase the efficiency of the administrative services
provided  to  program  offices;   and (3)  increase
customer service  and responsiveness.  The Agency
has  a WCF  Board  which  provides policy  and
planning oversight and advises the CFO regarding the
WCF financial position.  The Board,  chaired by the
Associate  Chief Financial Officer, is composed of
eighteen  permanent members  from the program
offices and the regional offices.

        Two Agency Activities  begun in FY  1997
will continue into FY 2005. These are the Agency's
data  processing and telecommunications operations,
managed by the Office of Technology  Operations and
Planning, and Agency postage costs, managed by the
Office of Administration.  The Agency's FY 2005
budget request  includes resources  for  these  two
Activities  in  each  National  Program  Manager's
submission,  totaling approximately $148.0 million.
These  estimated resources  may be increased to
incorporate program office's additional service needs
during the operating year. To  the extent  that these
increases     are    subject    to     Congressional
reprogramming  notifications,   the  Agency   will
comply with all applicable requirements.

 U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                                    FY 2005 Annual Plan
                         STATE and TRIBAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS (STAG)
                                        Appropriation Account
                                         (Dollars in thousands)
FY 2003
                FY 2004
                                                                           FY 2005
                                                                          Pres Bud
             FY 2005 PB
             FY 2004 PB

    State Revolving Funds
    Clean Water State Revolving Fund

    Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
    Total Infrastructure


    Brownfields Projects

    Clean School Bus Initiative

    Special Needs Projects
    Mexican Border
    Alaskan Native Villages
    Puerto Rico

    Total Special Needs Projects

    Congressional Earmarks

    Total - STAG Projects

$1,142,901.8    $1,202,700.0     $1,252,300.0       $49,600.0

$1,341,225.0      $850,000.0      $850,000.0            $0.0

  $844,475.0      $850,000.0      $850,000.0            $0.0
$2,185,700.0    $1,700,000.0    $1,700,000.0


$3,834,904.0    $3,121,200.0    $3,231,800.0

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
                        CATEGORICAL GRANTS PROGRAM (STAG)
                                         (Dollars in millions)
$1,158? /I









                  1994  1995 1996 1997 1998  1999  2000  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
In FY 2005, the President's Budget requests a total of
$1,252 million for 25 "categorical" program grants
for state and Tribal governments.  This is an increase
of $49.6 million over FY 2004.   EPA will continue
to pursue its strategy of building and supporting state,
local and Tribal capacity to implement, operate,  and
enforce the Nation's environmental  laws.   Most
environmental  laws  envision establishment  of  a
decentralized nationwide structure to protect public
health   and  the   environment.     In  this  way,
environmental  goals  will  ultimately   be  achieved
through the actions, programs, and commitments of
state,  Tribal  and  local  governments,  organizations
and citizens.

        In FY 2005, EPA will  continue to offer
flexibility to state  and Tribal governments to manage
their environmental  programs as well as provide
technical and financial assistance  to achieve mutual
environmental goals.  First, EPA and its state  and
Tribal  partners will continue  implementing  the
National  Environmental Performance  Partnership
System (NEPPS).  NEPPS is designed to allow states
more  flexibility to operate their programs, while
increasing  emphasis  on measuring and  reporting
environmental improvements.  Second,  Performance
Partnership Grants (PPGs)  will  continue to allow
states  and tribes  funding flexibility  to  combine
categorical  program grants to  address environmental
State & Local Air Quality Management, Radon, and
Tribal Air Quality Management Grants

        In FY 2005, the President's Budget includes
$247.8 million  for  Air  State and  Local  Assistance
grants to support state, local, and Tribal air programs
as well as radon programs.  State and Local  Air
Quality Management grant funding is requested in
the amount of $228.6 million.  These funds provide
resources to  state  and  local air pollution  control
agencies  for the development and implementation of
programs for the  prevention  and control of  air
pollution  or  for the  implementation of  national
primary and secondary ambient  air standards.  They
can  also be  used to support  certain research  and
development  and  related  activities.    Tribal  Air
Quality Management grants, requested in the amount
of $11.1  million, provide funds to Tribes to develop
and implement  air pollution prevention and control
programs,  or to  implement  national primary  and
secondary  ambient  air   standards.    Lastly,  the
President's Budget includes  $8.2 million for Radon
grants, to provide funding for state radon programs.

Pesticide    Enforcement,   Toxics    Substance
Compliance, and Sector Program Grants

        In FY 2005, the President's Budget includes
$27.3  million to build  environmental partnerships
with states and tribes and to strengthen their ability to
address environmental and public health threats.  The

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
enforcement  state  grants request consists of $19.9
million for Pesticides Enforcement, $5.15 million for
Toxic  Substances  Enforcement  Grants, and $2.25
million   for  Sector  Grants.     State  and  Tribal
enforcement grants will be awarded to assist in the
implementation  of  compliance  and   enforcement
provisions  of the  Toxic  Substances  Control Act
(TSCA) and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). These grants support state
and  Tribal compliance activities  to  protect  the
environment from harmful chemicals and pesticides.

        Under the Pesticides Enforcement  Grant
program, EPA provides resources to states and Indian
tribes to conduct FIFRA compliance inspections and
take appropriate enforcement actions and implement
programs for farm worker protection.   Under  the
Toxic Substances Compliance Grant program, states
receive   funding   for  compliance  inspections   of
asbestos and polychlorinated biphenyls  (PCBs) and
for  implementation  of  the  state  lead abatement
enforcement program.   The funds will  complement
other Federal  program  grants  for building state
capacity   for  lead  abatement,   and  enhancing
compliance with disclosure, certification and training

Pesticides Program Implementation Grants

        The  President's FY 2005  budget includes
$13.1 million for Pesticides Program Implementation
grants. These resources will assist states and tribes in
implementing the  safer use of pesticides, including:
worker  protection;  certification and  training   of
pesticide   applicators;   protection  of  endangered
species;  tribal  pesticide programs; integrated pest
management  and  environmental stewardship; and
protection of water from pesticide contamination.

Lead Grants

        The  President's FY 2005  budget includes
$13.7 million for  Lead grants.   This funding will
support the development of authorized programs  in
both States and Tribes  to prevent lead  poisoning
through the training of workers who remove lead-
based paint, the accreditation of training programs,
the  certification   of  contractors,  and  renovation
education  programs.   Another  activity  that  this
funding will support is the  collection of lead data to
determine the nature and extent of the lead problem
within an area.

