
The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) provides people in need with critical resources to assist them in becoming integrated members of American society.

ORR BannerORR Newsletters

Find archived ORR Newsletters and year-end summaries, and read personal stories from Mayors in resettlement cities across the country.

ORR Fact Sheets

Who is eligible for the Office of Refugee Resettlement's benefits and services?

Download these handy Fact Sheets for any or all entry status categories.

Network Resources

A broad range of material is available from ORR’s partners, through the Network Resources Portal.


Grantee Reporting Forms: The Office of Refugee Resettlement funds an array of formula and discretionary programs to states, voluntary agencies, and Mutual Assistance Associations.  Standard reporting forms for all federal grants, including Formula, Discretionary, and Match Grant, are available here.

Call for Grant Reviewers: ORR’s grant review support contractor, F2 Solutions, is seeking qualified individuals—both federal and non-federal—to review ORR discretionary grant applications (non-federal reviewers are eligible for a $1,250 honorarium). Candidates should have considerable expertise in areas related to serving ORR targeted populations such as social work, case management, employment services, community development, and/or program-specific expertise. For more information, contact F2 Solutions.

ORR BannerResettlement, Coordinated Placement, Integration, and Health

Use resettlement resources to learn about providing services that help refugees become self-sufficient as quickly as possible after their arrival in the United States.

Explore Key Indicators for Refugee Placement in communities across the United States.

Use integration resources to learn how to aid refugee adjustment and integration in to the United States.

Use health resources to learn how to reduce the spread of infectious diseases, ensure ailments are identified and treated, promote preventive health practices, and promote good health practices that facilitate successful integration and self-sufficiency.

ORR BannerEconomic Development and Employment

Use economic development resources to learn about ORR economic development programs and how they equip refugees with the skills and knowledge of the American financial system so that they can become and stay financially independent.

Use employment resources to help address difficulties refugees face when seeking employment in the United States.

Collaboration among Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs, ORR-funded refugee programs, and community-based refugee service providers can effectively help refugees attain employment and self-sufficiency. Review examples of TANF - Refugee Program partnerships to learn more.

ORR BannerUnaccompanied Children

Use unaccompanied children resources to learn about the ORR Unaccompanied Refugee Minors program and how to help unaccompanied refugee minors develop appropriate skills to enter adulthood and to achieve social self-sufficiency.



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