Air Purifiers (Cleaners)

Room Air Cleaner image

Room air purifiers - sometimes referred to as "room air cleaners" - are portable, electric appliances that remove fine particles, such as dust and pollen, from indoor air. A standard room air purifier, operating continuously, uses approximately 550 kWh per year in electricity. This is more than the energy used by some new refrigerators!

ENERGY STAR certified room air purifiers are 40% more energy-efficient than standard models, saving consumers about 225 kWh/year and $30 annually on utility bills. These savings could add up to $230 over its lifetime!

Current Specification Effective Date: July 1, 2004

The ENERGY STAR specification for room air purifiers measures energy efficiency by using a Clean Air Delivery Rate-to-Watt ratio. Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) is a measure of the amount of contaminant-free air delivered by the room air purifier. However, the US EPA does not endorse any manufacturer claims of healthier indoor air from the use of this product.

Room Air Cleaners Key Product Criteria: ENERGY STAR

Learn How a Product Earns the Label

What should I look for when buying a room air purifier?

When buying a room air purifier, request an ENERGY STAR certified model to ensure you are purchasing an energy-efficient product. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, choosing an ENERGY STAR certified room air purifier over a standard model can save you $230 in energy costs over the life of the product.

Check your room size.
Be sure to consider the square footage of the room where you will place the room air purifier. Larger models use more energy, so choose a model that is sized appropriately to fit your room.

Consider placement.
While many room air purifiers are designed to sit on the floor, tabletop models and wall-mounting designs are also available. Regardless of configuration, it is important to read the accompanying product manual for instructions on where to place your room air purifier to achieve optimum performance.

Understand Clean Air Delivery Rates.
Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) measures how quickly a unit delivers filtered air and can be used to measure the performance of a room air purifier. The higher the CADR, the more quickly the room air purifier filters the air.

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