Pollution Prevention Grants

        The  FY 2005 request includes  $6.0 million
for Pollution Prevention grants.  The grant program
provides   technical    assistance   towards    the
achievement  of reduced  pollution through  source

Environmental Information Grants

        In FY 2005, the President's Budget includes
$25.0 million to continue a grant program, started in
2002, which provides states and tribes assistance to
develop the Exchange Network.  This grant program
will  support state  and Tribal efforts to complete
necessary changes to  their information management
systems to facilitate participation, and enhance state
information integration  efforts.    The  Exchange
Network   will   improve   environmental  decision
making,  improve data quality and accuracy, ensure
security of sensitive data,  and reduce the burden on
those who provide and those who access information

Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Grants

        The  President's FY 2005  budget includes
$37.9 million for Underground Storage Tank grants,
an increase of $26 million over 2004.  The proposed
$26 million increase in state and tribal  grants would
allow  EPA  to  fund  additional  inspections  of
underground storage tanks.   More inspections  will
ensure proper  operation and  maintenance of  UST
systems to prevent future  releases.  This investment
more than triples the size of Federal assistance to
states and tribes for the UST program.   States and
tribes will use  these  resources to ensure that UST
owners and operators routinely and correctly monitor
all regulated tanks  and piping in accordance with
regulations, and also to  develop programs  with
sufficient authority  and enforcement capabilities to
operate in lieu of the Federal program.

Hazardous Waste Financial Assistance Grants

        In FY  2005, the President's Budget includes
$106.4  million  in  funding  for  Hazardous  Waste
Financial  Assistance  grants.    Hazardous  Waste
Financial   Assistance  grants  are  used  for   the
implementation of both the Resource Conservation
and   Recovery   Act   (RCRA)   hazardous  waste
management and minimization programs.

Brownfields Grants

        In FY 2005, the President's Budget includes
$60.0 million,  to continue the  Brownfields  grant
program that provides assistance to states and tribes
to develop and enhance their state  and  Tribal
response programs.  This funding will help states and
tribes develop  legislation, regulations, procedures,
and   guidance,   to  establish   or   enhance   the

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
administrative and legal structure of their response

Water Pollution Control (Clean Water Act Section
106) Grants

        In FY 2005, the President's Budget includes
$222.4 million for Water Pollution Control grants, an
increase of $22.0 million over 2004. Of this increase,
$17.0 million will fund grants to states and tribes
under  the  water  quality  monitoring initiative  to
support adoption of new comprehensive  monitoring
strategies and the development of statistically valid
monitoring networks  to help target activities  and
determine  water quality  status  and trends.   The
remaining  $5  million will  assist  states  in  the
implementation of the Concentrated Animal Feeding
Operations (CAFOs) programs and support issuance
of storm sewer permits.

Wetlands Grants

        In FY 2005, the President's Budget includes
$20.0 million for Wetlands Program Grants.  These
grant resources will be used to assist states and tribes
in protecting  wetlands and waters not covered by the
Clean Water Act.

Public Water System Supervision Grants

        In FY 2005, the President's Budget includes
$105.1 million for Public Water System Supervision
(PWSS) grants.   These grants provide assistance to
implement  and enforce National Primary Drinking
Water Regulations to ensure the safety of the Nation's
drinking water resources and to protect public health.

Indian General Assistance Program Grants

        In FY 2005, the President's Budget includes
$62.5  million  for  the Indian  General  Assistance
Program  (GAP) to help Federally recognized tribes
and  inter-tribal  consortia develop, implement  and
assume environmental programs.

Homeland Security Grants

        In FY 2005, the President's Budget includes
$5.0 million for homeland security grants to support
states' efforts  to  work with  drinking  water  and
waste water  systems   to  develop   and  enhance
emergency operations plans; conduct  training in the
implementation of remedial plans in small systems;
and, develop detection,  monitoring  and treatment
technology to enhance drinking water and wastewater
Water Quality Cooperative Agreements Grants

        The FY 2005  President's  Budget includes
$20.5  million  for  Water   Quality   Cooperative
Agreements grants, an increase of $1.5 million over
2004.   This  increase  will fund a new  technical
assistance and demonstration grants program to show
municipalities   innovative   ways   of   managing
infrastructure.      Through  the   Water   Quality
Cooperative   Agreement   program,  the  Agency
continues  to  support  the  creation  of  unique  and
innovative approaches to address requirements of the
NPDES program, with special  emphasis on  wet
weather activities.  In addition, this grant program
has  long  supported other programmatic  activities
such as sustainable management systems for water
pollution   control  and  various  other  program

Underground Injection Control (UIC) Grants

        The FY 2005  President's  Budget includes
$11.0 million for the Underground Injection Control
grants program.   Ensuring safe underground injection
of waste materials is a fundamental  component of a
comprehensive   source  water  protection  program.
Grants  are  provided  to  states that have primary
enforcement authority  (primacy)  to  implement  and
maintain UIC programs.

Targeted Watershed Grants

        The  President's  FY  2005 Budget  funds
Targeted Watershed grants at $25 million, an increase of
$5   million  over  to  help   municipalities  meet
requirements for nutrient loading reductions.    The
program supports competitive  grants to  watershed
stakeholders ready to undertake immediate action to
improve water  quality, and  to improve  watershed
protection measures with tools, training and technical
assistance. Special emphasis will be given to projects
that  promote water quality trading  opportunities to
more efficiently  achieve water quality benefits
through market-based approaches.

State and Tribal Performance Fund

        The President's FY 2005  Budget includes
$23  million for  a new performance  grants program
that  will  be  available  to states  and tribes  on  a
competitive basis  for all activities  eligible  for
categorical grant assistance. The award process will
be performance-focused, with winners selected on the
basis  of   environmental   and/or   public  health
outcomes.   This  will  encourage  development  of
projects    with   tangible,     performance-based

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
environmental  and health  outcomes  that  can be
models for implementation across the nation..

