Tantek Çelik

Independent technologist, writer, teacher

  1. #mozsummit @BrendanEich "Moz-style" cloud(s) services * built for and of the web * data security/privacy * Mozilla cannot build it all ourselves, but the web can

  2. Effective immediately: * Atom feed reduced to only 3 newest entries * subscribe to home page h-entry to get 20 entries

  3. Atom is inefficient for notes: * Required elements * Artificial precision ISO 8601 datetimes compared to HTML+h-entry.

  4. exceeded monthly bandwidth, first time Hits KB 14% 16% / 7% 36% /updates.atom culprit: Atom 4.5x KB of HTML+h-entry

  5. Challenge to #pcloud meetup: Write your personal domain on your nametag/badge. At *every* conference. #indieweb

  6. New rule: delete mail with "This is NOT like one of those foreign emails you probably get" Since Gmail is too dumb to.

  7. #xoxofest Just ship & get it out & do something. And if you do that then maybe, maybe we'll do this again. @waxpancake