Wastewater Operator Training Grants

        The  President's FY 2005  Budget includes
$1.5 million  as a transfer from EPM to  STAG to
better align its budget with its performance goals and
reflect the environmental partnerships supported by
these funds.   States and  state  universities receive
funding   to   provide  technical   assistance   for
municipally owned wastewater treatment plants.
      Elimination  of Tribal  Cap  on  Non-Point

        In 2005, the  President's Budget eliminates
the statutory one-third-of-one-percent cap on Clean
Water Act Section  319 Nonpoint  Source Pollution
grants that may be awarded to tribes. Tribes applying
for and receiving Section 319  grants have steadily
increased from two in 1991 to over 70 in 2001.  This
proposal  recognizes  the  increasing  demand  for
resources to address Tribal nonpoint source program

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
by National Program
and State Grant

(Dollars in Thousands)

Air & Radiation
State and Local Assistance
Tribal Assistance

Water Quality
Pollution Control (Section 106)
Beaches Protection
Nonpoint Source (Section 319)
Wetlands Program Development
Water Quality Cooperative Agrmts
Targeted Watersheds
Wastewater Operator Training Grants

Drinking Water
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS)
Underground Injection Control (UIC)
Homeland Security

Hazardous Waste
H.W. Financial Assistance
Underground Storage Tanks

Pesticides & Toxics
Pesticides Program Implementation
Toxic Substances Compliance
Pesticides Enforcement

Environmental Information
Pollution Prevention
Sector Program
Indian General Assistance Program
State and Tribal Performance Fund







FY 2005






$1,202,700.0 $1,252,300.0
FY 2004







U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                          Statutory Authority and Eligible Uses
                                 (Dollars in Thousands)
Grant Title

State and Local
Air Quality

State and Local
Air Quality


Clean Air Act,

Clean Air Act,


Air pollution
agencies as
defined in
section 302(b)

whose boards
of directors or
membership is
made up of
CAA section
302(b) agency
officers and
and whose
mission is to
support the
programs of
the states).
Eligible Uses

S/L monitoring
and data
activities in
support of the
establishment of
network and
program costs.
Coordinating or
facilitating a
approach to
regional haze.




FY 2005
Goal 1,
Obi 1
V_/U| . 1

Goal 1,
Ohi 1
J •





U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Grant Title
State and Local
Air Quality

Clean Air Act,
Sections 103,
105, 106

Air pollution
agencies as
defined in
section 302(b)
whose boards
of directors or
membership is
made up of
CAA section
302(b) agency
officers and
whose mission
is to support
the continuing
programs of
the states);
Interstate air
quality control
pursuant to
section 107 of
the CAA or of
section 176A,
or section 1 84
NOTE: only
the Ozone
Commission is
eligible as of
Eligible Uses
Carrying out the
prevention and
control programs
required by the
CAA and
program support
Coordinating or
facilitating a
approach to
carrying out the
prevention and
control programs
required by the
CAA; Supporting
training for CAA
section 302(b) air
pollution control
agency staff;
Coordinating or
facilitating a
approach to
control interstate
air pollution.


FY 2005
Goal 1,
Obi. 1



U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Grant Title

Tribal Air


Water Pollution
Control (Section


Clean Air Act,
Sections 103 and
105; TCA in

Toxic Substances
Control Act,
Sections 10 and
306; TCA in
amended, §106;
TCA in annual


college or


States, Tribes
and Intertribal
Consortia, and

Eligible Uses

Conducting air
activities to
determine a
tribe's need to
develop a CAA
Carrying out the
prevention and
control programs
required by the
CAA and
program costs;
training for CAA
for federally
Assist in the
development and
of programs for
the assessment
and mitigation of
Develop and
carry out surface
and ground water
pollution control
NPDES permits,
monitoring, and
NPS control




FY 2005
Goal 1,

Obj. 1

Goal 1,
Obi 9
V_/U| . Z<

Goal 2,
/~\1_ • /•)
Obj. 2






U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Grant Title

Nonpoint Source
(NPS - Section


Water Quality



in annual

TCA in annual

Drinking Water
Act, §1442; TCA
in annual

amended, FY05


States, Tribes,

States, Local
Consortia, and

States, Local
Tribes, Non-
Consortia, and

States, Local
Consortia, and
Eligible Uses

Implement EPA-
approved State
and Tribal
nonpoint source
programs and
fund priority
projects as
selected by the
To develop new
programs or
enhance existing
programs for the
management and
restoration of
Creation of
unique and
approaches to
pollution control
and prevention
associated with
wet weather
activities, AFOs,
TMDLs, source
water protection,
watersheds; and
management for
both wastewater
and drinking
water systems.
Assistance for
watersheds to
expand and
improve existing






FY 2005
Goal 2,
Obi 9
V_/U| . Z<

Goal 4,

Obj. 3

Goal 2,

Obj. 1 and
Obj. 2

Goal 4,

Obj. 3







U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Grant Title

Public Water

Security Grants

Injection Control



Safe Drinking
Water Act,
§1443(a); TCA
in annual

Safe Drinking
Water Act,
1442; TCA in

Safe Drinking
Water Act, §
1443(b); TCA in

Assessment and
Coastal Health
Act of 2000;
TCA in annual


States, Tribes,
and Intertribal

States, Tribes,
and Intertribal

States, Tribes,

States, Tribes,

Eligible Uses

Assistance to
implement and
enforce National
Primary Drinking
Regulations to
ensure the safety
of the Nation's
drinking water
resources and to
protect public
To assist States
and Tribes in
their water
security activities
with other
security efforts.
Implement and
regulations that
sources of
drinking water
by controlling
Class I-V
injection wells.
Develop and
programs for
monitoring and
notification of
conditions for
coastal recreation
waters adjacent
to beaches or
similar points of
access that are
used by the





FY 2005
Goal 2,
Obi 1
V_/U| . 1

Goal 2,

Obj. 1

Goal 2,

Obj. 1

Goal 2,

Obj. 1







U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Grant Title

Training Grants

Hazardous Waste



Clean Water Act;
Section 104(g)(l)

Recovery Act,
FY 1999
Act (PL 105-
276); TCA in
and Liability Act
of 1980, as
Section 128


State Agencies

States, Tribes,

States, Tribes,

Eligible Uses

To fund
programs for the
development of
retraining of
people in the
fields of
maintenance and
security of
treatment works
and related
activities to
maintain the
effectiveness of
Development &
of Hazardous
Waste Programs

Build and
programs which
will assess
oversee private
party cleanups,
provide cleanup
support through
low interest
loans, and
provide certainty
for liability
related issues.

$1,500.0 in
the EPM



FY 2005

Goal 2, Obj.

Goal 3,
Obj. 1


Goal 4,

Obj. 2


$1,500.0 in
the STAG




U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Grant Title

Storage Tanks



Recovery Act
Sections 8001
and 2007(f) and
FY 1999
Act (PL 105-
276); TCA in
The Federal
Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act
§ 20 & 23; the
FY 1999
Act (PL 105-
276); FY 2000
Act(P.L. 106-
74); TCA in


State, Tribes
and Intertribal

States, Tribes
and Intertribal

Eligible Uses

Surveys and
Develop &
implement UST

Assist states and
tribes to develop
and implement
programs that
protect workers,
and endangered
species from
pesticide risks ,
and other
designated by the
develop and
programs for
certification and
training of
(IPM) programs;
outreach, and
sampling efforts
for tribes.



FY 2005
Obi 1
V_/U| . 1

Goal 2,
OKi 1
UDJ. 1
Goal 4,
Obi 1
V_/U| . 1





U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Grant Title


Toxic Substances



Toxic Substances
Control Act,
§ 404 (g); TSCA
10; FY2000
Act(P.L. 106-
74); TCA in

Toxic Substances
Control Act,
§28(a) and 404
(g); TCA in

Act(P.L. 106-
74); TCA in

States, Tribes,



Eligible Uses

To support and
assist states and
tribes to develop
and carry out
authorized state
lead abatement
training and
programs; and to
assist tribes in
development of
lead programs.
Assist in
developing and
toxic substances
programs for
PCBs, asbestos,
and lead-based
Assist in





FY 2005
Goal 4,

Obj. 1

Goal 5,

Obj. 1

Goal 5,

Obj. 1






U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Grant Title

(NEIEN, aka
"the Exchange



As appropriate,
Clean Air Act,
Sec. 103; Clean
Water Act, Sec.

104; Solid Waste
Disposal Act,
Sec. 8001;
FIFRA, Sec 20;
TSCA, Sec. 10
and 28; Marine
Research and
Sanctuaries Act,
Sec. 203; Safe
Drinking Water
Act, Sec. 1442;
Program Act of
1992, as
amended; FY
Act(P.L. 106-
74); Pollution
Prevention Act,
Sec. 6605; FY
Act and FY 2003
Prevention Act
of 1990, §6605;
TSCA 10;
Act(P.L. 106-
74); TCA in


States, tribes,
agencies, tribal

and other
agencies with

States, Tribes,

Eligible Uses

Assists states and
others to better

systems, better
enable data-
sharing across
programs, and
improve access
to information.

To assist state
and tribal
programs to
promote the use
of source
techniques by
businesses and to
promote other
activities at the
state and tribal



FY 2005
Goal 4

Goal 4,

Obj. 1





    U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Grant Title

Sector Program
Enforcement &

Indian General

State and Tribal


As appropriate,
Clean Air Act,
Sec. 103; Clean
Water Act, Sec.
104; Solid Waste
Disposal Act,
Sec. 8001;
FIFRA, Sec 20;
TSCA, Sec. 10
and 28; Marine
Research and
Sanctuaries Act,
Sec. 203; Safe
Drinking Water
Act, Sec. 1442;
Program Act of
1992, as
amended; FY
Act(P.L. 106-
74); TCA in
ProgramAct of
1992, as
amended; TCA
in annual
FY 2005



and Intertribal

State and

Eligible Uses

Assist in
multi-media, or
single -media
approaches to
enforcement and

Plan and develop

Projects with
and public health




FY 2005
Goal 5,
Obi 1
V_/U| . 1

Goal 5,
Obj. 3

Goal 5,





* The Recipients listed in this column reflect assumptions in the FY 2005 Budget Request in terms of expected and/or anticipated
eligible recipients.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                         (Dollars in millions)

Infrastructure Financing
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
STAG Projects
Brownfields Environmental Projects
Clean School Bus Initiative
Mexico Border Projects
Alaska Native Villages
Targeted Projects - Puerto Rico
FY 2004
President's Budget


FY 2005
President's Budget


Infrastructure and Special Projects Funds

        The President's Budget includes a total of
$1,979.5 million  in  2005 for EPA's Infrastructure
programs.  Of the total infrastructure request, $1,744
million will support EPA's Goal 2: Clean and Safe
Water, $170.5 million will support EPA's Goal 4:
Healthy Communities and Ecosystems.

        Infrastructure funding under the State and
Tribal  Assistance  Grants  (STAG)  appropriation
provides financial assistance to states, municipalities
and Tribal governments to fund a variety of drinking
water,    wastewater,    air    and    Brownfields
environmental projects.  These funds are essential to
fulfill the Federal government's commitment to help
our state, Tribal and local partners obtain adequate
funding to construct the facilities required to comply
with Federal environmental requirements and ensure
public health and revitalize contaminated properties.

        Providing STAG funds to capitalize  State
Revolving  Fund  (SRF) programs,  EPA works  in
partnership with the states to provide low-cost loans
to municipalities for infrastructure construction.   As
set-asides of the SRF  programs, grants are available
to Indian Tribes and Alaska Native  Villages  for
drinking water  and wastewater infrastructure needs
based  on national priority lists.  The  Brownfields
Environmental  Program  provides  states, tribes,
political  subdivisions (including cities, towns, and
counties)  the  necessary  tools,  information,  and
strategies  for  promoting  a unified  approach to
environmental assessment cleanup, characterization,
and  redevelopment   at  sites  contaminated  with
hazardous wastes and petroleum contaminants.

        The  resources included in this budget  will
enable the Agency, in conjunction with EPA's state,
local,  and   Tribal  partners,   to  achieve  several
important  goals for  2005.   Some of these goals

        94  percent  of the population  served by
        community  water  systems   will  receive
        drinking water  meeting  all  health-based
        standards   with   compliance   dates   of
        December 2001 or earlier.

                Award 126 assessment grants under
                the Brownfields program, bringing
                the cumulative total grants awarded
                to  806  by the end  of  FY 2005
                paving  the way  for  productive
                reuse of these  properties. This  will
                bring the  total  number of  sites
                assessed to 6,800 while  leveraging
                a total of $7.5 billion in cleanup
                and  redevelopment  funds since

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan

Clean School Bus USA Initiative

        In FY 2005, EPA will receive $65 million to
retrofit  school   buses,  a  significant  source  of
emissions that can cause health hazards in children.
EPA began the Clean School Bus USA pilot program
in April 2003 to provide schools and school districts
cost-share  grants to reduce  diesel emissions  from
school buses. More than 24 million children that ride
buses to school are at risk of exposure to high levels
of diesel  exhaust.   Idling  school buses  can  also
compromise  air  quality  around  buses,   including
sidewalks, schoolyards, playgrounds, and even inside
nearby buildings. By adopting better idling practices,
retrofitting  buses with  modern  emission  control
technology, using cleaner fuels and replacing older
school buses, we have the potential of reducing PM
emissions by more than  90  percent, helping  to put
tomorrow's cleaner buses on the road today.


Capitalizing Clean Water and Drinking Water State
Revolving Funds

        The Clean Water and Drinking Water State
Revolving   Fund  programs  demonstrate  a  true
partnership between states, localities and the Federal
government.    These  programs  provide  Federal
financial assistance to states,  localities,  and  Tribal
governments to protect the nation's water resources
by providing funds for the construction of drinking
water and wastewater treatment facilities.  The  state
revolving  funds are  two  important elements  of the
nation's substantial investment in  sewage treatment
and   drinking   water  systems   which   provides
Americans with significant benefits in  the form  of
reduced water pollution and safe drinking water.

        EPA will continue  to capitalize  the Clean
Water State Revolving Fund  (CWSRF).   Through
this  program,  the  Federal  government  provides
financial assistance for wastewater and other water
projects,   including   nonpoint   source,  estuary,
stormwater, and  sewer overflow  projects.  Water
infrastructure projects contribute to direct ecosystem
improvements by lowering the amount of nutrients
and toxic pollutants in all types of surface waters.

        The President's Budget includes funding the
CWSRF  at  $850 million  each year through  2011.
More than  $20  billion has already been provided  to
capitalize the CWSRF, over  twice the original Clean
Water Act authorized  level  of $8.4 billion.  Total
CWSRF funding  available for  loans  since  1987,
reflecting loan repayments, state  match dollars, and
other funding sources, is approximately $47 billion,
of which more than $43.5 billion has been provided
to communities as financial assistance.

        The dramatic progress made in improving
the quality of wastewater treatment since the 1970s is
a national success.  In 1972, only 84 million people
were served by  secondary  or  advanced wastewater
treatment facilities.  Today, 99 percent of community
wastewater  treatment  plants,  serving  181 million
people, use secondary treatment or better.

        The DWSRF  will be self-sustaining in the
long run and will  help offset  the costs of ensuring
safe  drinking water  supplies  and  assisting  small
communities in  meeting their responsibilities.  As
noted in the May 2003 Report to  Congress, since  its
inception  in  1997,   the  Drinking  Water  State
Revolving   Fund  (DWSRF)  program  has  made
available $5.2 billion  to finance 1,900 infrastructure
improvement projects  nationwide, with a  return of
$1.60 for every $1 of federal funds invested.

State  Flexibility  between  SRFs:    The  Agency
requests continuation  of authority provided in the
1996   Safe   Drinking   Water   Act   (SDWA)
Amendments  which  allows  states  to transfer  an
amount equal to  33 percent of their DWSRF grants to
their CWSRF programs,  or  an  equivalent amount
from  their  CWSRF  program   to  their  DWSRF
program.     The  transfer provision  gives  states
flexibility to address the most critical  demands  in
either program at a given time. The statutory transfer
provision expired September 30, 2002.
Set-Asides for Tribes:  To improve public health and
water  quality in Indian Country, the Agency will
continue the 1  1/2%  set-aside of the CWSRF for
wastewater grants  to  tribes as  provided  in the
Agency's 2002  appropriation.   More than 70,000
homes  in  Indian   country  have  inadequate  or
nonexistent wastewater  treatment.    EPA  and the
Indian Health Service estimate that Tribal wastewater
infrastructure needs exceed $650.0 million.

Alaska Native Villages

        The  President's  Budget  includes  $40.0
million for Alaska native villages for the construction
of wastewater and drinking water facilities to address
serious sanitation problems.  EPA will continue to
work with  the  Department  of Health and Human
Services' Indian Health Service, the State of Alaska,

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
                            FY 2005 Annual Plan
and local  communities to provide needed financial
and technical assistance.

Puerto Rico

        The President's Budget includes $4 million
for the design of upgrades to Metropolitano's Sergio
Cuevas treatment plant in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
When all upgrades are complete, EPA estimates that
about  1.4 million  people will enjoy safer, cleaner
drinking water.


Brownfields Environmental Projects

        The President's Budget includes a total of
$120.5 million for brownfields environmental
projects. EPA will award grants for assessment
activities, cleanup, and Brownfields cleanup
revolving loan funds (BCRLF). Additionally, this
includes cleanup of sites contaminated by petroleum
or petroleum products and environmental job training

Mexico Border

        The President's Budget includes a total of
$50.0 million for water infrastructure projects along
the U.S./Mexico Border.  The goal of this program is
to reduce  environmental  and human health  risks
along the U.S./Mexico Border.  The  communities
along both sides of the  Border are facing  unusual
human health  and environmental threats  because of
the lack of adequate  wastewater and drinking water
facilities.    EPA's   U.S./Mexico   Border  program
provides  funds to support  the planning,  design and
construction of high  priority water  and wastewater
treatment  projects  along the U.S./Mexico Border.
The Agency's  FY 2005 goal is to have a cumulative
total of 1.5 million people in the Mexico  border area
protected from health risks because of adequate water
and wastewater sanitation systems funded.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)

Program Project
Acquisition Management
Acquisition Management
Acquisition Management
Administrative Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Audits, Evaluations, and Investigations
Audits, Evaluations, and Investigations
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAG)
Beach / Fish Programs
Categorical Grant: Beaches Protection
Categorical Grant: Brownfields
Categorical Grant: Environmental
Categorical Grant: Hazardous Waste
Financial Assistance
Categorical Grant: Homeland Security
Categorical Grant: Lead
Categorical Grant: Nonpoint Source
(Sec. 319)
Categorical Grant: Pesticides
Categorical Grant: Pesticides Program
Categorical Grant: Pollution Control
(Sec. 106)
Categorical Grant: Pollution Prevention
Categorical Grant: Public Water System
Supervision (PWSS)
Categorical Grant: Radon
Categorical Grant: Targeted Watersheds
Categorical Grant: Toxics Substances

FY 2003
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)

Program Project
Categorical Grant: Tribal General
Assistance Program
Categorical Grant: Underground
Injection Control (UIC)
Categorical Grant: Underground Storage
Categorical Grant: Wastewater Operator
Categorical Grant: Water Quality
Cooperative Agreements
Categorical Grant: Wetlands Program
Categorical Grant: Sector Program
Categorical Grant: State and Local Air
Quality Management
Categorical Grant: State and Tribal
Performance Fund
Categorical Grant: Tribal Air Quality
Central Planning, Budgeting, and Finance
Central Planning, Budgeting, and Finance
Central Planning, Budgeting, and Finance
Children and other Sensitive Populations
Civil Enforcement
Civil Enforcement
Civil Enforcement
Civil Rights / Title VI Compliance
Clean Air Allowance Trading Programs
Clean Air Allowance Trading Programs
Climate Protection Program
Climate Protection Program
Commission for Environmental
Compliance Assistance and Centers
Compliance Assistance and Centers
Compliance Assistance and Centers



FY 2003


FY 2004
Pres. Bud.


FY 2005
Pres. Bud.



U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2003
Program Project Appropriation Actuals
Compliance Assistance and Centers
Compliance Incentives
Compliance Incentives
Compliance Monitoring
Congressional, Intergovernmental,
External Relations
Congressional, Intergovernmental,
External Relations
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Congressionally Mandated Projects
Criminal Enforcement
Criminal Enforcement
Drinking Water Programs
Drinking Water Programs
Endocrine Disrupters
Enforcement Training
Enforcement Training
Environment and Trade
Environmental Education
Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice
Exchange Network
Exchange Network
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Facilities Infrastructure and Operations
Federal Stationary Source Regulations
Federal Support for Air Quality
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2003
Program Project Appropriation Actuals
Federal Support for Air Quality
Federal Support for Air Toxics Program
Federal Support for Air Toxics Program
Federal Vehicle and Fuels Standards and
Financial Assistance Grants / IAG
Financial Assistance Grants / IAG
Forensics Support
Forensics Support
Geographic Program: Chesapeake Bay
Geographic Program: Great Lakes
Geographic Program: Gulf of Mexico
Geographic Program: Lake Champlain
Geographic Program: Long Island Sound
Geographic Program: Other
Great Lakes Legacy Act
Homeland Security: Communication and
Homeland Security: Critical
Infrastructure Protection
Homeland Security: Critical
Infrastructure Protection
Homeland Security: Critical
Infrastructure Protection
Homeland Security: Preparedness,
Response, and Recovery
Homeland Security: Preparedness,
Response, and Recovery
Homeland Security: Preparedness,
Response, and Recovery
Homeland Security: Protection of EPA
Personnel and Infrastructure
Homeland Security: Protection of EPA
Personnel and Infrastructure
Homeland Sep.nritv Protection of EPA












FY 2004
Pres. Bud.






FY 2005
Pres. Bud.







U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2003
Program Project Appropriation Actuals
Personnel and Infrastructure
Homeland Security: Protection of EPA
Personnel and Infrastructure
Human Health Risk Assessment
Human Health Risk Assessment
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management
Indoor Air: Asthma Program
Indoor Air: Environment Tobacco
Smoke Program
Indoor Air: Radon Program
Indoor Air: Radon Program
Indoor Air: Schools and Workplace
Indoor Air: Schools and Workplace
Information Security
Information Security
Information Security
Infrastructure Assistance: Alaska Native
Infrastructure Assistance: Brownfields
Infrastructure Assistance: Clean School
Bus Initiative
Infrastructure Assistance: Clean School
Bus Initiative
Infrastructure Assistance: Clean Water
Infrastructure Assistance: Drinking
Water SRF
Infrastructure Assistance: Mexico Border
Infrastructure Assistance: Puerto Rico
International Capacity Building
IT / Data Management
IT / Data Management


FY 2004
Pres. Bud.

FY 2005
Pres. Bud.


U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2003
Program Project Appropriation Actuals
IT / Data Management
IT / Data Management
IT / Data Management
Legal Advice: Environmental Program
Legal Advice: Environmental Program
Legal Advice: Support Program
LUST Cooperative Agreements
LUST Cooperative Agreements
Marine Pollution
National Estuary Program / Coastal
NEPA Implementation
Offsetting Receipts
Oil Spill: Prevention, Preparedness and
Pesticides: Field Programs
Pesticides: Registration of New
Pesticides: Registration of New
Pesticides: Review / Reregistration of
Existing Pesticides
Pesticides: Review / Reregistration of
Existing Pesticides
Pollution Prevention Program
POPs Implementation
Radiation: Protection
Radiation: Protection
Radiation: Protection
Radiation: Response Preparedness
Radiation: Response Preparedness
RCRA: Corrective Action
RCRA: Waste Management
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2003
Program Project Appropriation Actuals
RCRA: Waste Minimization &
Regional Geographic Initiatives
Regional Science and Technology
Regulatory Innovation
Regulatory /Economic -Management and
Research: Air Toxics
Research: Drinking Water
Research: Endocrine Disrupter
Research: Environmental Technology
Verification (ETV)
Research: Human Health and
Research: Human Health and
Research: Land Protection and
Research: Land Protection and
Research: Land Protection and
Research: Land Protection and
Research: Particulate Matter
Research: Pesticides and Toxics
Research: Pollution Prevention
Research: Pollution Prevention
Research: SITE Program
Research: Troposphere Ozone
Research: Water Quality
Research: Computational Toxicology
Research: Fellowships
Research: Global Change
Science Advisory Board
Science Policy and Biotechnology
Small Business Ombudsman
FY 2004
Pres. Bud.
FY 2005
Pres. Bud.

U.SEnvironmental Protection Agency
FY 2005 Annual Plan
(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2003
Program Project Appropriation Actuals
Small Minority Business Assistance
State and Local Prevention and
Stratospheric Ozone: Domestic Programs
Stratospheric Ozone: Multilateral Fund
SUPERFUND: Emergency Response
and Removal
SUPERFUND: Enforcement
SUPERFUND: Federal Facilities
SUPERFUND: Federal Facilities lAGs
SUPERFUND: Support to Other Federal
Surface Water Protection
Toxic Substances: Chemical Risk
Toxic Substances: Chemical Risk
Review and Reduction
Toxic Substances: Chemical Risk
Review and Reduction
Toxic Substances: Lead Risk Reduction
TRI / Right to Know
TRI / Right to Know
Tribal - Capacity Building
US Mexico Border


Credit Subsidy
Re -estimate






FY 2004
Pres. Bud.




FY 2005
Pres. Bud.





U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                       PROGRAM ASSESSMENT RATING TOOL (PART)
                                        LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS
Recommendation j
Establish/outcome performanee measures
/ ' , '' ••" ' V ,-' * ' '*
y ^

Next Milestone
Risk Screening Env. Index: new analyses to refine
targets, e.g., use of GIS methods to better illustrate what
a completed cleanup means in various states.
Completion Date

Next Milestone Date
On Track? (Y/N)

Lead Organization
Office of Solid Waste
and Emergency
Comments on Status
In all LUST cleanups, a health or
environmental based outcome must be
achieved before the cleanup can be
considered complete.
Lead Official
Sammy Ng

/// ••"*•/'•
Establish efficiency measurest , '
/ / /
Next Milestone
Potential efficiency measure identified, further analysis
needed to verify or develop baselines/metrics
Completion Date

Next Milestone Date
On Track? (Y/N)

Lead Organization
Office of Solid Waste
and Emergency
Comments on Status
Currently developing measures of
national program efficiency, including
the creation of a baseline from which
future performance evaluations can be
based (FY 2004 and beyond).
Lead Official
Sammy Ng
Increase funding for toxic air pollutant programs in the F Y *
2004' ''budget by/$? million in State grants for monitoring to -
help fill data gaps. ' / ^ . '
Next Milestone
Completion Date
Next Milestone Date
On Track? (Y/N)
Lead Organization
Comments on Status
Requested funding provided by
Lead Official

   U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
Final funding level will be determined during the agency's
F Y 2004 operating plan development process.

Foqiis on maximizing programmatic net benefits and
minimizing the cost pjsr deleterious health effect avoided.
Next Milestone
Completion of remaining MACT standards

/ / ''//;" / <«»>'
/ /•
Establish 'bctter/pefforfn'anee'-measijres^ineluding an
;<4pprofjriate"effi0ietifi¥ me.ast£t:?)/ „*• ^
":, -x '» '/ ' / ^ '''y"^/' * ''"' " ^ /
x " ^
Next Milestone
Potential efficiency measures identified; further analysis
needed to develop measure.

Completion Date
Next Milestone Date

Completion Date

Next Milestone Date
Office of Air and

On Track? (Y/N)
Lead Organization
Office of Air and

On Track? (Y/N)

Lead Organization
Office of Air and
Jerry Kurtzweg

Comments on Status
EPA will complete the remaining
MACT standards and continue work
on the residual risk program.
Lead Official
Jerry Kurtzweg

Comments on Status
Proposed efficiency measure
submitted to OMB in PART update.
For further information consult the
Efficiency Measures / Measure
Development Plan subsection within
the Goal 1 Objective 1 section. For
further information consult the
Efficiency Measures / Measure
Development Plan subsection within
the Goal 1 Objective 1 section.
Lead Official
Jerry Kurtzweg

U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
                       FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                                   NONPOINT SOURCE PROGRAM
Develop an outeomj-biased, pffieieney measure that
                    ginal bftf eflt to tjje envixyhmisnt per
                                                           Completion Date
                           On Track? (Y/N)
                    Next Milestone

 Continue to work with state partners to improve efficiency
 measure and develop actions based on OMB's 05
Next Milestone Date

                                                                                  Lead Organization

                                                                                    Office of Water
       Comments on Status
OMB approved revised long-term
performance measures but rejected
efficiency measure in 05 PART
reassessment.  Program will work
with OMB to develop efficiency
measure. For further information
consult the Efficiency Measures /
Measure Development Plan
subsection within the Goal 2
Objective 2 section.
          Lead Official

           Mike Mason

   U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
                                                                               FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                          STJPERFUND/CERCLA REMOVAL/EMERGENCY RESPONSE
                                                          Completion Date
                         On Track? (Y/N)
                       Next Milestone

    Effectiveness measure developed for testing
                                                        Next Milestone Date

                        Lead Organization

                      Office of Solid Waste and
                       Emergency Response
                            Comments on Status

                      OSWER currently has a contractor
                      tasked with reviewing historical
                      Removal Action data to determine
                      what types of measures of
                      effectiveness of removals (such as
                      lives saved or protected, environment
                      protected, etc.) might be workable,
                      especially to show improvement
                      from one year to the next. For
                      further information consult the
                      Efficiency Measures / Measure
                      Development Plan subsection within
                      the Goal 3 Objective 2 section.
                               Lead Official

                                Dana Stalcup

Establish ...efficiency measures;.
Completion Date

On Track? (Y/N)
                       Next Milestone

    Draft efficiency measure developed
                                                        Next Milestone Date

                        Lead Organization

                     Office of Solid Waste and
                     Emergency Response
       Comments on Status

We have begun looking at ways to
categorize different types of
removals, based on things such as
size and complexity, to allow for
possible efficiency analyses.  For
further information consult the
Efficiency Measures / Measure
Development Plan subsection within
the Goal 3 Objective 2 section
          Lead Official

           Dana Stalcup
                                                         Completion Date
                         On Track? (Y/N)
                            Comments on Status

   U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
                        FY 2005 Annual Plan
    Increase Efforts in
    '''   >'      ' '/
                        Next Milestone

    All relevant program offices participate in ongoing
    Program Evaluation Network meetings and provide input
    to the evaluation planning process.
Next Milestone Date

   Lead Organization

Office of Solid Waste and
  Emergency Response
While the Superfund removal
program does not have a planned
regular, independent program
evaluation process, we have
conducted program reviews of recent
responses (such as the World Trade
Center and the Anthrax responses).
In addition, OSWER has recently
implemented an office-wide Program
Evaluation Team and Network to
foster increased program evaluation
efforts across all OSWER programs,
including the Superfund removal
program.  Priorities for evaluation
will be based on the potential risks/
vulnerabilities posed by a program or
component thereof and the potential
improvement in operation and
efficiency that could be gained from
that evaluation.
          Lead Official

         Bruce Pumphrey
    '/  /  ' /
  Completion Date

   On Track? (Y/N)

       Comments on Status

While the Superfund Removal
program, by its emergency and
response orientation, does not have a
regular strategic planning process in
place, we have taken significant
programmatic action as a result of
lessons learned from the World
Trade Center and Anthrax responses.
The National Approach to Response
(NAR) was developed to deal with
many of the issues identified during
those responses. A national work
plan to implement the NAR has been

   U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
                                                              FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                                                                                              issued which provides strategic
                                                                                                              direction for the removal program
                                                                                                              over the next several years.
                       Next Milestone
    Complete WTC/Anthrax Lesson Learned
    Implement National Approach to Response, and assess its
                                      Next Milestone Date
                                      03/30/04 and 10/31/04
                        Lead Organization

                      Office of Solid Waste and
                        Emergency Response
                                Lead Official
                                 Dana Stalcup
       ^  *':''  *'^'-''''
Completion Date

On Track? (Y/N)

                       Next Milestone
                                      Next Milestone Date
                        Lead Organization
       Comments on Status

We are currently collecting program
performance data via the Core ER,
and will continue to improve the data
collection and performance analysis
process over the next y ear.  We have
taken significant programmatic
action as a result of lessons learned
from the World Trade Center and
Anthrax responses. The National
Approach to Response (NAR) was
developed to deal with many of the
issues identified during those
responses. A national work plan to
implement the NAR has been issued
which provides strategic direction for
the removal program over the next
several years.
          Lead Official

U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
                        FY 2005 Annual Plan
 Complete WTC/Anthrax Lesson Learned
 Implement National Approach to Response, and assess its
Office of Solid Waste and
  Emergency Response
          Dana Stalcup
                                              DRINKING WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND
  Completion Date

   On Track? (Y/N)

 •for the pmgrfttL,
                    Next Milestone

 Continue to develop efficiency measures
Next Milestone Date

   Lead Organization

    Office of Water
       Comments on Status

OMB reassessment in F Y O5
approved revised performance
measures but rejected proposed
efficiency measures.  The DW SRF
program will work with its state
partners in developing efficiency
measures.  For further information
consult the Efficiency Measures /
Measure Development Plan
subsection within the Goal 2
Objective 1 section.
          Lead Official

           Mike Mason

U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
                        FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                                       PESTICIDE REGISTRATION
 Improve long-tegn perfbfmanee m^asurf st. develop
 baselines'and targets^ iniprove; ojitcgrtfe focus •
                    Next Milestone

 Proceed with analysis of potential measures: analysis
 funded; next step:  complete analysis
  Completion Date


Next Milestone Date

 On Track? (Y/N)


 Lead Organization

Office of Prevention,
Pesticides, and Toxic
       Comments on Status

Revisions to long-term measures
made in new strategic plan;
additional measures under analysis.

          Lead Official

           Carol Terris
 Improve long-term performance measures-: develop
 baselines-tad targets; improve outeomtfjoeus
                    Next Milestone
 One potential outcome measure/data set identified. Next
 step: integrate into program operation.
  Completion Date
Next Milestone Date
 On Track? (Y/N)
 Lead Organization
Office of Prevention,
Pesticides, and Toxic
       Comments on Status
Revisions to long-term measures
made in new strategic plan;
additional measures under analysis.
          Lead Official
           Carol Terris
                                                      PESTICIDE REREGISTRATION
Improve, long-term perfQrm,pee;mf asurtjs: 4fwl?P
baselin-es'ind'ta'fgets;, iifrprd¥c outeompfof as. '
Next Milestone
Proceed with analysis of potential measures: analysis
funded; next step: complete analysis
Completion Date
Next Milestone Date
On Track? (Y/N)
Lead Organization
Office of Prevention,
Pesticides, and Toxic
Comments on Status
Revisions to long-term measures
made in new strategic plan;
additional measures under analysis.
Lead Official
Carol Terris

   U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
                        FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                                               NEW CHEMICALS
    Esjablisji more 0iii
  Completion Date

 On Track? (Y/N)

                       Next Milestone

    Annualized targets developed.
Next Milestone Date

 Lead Organization

Office of Prevention,
Pesticides, and Toxic
       Comments on Status

Improved outcome and efficiency
measure in place but more work is
underway to develop/refine
annualized targets. OCFO/OPEI
funded project to improve efficiency
and outcome measures for New
Chemicals program this year. For
further information consult the
Efficiency Measures / Measure
Development Plan subsection within
the Goal 4 Objective 1 section.
          Lead Official

           Carol Terris
Improvement of the program's strategic planning, including
' an independent fvaluatiofi of the program, whict ean result
in significant improvement of program results.
Next Milestone
Canadian peer review of PMN process and tools initiated in

Completion Date
Next Milestone Date

On Track? (Y/N)
Lead Organization
Office of Prevention,
Pesticides, and Toxic
Comments on Status
FDA independent assessment
Lead Official
Carol Terris


U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                                    EXISTING CHEMICALS

Establish, better
Monitor against

c/y ' / f /
sf r%rrfl,atK5e' njeafures
r '/
Next Milestone
revised targets

Completion Date
Next Milestone Date

On Track? (Y/N)
Lead Organization
Office of Prevention,
Pesticides, and Toxic
Comments on Status
RSEI analyses were shared with
OMB as part of the EPA Appeal to
the FY 2005 PART results. A new
long-term, ambitious target was
established for the RSEI goal and
annual targets reflect incremental
progress towards the longer-term
Lead Official
Carol Terris

,-4'"' '" -x •••"' •*'

Next Milestone
Three potential efficiency measures identified, further
analysis needed to verify or develop baselines/metrics
? Completion Date
Next Milestone Date
On Track? (Y/N)
Lead Organization
Office of Prevention,
Pesticides, and Toxic
Comments on Status
Potential efficiency measures have
been developed but additional
program and trends analysis required.
Lead Official
Carol Terris

U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
                        FY 2005 Annual Plan
 Encourage EPA to develop ambitious perfcnjmanee targets
 for its • annuaFand efficiency measure's'' *""'*''
      •! * .,-•' »*  *     'V  .,- >-V >-•*€.  ,€ ,-•
  Completion Date

   On Track? (Y/N)

                    Next Milestone
 Work with tribal partners to develop more accurate targets.
Next Milestone Date
   Lead Organization

Office of Water/American
  Indian Environmental
       Comments on Status

OMB approved revised performance
measures in 05 PART reassessment.
Program rating moved from "results
not demonstrated" to "adequate."
For further information consult the
Efficiency Measures / Measure
Development Plan subsection within
the Goal 5 Objective 3 section.
          Lead Official

           Mike Mason

U.S Environmental Protection Asencv
FY 2005 Annual Plan
                                                    CIVIL ENFORCEMENT
x::y '/'•'/•''/'•
FunA'S? raijlioia in4he/FY 2004'tp%6t for, an improved
•iecanpliinBidita'sfsfeaSi/- / ' '" *' "V
/;/•/' ' '«f / / ^
Next Milestone
Final funding level will be determined during the agency's
FY 2004 operating plan development process.
Completion Date
Next Milestone Date
On Track? (Y/N)
Lead Organization
Office of Enforcement
and Compliance
Comments on Status
Five million dollars for modernization
of the Clean Water Act (CWA) data
system was included in the President's
FY 2004 Budget. This is the second
phase of the compliance data system
modernization effort known as ICIS
(Integrated Compliance Information
System). Continued delay in passage
of EPA's FY 2004 appropriations bill
may delay efforts to modernize the
CWA data system.
Lead Official
Michael Stahl
